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Management Thought
The need for theory and techniques of management; management and system approaching contingency or situational
management early contributions of management; F.W. Taylor scientific management thought; Fayel's contribution.
The emergence of the behavioral science; systems theory critics of the emergence of modem management thought.
Significance & meaning of OB, Relationship between management and organizational Behaviour, characteristics and
concepts of the field, emergence of OB, Ethical perspectives of OB.
Individual perception: Definition and importance, perceptual process, perceptual selectively, Emergence of
organizational selectivity, perceptual organization, perception and character, Managerial implications of perception.
Learning: Meaning and components of learning process, learning theories, reinforcement principle, managerial
Meaning of personality, states in personality over, determinates of personality, self determination Vs environmental
determinism, theories of personality, difference between personality ethics and character ethics, implications for
Motivation: Process motivation, theories of motivation, Alderier's ERG theory, McClleland's need theory, Victor Vroom's
expectance theory, equity theory of Stacy Adams.
Transactional Analysis
Meaning, levels of self awareness and changes in awareness ego status, life script, life positions, transactions stroking,
psychological games benefits and uses of transactional analysis.
Group Dynamics
Group dynamics: Definition and importance, types of groups, group formulation, group development group
composition, group performance factors. Principle centered approach to team development.
Job Stress
Meaning & background, causes and consequences of job stress, coping strategies for job stress. Role of spiritual
factors in job stress.


Association of Authorities
Introduction, notation, terminology, consistency of data, association and disassociation. Comparative study of
methods, proportion methods, Yule's coefficient of association and coefficient of colligation, partial and illusory
Quantitative techniques and decision making, role of QT in business decision, making, behavioral and managerial
considerations for implementing quantitative analysis.
Probability - introduction to basic probability concepts, addition theorem and multiplication theorem, bayes theorem,
binomial distribution, poison distribution normal distribution. and sampling designs & sample method, theoretical basis
of sampling, essentials of sampling, methods sampling & non-sampling errors, reliability of sample.
Decision theory and theory of games.
Decision environments, criteria for decision making under conditions of uncertainty and risks, utility as a basis of
decision criterion. Types of games saddle point, value of the game, mixed strategies.
Linear Programming
Formulation of linear programming problem, graphical solution, simplex method, transportation & assignment
Tests of significance
Tests of significance for large samples test & X2 Test, Single factor, ANOVA and two ways classification model.


Personnel Function
Nature, approaches and functions of HRM, organization of personal department. principles of personnel management
and personnel policies, place of personnel department in an organizational structure, future of personnel management
and changing role of personnel management.
Organizational Entry
Job analysis, Job description, job specification, recruitment and selection, policy issues sources of recruitment. The
selection process.
Training Development
Need for operative training and executive development, operative training methods principles and process of tanning,
management development programme, evaluation of training and development effort.

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Performance Appraisal
Aspects of employee performance need of performance appraisal, factors affecting subjective appraisal, appraisal
system, Performances purposes.
Industrial Relations
Concept, parties, changing pattern of JR. JR system.
Grievance Handling
Causes & consequences of grievance, grievance handling, model grievance procedure.
Collective Bargaining
Nature and forms of collective bargaining process.
Concept of discipline causes of indiscipline, rules and penalties, administration of disciplinary programme.
Participated Management
Nature, levels and schemes of participative management. Experiences in participative management.
Industrial Disputes
Causes, consequences and manifestations. Prevention and settlement of disputes. State intervention, conciliation,
arbitration and adjudication.


Concepts, objectives, production models, product selection, design and development.
Work Environment
Plant location locational factors, locational theories, dimensional analysis, Brown & Gibson model techniques for
selection of site-split location, multi-plant location.
Plant layout
Plant layout -need, principles, types choice & procedure of layout
Lavatory Management
Need for inventory management, inventory control techniques, economic order quantity model economic production
quantity model, assumptions under lying both models. Safety /buffer stock.
Quantitative Framework
Linear programming problem formulation, graphical solutions and simples method. Transportation problems,
assignment problems.
Materials Management
Integrated concept, materials planning and budgeting, purchasing research, vendor selection, vendor rating, negation,
learning curve concept, make or buy decision.
Production Planning & Control
Need, planning and actions, Control tools - Aggregate planning, PERT and CPM-construction of Network diagram.
Demand Forecasting
Importance, subjective or predictive forecasting. Methods, simple regression model, time series forecasting.
Quality Control
Need, objective of quality control, quality costs, control techniques.


Marketing Management
Concept, scope and evolution, marketing concept, marketing mix and global marketing, future challenges to
marketing, marketing segmentation, marketing segmentation strategies.
Strategies marketing planning
Strategic planning process analyzing the objectives Designing business portfolio. Competitive marketing strategies.
situation. Corporate mission and Developing the marketing mix.
Consumer Behaviour
Stages in the buying process - buying motives, factors affecting buyer behaviour, sales forecasting marketing
segmentation, marketing research.
Product planning & Development
Conceptual framework, classification of consumer and industrial products. Products innovation, diversification &
product mix. Development of new products & product life cycle.
Pricing Policies & strategies
Importance of pricing in marketing mix, pricing objectives, objectives, policies & strategies, pricing in actual practice.
Resale price maintenance (RPM)
Marketing Channels
Role of distribution channels in marketing. Types of channels and factors affection choice of channel, channel strategy
decisions. Channel conflict.
Marketing information system
Marketing information system, scope and components, MIS vs MR, Marketing research procedure and techniques.
Personal Selling and production
Personal Selling and the marketing mix, production as a communication. Elements of promotional mix, promotional

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objectives and strategies.
Purpose, functions types of advertising. The organization of advertising departments and agencies. Advertising
campaign. Designing and developing advertisement message, media selection, testing the advertising effectiveness--
ethics in advertising.

Classification and choice of Taxes
Single Vs Multiple tax system, Proportional Vs progressive taxes, Direct Vs indirect taxes, Value added tax, CENV A T
scheme. .Tax evasion V s tax avoidance.
Incidence and Shifting
Concept of incidence and shifting. Impact Vs incidence and shifting. Forward and backward shifting.
Tax planning
Tax planning concept, Tax planning differentiated from, tax evasion and tax avoidance. Scheme of MAT, Zero tax
companies, Computation of book-profits under MAT.
Tax Planning and Financial Management
Capital structure of a company and tax consideration, Tax as a variable in computing cost of capital, Tax consideration
in dividend policy and bonus share issue. Tax consideration in mergers, acquisition, consolidation and takeovers.
Tax Management
Permanent account number and tax deduction account number, deduction of tax at source, pay as you earn scheme,
computation of advance tax, interest payable for shortage of tax installment. Demand, Refund and recovery of tax.
Wealth Tax Act, 1957
Chargeability, Meaning of assets, Deemed assets, Exempted assets, Valuation of assets, Computation net wealth and
wealth tax liability, Valuation of immovable properties under wealth tax rules.
Central Excise Act, 1944
Meaning and nature of levy of excise duty, Types of duties, Valuation procedure of goods, Exemptions from excise
duty levies. Demand, refund, remission and recovery.
Customs Act, 1962
Nature of custom duty, Procedure of import and export. Baggage rules. Assessment of custom duty and imports and
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
Features of central sales tax law and its objectives, formulation of principles. Registration of dealers. Rate, Levy and
coJ1ection of tax, Computation of taxable turnover and sales liability.


Accounting concepts and conventions, International accounting standards and Indian accounting standards,
Depreciation accounting and inventory valuation. Corporate restructuring :Mergers acquisition, consolidation and take
Analysis and Interpretation of financial Statements
Meaning and types of financial statement, Tools of financial analysis. Ratio analysis fund flow and cash flow analysis,
Statement changes in financial position.
Budget and Budgetary Control
Classification of budgets, Flexible budgets sales budget and cash budget, Zero Base budgeting. Responsibility
accounting. Performance budgeting.
Marginal and Absorption Costing
Income determination under marginal costing and absorption costing. Difference between marginal costing and
absorption. Break ever analysis algebraic methods. Differential costing.
Standard Costing
Concept of standard costing. Fixation of standards for various components of cost. Variance analysis for decision
making and control. Disposition of variances.
Cost of Capital and investment Decisions
Concept of cost of capital Measurement of cost of debt. Preference, Equity and retained earnings. Concept of capital
budgeting. Techniques of economics appraisal of capital projects, capital budgeting under conditions of uncertainty
and risk.
Working Capital Management
Various concepts and approaches to working capital. Assessment of working capital requirement. Receivables
management, problems of receivables management. formulations of credit and collection and collection policies.
Factoring in India. Inventory management: Techniques of inventory control: Cash management: determination of
optimum cash balance: Cash planning.
Capitalization and Capital Structure
Concept over and under capitalization, theories of capital structure Analysis assessing corporate debt capacity of a
firm, leverage, indifferent point designing and appropriate capital structure.
Dividend Decision and Policies
Concept, Relevance and irrelevance of dividend decision, Walter model, Gorder's Model, M-M-Hypothesis, Different
dividend policies, Stock Dividend, Stock split and buy-back of shares, Optimum dividend policy.

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Financial Institutions and Economic Growth
Capital growth and capital formation, savings, Investments and finance: Role of financial institution in capital
formation; composition and structure of money and capita! markets including development banks. Investment
institutions and mutual funds.
Financial Markets
Financial systems, need and structure, financial markets Primary and Secondary market, Capital and money market.
Govt. securities market. Regulation of securities market. SEBP functions, guidance's disclosures and investor
Development Banks
Rationale of development banks, Financing and promotional role of development banks; Organization and
management setup, objectives, operation and evaluation of LF.C.I IDBI, S.F.C.S, UTI, ICICI, LD.A, LB.R.D.
Financial Instrument
Long term government securities, PSU bonds, Equity shares, Preference shares, Debentures (HCD, PCD and FCD),
short term treasury bills, Call loans, Commercial bills, Commercial papers and inter-corporate deposits. New financial
instruments. Fully convertible preference shares, Preference share with warrens attached. Financial derivatives-options
and futures.
Financial Services
Classification of financial services, Merchant Bankers, Under writer, Brokers, leasing, Hire purchase, factoring, Veture
capital, Credit rating securitization of debt.
Security Analysis
Risk and return analysis the risk return frame work, types risk, Risk measurement and evaluation -SD. Variance and
beta calculation and their interpretation. Factors is investment decision.
Fundamental analysis
Objectives, stages of fundamental analysis Economic analysis. Tools & factor, sources of information. Economic
Industry Analysis
Identification of prospective industry-key factors and their impact. Life cycle of industry. Analysis of competitive
Company Analysis
Selection of company, analysis of quantitative and qualitative factors SWOT Anal and financial analysis, Dividend
capitalization approach and price earning multi approach. Multinational Banking
Origin of multinational Banking, operating pattern of multinational banks in India, functions of multinational banks in
host countries.

Secretary & COE

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