WRAS CWS Cisterns
WRAS CWS Cisterns
WRAS CWS Cisterns
No 9-04-04
Contents 1. Introduction
The installation and use of cold water storage cisterns
and sectional tanks connected to the public water
Section 2 - SCOPE supply must comply with the Water Supply (Water
Fittings) Regulations 1999 in England and Wales and
the technically identical Scottish Water Byelaws 2004.
Section 4 - DEFINITIONS Reference in this document to Regulations covers
the requirements of both sets of legislation. Similar
Section 5 - NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS regulations are planned for Northern Ireland.
Section 6 - FLUID CATEGORIES AND EXAMPLES It is a legal obligation that the Water Supplier must be
Section 7 - EVALUATION OF BACKFLOW notified in advance of most installation work on water
REQUIREMENTS systems (Regulation 5). One of the purposes of the
Regulations is to prevent contamination of water and a
INLET DEVICES major risk of contamination is by backflow – the flow of
water in a direction opposite to that intended. The level
Section 9 - DESIGN PARAMETERS of backflow protection is determined by an assessment
of the contamination risk posed by either the fluid in the
FLUID CATEGORY 1 & 2 cistern or the fluid or process downstream of the cistern.
Section 11 - CISTERN INLET DESIGN FOR Regulation 3 requires all water fittings to be installed,
FLUID CATEGORY 3 & 4 connected, maintained or disconnected in a manner
which complies with the Regulations and Regulation 4
FLUID CATEGORY 5 requires this work to be carried out in a workmanlike
RENOVATION AND RENEWAL This Information and Guidance Note has been produced
by the Water Supply Industry in conjunction with
Section 14 - SUMMARY the Association of Tank and Cistern Manufacturers
Appendix - TYPE AB AIRGAP (ATCM), whose help is gratefully acknowledged.
The document has been endorsed by the UK Water
Suppliers and following its recommendations for the
design and installation of mains supplies to cisterns
and sectional tanks should ensure that the appropriate
backflow protection is provided, commensurate with
the risk related to the fluid category of the contents or
downstream process, to comply with the Regulations.
2. Scope ‘Soffit’ refers to the highest point of a horizontal pipe.
6. Fluid Categories and Examples b) Identify the appropriate air gaps or backflow devices
that can safeguard against the given fluid category.
FLUID CATEGORY 1 c) Select the appropriate air gap or backflow device that
Wholesome water supplied by a water undertaker. bests suites the application.
Example: Water supplied directly from the supply pipe. d) Select the appropriate inlet device/float valve and the
appropriate cistern (see Section 8).
Water which would be in fluid category 1 but for
its aesthetic quality being impaired owing to a
8. Acceptable Cisterns and Inlet Devices
change in temperature, change in taste, odour or
8.1 Fluid Category 1 or 2 Applications
The WRAS Water Fittings and Materials Directory
Example: Hot water supplies.
(available free of charge on the WRAS website),
FLUID CATEGORY 3 lists products that have been shown to comply with
the requirements of the Regulators’ Performance
Fluid which represents a slight health hazard
Specifications. Products can be found listed in their
because of the concentration of substances of low respective Directory Sections as follows:
toxicity, including any fluid that contains:
a) Cisterns Section 0120 and also, when modified
Ethylene glycol, copper sulphate or similar
and installed compliant to Water Regulations
chemical additives, or sodium hypochlorite (chloros Schedule 2:16, Section 0130, 0135, 0140 and 0170.
and common disinfectants).
Inlet Devices Sections 2080, 2090, 2100, 2105,
Example: Water in primary circuits and heating systems 2120, 2125, 2150 and 2154 (level control valves)
(with or without additives) in domestic premises.
8.2 Fluid Category 3, 4 or 5 Applications
a) Cisterns Sections 0130, 0135, 0140, 0170, 0220,
Fluid which represents a significant health hazard 0225 and 0230.
due to the concentration of toxic substances, Inlet Devices Sections 2080, 2090, 2100, 2105,
including any fluid that contains: 2120, 2125, 2150 and 2154 (level control valves)
Chemical, carcinogenic substances or pesticides b) Cisterns compliant to BS EN 13280 (formerly BS
or environmental organisms of potential health 7491), BS 1564 Type 1 and BS 4213.
Note: Installation of the components must be such that the
Example: Commercial clothes washing machines complete assembly complies with the Regulators’ Specification
(excluding those used for laundry contaminated with for backflow prevention arrangements and devices.
animal or human fluids or waste). Jointing and sealing compounds must comply with
BS6920 and suitable ones are listed in the WRAS Water
Fittings and Materials Directory.
Fluid representing a serious health hazard because
of the concentration of pathogenic organisms,
radioactive or very toxic substances including fluid 9. Design Parameters
which contains faecal material or other human
The overflow pipe, inclusive of insect or vermin screen
waste, butchery or other animal waste or pathogens
if fitted, shall be capable of draining the maximum inlet
from any other source.
flow without compromising the inlet air gap.
Examples: grey water recycling cisterns, medical
equipment with submerged inlets, a cistern which also The overflow/warning pipe arrangement must include
receives recycled process water, a hose union tap used an air break prior to a connection to a drain.
in an abattoir or mortuary. The overflow/warning pipe before the air break to drain
Greater detail on backflow risk fluid categories and of must not be of such a length that it will restrict the
backflow prevention devices is available in Section 6 of flow, causing the air gap to be compromised.
the WRAS Water Regulations Guide. For the type AG air gap the overflow/warning pipe bore
diameter shall not be less than 19mm. For practical
reasons the overflow diameter should be twice that of
7. Evaluation of Backflow Requirements the inlet bore diameter.
Before an installation can commence the requirements For the type AF air gap the overflow/warning pipe
to prevent backflow need to be determined. The minimum cross sectional area throughout its length
following guide can be used to determine the backflow shall be not less than four times the inlet pipe cross
requirements. The fluid category determined will sectional area.
need to be verified with the Water Supplier during Given the practical difficulty of determining on site the
notification (see Section 5). ‘Critical Water Level’ within a cistern, it is permissible
to take the ‘Maximum Level’ as the equivalent defining
a) The fluid category of the contents or the
level when determining the relative positioning of
downstream fluid/process is determined. Some helpful
a mains inlet or float valve. The soffit (top) of the
information is available on the WRAS website regarding
overflow can be considered to be the ‘Maximum Level’
fluid categories for some chemicals, equipment etc.
for AF and AG Air gaps only.
For the type AA air gap, the critical water level can be
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assumed to be the spillover level around the top of the ���������������
cistern. ���������������������������������������
For the type AB air gap the critical water level can either ��������������������������� ��������������������
be determined by test (see the Regulators Specification ���������������
for backflow prevention arrangements and devices and ����������������������
prEN 13077: ‘Devices to prevent pollution by backflow �������������������
of potable water – Air gap with non-circular overflow ��������������������
(unrestricted) – Family A-Type B’), or the critical level
above the spillover level of the weir (h) can be read
from the log graph in Appendix A, for single inlet
supplies and supplies having a velocity of not more
than 3m/s only. ��������� ���������������������
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Type AC (with vented submerged inlet) and type ������������������������
AD (with injector) air gaps are not covered in this
document. �������
Fig. 10a: Principal details of a cistern storing water for
domestic purposes.
The warning pipe invert is to be located a minimum of
25mm above the maximum working level of the cistern.
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The minimum air gap must not be less than 20mm or ��������������������������������
10. Cistern Inlet Design for Fluid Category 1 & 2 i) Cisterns of 1000 L capacity or less with 15mm (1/2”)
or 22mm (3/4”) supplies only
When an installation is intended to provide wholesome
water it must comply with Clause G16.13 of the a) The discharge level of the inlet device shall be
Government Guidance viz.: positioned not less than 25mm above the top of
the warning/overflow pipe.
Cisterns storing water for domestic purposes should
b) The warning/overflow pipe invert shall be located a
be watertight and, where required, be lined or coated
minimum of 25mm above the normal water level
with a suitable impermeable material; they shall be
(see Fig.10c).
provided with warning and overflow connections, as
appropriate, which are so constructed and arranged ii) Cisterns of capacity >1000 L
as to exclude insects. They should have a rigid, close
Cisterns of capacity greater than 1000 L receiving and
fitting and securely fixed cover which is not airtight but
storing wholesome water for domestic use only can
which excludes light and insects from the cistern; be
also be similarly designed to comply with Regulations.
made of a material or materials which do not shatter or
A cistern storing more than 1,000 litres of water,
fragment when broken and which will not contaminate
intended for use for domestic purposes, must be
any water which condenses on its underside
constructed so that the cistern may be inspected and
(see Fig.10a and 10b).
cleansed without it having to be wholly uncovered.
For the type AF air gap, the area of the minimum cross
section of the overflow pipe throughout its length
shall be equal to four times the inlet pipe(s) cross
sectional area.
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Fig. 10c: Cistern for Fluid Category 1 & 2, 1000L capacity or less
������� (15mm (1/2") & 22mm (3/4") supplies only).
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i) Cisterns of 1000 L capacity or less iii) Cisterns of greater than 5000 L capacity
a) The discharge level of the inlet device shall be a) The discharge level of the inlet device shall be
positioned not less than twice the diameter of the inlet positioned not less than twice the diameter of the
pipe above the top of the warning/overflow pipe. inlet pipe above the top of the overflow pipe.
b) The warning/overflow pipe invert shall be located b) The overflow pipe invert shall be located a mini-
a minimum of 25mm above the normal water level (see mum of 25mm above the invert of the warning pipe.
c) The warning pipe invert shall be located not less
For the type AG air gap, the diameter of the overflow than 25mm above the normal water level, and be
shall be a minimum of twice the diameter of the inlet. nominally sized at 25mm diameter (see Fig.11d).
d) Alternatively, a warning pipe may be omitted
provided a water level indicator with an audible or visible
alarm operates when the water reaches 25mm below the
invert of the overflow. �������������
For process operation or safety at work requirements,
���� many applications require to have the cistern fitted with
a closed lid. In this eventuality, the type AB air gap is
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Determination of an appropriate type AB air gap is
identified in PrEN 13077: ‘Devices to prevent pollution
by backflow of potable water – Air gap with non-circular
������������������� overflow (unrestricted) – Family A-Type B’.
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�������� � The application of this design for cisterns results in a
considerable proportion of cistern height being required
Fig. 11d: Cistern capacity greater than 5000 L – Type ‘AG’ and ‘AF’ to accommodate the arrangement of inlet and overflow
fittings. For type AB air gaps the air gap is measured
from the lowest point of the inlet discharge orifice to the
Application of the appropriate design recommendations critical water level of the vessel, which is a height
advised in this Section ensures that the mains water h above the spillover level of the weir. (Appendix A
inlets to cisterns feeding domestic and commercial advises the relationship of the height h to a spill slot
applications up to fluid category 4 contamination width W for any given inlet size).
risks comply with the backflow requirements of the The warning pipe is fitted not less than 25 mm above the
Regulations. normal shut-off water level. Should the warning pipe
also serve as an overflow pipe it requires to be suitably
For fluid category 5 high-risk areas within commercial
sized (i.e. twice the inlet diameter, D) to evacuate the full
and industrial premises the protection given by
flow of water entering the cistern. If a separate, correctly
the type AF air gap will not be adequate to cover
sized, overflow pipe is fitted to evacuate the full flow of
the contamination risk. In these circumstances the
water then the size of the warning pipe can be reduced
appropriate air gaps outlined in Section 12 are required.
to not less than 19mm. The invert of the overflow pipe if
fitted shall be 25mm above the invert of the warning pipe
(see Fig. 12b).
12. Cistern Inlet Design for Fluid Category 5
The height of the spillover weir (OW) must be no less
Mains water supplies to any cistern installation providing than [2 x D + h].
storage for applications defined in the Regulations as a At the maximum water level there shall be no contact
fluid category 5 must be protected with a type AA or AB between the cistern contents and the body of the inlet
air gap. flow control device.
i) Type AA air gap When a Type AB Air Gap is protected by a screened
For type AA air gaps, the air gap is measured from the spill slot, the slot opening requires to be fitted with an
lowest point of the inlet discharge orifice to the spillover external cowl or other appropriate fitting to prevent
level of the receiving vessel. The warning pipe should direct light from entering the cistern.
be fitted 25mm above the shut-off water level. It is
recommended that should this warning pipe also serve
as an overflow pipe, it requires to be suitably sized ��������
(e.g. with its diameter twice that of the inlet diameter)
to evacuate the full flow of water entering the cistern.
If a separate, correctly sized, overflow pipe is fitted
to evacuate the full flow of water, then the size of the �����
warning pipe can be reduced to not less than 19mm. ������������
The invert of the overflow pipe if fitted requires to be a
minimum 25mm above the invert of the warning pipe
(see Fig. 12a). ��������������� �������������������
For larger capacity cisterns the following design example necessary remedial and/or corrective measures to
(Fig. 12c) provides a greater utilisation of cistern capacity the installation to bring it into compliance with the
at lower overall cost within a comparable smaller regulations.
installation envelope.
For a household cistern supplying wholesome water
for domestic purposes this could be ensuring the
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installation of a close fitting lid, appropriate screening
of all vent, warning pipe or overflow openings,
������������� adequate insulation to the cistern externally and
ensuring the supply inlet discharge is always 25mm
above the top of the overflow pipe, as Schedule 2
����� Clause 16(4) of the Regulations and G16.13 of the
������������ Government Guidance to Schedules 1 and 2.
For larger cisterns and other applications the
������������������� appropriate design recommendations as advised in
����������� Sections 10, 11 and 12 should be incorporated into
the installation.
Fig.12c: Closed top cistern with raised inlet housing – Type ‘AB’ air gap.
��� Whilst carrying out remedial work to an existing
installation, care should be taken to ensure that
Typical examples of type AA and AB air gap protection
all materials in contact with the wholesome water
applications are referred to in the WRAS Water
comply with the requirements of BS 6920. This
Regulations Guide, page 6.50 under the heading of
includes the reaction between different materials
‘Miscellaneous commercial and industrial applications’.
and when using lining or coating compounds,
These include the arrangement for a cistern which
it is especially important to comply with the
receives a mains supply of water and water recycled from
manufacturers’ curing times and curing temperatures.
a process or supplied from an alternative source other
than the public supply (Fig 12d).
14. Summary
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i) The design recommendation for mains supply inlets
���� to cisterns for the provision of wholesome water for
domestic purposes are to be found in Section 9 or 10
��������������� of this Note.
In many respects the design recommendations of
������������ Section 11 will be appropriate for typical cistern
applications used in commercial buildings, office
blocks, hotels, HMP establishments, etc. in the
��������������������� absence of processes or uses which require the
����������������� highest level of backflow protection (fluid category 5).
Fig.12d: Cistern supplied with a mains supply and an alternative source. For cistern applications used for the provision
������� of water within a process that involves the most
serious potential contaminants (fluid category 5), the
Where there is a need to exclude insects etc. from the
recommendations on mains inlet design provided in
cistern, the Water Suppliers accept screened weirs
Section 12 of this Note are appropriate.
subject to the end user agreeing to comply with
Regulation 3 (maintenance). The weir dimensions will ii) Attention is drawn to the guidance regarding the need
be increased by a percentage value, dependant upon the for the installer and user to have the consent of the
percentage obstruction created by the screen. Water Supplier in advance of most types of plumbing
installation work. Consent is gained by means of
As an aid to calculating the correct AB air gap, a
notification of the Water Supplier as described in
spreadsheet calculator is available for free public use on
Section 5 of this Note.
the WRAS website (www.wras.co.uk).
Generally, if there is any doubt about compliance of
the proposed design, the Water Supplier’s guidance
13. Existing Cistern Installations – should be obtained. Details of Regulations Contacts
Renovation and Renewal in each Water Supplier are maintained on the WRAS
website (www.wras.co.uk).
Compliance of existing installations
Care is required when any existing cistern requires
renovation or renewal to ensure the installation is fully
compliant with the current water regulations.
It is important to establish the layout of the existing
system within the premises. Determine the duty
and fluid category within the cistern and apply the
APPENDIX A Relationship between h and W for type AB Air gaps –
Screened Spill Slot
Type AB air gap:
The flow characteristics of a screen is a function of its ‘free area’
Relationship between h and W for type AB Air gaps –
available for flow. Generally for spill slot applications this would
Spill Slot Unscreened be in the range 36% to 55% of total slot area.
The graph shown below relates the width of the weir slot (W) Screened spill slot parameters (hs, depth of water over screened
(mm) and the depth of water (h) (mm) over the spillover level, for spillover level) and (Ws, width of screened weir slot) can be
a selected inflow rate (V) (m/s) and inlet pipe diameter (D)(mm). determined utilizing the values determined for an unscreened
Spill Slot.
Example 1:
Selecting an inlet pipe diameter (D) of 38mm and inlet velocity For a given (h) and knowing the % ‘free area’ of the screen
(V) of 3 m/s, and choosing a depth of water over the spillover material
(h) equal to 20mm, requires a weir width (W) of 726mm. 100W
Ws =
Alternatively, if the depth (h) is selected as 50mm, the width (W) or (% free area)
of the weir slot, from the graph, is required to be 187mm.
For a given (W) and knowing the % ‘free area’ of the screen
In both cases, the air gap is required to be twice the inlet pipe material
diameter (D)
{% free area } /
i.e. (2 x D) = 76mm and hence the overall height of the weir hs = h
slot is [2 x D + h] = 76mm + h.
So, a weir of dimensions (width x height) of 726 x 96mm or of For Example 1 consider the screen selected provides 45% free
187 x 126mm will satisfy the requirements for a type AB air gap area and h is maintained at 20mm, the width of screened weir
(unscreened). requires to be increased: Ws = 100 x 726/45 = 1613 mm. ie.
Screened slot size required 1613 x 96mm and for h = 50mm,
Example 2: Screened slot size required = 416 x 126mm.
Selecting a 25mm inlet pipe diameter (D) and choosing height or
h as 20 mm, requires a weir width (W) of 323mm. The required for W maintained at 726mm, the depth of water over the screened
air gap is 2 x D = 50mm and the overall height of the weir slot spillover level requires to increase
required is being 50mm+20mm = 70mm. 100
{ }/
hs = 20 = 43
(The velocity of water when using the graph is always taken as 45
being 3m/s).
i.e. Screened slot size required 726 x 110mm or, for W =187mm,
screened slot size required = 187 x 161mm.
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