Ebook User Stories
Ebook User Stories
Ebook User Stories
Story Mapping
Introduction............................. 4
Discover project goals............. 5
Map the journey....................... 10
Come up with solutions.............. 13
Prioritize user stories.......................... 21
Slice out the release structure..................... 26
StoriesOnBoard Features......................................... 29
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User story mapping is really easy to learn. By collecting user goals, steps,
and stories and arranging them into a logical order on a story map, you can get
a great overview of what’s needed from your product.
Even so, story mapping could deliver even more value if you develop your
knowledge to the next level. Our advanced story mappers invent amazing new
ways of working every day, and constantly improve the way they work. Based on
their expertise, we’ve made a collection of tips and ideas that’ll really ramp up
your story mapping comprehension. You’ve possibly already read our quick
guide User Story Mapping for Beginners, but for the benefit of those who
haven’t, here’s a top-level rundown of the process:
Discover the project goals
Framing the project, and creating clear goals is crucial for effective
planning. Project goals are the cornerstones of story mapping. If you write them
effectively, your job will be much easier during the next steps. If you miss a pro-
ject goal, you can easily miss other aspects of the story too, which leads to a
product that’s full of holes.
You’d get priceless information from marketing or commercial departments too.
If you want to avoid a ‘too many cooks’ scenario, then organize silent
brainstorming or a Crazy 8 exercise.
Let different people discuss the same everyday product
Discover product-related teammates at your company
As we mentioned in tip
1, if the brainstorming team
is too big, and descends into
chaos, then a silent
brainstorming session could
be effective. Create small
groups to discuss the ideas,
then place the results on the
board and remove
What the Product Owners sees
When your task is to improve a running product, there are two great
brainstorming methods. Reverse brainstorming is when you look closer at the
product features and try to find out which of them causes the biggest
satisfaction. This is easily tested by removing a feature and investigating the
dissatisfaction caused by this removal.
Reverse thinking is slightly different. This method gets you to ask the
question, “How would a typical user use our product?” Then imagine the
opposite outcome. Would it work? Why or why not?
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5 awesome brainstorming techniques to
boost planning
You can find many articles about well-known
brainstorming methods on the web, BUT we would like
to introduce five special methods for different
situations. Follow us to learn the new techniques.
#3 Let your team catch up in story mapping
Remove barriers by starting a very simple story mapping session. Let the
people describe and map a very common activity of day-to-day life, e.g. the mor-
ning routine (by Jeff Patton). So they’ll be familiar with the method, and all of
them can add valuable thoughts.
User personas are crucial elements of a backlog. They are similar to buyer
personas, used by marketing managers to understand the target market’s be-
havior and needs better. The target audience of a product can be segmented
by user groups according to their similar mindsets or goals. Each user persona
could represent a group acting similarly by using the product.
To engage your team and
keep them focused on users,
summarize the main goals and
add these cards to the board. To
express individual or common
goals, mark your top-level
cards with their related personas.
Using StoriesOnBoard you can easily assign personas to user goals.
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What’s on a persona card?
You’ve probably heard about personas and if you
created a persona, would realize how hard it can be to
define them. Follow us in this short reading to get tips
where should you start.
Categorize your product’s users according to their behaviour
Try to collect the key preferences of your user personas
Map the journey
#5 Continue to brainstorm
Don’t stop the brainstorming after you’ve found your goals. If the
brainstorming team is really engaged with the problem, they’ll be more likely to
be innovative in creating solutions.
Continue to brainstorm when you’re finding user
steps and user stories too. Using StoriesOnBoard
in brainstorming mode, you can collect ideas as
‘cards’ and decide later where to place them on
the map.
#6 Think in stories
Forget the features. Tell the story following the logical narrative flow! Tell
the story of a user, who goes through your product to reach his goal.
If you split this goal into subgoals then you will focus only on a chosen
subgoal. For example, if the main goal is to purchase a shirt on a webshop, then
the subgoals would be something like: narrow the search with filters, select the
color and size, use the checkout etc.
#7 Retell the story
After you’ve built the narrative flow, ask a team member to retell the story
or retell another user persona’s activities on the product. This way you’ll estab-
lish missing steps.
It’s a really good idea to get team members to tell the story in the first
person. Telling a third person’s activity can create distance, so break down these
barriers by asking your participants to imagine themselves as a user. Using an
online story mapping tool means you can easily insert a new step between two
cards if you need to. Moreover, you can rearrange the whole narrative flow by
drag&drop (which is much faster than moving cards on the whiteboard!).
Open Story Map Examples and try to find missing steps in the mapped
#8 Don’t consider UX to be an afterthought
Ignoring users’ behavior at the beginning could cause additional work after
launch, and let’s face it, nobody wants that! Using StoriesOnBoard, you can
assign different colors to cards, or add tags to mark out several user journeys.
Come up with solutions
After mapping the user journey, it’s time to collect your solutions or user
stories. To keep the good overview of the board, try to write expressive card
titles. A smart title helps you to recover the story quickly and easily. Avoid
abbreviations as they aren’t always clear to everyone. Write or attach every ot-
her piece of information to the back side of the card.
Online story mapping gives you the ability to attach unlimited details to a
user story, without complicating things. StoriesOnBoard limits the visible length
of card titles, to keep them short and sweet.
Take time to learn how to write short card titles.
Create long descriptions and teach the team how to shorten them.
#10 Avoid cliches in your story writing
The good-old user story cliche “as a <user> I want <goal> so that...” could
be helpful when telling the story, but they aren’t always necessary when you’re
writing down the outcome. Standardized and repeating panels waste the card
title’s limited space and make the board hard to read.
When the team agrees to a user story, it’s good to summarize it in your own
words but remember to keep it short!
When brainstorming an idea, the team will tell you a lot more about the
user story than a card title. These valuable thoughts will be lost if you don’t write
them down. So try to make up a scheme for your user story details.
Write the user story, add an unordered list and even a picture or a sketch
Make up your own specification scheme. Separating categories by using different
headings gives nice looking card detail.
#12 Evolve your information
The board is not just for the user stories, use it for notes and annotations
too. User story maps should be living and breathing backlogs.
Has a new idea or question come up after the brainstorming? Note and
save them for the next session or meeting to discuss. You can create new sto-
ries from these questions and ideas to make things tidy or separate your ideas
and questions cards out of the user stories by using different colors.
If you’ve run out of colors, you could use small tags in the card title to
group them or express different meanings. Essentially, you could perfectly
visualize your journey just with these tags. Don’t forget to explain which tag
belongs to which journey, so all teammates can easily understand it.
StoriesOnBoard has an awesome solution to visualize your journey called
the search&filter feature. It allows you to choose and filter a selected journey,
helping the team focus on a selected journey on the big story map.
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How to label user stories
Card colors are still a great feature to add more visu-
ality to a board, so use them for high priority informa-
tion such as task type, risk points. Afterward, try to add
icons to cards.
If the goals, the steps, and the user stories are consistent, every teammate
should be able to perfectly retell a selected journey. So, take the time to test the
backlog to discover missing steps or logical errors. Digital story mapping has the
ability to hide unrelated segments, so you can concentrate on the right part of
the backlog.
#15 Slice user stories
Prioritizing user stories, or finding the best place on the map can be diffi-
cult. This is likely to be an issue when your user story is too big.
The solution is to split them into smaller stories.
For example, the ‘search box’ on an ecom site could be too big a user story
when it contains the basic and also extended search functions.
It’s called vertical slicing when you split stories by functional boundaries.
Avoid slicing horizontally by technical boundaries, because the outcomes are
not independent stories. Using StoriesOnBoard, you can use custom estimation
units. Estimations are summarized release by release. You can also filter your
‘too big’ user stories by using the search&filter panel.
#16 Choose a slicing strategy
All projects and user stories are different, but you will have to find the way
to split those ‘too big’ stories to avoid overwhelming your teams. If you struggle
with slicing user stories, try the following strategies:
- Split by user persona - if different user personas need different features
of a user story, then you could place the new stories under their related
Prioritize user stories
After collecting the user stories you should arrange them into a priority order.
There are several prioritization methods, one of the best known is the
MoSCoW method. It’s a very popular way to broadly prioritize the user
The team could easily agree with the four main priority classes (Must have,
Should have, Could have, Won’t have) and decide the stories’ priority. The ea-
siest way to approach the method is to create the four categories (as releases)
and move cards into the best-fitting category. You should keep these releases as
long as you work on the story map and you can create the final releases above
the MoSCoW categories.
#18 Continuously collect ideas
Ideas can come up at any time in the workstream and the team may not
always have time to discuss and prioritize them. That’s why you need to create
a space for new stories. You can place these cards into an “unprioritized ideas”
Don’t hesitate to put a new thought there and organize meetings occasio-
nally (or regularly) to discuss new stories. This “queue-box” is not just for pro-
duct owners, all team members should be allowed to add their new ideas. Sha-
ring the map online allows the team to leave comments on these new ideas.
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#19 Remember that ideas are valuable
By introducing the anatomy of your story map to the consumer, everyone
involved gains a clear overview of the product and its benefits. Once users more
easily understand the goals and features of a story map, they can track product
development and discover missing or unnecessary features themselves.
Managing product design with a story mapping tool gives the product more
value to the customer, and since it is always available online, users can review
progress and leave feedback.
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Involving customers in product development
using story maps
Involving customers in product development is crucial
to enhancing the customer experience and delivering
an outstanding product.
#21 Look beyond the MoSCoW method
One of the most frequent criticisms of the good old MoSCoW method is
that you have to set priority levels for every single user story. But how can you
declare relative priority on similar tasks? In fact, the issue is the same when you
use priority poker. There must be a different approach to scheduling tasks… We
suggest using goals. For example, A UX designer’s goals might look like this:
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Learn to prioritize user stories from UX
Projects are different, hence you should tailor plan-
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Follow us and learn to prioritize user stories like a UX
Slice out the release structure
A goal can be:
- reaching another user persona
- upgrading an existing feature
- improving the user experience
- increase the rate of returning users
Once you’ve chosen your next goal, you can move any related cards into
release really quickly. In addition, there is a good opportunity here to rethink
your priorities and rearrange the releases. StoriesOnBoard offers enhanced re-
lease management with release date and goal filters.
As we wrote earlier, tags can be used for several reasons. Here are a few
examples of what you might use a tag for in development:
#25 Use releases within scrums
Releases are developed to separate product versions, but they can be be-
neficial in scrums too. Think of it as separate iterations using release-lines. You
could even create scrum iterations inside a release. Using StoriesOnBoard, you
can track your iterations using status reports.
StoriesOnBoard Features
Features for starting a new project from
No matter how big your project is, there is endless space on the
story maps.
Story Cards for collecting all the details
Shortcuts for fast story writing and creating lets you build the
backlog faster than ever.
Personas for better understanding the project
Features for easy backlog management
Easy navigation
Product roadmap management
Estimate the project
Features for effective collaboration
Online collaboration
Different projects, different teams
Editors can add or edit user stories, attach files and comments.
Invite unlimited viewers for free for valuable thoughts and comments.
Integrate to project management tools
Keep the pace by integrating your board with team chat tools
(Slack, HipChat etc).
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