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Instrumentarium Alfa SM 31687l4a

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January 2000 31687-4AL

Service Manual

Notes/ Cautions/Warnings PLACE FOR INSTALLATION

Update Information
Service Manual Contents
by Instrumentarium Imaging
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may not be copied, photocopied,
reproduced, translated, or reduced
to any electronic medium or PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE
machine readable form in whole
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permission of Instrumentarium

The original language of this

manual is English.
Instrumentarium Imaging
reserves the right to revise this
publication from time to time and
to make changes in the content of
it without obligation to notify any REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS
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Instrumentarium Corporation
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Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual


















31687 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


From time to time, update sheets will be issued to bring your service manual
up-to-date. For ease of updating, the new information will be page for page, or
section for section, replaceable. You will also get a new update table so you
can check the contents of your manual to verify you have the latest
information. You can also check what has been changed from the previous

Version: Manual date: Details revisited:

31687-4AL January 2000 Section 7 / Schematics
Software block diagram 7.30
31687-4AK May 1998 Section 7 / Schematics
32305 AMD board ver. 3.0
32220 Inverter board ver. 1.3
32245 CPU board ver. 1.3
33270 SMD AEC board ver 1.1
33035 C&Z driver board ver 1.4
Software block diagram 7.29
31687-4AJ November 1996 Section 7 / Schematics
Main wiring diagram
Casopto board OPTIPOINT
AEC Display board
5V Power Supply board (Only
ST) 32962
Sensor board OPTIPOINT
31687-4AI October 1995 Details

January 2000 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

31687-4AH February 1995 C&Z Drive Board (33035)

31687-4AG December 1994 SW 7.xx, New service program
31687-4AF May - June 1994 New type generator
31687-4AE December 1993 SW 5.09, INF-mode, Print mode
31687-4AD February 1993 Details
31687-4AC February 1993 Details
31687-4AB March 1992 Section 7 (Bucky control)
31687-4AA March 1992 Section 7 (Pulse, Base, Power
31687-4A March 1992 New manual

31687 January 2000

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................... 3-1
3.1 SOFTWARE BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................... 3-1
3.2 KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS ...................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Main modes (nor-, SER- and Pr -mode)............................................ 3-1
3.2.2 Program (Pr) mode ........................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Service program menu...................................................................... 3-4 SETUP-mode (SUP and Par programs; see 3.1) .................... 3-7 Calibrations (see section 7 software block diagram) ............. 3-8 Diagnostics (see 3.1)........................................................... 3-10 Integrated Quality Control History...................................... 3-10 AEC adjustment parameters................................................ 3-11


3.3.1 The Cable....................................................................................... 3-15
3.3.2 Communication protocol ................................................................ 3-16
3.3.3 Data formats................................................................................... 3-16

3.4 THEORY OF OPERATIONS................................................................. 3-19

3.4.1 Process controller ........................................................................... 3-19 The CPU BOARD .............................................................. 3-19
3.4.2 User interface ................................................................................. 3-21 Switch and microswitch reading.......................................... 3-21 Collimator lamp operation .................................................. 3-21 Cassette sensing CASOPTO BOARD ................................. 3-22 Cassette holder sensing CSENSE BOARD ......................... 3-22
3.4.3 X-RAY GENERATION AND CONTROL .................................... 3-23 INVERTER BOARD.......................................................... 3-24 The high voltage unit .......................................................... 3-27 mA generation timing ......................................................... 3-28 FILAMENT CONTROL BOARD ...................................... 3-28 Anode motor drive AMD BOARD...................................... 3-32 Mains transformer............................................................... 3-32 Energy storage capacitor..................................................... 3-32 Motor phase shift capacitor................................................. 3-32

31687 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Tube housing assembly........................................................3-32 X-ray tube bias circuit (M101G)........................................3-32
3.4.4 Motor control..................................................................................3-34 Motor control - general........................................................3-34 C&Z DRIVER BOARD ......................................................3-34 Back up release ...................................................................3-36 Anode motor .......................................................................3-37 Bucky motor .......................................................................3-37
3.4.5 Automatic exposure control (AEC) .................................................3-38 AEC - general......................................................................3-38 The Detector .......................................................................3-38 AEC BOARD......................................................................3-38 The CPU .............................................................................3-39

3.5 DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL ELECTRONICS ................................3-40

3.5.1 Mains transformer and SUPPLY board ...........................................3-40
3.5.2 CPU board ......................................................................................3-40
3.5.3 DISPLAY BOARD.........................................................................3-42
3.5.4 C&Z-DRIVER BOARD .................................................................3-42
3.5.5 CD-BOARD ...................................................................................3-43
3.5.6 C-ARM CONTROL BOARD .........................................................3-43
3.5.7 C-ARM DISPLAY BOARD ...........................................................3-44

4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE........................................................................ 4-1

4.1 X-RAY TUBE PERFORMANCE CHECK.............................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Half-value layer (HVL) measurement .............................................. 4-1
4.1.2 Tube efficiency check on the cassette holder .................................... 4-2
4.1.3 Focal spot measurement procedure .................................................. 4-3
4.1.4 Image quality evaluation procedure.................................................. 4-5

4.2 AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL EVALUATION ...................... 4-7

4.2.1 Quick AEC test................................................................................ 4-7
4.2.3 Object thickness compensation ........................................................ 4-7
4.2.2 kV compensation ............................................................................. 4-9

January 2000 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

4.3 MECHANICAL CHECKS...................................................................... 4-10

4.3.1 Compression system....................................................................... 4-10
4.3.2 C-arm rotation brake ...................................................................... 4-10
4.3.3 Column and carriage....................................................................... 4-10
4.3.4 Compression force checking........................................................... 4-10
4.3.5 Testing the x-ray field illumination................................................. 4-10

5 TROUBLESHOOTING & ERROR MESSAGES ............................................... 5-1

5.1 Error message chart................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Useful information to have when calling for assistance............................ 5-2
5.3 E.01 Error message explanation................................................................ 5-3
5.4 E.02 Error message explanation................................................................ 5-4
5.4.1 Testing of the new alpha generator ................................................... 5-5
5.4.2 Testing of the old alpha generator..................................................... 5-6

5.5 E.03 Error message explanation................................................................ 5-7

5.6 E.04 Error message explanation................................................................ 5-8
5.7 E.05 Error message explanation (software 5.08 and higher).................... 5-9
5.8 E.06 ERROR MESSAGE EXPLANATION............................................. 5-9
5.9 E.07 ERROR MESSAGE EXPLANATION............................................. 5-9
5.10 E.08 ERROR MESSAGE EXPLANATION........................................... 5-10
5.11 E.09 Error message explanation (RT/IQ) ............................................... 5-10
5.12 E.10 Error message explanation.............................................................. 5-10
5.13 E.11 Error message explanation.............................................................. 5-11
5.14 E.12 Error message explanation.............................................................. 5-11
5.15 E.r1 Error message explanation.............................................................. 5-11
5.16 E.r2 ERROR MESSAGE EXPLANATION ........................................... 5-11
5.17 E.r3 Error message explanation.............................................................. 5-11
5.18 E.r4 Error message explanation.............................................................. 5-12
5.19 E.r5 Error message explanation.............................................................. 5-12
5.20 S.Lo Error message explanation ............................................................. 5-12
5.21 C.Br Error message explanation (Software 7.27 and up)....................... 5-12
5.22 C.bu Error message explanation ............................................................. 5-12
5.23 C.CA Error message explanation............................................................ 5-13
5.24 C.Ch Error message explanation ............................................................ 5-13
5.25 C.Cn Error message explanation ............................................................ 5-14
5.26 C.Co Error message explanation............................................................. 5-14
5.27 C.ES Error message explanation............................................................. 5-14
5.28 C.PS Error message explanation............................................................. 5-14
5.29 C.dE Error message explanation............................................................. 5-15
5.30 O.FL Error message explanation ............................................................ 5-15
5.31 R.EL Error message explanation ............................................................ 5-15
5.32 R.ES Error message explanation............................................................. 5-16
5.33 (U.FL Error message explanation) not used ........................................... 5-16
5.34 S.YS (Software 7.27 and up).................................................................... 5-16
5.35 t.OF (Software 7.27 and up) .................................................................... 5-16

31687 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.36 E.AF (Software 7.27 and up)....................................................................5-17

5.37 No power indications................................................................................5-17
5.38 AEC Inoperative.......................................................................................5-17
5.39 Software diagnostic mode ........................................................................5-18
5.39.1 Entering Diagnostic Mode ..............................................................5-18
5.39.2 Error readout...................................................................................5-18
5.39.3 Switch and signal status display ......................................................5-19

5.40 SUPPLY VOLTAGES..............................................................................5-20

5.41 Grid lines...................................................................................................5-21

6 REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................. 6-1

6.1 FUSE RATING / LOCATION CHART................................................... 6-1
6.2 COLUMN REPAIR................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.1 Tilt down the column ....................................................................... 6-2
6.2.2 Replacing the floor plate .................................................................. 6-2
6.2.3 Replacing the Z-motor ..................................................................... 6-3
6.2.4 Replacing the column cap ................................................................ 6-4
6.2.5 Replacing the mechanical stopper .................................................... 6-6
6.2.6 Replacing the wires.......................................................................... 6-6
6.2.7 Replacing the counterweight ............................................................ 6-7

6.3 POWER UNIT REPAIR........................................................................... 6-8

6.3.1 Removal and assembly of the rear cover .......................................... 6-8
6.3.2 Replacing the POWER / INVERTER board..................................... 6-8
6.3.3 Replacing other parts ....................................................................... 6-8

6.4 CARRIAGE REPAIR ............................................................................... 6-9

6.4.1 Removal and assembly of the side covers......................................... 6-9
6.4.2 Replacing the mains transformers..................................................... 6-9
6.4.3 Replacing the boards on the electronic plate....................................6-10
6.4.4 Replacing the SUPPLY board.........................................................6-10
6.4.5 Replacing the magnetic brake and its assembly ...............................6-11
6.4.6 Replacing the MGF DISPLAY board..............................................6-13

January 2000 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.5 C-ARM REPAIR ..................................................................................... 6-14

6.5.1 Removal and assembly of the C-arm covers ................................... 6-14
6.5.2 Replacing the handgrips ................................................................. 6-14
6.5.3 Replacing the brake switch............................................................. 6-14
6.5.4 Replacing the vertical drive control switch ..................................... 6-14
6.5.5 Replacing the x-ray tube................................................................. 6-16
6.5.6 Replacing the high voltage unit ...................................................... 6-16
6.5.7 Replacing the AMD board.............................................................. 6-16
6.5.8 Replacing the compression motor................................................... 6-17
6.5.9 Replacing the compression system.................................................. 6-17
6.5.10 Replacing the compression thickness measurement potentiometer .. 6-17
6.5.11 Replacing the compression force measurement system (strain gag.) 6-17
6.5.12 Replacing the C-arm angulation measurement system (trim pot) .... 6-17
6.5.13 Replacing the cassette holder base cover ........................................ 6-19
6.5.14 Replacing the cassette holder base .................................................. 6-19
6.5.15 Replacing the collimator................................................................. 6-21
6.5.16 Replacing the light field bulb.......................................................... 6-21
6.5.17 Replacing the beam filter mechanism ............................................. 6-22
6.5.18 Replacing the compression display board ....................................... 6-22
6.5.19 Replacing the detector display board .............................................. 6-22

7 SCHEMATICS...................................................................................................... 7-1

31687 January 2000

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual




PROGRAM VERSION 7.30 - See Section 7.20


3.2.1 Main modes (nor-, SER- and Pr -mode)

Exposure and other functions are possible only in main modes: nor and, SEr
mode. When the power is switched on to the device, the program is in
nor(=user)-mode, which functions as explained in this manual. In
SEr(=service)-mode certain checks like the presence of the cassette holder,
cassette, and diaphragm are bypassed so that service personnel can test the
device without any delays. In service mode the kV and mAs display shows the
AEC integration time in ms. If the AUTOREL button is pressed the timer
display shows the exposure time and the kV display shows the kV (Normally
timer display shows SEr).

NOTE! A cooling time of 5 to 55 sec. between exposure is implemented also in the

service mode. This will protect the unit from not being overloaded during

31687 3-1 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

The main functions achieved from the panel are listed below. The field
"display" indicates what is seen in the display. '&' means simultaneous


kV+ Increase kV kV
kV- Decrease kV kV
mAs+ Increase mAs, not in AEC, go to IQC mAs
mAs- Decrease mAs, not in AEC, go to IQC mAs
DEN+ Increase exposure time by 10% DEN
DEN- Decrease exposure time by 10% DEN
AUTOREL Set automatic release on/off AUTOREL led
In SEr-mode display exp.time TIMER
AUTOEXP Switch between manual and AUTO EXP led,
leds for a,b,c

DEN-& kV- Switch between SEr- and nor-mode TIMER 'Ser'

Switch from AEC- to nor-mode
DEN+ & - Enter pr- from nor - mode TIMER 'Pr'
Enter service program menu from SEr- mAs 'Pr' &
DEN+ & -
mode kV '51'
Return to service mode from program TIMER 'Ser'
DEN + & -

January 2000 3-2 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

3.2.2 Program (Pr) mode

This mode can be entered from nor- and SEr-mode. Usually this is done when
the unit is installed to adjust exposure parameters to the conditions at the site.
The preset kV can be programmed in semi AEC mode from 23 to 35 kV for
bucky and cassette tunnel, and 25-35 for magnification. The film/screen
combinations (FI) are:

mAs-display film cassette/screen

FI1 Min - RE Min - R (Kodak/Kodak)
FI2 Microvision Min - R (Dupont/Kodak)
FI3 Min - RE Min - R/Medium
FI5 Fuji M-1 Fuji MI-MA
HI-Mammo M1
FI6 Konica AGFA MR Detail

In manual mode default kVs can be programmed from 20 to 35 kV.

Pressing AUTOREL sends all the data for all exposures after last RESET to
serial port (RS-232). The port can be connected to a printer. Pressing
AUTOEXP enters the AEC stations, which can be programmed with the key
functions as described below. (In software versions 5.06 and below)


kV+ Increase preset kV kV
kV- Decrease preset kV kV
mAs+ Set film/ screen combination/ mAs
mAs in manual mode
mAs- Set film/ screen combination/ mAs
mAs in manual mode
DEN+ Increase internal density DEN
DEN- Decrease internal density DEN
DEN+ & - Return to main program all
AUTOREL Send last exposure data through RS READY-led
AUTOEXP Change from AEC channel a -> b -> c corresponding led

31687 3-3 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

3.2.3 Service program menu

Service program menu contains special programs for system setups, calibration
and diagnostics. The menu can be entered from service mode by pressing
Den+ & Den- buttons simultaneously for approximately one second.

In the kV display you will see the program number and in the mAs display the
program name. You can scroll the available programs with kV+ and kV-
buttons. To enter the desired program press the Autoexp button.

Return to the menu from the special programs with Autoexp button. To leave
the menu and enter the service mode press density+ and density- buttons
simultaneously. To resume the normal operation (nor-mode) press kV-and
density- buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds.

List of special programs:

Program # Program name Description

51 Pr Density and default value programming
52 SUP Set up parameter programming
53 Par Alpha parameter programming
54* CAn* C-arm angle display calibration
56* Cfo* Compression force display calibration
56* Cth* Compression thickness display calibration
57 Ano Anode run test
58 CEC Check error counters
59 Cin Check inputs
60 FoC Focus measurement mode
61 bUC Bucky measurement mode
62 Inf Print Alpha information
63* iqc Integrated Quality Control Parameters
64* AEC AEC Adjustment Parameters
65* tAr AEC Target time Adjustment

* Alpha RT/IQ only

January 2000 3-4 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

Setup parameters:

The unit setup parameters can be altered in two programs:

In the setup section (program #52 SUP):

A Compression auto-release time

L Label type
H Label text
i i/o device
F Default filter selection

In the unit parameter section (program #53 Par)

S Serial number of the unit

C Country code
r Tube Efficiency mo/rh (mR/mAs)
b Anode braking mode
t Alpha mode (III/ST/RT/IQ)
I Collimator select
d C-arm Control board select

The calibration programs:

The various measurements and displays can be calibrated in calibration


#54 C.An C-arm angulation display calibration

#55 C.fo Compression force display calibration
#56 C.th Compression thickness display calibration
#57 A.no Anode rotation program

The diagnostic programs:

The following programs are for system diagnostics:

#58 CEC Check error counters

#59 Cin Check CPU inputs
#60 FoC Focus measurement mode
#61 bUC Bucky measurement mode
#62 Inf System setup print out

31687 3-5 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

The Integrated Quality Control program (Software version 7.27 and up):

#63 iqc Integrated Quality Control Program

The AEC Adjustment and parameters programs (Software version 7.27

and up):

#64 AEC AEC parameters

#65 tAr AEC Target Time Adjustment Program

January 2000 3-6 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual SETUP-mode (SUP and Par programs; see 3.1)

Factory installation data (can also be set in the field) has 12 alterable items.
Items to be set up are:

parameter range default description

DENSITY- value
Par 1 S 0-9999 Serial number of the unit

Par 2 C 9-16 10 Country code

Par 3 r 0-25.5 - mR/mAs output @25kV
Separate for Mo/Rh
Par 4 b 0-1 0 Anode brake mode (1=on/0=off)
Par 5 t 1-5 4 Alpha mode, (1=AlphaIII,2=RT/IQ,(Full-
Man),3=RT/IQ(Semi-Man), 4=RT/IQ(Full-
Par 6 I 0-1 1 Collimator select (1= interlock, 0= non-
Par 7 d 0-1 0 0=C-arm control board (32310), 1=CD-
board (32010)
SUP 1 A 0-25 6 Auto release time, (seconds)
SUP 2 L 0-5 0 Label type (0= print off)
SUP 3 H 0-60/255 32 Label programming mode
60 ascii chars
SUP 4 I 0-2 0 Serial port mode, (0=no I/O device,
SUP 5 F 0-3 1 Default beam filter programming,
(RT/IQ) (0=Rhodium, 1=Molybden, 2=previously
used, 3= "autofilter": use mAs+/- keys to
0-1 (ST)
select the compression distance where filter
is automatically changed

NOTE! Reset the CPU after changing the parameters.

NOTE! Items are updated to EEPROM when kV+, kV- or AUTOEXP-button is


Changing the parameters:

Enter the special program menu as described previously and select program
#52 SUP or #53 Par with kV+ and kV- buttons. Press Autoexp button to enter
the desired program.

31687 3-7 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


kV+ &kV- Scrolls the parameters to be set DEN
DEN+ Increase parameter value kV& mAs
mAs+ ONLY IN "h" Next character kV & mAs
DEN- Decrease parameter value kV& mAs
mAs- ONLY IN "h" Previous kV & mAs
character position
Autoexp Switch back to program menu

Press Autoexp to leave the program and return to the special program menu.

To store the new values press Density + and Density - simultaneously until
service mode is entered. Press kV- and Density- until normal mode is entered.
Cut the power from the mains switch for few seconds. Calibrations (see section 7 software block diagram)

C-arm angle display calibration

The c-arm angle display can be calibrated with special program #54 CAn.

Enter the special program menu as described previously and select program
#54 CAn with kV+ and kV- buttons. Press Autoexp button to enter this

The timer display will show CAn and kV and mAs displays will show to 00.
Make sure that the c-arm is in 0 degree angle. Press Autorel; the 0 degree
angle is now programmed. The control unit shows to 180. Turn the c-arm to
180 degree angle. If you want to use another angle for calibration you can
change the display with density +/- buttons. (You can abort the programming
and return to the program menu with Autoexp button).

Press Autorel. If the calibration was successful the mAs display will show
PAS and you are returned to the program menu. If the calibration did not
succeed you will be returned to the beginning and "to 00" will displayed again.

Compression force display calibration

The compression force display can be calibrated with special program #55 Cfo.

NOTE! Make sure the C-arm angle display is calibrated before calibrating the
compression force display (Pr #54 Can). Also the offset voltage on C-arm
control board must be 500mV when there is no stress on compression

January 2000 3-8 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

Enter the special program menu as described previously and select program
#55 Cfo with kV+ and kV- buttons. Press Autoexp button to enter this

The timer display will show Cfo and kV and mAs displays will show to 50.
Make a compression of 50 N. Press Autorel; the 50 N level is now
programmed. The control unit shows to 200. Make a compression of 200 N. If
you have a different level of compression you can change the display with
density +/- buttons. (You can abort the programming and return to the
program menu with Autoexp button).

Press Autorel. If the calibration was successful the mAs display will show
PAS and you are returned to the program menu. If the calibration did not
succeed you will be returned to the beginning and to 50 will displayed again.

Compression thickness display calibration

The compression thickness display can be calibrated with special program #56
Cth. Enter the special program menu as described previously and select
program #56 Cth with kV+ and kV- buttons. Press Autoexp button to enter
this program.

The timer display will show Cth and kV and mAs displays will show to 00.
Drive the compression paddle completely down against the bucky. Press
Autorel; the 0.0 cm level is now programmed. The control unit shows to 60.
Place 60 mm acrylic on the bucky and drive the compression paddle down. If
you have 50 mm acrylic you can change the display with density +/- buttons.
(You can abort the programming and return to the program menu with
Autoexp button).

Press Autorel. If the calibration was successful the mAs display will show
PAS and you are returned to the program menu. If the calibration did not
succeed you will be returned to the beginning and to 00 will displayed again.

Anode run voltage calibration

The anode run voltage can be adjusted with special program #57 Ano.

Enter the special program menu as described previously and select program
#57 Ano with kV+ and kV- buttons. Press Autoexp button to enter this
program.You can now run the anode motor by pressing the exposure button.
The Autorel button can be used to set the anode brake on/off.

31687 3-9 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Diagnostics (see 3.1)

The programs #58 -#62 are for system diagnosis.

In Pr #58 CEC the following counters can be checked:

# exposures, E01, E02, E03, E04, E06, E07,E08, E09, E10, E11, E12, S.Lo,
Er1, Er2, Er3, Er4, Er5, EAF, SYS and Err (last error).


AUTOEXP Enter or quit error count
kV+/- Scroll counters
mAs+ kV and mAs
Reset the displayed counter

In #59 Cin program all the input-ports can be examined in the input-ports
check routine and the following internal counters for errors can be examined
and RESET in the error- exposure counter routine:


AUTOEXP Enter input-ports check routine Lo -> Hi = line ok
AUTOEXP Return to program menu
DEN+ & - Returns to SEr-mode timer shows"SEr

For information on #60 FoC focus measurement program refer to section 4.1.3
Focal spot measurement procedure.

#62 INF program prints all preprogrammed default values and all
AS A BASE ADJUSTMENT DOCUMENT. Integrated Quality Control History

In the program #63 iqc, 20 latest IQC correction coefficients can be seen.
Scroll with kV+ or kV- . The kV display shows the reference number and the
mAs display shows the coefficient. IQC-coefficient is calculated from a

New IQC-coefficient = Old IQC-coefficient * (Wanted optical

density/measured optical density)

Wanted optical density is defined in the program #64 AEC parameter d. In

IQC mode the filter change is not allowed. Filter selection is made in the
program #52 SUP parameter F (If F=2 then iqc used filter is molybdenum).

The allowed change of the coefficient is ±40%, except Germany where ±25%.
If the change is bigger a C.PS error code is seen.

January 2000 3-10 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual AEC adjustment parameters

Functional description of AEC full automatic mode

The initial kV is automatically selected based on the compressed breast

thickness. In the beginning of the exposure the first estimation of the exposure
time at initial kV is made by measuring the radiation coming through the
breast. Based on this, the kV is automatically changed up or down, if
necessary, to meet the target time. If the kV is changed, a second estimation
of the exposure time at this kV is made by measuring the radiation and the kV
is automatically changed again, if necessary, to meet the target time. After
the exposure the final kV is displayed.

The Auto kV performance can be optimized and configured according to the

user preferences. The configurable items are the initial kV (initial kV versus
breast thickness table), amount of allowable kV change (Max kV change in
Pr-mode, enter from normal mode with Den+/Den- 3sec.) and desired exposure
time range (target time). In program #64 AEC, parameter I determines the
min/max values for target time. The target time is setup in program # 65 tAr
by giving two thicknesses and the respective desired exposure times. The
target times for other thicknesses are calculated with linear estimation. The
system selects the kV so that the desired target time can be reached. The
maximum allowable kV-change is more limiting, however, and thus a different
exposure time than the target time may result.

Thickness compensation adjustment

Alpha software versions 7.27 and greater utilize a thickness compensation

method which compensates for variations in optical density (O.D) of the film.
The rotation point can be programmed. The amount of rotation and
compensation curve slopes below and above the rotation point can be
programmed separately.

Rotation point P

Rotation point is the exposure time where the O.D is adjusted correctly.
Thickness compensation is achieved by altering the exposure time around this
point. Default value is 1.00.

Amount of rotation r1 and r2

Parameters r1 and r2 determine the amount of compensation with exposure

times shorter or longer than the rotation point respectively. r1 determines the
amount of compensation at the point where exposure time is half the rotation
point. r2 determines the amount of compensation at exposure time twice the
rotation point.

The values of r1 and r2 can vary from 0.70 to 1.30. If the parameter is 1.30 it
means that exposure times are increased by 30%. If the parameter is 0.80 it
means that the exposure times are decreased by 20% etc. Default values are 1.0
for both.

31687 3-11 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

Compensation curve slope parameters S1 and S2

Parameters S1 and S2 determine the curve slope for exposure times shorter or
longer than the rotation point respectively. S1 determines the slope at the point
where exposure time is lower than the rotation point. S2 determines the
amount of compensation at exposure time higher than the rotation point. Refer
to the curves below for effects of the S parameters. The rotation point is 1.0
seconds and the amount of rotation (r1 and r2) is 0.8, 0.9, 1.1 or 1.2 (= 80%,
90%, 110%, 120%). Default values are 200 for both.

Compensation curve slope parameters S1 and S2

Parameters S1 and S2 determine the curve slope for exposure times shorter or
longer than the rotation point respectively. S1 determines the slope at the
point where exposure time is lower than the rotation point. S2 determines the
amount of compensation at exposure time higher than the rotation point. Refer
to the curves below for effects of the S parameters. The rotation point is 1.0
seconds and the amount of rotation (r1 and r2) is 0.8, 0.9, 1.1 or 1.2 (= 80%,
90%, 110%, 120%). Default values are 200 for both.
1.4 1.4
S = 700 S = 700
S = 600
1.3 S = 500 1.3 S=0
S = 350
S = 200
r2 = 1.2
1.2 S = 100 1.2
r2 = 1.1 S = 50
S=0 1.1
P = 1.0sec P = 1.0sec
1 1

0.9 0.9
r2 = 0.9 S=0
S = 50
0.8 S = 100 0.8
S = 200
S = 350 r2 = 0.8 S=0
0.7 S = 500 0.7
S = 600
S = 700 S = 700
0.6 0.6
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Exposure time / sec. Exposure time / sec.

Figure 2.33 Effect of parameter S2

1.4 1.4
S = 700
1.3 1.3
r1 = 1.2
1.2 1.2
S = 700 r1 = 1.1
1.1 1.1

P = 1.0sec P = 1.0sec
1 1

0.9 0.9
S = 700
r1 = 0.9
0.8 0.8
r1 = 0.8
0.7 0.7
S=0 S = 700
0.6 0.6
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Exposure time / sec. Exposure time / sec.

Figure 2.34 Effect of parameter S1

January 2000 3-12 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

In programs #64 AEC and #65 tAr the AEC is adjusted.

kV+&- Scroll parameters
DEN+ & - To change the value of the parameter

Parameters to be set in program #64 AEC are:

parameter range default value description

d 0.1-2.55 1.3 Wanted optical density (iqc) (only in
h 0 /23-35 27 IQC-kV programming (only in RT/IQ)
0=sensitometry based iqc, 23-
35=phantom based iqc.
I Small MIN/MAX (SF): Target time MIN/MAX values in full
focus: 0.50/5.00 automatic exposure (only in RT/IQ).
0.30-10.00 MIN/MAX (LF): NOTE: Separate target times for
Large 0.50/3.50 different Cassette holder/filter
focus: combinations.
c - - Thickness compensation parameters.
Press autorel to scroll P,r1,r2,S1,S2.
P 0.30-2.55 1.0 Rotation point of compensation curve
(Exposure time in seconds where wanted
optical density was achieved).
r1 0.30-1.30 1.0 Compensation factor for exposure times
shorter than P.
r2 0.30-1.30 1.0 Compensation factor for exposure times
longer than P.
S1 0-700 200 Compensation parameter for very short
exp times (fine tuning).
0-700 200 Compensation parameter for very long
S2 exp times (fine tuning).
g 0.20-2.00 around 1 Software gain for optical density
adjustment. Replaces the hardware gain
E 23-35 See table 2.4 in Automatic kV default tables
installation programming (Only in RT/IQ)

Parameters in program #65 tAr to be set are:

1. Target exposure time for 1.5 cm thick breast (factory default = 0.50 sec.).
2. Target exposure time for 9.5 cm thick breast (factory default = 2.40 sec.).

The software calculates the other thicknesses from these values.

31687 3-13 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

To adjust target times:

1. Go into program #65 tAr (press autoexp) You will see in density
display 0, in kV display the compressed thickness and in mAs display
the target time for the compressed thickness. You can check the target
times for different thicknesses now by driving the paddle.
2. Drive the paddle to 1.5 cm.
3. Press Autorel
4. Change the value with Den +/- buttons (Default 0.50 sec.).
5. Press Autorel to accept
6. Drive paddle to 9.5 cm
7. Change the value with Den +/- buttons (Default 2.40 sec.).
8. Press Autorel to accept. You will see PAS or ERR depending on the
new values if they were acceptable or not.

When to adjust target times:

AEC adjustment quick fix guide

Problem Probable Reason Action Comments
No contrast with Full AEC kVs with large Increase the Target time with Results in lower
large breasts breasts too high. large breast thickness. (Pr# 65 kV with large
tAr program) breasts
No contrast with full AEC kVs with small Increase the Target time with Results in lower
small breasts breasts too high. small breast thickness. (Pr# 65 kV with small
tAr program) breasts.
mAs too high, long Full AEC kVs low Decrease the Target time values Low kVs yield
exposure times long mAs
O.fl errors or Start kV too low and/or Change the full AEC kV table
maximum allowable kV (Pr# 64 AEC parameter E) or
"white images"
change too small. Increase the kV change value (Pr
EAf errors Poor connection between Check the cabling.
CPU and AEC boards.
Adjust the AEC board offset
Incorrectly adjusted AEC voltages.
offset voltages
EAf error at start up AEC board supply voltages Check the AEC board supply
problems voltages.
or autozeroing circuit does If you are using the 32315 AEC
not work at start up. board with software 7.27 or later,
you can remove the capacitor
C35 (22µF)
"white images" O.fl, U.fl or C.cn error code Check the bucky connection
(apply compression)

January 2000 3-14 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual


3.3.1 The Cable

For the cable, there are two options because there are two ways to connect a
serial port of a PC. Some older models of personal computers use a 25-pin
D-connector for serial communications while the new AT-models (286,386
etc.) use 9-pin connector. The cable for both options is illustrated below:

Choose either the 9-pin or pin 25-pin version.

To see that the communication works properly, you might want to add a pair of
LED's between GND and both data lines. This can be done with two 1000 ohm
resistors connected in series with the LEDs. The direction of leds is not
important because both (input and output) channels have voltage levels from
-12 to +12 volt.

31687 3-15 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

3.3.2 Communication protocol

The serial connection is an ordinary asynchronous receiver/transmitter.

The serial port is initialized in ALPHA III/ST/RT/IQ as follows:

1200 baud (9600 baud with 5.09 software and if Dataview is connected)
8 data bits
no parity (always 0)
1 stop bit

The effect of the 'no parity bit' and the stop bit is a total of two stop bits, so
receiving end must be configured correspondingly. The data byte looks the


The data can be received with a communications program (for example

Procomm) to PC and be printed afterwards on paper. This might be more
convenient than a printer with RS 2 because it is not a standard equipment.

3.3.3 Data formats

ALPHA III/ST/RT/IQ can send two different groups of data:

1) Diagnostic information about the system, like serial number, exposure

parameters and number of error situations. This information can be sent
to serial channel by pressing AEXP in the diA/inf-mode. This is meant
to be sent to either PC or printer. An example of this data is displayed
on the next page:

January 2000 3-16 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

INSTRUMENTARIUM Imaging, MGF 101/110 information, SW v.7.30, 01-Jan-2000

RADIATION EFFECIENCY 10.2(Mo), 08.1(Rh) mR/mAs at 25 kV
AUTOREL TIME(s): 006 SW gain for AEC-board: 1.00

IQC multiplier: 1.00 IQC MODE: NO EXPOSURE

ERROR CNT: E01 E02 E03 E04 E07 E08 E09 E10
00000 00000 00003 00000 00000 00000 00010 00005
00016 00013 00000 00000 00001 00000 00000 00000 00050 00000
kV f/s den kV f/s den kV f/s den
A= 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007 00000 00004 00007
B= 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007
C= 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007
kV f/s den kV f/s den kV f/s den
A= 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007
B= 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007
C= 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007 00004 00001 00007
kV f/s den kV f/s den kV f/s den
A= 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007
B= 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007
C= 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007
kV f/s den kV f/s den kV f/s den
A= 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007
B= 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007
C= 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007 00027 00001 00007
kV mAs kV mAs kV mAs
00027 00012 00027 00012 00028 00012
kV mAs kV mAs kV mAs
00027 00012 00027 00012 00027 00012
FULL-AEC TARGET TIME variables + limits:
BUCKY: Mo: 0.25 +0.10 0.50 3.50
BUCKY: Rh: 0.25 +0.10 0.50 3.50
MAGN: Mo: 0.25 +0.30 0.50 5.00
MAGN: Rh: 0.25 +0.30 0.50 5.00
CONTACT:Mo: 0.20 +0.20 0.50 3.70
CONTACT:Rh: 0.15 +0.20 0.40 3.50
BUCKY: Mo: 1.00 1.00 1.00 250 250
BUCKY: Rh: 1.00 1.00 1.00 250 250
MAGN: Mo: 1.00 1.00 1.00 250 250
MAGN: Rh: 1.00 1.00 1.00 250 250
CONTACT:Mo: 1.00 1.00 1.00 250 250
CONTACT:Rh: 1.00 1.00 1.00 250 250
mm: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Mo: 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Rh: 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Mo: 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30
Rh: 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30
Mo: 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 28
Rh: 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 28
EPROM CHECKSUM: Calc = 52255 Set = 52255

31687 3-17 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

2) After each exposure the exposure data is sent to serial port if the L-
parameter (in SETUP) is > 0. If the L-parameter (in SETUP) is 1 the
data is printed on one line, for example:

0123, OK ,B,FULL

02693 Exposure counter

01429 integration time
335 exposure time
027 kV
00234 true mAs
7 programmed density
7 density
1 film/screen
100 IQC -multiplier
080 compression thickness
150 compression force
001 angle of C-Arm
Rh Filter
00123 dose
OK error code
B technique ( M / N )
FULL exposure mode (SEMI / MAN / IQC)

If the L-parameter (in SETUP) is > 1 the printout is:

B Rh 0.02s 28kV 002mAs +0 HOSPITALxNAMEx

6.5cm 200N 180^/R 0.06mGy CODExxxxxxxxxx
___/___/___ R1 12345 RADIOLOGISTxxx
_________________________ DEPARTMENTxxxx

B Bucky / Cassette tunnel / Magnification
Rh Rhodium / Molybdenum filter
+0 Density correction
28kV kV
002mAs mAs
0.02s Exposure time
6.5cm Breast thickness
200N Compression force
180^/R C-arm tilt angle, ^= degrees (), to the /Right or /Left
0.06mGy Average patient dose
___/___/___ Date is handwritten after printing the label
R1 Site of the detector (L1, L2, C1, C2, C3, C4, R1, R2)
12345 Exposure counter, up till 99999
_____________________ Patient name is handwritten after printing the label

January 2000 3-18 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

If the L-parameter is 2 the consecutive labels are printed 5 rows apart

If the L-parameter is 3 the consecutive labels are printed 3 rows apart
L=4 and L=5 include exposure information and are used for testing purposes


3.4.1 Process controller The CPU BOARD

The CPU board is the heart of ALPHA III/ST/RT/IQ. It controls every
function in the unit, except the ROTATIONAL BRAKE. The 8031
microprocessor on the CPU board controls kV GENERATION ,mA
GENERATION (via the FILAMENT CONTROL board) and the rest of the
functions through latches and buffers directly and uses a keyboard controller
(8279) to handle the control panel..

The I/O-control (latches and buffers) controls the vertical drive motor,
compression motor, bucky, anode motor, foot switches, microswitch reading,
and the AEC. The 8279 reads and decodes the control panel switches, as well
as drives the control panel display.

Exposure times in both manual and AEC mode are calculated and controlled
by software and the microprocessor.

31687 3-19 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


January 2000 3-20 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

3.4.2 User interface Switch and microswitch reading

The control panel switches on the ALPHA III/ST/RT/IQ are configured in a
row/column matrix (fig. 3.1) that is strobed and read by the CPU board. D15
on the CPU board is an 8279, which is a keyboard controller. It will strobe
each column looking for a return on one of the rows, which it will only find
when a switch is pressed. For example, if the circled switch is closed, the
resulting timing chart will be as given in fig. 3.2.

S0 S1 S2 S7 S0


R0 S2
R1 S4

R2 S6
R7 R3

This will let the CPU know that the switch S2/R0 is pressed. The software
defines that the switch is the kV-button and decreases the kVref on the PULSE

The hand switch (exposure button) signal is fed through the CPU board to the
pulse board where it becomes an enable for the exposure circuitry before it is
fed back to the CPU board as signal EXP2 on connector X5 pin 9. This allows
the operator to stop the exposure in the event of a CPU board malfunction. Collimator lamp operation

When the COMPRESSION DOWN switch is activated, in addition to the CPU
turning on the compression motor, it also sends a signal called PROJ RELAY,
and starts a software timer. The PROJ RELAY signal is fed to the SUPPLY
board where it activates relay K1 turning on the collimator lamp. The lamp is
shut off when the timer runs out ( about 8 sec.) or the hand switch is pressed
and the exposure sequence is started.

31687 3-21 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Cassette sensing CASOPTO BOARD

Cassette sensing is accomplished by using two (one in optipoint) optical
sensors (fig. 3.3). Each sensor has two halves, an infrared source and an
infrared detector.

Figure 3.3. Cassette sensing

The cassette bottom forms the reflective surface needed. There is a green LED
which comes on to indicate that the cassette is being sensed and the CASNOR-
signal is sent to the CPU. Cassette holder sensing CSENSE BOARD

The cassette holder sensor has four reed relays in it, three of them (CHL,CHR
and K4) are used to decode cassette holders for the CPU. The fourth read relay
(CHON) ensures the cassette holder is completely attached. The identification
is done with magnets attached to the holders.

CHL CHR For small cass. holder and small

Cas holder 1 1 bucky the K4 is also activated
Bucky 0 1
Mag box 1 0
Stereotact 0 0

0 = Not activated
1 = Activated

CSense Board:

January 2000 3-22 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual


X-ray generator block diagram

The generator of the unit is a modern, constant power, high frequency,

feedback-controlled DC x-ray generator consisting of the following parts:

1. Inverter board
2. Filament Control board
3. High voltage unit
4. Anode motor drive (AMD) board
5. Mains transformer
6. Energy storage capacitor
7. Tube housing

Technical specifications are:

Input power: 3500 W ( 6500 VA) max

Output power: 2500 W max
Output voltage : 20 - 35 kV
Output current : 10 - 100 mA
Frequency: 20 - 90 kHz
Line voltage: 220/ 240 „ 10% 50/60Hz
IRMS(rest): 1A
IRMS(exposure): 30 A
Ipeak: 55 A

31687 3-23 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III INVERTER BOARD

The INVERTER Board controls the high voltage (kV) generation. The kV
level is digitally set by the CPU board.

The Inverter Board contains a high voltage and a low voltage section. The high
voltage section is isolated from the low voltage section with pulse transformers
TF1, TF2 and relays K1,K2.

WARNING! Voltages in the high voltage part of the INVERTER Board are deadly.
The peak to peak voltage exceeds 700V in normal operation.

High voltage section:

The high voltage section consists of a MOSFET transistor H-bridge which

converts the rectified line voltage (+310 VDC) into high frequency current.
This current is taken to the HIGH VOLTAGE UNIT where it is transformed
into high voltage. The inductors L1, L2 and capacitor C8 act as parts of
resonant circuit which shapes the bridge current. The RMS value of the
current is controlled by the H-bridge's operating frequency. The MOSFET
driving pulses are generated at the low voltage section of the board and are
provided by the pulse transformers TF1 and TF2.

TF3 is a current transformer which monitors the bridge current. If the bridge
current exceeds the pre-adjusted current limit the control circuit in the low
voltage section turns the MOSFETs off.


The line voltage is applied through the connector X1. When an exposure is
initiated, relays K1 and K2 provide the rest of the board with line voltage.
Relays K1 and K2 are activated with signals RG1 and RG2 respectively. K1
applies voltage to the bridge rectifier D3 through the current limiting resistor
R1 which allows controlled charging of the energy storage capacitor
(connected to X2). K2 is activated approximately 0.8 seconds later and
provides the circuit with full power. Finally, the activation of the EXPENA
signal (TP17) enables the H-bridge drive circuitry.

Low voltage section:

kV control:
The high voltage is regulated by adjusting the H-bridge's operating frequency.
This is done by comparing the feedback signal (HVFB) from the high voltage
unit with the reference from the CPU BOARD and taking the error signal to
the frequency modulator circuit (ICA1, ICA4, ICD1, ICD2). The output is
taken to ICA5 and ICA6 which drive the pulse transformers TF1 and TF2.

January 2000 3-24 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

EXPENA signal:
An exposure is initiated by the CPU BOARD by activation of the EXPENA
signal. This enables pulse transformer drivers (ICA5, ICA6) and allows the
kV reference signal to rise providing "soft start".

TUBEFAIL signal:
TUBEFAIL signal is activated if the kVFB signal does not reach the kV
reference. This typically occurs during a high voltage breakdown. A
SHUTDOWN for the kV control is provided. As the high voltage breakdown
is characteristic to x-ray tubes, and hence may occur during normal operation,
the exposure is continued with a new activation of the EXPENA signal. The
CPU Board allows three (3) tube failures per exposure before an error
message (E02) is displayed.

Test Switch:
Test switch S1 allows an exposure sequence to continue regardless of the
kVFB signal. In "TEST" position the TUBEFAIL signal is forced down .

Note! The Test Switch S1 should always be at "NORMAL" position whenever

the high voltage part of the INVERTER BOARD is energized. Failing to
do this may damage the INVERTER BOARD, HIGH VOLTAGE UNIT
and the X-RAY TUBE.

An exposure without X-rays:

It is possible to check the operation of kV control circuitry without X-rays.

1. Unplug the connector X1

2. Set the test switch S1 to "TEST" position
3 Unplug the connector X4 on the FILAMENT CONTROL Board
4. Set the test switch on FILAMENT CONTROL Board to "TEST"
5. Set the jumper X8 ("FBSEL") on the FILAMENT CONTROL
Board to position 1-2 (left hand position)
6. Initiate the exposure

The control circuitry is driving the MOSFETS with the minimum frequency
(app. 20kHz).

Back Up Timer:
The Back Up Timer is located on the FILAMENT CONTROL BOARD and it
disables both the +34REL voltage and the EXPENA signal providing a
SHUTDOWN approximately fifteen (15) seconds after the activation of the
EXPENA signal. This is a safety feature only and does not affect normal

31687 3-25 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

kV reference:
The level of the used kV is set by the CPU BOARD with signals DATA0 -
DATA7. This 8 bit digital word contains the kV reference . The kV reference
is converted into an analog signal in D/A converter ICA2 (TP24).

The analog kV reference (TP24) and the kV feedback (TP22) signals

correspond to actual kV as follows: kV = DVM read-out * 10 kV

For example, if the digital multimeter (DVM) read-out is 2.5 V the actual high
voltage is 25kV.

kV adjustment:
The calibration of the kV is done by adjusting the D/A converter's (ICA2)
reference voltage with trimmer potentiometer R63.

Note! The kV calibration is performed at the factory. The trimmer

potentiometer R63 is sealed . Manipulation of the potentiometer can be
carried out by authorized personnel only. Improper settings of the
potentiometer can damage the INVERTER BOARD, HIGH VOLTAGE

External indicators:
Connector X6 provides relay contacts for X-ray system status indication. X6
pins 1 and 2 are short circuited when the unit is on. X6 pins 3 and 4 are short
circuited when X-rays are being generated. The contacts are rated for 5A,
24VDC /240VAC.

High Voltage fuse in the INVERTER BOARD (F1) is to protect the board in
case of a short circuit.
-F1 20 AF /500V High voltage!

List of LED indicators

LED indicator Signal

H1 +310VDC
H2 EXPENA signal
H3 Bridge Current
H4-H5 Pulse A (MOSFET drive pulses)
H6-H7 Pulse B (MOSFET drive pulses)
H8 +15V
H9 +34V
H10 -15V
H11 +25V
H12 +34VREL

January 2000 3-26 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

List of Test Points

Test Point Signal
TP1 +310V GND High voltage!
TP2 +310 VDC High voltage!
TP3 High voltage!
TP4 High Voltage!
TP5-TP7 MOSFET gate High Voltage!
TP8-TP10 MOSFET gate High voltage!
TP11-TP13 MOSFET gate High voltage!
TP14-TP16 MOSFET gate High Voltage!
TP17 EXPENA signal
TP18 SHUTDOWN signal
TP20 Operating frequency
TP21 Pulse A
TP22 kV Feedback
TP23 Pulse B
TP24 kV Reference
TP26 +34V
TP27 +15V
TP30 -15V
TP31 -34V
TP32 +34VREL
TP33 +25V

Schematics, Layouts

Refer to the documents in section 7. The high voltage unit

In the secondary of the high voltage transformer, there is a voltage doubler. As
one half of the inverter is conducting, secondary current flows through one set
of diodes, charging one of the 1.2 nF capacitors in the tank. When the other
half is conducting, the current flows through the other set of diodes and
charges the other 1.2 nF capacitor. Since the capacitors are connected in series,
the voltage across the capacitors is double the voltage of secondary. There is a
450 Mohm resistor connected to the high voltage output forming the upper leg
of the voltage division. On the Inverter board is the lower leg over which the
control circuit measures the voltage. The modulator compares this voltage to
that of a reference and changes the output frequency, if necessary, to maintain
the proper kV.

The output of the hV-unit is directly connected to the anode of the tube with a
high voltage cable. The unit also contains a rubber bottle because of the
expansion of oil volume due to rising temperature.

31687 3-27 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III mA generation timing

mA generation timing is controlled with four signals: FOCUS, PREHEAT,
PREH and EXT. FOCUS is a latch output which changes state depending on
whether the mag-box (small focal spot) or either the bucky or cassette tunnel
(large focal spot) is attached to the machine. It selects which mA feedback
resistor is used on the FILAMENT CONTROL board and which filament is
energized. PREHEAT becomes active 55 milliseconds after the hand switch is
depressed. It powers relay K2 on the FILAMENT CONTROL board and
supplies power to the filament transformer TR1. During the time between
PREHEAT and EXT, the pulse width modulator (ICA8) uses filament voltage
as its feedback voltage. The feedback voltage is gain is controlled with
trimmer potentiometers R28 and R96 to achieve proper tube current rise at the
beginning of an exposure. (See PREHEAT ADJUSTMENT in the Adjustments
& Alignments Section).

When EXT goes active, actual exposure begins. We are now no longer
interested in filament voltage; now, we must regulate tube current. To
accomplish this, the common of the filaments is connected to ground through
one of the feedback resistors (R77 or R78) on the FILAMENT board. This
signal called mA FEEDBACK (MAFB) is now fed to the pulse width
modulator by the analog switch (ICA10). Its output was switched from
filament voltage to MAFB with the signal PREH. The PREH signal is
activated approximately 7 ms after the EXT signal. The duty cycle of the
pulse width will vary depending on what is required to maintain proper mA. FILAMENT CONTROL BOARD

The CPU board begins the mA generation cycle when it sees the EXP2 signal
from the FILAMENT CONTROL Board. The EXP2 is activated from the
exposure button. The control of the mA and kV are handled through the serial
to parallel converter / latch (ICD3). The latch is configured to have four major

1. Control/Timing
2. Serial output back to the CPU board
3. kV reference
4. mA reference

kV reference
The kV reference is converted into eight (8) parallel DATA bits which contain
the kV reference information for the INVERTER BOARD. The kV reference
occupies ICD3 pins 23 through 30.

mA reference
The mA reference is converted into eight (8) parallel DATA bits which contain
the mA reference information. The mA reference occupies ICD3 pins 11
through 18.

January 2000 3-28 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

mA control:
The mA control adjusts the X-ray tube's filament heating level to provide the
desired tube current (mA). This is done by regulating the filament voltage
with "FLYBACK" type pulse width modulated switch mode power supply (T1,
T2, TR1, D6, C12, ICA8). The control circuitry utilizes current mode control
which provides better stabilization and protects the semiconductor switches
against over current.

The operation consists of two consecutive sequences: the preheat sequence and
normal mA control sequence. The preheat sequence is used for heating of the
filament to the desired level prior to the exposure, in order to achieve optimum
mA rise at the start up. During the preheat sequence the control feedback
comes from the filament voltage, and during an exposure the mAFB signal is
used, providing the actual tube current monitoring.

Preheat adjustment:
The Preheat adjustment is done separately for large and small focus with
trimmer potentiometers R28 and R96 respectively. (See PREHEAT
ADJUSTMENT in the Adjustments & Alignments Section) The FOCUS
signal selects the corresponding trimmer with relay K3. During the preheat
adjustment measure the tube current from TP4.

EXT signal:
The EXT signal enables the kV generation.

FOCUS signal:
The FOCUS signal changes the mA feedback circuit according to the selected
X-ray tube focal spot size. It also changes the filament that is being powered.
When FOCUS signal is high (led H1) a small focus (0.1) is selected.

PREH signal:
The PREH signal changes the filament control mode from preheat to normal
exposure. The jumper X8 is used to disable the PREH signal during testing.

PREHREL signal:
A preheat sequence is initiated before each exposure (before activation of the
EXT signal) with the PREHREL signal. This activates the relay K2, providing
+34V input voltage for the filament power supply and the INVERTER
BOARD. The PREHREL signal enables the mA control circuit also.

mA feedback:
Feedback voltage to the filament power supply controller ICA8 is selected
with the analog switches ICA10. The source depends on the control signal
EXT as follows:


preheat sequence passive (0V) Filament voltage
normal exposure active (+15V) mA feedback
stand by passive (0V) Filament voltage

31687 3-29 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

Jumper X8:
The jumper X8 is used for keeping the filament control in preheat mode during
the whole exposure. This is intended for testing purposes only. The jumper
should normally short circuit pins 2 and 3 (right hand position) Note: Always
remember to leave the jumper in the right hand position after servicing the

mACHK signal
Comparator ICA6 monitors the mA feedback signal and activates the mAOk
signal when mA is present.

Buzzer (BZ1) is activated with signal RG2. It indicates that X-rays are being
generated. (Note: The buzzer is activated during an exposure without X-rays
also; see section

C-arm angle measurement

The c-arm angle measurement is done with a potentiometer in the c-arm brake
assembly. The potentiometer gives a voltage proportional to the angle. This
voltage is taken to the 12 bit, serial mode analog to digital converter ICA12.
The control signals and data signal comes from the CPU board to connector

FB MISS signal
The FB MISS signal is activated if the feedback cable is not connected. This is
to protect the high voltage transformer in case the feedback connector is
accidentally left open. Activation of this signal disables the EXP2 signal to the
CPU board. This feature requires that the unit has cabling that short circuits
pins 1 and 2 in X4. If the unit does not have that kind of cabling you can use
the board if you install a jumper connector X11 that grounds the pin 2.

Back Up Timer:
The Back Up Timer disables both the K2 and the EXPENA signal for the
INVERTER Board providing a SHUTDOWN approximately fifteen (15)
seconds after the activation of the EXT signal. This is a safety feature only and
does not affect normal operation.

Test Switch:
The test switch S1 allows an exposure sequence to continue regardless of the
mAOK' signal which indicates that tube current is present.

X-ray tube bias

The filament is biased by having the tube current going trough a bias resistor (
0, 220 or 300 ohms).The value of the resistor is determined at the factory
separately for each tube and should therefore not be changed or modified.

January 2000 3-30 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

Supply voltages:
The +15 V supply voltage is regulated from the +34 V with switching
regulator ICA11, and the -15 V is regulated from the -34V with linear
regulator ICA9.

Fuses: Fuses F1 and F2 protect the board in case of short circuits

- F1 6,3 AT (=slow), 6,3 x 32 mm

- F2 6,3 AT (=slow), 6,3 x 32 mm

List of LED LED

indicators indicator Signal

H2 Filament voltage
H3 TubeFail signal (E02 error)
H4 PrehRel
H5 RG1
H6 RG2
H8 +15V
H9 +34V
H10 -15V

List of Test Points Test Point Signal

TP1 Filament Voltage

TP2 MosFet gate
TP3 Filament Feedback
TP4 mA Feedback
TP5 PrehRel
TP8 EXT signal

TP9 +34V
TP10 +15V
TP11 -15V
TP14 -34V
TP15 mA Reference

Schematics, Layouts

Refer to the documents in section 7

31687 3-31 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Anode motor drive AMD BOARD

The unit utilizes a rotating anode tube. The anode plate is accelerated with 230
VAC before the emission of electrons from cathode. During exposure, stator
needs a certain running voltage (40-100 VAC), and after exposure the anode
plate can be braked.

All this is done with the phase control of a triac (V1). The control element is
Telefunken TEA1007 (A7). Acceleration is achieved directly with mains
voltage. During exposure, the firing angle of the triac is set to a level that
corresponds the required RMS voltage. Braking is done by half wave rectified
mains voltage. Acceleration and braking times are approx. 1 second. Safety
features are also taken into account by monitoring the current of the triac.
Should errors be detected, the microprocessor does not allow exposures. The
exchange of information between the microprocessor and this board is
optoisolated because the anode motor drive board is floating on mains voltage. Mains transformer

The power and control side of the unit uses only one 50/60 Hz transformer. It
is a two slot 120 VA EI transformer. The first slot contains primary 220 V and
secondary 15 V for the protection circuit of the power transistors ( this is done
because the protection circuit is floating on mains voltage ), the second slot
contains the actual secondary 2 x 24 V for AUX POWER. A grounded static
shield is situated between these slots. Energy storage capacitor

The energy storage capacitor is used for smoothing the rectified mains voltage
fed to the POWER board. It is an aluminum electrolytic capacitor 2200 uF /
400 V with a 4K7 /11W bleeder resistor. Motor phase shift capacitor

The motor phase shift capacitor is needed to rotate the anode plate. Its
capacitance is 40 uF / 450 V. Tube housing assembly

Contains expansion systems and thermal switches and tube insert. X-ray tube bias circuit (M101G)

The filament of the M101G X-ray tube is biased by having the tube current
going trough a bias resistor (0, 220 or 300 ohms).The value of the resistor is
determined at the factory separately for each tube and should therefore not be
changed or modified.

January 2000 3-32 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

31687 3-33 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

3.4.4 Motor control Motor control - general

As you can see from the block diagram to the left, all interfacing between the
microprocessor and the motors is handled by 8255 peripheral controllers (D8
and D16) on the CPU board. The one exception to this is BHOME signal,
which goes directly to the 8031.

The microprocessor writes to and reads from the 8255 when its chip select (pin
6) is active. Information is transferred back and forth on the data bus. Because
of this, the outputs of the 8255 are the effective origin of the signals, and the
inputs to it are effectively the final destination of all the signals. C&Z DRIVER BOARD

This board controls the compression and vertical drive motors (also called C-
and Z movements). It also provides regulated +24V dc-voltage to the bucky.

Both C- and Z- motors are +24V dc-motors which are driven with pulse width
modulated (PWM) power supplies that can provide variable voltage control
thus enabling a rough speed control. Each drive circuit consists of control
circuit and two power transistors. The output voltage consists of +34 Volt
pulses whose width determines the RMS voltage of the motor. This voltage is
proportional to the reference voltage applied to the control circuitry. The
operating frequency for both drives is app. 30kHz.

Carriage motor (Z-motor)

This is also called vertical drive motor. The vertical drive has two speeds.
The movement is started with slow speed that allows accurate positioning of
the carriage. After app. 2 seconds the faster speed is activated.

The CPU controls the vertical movement with two signals:

ZDIR signal:
This signal sets the status of the relay K3. It determines the polarity of Z-
motor voltage that is, the direction of the carriage.

ZRUN signal:
This signal activates the PWM circuit (ICA5) which applies voltage to the
motor. The RC circuit R60 and C21 determine the slow speed time interval.

Lower Limit, Upper Limit

These signals provide a way to limit the movement. When Lower/Upper Limit
signal is low only upwards/downwards direction is enabled. This is for future

January 2000 3-34 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

Compression motor (C-motor)

The compression motor has three different speeds: fixed high speed up,
trimmer potentiometer controlled high speed down and trimmer potentiometer
controlled low speed down. The purpose of these speeds is to provide "soft"
compression. This is done by reducing the speed of the compression paddle as
soon as the paddle reaches the breast.

The control of the compression is done by monitoring the compression motor's

current which gives us a rough idea of what the actual torque of the motor is.
The current of the motor is measured with resistor R29 and then compared to
two predetermined threshold levels. The first threshold level, speed threshold,
determines the force that the speed of the compression is reduced. Turn the
trimmer potentiometer R43 to set this level. The second threshold level,
current limit, determines the final compression force. Turn the trimmer
potentiometer R33 to set the compression force.

The CPU controls the compression movement with following signals:

CDIR signal:
This signal sets the status of the relay K1. It determines the polarity of the C-
motor voltage that is, the direction of the compression paddle.

CRUN signal:
This signal activates the PWM circuit (ICA4) which applies voltage to the
motor. The reference voltage is selected from three different speed references
with analog switch ICD5. The choice depends on the direction of the
compression paddle and the speed threshold level.

SPEED signal: (for future purposes)

This signal enables the CPU to reduce the compression speed regardless of the
speed threshold level.

CMAN signal:
This signal activates the relay K2 which connects diode D10 across the motor
terminals. The purpose of this diode is to prevent the motor from rotating when
the breast is under compression.

+24Vin Bucky:
Linear regulator ICA6 provides regulated +24V dc-voltage to bucky control

31687 3-35 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

Adjustment of the compression speeds:

1. Adjust the high speed compression to app. 11cm /5 seconds.

2. Turn trimmer R43 until only low speed is on.
3. Adjust the low speed compression down to app. 7cm /5 seconds
4. Adjust the trimmer pot R43 so that the paddle switches to low speed
when it reaches the breast. Make sure the paddle travels in high speed
(free air) at all angles. If not increase the speed threshold level.
5. Adjust the final compression force with trimmer R33. The compression
force limit can be adjusted by software setting in service program
(version 7.36 and up). In this case compression force with trimmer R33
is adjusted to be 25 kg and force stop has been set by software.

List of LED:s: LED Signal

H1 +34Vdc
H2 +15Vdc
H3 +24Vdc for bucky
H4 C-motor voltage
H5 Z-motor voltage
H6 Upper Limit
H7 Lower Limit

List of testpoints: Test point Signal

TP1 +34Vdc
TP2 +15Vdc
TP3 +24Vdc for bucky
TP4 low speed reference
TP5 high speed reference
TP6 speed reference paddle up
TP7 vertical drive speed reference
TP8, TP9 C-motor voltage
TP10, TP11 Z-motor voltage

Schematics and layouts: Refer to section 7. Back up release

The units are equipped with a compression back up feature. If the line voltage
suddenly disappears the compression paddle is driven up. This is implemented
with a back up transformer in the back of the unit. The back up transformer is
energized whenever the unit is connected to the line supply. This back up
transformer provides power for the relay K4 on the Filament Control board.
When this relay is powered the compression motor is driven normally. When
the relay is not activated the motor is driven upwards with the voltage in the
capacitors C20 -C31 on the Filament Control board. The status of the relay K4
is indicated with a LED next to the main switch.

January 2000 3-36 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual Anode motor

After the hand switch has been depressed, the microprocessor will signal the
8255 (D8) on the CPU board to output four signals that are ANSTART,
ANENA, ANRUN and ANSTOP. ANRUN is the first signal to go active, it is
normally high to extend opto coupler life on the ANODE MOTOR DRIVER
(AMD). It will go low in preparation for the ANENA signal so there is no
arching when K1 relay on the AMD is pulled. After ANENA has enabled the
anode motor, ANRUN goes high supplying the motor with 40 V. Seventy
milliseconds later ANSTART goes low turning on the opto coupler A4, which
pulls pin 6 of the motor controller (A7) high. This turns the triac V1
completely on supplying the rotor with 220 VAC. After nearly 1.5 seconds of
boosting, ANSTART goes high again ending the boost phase so the voltage
applied to the rotor drops back down to 40 V. After the exposure is finished,
ANRUN goes low removing all power from the rotor so there will be no
arching when ANSTOP pulls relay K2 to remove the phase shift capacitor and
winding from the circuitry for the braking.

An anode brake can be selected in the SETUP mode.

The braking is done by applying a half wave rectified voltage to the main
stator winding. This produces a stationary magnetic field acting on the rotor.
The phase shift winding does not get any voltage.

After the relay K2 has settled, ANRUN goes high again applying 40V half
wave rectified voltage to the stator. To begin braking shortly after that
ANSTART goes low applying the full 220 V half wave rectified voltage to the

STARTOK and RUNOK are two signals that the CPU monitors on during the
boost and run phase respectively. They will go low if the voltage during each
phase falls between the window set up by the two comparators for each signal. Bucky motor

At the beginning of the exposure, the CPU checks that the grid is in its proper
position using the bucky home signal coming from the BUCKY CONTROL
board. The proper position is just after the reversal of the grid direction. After
this and about 100 milliseconds before the exposure, the bucky on signal (pin 7
of X1) goes high, which pulls the relay K1 and thus connects the bucky motor
to the BUCKY CONTROL board.

The BUCKY CONTROL board uses a photo interrupter to sense the position
of the grid. The input photodiode of this sensor is connected between pins 5
and 6 of X3, and the output photo-transistor is connected across pins 3 and 4 of
X3 on the board. During the normal speed, the phototransistor conducts and
thus grounds the base of transistor V7 and connects the bucky motor to the
adjustable output of A1. Just before the change of the grid direction the
phototransistor stops conducting, and the bucky motor is connected to a higher
voltage through relay K2 thus making the change of the direction as quick as
possible. After the change the speed returns to normal again.

After the exposure the grid is driven back to the proper position.

31687 3-37 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

3.4.5 Automatic exposure control (AEC) AEC - general

There AEC consists basically of three parts to the circuit, the DETECTOR, the
AEC board and the CPU board. The Detector

The detector is a package containing 34 diodes connected in parallel. As X-ray
strikes the diodes, they begin to leak current from the cathode to anode. The
amount of current each diode leaks is related to the amount of X-ray it
receives. Since the diodes are connected in parallel, the total current draw of
the detector is the total of all diodes current draw. AEC BOARD

There are four basic connections to the AEC board. The main power is
connected to X1, unregulated +18VDC supply to X1/1, analog ground to X1/2
and unregulated -18VDC supply to X1/3. The detector connects to X2
(cathode), X3 (detector shield) and X4 (anode). The detector can be measured
as a diode.

The connector X6 is for static shield. The purpose of the shield is to protect the
phototimer board from major electrical interferences and X-rays.

The CPU is connected with the phototimer through connectors X1/8

(AUTOEXP, information from the CPU) and X1/7 (AECFRQ information to
the CPU). The CPU also provides the +5VDC supply through X1/5 = +5VDC,
X1/6 = ground.

The signal from the detector is taken to the first amplifier ICA1 which is the
preamplifier. Besides amplifying it also does the current to voltage conversion.
Trimpot R2 is for adjusting the offset voltage of ICA1.
(NOTE: adjusted to 0 - offset in the factory)

January 2000 3-38 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

The second amplifier A2 has a smaller gain which is adjustable to take into
account differences between detectors, x-ray tubes and film/screen
combinations. Trimpot R6 is for adjusting the offset voltage of A2.
(NOTE: adjusted to 0 - offset in the factory)

The AEC board replaces the phototimer board in the units manufactured since
December 1994). In the AEC board the signal from the detector is taken to
voltage to frequency converter after amplification. The software for this board
is 7.xx or higher (6.35 and 6.55 also). The CPU board needs to be of version
1.2 or higher. The CPU

The CPU board looks at the pulses from the AEC board. The frequency of
these pulses represents the radiation through the breast. The CPU converts the
frequency into a variable called INTEGRATION time. The microprocessor
plugs this time into a formula and calculates the exposure time. Integration
time has a nonlinear effect on the exposure time, which is important to keep in
mind when making adjustments.

31687 3-39 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


3.5.1 Mains transformer and SUPPLY board

T1 T2

220V 24V
220V 24V

240V 240V

24V 15V
260V 260V

Figure 3.5.1 Mains transformer connections

The SUPPLY board supplies all the voltages that are not used to produce
X-rays. The collimator bulb voltage is on newer models regulated with a triac
and why the voltage should be measured with the voltage meter at the

3.5.2 CPU board

A block diagram of CPU board is in figure 3.7.

Intel 80C32 (in version 1.07 and below 80C31) (ICD1) microprocessor
running at a clock frequency of 12 MHz is used as the nucleus of the CPU

Port 0 of the processor is used as a combined data bus and the lower half of the
address bus. Port 2 is used as the upper half of the address bus. Circuit ICD27
(74HC373) latches the address code into the address bus when the external
memory fetch is used. Circuit ICD21 (74HC245) with programmable Gate
Array Logic (GAL) circuit ICD22 (22V10), ICD7 (74HC32) and processor
signals PSEN,ALE, WR and RD control the direction of data transmission in
the data bus/lower half of the address bus.

Because the EA-pin of the processor is tied low, all the instructions are fetched
from the external memory. The printed circuit board includes three IC-sockets
for program chips. One is for the program memory circuit (ICD16) and the
second is for static RAM circuit (ICD14). The third is for a nonvolatile
memory EEPROM (ICD15).

January 2000 3-40 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

ICD22 (GAL 22V10) is used as an address decoder for data memory and
I/O-circuitry (ICD8, ICD12, ICD13, ICD18, ICD19, ICD23, ICD26 and half of
the ICD5). The address-map of the system can be presented:

0000 - FFFF program memory (64k)

8000 - 9FFF nonvolatile memory (8k)

A000 - CFFF I/O
D000 - EFFF data memory
F000 - FFFF not used

ICD8 (8279) is a keyboard/display controller which independently takes care

of user interface and displays of the unit.

CPU has six 8-bit I/O ports. Three of them is configured as inputs and the rest
three as outputs

The RESET and WATCHDOG circuitry consists of ICA2 (TL7705A).

31687 3-41 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


The block diagram of DISPLAY board is presented in figure 3.5.3



Figure 3.5.3 Block diagram of DISPLAY board

The DISPLAY board is located in the control box and is connected by a cable
to the controller circuit D15 (8279), which is located in the CPU board.

This board includes circuits D1 (ULN2003A), D2 and D3 (74HC138). D1 is a

segment driver for the LEDs (light emitting diodes) and the seven segment
displays. D2 and D3 are decoders, with which the controller selects the digits.

Signals from the keyboard are conducted via this board to an 8279 controller


This board controls the functions of compression (C) motor and vertical
movement (Z) motor. C&Z-drive board also supplies the voltage for the bucky.

January 2000 3-42 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

3.5.5 CD-BOARD
This board is installed in Alpha MT only. The CD-board measures the breast
thickness. The signal is sent to the CPU board which controls the display on
the CD board. All information is passed through a serial link. On the CD board
locates also the electronic for the beam filter selection and the driver circuit for
the filter change motor.


This board is installed in ALPHA RT/IQ only. It measures the compression
thickness and force and controls the displays on the c-arm. It also controls the
motor that drives the beam filter change mechanism.

The C-arm Control board is based on Intel 80C32 micro controller. It has a
software of its own which is independent from the Alpha software on the CPU
board. The only requirement is that the Alpha software is of version 7.01 or

The C-arm Control board communicates with the CPU board with a serial link.
An error in this communication is indicated as E.12 error on the control panel.

The C-arm Control board is divided into digital part and analog part. The
digital part controls the i/o signals and c-arm display board. The analog part
measures the compression thickness and force and drives the filter motor.

The compression force is measured with strain gages in the compression

mechanism. The signal is brought to the amplifier ICA4. The offset voltage of
the amplifier must be set to 500mV when there is no strain on the compression
paddle. The voltage is measured between testpoints TP5 and TP6.

List of LED indicators

LED indicator signal


H3 +5V
H4 RST (reset)

List of testpoints
Testpoints signal

TP1 +25V
TP2 +5V
TP4 Compression thickness measurement
TP5 Compression force measurement
(amplifier offset voltage- set to 500mV)

31687 3-43 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


This board is installed in ALPHA RT/IQ only. It contains 8 seven segment
displays, two LEDs to indicate which beam filter is selected and a filter change
switch. The seven segment displays are controlled by ICD4 on C-arm Control
board. The LEDs and the switch are handled by regular i/o- control on C-arm
Control board.

January 2000 3-44 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual



4.1.1 Half-value layer (HVL) measurement

Test equipment required: Radiation meter
0.1 mm Aluminum Plates (Alloy 1100)

Enter the service mode by simultaneously pressing the kV- and density-
buttons and holding them for 3 seconds. Insert the 18 x 24 diaphragm into its
mount. Collimate the X-ray beam by a lead plate with a hole placed close the
tube and restrict the beam to an area slightly larger than the ionization
chamber. Use 25 kV and measure the radiation using 0 - 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4

Plot your data on the chart and connect data points with a line. Take the 0.0
mmAl reading and divide it by two. Find where that reading would intersect
your graph and determine the half-value layer from the aluminum axis. Use
mAs that gives you about 400 mR with 0 mmAl.


NOTE! HVL @ 25 kV MUST be more than .25 mmAl, and should be less than .35

Table 4.1. HVL measurement chart

31687 4-1 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

4.1.2 Tube efficiency check on the cassette holder

Test equipment required: Radiation meter

Center the radiation meter on the image receptor so that its ion chamber is as
close as possible to the chest wall edge of the image receptor.

Place a piece of lead under the meter to block back scatter.

For small focal spot testing, remove the image receptor. The "MAGN" light in
the control panel will lit up, make the exposures in service mode For large
focus, insert a cassette holder and make the measurements on the cassette
holder top.

Enter the service mode by simultaneously pressing the kV- and density-
buttons and holding them for 3 seconds.

Make exposures as directed by the table below, comparing your results with
the data given on the table 4.2.

25 3-9 3-9
29 8 - 15 7 - 14
35 16 - 23 10 - 18

Table 4.2. Tube efficiency

+ All exposures are 100 mAs without the paddle!

+ If the output of the tube consistently falls below the desired level, check kV,
mA, preheat.

January 2000 4-2 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

4.1.3 Focal spot measurement procedure

Test equipment required: Star phantom
Special focal spot measurement
Measurement of Large Focus

Insert a bucky or a cassette holder.

Enter service mode by simultaneously pressing kV- and density- buttons and
holding them until the timer display shows "ser".

Press density+ and density- buttons simultaneously until the timer display
shows "51 Pr"

Press kV+ button until the timer display shows "Foc" which is the focal spot
measurement mode. Press autoexp to enter the program. The exposure
parameters are automatically adjusted according to the table below.

Focus Insert kV mA T.exp.

Large focus M101G 28 50 0.1
M107 25 70 0.1
M101, M113 25 80 0.1
Small focus M101/M107 25 10 0.3

The default setting of the Large Focus is 28 kV, 50 mA.Large focus

measurement parameters for other inserts can be scrolled by pressing the
mAs+ button .

Remove the bucky or cassette holder

Install the star pattern phantom to the special focal spot measurement
diaphragm to have the phantom at a correct angle. The diaphragm can be
ordered from Instrumentarium Imaging. NOTE: Each tube model has a
diaphragm of its own.

Place a normal cassette in line with the front edge of the cassette holder
support. Put a guide under the tube side of the cassette so that the cassette
raises 12 mm (0.5 inc.) from the surface.

Make an exposure.

Develop the film and fill in the form for large focal spot to calculate the focal
spot size. Measure also the magnified diameter of star.

31687 4-3 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

Measurement of Small Focus

Enter the service mode by pressing density+ and density- simultaneously until
"ser" is displayed on the timer display.

Install a magnification table, 1.6 or 1.8

Go back to the focus measurement mode as described in previously.

Remove the magnification table and place the cassette on the cassette holder
support as described in previously.

Make an exposure

Fill out the form for small focal spot to calculate the small focal spot.

Bw = Blur diameter of width

Parallel to anode-cathode axis

BL = Blur diameter of length

Perpendicular to anode-cathode axis

Fw = C * BW/(M - 1) , FL = C * BL / (M - 1)

C = .00872 for .5 degree star

= .017 for 1 degree star
= .0349 for 2 degree star (measurements of the small focal spot are
not possible using 2 degree star)

Magnified diameter of star, DS = _________________mm

Optical magnification, M = DS/45= _________________mm

Large focal spot Small focal spot

Bw = ________________mm Bw = _________________mm
Bl = ________________mm Bl = _________________mm
Fw = ________________mm Fw = _________________mm

Fl = ________________mm Fl = _________________mm

January 2000 4-4 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

4.1.4 Image quality evaluation procedure

1. Go to the film processor evaluation procedure described in the
Installation Instructions , 2.14.2

2. Place a loaded cassette into the bucky and select AEC operation using
settings (kV) as you would use for an average 4.5 cm compressed

3. Place the RMI 156 phantom on the bucky in the same position as a
breast. The nipple indent marker should be positioned away from the
chest wall. Use a standard 18 x 24 or 24 x 30 size compression paddle.

4. Set the AEC detector to an inward position under the wax portion of
the phantom.

5. Make an exposure and process the exposed film. This image will
represent the imaging abilities of your machine using these clinical

6. If the image is over or under exposed, make a AEC adjustment and

repeat the exposure.

7. Once an acceptable image has been obtained, have one or more viewers
identify and record which objects are seen. Use a magnifying glass to
look for the structures as you would on a patients mammogram. Use
the phantom scoring procedure on the following pages to score system

8. Make another exposure using magnification table and score that image.

9. Mark both films with the date, kV, mAs and their scores and file them
for future reference.

31687 4-5 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


Figure 4.1. RMI 156 phantom


Number Size Points Number Size Points Number Size Points
1. 1.56 1 7. .54 1 12. 2.0 1
2. 1.12 1 8. .40 1 13. 1.0 1
3. .89 3 9. .32 6 14. .75 1
4. .75 5 10. .24 7 15. .50 7
5. .54 9 11. .16 10 16. .25 10
6. .40 10

As a minimum, the system shall image:

1) 4 Fibers - 1, 2, 3, 4
2) 2 Specs - 7, 8, 9
3) 3 Masses - 12, 13, 14

To meet the ACR criteria the minimum acceptable score would the yield a
minimum score of 10 for fibers, 8 for specs and 3 for masses. Total score
would the be 21.

If your mammographic unit is significantly worse, you may wish to check the
accuracy of the kVp, the focal spot size, the half value layer, and the image
processor, You could also consult a medical physicist or engineer who
specializes in diagnostic radiology.

January 2000 4-6 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual


4.2.1 Quick AEC test

Testing procedure:

1 Attach the cassette.

2 Position an acrylic plate carefully so that it covers the AEC detector.
3 Select 25 kV and density 0.
4 Make an exposure using the semi-AEC.
5 Develop the film.
6 Measure the film density. If the density is not between 1.3 and 1.5, the
reprogramming of AEC is recommended.

Carry out this test once a week.

4.2.3 Object thickness compensation

Measure the optical density for 20 and 40 millimeters of acrylic. Use also 60
millimeters if available. Use 25 kV without bucky and 27 kV with bucky and
magnification. Measure the optical density for both molybdenum and rhodium
filter. Plot the values in the table below.

ACR mm O.D. Bucky) O.D. (Cas tunnel) O.D. (Magn)

20 / / /
40 / / /
60 / / /

mm 20 40 60

Table 4.5. Object thickness compensation

31687 4-7 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

If the optical density is higher with 20 mm acrylic than with 40 mm acrylic the
thickness compensation has to be adjusted.

1. Adjust the AEC so that the wanted optical density is reached 40 mm

acrylic. Notice the exposure time
2. Go into program mode (Pr) and select -2 Density
3. Adjust the gain on the AEC board so that the same exposure time is
reached as in point 1 with 40 mm acrylic.
4. Repeat the test 4.2.3
5. If compensation not correct select more - Density

NOTE: In some cases + Density should be used instead of - Density

January 2000 4-8 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

4.2.2 kV compensation
Measure the optical density for each kV station, using molybdenum and
rhodium filter if available Use 40 mm ACR.

kV O.D. (Bucky) O.D. (Cas tunnel) O.D. (Magn)

23 / / /
24 / / /
25 / / /
26 / / /
27 / / /
28 / / /
29 / / /
30 / / /
31 / / /
32 / / /
33 / / /
34 / / /
35 / / /

kV 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Table 4.4. kV compensation, x = molybdenum filter, o = rhodium filter

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Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


4.3.1 Compression system

The part of the equipment which undergoes the most use is the compression
system, so it needs regular attention and treatment when necessary. Spread
some grease (MBDE or other high-quality grease) on the compression driving
axle and support joints. If the driving wheels are noisy or the hand wheels
difficult to rotate, we strongly recommend that you remove the C-arm and
grease the inside of the compression system. Check also the digital
compression display according to the test described in the Installation

4.3.2 C-arm rotation brake

Check that the brake has 110 N (24 lbs.) of holding force, if necessary tighten
the four nyloc nuts to increase holding force if necessary. Check that only 20 N
(4 lbs.) of force is needed when the brake is disengaged. If required, loosen the
four nyloc nuts or remove one disc spring pair. Recheck the 110N (24 lbs.)
holding force.

4.3.3 Column and carriage

Check all cables, especially the cables coming from the C-arm. Check also the
counter weight wire condition.

4.3.4 Compression force checking

Place a scale under the paddle and compress it like a breast using hand wheels.
The mechanical clutch should stop the compression movement before the
pressure reaches 250 N (55 lbs.). If the compression exceeds this, adjust the
clutch by removing the back cover of the C-arm and turning the sealed and
labeled screw. Do not forget to lock the screw after adjustment.

4.3.5 Testing the x-ray field illumination

Select the desired film size, load the film into the cassette and put the cassette
and diaphragm in their places. Select the manual mode (25 kV, 20 mAs). Place
a piece of white paper (18 x 24 and/or 24 x 30) on the cassette holder so that
the light field can be seen clearly. Place for example some coins in the corners
of the area illuminated on the cassette holder and make an exposure. Develop
the film. The coins on the film should not be more than +- 5 mm out of the
exposed field. If they are, adjustment must be performed for the light field.

January 2000 4-10 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual


31687 4-11 January 2000

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual


5.1 Error message chart

Error code Signal line Short explanation of the error
E.01 MAOK No tube current or the preheat level far too low.
E.02 GENOK No kV.
E.03 STARTOK Anode too hot or the anode motor does not start.
E.04 SERIAL Communication error between FILAMENT CONTROL board
and CPU board.
E.05 N/A Exposure counter exceeds the preset limit.
E.07 RUNOK Stator voltage too high during exposure.
E08 Bad connection in breast thickness measurement potentiometer.

E09 Beam filter is not in its position.

E10 Compression force display error.

E11 C-arm angle display error.

E12 Link error between CPU and C-arm Control board.

E.r1 N/A Check sum error in the EPROM.

E.r2 N/A Check sum error in the EEPROM.
E.r3 N/A External RAM error.
E.r4 EPROM error in C-arm display board.

E.r5 RAM error in C-arm display board.

C.br N/A Brake released during exposure.

C.bU BHOME Bucky does not find the HOME position.
C.CA CASNOK/ CASOPTO board does not sense the cassette or it wasn't changed
after last exposure.
C.CH CHON CPU does not sense the cassette holder.
C.Cn BHOME CPU does not sense the bucky connection.
C.Co BLE CPU does not sense the diaphragm or wrong size of diaphragm.
C.dE N/A Exposure time is less than integration time.
C.ES Exposure button line is activated when unit is turned on.

C.PS IQC, System control out of range > ± 40%.

O.FL N/A Exposure time exceeded 5 seconds.

r.EL EXP2 Exposure button released prematurely.
r.ES N/A Microprocessor reset.

31687 5-1 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

U.FL N/A Integration time is less than 20 millisecs.

S.Lo LOW 1 Low line voltage or 2. Fault in the INVERTER board.
S.YS CPU error.
t.oF Motor time out error.
E.AF Communication error CPU - AEC.

Table 5.1. Error message chart

5.2 Useful information to have when calling for assistance

a) General (required information)

1. Serial number of the unit.

2. Name of the operator who experienced the problem.
3. Software revision level. (Shown on mAs-display and C-arm Control
board when power is switched on)

b) For phototiming questions (AEC)

1. Film/screen combination used.

2. Temperature of the developer.
3. What is the gross fog, speed index, contrast index of the film
developed in the processor?
4. Was any work done on processor just prior to problem?
5. Did problem appear suddenly or gradually?
6. Breast compression, kV selected, type of view, mAs of exposure,
detector positioning, filter selected, which imaging mode?

c) Other problems

1. What is the history of the problem?

2. Error codes on the display, error codes in error counter (service
program menu/58, cnt/r
3. What have you done to attempt a fix?
4. Is it hard failure or intermittent?
5. If intermittent, how often per day?
6. Did problem appear as a result of some other work performed on the
7. Is any other equipment exhibiting intermittent problems?

January 2000 5-2 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.3 E.01 Error message explanation


The FILAMENT CONTROL board compares the mA-feedback voltage

MAFB to a reference value that is about 80% of the actual mA-reference
voltage. When the feedback exceeds this reference value it sends a MAOK
signal to the CPU board. If the CPU does not get this signal in 0.2 seconds
after EXT signal, the processor terminates the exposure and gives error
message E.01.

This can depend of a problem either in kV- or in mA- circuitry, because if the
high voltage (kV) is absent, anode current (mA) can not be produced. .

a. CONNECTORS. Check that all connectors on INVERTER and

FILAMENT CONTROL boards are properly installed

b. SUPPLY VOLTAGES. Check that all supply voltages are present

(See section 5.28).

c. FILAMENT MOSFETs. Turn the unit off. Connect the common of

your DVM to the leg of resistor R38 and plus to the leg of resistor R50.
You should read .4 volts using diode range.

d. mA REFERENCE. Turn the unit on and measure the mA reference

voltage from test point TP15. At 27kV (large focus) the reference
voltage should be appr. 2,78 volts.

e. SOFTSTART. Go to ALPHA softstart procedure, (2.12 on

Installation Instructions Manual).




- Very slow tube current rise (easily with small focus)

- No kV

- No filament in the X-ray tube

- Connector to filaments open

31687 5-3 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.4 E.02 Error message explanation


On units with INVERTER and FILAMENT CONTROL Boards, the E.02 error
indicates that there is no kV present. This can happen if either the INVERTER
board or the HIGH VOLTAGE UNIT is faulty. The problem can also be that
the FILAMENT CONROL board does not provide necessary control signals
for the Inverter board.

a. CONNECTORS. Check that all connectors on INVERTER and

FILAMENT CONTROL boards are properly installed


INVERTER BOARD 1. Connect the common of your DVM to test
point TP3 and plus to test point TP1. You should read .4 volts in diode
range. 2. Connect the common of your DVM to test point TP4 and
plus to test point TP1. You should read .4 volts in diode range. 3.
Connect the common of your DVM to test point TP2 and plus to test
point TP3. You should read .4 volts in diode range. 4. Connect the
common of your DVM to test point TP2 and plus to test point TP4.
You should read .4 volts in diode range.

c. FUSE. Measure that the fuse has not been blown

d. SUPPLY VOLTAGES. Turn the unit on. Check that all supply
voltages are present (See section 5.28).

e. MOSFET DRIVER. Go to service mode. Make an exposure without

X-rays. (See section; remember jumper X8 on FILAMENT
CONTROL Board) Make sure that the LEDs H4, H5, H6, H7, H11
and H12 are lit during the exposure.

f. kV REFERENCE. Turn the unit on and measure the kV reference

voltage from test point TP24. At 27kV the reference voltage should be
app. 2,7 volts.



- Inverter board
- HV-unit

- Check kV
- Check Preheat
- Check AEC

January 2000 5-4 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.4.1 Testing of the new alpha generator

(new generator consisting of the inverter and filament board)

Follow the testing procedure if the Inverter Board seems to be working well,
the system gives E02 error messages and it is not clear if there is a problem
with the HV-unit, the HV-cable or with the X-ray tube

1) Open connector X4 on Filament Board.

This disconnect the filaments from their power supply

2) On Filament Board move jumper X8 between pins 1 & 2.

The jumper is normally between 2 & 3. This forces the filament supply
always to take it's feedback from the filament voltage even during an
exposure. Normally during an exposure the feedback is taken from the
tube current.

3) On Filament Board move Switch S1 to "TEST" position.

This disables the CPU from getting the error message (E01) because of
the missing tube current.

4) Disconnect HV-cable from the HV- unit and start taking exposures
with 20kV and gradually increase the kV setting.

5) If you can take exposures up to 35kV, the HV-transformer is good

6) Connect the HV-cable into the transformer and disconnect it from the



8) Start making exposures with 20kV and increase the setting gradually.


9) If you can make exposures up till 35kV without E02-errors, the HV-
transformer and the HV-cable are good and the reason for the error
message can be in the x-ray tube.

31687 5-5 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.4.2 Testing of the old alpha generator

(old generator consisting of the Pulse Board, Base Drive and Power Board)

Follow the testing procedure if the Power Board seems to be working well, the
system gives E02 error messages and it is not clear if there is a problem with
the HV-unit, the HV-cable or with the X-ray tube.

1) Disconnect filaments by opening connector X2 on Base Drive.

This disconnects the filaments from their power supply

2) Remove ic-chip A7 (opto) on Pulse Board and put a short between pins
4 and 5.

This disables the CPU from getting the error message (E01) because of the
missing tube current.

3) Disconnect HV-cable from the HV- unit and start making exposures
with 20kV and increase the setting gradually.

4) If you can make exposures up till 35kV without E02-errors, the HV-
transformer is good.

5) Connect the HV-cable into the transformer and disconnect it from the



7) Start making exposures with 20kV and increase the setting gradually.


8) If you can make exposures up till 35kV without E02-errors, the HV-
transformer and the HV-cable are good and the reason for the error
message can be in the x-ray tube.

January 2000 5-6 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.5 E.03 Error message explanation


The condition of the AMD board during pre-heat is controlled by the CPU
through the STARTOK signal. A disturbance generates E03.

a. CONNECTORS. Check that all connectors coming to the AMD

board are properly and right way installed. Check also that connector
X36 on the X-ray tube is properly installed.

b. THERMAL SWITCH Disconnect X36, measure between pins 1 and

3, and 2 and 3 on the tube side, if the circuit is open, the thermal
switch is open. Measure the resistance between pins 1 and 2. The
resistance should be about 66 ohms If the circuit is open and the
resistance is right, wait about 45 minutes and check if the thermal
switch is closed. If the resistance shows OL (over load) , the coils of
the anode motor are broken, change the tube.

c. LINE VOLTAGE. Check that the AMD board does get 220VAC
between TP1 and TP2. If not check cabling and connections on X9.
Measure the running voltage with a TRMS meter, between X4 pin 2
and X5 pin 2. . It should be about 30VAC. If not, adjust with trimmer

d. OTHER PROBLEM. Change the AMD board

HINT! When the user gets the E03, leave the unit ON because the fan cools the

NOTE! If measured with a nonTRMS meter, reading is about 20 - 30 VAC.

31687 5-7 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.6 E.04 Error message explanation

Problem in serial communications between CPU and FILAMENT BOARD.

The CPU board sends serial data to the serial-to-parallel latch (D3) located on
the PULSE board (or FILAMENT CONTROL board). The CPU receives the
same signal back from pin 2 of D3 (buffered and isolated through A9 and
A5).If the received signal is different from the transmitted signal an E04 error
message is indicated.


cable between FILAMENT CONTROL and CPU board is properly
installed (connector X5 on CPU board, connector X1 on filament

b. FUSES F1 - F4. Check that the fuses on the FILAMENT BOARD

(F1-F4 BASE DRIVE Board) are not blown.


negative side of capacitors. C11 - C14 as ground, measure the voltage
across C11 - C14 (+32VDC - +37VDC), from the case of
TO3-regulator A3 (+20VDC), from fuse F3 (-15VDC) and from fuse
F4 (+15VDC). If one of the voltages are missing or out of range,
change the FILAMENT BOARD (BASE DRIVE) board.

d. D1, D2 or A4 BROKEN. If spare circuits available, change the

circuits, if not, change the PULSE board.

e. 8031 PROCESSOR BROKEN. If spare circuits available change the

microprocessor 8031, if not, change the CPU board.

E.04 with software 6.01 and higher (units with INVERTER and FILAMENT
CONTROL boards).

f. SUPPLY VOLTAGES. Turn the unit on. Check that all supply
voltages are present on FILAMENT CONTROL Board. (See section

January 2000 5-8 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.7 E.05 Error message explanation (software 5.08 and higher)

Error E05 indicates that the preset exposure counter limit has been exceeded.
The unit does not allow further exposures until the limit has been adjusted.

- Entering in the limit setting: Press Den- and mAs- all the time and
switch the power on. When display starts blinking, keep pressing Den-
and mAs- and reset the program by pressing AutoExp.

- Changing the limit: Press Den- or Den+, 0 means no limit (OFF), other
values indicate amount of the accepted exposures. Altogether there are
50-50 000 possible limit variations.

- Exiting the limit setting: Press kV-.


Error E06 is caused if there is a communication problem between the Alpha ID
(Dataview) PC-controller and the Alpha RT/IQ. The Alpha ID (Dataview)
sends a check request to the Alpha unit, 12 seconds after the last
communication. If Dataview does not get any respond a E06 error code is

a. Check the cable connection between the Alpha unit and the Alpha ID
b. Check that the Alpha RT/IQ program is correctly selected in the setup
mode. (If Dataview, "i" is always 0 or 1. With Alpha ID i =2.).
c. Check that Alpha unit is turned on.
d. Check that the Alpha ID (Dataview) is turned on.
e. Check Alpha ID (Dataview) setup (see Alpha ID (Dataview) Operation

With Alpha ID2:
a) using Delta 16, i=3
b) without Delta 16, i=1


Problem flagged by signal RUNOK generated by the ANODE MOTOR
DRIVER. Run voltage is too high.

a. RUN VOLTAGE. Measure the run voltage, it should be around 30 V.

Go to Anode Run Voltage Procedure in the Alignment & Adjustment

If nothing else works, change the AMD board and/or CPU. Check cabling.

31687 5-9 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


The digital compression thickness display does get an analog voltage
information from the slide potentiometer located on the C-arm frame. On the
Alpha RT/IQ the kV is set automatically based on the compression thickness.
If the analog voltage is missing, the Auto-kV would not work properly. When
the compression is driven to the lowest position the voltage output is not 0V.If
a connection problem occurs, the voltage drops to 0V and a E08 error message
will be activated. Exposures are inhibited during the error message.

a. Check the slide potentiometer connection and clean the potentiometer


5.11 E.09 Error message explanation (RT/IQ)


The beam filter position is controlled by two microswitches. If the filter is not
in position a E09 error message will be activated.

a. Check the beam filter mechanism, microswitches, C-arm control board

and motor.

5.12 E.10 Error message explanation

Error in the compression force measurement.

The micro controller on the C-arm Control board gets incorrect readings from
the analog to digital converter.

a. Check that the offset voltage of the ICA4 amplifier is 500mV when
there is no strain on the compression paddle. (Measure between TP5
and TP6).
b. Check the cabling.
c. Check that the C-arm angle measurement is correctly calibrated. The c-
arm angle value is used for compensation in the force measurement

E.10 occurs also if the compression paddle is driven past the upper
microswitch against the mechanical limit.

d. Drive paddle totally up.

January 2000 5-10 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.13 E.11 Error message explanation

Error in the c-arm angle measurement

The CPU board gets incorrect readings from the analog to digital converter on
the Filament Control board.

a. Check the cabling

b. Check the potentiometer reading with an ohm meter.
d. Check measurement potentiometer (max. position 5 kohms, 2.5 kohms
when 0 degrees.

5.14 E.12 Error message explanation

Error in the serial link between CPU board and C-arm Control board

The communication between CPU board and C-arm Control board is not
a. Check the cabling
b. Check the supply voltages on both boards.
c. Change C-arm control board and /or CPU

5.15 E.r1 Error message explanation

Error in the EPROM checksum (Program chip).

a. Check the seating of the chip

b. Change the EPROM or the whole CPU board.

After changing software: Pr-mode - scroll through (Press Autoexp) - come out.


Error in the EEPROM.

a. Change the EEPROM or the whole CPU board.

After changing software: Pr-mode - scroll through(Press Autoexp) -
come out - calibrate the displays.

5.17 E.r3 Error message explanation

Error in the external RAM.

a. Change the RAM or the whole CPU board.

After changing software: Pr-mode - scroll through(Press Autoexp) -
come out.

31687 5-11 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.18 E.r4 Error message explanation

Error in the C-arm Control board EPROM (Software chip).

a. Change the EPROM or the whole C-arm Control board.

5.19 E.r5 Error message explanation

Error in the C-arm Control board EEPROM

a. Change the EEPROM or the whole C-arm Control board.

5.20 S.Lo Error message explanation


The FILAMENT CONTROL board monitors the line voltage by comparing

the unregulated, rectified 24VAC voltage to a fixed voltage on the
FILAMENT CONTROL board. If the rectified 24VAC (+34V) voltage falls
below app. 20V during the preheat sequence the LOW signal is activated
telling the CPU to inhibit the exposure

a. Check the line voltage

b. Check the +34V voltage on FILAMENT CONTROL board
c. Check the mains transformers
d. Check mains voltage during exposure (it should not go under
190VAC). If mains voltage is too low, use a step up transformer.

5.21 C.Br Error message explanation (Software 7.27 and up)

a. Check that the patient has not pressed the brake button during
b. Check the brake circuit

5.22 C.bu Error message explanation

Bucky home signal not sensed after exposure. Bhome activated for over
500ms. (the turn around takes too long,/ Bhome is continuously activated).
What is most likely happening: After an exposure => The grid will be
positioned so that the movement is stopped immediately after the turn around =
when leaving biome. If that does not happen (the D connector is not properly
seated?) => C.bu

a. CONNECTOR X4. Check that the bucky control cable connector X4

on the CPU is properly installed.

b. BUCKY CONTROL BOARD. Remove the carbon cover of the

bucky. Check that all signals are received from X4 on the CPU board to
the BUCKY CONTROL board.

January 2000 5-12 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

c. VISUAL INSPECTION. Check visually that the grid can move freely.

d. FAULTY CPU BOARD. Change the CPU board.

5.23 C.CA Error message explanation

Cassette sensing board does not sense the cassette

a. Adjust opto gain from trimmer R11 on Cas-opto board (Optipoint).

a. CASSETTE CHANGE. Make sure that the customer does not use an
other cassette to push out the loaded cassette from the cassette holder.
The CAS-OPTO board does not interpret this as a cassette change.

b. CASNOR SIGNAL. Check the CASNOR signal receives to the CPU

board on X2 pin 19. If signal is received, change D27, D8 and D15
if spare circuit available, else change the whole CPU board. If signal is
not received change the CAS-OPTO board. .

5.24 C.Ch Error message explanation

Cassette holder is not being sensed

a. CASSETTE HOLDER. Cassette holder is not properly installed.

b. CODE MAGNETS. Check that the code magnets located under the
cassette holder are present

Seen from the bottom of the cassette holder, with the breast side against chest.
small /large
BUCKY O X X X/O O = empty


31687 5-13 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.25 C.Cn Error message explanation

Bucky connection is not sensed. Bhome is not activated at all. (5sec time

a. BUCKY CONNECTION. Check that the bucky is properly attached.

Control also that the connector pins on the bucky are not bent.

b. BUCKY SIGNALS. Perform test as described in


5.26 C.Co Error message explanation

Diaphragm is not sensed.

a. MICROSWITCH. Check that the microswitch is properly aligned

b. CABLING. Measure on the CPU board that pins 8 and 9 on X2 are

shorted when the diaphragm microswitch is closed. If yes, change D16
and D21 on the CPU board if spare circuits available, else change the
whole CPU board. If pins 8 and 9 are not shorted, change the

c. COLLIMATOR INTERLOCK. Wrong film size vs. diaphragm.

5.27 C.ES Error message explanation

If the exposure button is damaged and short circuited a C-ES error message
and a beep is activated. Exposures are inhibited until the error has been

a. Check the exposure button line (see dia mode)

5.28 C.PS Error message explanation

If the correction rate in the IQC system control mode is more than +/-40% (+/-
20% in Germany) compared to the exposure time calibrated during the
installation, a C.PS error message will be activated.

NOTE! Exposures are not inhibited.

a. Film processor has drifted too much. Call for film processor service.

January 2000 5-14 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.29 C.dE Error message explanation

(With the old software the microprocessor has calculated that exposure time
would be less than integration time.)

New software: Too much radiation to detector.

a. TOO HIGH kV in Semi-AEC. Decrease the kV with 1 - 2kV.

b. AEC DETECTOR. If a patient with small breasts, check that the

detector has been in the position nearest the chest wall

c. AMPLIFIER GAIN. Check that he gain adjustment on the

AMPLIFIER board is not set too high.

5.30 O.FL Error message explanation

Problem: The time interval between the signal AUTEXP from the
CPU board to the PHOTOTIMER board and CNTRDY
from the AMPLIFIER board back to the CPU board is too
long causing exposure times that would exceed the

a. TOO LOW kV. Increase the kV with 1 - 2kV.

b. AMPLIFIER GAIN. The gain adjustment on the PHOTOTIMER /

AEC board is set too low

c. WITH SOFTWARE 7.27 AND UP. Change the full AEC kV table
(Pr#62 AEC parameter E) or increase the kV max. change value (Pr

d. CHECK THE BUCKY CONNECTION (apply some compression on

the bucky)

- Exposure monitoring: O.FL and kV display flashing

5.31 R.EL Error message explanation

The hand switch was released prior to the end of an exposure.

a. HAND SWITCH. Check the connections in the hand switch

b. CABLING. Check the exposure cable.

With software 6.xx a broken AEC board may give R.EL.

31687 5-15 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.32 R.ES Error message explanation

Indicates a reset of the microprocessor on the CPU board. Normally
activated when the machine is turned on or the reset button on CPU
board is pressed. Otherwise it indicates a disruption of the voltage
applied to the CPU board.

a. DISTURBANCE. Control that no spike, generated as a result of

an E02 error, or some static electricity caused the R.ES code.

- CPU supply voltage
- Missing HV-grease
- Bad grounding
- Bad HV-unit
- Bad 5V cabling from CPU

5.33 (U.FL Error message explanation) not used

With software up to 6.xx (integration time based AEC): Integration time is less
than 20 milliseconds. Exposures resulting from such short integration time are
too dark.

a. CHECK THE BUCKY CONNECTION (apply some compression on

the bucky)

With software 7.xx and up: Phototimer frequency out of range.

- Check AEC system
- Check diaphragm (spot?)
- Check detector

5.34 S.YS (Software 7.27 and up)

Cpu error.

a. Check CPU supply voltage

b. Check cabling
c. Change the RAM circuit on CPU
d. Change the CPU

5.35 t.OF (Software 7.27 and up)

Motor timeout error. Motor runs too long (Vertical movement, filter motor,
compression motor, EPS motor)

a. Check motor cabling

b. Check stop limit microswitches (filter, compression, EPS)

January 2000 5-16 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.36 E.AF (Software 7.27 and up)

Poor connection between CPU and AEC boards. Incorrectly adjusted AEC
offset voltages. Autozeroing circuit does not work at start up.

a. Check the cabling.

b. Adjust the AEC board offset voltages.
c. If you are using the 32315 AEC board with software 7.27 or later, you
can remove the capacitor C35 (22uF) on the 32315 AEC board.

5.37 No power indications

a. Check the mains switch.
b. Check that the power cable and the display cable are connected.
c. Check the circuit breaker (proper main fuses 15 A slow) in the rear

Open the side covers and check that three LED:s (H1-H3) on the SUPPLY
board are lit. If they are not, check fuses on the SUPPLY board, supply cables,
and power supply connections. Measure that proper secondary voltages are
available at supply transformers T1 and T2.

If LEDs on the SUPPLY board are still not lit replace the SUPPLY board.

5.38 AEC Inoperative

Check cabling to the PHOTOTIMER / AEC board, supply voltages ± 12V,
+5V on the PHOTOTIMER / AEC , and continuity of AUTOEXP and
CNTRDY signals.

Measure the AUTOEXP signal with an oscilloscope. The CPU should set the
signal up 30ms after the radiation rise. If the amplifier does not receive the
signal, check the CPU board.

Measure the CNTRDY / AECFRQ signal coming from the amplifier. Make
sure you have no absorption in the radiation field. If you have a
PHOTOTIMER board the signal should go down for 150µs. If the signal does
not go down, change the amplifier and the detector. If you have an AEC board
the AECFRQ signal should contain high frequency.

To check whether the CPU sees this frequency press autorel button in service
mode. If the numbers displayed in the kV and mAs window show 00 then
there is something wrong with the cabling or AEC board.

- Check grounding.
- Check Cassettes/films/screens
- Check detector positioning
- Check HV-grease
- Check spot diaphragm

31687 5-17 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

5.39 Software diagnostic mode

The software includes a diagnostic mode which presently has two parts. The
first is a software counter which records the number of error messages seen
and also the number of exposures. The second gives a readout of switch and
signal status.

5.39.1 Entering Diagnostic Mode

1. Turn the unit on

2. Enter "service" (SER) mode by simultaneously pressing the kV- and

density- buttons.

3. Enter the service mode special program menu by simultaneously

pressing density+ and density- buttons until the "Pr 51" mode is
displayed on the timer display. Press kV+ until "58 CeC" is displayed.
Press Autoexp to enter the program. To return to the menu press
"autoexp" again.

5.39.2 Error readout

By pressing the "kV+" button the occurrence of the different error messages
can be controlled. The "kV" & "mAs" displays are read together to give the
total error occurrence.

For example:

kV display = 00

mAs display = 010

error code xx occurred 10 times

January 2000 5-18 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.39.3 Switch and signal status display

Select special program "59 Cin" and enter it by pressing "autoexp". This
program is the switch and signal status display. The timer display indicates
which device and port on the CPU board is reading the switch. The kV display
indicates the bit connected to and the mAs display tells the state. A change
from LO to HI indicates that the line activated when pressing a press button is

The normal function of the press button is inhibited in this mode.


kV- dS2 D29/13 + b0 (R0) LOW
kV+ dS2 D29/13 + b1 (R1) LOW
mAs- dS2 D29/13 + D15/1 b2 (R2) LOW
mAs+ dS2 D29/13 + D15/2 b3 (R3) LOW
density- dS2 D29/13 + D15/5 b4 (R4) LOW
density+ dS2 D29/13 + D15/6 b5 (R5) LOW
AUTO EXP dS3 D29/13 + D15/7 b6 (R6) LOW
Handswitch CP1 D1/2 b1 LOW
Comp up P2A D16/37 b7 LOW
Comp down P2A D16/38 b6 LOW
Z up P2A D16/3 b1 LOW
Z down P2A D16/4 b0 LOW
COLL micro P2b D16/25 b7 LOW
CHL micro P2b D16/24 b5 LOW
CHR micro P2b D16/24 b6 LOW
CHON micro P2b D16/22 b4 LOW
COMP micro P2A D16/2 b2 LOW

Table 5.2. Switch status display chart

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Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


a) TP7 to TP1 brake 26 Vdc
b) TP7 to TP2 33 Vdc
c) TP7 to TP3 lamp 11.5 Vdc**(R8 set to 160 lx in USA)
d) TP7 to TP4 Vin CPU 23 Vdc
e) TP7 to TP5 +AEC in 20 Vdc
f) TP7 to TP6 -AEC in -20.5 Vdc

h) across C36 Vin CPU 5.1 Vdc

i) TP1 to TP Comp up/dn 22 Vdc
j) TP3 to TP4 Vert up/dn 25 Vdc
k) TP8 to TP6 Vin bucky 24 Vdc
l) TP8 to TP7 Vin CPU 5.1 Vdc

m) Anode V3 tp R25 (D/A) 10 Vdc
n) V3 t0 A16 - 18 pin 16 5 Vdc


o) See soft start procedure


p) TP12 to TP9 35.0 Vdc
q) TP12 to TP10 +Vcc +15 Vdc
r) TP12 to TP11 -Vcc -15 Vdc

s) TP29 to TP27 +Vcc +15 Vdc
t) TP29 to TP30 -Vcc -15 Vdc


u) TP2 to TP3 +Vcc +5 Vdc

** = in Alpha RT/IQ units in USA voltage is about 9 Vdc.

January 2000 5-20 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

5.41 Grid lines

The grid in the bucky is stuck, too slow or connector are bad.

a. Check cassette holder recognition

- magnets under the bucky
- Check reed relays on Csense board

b. Check grid speed

- Speed should be about 1.2-1.4 sec for slow movement time
- Adjustment from the Bucky Control board using the Pr #61 bUC
- Check the speed when c-arm tilted 0, -90 and +90 degrees

c. Supply voltages to the bucky

- Check that the pins in connectors are not bent

d. Grid alignment and movement

- is the grid stuck (motor and gearbox maybe broken).
- sides of the grid may not touch the sides of the frames.
- The grid has to be close to the carbon fiber in the front but may not
- is the grid properly attached to the blocks holding it.
- when the breast is compressed, does the carbon fiber top bend and
touch the mechanism.

e. Grid movement detection

- is the opto isolator recognizing the movement.

31687 5-21 January 2000

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual



EXTERNAL: AUTOMATIC 15 A/ 250 V Fuse to the 220 line
FUSE OR F1, F2 15 ASB/ 250 V Fuses to the 220 line
F1 4 ASB/ 32 V 24 VAC prior to the
regulation, for AMD, C, Z
and the break
F2 5 ASB/ 32 V 18 VAC prior to regulation
for the CPU and lamp
F3 500 mAF/32V 15 VAC prior to regulation
for the AMPLIFIER board
F1 6 A T/ 32 V 24 VAC to regulators
F2 6 A T/32 V 24 VAC to regulators
F3* 1 ASB/32 V -15 VDC to PULSE board
F4* 1 ASB/32V +15 VDC to PULSE board
F1 20AF/500V Dcinput to INVERTER board
(16AFF/500V*) DC-input to POWER board
F2* 16 AFF/ 500 V DC-input to POWER board
F3* 1 ASB/ 32 V 15 VAC to protection circuit
F1 10 ASB/ 250 V 220 VAC to rotor

Table 6.1. Fuse rating & location table (* Old type generator)

Fuse rating should always be higher than the voltage in the circuit to be

WARNING! Always install the proper fuse into the unit. Failure to do so jeopardizes
the safety of the patient, operator and system.

31687 6-1 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


NOTE! The counterweight is heavy. Be careful when handling it.

NOTE! Remember to insert the counterweight assembly pin in the column before
starting the repair.

6.2.1 Tilt down the column

Remove the power supply plug. Remove the C-arm. Remove the two bolts on
both sides of the floor plate (A). Open the two wall bolts and take slowly down
the column. If the unit is installed on a freestanding base plate, remove the
sidepieces by opening the screws inside. Do not let the column fall free on the
floor. Put some soft material below the column to avoid damage.

6.2.2 Replacing the floor plate

When the column is lying on the floor, remove the two bolts (B) from the floor
plate on both sides of the column.

Figure 6.1 Floor plate

January 2000 6-2 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.2.3 Replacing the Z-motor

Insert the counter weight pin and drive the carriage up until the counterweight
rests against the pin. Lift up the carriage (this requires two persons while
otherwise the c-arm may turn and the carriage fall down causing damage to the
unit) and put two boards (25 x 100 x 1400 mm for the short column, 25 x 100
x 1620 for the long column) under the carriage sides. Secure the boards straps.
Loosen the four lower bolts, and lift of the column cap.

NOTE! If no boards available, take down the column as described in 6.2.1

CAUTION! Be careful not to drop any parts into the column.

Remove the two screws on top of the column. Lift up the cap and remove it
from the top of the column. Be careful not to scratch the column. Unplug the
connector. Loosen the two lock screws (C) in the pulley. Unscrew and remove
the motor assembly bolt (A) of the pulley. Remove the two screws (B) which
attach the motor plate to the cap, see figure 6.2. Replace the Z-motor.

To achieve correct shaft alignment the motor assembly bolt (A) must be
tightened (max. 15Nm) holder screws. Check the alignment by running the
motor with slack wires before installing the cap assembly.

31687 6-3 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

6.2.4 Replacing the column cap

Remove the cap of the column as described in 6.2.3. Remove motor as
described in 6.2.3.

Remove the cable coming through the top of the cap. Replace the old cap.

Place the wires first on the new pulley, and fit the pulley to the new column
cap. Push the motor assembly axle (D) in place against the motor axle, and
tighten the screws so that they go into the holes of the motor assembly axle
(D). Fasten the motor plate to the cap with screws (B), see figure 6.2. Screw
the motor assembly bolt (A) in place by using torque, max 15 Nm (133 in lbs.).
Check the assembly of the wires and the column cap and lift the column so that
the counterweight pulls the wires, and position the column cap in its place.
Fasten the four bolts, and connect the motor plug.

Figure 6.2 Column cap

January 2000 6-4 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

Figure 6.2b New version of Column cap

In the new version of column cap the tightening torque of nut 5477 is 4Nm at
the factory.

The washers 3587 are spring washers and they are installed so that last four
washers are turned around in pairs of two facing each other (pattern would be
>><><>) making a spring package.

31687 6-5 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

6.2.5 Replacing the mechanical stopper

Tilt down the column as described in 6.2.1 and remove the top cover. Remove
the screws of the limiter, located in the back of the column, and remove the
limiter. Tighten the new limiter screws, and replace the column cap.

6.2.6 Replacing the wires

Take down the column as described in 6.2.1 and remove the column cap. Be
careful not to scratch the column. Release the wires by moving the carriage
upwards. Unplug the connector. Remove the mechanical stopper as described
in 6.2.5. Pull out the counterweight of the column and detach the wires.
Loosen the two lock screws (C) in the pulley. Unscrew and remove the motor
assembly bolt (A). Remove the two screws (B) which attach the motor plate to
the cap and remove the motor, see figure 6.2.
Remove the motor assembly axle (D).

NOTE! The motor assembly axle (D) moves through the motor end only.

NOTE! When replacing the wires, pay attention to the order of the wires in the
fastening plate.

Pull the carriage out of the column to

facilitate changing the wires and checking
the assembly. Remove back cover of the
carriage. Remove Inverter board. Remove
the assembly plate of the power unit.
Open the nut that fastens the wire
fastening plate and replace the wires.

Place fastening plate, assembly plate of

the power unit, Inverter board and
assemble the column cap as described in
6.2.4.Push the carriage and counterweight
back, and screw the mechanical stopper
and the column cap back in place. Figure 6.2c Sliding unit of the

January 2000 6-6 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.2.7 Replacing the counterweight

Tilt down the column as described in 6.2.1 and remove the column cap and the
limiter. Pull the counterweight out of the column so that you can release the
wires. After changing the counterweight check the assembly again, carefully to
avoid damages.

Figure 6.3. Counterweight

31687 6-7 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


6.3.1 Removal and assembly of the rear cover

Unplug the mains cord. To remove the rear cover, unscrew the four screws on
it, two at the top and two at the bottom.

6.3.2 Replacing the POWER / INVERTER board

Unplug the mains cord. Remove the rear cover and disconnect all cables from
the power/ inverter board. Remove the plastic nuts from the corners of the
power board, and replace the board. Go to chapter 5, ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT and check the kV, mA, preheat, and protection circuit.

6.3.3 Replacing other parts

The capacitor is installed with a plastic holder. Open the plastic nut and replace
the capacitor. Beware of electrical shocks.

Figure 6.4. Inverter board

January 2000 6-8 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual


6.4.1 Removal and assembly of the side covers

Loosen the screw holding the side cover and take the cover out. When
reassembling, first put the upper side of the cover on its holders.

6.4.2 Replacing the mains transformers

Remove the power supply plug. Remove the side covers. Remove all cables
connected to the transformer, and open the four screws at the bottom of the
transformer base. After replacing the transformer, check the cables carefully.

Figure 6.5. Carriage

31687 6-9 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

6.4.3 Replacing the boards on the electronic plate

Open the screws holding the corners of the electronic plate. Pull out the whole
electronic plate to the left side. Remove the cables and nuts in the corners of
the board, which you intend to replace. Check the cables and assembly
carefully. If you replace the PULSE board go to ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT section and check kV, mAs, and preheat. If you replace the
C&Z drive check compression force. If you replace the CPU board, EE-prom
or the software go to Setup chapter on 2.13 in the Installation Instructions

6.4.4 Replacing the SUPPLY board

Remove all cables and screws holding the board and replace it. Check the
cables and assembly carefully. After changing, go to ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT section and check light intensity.

Figure 6.6. Electronic plate

January 2000 6-10 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.4.5 Replacing the magnetic brake and its assembly

Remove the side covers and pull out the electronic plate with the cables.
Disconnect all cable connectors and pull loose connectors through the center
axis on the C-arm.

Remove the four nuts behind the brake, and remove the other parts in the
following order:
- locking plate with the counter plate for magnetic brake.
- the disc springs
- the magnetic brake connected to the assembly plate.

See figures 6.7a, b and c.

Unscrew the friction plate and replace it with a new one. Replace the other
parts: magnetic brake, 4x7 pairs of disc springs, locking plate, and finally the
locking nuts.

Tighten the four nuts so that the locking plate is completely shut. Then
unscrew them half a turn.

The brake is adjusted using a 20 VDC power supply connected to the brake.
The adjustment is performed either by tightening or loosening the holding nuts.
The brake should be adjusted in such a way that the holding force measured
from the cassette holder should be less than 20 N (4 lbs.) with the brake off
and greater than 110 N (24 lbs.) with the brake on.

C-arm Brake adjustment

Check that the brake has 110N (27lbs) of

holding force measured at the cassette holder. If
not, open the side covers of the carriage and
tighten the nyloc nuts (3).

If the brake does not release properly, open the

nuts (1), and adjust the space (4) with the
screws (2). The space should be about 0.1 - 0.4

Figure 6.7a

31687 6-11 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

Figure 6.7b

Figure 6.7c

January 2000 6-12 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.4.6 Replacing the MGF DISPLAY board

Open the four screws at the bottom of the display box and remove the rear
cover of the box. Open the holder screws, remove the cables and replace the

Figure 6.8. Display board

31687 6-13 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


6.5.1 Removal and assembly of the C-arm covers

Remove the four screws on top of the top cover. Lift up the cover and remove
it. Remove the two screws near the collimator opening to remove the lower
cover. Turn the C-arm in a lateral position to remove the back cover of the
C-arm. Disconnect the cables for pcb boards and

6.5.2 Replacing the handgrips

Remove the C-arm and the back cover. Disconnect the handgrip buttons and
unscrew the handgrips. Attach new handgrips and connect the buttons. Replace
the C-arm and the covers and check the assembly.

6.5.3 Replacing the brake switch

Unscrew the switch, disconnect the wires, and replace the switch.

6.5.4 Replacing the vertical drive control switch

The switches are located in the lower cover of the C-arm. Therefore to remove
them, remove first the upper cover and then the lower cover and push the
switch out. Install a new one and test the movement direction.

January 2000 6-14 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

Figure 6.9. C-arm

31687 6-15 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

6.5.5 Replacing the x-ray tube

Remove the C-arm covers and diaphragm, and disconnect the plugs of the tube
and unscrew the four bolts below the tube(1/4 x 20 UNC). The bolts inside the
collimator require a long hexagonal wrench. Go to ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT section and check kV, mAs and preheat.

6.5.6 Replacing the high voltage unit

Disconnect the ground wires and the plugs of the high voltage unit, and loosen
the four screws, two on each side of the unit. After replacing it, check the
assembly and the ground cables carefully. Go to ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT section and check kV, mAs and preheat.

6.5.7 Replacing the AMD board

Unplug the mains cord. Remove the upper cover of the C-arm and disconnect
all cables leading to the anode motor drive board. Replace the board, reconnect
all cables, and check the assembly. Go to ALIGNMENT & ADJUSTMENT
section and check the run voltage

NOTE! ALIGNMENT & ADJUSTMENT section is in the Installation Instructions


Figure 6.10. Anode motor drive board

January 2000 6-16 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.5.8 Replacing the compression motor

Remove the upper cover of the C-arm and unscrew the motor. Replace it and
connect the motor plug. Go to ALIGNMENT & ADJUSTMENT section and
check the compression force and adjust if needed.

6.5.9 Replacing the compression system

Remove the C-arm and the back cover. Unscrew the four bolts holding the
compression unit and remove it. Before assembling and tightening the bolts of
the new unit, be sure that the beveled gears are perfectly placed, and also that
the trapezoidal shaft has no slack. Go to ALIGNMENT & ADJUSTMENT
section (in Installation Manual) and check the compression force and adjust if
needed. On RT/IQ make sure that the cable for the strain gages is properly
placed and does not enter the compression mechanism.

6.5.10 Replacing the compression thickness measurement potentiometer

Remove the c-arm. Remove the high voltage transformer. Remove the four
screws on the potentiometer (two up and two down). Change the
potentiometer. Check also the potentiometer glide located on the compression
system mechanical clutch bracket.

6.5.11 Replacing the compression force measurement system (strain gages)

Remove the C-arm and the back cover. Unscrew two bolts in the gear box and
two bolts in the bearing block holding the compression unit and remove it. In
the gear box detach the clutch and the cogwheel and release the shaft. Replace
the part with strain gages and attach the shaft again. In the gearbox attach the
cogwheel and the clutch. Install the compression mechanism in to the C-arm
with the four bolts. Tighten the two bolts in the gearbox. Tighten the two bolts
in the bearing block with your hand only and remove vertical slack from the
shaft by pushing the bearing block towards the gearbox. Then tighten the two
bolts in the bearing block. Install the C-arm. Go to the ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT section (in Installation Manual) and check the compression
force and adjust if needed. Make sure that the cable for the strain gages is
properly placed and does not enter the compression mechanism.

Calibrate the system with Pr 55 Cfo program in the service mode program

6.5.12 Replacing the C-arm angulation measurement system (trim pot)

Unscrew the two screws holding the trim pot and change the trimmer. Make
sure with an ohm meter that the trimmer is exactly in the center position when
the c-arm angle is zero. Turn the c-arm carefully and check that the trimmer
pot does not reach it's end before the c-arm hits the mechanical stops.
Calibrate the angle measurement with Pr 54 Can program in the service mode
program menu.

31687 6-17 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

Figure 6.11. Compression system

January 2000 6-18 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.5.13 Replacing the cassette holder base cover

Remove the cassette holder or Bucky device and open the screws of the cover.
Disconnect the plugs from the cover, and replace the cover, the detector, or the
CAS-OPTO board in the cover.

6.5.14 Replacing the cassette holder base

Remove the base cover and take the cables out of the base. Unscrew the two
attachment bolts and replace the base.

Figure 6.12 Cassette holder base

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Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

Figure 6.12b Cassette holder base with Optipoint (Vectre in USA)

January 2000 6-20 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

6.5.15 Replacing the collimator

Remove the upper, lower cover of the C-arm and the collimator plate.
Disconnect the lamp cable. Unscrew the four collimator bolts on both sides
and replace the collimator. To remove the lamp base, disconnect the cable,
open the lock screw and unscrew the base. Go to the ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT section and adjust the x-ray field and light field after

6.5.16 Replacing the light field bulb

Turn the unit off and leave it for a while to allow the bulb to cool. Remove the
collimator plate and the old bulb by pulling out. When fitting the new one,
avoid touching the bulb with your fingers. Go to the ALIGNMENT &
ADJUSTMENT section and check the light field alignment.

Figure 6.13 Replacing the collimator

Figure 6.14 Collimator

31687 6-21 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III

6.5.17 Replacing the beam filter mechanism

Remove the upper and lower cover from the c-arm. Remove the X-ray tube.
The beam filter on Alpha III is attached directly on the lead frame. When
replacing the filter change the whole lead frame.

On Alpha RT/IQ both Molybdenum and Rhodium filter are molded in the
plastic filter frame. When replacing the filter change the whole plastic frame.

6.5.18 Replacing the compression display board

Remove the upper and lower cover from the c-arm. The compression display
board is located on the lower cover. Remove the attachment screws and
replace the board.

6.5.19 Replacing the detector display board

Remove the bottom plate of the detector display housing. Remove connector
X1 from the detector display board and open the screw attaching the board to
the housing. Open the white plastic on the cassette holder base. Remove the
cable connectors from the two microswitches on both sides of the AEC
detector. Replace the detector display board.

January 2000 6-22 31687

Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III Service Manual

7.1 Main wiring diagram ......................................................................... 31812-1JH

7.2 Supply board .................................................................. 32030-3SE, 32030-3KD

7.3 CPU board ..................................................................... 32245-3KC, 32245-3SE

7.4a C & Z Driver board (soft comp.) ................................. 33035-3KD, 33035-3SE

7.5a Display board ....................................................................................91420-3B4

7.5b Display board ....................................................................................91419-4C8

7.6a Cas-opto board OPTIPOINT .........................................33280-3S, 33280-3KA

7.6b Cas-opto board .................................................................................92983-4C1
7.6c Cas-opto board ..................................................................................92984-4B2

7.7a Bucky control board .........................................................................92670-4C7

7.7b Bucky control board .........................................................................92744-3B8

7.8 Anode Motor Driver board ...........................................32305-3SC, 32305-4KD

7.9 High voltage unit .................................................................................32370-4SB

7.10a Cassette holder sense .................................................................... 31438-4KA

7.10b Cassette holder sense ..................................................................... 31439-4SA

7.11 Compression Display board ........................................32010-3SA, 32010-4KA

7.12a AEC Display board OPTIPOINT .................................. 33275-4S, 33275-4K

7.12b Detector Display board ................................................... 32005-4S, 32005-4K

7.13 Inverter board .............................................................. 32220-3SE, 32220-3KD

7.14 Filament Control board ............................................... 32225-3SD, 32225-3KB

7.15 C-arm Control board ................................................... 32310-3SB, 32310-3KA

7.16 C-arm Display board ........................................................ 32335-3S, 32335-4K

7.17a SMD AEC board OPTIPOINT ................................. 33270-3SA, 33270-3KB

7.17b AEC board ...................................................................... 32315-3S, 32315-4K
7.17c Phototimer board ............................................................ 32345-3S, 32345-4K

7.18 5 V Power Supply board OPTIPOINT (Only ST) ........... 32962-4S, 32962-4K

7.19 Sensor board OPTIPOINT ............................................... 32735-4S, 32735-3K

7.20 Software Block Diagram .....................................................................33892-2L

31687 7-1 January 2000

Service Manual Alpha IQ, RT, ST, III


January 2000 7-2 31687

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-1 - Tue May 05 13:43:07 1998

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