Term Paper OF Machanics PHY-101 Subject:-: Industrial Robotics

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My name is BABLU SAGAR.I am doing B TECH M.TECH.I have taken efforts in this term
paper. It would not have been possible without the kind support and help of course teacher Miss.
KARANJEET KAUR. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I am highly indebted for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the term paper and for their support in completing the term
paper. I would like to express my gratitude towards my faculty member of for their kind co-
operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this term paper.
I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to my colleague persons for giving me
such attention and time.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the term paper and people
who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

Robot types, features
History of industrial robotics
Robot programming and interfaces
Rant and feature development
Modern development
Characteristics of industrial robots
Industrial robots (manipulating)
Modern robots
Service robot
Social impact
Regional perspectives

Modern industrial robots are true marvels of engineering. A robot the size of a person can easily
carry a load over one hundred pounds and move it very quickly with a repeatability of +/-0.006
inches. Furthermore these robots can do that 24 hours a day for years on end with no failures
whatsoever. Though they are reprogrammable, in many applications (particularly those in the
auto industry) they are programmed once and then repeat that exact same task for years.

A six-axis robot like the yellow one below costs about $60,000. What I find interesting is that
deploying the robot costs another $200,000. Thus, the cost of the robot itself is just a fraction of
the cost of the total system. The tools the robot uses combined with the cost of programming the
robot form the major percentage of the cost. That's why robots in the auto industry are rarely
reprogrammed. If they are going to go to the expense of deploying a robot for another task, then
they may as well use a new robot.

This is pretty much the typical machine people think of when

they think of industrial robots. Fanuc makes this particular
robot. Fanuc is the largest maker of these type of robots in the
world and they are almost always yellow. This robot has six
independent joints, also called six degrees of freedom. The
reason for this is that arbitrarily placing a solid body in space
requires six parameters; three to specify the location (x, y, z
for example) and three to specify the orientation (roll, yaw,
pitch for example).

If you look closely you will see two cylindrical pistons on the
side of the robot. These cylinders contain "anti-gravity"
springs that are a big part of the reason robots like these can
carry such heavy loads. These springs counter-balance against
gravity similar to the way the springs on the garage door
make it much easier for a person to lift.

You will see robots like these welding, painting and handling

The robot shown at right is made by an American company,

Adept Technology. Adept is America's largest robot company and
the world's leading producer of SCARA robots. This is actually
the most common industrial robot. SCARA stands for Selective
Compliance Articulated (though some folks use Assembly here)
Robot Arm. The robot has three joints in the horizontal plane that
give it x-y positioning and orientation parallel to the plane. There
is one linear joint that supplies the z positioning. This is the
typical "pick and place" robot. When combined with a vision
system it can move product from conveyor belt to package at a
very high rate of speed (think "Lucy and the candies" but way

The robot's joint structure allows it to be compliant (or soft) to

forces in the horizontal plane. This is important for "peg in hole"
type applications where the robot will actually flex to make up for
inaccuracies and allow very tight part fits.

The machine at left can be called a Cartesian robot, though

calling this machine a robot is really stretching the definition
Articulated industrial robot operating in a foundry.

A set of six-axis robots used for welding.

Robot types, features

The most commonly used robot configurations are articulated robots, SCARA robots and
Cartesian coordinate robots, (aka gantry robots or x-y-z robots). In the context of general
robotics, most types of robots would fall into the category of robotic arms (inherent in the use of
the word manipulator in the above-mentioned ISO standard). Robots exhibit varying degrees of

• Some robots are programmed to faithfully carry out specific actions

over and over again (repetitive actions) without variation and with a
high degree of accuracy. These actions are determined by
programmed routines that specify the direction, acceleration, velocity,
deceleration, and distance of a series of coordinated motions.

• Other robots are much more flexible as to the orientation of the object
on which they are operating or even the task that has to be performed
on the object itself, which the robot may even need to identify. For
example, for more precise guidance, robots often contain machine
vision sub-systems acting as their "eyes", linked to powerful computers
or controllers. Artificial intelligence, or what passes for it, is becoming
an increasingly important factor in the modern industrial robot.

History of industrial robotics

George Devol applied for the first robotics patents in 1954 (granted in 1961). The first company
to produce a robot was Unimation, founded by Devol and Joseph F. Engelberger in 1956, and
was based on Devol's original patents. Unimation robots were also called programmable transfer
machines since their main use at first was to transfer objects from one point to another, less than
a dozen feet or so apart. They used hydraulic actuators and were programmed in joint
coordinates, i.e. the angles of the various joints were stored during a teaching phase and replayed
in operation. They were accurate to within 1/10,000 of an inch (note: although accuracy is not an
appropriate measure for robots, usually evaluated in terms of repeatability - see later). Unimation
later licensed their technology to Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Guest-Nettlefolds,
manufacturing Unimates in Japan and England respectively. For some time Unimation's only
competitor was Cincinnati Milacron Inc. of Ohio. This changed radically in the late 1970s when
several big Japanese conglomerates began producing similar industrial robots.

In 1969 Victor Scheinman at Stanford University invented the Stanford arm, an all-electric, 6-
axis articulated robot designed to permit an arm solution. This allowed it accurately to follow
arbitrary paths in space and widened the potential use of the robot to more sophisticated
applications such as assembly and welding. Scheinman then designed a second arm for the MIT
AI Lab, called the "MIT arm." Scheinman, after receiving a fellowship from Unimation to
develop his designs, sold those designs to Unimation who further developed them with support
from General Motors and later marketed it as the Programmable Universal Machine for
Assembly (PUMA).

Industrial robotics took off quite quickly in Europe, with both ABB Robotics and KUKA
Robotics bringing robots to the market in 1973. ABB Robotics (formerly ASEA) introduced IRB
6, among the world's first commercially available all electric micro-processor controlled robot.
The first two IRB 6 robots were sold to Magnusson in Sweden for grinding and polishing pipe
bends and were installed in production in January 1974. Also in 1973 KUKA Robotics built its
first robot, known as FAMULUS[2], also one of the first articulated robot to have six
electromechanically driven axes.

Interest in robotics increased in the late 1970s and many US companies entered the field,
including large firms like General Electric, and General Motors (which formed joint venture
FANUC Robotics with FANUC LTD of Japan). U.S. startup companies included Automatix and
Adept Technology, Inc. At the height of the robot boom in 1984, Unimation was acquired by
Westinghouse Electric Corporation for 107 million U.S. dollars. Westinghouse sold Unimation
to Stäubli Faverges SCA of France in 1988, which is still making articulated robots for general
industrial and cleanroom applications and even bought the many article.

Robot programming and Interfaces

The setup or programming of motions and sequences for an

industrial robot is typically taught by linking the robot
controller to a laptop, desktop computer or (internal or
Internet) network.

A robot and a collection of machines or peripherals is

referred to as a workcell, or cell. A typical cell might contain
a parts feeder, a molding machine and a robot. The various machines are 'integrated' and
controlled by a single computer or PLC. How the robot interacts with other machines in the cell
must be programmed, both with regard to their positions in the cell and synchronizing with t

a.Software: The computer is installed with corresponding interface software. The

use of a computer greatly simplifies the programming process. Specialized robot software
is run either in the robot controller or in the computer or both depending on the system

There are two basic entities that need to be taught (or programmed): positional data and
procedure. For example in a task to move a screw from a feeder to a hole the positions of the
feeder and the hole must first be taught or programmed. Secondly the procedure to get the screw
from the feeder to the hole must be programmed along with any I/O involved, for example a
signal to indicate when the screw is in the feeder ready to be picked up. The purpose of the robot
software is to facilitate both these programming tasks.

Teaching the robot positions may be achieved a number of ways:

Positional commands The robot can be directed to the required position using a GUI or text
based commands in which the required X-Y-Z position may be specified and edited.

b. Teach pendant: Robot positions can be taught via a teach pendant. This is a
handheld control and programming unit. The common features of such units are the ability to
manually send the robot to a desired position, or "inch" or "jog" to adjust a position. They also
have a means to change the speed since a low speed is usually required for careful positioning, or
while test-running through a new or modified routine. A large emergency stop button is usually
included as well. Typically once the robot has been programmed there is no more use for the
teach pendant.

Lead-by-the-nose is a technique offered by many robot manufacturers. In this method, one user
holds the robot's manipulator, while another person enters a command which de-energizes the
robot causing it to go limp. The user then moves the robot by hand to the required positions
and/or along a required path while the software logs these positions into memory. The program
can later run the robot to these positions or along the taught path. This technique is popular for
tasks such as paint spraying.

Offline programming is where the entire cell, the robot and all the machines or instruments in the
workspace are mapped graphically. The robot can then be moved on screen and the process
simulated. The technique has limited value because it relies on accurate measurement of the
positions of the associated equipment and also relies on the positional accuracy the robot which
may or may not conform to what is programmed (see accuracy and repeatability, above).

Others In addition, machine operators often use user interface devices, typically touchscreen
units, which serve as the operator control panel. The operator can switch from program to
program, make adjustments within a program and also operate a host of peripheral devices that
may be integrated within the same robotic system. These include end effectors, feeders that
supply components to the robot, conveyor belts, emergency stop controls, machine vision
systems, safety interlock systems, bar code printers and an almost infinite array of other
industrial devices which are accessed and controlled via the operator control panel.

The teach pendant or PC is usually disconnected after programming and the robot then runs on
the program that has been installed in its controller. However a computer is often used to
'supervise' the robot and any peripherals, or to provide additional storage for access to numerous

ececomplex paths and routines

Rant and future developments
As of 2005, the robotic arm business is approaching a mature state, where they can provide
enough speed, accuracy and ease of use for most of the applications. Vision guidance (aka
machine vision) is bringing a lot of flexibility to robotic cells. However, the end effectors
attached to a robot is often a simple pneumatic, 2-position chuck. This does not allow the robotic
cell to easily handle different parts, in different orientations.

Hand-in-hand with increasing off-line programmed applications, robot calibration is becoming

more and more important in order to guarantee a good positioning accuracy.

Other developments include downsizing industrial arms for light industrial use such as
production of small products, sealing and dispensing, quality control, handling samples in the
laboratory. Such robots are usually classified as "bench top" robots. Robots are used in
pharmaceutical research in a technique called High-throughput screening. Bench top robots are
also used in consumer applications (micro-robotic arms). Industrial arms may be used in
combination with or even mounted on automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to make the
automation chain more flexible between pick-up and drop-off.

Prices of robots will vary with the features, but are usually from 7,500 USD for a bench-top
model such as the ST Robotics R12 or the Fisnar dispensing robot and as much as 100,000 USD
or more for a heavy-duty, long-reach robot such as the Kuka KR1000.

Since the beginnings of civilisation man has had a fascination for a human-like creation that
would assist him. Societies in the early part of the first millennium engaged in slavery and used
those slaves to perform the tasks which were either dirty or menial labours. Having slaves freed
the enslavers to carry on their society and concentrate on what they perceived as more important
tasks such as business and politics. Man had discovered mechanics and the means of creating
complex mechanisms which would perform repetitive functions such as waterwheels and pumps.
Technological advances were slow but there were more complex machines, generally limited to a
very small number, which performed more grandiose functions such as those invented by Hero
of Alexandria.

In the first half of the second millennium man began to develop more complex machines as well
as rediscovering the Greek engineering methods. Men such as Leonardo Da Vinci in 1495
through to Jacques de Vaucanson in 1739 have made plans for, and built, automata and robots
leading to books of designs such as the Japanese Karakuri zui (Illustrated Machinery) in 1796.
As mechanical techniques developed through the Industrial age we find more practical
applications such as Nikola Tesla in 1898 who designed a radio-controlled torpedo and the
Westinghouse Electric Corporation creation Televox in 1926. From here we find a more android
development as designers tried to mimic more human-like features including designs such as
those of biologist Makoto Nishimura in 1929 and his creation Gakutensoku, which cried and
changed its facial expressions, and the more crude Elektro from Westinghouse in 1938.

Electronics now became the driving force of development instead of mechanics with the advent
of the first electronic autonomous robots created by William Grey Walter in Bristol, England in
1948. The first digital and programmable robot was invented by George Devol in 1954 and was
ultimately called the Unimate. Devol sold the first Unimate to General Motors in 1960 where it
was used to lift pieces of hot metal from die casting machines in a plant in Trenton, New Jersey.

Since then we have seen robots finally reach a more true assimilation of all technologies to
produce robots such as ASIMO which can walk and move like a human. Robots have replaced
slaves in the assistance of performing those repetitive and dangerous tasks which humans prefer
not to do or unable to do due to size limitations or even those such as in outer space or at the
bottom of the sea where humans could not survive the extreme environments.

Robots come in those two basic forms: Those which are used to make or move things, such as
Industrial robots or mobile or servicing robots and those which are used for research into human-
like robots such as ASIMO and TOPIO as well as those into more defined and specific roles such
as Nano robots and Swarm robots.

Man has developed a fear of the autonomous robot and how it may react in society, such as
Shelley's Frankenstein and the EATR, and yet we still use robots in a wide variety of tasks such
as vacuuming floors, mowing lawns, cleaning drains, investigating other planets, building cars,
entertainment and in warfare.

Modern developments
The Japanese craftsman Hisashige Tanaka (1799–1881), known as "Japan's Edison" or "Karakuri
Giemon", created an array of extremely complex mechanical toys, some of which served tea,
fired arrows drawn from a quiver, and even painted a Japanese kanji character.[14] In 1898 Nikola
Tesla publicly demonstrated a radio-controlled torpedo.[15] Based on patents for "teleautomation",
Tesla hoped to develop it into a weapon system for the US Navy.[16][17]

In 1926, Westinghouse Electric Corporation created Televox, the first robot put to useful work.
They followed Televox with a number of other simple robots, including one called Rastus, made
in the crude image of a black man. In the 1930s, they created a humanoid robot known as Elektro
for exhibition purposes, including the 1939 and 1940 World's Fairs.[18][19] In 1928, Japan's first
robot, Gakutensoku, was designed and constructed by biologist Makoto Nishimura.

The first electronic autonomous robots were created by William Grey Walter of the Burden
Neurological Institute at Bristol, England in 1948 and 1949. They were named Elmer and Elsie.
These robots could sense light and contact with external objects, and use these stimuli to
The first truly modern robot, digitally operated and programmable, was invented by George
Devol in 1954 and was ultimately called the Unimate. Devol sold the first Unimate to General
Motors in 1960, and it was installed in 1961 in a plant in Trenton, New Jersey to lift hot pieces of
metal from a die casting machine and stack them.[21]

Commercial and industrial robots are now in widespread use performing jobs more cheaply or
with greater accuracy and reliability than humans. They are also employed for jobs which are too
dirty, dangerous or dull to be suitable for humans. Robots are widely used in manufacturing,
assembly and packing, transport, earth and space exploration, surgery, weaponry, laboratory
research, and mass production of consumer and industrial goods.

Characteristics of industrial
• number of axes – two axes are required to reach any point in a plane;
three axes are required to reach any point in space. To fully control the
orientation of the end of the arm (i.e. the wrist) three more axes (roll,
pitch and yaw) are required. Some designs (e.g. the SCARA robot)
trade limitations in motion possibilities for cost, speed, and accuracy.
• kinematics – the actual arrangement of rigid members and joints in the
robot, which determines the robot's possible motions. Classes of robot
kinematics include articulated, cartesian, parallel and SCARA.
• working envelope – the region of space a robot can reach.
• carrying capacity – how much weight a robot can lift.
• speed – how fast the robot can position the end of its arm.
• accuracy – how closely a robot can reach a commanded position.
Accuracy can vary with speed and position within the working
• power source – some robots use electric motors, other use hydraulic
actuators. The former are faster, the later are stronger and
advantageous in applications such as spray painting, where a spark
could set off an explosion.
• drive – some robots connect electric motors to the joints via gears;
others connect the motor to the joint directly (direct drive).
Industrial robots
Industrial robots usually consist of a jointed arm (multi-linked manipulator) and end effector that
is attached to a fixed surface. One of the most common type of end effector is a gripper

The International Organization for Standardization gives a definition of a manipulating industrial

robot in ISO 8373:

"an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulator programmable in three

or more axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation

This definition is used by the International Federation of Robotics, the European Robotics
Research Network (EURON) and many national standards committees.[33]

Modern robots

A laparoscopic robotic surgery machine

Service robot
Most commonly industrial robots are fixed robotic arms and manipulators used primarily for
production and distribution of goods. The term "service robot" is less well-defined. IFR has
proposed a tentative definition, "A service robot is a robot which operates semi- or fully-
autonomously to perform services useful to the well-being of humans and equipment, excluding
manufacturing operations."

In South Africa robot is an informal and commonly used term for a set of traffic lights.

Social impact
Roughly half of all the robots in the world are in Asia, 32% in Europe, and 16% in North
America, 1% in Australasia and 1% in Africa.[34] 30% of all the robots in the world are in Japan,
making Japan the country with the highest number of robots.

Regional perspectives
In Japan and South Korea, ideas of future robots have been mainly positive, and the start of the
pro-robotic society there is thought to be possibly due to the famous 'Astro Boy'. Asian societies
such as Japan, South Korea, and more recently, China, believe robots to be more equal to
humans, having them care for old people, play with or teach children, or replace pets etc.[36] The
general view in Asian cultures is that the more robots advance, the better.

"This is the opening of an era in which human beings and robots can co-exist," says Japanese
firm Mitsubishi about one of the many humanistic robots in Japan.[37] South Korea aims to put a
robot in every house there by 2015-2020 in order to help catch up technologically with Japan.[38]

Western societies are more likely to be against, or even fear the development of robotics, through
much media output in movies and literature that they will replace humans. Some believe that the
West regards robots as a 'threat' to the future of humans, partly due to religious beliefs about the
role of humans and society.[40][41] Obviously, these boundaries are not clear, but there is a
significant difference between the two cultural viewpoints.

They also noted that some computer viruses can evade elimination and have achieved
"cockroach intelligence." They noted that self-awareness as depicted in science-fiction is
probably unlikely, but that there were other potential hazards and pitfalls.[47] Various media
sources and scientific groups have noted separate trends in differing areas which might together
result in greater robotic functionalities and autonomy, and which pose some inherent concerns.[49]

Factory Automation with industrial robots for palletizing food products like bread and toast at a
bakery in Germany

The most essential robot peripheral is the end effector, or end-of-arm-tooling. Common
examples of end effectors include welding devices (such as MIG-welding guns, spot-welders,
etc.), spray guns and also grinding and deburring devices (such as pneumatic disk or belt
grinders, burrs, etc.), and grippers (devices that can grasp an object, usually electromechanical or
pneumatic). Another common means of picking up an object is by vacuum. End effectors are
frequently highly complex, made to match the handled product and often capable of picking up
an array of products at one time. They may utilize various sensors to aid the robot system in
locating, handling, and positioning products.

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