Design Process

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Four Significant Phases

1.0 Definition of the project

2.0 Development of Design Strategies and Concepts
3.0 Development of Design and Appreciation
4.0 Final Design and Appreciation
1.1 Background of the Project
Discussion about the project touching on the basic needs
such as shelter, recreational, institutional , cultural,
industrial and other uses. What is the intention why the
project is being proposed?
1.2 Scope of the project
Embraces the needs of the project that can be translated
into spaces or architectural undertaking within the
realm of architect’s service. Proper hierarchy of needs
should be observed
1.3 Project Objectives

Reflects the intentions of the project owner in putting up a

building. Contains the enumeration of the intentions
why the prospective client is proposing a building or a
Influence the direction of the design objectives and
approaches set by the architect
o Sort out all the client’s objectives in relation to
architectural activities.
o Observe hierarchy of objectives
o Project objectives-client
o Design objectives-architect
Goal –broad, vague statements of what to achieve
at the end of the process
Example: provide a living environment that
will make family members happy
Objective-specific activities to be done to reach the
1. to design a family room that will encourage
maximum bonding with family members
2. to design bedrooms that will provide family
members with maximum comfortability
3. to design a residence that will stand the test of
time, calamities and obsolescence.
Example: Mr. Juan dela Cruz Objectives:

1. to put up a residential structure for investment

2. to provide a house where everybody enjoys privacY
3. to provide a house for his family where they can experience closer bonding
4. to house his cherished possessions
5. to provide his family space for healthy living
6. to provide his family a house adapted to the interest of his family members
7. You may notice that project objective 1 is the only objective that is not within the
service of an architect. But take note that the client’s objective a house is an
investment must also be considered since this statement should influence the
design of the structure making the house increase its property value as time
went by.
1.4 Site of the Project

Contains information about the site: location, size and

shapes, measurements others. The information stated
in the TCT is very important as preliminary site research
and inventory. Detailed site analysis will be done at a
later stage.
1.5 Building Requirements

All requirements and data needed in putting up a specific

building: legal, space requirements, standards, needs
and wants of the user/owner, cultural, others

2.1 Design Objectives

2.2 Design Considerations
2.3 programming
2.4 Technical space analysis
2.1 Design Objectives

Architect’s intention on what to accomplish at the end of

the design process

Influence by project objectives

Answers the needs of the project which can be translated

into spatial or architectural activities

Influence by other factors that the architect will include in

his statement of objectives. These factors influencing
his objectives are the design considerations
2.2 Design Considerations

Influencing factors that are considered in developing the

building and its environ. These are factors may not be
directly related in architecture but are needed since they
affect the design of the building

Geared toward the attainment of the design objectives

Also hinge on the project objectives

Architectural Design Process

III. Development of Design Concept

IV. Development of Design Alternatives
V. Appreciation of Design Alternatives
VI. Final Design Proposal and Presentation
Development of Design Concept

Design Concept is the motivating idea that give direction

for design considerations to directly influence the satisfaction of
design objectives.

Definition of Design Concept in various ways:

-Conscious interacting repertoire of design consideration to meet design
-A format conceived with regards to the general approach to design.
-An initial generalized idea which is to be expanded and developed latter in
more details.
-A perception about from resulting from analysis of the problem.
-A strategy for moving from design objectives to design solutions through.
-Satisfaction of design objectives through design considerations.
Facts about Concept:

-They are derived from problem analysis or at least prompt by it.

-They are general and rudimentary in character.
-They require and must embrace further development.
Concern and Issues in developing Concepts:
-Functional Zoning
-Architectural Space
-Circulation and Building Form
-Response to context
-Building Envelope (Elevation)
Some Examples of Statement Concept:

-Architectural design by objective.

-Dynamic identity through freedom and form.
-Building efficiently through identifying assembly, and
refining parts into whole.
-From derived from the organizing and clothing of activity
-Enclosed but not enclose to visual continuity.
-Effective mobility and freedom of access through
interlocking of areas.
Development of Design and its Alternatives

Once a design concept is established, different design

schemes that meet the design objectives are developed. Using
technical space data from the previous stage will facilitate
developing architectural forms needed for the schemes. Forms ,
mass proportions and other mass considerations will play vital
role. The viable alternatives are further developed into
preliminary design for appreciation. These schemes should be
comprehensive detailed designs that shows a plan , elevation ,
section and other important drawings and graphical
We should also consider the advantages and
disadvantages of different schemes and alternatives.
Appreciation of Design Alternatives

Objective appreciation and criticism of each

scheme should be observed.The opinion of others should be
sought after. Objective and meritorious criticism should help
achieve an improvement in the design. The improved design
scheme will follow series of reassessment particularly in the
detail level of design to arrive at the final design.

At this stage of the process the designer should

exhaust all his / her efforts for the purpose of arriving at not
as simply a mediocre traditional solution but rather
exceptional innovative design.
Final Design Proposal and Presentation

At this stage, the designer makes an accounting of

all drawing requirements, makes mock-up composition of
drawings per board and established the work load for
production. A work schedule is produced with the use of bar
charts, considering production rate, logistics and available
time frame.A decision of what medium of presentation values
of using impressive mediums.
During this last stage, the refinements and further
detailing is done

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