The Financial Sector and The Role of Banks in Economic Development

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Imola Drigă, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., University of Petroşani, Romania,

Codruţa Dura, Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., University of Petroşani, Romania,

ABSTRACT: The paper discusses the main functions of banks and their role in the economy as financial
intermediaries. Any market economy requires the existence of a banking system able to ensure the mobilization of
available money and guiding them towards the pursuit of efficient economic activities so that the banking system
plays an important role in the economy of any country. Financial intermediaries channel funds from those who have
savings to those who have more productive uses for them. They perform financial services that reduce the costs of
moving funds between borrowers and lenders, leading to a more efficient allocation of resources and faster
economic growth. Thus, banks are essential component for modern economy, not only in terms of turnover, but also
as the primary financier of the national economy.

KEY WORDS: economic growth, financial development, financial crisis, bank lending, non-performing loans,
corporate loans.

1. INTRODUCTION intermediaries because of their unique capacity to

finance production by lending their own debt to agents
As finances represent the means and methods willing to accept it and to use it as money [5].
through funds are obtained, controlled, allotted and used Being at the same time borrowing and landing
[7], market economy requires a strong banking system institutions, banks also offer other types of services,
that enables funds redistribution. Banks perform various such as: payments, settlements and funds transfer,
roles in the economy. Beside performing an important foreign exchange transactions, savings and investment
role in corporate governance and improving the services, payroll services, financial advice, investments
information problems between investors and borrowers, and bill finance, safe-deposit boxes. So as to provide
banks contribute to economic development. these financial services, commercial banks perform
A bank can be associated with a financial service certain functions within the national economy [10]: the
conglomerate able to provide basic financial services function of deposit’ acceptance, attracting temporarily
and properly function within the economic, political, available resources from business and individual
legal and international environment that determines its customers; the investment function, granting loans for
profit and expansion opportunities, interest rates, those in need of financial support; the commercial
exchange rates and the particular resources a bank need function that enables fund transfer between account
[10]. The efficiency of the banking system is a key holders determined by various activities. Altogether,
determinant of sustainable growth. Thus, banks are banks channel savings into productive capital, facilitate
essential for any modern economy, not only in terms of productive use of surpluses to generate employment and
turnover, but also as the primary financier of the promote economic welfare and provide risk­free income
national economy. to depositors.
The financial sector and its role in the process of
2. FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND economic development have attracted notable attention
ECONOMIC GROWTH over the last decades. A large body of theoretical
literature exists on financial system offering important
To understand why financial sector development contributions to the understanding of banks as key
may be positively related to economic growth, it is determinants of economic growth. A number of
necessary to understand the critical function the sector researchers in the early and late 1990’s (just to mention
provides to the economy. The financial sector is unique some: Diamond, Dybvig, Barro, King, Levine, Zervos,
because of the risk and uncertainty faced by both savers Pagano, Stiglitz) and more recent studies (of: Bossone,
and investors [21]. In order to perform their functions, Armenta, Gregoric, Kosak, Allen, Carletti, Taghipour)
banks provide a large array of financial services to concluded that financial development promote
attract customers and to meet their demands. The economic growth. Diamond and Dybvig show how
Economist has often described banks as intermediaries financial intermediaries can enhance risk sharing, which
between savers and users of capital. Banks are special can be a precondition of liquidity and can thus improve

welfare. In their model, without an intermediary (such lending, bank loans consist of domestic credit to the
as a bank), all investors are locked into illiquid long- private sector [1].
term investments that yield high payoffs only to those By providing financial services to all firms with
who consume at the end of the investment. Financial good growth opportunities, the financial sector helps the
markets can also transform illiquid assets into financial economy to grow. It is not just a matter of the overall
instrument (liquid liabilities). With liquid financial volume of lending, but it is crucial which companies are
markets savers/lenders can hold assets like equity or financed and on what terms. At the same time, as a
bonds, which can be quickly and easily converted into consequence of banking products and services
purchasing power. Financial intermediaries make development, increasing competition in the area and
longer-term investments more attractive providing extension of the private sector, one of the main
different forms of finance to borrowers [9]. challenges for Romanian banks became lending
As Joseph Stiglitz states, well-functioning financial profitable loans by maintaining risks at a reduced level.
systems, including banks, enable selecting the most The Romanian banking system witnessed a gradual
productive recipients for these resources and ensure the increase of financial intermediation, especially after
use of these resources in high return activities. On the 2005, non-government credit being the main factor
other hand, inadequately functioning financial systems behind bank asset expansion. Further rise in lending
tend to transfer capital to low-productivity investments. carried on in 2006 and 2007 as credit institutions kept
The differences in terms of growth can be huge [20]. expanding their lending activity, even after the onset of
Both theory and research suggests that better developed the global financial turmoil, in their effort of gaining a
financial systems facilitate external financing for firms, bigger market share. Structural analysis indicates that
illustrating a mechanism through which financial the rise in loans to households was the driver of credit
development influences long-run economic growth. In expansion. According to statistics released by the NBR,
particular, financial development involves certain the share of loans to households increased to 48.1% at
improvements in the production of ex ante information end of 2007 from 42.5% a year earlier. The upward
about possible investments, monitoring of investments trend in lending was maintained in 2008 and the
and implementation of corporate governance, trading, domestic banking sector continued to be the main
diversification, and management of risk, mobilization financing source for the real economy (accounting for
and pooling of savings and exchange of goods and 66% of total funds).
services, functions which may influence savings and However, after these positive evolutions, the
investment decisions and consequently economic financial crisis that began in 2007 has strongly
growth [17]. influenced developments both in real and financial
Nevertheless, the relationship between financial sectors. The deterioration of the domestic economic
economic development and economic growth is highly environment in the late 2008 and in the first month of
controversial, as Boon pointed out. The supply leading 2009 caused the decline in demand. Consequently, the
theories believe that the development of financial sector dynamics of bank assets and non-government credit was
is essential for economic growth, whereas the demand reduced.
following theories consider financial development as The set back in bank lending began in 2008 when
merely sensitive to economic growth [4]. Further more, the growth rate of loans granted to the private sector
there are several studies showing a split in the slowed down in the context of a challenging
relationship between bank lending and economic growth macroeconomic environment. This trend continued in
- the so-called "creditless recoveries” (Calvo, Izquierdo, the next coming period until mid-2011. Starting with the
Talvi; Takáts, Upper and others) [6], [23]. latter half of 2011 and for the first nine months of 2012
lending to the private sector witnessed a restart. In the
3. BANK LENDING TO PRIVATE SECTOR IN following period, however, the dynamics of private
ROMANIA sector loans re-entered negative territory for both
national currency- and foreign currency-denominated
Generally, credit is defined as an immediate loans, accelerating gradually till December 2013 (see
purchasing power exchanged for the promise to repay it figure 1).
at a later date with interest and protect the pledged Recent evidence shows that, in terms of volume,
collateral until the loan is fully paid. A credit transaction total loans to non-financial corporations decreased
is a business activity that involves two sides: a starting with mid-2009 from 28128.9 million lei as
borrower, which generally is an individual or a firm and recorded in March 2009 to 16183.2 million lei in
a lender that may be a lending institution such as a December 2013. Nevertheless, between 2009 and 2013
commercial bank or other intermediary involved in the there was a change of strategy in terms of bank lending.
purchase [10]. The efficiency of the process through More specifically, the share of loans to enterprises
which savings are channelled into productive activities increased. If in 2009 credit to households was higher
is crucial for growth and general welfare. Banks are one than corporate loans (about 5%) since the end of 2010
part of this process being important players in corporate there has been a reversal of the situation. Thus, during
funding. Despite the trend of globalisation in recent 2012 credit flows to firms was 15% higher than lending
years, the importance of banks in different economies to individuals on average. But, the last quarter of 2012
varies significantly. As the traditional role of a bank is marked the beginning of decrease of loans offered both
to individuals and non-financial corporations.

Nevertheless, the conditions of lending to the private Thus, corporate funding registered favourable structural
sector (non-financial corporations and households) developments especially in case of lending to
recorded regular developments in 2011, 2012 and the companies producing high value added goods (medium
first half of 2013. Credit flows tend to be mainly high-tech and high-tech) and to firms in the tradable
directed towards more efficient sectors that are sectors.
supportive of Romania’s sustainable economic growth.

Billion lei
250,0 230,8 229,0 225,9
223,0 223,4 221,7 221,9 219,7 218,5
209,3 207,8 206,6 213,6
198,1 199,9 203,9




Dec. Dec. Dec. Ian. Feb. Mar. Iun. Dec. Sept. Nov. Dec. Ian. Mai Aug. Nov. Dec.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013

Source: based on data from the NBR’s Monthly Bulletins, Dec. 2008 - Aug. 2013

Figure 1. Private sector loans, 2008-2013

According to statistics released by the NBR, during sectors of the economy indicates that firms in the
April-September 2013 companies doing business in agriculture sector and trade applied mostly for bank
tradables sectors accessed more loans from banks and loans, accessing funds mainly through credit lines, bank
non-bank financial institutions than firms doing overdraft and investment loans. Firms in the food
business in non-tradables sectors. This trend indicates a industry and agriculture sector rely significantly on
sustainable economic growth upheld to some extent by bank financing service (see figure 2).
the financial system. Besides, analysis of the main

30,00 27,20

20,00 16,51 16,06 16,00
14,59 14,44 14,08 13,63


Food industry Agriculture, hunting Manufacture of Civil engineering T elecommunications Real-estate activities Wholesale trade Building Special construction
and ancillary fabricated metal works construction works
services products

Source: based on data from NBR, Financial Stability Report, 2013

Figure 2. The share of bank debt in total balance sheet debt

If lending standards would discriminate more deterioration of the quality of banks’ loan portfolio [24].
strongly between firms based on the credit risk posted Thus, for the period 2008-2013 the exposure of the
throughout an economic cycle, access to financing banking system to loans granted to individuals and non-
might improve for those sectors playing an important financial corporations highlights the increase of "loss"
role in generating added value across the economy. As a and "doubtful" loans, while “standard" and "watch"
matter of fact, discriminating between lending loans recorded a downward trend [12]. According to
conditions by economic sector is part of the macro- data released by the NBR, the quality of loan portfolios
prudential toolkit that is to be used across the EU [24]. has remained a vulnerability to the Romanian banks’
Due to further constraints on customers’ financial due to the pressure put on the financial standing of
standing and the still fragile economic growth, the borrowers and the restraint in lending (see table 1 and
quality of the loan portfolios of banks registered an figure 3).
ongoing worsening. The assessment of credit quality After the financial crisis, economic recovery is
based on prudential reports reveals a constant difficult especially when funding depends
deterioration in loan quality that started in late 2008. overwhelmingly on banks which are in the process of
The slower economic growth, the rise in inflation and capitalization and additionally their appetite to grant
the depreciation of the national currency exerted a loans is considerably diminished by over-indebtedness.
severe adverse impact illustrated by the significant

Table 1. The evolution of the quality of the loan portfolios of banks

Standard Watch Doubtful Loss
Dec. 2008 61.63 24.61 7.23 2.07 4.46
Dec. 2009 53.65 22.32 8.74 3.43 11.86
Dec. 2010 46.90 21.50 10.79 4.42 16.39
Dec. 2011 46.30 19.51 10.90 4.64 18.64
Dec. 2012 43.19 15.95 10.96 6.45 23.46
Dec. 2013 43.26 14.94 9.66 4.66 27.47
Source: processed based on data from the NBR’s Monthly Bulletins, 2008-2013

2,07 8,74 3,43 Standard Standard

7,23 Standard 11,86
4,46 4,42
Watch Watch
Substandard Substandard
Doubtful Substandar
53,65 Doubtful
61,63 Loss d
24,61 10,79 21,5 Loss
22,32 Doubtful
Dec. 2008 Dec. 2009 Dec. 2010

Standard 23,46 Standard

18,64 Standard 27,47 43,26
46,3 43,19
4,64 Watch 6,45 Watch 4,66 Watch
Substandard Substandard
Doubtful Substandar
10,9 Loss Loss 9,66 14,94 Doubtful
10,96 15,95
De c. 2011 De c. 2012 Dec. 2013
Source: processed based on data from the NBR’s Monthly Bulletins, Dec. 2008 – Aug. 2013

Figure 3. The evolution of the quality of the loan portfolios of banks

25 %




Bosnia and Czech Slovak
Albania Bulgaria Croatia Hungary Poland Romania Serbia Slovenia
Herzegovin Republic Republic
2010 14 11,9 11,4 5,4 11,1 9,8 4,9 11,9 16,9 5,8 8,2
2011 18,8 15 11,8 5,2 12,3 13,4 4,7 14,3 20 5,6 11,8
2012 22,5 16,6 13,5 5,2 13,8 15,8 5,2 18,2 18,6 5,2 15,2
2013 23,5 0 15,1 5,2 15,4 17,6 5,2 21,6 20,6 5,1 18

Source: based on data from World Bank’s database. Note: Bulgaria 2013 – N/D; Bank NPLs to total gross loans are the value of
non-performing loans divided by the total value of the loan portfolio (including non-performing loans before the deduction of
specific loan-loss provisions). The loan amount recorded as non-performing should be the gross value of the loan as recorded on
the balance sheet, not just the amount that is overdue.

Figure 4. NPLs ratio in Central and Eastern Europe, 2009-2013

In 2009, Romania already had a rate of non- classification; it represents gross exposure to loans and
performing loans (NPLs represent loans overdue for interest overdue for more than 90 days and/or with
more than 90 days and/or with legal proceeding legal proceeding initiated, classified in national
initiated) more than the average in CEE (see figure 4). regulations under “Loss 2”, per total classified loans
NPLs continued to rise in terms of both volume and and interest).
ratio (NPLs ratio is the key loan portfolio quality Although the large volume of non-performing loans
assessment indicator from a prudential perspective and is still a major concern, in 2011 Romania ranked among
is calculated based on prudential reports on loan the states with a moderate rate of decline in loan quality.

However, the still modest economic growth rate results show that the firms grouped into medium-high
associated with the downtrend in lending has led to tech and high-tech sub-sectors posted an average non-
significant accumulation of non-performing loans in performing loan ratio below the economy-wide average
2012 and 2013. over the last seven years (see figure 5).
Taking into account the way non-financial Further more, evidence shows that the risk attached
corporations from different sector of activity honoured to the loan portfolios in the balance sheets of banks in
their debts, banks may consider implementing internal Romania is mitigated by the comfortable provisioning,
lending standards that would favour companies which covers expected losses (see figure 6). Besides, the
operating in the sectors that can contribute to sustain provisioning level calculated for the Romanian banking
change in the economic growth pattern. The NBR’s system is the highest among the countries in the region.

30,00 %

20,00 Dec.2010
10,00 Dec.2012
low-tech and medium high-tech less knowledge- knowledge-
medium low-tech and high-tech intensive services intensive services
Dec.2009 6,72 2,34 6,85 5,73
Dec.2010 12,20 9,76 13,51 7,86
Dec.2011 15,19 9,43 15,27 7,99
Dec.2012 19,60 14,92 19,65 12,18
Aug.2013 23,16 25,62 22,51 14,02

Source: based on data from NBR, Financial Stability Report, 2013

Figure 5. NPLs ratio for companies, by technological intensity, Dec. 2009 - Aug. 2013

% 89,30 89,50
90,00 88,24
86,71 87,30
86,26 86,47 86,11 86,59
84,40 84,30 84,50 84,00 84,13
83,60 83,70 83,50 83,60 83,73


ian.12 feb.12 mar.12 apr.12 mai.12 iun.12 iul.12 aug.12 sep.12 oct.12 nov.12 dec.12 ian.13 feb.13 mar.13 apr.13 mai.13 iun.13 iul.13 aug.13

Source: based on data from NBR, Financial Stability Report, 2013

Figure 6. Coverage ratio of non-performing loans

4. CONCLUSIONS The effects of the global financial crisis occurred in

the Romanian banking system at the end of 2008 when
Banks as financial intermediaries are expected to the growth rate of loans granted to the private sector
provide basic financial services for everyone. Banking, slowed down in the context of a challenging
considered as mirror of economic growth, can macroeconomic environment and this trend kept on
contribute to economic development in at least two until mid-2011, the Romanian banking system being
ways: directly, by increasing balance sheet items, and confronted with poor lending activity and NPLs
indirectly, through financing. In the global economy, the outburst. However, in the latter half of 2011 and for the
growing importance of banks is obvious, given that in first part of 2012 lending to the private sector resumed
the context of accelerating the development of and since mid-2013 lending growth has been
information systems and communications, we are moderately accelerating and in the next years corporate
witnessing the emergence of global financial networks. lending is expected to provide growth in both lending
Many researchers argue that a sound and efficient and the economy.
banking system is significant in achieving economic Some authors argue that the set back in bank lending
development. Thus, well functioning banks accelerate would not be an impediment to economic growth,
economic growth, while poorly functioning banks are an stressing out that last year’s advance of the Romanian
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