Grade 8 Ubd
Grade 8 Ubd
Grade 8 Ubd
Leriger 2017
Dividing Whole Numbers by Guided Notes – Dividing Whole #’s Dividing and Multiplying Fractions
Fractions by Fractions Review (F)
● You are asking, “how - Comparison of multiplying
What patterns can we observe for many times can this a fraction by a whole
changing divisors or dividends? fraction fit into this number, dividing a
whole number?” fraction by a whole
● Your quotient should be a number, and dividing a
LARGER number
Grade 8 Math UBD
Leriger 2017
whole number by a
Multiplying Two Fractions Guided Notes – Multiplying Two Formative practice work
How would multiplying by a ● You are asking, “What is
Students will solve problems that
number that is less than one whole the rate of the first
involve rates, ratios and affect the product? fraction?”
proportional reasoning.
● Procedure to solve these
When multiplying two fractions, problems
does the order matter? ● Simplifying before finding
the product by breaking
numbers into prime
factors and cancelling
common factors above &
Grade 8 Math UBD
Leriger 2017
Dividing Two Fractions Guided Notes – Dividing Two Frayer Models for Adding,
Fractions Subtracting, Multiplying, and
Why does the order of the divisor ● You are asking, “How Dividing Fractions (F)
and dividend affect the quotient many times does this - Definition (what are you
(while it does not in fraction (divisor) fit into asking?), characteristics
multiplication?) the first fraction (procedure), example,
(dividend)?” non-example
Outcomes Lesson Sequence Notes & Assignments Assessments
Grade 8 Math UBD
Leriger 2017
Students will demonstrate an Review Solving Problems Guided Notes – Solving Problems Formative practice work
understanding of the addition, subtraction, with Decimals with Decimals
multiplication and division of decimals to ● Adding and subtracting
solve problems. Why is place value decimals using place value
important when ● Multiplying decimals
performing operations with ● Dividing decimals
decimals? ● Verify using a calculator
Students will demonstrate an Review Percentages Guided Notes – Fractions, Frayer Model for Fractions,
understanding of percent (limited to whole Decimals, and Percentages Decimals, and Percents (F)
numbers), concretely, pictorially and What is the relationship ● Review converting - Definition, characteristics,
symbolically. (Gr. 6) between fractions, fractions into decimals example, non-example
decimals, and percents? ● Procedure for converting - Pictoral, symbolic,
decimals into percentages concrete, word problem
How do the decimals and
percentages of equivalent
fractions compare?
Grade 8 Math UBD
Leriger 2017
Students will solve problems involving Problem-Solving with Guided Notes – Problem Solving Percentage Activity (F)
percents from 1% to 100%. (Gr. 7) Percentages with Percentages Pt. 1 - Students will use fraction
● Determining the percent and percent tiles to
Students will demonstrate an In what situations do we represented by a fraction compare and determine
understanding of percents greater than or use percents? (ex. 36 of 42 is what equivalency
equal to 0%, including greater than 100%. percent?) - Students will use number
How can we use percents to ● Identifying sight-fractions lines to represent
compare and evaluate equivalent fractions,
different situations?
decimals, and percentages
Guided Notes – Problem Solving
with Percentages Pt. 2
● Finding the product of the
percent of a number (ex. -
75% of 18)
Review Order of
Grade 8 Math UBD
Leriger 2017
Students will demonstrate an
understanding of perfect squares and
square roots, concretely, pictorially and
symbolically (limited to whole numbers).