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Robots are devices that are programmed to move parts, or to do work with a tool. Robotics
is a multidisciplinary engineering field dedicated to the development of autonomous devices,
including manipulators and mobile vehicles.
Roboticists develop man-made mechanical devices that can move by themselves, whose
motion must be modelled, planned, sensed, actuated and controlled, and whose motion behaviour
can be influenced by “programming”. Robots are called “intelligent” if they succeed in moving
in safe interaction with an unstructured environment, while autonomously achieving their
specified tasks.

This definition implies that a device can only be called a “robot” if it contains a movable
mechanism, influenced by sensing, planning, actuation and control components. It does not imply
that a minimum number of these components must be implemented in software, or be changeable
by the “consumer” who uses the device; for example, the motion behaviour can have been hard-
wired into the device by the manufacturer.

So, the presented definition, as well as the rest of the material in this part of the WEBook,
covers not just “pure” robotics or only “intelligent” robots, but rather the somewhat broader
domain of robotics and automation. This includes “dumb” robots such as: metal and
woodworking machines, “intelligent” washing machines, dish washers and pool cleaning robots,
etc. These examples all have sensing, planning and control, but often not in individually separated
components. For example, the sensing and planning behaviour of the pool cleaning robot have
been integrated into the mechanical design of the device, by the intelligence of the human

Robotics is, to a very large extent, all about system integration, achieving a task by an
actuated mechanical device, via an “intelligent” integration of components, many of which it
shares with other domains, such as systems and control, computer science, character animation,
machine design, computer vision, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, biomechanics, etc. In
addition, the boundaries of robotics cannot be clearly defined, since also its “core” ideas, concepts
and algorithms are being applied in an ever increasing number of “external” applications, and,
vice versa, core technology from other domains (vision, biology, cognitive science or
biomechanics, for example) are becoming crucial components in more and more modern robotic

1.2 Definition
The term comes from a Czech word, robota, meaning "forced labor." The word
robot first appeared in a 1920 play by Czech writer Karel Capek, R.U.R.: Rossum's Universal
Robots. In the play, the robots eventually overthrow their human creators.

An automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulator programmable

in three or more axes, which may be either, fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial
automation applications.
An industrial robot is defined by ISO as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable,
multipurpose manipulator programmable in three or more axes. The field of robotics may be
more practically defined as the study, design and use of robot systems
for manufacturing (a top-level definition relying on the prior definition of robot). Typical
applications of robots include welding, painting, assembly, pick and place (such as packaging,
palletizing and SMT), product inspection, and testing; all accomplished with high endurance,
speed, and precision.

1.3 Robot Anatomy

The anatomy of robot is also known as structure of robot. The basic components or sections
in anatomy of robots are as follows.

The RIA (Robotics Industries Association) has officially given the definition for Industrial
Robots. According to RIA, “An Industrial Robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator
designed to move materials, parts, tools, or special devices through variable programmed motions
for the performance of a variety of tasks.”

The Anatomy of Industrial Robots deals with the assembling of outer components of a robot
such as wrist, arm, and body. Before jumping into Robot Configurations, here are some of the key
facts about robot anatomy.
• End Effectors: A hand of a robot is considered as end effectors. The grippers
and tools are the two significant types of end effectors. The grippers are used
to pick and place an object, while the tools are used to carry out operations
like spray painting, spot welding, etc. on a work piece.
• Robot Joints: The joints in an industrial robot are helpful to perform sliding
and rotating movements of a component.
• Manipulator: The manipulators in a robot are developed by the integration of
links and joints. In the body and arm, it is applied for moving the tools in the
work volume. It is also used in the wrist to adjust the tools.
• Kinematics: It concerns with the assembling of robot links and joints. It is also
used to illustrate the robot motions.

1.4 Co-ordinate System

A coordinate system defines a plane or space by axes from a fixed point called the origin.
Robot targets and positions are located by measurements along the axes of coordinate systems. A
robot uses several coordinate systems, each suitable for specific types of jogging or programming.

The Robots are mostly divided into four major configurations based on their appearances,
sizes, etc. such as:
• Cylindrical Configuration,
• Polar Configuration,
• Jointed Arm Configuration, and
• Cartesian Co-ordinate Configuration.

Cylindrical Configuration:

This kind of robots incorporates a slide in the horizontal position and a column in the
vertical position. It also includes a robot arm at the end of the slide. Here, the slide is capable of
moving in up & down motion with the help of the column. In addition, it can reach the work space
in a rotary movement as like a cylinder.
Example: GMF Model M1A Robot.
• Increased rigidity, and
• Capacity of carrying high payloads.
• Floor space required is more, and
• Less work volume.

Polar Configuration:
The polar configuration robots will possess an arm, which can move up and down. It comprises of
a rotational base along with a pivot. It has one linear & two rotary joints that allows the robot to
operate in a spherical work volume. It is also stated as Spherical Coordinate Robots.
Example: Unimate 2000 Series Robot.
Advantages:Long reach capability in the horizontal position.


• Vertical reach is low.

Jointed Arm Configuration:

The arm in these configuration robots looks almost like a human arm. It gets three rotary
joints and three wrist axes, which form into six degrees of freedoms. As a result, it has the
capability to be controlled at any adjustments in the work space. These types of robots are used
for performing several operations like spray painting, spot welding, arc welding, and more.
Example: Cincinnati Milacron T3 776 Robot
• Increased flexibility,
• Huge work volume, and
• Quick operation.
• Very expensive,
• Difficult operating procedures, and
• Plenty of components.

Cartesian Co-ordinate configuration:

These robots are also called as XYZ robots, because it is equipped with three rotary joints
for assembling XYZ axes. The robots will process in a rectangular work space by means of this
three joints movement. It is capable of carrying high payloads with the help of its rigid structure.
It is mainly integrated in some functions like pick and place, material handling, loading and
unloading, and so on. Additionally, this configuration adds a name of Gantry Robot.
Example: IBM 7565 Robot.
• Highly accurate & speed,
• Fewer cost,
• Simple operating procedures, and
• High payloads.
• Less work envelope, and
• Reduced flexibility.

1.5 Work Envelop

It is the shape created when a manipulator reaches forward, backward, up and down. These
distances are determined by the length of a robot's arm and the design of its axes. Each axis
contributes its own range of motion.

A robot can only perform within the confines of this work envelope. Still, many of the
robots are designed with considerable flexibility. Some have the ability to reach behind
themselves. Gantry robots defy traditional constraints of work envelopes. They move along track
systems to create large work spaces.

Technical Features of an Industrial Robot
The technical features of an industrial robot determine its efficiency and effectiveness at
performing a given task. The following are some of the most important among these technical

1.6 Robot Classification

Degree of Freedom (D.O.F) - Each joint on the robot introduces a degree of freedom. Each
dof can be a slider, rotary, or other type of actuator. Robots typically have 5 or 6 degrees of
freedom. 3 of the degrees of freedom allow positioning in 3D space, while the other 2or 3 are
used for orientation of the end effector. 6 degrees of freedom are enough to allow the robot to
reach all positions and orientations in 3D space. 5 D.O.F requires a restriction to 2D space, or
else it limits orientations. 5 D.O.F robots are commonly used for handling tools such as arc

Work Volume/Workspace - The robot tends to have a fixed and limited geometry. The
work envelope is the boundary of positions in space that the robot can reach. For a Cartesian robot
(like an overhead crane) the workspace might be a square, for more sophisticated robots the
workspace might be a shape that looks like a ‘clump of intersecting bubbles’.

The Pneumatic Robot.

The pick and place machine is the simplest of the robots. Pneumatic
powered, it has no servo motors driving the axes, but an air cylinder
As such, each stoke is to an end stop, that is generally adjustable for
a few millimeters, via a micrometer type screw.
A popular application is to pick and place small components into an assembly, maybe from a
vibratory bowl feeder to an assembly fixture.
Pick and Place units are fast, accurate and very cost effective.

The Scara Robots.

Scara means Selective, Compliant, Robot arm.This robot is
especially designed for assembly automation and uses 4-axes of
motion, each axes driven by a servo motor. The two joints have a
motor each and the base has a rotate axis.
The forth axis is the vertical axis that generally inserts a
component. This arrangement makes a very "stiff" arrangement that
is ideally suited for accurate insertion. The Scara is the least
expensive of the servo powered robots and are usually small and can
be very fast. The photo at left is of an Epson robot. Take a look at
this page for more details- The Scara Robots.

The Gantry Robot.

This type of robot is generally mounted direct to the shop floor
and usually has a large work envelope.
It can be used for material handling applications and I used them
for stacking and de-stacking steel blanks, that were laser welded into
tailored blanks.
They can be pneumatic powered but the cost of servo drives for
industrial robotics is getting so competitive that today the air powered
types are few and far between.
More details can be found by visiting this page- The Gantry

Cartesian robots.
These machines are usually mounted on a table and are similar in
concept to the gantry robot but on a smaller scale. The axes can be
air or servo motor powered and are generally offered in modules,
that are complete and can be bolted together, to form the motions
The photo shows a Toshiba robot.
The 6-Axes Industrial Robot Arm.
Maybe the most recognized industrial robot.
It is available in a wide range of sizes and
payloads, They can be small enough to mount on a table or, like the ABB IR 140
shown here are floor mounted.
Applications are universal in the field of industrial robotics. The robot arm
can be found in all types of uses, from assembly to welding to painting and material
The Painting Robot.

When used in a painting application, the robot does not

need a large payload capability but does need good
repeatability and accurate path following.When correctly programmed and well maintained, a
paint robot will produce excellent repeatable results with no paint runs or overspray.

The photo shows an ABB IRB 52.

The Welding Robot.

The welding robot does not require a large payload capability but a larger work envelope can be
an advantage and smooth, non-jerky movement is required. Welding is a dirty operation, so sealing
of critical areas is essential and the shielding gas used in MIG operations must ensure that weld
spatter is kept tp a minimum.

Robot Grippers.

A most important detail in industrial robotics is the part/ robot

interface.Grippers come in many sizes and different types. The photo
shows an SMC gripper that is available in various bore sizes and is
toggle operated. The toggle has the effect of increasing the clamping
force and can provide gripping when pneumatic power is absent.

Robotic End of Arm Tooling.

The E.O.A.T. ( End Of Arm Tooling), in industrial robotics, is an

essential component of the whole. Custom designed tooling can be very
complicated. The fact that modular components are available reduces the
technical risk and cost of many applications.

1.7 Wrist configuration

Roll- This is also called wrist swivel, this involves rotation of the wrist mechanism about the arm

Pitch- It involves up & down rotation of the wrist. This is also called as wrist bend.

Yaw- It involves right or left rotation of the wrist.

Notation TRL:
ƒ Consists of a sliding arm (L joint) actuated relative to the body, which can rotate about both a
vertical axis (T joint) and horizontal axis (R joint)

Notation TLO:
ƒ Consists of a vertical column, relative to which an arm assembly is moved up or down
ƒ the arm can be moved in or out relative to the column

Notation LOO:
ƒ Consists of three sliding joints, two of which are orthogonal Other names include rectilinear
robot and x-y-z robot.

1.8 Speed of Motion

1. Point-to-point (PTP) control robot: is capable of moving from one point to another point. The
locations are recorded in the control memory. PTP robots do not control the path to get from one
point to the next point. Common applications include component insertion, spot welding, whole
drilling, machine loading and unloading, and crude assembly operations.

2. Continuous-path (CP) control robot: with CP control, the robot can stop at any specified
point along the controlled path. All the points along the path must be stored explicitly in the robot’s
control memory. Typical applications include spray painting, finishing, gluing, and arc welding

3. Controlled-path robot: the control equipment can generate paths of different geometry such
as straight lines, circles, and interpolated curves with a high degree of accuracy. All controlled-
path robots have a servo capability to correct their path.

1.8 Pay Load

Maximum payload is the weight of the robotic wrist, including the EOAT and work piece.
It varies with different robot applications and models. Determining your payload
requirements is one way to narrow down your robot search.

1.9 Robot Parts and Functions

The controller is the "brain" of the industrial robotic arm and allows the parts of the robot
to operate together. It works as a computer and allows the robot to also be connected to other
systems. The robotic arm controller runs a set of instructions written in code called a program. The
program is inputted with ateach pendant. Many of today's industrial robot arms use an interface
that resembles or is built on the Windows operating system.

Industrial robot arms can vary in size and shape. The industrial robot arm is the part that
positions the end effector. With the robot arm, the shoulder, elbow, and wrist move and twist to
position the end effector in the exact right spot. Each of these joints gives the robot another degree
of freedom. A simple robot with three degrees of freedom can move in three ways: up & down,
left & right, and forward & backward. Many industrial robots in factories today are six axis robots.

The end effector connects to the robot's arm and functions as a hand. This part comes in
direct contact with the material the robot is manipulating. Some variations of an effector are a
gripper, a vacuum pump, magnets, and welding torches. Some robots are capable of changing
end effectors and can be programmed for different sets of tasks.

The drive is the engine or motor that moves the links into their designated positions. The
links are the sections between the joints. Industrial robot arms generally use one of the following
types of drives: hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic. Hydraulic drive systems give a robot great speed
and strength. An electric system provides a robot with less speed and strength. Pneumatic drive
systems are used for smaller robots that have fewer axes of movement. Drives should be
periodically inspected for wear and replaced if necessary.

Sensors allow the industrial robotic arm to receive feedback about its environment. They
can give the robot a limited sense of sight and sound. The sensor collects information and sends it
electronically to the robot controlled. One use of these sensors is to keep two robots that work
closely together from bumping into each other. Sensors can also assist end effectors by adjusting
for part variances. Vision sensors allow a pick and place robot to differentiate between items to
choose and items to ignore.

1.10 Need of Robot and its Application

Industrial Applications
Industrial robots are used to assemble the vehicle parts, as shown in the figure. As
the assembly of the machine parts is a repetitive task to be performed, the robots are conveniently
used instead of using mankind (which is more costly and less précised compared to robots.)

Auto Industry:
The auto industry is the largest users of robots, which automate the production of
various components and then help, assemble them on the finished vehicle. Car production is the
primary example of the employment of large and complex robots for producing products. Robots
are used in that process for the painting, welding and assembly of the cars. Robots are good for
such tasks because the tasks can be accurately defined and must be performed the same every time,
with little need for feedback to control the exact process being performed.

Material Transfer , Machine Loading And Unloading

There are many robot applications in which the robot is required to move a work
part or other material from one location to another. The most basic of these applications is where
the robot picks the part up from one position and transfers it to another position. In other
applications, the robot is used to load and/or unload a production machine of some type.
Material transfer applications are defined as operations in which the primary objective is to move
a part from one location to another location. They are usually considered to be among the most
straightforward of robot applications to implement. The applications usually require a relatively
unsophisticated robot, and interlocking requirements with other equipments are typically
uncomplicated. These are the pick ad place operations. The machine loading and unloading
applications are material handling operations in which the robot is used to service a production
machine by transferring parts to and/or from the machine.
Robots have been successfully applied to accomplish the loading and/or unloading function in the
production operations

· Die casting
· Plastic molding
· Forging and related operations
· Machining operations
· Stamping press operations
The other industrial applications of robotics include processing operations such as spot welding,
continuous arc welding; spray coating, also in assembly of machine parts and their inspection.

The most developed robot in practical use today is the robotic arm and it is seen in
applications throughout the world. We use robotic arms to carry out dangerous work such as when
dealing with hazardous materials. We use robotic arms to carry out work in outer space where man
cannot survive and we use robotic arms to do work in the medical field such as conducting
experiments without exposing the research. Some of the most advanced robotic arms have such
amenities as a rotating base, pivoting shoulder, pivoting elbow, rotating wrist and gripper fingers.
All of these amenities allow the robotic arm to do work that closely resembles what a man can do
only without the risk.

Medical Applications
Medical robotics is a growing field and regulatory approval has been granted for the use
of robots in minimally invasive procedures. Robots are being used in performing highly delicate,
accurate surgery, or to allow a surgeon who is located remotely from their patient to perform a
procedure using a robot controlled remotely. More recently, robots can be used autonomously in

Future Applications
We can theorize a likely profile of the future robot based on the various research activities
that are currently being performed. The features and capabilities of the future robot will include the
following (it is unlikely that all future robots will possess all of the features listed).
• Intelligence: The future robot will be an intelligent robot, capable of making decisions
about the task it performs based on high-level programming commands and feed back data from its
•Sensor capabilities: the robot will have a wide array of sensor capabilities including vision,
tactile sensing, and others. Progress is being made in the field of feedback and tactile sensors, which
allow a robot to sense their actions and adjust their behavior accordingly. This is vital to enable
robots to perform complex physical tasks that require some active control in response to the situation.
Robotic manipulators can be very precise, but only when a task can be fully described.
•Tele presence: it will possess a tele presence capability, the ability to communicate
information about its environment (which may be unsafe for humans) back to a remote” safe”
location where humans will be able to make judgments and decisions about actions that should be
taken by the robots.
•Mechanical design: the basic design of the robot manipulator will be mechanically more
efficient, more reliable, and with improved power and actuation systems compared to present day
robots. Some robots will have multiple arms with advanced control systems to coordinate the actions
of the arms working together. The design of robot is also likely to be modularized, so that robots for
different purposes can be constructed out of components that are fairly standard.
•Mobility and navigation: future robots will be mobile, able to move under their own power
and navigation systems.

•Universal gripper: robot gripper design will be more sophisticated, and universal hands
capable of multiple tasks will be available.
•Systems integration and networking: robots of the future will be “user friendly” and
capable of being interfaced and networked with other systems in the factory to achieve a very high
level of integration.

Industrial Applications
We will divide our presentation of future industrial applications into three areas:
· Manufacturing
· Hazardous and inaccessible environments,
· Service industries
Future Manufacturing Applications
The present biggest application areas for industrial robots are in the spot-welding and the
materials handling and machine loading categories. The handling of materials and machine tending
are expected to continue to represent important applications for robots, but the relative importance
of spot welding is expected to decline significantly. The most significant growth in shares of
manufacturing applications is expected to be in assembly and inspection and in arc welding.

Robotic welding is one of the most successful applications of industrial robot manipulators.
In fact, a huge number of products require welding operations in their assembly processes.Welding
can in most cases impose extremely high temperatures concentrated in small zones. Physically, that
makes the material experience extremely high and localized thermal expansion and contraction
cycles, which introduce changes in the materials that may affect its mechanical behavior along with
plastic deformation. Those changes must be well understood in order to minimize the effects.
The majority of industrial welding applications benefit from the introduction of robot
manipulators, since most of the deficiencies attributed to the human factor is removed with
advantages when robots are introduced. This should lead to cheaper products since productivity and
quality can be increased, and production costs and manpower can be decreased.

Hazardous and Inaccessible Nonmanufacturing Environments

Manual operations in manufacturing that are characterized as unsafe, hazardous,
uncomfortable, or unpleasant for the human workers who perform them have traditionally been ideal
candidates for robot applications. Examples include die-casting, hot forging, spray-painting, and arc
welding. Potential manufacturing robot applications that are in hazardous or inaccessible
environments include the following:
· Construction trades
· Underground Coal mining: The sources of dangers in this field for humans include fires,
explosions, poisonous gases, cave-ins, and underground floods.
· Hazardous utility company operations: The robots have a large scope of application in
the nuclear wastage cleaning in nuclear plants, in the electrical wiring, which are dangerous and
hazardous to humans.
· Military applications
· Fire fighting
· Undersea operations: The Ocean represents a rather hostile environment for human
beings due principally to extreme pressures and currents. Even when the humans venture into the
deep, they are limited in terms of mobility and the length of time they can remain underwater. It
seems much safer and more comfortable to assign aquatic robots to perform whatever task must be
done underwater.

· Robots in space: Space is another inhospitable environment for humans, in some respects
the opposite of the ocean. Instead of extremely high pressures in deep waters, there is virtually no
pressure in outer space. Therefore, this field is also of large importance as far as the robotics is

Service Industry And Other Applications:

In addition to manufacturing robot applications, robot applications that are considered hazardous,
there are also opportunities for applying robots to the service industries. The possibilities cover a
wide spectrum of jobs that are generally non-hazardous:
· Teaching robots
· Retail robots
· Fast-food restaurants

· Garbage collection in waste disposal operations

· Cargo handling and loading and distribution operations
· Security guards
· Medical care and hospital duties
· Agricultural robots
· House hold robots

Medical Applications
The medical applications of robotics include Nano robotics, swarm robotics, also surgeries
and operations using the knowledge of robotics.
Nano robotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the scale of a nanometer
(10-9 meters). Nanorobots (nanobots or nanoids) are typically devices ranging in size from 0.1-10
micrometers and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. As no artificial non-biological
nanorobots have so far been created, they remain a hypothetical concept at this time.
Swarm robotics is a new approach to the coordination of multirobot systems, which consist
of large numbers of relatively simple physical robots. Potential application for swarm robotics
includes tasks that demand for extreme miniaturization (Nano robotics, microbotics), on the one
hand, as for instance distributed sensing tasks in micro machinery or the human body. On the other
hand, swarm robotics is suited to tasks that demand for extremely cheap designs, for instance a
mining task, or an agricultural foraging task. Artists are using swarm robotic techniques to realize
new forms of interactive art installation.

Robots For Paralyzed Patients

One of the interesting and concerning future applications of robotics in medical field
include service to paralyzed people who electric wheelchairs to move around. But now a robotic
device can help paralyzed patients to walk on treadmills. After training, some of the patients, who
rebuild confidence, have also regained muscle power and can, walk over short distances. The robot
helps the paralyzed patients in their daily routine such as helping them to take bath, changing their
clothes, and feeding them. A robot doesn’t force food into their mouth but it takes the spoon to till
the patient’s mouth.

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