Life Intermediate Wordlist Spanish
Life Intermediate Wordlist Spanish
Life Intermediate Wordlist Spanish
Unit 1
p9 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
dress Noun uncount /dres/ traje a particular kind of dress is the clothing that is typical or traditional dress I like the colours of traditional Native American dress | the women all
traditional for a particular country or culture wore African dress
feed Verb /fiːd/ alimentar if you feed a person or an animal, you give them something to did you feed the dog this morning? | it costs a lot of money to feed a
eat family of five (a family with five people in it) | she went upstairs to
feed the baby
identity Noun /aɪˈdentɪti/ identidad the identity of a person or group is all the qualities and beliefs a sense of identity | an the only time I feel worried about my identity is when Pakistan play
that they have, which make an individual person different from identity crisis England at cricket | everyone in society contributes equally to a
everyone else or a group different from other groups nation's identity | an identity crisis (a time when you start to have
doubts about things that you have always believed about yourself) | I
grew up with a strong sense of identity
behaviour Noun uncount /bɪˈheɪvjə(r)/ comportamiento someone's behaviour is the way they normally do and say good/bad behaviour they changed their behaviour as a result of the experience | this sort Verb: behave
things of behaviour is unacceptable | you'll get extra pocket money for good
pp 12-13 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
anger Noun uncount /ˈæŋɡə(r)/ ira anger is the feeling you have when you think something is the longer they kept him waiting, the more his anger grew | an anger Adjective: angry |
seriously wrong and you are being badly treated and want to management course (to learn how to stay calm in difficult situations) | Adverb: angrily
fight back or shout at someone he found it hard to control his anger | her anger was understandable
bravery Noun uncount /ˈbreɪvəri/ valentía bravery is the quality and behaviour involved in doing show/display bravery it was an act of great bravery | he was awarded a medal for bravery | Adjective: brave |
dangerous or difficult things without showing fear. Someone George displayed great bravery in the war | they have shown Adverb: bravely
who acts in this way is brave extraordinary bravery and determination
cheerful Adjective /ˈtʃɪə(r)f(ə)l/ alegre someone who is cheerful is happy and pleased why are you so cheerful today? | she's such a cheerful person | I Adverb: cheerfully |
always feel cheerful on Friday – no work tomorrow! | the shop Noun: cheerfulness
assistant was cheerful and helpful
happiness Noun uncount /ˈhæpinəs/ felicidad if you are happy, you are very pleased and feel good. The my dogs give a me a lot of happiness | feelings of great happiness | Adjective: happy |
feeling you have is happiness she sometimes thought she would never find happiness | this is the Adverb: happily ||
secret of true happiness Opposites – Noun:
unhappiness | Adjective:
unhappy | Adverb:
jersey Noun /ˈdʒɜː(r)zi/ camiseta a jersey is a shirt worn as part of a uniform in sports such as Froome wore the yellow jersey for the last eight days of the race | I
football had to wash eleven football jerseys in time for the match on Sunday |
he took off his muddy jersey
knowledge Noun uncount /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ conocimiento your knowledge of something is everything you know about it she has a detailed knowledge of modern Russian literature | my Adjective:
knowledge of physics is very basic | I used my local knowledge to work knowledgeable | Verb:
out how to get back to the hotel | a general knowledge quiz (a know
competition with questions on a range of different subjects)
positive Adjective /ˈpɒzətɪv/ optimista if you are positive about something, you believe you are in a everyone who works here has a really positive attitude | she was Adverb: positively ||
good situation and that you will succeed, and you do not think always smiling, positive, and hard-working | if you take a positive Opposite – Adjective:
about any bad possibilities approach to your exams you'll be fine negative
power Noun uncount /ˈpaʊə(r)/ poder power is the ability to have a strong influence on people or power over someone or she used her power carefully | he had a remarkable power over the Adjective: powerful
events. People who have this ability are powerful something people who worked for him | the only one with real power in our
family is my mother
pride Noun uncount /praɪd/ orgullo if you feel proud of something, you have a feeling of great take pride in (doing) people take pride in what they do here | she showed us her award Adjective: proud |
satisfaction because you have done something well. This something with great pride | she could see the pride in her parents' faces | with Adverb: proudly
feeling is pride immense pride she hung her medal round her neck
symbol Noun /ˈsɪmb(ə)l/ símbolo a symbol is an object, picture, or shape that is used to a symbol of something Picasso painted a white dove as a symbol of peace | the national Adjective: symbolic |
represent a particular idea or feeling in art or literature symbol of England is a lion | a uniform with the national symbol on Verb: symbolize | Noun:
the sleeve | the ring is a symbol of their love for each other | the dog symbolism
in the painting is a symbol of loyalty
in-thing Noun /ɪn-θɪŋ/ novedad if you say that something is the in-thing, you mean it has Japanese food is the latest in-thing in Europe | long hair was the in-
suddenly become very fashionable and will probably go out of thing when I was 16 | it's the in-thing to go travelling before going to
fashion just as quickly university
market Noun /ˈmɑː(r)kɪt/ mercado the market for a particular sort of goods is all the places and the worldwide market for mobile phones is still growing | there's no
opportunities for selling them market for paper dictionaries any more – everyone goes online | we
need to increase our share of the market
mutton Noun uncount /ˈmʌt(ə)n/ cordero mutton is the meat that you get from an adult sheep they serve mutton instead of beef | we had roast mutton with
potatoes and carrots | I've never eaten mutton | mutton has a much
stronger taste than lamb
values Noun plural /ˈvæljuːz/ valores the values of a particular culture are the ways of behaving and a TV show that teaches Chinese values | we share the same values as
traditions that are considered to be important and worth them, even though we don't live in the same town | these are the
keeping values I learned in my childhood
view Noun /vjuː/ opinión your view of something is what you think about it and your in someone's view she has a very positive view of the situation (thinks it is good) | in my Verb: view
opinion of it view (I think) you should take the job | he had a very pessimistic view
of things after his illness | what's your view on the proposal?
field Noun /fiːld/ área a field is a particular kind of activity lots of people want to get into that field | maths is a very broad field
of study | Jeff wanted to enter the engineering field | we lead the field
in designing personalized trips
impression Noun /ɪmˈpreʃ(ə)n/ impresión if something or someone gives you a particular impression, get an impression (about you need to make a good impression in the interview | the photo Verb: impress |
they make you have a particular feeling about them or form a something) | give creates a false impression | I got the impression that someone had Adjective: impressive |
particular opinion about them someone an impression | died | I got the distinct impression (the very strong impression) that Adverb: impressively
make an impression | a we weren't welcome | I don't want to give you the wrong impression |
first/initial impression | a what was your first impression of her?
wrong/false impression | a
good/bad impression
pleasure Noun /ˈpleʒə(r) / placer pleasure is happiness you get from doing something that you the pleasure of gardening was her latest discovery | we had the Adjective: pleasurable ||
enjoy. Pleasure is also used in some phrases, such as it's a pleasure of going to two weddings last month | I always enjoy the Opposite – Noun:
pleasure to meet you , which you say to be polite the first time pleasure of your company | it's been a pleasure talking to you | enjoy displeasure
you meet someone, or it's my pleasure , which is a polite way life's simple pleasures while you can
of replying to someone who has thanked you for something
punctual Adjective /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ puntual if you are punctual, you arrive somewhere at the right time you need to be punctual for your interview | he's always punctual |her Adverb: punctually |
and are not late visitor was punctual, as usual | I like the punctual trains in Japan Noun: punctuality
stay in touch Phrase /steɪ ɪn tʌʧ/ mantener el contacto if you stay in touch with someone, you regularly talk to them let's stay in touch | we stayed in touch after James moved to Scotland
by phone or exchange emails or text messages after you no | we didn't stay in touch when she left London and I don't know where
longer live near each other and can't meet in person often she's living now
feature Noun /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/ característica a feature is something noticeable or interesting about her eyes are her best feature | I'd recognize his features anywhere |
someone's face can you describe his facial features? (what his face looked like)
hospitable Adjective /hɒˈspɪtəb(ə)l/ hospitalario/a someone who is hospitable is very friendly and generous our hosts were extremely hospitable and friendly | everyone in the Noun: hospitality
towards people they do not know, and is always ready to village was most hospitable | she stayed with a very hospitable family
welcome them into their home in the mountains
landscape Noun /ˈlæn(d)ˌskeɪp/ paisaje the landscape is the view that you can see when you are in the a beautiful landscape | the natural landscape and setting was
country, away from towns and buildings, including things like beautiful | a rocky and windswept landscape
hills, fields, rivers, etc.
particular Adjective /pə(r)ˈtɪkjʊlə(r)/ particular if you say you are talking about a particular person or thing, some violent criminals share a particular gene | I don't belong to any
you mean you are talking about one person or thing (and not particular political party | in this particular town, there were three
any other), even though you have not said exactly which one churches | one particular book had a huge influence on my life
remote Adjective /rɪˈməʊt/ lejano/a somewhere that is remote is a long way from towns or cities it takes a long time to get there as it's quite remote | he comes from a
remote town in Australia | a remote corner of Scotland | a remote
village in the mountains | his travels took him to the remotest regions
of China
shepherd Noun /ˈʃepə(r)d/ pastor/a a shepherd is someone whose job is to look after sheep and the shepherd has two dogs to help him move the sheep across the
make sure they are safe and do not get lost land | one of my grandfathers was a shepherd in Cumbria | it's a very
hard life being a shepherd
Unit 2 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
p 21
act Noun /ækt/ actuación an act is a short performance by a singer, magician, comedian his act lasted 20 minutes | did you see her act last night? It was
etc. that is part of a show in a theatre or on TV brilliant | the audience cheered at the end of his act | his act didn't go
down very well (the audience did not like it)
amateur Noun /ˈæmətə(r)/ aficionado/a an amateur is someone who takes part in an activity for fun they were all amateurs who just sing in their free time | he played golf Adjective: amateur
and not as a job or for money as an amateur until he was 22, when he turned professional | he was
an enthusiastic amateur, keen to learn more
audience Noun /ˈɔːdiəns/ audiencia the audience is the group of people who watch or listen to a attract an audience the film is aimed at a middle-class cinema audience | I've performed
performance, programme or speech in front of an audience of 5,000 people | the president spoke to an
audience of young people | the show attracted a huge audience | the
film is trying to reach a wider audience | the audience clapped loudly
when she appeared on the stage
ballet Noun uncount /ˈbæleɪ/ ballet ballet is an entertainment in which dancers tell a story through a ballet dancer | I fell asleep during the ballet performance | do you
dance and music but not words prefer ballet or opera? | classical ballet
choir Noun /kwaɪə(r)/ coro a choir is an organized group of singers who perform together I've been a member of the choir for 20 years | they asked her to join
at concerts or just for pleasure the choir | the choir gives three concerts a year | a church choir | she
sings in the choir every Thursday
choreographer Noun /ˌkɒriˈɒɡrəfə(r)/ coreógrafo/a a choreographer is someone whose job is to plan the steps she's a choreographer for the Royal Ballet Company | the head Noun: choreography |
and movements that dancers take in a particular dance and choreographer at the Paris Opera | he's been a dancer, choreographer Verb: choreograph
give them instructions about how to perform them and director over the years
clown Noun /klaʊn/ payaso/a a clown is a performer in a circus who tries to make people the clowns pretended to throw a bucket of water over us | two of the
laugh by behaving in a silly way and wearing silly clothes and a clowns kept falling over the whole time | a clown with red hair and
lot of makeup long, pointed shoes
comedian Noun /kəˈmiːdiən/ comediante a comedian is someone who stands on a stage or appears on he was described as a comedian, not an actor | the show featured Noun: comedy
TV and tells jokes to entertain an audience three comedians and two singers | like many comedians, Milligan is
actually a very serious person | Peter Cook was the funniest comedian
I ever saw
concert Noun /ˈkɒnsə(r)t/ concierto a concert is an event in which musicians play music in front of my mum took me to a concert for my birthday | a lot of people are
an audience travelling to Wembley for the big concert | I'm going to a concert on
Saturday | the band are giving a concert in London | a rock concert |
I've got tickets for a pop concert
conductor Noun /kənˈdʌktə(r)/ director/a de orquesta a conductor is someone who stands in front of musicians or the internationally famous conductor Sir Simon Rattle | he's been the Verb: conduct
singers and directs the way they play or sing conductor of the National Youth Orchestra for the last ten years | she
stopped playing violin in the orchestra and trained to become a
director Noun /dəˈrektə(r)/ director/a de cine the director of a play or film is the person who tells the actors, a famous film director | several Hollywood directors came to the Verb: direct
camera operators, lighting people etc., what to do dinner | after 20 years as an actor he switched to being a director |
my favourite film director is David Lean | an Australian theatre
drama Noun /ˈdrɑːmə/ obra dramática a drama is a play for the theatre or television some dramas deal with current issues such as AIDS | a drama about
the Second World War | a new TV drama | my favourite hospital
drama on TV | she's starring in a new drama series on BBC1
entertainer Noun /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnə(r)/ animador/a an entertainer is someone such as a singer, dancer, comedian, he tried to earn some money as a street entertainer (performing in the Verb: entertain | Noun:
etc., who performs in front of an audience street) | Edwards was a popular entertainer who sold millions of entertainment |
records | she is a great entertainer and a great singer Adjective: entertaining
magician Noun /məˈdʒɪʃ(ə)n/ mago/a a magician is an entertainer who performs tricks, doing things the last act in the show was a magician who cut his assistant in half | Noun: magic
that seem impossible as if using the special powers of magic magicians are not allowed to explain how they do their tricks | Penn
and Teller are the best magicians I've ever seen | a famous TV
magician (who appears regularly on TV)
musical Noun /ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l/ musical a musical is a play or film in which the actors sing a lot as well we went to see a musical last night | there are always lots of musicals
as talk in London | a popular musical | another hit musical by Andrew Lloyd
Webber | I can't stand musicals (don't like them at all)
musician Noun /mjʊˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ músico/a a musician is someone who plays a musical instrument a jazz musician | the musicians walked onto the stage | the musicians Noun: music
played beautifully | the band was five musicians who'd started playing
together at school
opera Noun /ˈɒp(ə)rə/ ópera opera is an entertainment in which performers act out a play a great opera singer | we try and go to the opera at least twice a year
by singing rather than speaking | opera tickets are really expensive | an opera by Verdi
orchestra Noun /ˈɔː(r)kɪstrə/ orquesta an orchestra is a large group of musicians who perform the London Symphony Orchestra | I'm a member of the school Adjective: orchestral
concerts, especially of classical music orchestra | the orchestra went on tour to Austria and Slovakia | the
stage wasn't big enough for the whole orchestra
play Noun /pleɪ/ obra de teatro a play is a story that is performed in front of an audience by write a play | act in a play we went to the theatre and saw an amazing play | she has written
actors who speak the words of the people who are in the story | see a play three plays for radio | the play was performed for the first time last
and who behave as if they are the people night | he's been writing and directing plays for television
show Noun /ʃəʊ/ función a show is a performance in a theatre we're going to a show tonight | the show will last two and a half hours
| did you enjoy the show? | we're planning a show for the end of term
| the show was a huge success
standard Noun /ˈstændə(r)d/ nivel the standard of something is its level of quality the standard of food in the restaurant was excellent | his singing was
not up to standard (not of an acceptable quality) | the standard of
their written homework has improved over the last term
injury Noun /ˈɪndʒəri/ herida if you have an injury, a part of your body has been hurt and suffer an injury my injuries ended my career as a dancer | I got a really bad knee Verb: injure | Adjective:
needs time to recover injury | she suffered a serious injury in the accident | proper shoes can injured
also help prevent injuries | his injuries took a long time to heal
joke Noun /dʒəʊk/ broma a joke is a very short story, or something that someone says, tell a joke | make jokes my uncle's really good at telling jokes | do you know any funny jokes? Verb: joke
that is funny and makes people laugh | they all laughed at the joke | have you heard the joke about the lion
and the bicycle? | I didn't get the joke (didn't understand it, and didn't
know why it was funny) | a book of jokes | he's always making jokes
mood Noun /muːd/ humor if you are in a particular mood, that is the way you are feeling. be in a good/bad mood | she looks like she's in a good mood today | she's been in a bad mood
For example, if you are in a good mood, you are happy and be in no mood to do all day | listening to music always puts me in a good mood | I'm not in
feel good; if you are in a bad mood, you feel bad and become something the mood to go out this evening | ignore him – he's in a funny mood
angry very easily (behaving strangely) | he was in no mood to accept my apology
speech Noun /spiːtʃ/ discurso a speech is a talk that someone gives to an audience at an give/make a speech | my dad gave a speech at my wedding | the president's speech was
important event deliver a speech shown on television | her speech lasted over an hour | I found his
speech really boring | a speech about the future of the United Nations
| she delivered a speech thanking the fans for their support
stressed out Adjective /strɛst aʊt/ estresado/a if you are stressed, or stressed out, you are very worried about I got really stressed out before my driving test | you look stressed out Noun: stress
something and cannot relax – why don't you have a day off? | I'm feeling very stressed about the
new project | a very angry and stressed out young man came into my
pp 26-27 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
aching Adjective /ˈeɪkɪŋ / dolorido/a if you have an aching body, you have a pain somewhere that is I need to rest my aching body | an aching throat | my aching leg Verb: ache | Noun: ache
not serious but lasts a long time muscles kept me awake | I put my aching feet into a bowl of warm
beg Verb /beɡ/ mendigar if someone begs, they stop people in the street and ask them most of these people are begging, not working | she managed to beg Noun: begging | Noun:
for money enough money for a bowl of soup beggar
costume Noun /ˈkɒstjuːm/ traje a costume is a special set of clothes that people wear for a we all dressed up in a costume for the parade | a national costume |
particular occasion or event, such as a parade or street festival she was wearing a very colourful costume
donation Noun /dəʊˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ donación a donation is money someone gives to help or support a make a donation | a we've received some very generous donations | the money was raised Verb: donate | Noun:
charity or other organization such as a museum generous donation through private donations | a donation of £5 is requested from all donor
visitors to the exhibition | these donations have helped the theatre
stay open | entrance is free, but donations are gratefully accepted
illustrate Verb /ˈɪləstreɪt/ ilustrar to illustrate something means to create an explanation of it or a group of actors stood in positions to illustrate a scene | this chart Noun: illustration |
show what it is like using only visual methods, for example by illustrates the rise in wages since 1978 | a video illustrating the Noun: illustrator
having pictures in a story book problem was available on the website
licence Noun /ˈlaɪs(ə)ns/ permiso a licence is an official document that gives you permission to a driving licence musicians need a licence to play music on the street | do you need a
do something licence to ride a motorbike? | you must have a full driving licence to
hire a car | he was found guilty of dangerous driving and lost his
licence for two years (he wasn't allowed to drive as a punishment)
makeup Noun /ˈmeɪkʌp/ maquillaje makeup is different coloured stuff such as lipstick or powder all you need is some makeup and a costume I need to buy some more
that some people put on their faces to make themselves more lipstick and other makeup | don't forget to take your makeup off
attractive. Actors use makeup so that the audience can see before you go to bed | my mother hated wearing makeup
them more clearly
pavement Noun /ˈpeɪvmənt/ acera the pavement is the slightly raised area at the side of a street I never park on the pavement | walking along the pavement | a
where people can walk and where cars are not allowed narrow pavement | a car mounted the pavement (drove on to it) | we
had a coffee at a pavement cafe) a cafe with tables outside on the
resident Noun /ˈrezɪd(ə)nt/ habitante a resident is someone who lives in a place local resident local residents were woken by a loud bang when the bomb went off | Verb: reside | Adjective:
the other residents were very kind to us when we first arrived | residential
residents of California have to pay a sales tax | the city centre has very
few residents left | many residents are leaving to live in the country
reward Verb /rɪˈwɔː(r)d/ recompensar to reward something or someone means to do something in her hard work was rewarded with good exam results | our patience Noun: reward
return for payment or as a way of showing thanks was rewarded when Beyoncé finally appeared | the government
rewarded him with the title Lord Lloyd Webber
selfie Noun /ˈselfi/ selfie a selfie is a photo that you take of yourself using your mobile I got a selfie with Andy Murray! | tourists were taking selfies outside
phone, often to show you are in an interesting place or with an the Houses of Parliament | she posted another selfie on Facebook | I'll
interesting person send you a selfie when I get to Red Square
sight Noun /saɪt/ vista a sight is something you can see easily in a public place, such we spent the afternoon looking at the sights of Paris | red buses and
as a famous building or the guards at Buckingham Palace black taxis are a common sight all over London | my cousin showed us
the sights in the old town
statue Noun /ˈstætʃuː/ estatua a statue is a large copy of a person or animal made of wood, there are statues of lions in Trafalgar Square | a statue of Churchill |
metal, or stone there's a statue of Dick Whittington outside the hospital | an
equestrian statue (a statue of someone on a horse) | the Statue of
Liberty is 46m high
pp 28-29 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
although Conjunction /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ aunque you use although to introduce information that is slightly although he is more famous as a film director, he has also directed
different from what you have just said or are about to say opera | although he was very successful as a writer, his first novel did
not sell well | she enjoyed her time in Naples, although she found the
heat difficult
appeal Verb /əˈpiːl/ atraer if something appeals to you, you think it is interesting and appeal to someone there was something nice about him which appealed to her | a range Noun: appeal |
want to know more about it or get more involved in it of books designed to appeal to children up to the age of 10 | what Adjective: appealing
appealed to us about him was his sense of humour | watching another
action film doesn't really appeal to me
consequently Adverb /ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli/ consecuentemente you use consequently to introduce a statement about consequently, his films are always fast and exciting | temperatures Noun: consequence
something that happens or exists as a result of what has just rose, and consequently the ice started melting | he lost his job in
been said February and consequently had to cancel the holiday he'd booked for
that summer
despite Preposition /dɪˈspaɪt/ pese a you use despite to introduce a statement that seems to he got a job as a swimming teacher despite the fact that he can't
contradict what you have just said swim | sales were very good despite the high prices | despite arriving
late for the interview, she got the job
dull Adjective /dʌl/ soso something that is dull is not interesting or exciting but boring the job's a bit dull but the pay is good | I started studying law, but it Noun: dullness
was so dull | Mr Hewitt's lessons were always incredibly dull | the
meeting was rather dull
entertaining Adjective /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnɪŋ/ entretenido/a something that is entertaining is interesting and gives people it was quite an entertaining film | he tried to make his lessons Noun: entertainment |
pleasure, like a good film or book entertaining | an entertaining speech | we had an entertaining Verb: entertain | Noun:
evening at the theatre entertainer
fancy Verb /ˈfænsi/ gustar if you fancy something, or fancy doing something, you think fancy doing something I've always fancied going to Albania | do you fancy a coffee? | do you
you would like it or like to do it fancy watching a film tonight? | I've never fancied yoga | I fancy
doing something different tonight
fascinating Adjective /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ fascinante something that is fascinating is very interesting I found her story absolutely fascinating | he gave a fascinating talk Verb: fascinate |
about polar bears | Berlin is one of the most fascinating places I've Adjective: fascinated |
ever visited | it'll be fascinating to see who wins Adverb: fascinatingly
marathon Noun /ˈmærəθ(ə)n/ maratón a marathon is a running race over a distance of more than 26 a kind of comedy marathon for children | a 48 hour dance marathon | Adjective: marathon
miles (42 kilometres). You can refer to any event, activity, or it was quite a marathon painting the whole of the outside of the house
process that takes a long time as a marathon at the weekend
marvellous Adjective /ˈmɑː(r)vələs/ excelente something that is marvellous is vey enjoyable or is we had a marvellous time on holiday in Corfu | Christmas was
impressively good marvellous last year | the British Museum is the most marvellous
place in the world | the view from the hotel window was absolutely
nevertheless Adverb /ˌnevə(r)ðəˈles/ sin embargo you use nevertheless to introduce a statement that is she was ill for a week before the Olympics but nevertheless managed
surprising because of what has been said before it to win a bronze medal | the film was nevertheless a great success
on the other hand Phrase /ɒn ði ˈʌðə hænd/ por otra parte you use on the other hand to introduce information that she was very tidy but her brother, on the other hand, hardly ever
makes a contrast with what has just been said tidied up his bedroom | the Americans, on the other hand, have a
president as a head of state, not a king or queen
spectacular Adjective /spekˈtækjʊlə(r)/ increíble if something is spectacular, it is extremely impressive to look absolutely/truly a spectacular show | a spectacular firework display | the dancing was Adverb: spectacularly
at or watch spectacular | spectacular absolutely spectacular | a spectacular view of the mountains | the
scenery | a spectacular scenery is absolutely spectacular
terrible Adjective /ˈterəb(ə)l/ terrible something that is terrible is very bad he made a terrible mess in the kitchen | a terrible crime | they worked Adverb: terribly
in terrible conditions | I've got a terrible pain in my leg | what a
terrible film that was! | I made a terrible mistake
terrific Adjective /təˈrɪfɪk/ fantástico/a something that is terrific is very impressive and very enjoyable they have a terrific website | we had a terrific time in Cornwall | you
look terrific in that suit | it was a terrific match which ended 4-3 to
thrilling Adjective /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/ emocionante something that is thrilling is extremely exciting the movie is a thrilling adventure set the in 23rd century | the book Adjective: thrilled | Verb:
describes the thrilling journey across three continents | in a thrilling thrill
match, Italy beat Germany 3-1 | meeting David Beckham was thrilling
unforgettable Adjective /ˌʌnfə(r)ˈɡetəb(ə)l/ inolvidable something that is unforgettable is so good or bad or it was an unforgettable meal | an unforgettable visit to St Petersburg Adverb: unforgettably
interesting or exciting that you think you will never forget it | the boat trip was an unforgettable experience | an unforgettable
camping adventure | the view from the top of the mountain was
verse Noun uncount /vɜː(r)s/ verso verse is poetry, writing that has a regular rhythm in verse the play is written in verse | a verse translation of Eugene Onegin |
Pope's Essay on Man is written in rhyming verse
pp 30-31 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
ancient Adjective /ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt/ antiguo/a something that is ancient is very old an ancient legend | an ancient burial site (where people were buried a
long time ago) | we cannot accurately estimate the population of
ancient Rome
beat Noun /biːt/ tiempo the beat of a piece of music is the regular rhythm of stressed the music had a fast beat | she sang the words to a rhythmic beat |
sounds her songs usually have a slow beat | I wanted to dance to the beat of
the jazz band
boundary Noun /ˈbaʊnd(ə)ri/ frontera the boundary of a physical area is the edge, where one area the 14th-century wall marks the old city boundary | the river forms
stops and another starts the boundary to the south | the county boundary was moved last year
bunch Noun /bʌntʃ/ montón a bunch of people or things is a group of them a bunch of a bunch of us met up for a meal at the weekend | they're a nice bunch
friends/colleagues/kids of kids | he was hanging out near the station with a bunch of friends
drain Verb /dreɪn/ vaciar if you drain something, you release everything from inside it so if you don't give and everyone else is giving, then you're draining from
that nothing is left. If you drain from something, you use them | you need to drain the radiator (empty out all the water) before
something that cannot be replaced and do not provide you take it off the wall
anything back yourself
fresh Adjective /freʃ/ reciente you use fresh to talk about experiences or events that have we had apples fresh off the tree | he started work fresh out of
just happened. For example, if someone is fresh off the boat, university | he arrived at the office fresh from the airport
they have just arrived somewhere. If a computer is fresh out of
the box, someone has just taken it out after buying it and is
about to start using it
mind Noun /maɪnd/ mente your mind is the part of yourself that is not your physical body, spring/come to mind | my mind was full of thoughts about the concert | can the power of the
but is your thoughts and feelings cross someone's mind | mind keep you in good health? | it never crossed my mind to ask
have something in mind Angela (I never considered asking her) | we need a good driver, and
your name came to my mind (I thought of you) | what did you have in
mind for dinner tonight? | you need to stay healthy in body and mind
pain Noun /peɪn/ dolor pain is the physical feeling you have when a part of your body be in pain you just have to carry on through the pain (not stop despite being in
hurts because it has been hit or cut or because you have been pain) I was in a lot of pain until the doctor arrived | can you feel any
using it too much pain in your arm? | I just want the pain to go away | the doctor gave
me some medicine to relieve the pain
pioneer Noun /ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r)/ pionero/a a pioneer is someone who has an idea and is the first to do she became a pioneer in the field of solar energy | a pioneer of Verb: pioneer |
something in a particular area of activity modern architecture | an early Internet pioneer Adjective: pioneering
unity Noun uncount /ˈjuːnəti/ unidad unity is the state of being complete, with all parts fitting it's important to preserve national unity | a festival that celebrates
together or working together as one thing peace and unity | unity and cooperation are essential in difficult times
warrior Noun /ˈwɒriə(r)/ guerrero a warrior is a soldier, especially in former times several towns were attacked by Native American warriors | after
several days of fighting, nearly all the warriors were killed | he led an
army of warriors across the river
Unit 3 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
p 33
diving Noun uncount /ˈdaɪvɪŋ/ buceo diving is the activity of swimming deep below the surface of she's a trained diving instructor | I tried diving on holiday last year, Verb: dive | Noun: diver
the sea, usually wearing special equipment so that you can but I didn't like it | we spent most of the afternoon diving near the
breathe while you are under the water for a long time coral reef | diving equipment is very expensive
jet-skiing Noun uncount /ʤɛt-ˈskiːɪŋ/ moto acuática jet-skiing is the activity of moving very fast on the sea or a lake I prefer sunbathing to jet-skiing | we did some jet-skiing in the Verb: jet-ski | Noun: jet-
using a machine with an engine that looks a little bit like a afternoon | I tried jet-skiing but I kept falling off ski
kayaking Noun uncount /ˈkaɪækɪŋ/ piragüismo kayaking is the activity or sport of using a kayak (a boat like a kayaking is more relaxing than jet-skiing | we'd never been kayaking Noun: kayak
canoe that you use with a single paddle) before, and it was great fun | kayaking is easy to do even if you have
no experience | kayaking is very good exercise
rafting Noun uncount /ˈrɑːftɪŋ/ rafting rafting is the activity of sailing down a river on a raft (a I love rafting on the Zambezi |I was too scared to try white-water Noun: raft
platform that floats, made from pieces of wood or other rafting (rafting down a very fast flowing river) | we spent the
material that are tied together) afternoon river rafting
rowing Noun uncount /ˈrəʊɪŋ/ remo rowing is the activity or sport of moving a small boat through a rowing race | I gave up football and took up rowing | a rowing boat Verb: row | Noun: rower
the water using oars (poles with a flat blade at the end) | a rowing team
snorkelling Noun uncount /ˈsnɔːkəlɪŋ/ snorkel snorkelling is the activity of swimming just below the surface it's a popular spot for snorkelling | we tried rafting, windsurfing, and Verb: snorkel | Noun:
of the water, using a pipe that sticks out above the water so snorkelling | guests can enjoy snorkelling in the clear, warm water snorkel
that you can breathe in air
stream Noun /striːm/ arroyo a stream is a small river the stream was too shallow for us to go swimming | after the rain the
stream was flowing very fast | there's a stream at the bottom of the
field | sheep were drinking out of the stream
thrill Noun /θrɪl/ emoción a thrill is a feeling of great excitement or fear that you get, for experience/feel a thrill | a the thrill of white-water rafting | Harry felt a thrill of excitement when Verb: thrill | Adjective:
example when doing something different or dangerous thrill of something he saw the mountain | experience the thrill of flying your own plane | thrilling | Adjective:
seeing Niagara Falls was the biggest thrill of the holiday thrilled
waterfall Noun /ˈwɔːtə(r)ˌfɔːl/ catarata a waterfall is a place where a stream or river comes over the they walked for nearly two miles to see the waterfall | tourists come
edge of a cliff or rock and falls downward through the air to the waterfall every day during the summer | a 20-metre high
water-skiing Noun uncount /ˈwɔːtə-ˈskiːɪŋ/ esquí acuático water-skiing is the activity or sport of being pulled across water-skiing is very difficult if you haven't done it before | it's a great Verb: water-ski | Noun:
water by a boat, with two long blades (water-skis) attached to lake for water-skiing | they used to show water-skiing on TV | a water- water-ski | Noun: water-
your feet so that you are standing upright while moving skiing instructor skier
windsurfing Noun uncount /ˈwɪndˌsɜːfɪŋ/ windsurf windsurfing is the activity or sport of moving across water the weather was too calm to go windsurfing | the beaches on the Noun: windsurfer
while standing on a board that has a sail attached to it other side are very popular for windsurfing | she went water-skiing
while her brother went windsurfing
pp 34-35 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
bank Noun /bæŋk/ orilla the banks of a river are the areas of land along either side of it I live near the river, and you can walk for miles along the banks | their
house is on the south bank of the river | the banks of the river Adur |
it was lying in the sun on the opposite bank
missing Adjective /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ perdido/a if someone is missing, they are not where they should be and go missing my mum realized I was missing and called for help | she's been
no one knows where they are missing for two days | police are looking for a missing person who left
home last Tuesday and has not been seen since | there are still several
missing passengers following the plane crash | his son went missing
two years ago
rapids Noun plural /ˈræpɪdz/ rápidos rapids are a section of a river where the water flows very fast we tried rafting down the rapids | these rapids are too dangerous for
and very roughly, making it difficult and dangerous to sail inexperienced rafters | he nearly drowned in the rapids
down it
sea snake Noun /siː sneɪk/ serpiente marina a sea snake is a poisonous snake that lives in water in warm there are no sea snakes in the Atlantic | all sea snakes are poisonous |
areas sea snakes feed mostly on fish and their eggs
white-water Noun uncount /waɪt-ˈwɔːtə/ aguas bravas the white-water section of a river is where the water runs very an exciting white-water experience | white-water rafters went past us
fast and the bottom is uneven, making a sort of white foam on very fast
the surface of the water
pp 36-37 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
debris Noun uncount /ˈdebriː/ escombros debris is the broken pieces of something that remain after it there was debris all over the road | debris from the wreck came onto
has been destroyed somehow the beach | firefighters started to remove the debris | mud and debris
flowed through the village after the storm
iceberg Noun /ˈaɪsˌbɜː(r)ɡ/ iceberg an iceberg is a very large lump of ice floating in the sea, some the ship collided with an iceberg and sank | we could see the tip of an
of which is visible above the surface of the sea but most of iceberg about three miles away | icebergs are melting because of
which is under the surface global warming | only 10% of an iceberg is visible above the water
remains Noun plural /rɪˈmeɪnz/ restos the remains of someone or something are all that is left of the remains of I'd asked people to treat Titanic's remains with respect | they
them after they have died or been destroyed someone/something | uncovered the remains of three 12th century monks | there were
human/animal remains traces of human remains in the cellar | the charred remains of the
house (what was left after a fire)
seabed Noun /ˈsiːbɛd/ fondo the seabed is the land at the bottom of the sea, under the the wreck had been lying for over 40 years on the seabed | there are
water some interesting creatures living on the seabed | divers looked for
debris on the seabed
submarine Noun /ˈsʌbməriːn/ submarino a submarine is a kind of ship that can travel underneath the two submarines disappeared in the 1960s | he served on submarines
surface of the sea during the war | a submarine can stay underwater for weeks at a time
| a US navy submarine
wreck Noun /rek/ naufragio a wreck is what is left of a ship after it has sunk to the bottom they found the wreck of a battleship that sunk in 1942 | divers went Verb: wreck
of the sea down to explore the wreck | the wreck is lying in 34 metres of water
near the coast of Greece
yacht Noun /jɒt/ yate a yacht is a boat, either with sails or a motor, used for racing a yacht was found floating in the middle of the ocean | they spent all
or for leisure summer on a yacht in the Mediterranean | the harbour was full of
yachts | the yacht has room for ten people and a crew of three
sore Adjective /sɔː(r)/ dolorido/a if a part of your body is sore, it is painful and uncomfortable a sore throat I've got a blocked nose and a horrible sore throat | your eyes may feel Noun: soreness
dry and sore | his left arm was getting stiff and sore | my whole body
was sore
swallow Verb /ˈswɒləʊ/ tragar if you swallow something, you make it go down from your you shouldn't swallow chewing gum | I can't swallow this pill | she
mouth into your stomach swallowed a chicken bone by accident | my throat hurts when I
pp 40-41 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
bay Noun /beɪ/ bahía a bay is a section of the edge of the sea where the land curves the town was built by the edge of a bay | we sailed into the bay to
inwards so that the sea has land on three sides of it shelter from the wind | there's a good beach on the south side of the
boiling Adjective /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ sofocante if the weather is boiling, or boiling hot, it is very hot. You can they said it's going to be boiling hot all week | I'm boiling – can you
say you are boiling or boiling hot when you are very hot open the window? | it's boiling in here
cargo Noun /ˈkɑː(r)ɡəʊ/ cargamento the cargo of a ship, plane, lorry, etc., is all the goods that it is the ship lost its cargo during the storm | the plane carried a cargo of
transporting somewhere flour and rice | a cargo ship (one used to transport goods rather than
passengers) | it took most of the day to unload the cargo from the
clutch Verb /klʌtʃ/ agarrar if clutch something, you hold it with a very firm grip everyone was clutching odd shoes | he arrived at the door clutching a
bunch of flowers | she clutched tightly to the handle of the suitcase |
he closed his eyes and clutched her hand
collapse Verb /kəˈlæps/ sufrir un colapso if someone collapses, they suddenly fall down or lie down at the end of the game we all collapsed on the sand | he said he was
because they are very tired or ill all right, but he collapsed ten minutes later and had to go to hospital |
I was ready to collapse when we reached the top of the hill
do the dishes Phrase /duː ðə ˈdɪʃɪz/ lavar los platos if you do the dishes, you wash and dry the plates, cups, bowls, whose turn is it to do the dishes? | I'll do the dishes after we've
etc., that you have just used during a meal watched the film | let's do the dishes before we go out
exhausted Adjective /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ agotado/a if you are exhausted, you are very tired I was exhausted by the time we got home | sit down – you must be Adjective: exhausting |
exhausted | I was too exhausted to argue with him | I'm absolutely Verb: exhaust | Noun:
exhausted exhaustion
grab Verb /ɡræb/ coger if you grab something, you take hold of it quickly and roughly grab your things and let's go | he grabbed my bag and ran off | she
grabbed hold of the branch to stop herself from falling | he grabbed
the knife and stabbed the burglar in the leg | Julie suddenly grabbed
his arm
lid Noun /lɪd/ tapa a lid is a cover for a container put a lid on something we put a lid across the top of the tank | put a lid on the pan | keep the
lid on while the potatoes are cooking | I lifted the lid | a tight-fitting
lid | a saucepan lid | the dustbin lid
odd Adjective /ɒd/ desparejado/a odd shoes, socks, etc., are a pair of them consisting of two he went to school wearing odd socks | I got dressed in the dark and
items that do not match, instead of two that are the same didn't realize I put on odd shoes
packed Adjective /pækt/ abarrotado/a if a place or object is packed, it is very full of people or things packed with something it was a hot day and the beach was packed | every museum was
packed with tourists | the train was so packed that I couldn't sit down
| the centre of town was absolutely packed this morning | the drink is
packed with vitamins | an action-packed film (full of action)
pour Verb /pɔː(r)/ diluviando if it is pouring, it is raining very hard. You can also say that it's it was pouring outside so we stayed in all afternoon | rain poured Adjective: pouring
pouring with rain, or that the rain is pouring down down all night | it's not just raining, it's absolutely pouring
race Verb /reɪs/ correr if you race somewhere, you go there very fast the kids raced along the street | the rabbit raced across the road | the
boys raced ahead and got home 5 minutes before us | two cyclists
raced past us down the hill
sink Noun /sɪŋk/ fregadero a sink is an open container in a kitchen or bathroom that you a kitchen/bathroom sink the kitchen sink was very dirty | put the dishes in the sink | the cloth is
can fill with water and use for washing things in the cupboard under the sink | fill the sink with warm water | the
sink's blocked (water won't flow out of it properly)
stare Verb /steə(r)/ mirar fijamente if you stare at something or someone, you look at them for a stare at someone or everyone was staring out to sea | they have to stare at a computer all
long time and with a lot of concentration something day | it's rude to stare at people | she was staring into space | I
couldn't stop staring at her | he stared intently at the floor
tank Noun /tæŋk/ depósito a tank is a container, usually made of glass or clear plastic, that a fish tank the fish had jumped out of the tank | I hate cleaning the fish tank |
you fill with water so that you can keep fish in it we've got so many fish now that the tank is too small
wander Verb /ˈwɒndə(r)/ deambular if you wander somewhere, you walk there casually, without I wandered along the beach, enjoying the silence | she wandered into Noun: wander
any real purpose the gallery not knowing what to expect | they wandered round the
exhibition getting bored | we wandered through the old town | the
kids had wandered off
pp 42-43 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
aspect Noun /ˈæspekt/ aspecto an aspect of something is one of the different parts involved in the most enjoyable aspect of my job is meeting new people | I like the
it fashion and design aspect of the business | you have to consider the
practical aspects of living on a boat | the book covers various aspects
of political science
awesome Adjective /ˈɔːs(ə)m/ impresionante something that is awesome is extremely impressive the highest mountain on our awesome planet | the view from the
hotel room was awesome | have you seen their new website? It's
awesome | we got here yesterday, and I can tell you that Moscow is
absolutely awesome
concept Noun /ˈkɒnsept/ concepto the concept of something is the main idea about it, especially the original concept thee concept of the project was to travel and explore the Amur river |
the original idea that made it happen it was an interesting concept, but we didn't have enough money to
develop it | we all worked together on it, but it was Alan's concept
originally (he had the first idea for it)
free-flowing Adjective /friː-ˈfləʊɪŋ/ fluido/a something that is free-flowing moves along or progresses the longest free-flowing river on the planet | the Mississippi is a
naturally and is not blocked by people or anything that people relatively free-flowing river | once we got on the motorway, the traffic
have built was free-flowing
light Adjective /laɪt/ trivial something that is light is enjoyable and not very serious light entertainment (music and comedy that is not very serious) | we
made light conversation while we waited for the lecture to start |
Dostoevsky was very intense - I want something light to read now
memorable Adjective /ˈmem(ə)rəb(ə)l/ memorable something that is memorable is so good or impressive that my most memorable holiday was in China | your wedding should be Adverb: memorably
you will always remember it very clearly the most memorable day of your life | visiting a studio in Hollywood
was a memorable experience | the teachers did everything they could
to make it a memorable occasion
passionate Adjective /ˈpæʃ(ə)nət/ apasionado/a someone who is passionate is very enthusiastic about what passionate about passionate teachers make a difference | people here are passionate Adverb: passionately |
they are doing, and believes in it very strongly something about football | we are extremely passionate about social media | a Noun: passion
passionate critic of the government
perspective Noun /pə(r)ˈspektɪv/ perspectiva your perspective is the way you see or understand a situation from our perspective, we don't see enough police on the streets | the
story is seen from the mother's perspective | my illness has given me a
new perspective on life | try to see things from a broader perspective
pursue Verb /pə(r)ˈsjuː/ perseguir if you pursue someone or something, you chase them and try we were pursuing sponsors for our new video | John was pursuing a
and get close to them because you want to get them to do new job opportunity (was trying to get a new job)
something for you or because you want to have them
showcase Verb /ˈʃəʊˌkeɪs/ exhibir if you showcase something, you present it for people to see in our goal with showcasing a river was to let people fall in love with it |
a way that emphasizes the good and interesting qualities that we've produced a video to showcase what our company can do for you
it has | the exhibition showcased a wide range of students' work | YouTube
provides plenty of opportunity for you to showcase your film-making
sponsor Noun /ˈspɒnsə(r)/ patrocinador/a a sponsor is a person or organization who provides money for some sponsors are large national and multinational companies | Verb: sponsor | Noun:
a particular event or activity. Companies sometimes provide original corporate sponsors included two local banks sponsorship
money for big public events, usually in exchange for being
allowed to advertise at the event
stressful Adjective /ˈstresf(ə)l/ estresante something that is stressful makes you very worried and stops a stressful I had a stressful day at work | the job interview was very stressful | a Noun: stress | Adjective:
you being able to relax experience/time/situation stressful job | moving house is a very stressful experience | try to stressed
avoid stressful situations
pp 46-47 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
driverless Adjective /ˈdraɪvələs/ automático/a a driverless car, train, or other vehicle is one that follows a two people were hit and injured by a driverless car | union members
route automatically and does not have a person controlling it are opposed to the introduction of driverless trains | the future of
all the time driverless vehicles will be very interesting
elderly Adjective /ˈeldə(r)li/ anciano/a if you describe someone as elderly, you are saying in a polite an elderly lady sat down next to me on the bus | our neighbours are Noun: the elderly
way that they are old. The elderly are people who are old an elderly couple | I met an elderly gentleman who has lived in Shipley
all his life
fold Verb /fəʊld/ doblar if you fold a piece of paper or cloth, you bend it so that one he folded the shirt and put in a drawer | he folded up the newspaper Noun: fold || Opposite –
part of it covers the other. If you fold something up, you fold it and put it back in his briefcase | can you help me fold this map? Verb: unfold
so that it becomes smaller and easier to carry
likely Adjective /ˈlaɪkli/ posible if something is likely, it will probably happen be likely to do something it's likely to be a week before we get an answer | it's likely that she Opposite – Adjective:
will go to university next year | do you think it's likely to rain this unlikely
afternoon? | the most likely outcome is that he will win the election
entrance exam Noun /ˈɛntrəns ɪgˈzæm/ examen de acceso an entrance exam is an exam that students take and have to sit an entrance exam most private schools want you to take an entrance exam | she failed
pass in order to be allowed to study at a particular school or the entrance exam and decided to try and join the army instead | 350
college or university children sat the entrance exam, and just 30 of them got into the school
graduate Verb /'ɡradʒueɪt/ graduar when you graduate, you leave university having successfully graduate from somewhere she graduated with a degree in history and economics | I graduated Noun: graduate
passed the final exams and with a degree. Someone who does from UCL in 2009 | our first batch of students graduated last month
this is a graduate / ˈɡrædʒuət /.
reapply Verb /ˌriːəˈplaɪ/ presenta una nueva solicitud if you reapply for something, you apply for it again because unsuccessful candidates have to wait six months before reapplying |
you did not succeed the first time I'm going to reapply for a grant to do research | in some cases, the
student will be invited to reapply
redo Verb /ˌriːˈduː/ rehacer if you redo something, you do it again, often because your first we redid the decoration in the living room | she had to redo her first
attempt was not very successful year at college | we'd set the equipment up badly and had to redo the
entire experiment | 80% of the software had to be redone
reread Verb /ˌriːˈriːd/ releer if you reread something, you read it again I decided to reread Madame Bovary for the first time since I was at
university | he read the letter, then reread it to make sure he'd
understood it properly | if you reread the instructions, you'll see that
you missed out one part of the process
retake Verb /ˌriːˈteɪk/ repetir if you retake a course or an exam, you take it for a second I had to retake my final exams | you are allowed to retake three of the Noun: retake
time because you failed it the first time 6 exams | you have to retake the exam within 18 months | the course
may only be retaken once
retrain Verb /ˌriːˈtreɪn/ reciclarse if you retrain, you learn new skills, either because you need retrain as something he taught in a school for six years before retraining as a lawyer |
these new skills for your current job or because you want to doctors have to retrain every few years | he was a former fighter pilot
work in a different field who retrained as an airline pilot
rewrite Verb /ˌriːˈraɪt/ reescribir if you rewrite something, you write it again and try to do it my essay was so bad I had to rewrite it | the book was rewritten and
better the second time republished ten years later | I didn't have time to rewrite the article
step Noun /step/ etapa a step is one part of a process that needs several things to step by step | take (a) his next step was to hire an office manager | here are the basic steps
happen, one after the other step(s) needed to create your own development plan | he took steps to
improve the department's finances | the plan must be carried out step
by step (in the right order, and not trying to do everything at once)
clock on Phrasal verb /klɒk ɒn/ fichar when workers clock on, they record the time they arrive at we clock on and off by putting a card into a machine by the entrance | Opposite – Phrasal verb:
work. At the end of the working day, they clock off so that if you clock on late more than twice a month, you have to see the clock off
their employer can check how many hours they have worked manager | I was late clocking on yesterday morning so I had to stay at
work for an extra hour
discount Noun /ˈdɪsˌkaʊnt/ descuento if you get a discount, you are allowed to pay a smaller amount a discount on something we get a discount on all company products | students get a 10%
of money than normal for something discount in this café | you get a discount if you buy three or more
chairs at the same time | the museum gives a discount to groups of 15
people or more | with your 5% discount, the cost will be just £17.37
flexitime Noun uncount /ˈfleksiˌtaɪm/ horario flexible flexitime is an arrangement that allows workers to start work employees can choose to work flexitime if they want | they introduced
or finish work at different times, while always doing the same flexitime at my office last year | working flexitime means I can finish
number of hours each week, rather than to start and finish at early on Fridays
the same time every day
long hours Noun plural /lɒŋ ˈaʊəz/ jornada completa the hours you work are the amount of time you spend at work. my hours are from 9 till 6, with an hour off for lunch | we all worked
If you work long hours, you have to spend a long time at work long hours last week to try and finish the project | the hours were
every day long, but the pay was good
overtime Noun uncount /ˈəʊvə(r)ˌtaɪm/ horas extraordinarias overtime is extra work that you do outside normal working she did six hours overtime last week | most of us do at least five hours Adverb: overtime
hours, for which you get paid more than the normal rate of pay overtime a week because we need the money | each hour of overtime
is paid at 1.5 times the usual hourly rate
paid holiday Noun /peɪd ˈhɒlədeɪ/ vacaciones pagadas paid holiday is the time when you do not have to work but are we get 4 weeks' paid holiday a year | I'm self-employed, so I don't get
still paid by your employer. In most jobs, workers are allowed a any paid holidays | I've used up all my paid holiday for this year
certain number of days paid holiday every year
part-time Adjective /pɑːt taɪm/ a tiempo parcial if you have a part-time job, you work for some of the time, but I had to take a part-time job when I was a student | the company Adverb: part-time ||
not all the time employs a lot of part-time staff | part-time work is available over the Opposite – Adjective: full-
summer time | Adverb: full-time
pay rise Noun /peɪ raɪz/ aumento de sueldo if you get a pay rise, your employer increases the amount of after 12 months in the job, you will get a 2% pay rise | we went on
money you are paid strike demanding a pay rise | she hasn't had a pay rise for nearly
three years | my manager refused to give me a pay rise
pension Noun /ˈpenʃ(ə)n/ pensión a pension is money that a government or company pays to a state pension | a private a company pension scheme (a arrangement where the employer and
someone regularly when they do not work any more because pension | draw a pension the employee pay towards a pension) | I'll receive a small pension
they are old | a pension scheme when I retire | everyone gets the state pension (from the government)
| he gets quite a generous pension from the bank | you can start to
draw your pension when you're 65 (receive it) | I put 10% of my salary
into a private pension
prepaid phonecard Noun /ˌpriːˈpeɪd fəʊnkɑːd/ tarjeta prepago a prepaid phonecard is a card that you can use instead of workers are given prepaid phonecards so they can talk to their
money to pay for using a public telephone families every week | a prepaid phonecard that will let you talk for 30
promotion Noun /prəˈməʊʃ(ə)n/ promoción promotion within an organization is an official change in job to there are plenty of opportunities for promotion if you work hard | he Verb: promote
a better, more important, and better-paid job went four years without a promotion | if I get a promotion, we'll be
able to buy a new car | I've asked to be considered for promotion
salary Noun /ˈsæləri/ salario your salary is the money that you receive each month for a monthly salary | an I want a job with a good salary | they pay us a fixed salary | he gets a
doing your job. If you are paid every week, you usually refer to annual salary good salary | an annual salary of £60,000 a year | people on low
your wages salaries | they're asking for an increase in their basic salary | an
monthly salary of £3,400
typing Noun uncount /ˈtaɪpɪŋ/ escribir a máquina typing is the activity of writing words onto paper or onto a a typing error (a mistake made while typing something) | my typing Verb: type | Noun: typist
computer screen by using a keyboard skills are not very good | excellent typing and editing skills are
necessary for this job
urban Adjective /ˈɜː(r)bən/ urbano/a you use urban to refer to places, people, or situations in towns by 2030, the urban population of China will be 60% | public transport Opposite – Adjective:
or cities rather than in the countryside in urban areas is much better than in the country | an urban way of rural
life | I grew up in a very urban, industrial environment
wage Noun /weɪdʒ/ sueldo your wages, or your wage, is the amount of money you are an hourly/daily/weekly the minimum wage then was £5.73 an hour | he earns a good wage |
pad for your job, especially if you are paid every week. If you wage they've always pad low wages at that factory | my first job paid an
are paid every month, you usually talk about your salary hourly wage of £3.50 | food prices have gone up faster than wages
conscientious Adjective /ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs/ concienzudo/a someone who is conscientious always makes sure they do she was a conscientious student | if you'd been a bit more Adverb: conscientiously
their job very thoroughly and very well conscientious this mistake wouldn't have happened | a clever and very
conscientious young woman
creative Adjective /kriˈeɪtɪv/ creativo/a someone who is creative is able to use their imagination well turning data into usable information is a creative process | she had Verb: create | Adverb:
to think of new and interesting things. Their ideas and actions loads of creative ideas for new apps | he made a number of very creatively
can also be called creative creative suggestions | we need a bit of creative thinking to solve this
database Noun /ˈdeɪtəˌbeɪs/ base de datos a database is a large amount of information stored in a our database has details of over 30,000 customers | she learned how
computer and organized so that it is possible to find detailed to search the database | you need a password to open the database |
and individual pieces of information very easily an online database that is available to the public | he is a specialist in
database management
energetic Adjective /ˌenə(r)ˈdʒetɪk/ activo/a someone who is energetic has a lot of energy and does things the band were loud and energetic on stage | the dogs were very active Adverb: energetically |
in a very lively and enthusiastic way and energetic | he had been much more energetic when he was Noun: energy
hard-working Adjective /hɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ trabajador/a if you are hard-working, you always work hard his brother was a hard-working farmer | hard-working families
deserve to be treated with respect | she is a hard-working and
conscientious lawyer
methodical Adjective /məˈθɒdɪk(ə)l/ metódico/a if you are methodical, you always do things in a thorough and he was very methodical in the way he approached his work | a Adverb: methodically |
well-organised way. You can also say that the way you do methodical and efficient member of staff | she went about her job in a Noun: method
things is methodical very methodical way
referee Noun /ˌrefəˈriː/ referencia a referee is someone who agrees to give you a reference – a will you be a referee for me? | I've been asked to be a referee for Noun: reference
statement that gives information about you, your character Jennifer – she's trying to get a job at the BBC | we still haven't heard
and your abilities. You often need a reference when you are from your referee
applying for a job, and your referee is someone who knows
you, or who you have worked for
self-confident Adjective /sɛlf ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ seguro/a de sí mismo if you are self-confident, you feel confident about your own we want our children to be self-confident and happy | a strong, self- Noun: self-confidence |
abilities confident young man | the course helped me become more self- Adverb: self-confidently
pp 54-55 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
bonus Noun /ˈbəʊnəs/ bonificación a bonus is extra money or a valuable gift you get from your an annual bonus Hillary gave them all a watch as a bonus | my salary is £37,000 a year
employer because you have worked hard or done well plus an annual bonus of about 10% | he gets a big bonus every year
on top of his salary | all the staff get an end-of-year bonus | I'll get a
bonus if I meet all my sales targets | a Christmas bonus
ethnic Adjective /ˈeθnɪk/ étnico/a you use ethnic to refer to a particular group of people of the the Sherpa are one of 70 ethnic groups in Nepal | there are a lot of Adverb: ethnically
same race or who have the same culture and traditions ethnic Turks living in Germany | they come from the same ethnic
background | an ethnic minority (a group of people who live among a
lot of other people who are different from them in some way)
expedition Noun /ˌekspəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ expedición an expedition is a journey that a group of people make, this hut was the starting point for Scott's expedition | the expedition
especially one that they make because they want to go will start in June and will take seven weeks | on December 14th,
somewhere where no one has gone before or do something Amundsen's expedition reached the South Pole | Sir John Hunt led the
that has not been done before expedition on Mount Everest in 1953 | two expedition members left
the ship in Buenos Aires
healthcare Noun uncount /ˈhɛlθkeə/ atención sanitaria healthcare is a system that provides doctors and hospitals for is there a good healthcare system in your country? | in America,
all the people in a country. Some healthcare systems are healthcare is mostly private | demand for healthcare services is
private, and people have to pay for them, but some countries growing | campaigners demanded universal free healthcare (free for
provide healthcare for everyone and pay for it out of taxes everyone)
idyllic Adjective /ɪˈdɪlɪk/ idílico/a a place or situation that is idyllic is peaceful, calm, and has no an idyllic rural lifestyle | a relaxing holiday in idyllic surroundings | the Noun: idyll
problems or difficulties village is quite idyllic and hasn't changed for hundreds of years | when
the war began, their idyllic life in the countryside ended
income Noun /ˈɪnkʌm/ ingresos your income is the money that you earn from the job you do my income hasn't gone up for four years | people on low incomes
or the things you sell (who do not earn a lot of money) | the job has a starting income of
£22,000 which will rise to £25,000 after two years
influx Noun /ˈɪnflʌks/ afluencia an influx of people or things is the arrival of large numbers of an influx of something the influx of tourists brought a lot of money to the area | a large influx
them of immigrants from Europe | the government was not ready for the
sudden influx | we expect an influx of visitors over Easter
lament Verb /ləˈment/ lamentar if you lament something, you express your sadness about it they lamented the fact that people were giving up the old way of life | Noun: lament
my friend in Seattle was lamenting about the state of American
politics | the poem laments the death of her father | Ewing lamented
his failure to learn German
lifestyle Noun /ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl/ estilo de vida someone's lifestyle is the way they live, the things they do for a healthy lifestyle | a people's lifestyles are too busy these days | we lived a simple lifestyle
work and pleasure, the way they spend their money, etc. simple lifestyle | an active out in the country | his lifestyle hasn't changed since he got his new
lifestyle job | our job is to encourage a healthy lifestyle for our customers
migrate Verb /maɪˈɡreɪt/ mirar if someone migrates, they leave the country where they were my family migrated from Russia after the Revolution | about 3% of the Noun: migrant | Noun:
born and go and live in a different country city's population have migrated abroad since the end of the war | migration
Indians migrated to East Africa in the nineteenth century
settle Verb /ˈset(ə)l/ instalarse if a number of people settle in a place, or if they settle it, they the Sherpa settled the higher regions of the Himalayas | they moved Noun: settler
start to live there together and make it their home south and settled just outside Hastings | Europeans settled the area in
the 18th century | after years of travelling, we finally settled in Ireland
span Noun /spæn/ duración a span is a period of time during which something happens or attention span | life span within the span of three generations, everything changed completely |
lasts he has a very short attention span (he cannot concentrate for long) |
in the 16th century, the average human life span was much shorter
than it is today | the expected life span of the satellite is three to five
substantial Adjective /səbˈstænʃ(ə)l/ abundante something that is substantial is very large, significant, or we lost a substantial amount of money | they faced a substantial Adverb: substantially
important repair bill after the ceiling collapsed | there was a substantial increase
in car crime last year | we've made substantial reductions in our
operating costs | we're very grateful for your substantial contribution
to the project
summit Verb /ɪˈdɪlɪk/ cima the summit of a mountain is the very top of it. If you summit a when Hillary summited Everest, he gave all the Sherpas a watch | Noun: summit
mountain, you succeed in climbing to the top some of the guides on Mount Kilimanjaro have summited over 20
times | the mountain was summited by Wilfred Thesiger in 1938 |
wealth Noun uncount /welθ/ riqueza wealth is ownership of money and property in terms of average wealth per person, India comes 130th in the world Adjective: wealthy |
| his wealth is estimated at £2m | 80% of the wealth belongs to only Noun: the wealthy
20% of the people | engineers contribute significantly to global wealth
Unit 5 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
p 57
fist Noun /fɪst/ puño your fist is your hand when your fingers are bent tightly clench your fist | a I clenched my fist (tightly bent my fingers inwards) getting ready to
inwards, making a sort of ball shape clenched fist punch him | he held up his clenched fist | his fists were too small for
him to be a good boxer | Graham banged his fist angrily on the table |
the driver shook his fist at me (made a gesture with his fist to show
that he was angry)
guide Noun /ɡaɪd/ guía a guide is something that helps you make a decision or a rough guide use your body as a guide when working out how much to eat | your
judgement about something heart rate is a rough guide (not precise) to your general state of health
| the temperature of the water is a useful guide to what sort of fish
there are likely to be
handful Noun /ˈhæn(d)fʊl/ puñado a handful is the amount of something you can hold in your a handful of something eat a handful of peanuts in the middle of the afternoon | two handfuls
hand of popcorn | they each took a handful of sweets from the jar
palm Noun /pɑːm/ palma the palm of your hand is the inside surface of your hand that the palm of someone's the piece of meat should be no bigger than the palm of your hand | he
does not include your fingers or thumb hand swept the crumbs off the table with the palm of his hand | she held
out two coins in the palm of her hand
portion Noun /ˈpɔː(r)ʃ(ə)n/ porción a portion of food is an amount that is served to one person at a portion of something it was quite expensive and the portions were very small | the portions
a meal there are very generous | you need two slices of chicken per portion | I
ordered a sandwich and a portion of chips
squash Noun /skwɒʃ/ calabaza a squash is a vegetable that has a hard, thick skin my sister made squash soup with salad | I tried growing tomatoes and
squashes last year | the squash had a nice flavour but the potatoes
were horrible
sweet potato Noun /swiːt pəˈteɪtəʊ/ boniato a sweet potato is a vegetable that looks rather like a potato, peel the sweet potatoes while they're still warm | I usually boil sweet
has brown skin and yellow flesh, and tastes sweeter than a potatoes, but you can also roast them | a recipe for sweet potato pie
pp 58-59 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
ban Verb /bæn/ prohibir if someone in authority bans something, they make a law to ban someone from doing they're going to completely ban smoking next year | cigarette Noun: ban | Adjective:
say that it is not allowed. If they ban someone from doing something advertising was banned years ago | my parents banned me from banned
something, they do not allow them to do it playing computer games for a week | he was banned from driving for
five months
crust Noun /krʌst/ corteza the crust of a loaf or piece of bread or of the bottom of a pizza the crust has a really nice flavour | the crust mustn't be more than two Adjective: crusty
is the outside edge of it that is harder then the softer inside centimetres thick | I made some bread yesterday but the crust was
like rock | the crust was burnt
ferment Verb /fə(r)ˈment/ fermentar when food or drink ferments, or when you ferment it, a you have to ferment it before you can eat it | the apple juice had Adjective: fermented |
chemical change happens to it, for example when the sugar in started to ferment because I forgot to put it back in the fridge | Noun: fermentation
something changes to alcohol fermenting some foods actually increases the vitamin content
manuscript Noun /ˈmænjʊˌskrɪpt/ manuscrito a manuscript is an old document that has been written by its' difficult to read these old manuscripts because the handwriting is
hand rather than being printed very strange | we had to wear gloves when examining the older
manuscripts | the manuscript was found four hundred years after it
vanished | the manuscript is full of interesting information about the
Norfolk family in the fourteenth century
millennium Noun /mɪˈleniəm/ milenio a millennium is a period of one thousand years. The plural of the region has been inhabited for millennia | a millennium later, the
millennium is millennia whole village had disappeared | the city's history goes back at least
three millennia
rival Noun /ˈraɪv(ə)l/ contrincante a rival is a person or organisation who is competing with you someone's his closest rival was injured two weeks before the race | they'd been Noun: rivalry
to achieve the same things main/nearest/chief/closest bitter rivals for 20 years, but now they've found friendship | Radcliffe
/fiercest rival | a bitter finished the race nearly two minutes ahead of her nearest rival
sparkling Adjective /ˈspɑː(r)k(ə)lɪŋ/ brillante liquid, especially water or wine, that is sparkling has lots of sparkling wine/water a bottle of sparkling wine | we ordered one bottle of sparkling and
little bubbles in it that make it pleasant to drink one bottle of still water
spiral Noun /ˈspaɪrəl/ espiral a spiral is a line that curves round and round a central point in a spiral bend the wire round the post in a tight spiral | she drew a spiral with Adjective: spiral
with each curve getting further from the central point a triangle in the centre of it | the stones were laid out on the ground
in a spiral
status Noun /ˈsteɪtəs/ status the status of someone or something is the particular way they high/low status my grandfather's family had very low social status | an Oxford degree
are seen by other people gave her increased status when she went back to her home town | the
book achieved the status of a masterpiece
suitable Adjective /ˈsuːtəb(ə)l/ adecuado/a if something is suitable, it is right for a particular person, suitable for someone or this smaller one might be more suitable | the film isn't suitable for Adverb: suitably | Noun:
situation, or purpose something young children | it's going to be cold, so make sure to bring suitable suitability
clothes | it's not really suitable for a family car | the classes are
suitable for complete beginners
pp 60-61 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
avoid Verb /əˈvɔɪd/ evitar if you avoid something, you make sure you do not do it or avoid going outdoors in bright sunlight | try to avoid repeating words Noun: avoidable
experience it when you write | I managed to avoid the rush hour by leaving an hour
early | I think Sam is avoiding me (trying not to see me or speak to
chew Verb /tʃuː/ masticar when you chew food, you use your teeth to squash the food in he carried on chewing the crust without speaking | it's polite to chew
your mouth so that you can then swallow it with your mouth closed | I chewed the sweet and found it tasted of
cut down on Phrasal verb /kʌt daʊn ɒn/ reducir if you cut down on something, you reduce the amount of it you need to cut down on fatty foods | I'm trying to cut down on
that there is, or that you eat or drink of it sweets | she cut down on coffee and stopped smoking altogether
cut out Phrasal verb /kʌt aʊt/ suprimir if you cut something out, you stop eating it or doing it because starting next week, I'm going to cut out chips and crisps | she tried to
you think it is bad for your health cut out chocolate for a week, but found it too difficult | you can carry
on drinking tea, just cut out the sugar
fatty Adjective /ˈfæti/ graso/a fatty food has a lot of fat in it and is considered to be you should cut down on fatty food | he had too much fatty meat in his
unhealthy diet | cut down on fatty milk products
give up Phrasal verb /gɪv ʌp/ dejar de if you give up something that you do regularly, you stop doing give up doing something It's really hard to give up smoking | I used to collect stamps, but I gave
it it up when I went to university | my parents gave up their restaurant
business and went back to Scotland
junk food Noun uncount /ʤʌŋk fuːd/ comida basura junk food is cheap food that is quick and easy to buy and eat I spent my three years at university eating junk food | don't eat too
but that is not very good for you much junk food | it's all right to have junk food occasionally, but not
regularly | no wonder you're so fat! You eat junk food and never take
any exercise
obesity Noun uncount /əʊˈbiːsəti/ obesidad obesity is the serious physical condition of someone being so obesity rates | childhood rising obesity rates are a major concern | childhood obesity is a global Adjective: obese
heavy that it has a dangerously bad effect on their health obesity health concern | worldwide, obesity has more than doubled since
overweight Adjective /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈweɪt/ sobrepeso someone who is overweight is not healthy because they weigh I was overweight and needed to lose at least ten kilos | more and
more than they should do more people are overweight these days | I was overweight when I was
younger, but playing tennis has helped me stay a healthier weight |
overweight children tend to grow up to be overweight adults
take up Phrasal verb /teɪk ʌp/ empezar a hacer if you take up a new activity, you start doing it she took up tennis when she was 50 | you should take up swimming –
it's a great way to stay fit | after my mum died, my dad took up bird
watching | I was so overweight I decided to take up running
willpower Noun uncount /ˈwɪlˌpaʊə(r)/ fuerza de voluntad your willpower is your ability to make yourself do things that strong willpower giving up smoking takes a lot of willpower | she has strong willpower
you know you need to do but that you do not enjoy and do not and I'm sure she'll succeed | you need to show some willpower if
really want to do you're going to finish the task on time
pp 62-63 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
alertness Noun uncount /əˈlɜːtnəs/ vigilancia alertness is the state of being awake and able to think quickly his mental alertness improved when he started drinking coffee | Adjective: alert
and intelligently activities such as driving that require alertness | he reacts to his
surroundings with great alertness | alertness drops as the evening
asthma Noun uncount /ˈæsmə/ asma asthma is a medical condition which affects someone's chest. suffer from asthma | an one in seven primary-school children now suffers from asthma | she Adjective: asthmatic |
People who have asthma cough a lot and sometimes have asthma attack | was taken to hospital after an asthma attack | her daughter has Noun: asthmatic
difficulty breathing severe/acute/chronic chronic asthma (asthma that never goes away properly) | cases of
asthma asthma are rising by about 5% every year
beneficial Adjective /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l/ beneficioso/a something that is beneficial has a good effect on someone or prove beneficial | highly there are many beneficial effects of eating less meat | getting a good
something beneficial night's sleep will be very beneficial | everyone knows that regular
exercise is beneficial to your health | changing jobs proved highly
blood pressure Noun uncount /blʌd ˈprɛʃə/ presión arterial your blood pressure is the force with which blood moves high/low blood pressure | if your blood pressure drops too much it can be dangerous | I'm taking
around your body. If your blood pressure is too high or too take someone's blood pills for high blood pressure | the doctor took my blood pressure
low, it can make you ill pressure (measured it) | she suffers from low blood pressure
disease Noun /dɪˈziːz/ enfermedad a disease is a serious illness heart disease rats can cause disease | he died of heart disease | she suffers from a Adjective: diseased
blood disease | I don't want to catch the disease
habit-forming Adjective /ˈhæbɪt-ˈfɔːmɪŋ/ que genera dependencia a habit-forming drug or activity is one that you keep using or a habit-forming drug | swimming is habit-forming – the more you do
doing even though you know it is bad for you it the more you want to do it | watching daytime TV can be habit-
harmful Adjective /ˈhɑː(r)mf(ə)l/ nocivo/a something that is harmful can cause harm or damage to coffee can have several harmful effects on the body | smokers expose Verb: harm | Noun:
someone or something themselves to a range of harmful chemicals | too much rainwater can harm
be harmful to buildings
ingredient Noun /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ ingredientes the ingredients of a dish of food or a drink are all the different I haven't got all the ingredients I need to make the cake | mix the
things that go into it ingredients thoroughly | a list of ingredients | our chef uses fresh,
local ingredients | add the rest of the ingredients after 10 minutes
mood-changing Adjective /muːd-ˈʧeɪnʤɪŋ/ que produce cambios de humor something that is mood-changing has the effect of making you caffeine is the world's most popular mood-changing drug | it was a
feel different, for example feeling more awake and alert, mood-changing moment when they turned the lights down
feeling happier, feeling more depressed, etc.
neuroscientist Noun /ˌnjʊərəʊˈsaɪəntɪst/ neurociencia neuroscience is the study of the way the brain and the nervous a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School | 200 neuroscientists Noun: neuroscience
system works. Somebody who studies this subject or who is an gathered for a conference in Munich | neuroscientists still can't agree
expert in this subject is a neuroscientist about the answer to this question
relieve Verb /rɪˈliːv/ aliviar if something relieves pain or an illness, it reduces the pain or a good way to relieve stress | this should help relieve the pain | Noun: relief
illness or makes it go away altogether having a neck massage is one way to relieve headaches | caffeine can
relieve pain, apparently
shift work Noun uncount /ʃɪft wɜːk/ turno the period of time someone spends at work, for example in a do shift work | be on shift it's hard doing shift work, especially when you have young children | I
factory, is a shift. If someone is on shift work, they work at work chose to do shift work because the pay is better | he'd been on shift
different times of the day over a period of time, for example work for nearly a year | shift work can cause problems with sleeping
working during the night for a week, then working during the patterns
day for a week
pp 64-65 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
bill Noun /bɪl/ cuenta a bill is a list which shows you how much you have to pay for pay a bill could we have the bill please? | I forgot to pay the electricity bill |
something that you have received they sent me a bill for £300 | our gas bills are now paperless (they
come by email and are not sent to us through the post) | the
restaurant made a mistake with the bill
course Noun /kɔː(r)s/ curso in a meal, the courses are the separate dishes that you eat, first course | main course a three-course meal | I won't have a first course, thank you | the first
one after the other. You usually have a starter as the first two courses were lovely, but the dessert was horrible | what are you
course, then the main course, then a dessert having for your main course?
dessert Noun /dɪˈzɜː(r)t/ postre a dessert is a dish of sweet food that you eat at the end of a I never eat desserts | would you like to see the dessert menu? | what's
meal for dessert? | all the desserts were delicious
fritter Noun /ˈfrɪtə(r)/ buñuelo a fritter is a thin piece of food that is dipped in a mixture of have you ever tried plantain fritters? | I'm going to make fritters
flour and eggs and then fried tonight | the fritters had got cold | you can freeze the fritters then
have them next week
inedible Adjective /ɪnˈedəb(ə)l/ incomible food that is inedible cannot be eaten, either because it does they put bleach on the food to make it inedible | the fruit looks pretty Opposite – Adjective:
not taste nice or because it is rotten or poisonous but it's actually inedible | the grapes were small, hard, and inedible | edible
my last attempt at cooking was completely inedible
profit Noun /ˈprɒfɪt/ lucro profit is money that you get by selling something or doing make a profit | sell this will lead to less waste and more profit for you | companies are
business. Your profit is the difference between the amount it something at a profit | always trying to increase their profits | I sold my history textbooks on
cost you to produce the thing you sold and the amount you profits rise/fall eBay at a huge profit | the company made a profit of £10m last year |
received when you sold it profits rose for the third year in a row | profits fell because the cost of
paper went up
savoury Adjective /ˈseɪvəri/ sabroso/a something that is savoury tastes of salt or spice rather than a savoury snack | I much prefer savoury food to sweet food | plantain
tasting sweet is a sort of savoury banana | I like to finish a meal with something
scrap Verb /skræp/ descartar if you scrap something such as a plan, project, or activity, you my favourite TV show has been scrapped | the university scrapped
decide not to carry on with it several of its language courses | the project was scrapped at the last
minute because of lack of money | the government has decided to
scrap its plans to introduce ID cards
sell-by date Noun /sɛl baɪ deɪt/ fecha límite de venta the sell-by date of food, flowers, etc., is the date after which most food is still fit to eat a few days after the sell-by date | I always
they should not be sold because they will not be fresh any check the sell-by date before I buy a carton of milk | these doughnuts
more are past their sell-by date
soak Verb /səʊk/ empapar if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you put it into soak something in soak the beans overnight | leave them to soak for a few hours | soak Noun: soak
water or another liquid and leave it there for a time, often as something | soak in them in cold water for two hours | in another pot, soak the salted fish
part of food preparation something
starter Noun /ˈstɑː(r)tə(r)/ entrante a starter is a small dish that you eat at the beginning of a meal, for starters would you like a starter, sir? | the starters were very expensive | I
before the main course won't have a starter – I'll have a dessert later instead | the price
includes a starter, main dish, and dessert | who's having a starter? |
I'm having soup for starters
tip Noun /tɪp/ propina a tip is an extra amount of money that you give when you pay leave a tip shall we leave a tip, or is the service included? | we left a generous tip Verb: tip
for a meal in a restaurant or for a service that you have had to (a large amount of money) | most hairdressers rely on tips because
thank the person who has dealt with you their pay is very low | taxi drivers in Japan don't expect a tip
unsold Adjective /ʌnˈsəʊld/ no vendido/a things that are unsold were available for people to buy, but no remain unsold the unsold food could be given to homeless people | a pile of unsold
one bought them copies of Jeffrey Archer's latest novel | there were still over 1,000
unsold tickets on the morning of the concert | the house remained
unsold for another year
unwanted Adjective /ʌnˈwɒntɪd/ no deseado/a something that is unwanted is not wanted by someone unwanted food should not be thrown away but given to people in
need | we tried to sell some of our unwanted furniture | he felt
unwanted as he listened to his parents arguing
breathe in Phrasal verb /briːð ɪn/ inspirar if you breathe in, you take air into your lungs breathe in deeply if you feel nervous, breathe in slowly, then breathe out again | he sat Opposite – Phrasal verb:
up and breathed in deeply | she breathed in slowly, concentrating breathe out
crowd Verb /kraʊd/ multitud if people crowd a place or crowd into it, large numbers of thousands of fish sellers crowd the seafood market in Tokyo | Noun: crowd | Adjective:
them go in there so that there is not much room for any more demonstrators crowded the streets around the Parliament building | crowded
people forty journalists crowded into the tiny courtroom
cute Adjective /kjuːt/ lindo/a something that is cute is small and attractive, in a slightly what a cute little dog | it's such a cute little teddy bear | she's so cute
childish way
fool Verb /fuːl/ engañar if something fools you, it tricks you into believing something fool someone into doing we're not trying to fool you – we really did win the lottery! | you might
that is not true something be able to fool your father, but you can't fool me | I had to fool people
into thinking they were hearing a full orchestra | he wasn't fooled a
second time
licence Noun /ˈlaɪs(ə)ns/ permiso a licence is an official document that gives you permission to fugu chefs need a licence to prepare and sell puffer fish | do you need
do something a licence to ride a motorbike? | you must have a full driving licence to
hire a car | he was found guilty of dangerous driving and lost his
licence for two years (he wasn't allowed to drive as a punishment)
major Adjective /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ fundamental major means important, significant, and serious sugar is a major cause of ill health | her death had a major effect on
my life | three major sporting events will take place in the city next
year | global warming is the major issue that will be discussed at the
conference | there were demonstrations in all major cities across the
poison Noun uncount /ˈpɔɪz(ə)n/ veneno poison is a substance that can make you ill or kill you if you some snakes have poison in their teeth | rat poison (for killing rats) | Adjective: poisonous |
eat, drink, or breathe it the poison had already entered his bloodstream Verb: poison
regulation Noun /ˌreɡjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ regulación regulations are the rules that apply to a particular process or check the regulations before you enter the competition | the
activity regulations say you have to be over 16 to take part in the race | the
regulations covered 12 pages when I printed them off! | new safety
regulations were introduced after the accident
sick Adjective /sɪk/ enfermo/a if you are sick, you are not well and become ill get sick | be off sick | sick I was too sick to go to school | what happens if I get sick while I'm in Noun: sickness
leave America? | Jack's off sick again today (not at work or school because
of being ill) | he had to take a week's sick leave (a week of not going
to work because of illness)
Unit 6 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
p 69
background Noun /ˈbækˌɡraʊnd/ fondo the background is everything that is behind the main thing or in the background you could see it in the background | what's going on in the Opposite – Noun:
person that you are looking at, for example in a photograph or background? | look, that's Rick in the background |the light wasn't foreground
painting very good and the background has come out too dark
eyelash Noun /ˈaɪˌlæʃ/ pestaña your eyelashes are the hairs that grow from your eyelids he had unusually long eyelashes for a man | she had the longest
above and below your eyes eyelashes I'd ever seen | her eyebrows and eyelashes were black
genuine Adjective /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ auténtico/a something that is genuine is not a copy and has not been this jacket is genuine leather | a genuine fur coat | it's a genuine Adverb: genuinely
changed but is really what it seems to be Picasso (it really was painted by Picasso) | the photo is genuine, it
hasn't been photoshopped
parasailing Noun uncount /ˈpærəˌseɪlɪŋ/ paravelismo parasailing is an activity in which someone is pulled through he had a serious parasailing accident | the weather was perfect for
the water by a motor boat while wearing a sort of parachute some parasailing | parasailing is a popular activity at our local beach
so that they rise into the air | I tried jet-skiing, parasailing, and water-skiing on holiday last year
drip Verb /drɪp/ gotear if a liquid drips, it falls downwards from somewhere make sure the wax doesn't drip on the floor | the tap was dripping Noun: drip
continuously in small drops (water was coming out in small drops) | milk was dripping off his chin
| the sound of dripping water
open Adjective /ˈəʊpən/ abierto/a if your mind is open, you have not made any firm decision keep an open mind your brain needs to be relaxed and open when you approach this
about something yet and are ready to consider all sorts of problem | he said he'd keep an open mind, so I'm hoping he'll agree
different possibilities once he he's heard what we have to say | I came into the meeting
with an open mind
wax Noun uncount /wæks/ cera wax is a solid substance that becomes soft and liquid when it candle wax some candle wax dripped onto the table | wax turns to liquid as it
gets very hot and is used to make candles melts | hot wax ran onto the top of the table
workplace Noun /ˈwɜː(r)kˌpleɪs/ lugar de trabajo your workplace is the factory, office, studio, shop, etc., where better training could help prevent more accidents in the workplace |
you are when you are at work posters were put on display in public areas such as schools, workplaces
and bus stations | the number of workplace injuries went up again
last year | police came to his workplace to ask him about the shooting
figure Noun /ˈfɪɡə(r)/ figura a figure is something that is in the shape of a human, I could see a figure standing by the gate | an abstract sculpture based
especially in a picture, drawing, or photograph on human figures | the two figures in the painting represent love and
loyalty | I can't draw figures very well, so I prefer doing landscapes
ground Noun singular /ɡraʊnd/ suelo the ground is the surface of the earth, or the surface that is it was difficult to put the tent up because the ground was so hard | I
under your feet when you are outside slipped and fell to the ground | he dug a hole in the ground and
buried the dog in it | the ground was very rough and I was glad I was
wearing boots
line Noun /ˈlaɪn/ línea a line is a long and straight mark on a piece of paper or other a straight line can you draw a straight line without using a ruler? | draw a line from Adjective: lined
surface one side of the page to another | the diagram was made up of lines
and circles | a dotted line (a line drawn with dots, with a small space
between them)
pattern Noun /ˈpætə(r)n/ patrón a pattern is a series of shapes and lines that are repeated he always wears shirts with a colourful pattern | the teacher got us to Adjective: patterned
regularly on a surface draw some complicated patterns | I love the pattern on your curtains
| the vase was decorated with geometric patterns (with regular
shapes like squares and triangles)
plug in Phrasal verb /plʌg ɪn/ enchufar if you plug something in, you connect it to a supply of can I plug my phone in here? | you just plug it into a power socket and Noun: plug || Opposite –
electricity or to another piece of equipment it should work straight away | is it plugged in? | you can plug your Verb: unplug
phone into the computer and it will charge up | I thought it wasn't
working, but I'd simply forgotten to plug it in
shape Noun /ʃeɪp/ forma the shape of someone or something is their outer edge, and can you see that cloud – it's in the shape of a horse | the lake was
whether they are round, square, etc. roughly square in shape | the shape of the dome is like an onion | we
make clothes for people of all shapes and sizes | create the body by
drawing a rounded shape
stuck Adjective /stʌk/ atascado/a if you are stuck somewhere, you cannot get away even though they're probably stuck in traffic | people got stuck in their cars
you want to overnight | we were stuck inside thanks to the rain | I'm going to be
stuck in London all summer | the van got stuck in the mud (was
unable to move) | we were stuck in a lift for 30 minutes
book Noun /bʊk/ libro a book is a lot of pieces of paper with writing printed on them several books have been written about it | I always take a book to
that are held together in a cover so that you can read them, read on a long train journey | the house was full of books | she hadn't
one page after another read a book since leaving school
capture Verb /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ capturar to capture someone means to catch them and make them a the captured two enemy soldiers during the night | nine of the Noun: capture
prisoner terrorists were captured | the captured pilot was eventually returned
to his own country | the prisoner injured a security guard before being
captured by police
contact Noun uncount /ˈkɒntækt/ contacto if you are in contact with someone, you are able to be in contact | keep in contact was lost after three hours | we kept in contact after we left Verb: contact
communicate easily with them, or you already communicate contact | lose contact university | there's been no contact with the ship for 12 hours | are
regularly (with someone or you still in contact with your cousin in Bahrain?
distinguish Verb /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ distinguir if you distinguish between two things or people, you distinguish between they need a big sample of DNA to distinguish between Earhart's DNA Noun: distinction
successfully identify each of them by seeing the differences things/people | distinguish and anybody else's | he has difficulty distinguishing between blue and
between them one person/thing from green | as children, we have to learn to distinguish good from bad |
another looking at the shape helps you to distinguish individual words
finance Verb /ˈfaɪnæns/ financiar to finance an activity or event is to provide the money that is his family is financing part of the project | the new museum was Noun: finance
needed to organise it financed by several local businesses | nobody wanted to finance the
new bridge, so the project was scrapped | over the years, we have
financed four expeditions to Mount Everest
fly Verb /flaɪ/ volar if you fly somewhere, you go there in a plane we flew to Helsinki | I'd rather go by train than fly | you can fly direct Noun: flight
from London to Seattle (without stopping on the way) | we flew
economy to Berlin (we had the cheapest possible tickets) | I've only
once flown business class (in more comfortable and more expensive
seats) | British Airways flies to over 300 different airports in the world
genetic profile Noun /ʤɪˈnɛtɪk ˈprəʊfaɪl/ perfil genético someone's genetic profile is a description of their genes, which our patients are treated differently depending on their genetic profile
can help doctors decide how to treat them if they have certain | A DNA match means that a set of human remains have been
illnesses identified by matching the genetic profile of the remains to those of
family relatives
identical Adjective /aɪˈdentɪk(ə)l/ idéntico/a if things are identical, they are exactly the same as each other a row of identical houses | they were wearing almost identical suits | Adverb: identically
the boats were ten feet long and nearly identical | identical twins (two
children born at the same time to the same mother who look exactly
the same as each other)
land Verb /lænd/ aterrizar when a pilot lands a plane, or when the plane lands, it comes our plane landed on time | we're due to land at 6:30 | we didn't get Noun: landing
down to the ground after a journey through the air off the plane for nearly an hour after we landed | she planned to land
on a tiny Pacific island
navigator Noun /ˈnævɪˌɡeɪtə(r)/ oficial de navegación a navigator is someone who works out a route on a long or no one knows what happened to Earhart and her navigator | good Verb: navigate | Noun:
difficult journey and keeps track of where a ship, plane, car, knowledge of maths is useful for a ship's navigator | the captain was navigation
etc., is and the direction it is going in an excellent navigator | a Spanish explorer and navigator
plan Verb /plæn/ planear if you plan to do something, you decide that you are going to we're planning to move to Edinburgh | when are you planning to Noun: plan
do it and work out how you will do it retire? | they're planning a new railway line between here and
Doncaster | we haven't planned our holiday yet for this summer
record Noun /ˈrekɔː(r)d/ grabación a record of an event is all the information about it that is kept keep records the records show that the house was originally built in 1908 | no Verb: record
so that people can look at it later record remains of the trial in 1644 | if you don't keep records properly
it will cause problems later | I'll check my records to see when the
accident happened
remains Noun plural /rɪˈmeɪnz/ restos the remains of someone or something are all that is left of human/animal remains | archaeologists uncovered the remains of three 12th century monks |
them after they have died or been destroyed the remains of traces of human remains in the cellar | the charred remains of the
someone/something house (what was left after a fire)
sample Noun /ˈsɑːmp(ə)l/ muestra a sample is a small amount of a substance that is used for a sample of something | scientists plan to take samples of her DNA from letters she wrote | Verb: sample
scientific analysis collect/obtain a sample researchers are collecting samples of earth from the contaminated
area | blood/urine samples
solo Adverb /ˈsəʊləʊ/ solo if you do something solo, you do it on your own without the first woman to fly solo around the world | the song can be Adjective: solo | Noun:
anyone else being with you to help performed solo or with a choir solo
test Verb /test/ probar if you test something, you do what is necessary in order to test something on they want to test the suggestion that Earhart's body has been found | Noun: test
make a decision about whether it is good, true, acceptable, something lots of cosmetics are tested on animals before they go on sale | I
etc. tested my new car on the motorway
turtle Noun /ˈtɜː(r)t(ə)l/ tortuga a turtle is an animal with very short legs and a hard outer shell, the bone probably belonged to a turtle | these turtles are often seen in
that lives in or near water large groups | the turtles are friendly and very old | every turtle
makes a nest of around 150 eggs
pp 76-77 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
accidentally Adverb /ˌæksɪˈdent(ə)li/ accidentalmente if you do something accidentally, you do not do it on purpose someone accidentally cut through an underground cable | I Adjective: accidental |
and do not want it to happen. If something happens accidentally knocked the glass off the table | he accidentally Noun: accident
accidentally, it happens even though no one wanted it to swallowed his chewing gum | she accidentally dropped the books on
her way out of the library
apparently Adverb /əˈpærəntli/ aparentemente you use apparently to introduce some information that might apparently, the cable was left exposed after heavy rain | I'd always Adjective: apparent
be surprising but that is actually true, or that you have only assumed he was American, but apparently he's Canadian | the thief
just learned about apparently escaped through a window at the back of the shop | the
fight was apparently caused by a disagreement about politics
arrest Verb /əˈrest/ arrestar when the police arrest someone, they take them away as a arrest someone for the woman was arrested for damaging property | police arrested him
prisoner because they think the person has committed a crime something last night at the house where the body was found | a man was
arrested after stealing 10 kilos of bananas | Hamilton was arrested for
dangerous driving
atmosphere Noun singular /ˈætməsˌfɪə(r)/ atmósfera the atmosphere is the air and all the other gases around the the atmosphere allows some sunlight to pass through | global Adjective: atmospheric
earth warming is caused by too much carbon in the atmosphere | the
spaceship re-entered the atmosphere at 11:53 this morning
cable Noun /ˈkeɪb(ə)l/ cable a cable is a thick wire that carries electricity or digital she tripped over a loose cable | an electric cable | an underground
information cable | the signals are transmitted on three separate cables
coincidentally Adverb /kəʊˌɪnsɪˈdent(ə)li/ casualmente a coincidence is when two related things happen at the same coincidentally, internet services failed in other regions last week | his Noun: coincidence |
time by chance. When this happens, it is coincidental, or the first name, coincidentally, was also Ryan | they both arrived on the Adjective: coincidental
things happen coincidentally same train coincidentally
deliberately Adverb /dɪˈlɪb(ə)rətli/ deliberadamente if someone does something deliberately, they do it because hackers deliberately tried to shut down the bank's system | he was Adjective: deliberate
they mean to do it and not by accident being deliberately unhelpful | he was playing his music deliberately
loud | she deliberately chose not to come to the party | I think he's
deliberately avoiding me
exposed Adjective /ɪkˈspəʊzd/ expuesto/a if something is exposed, it has no cover or any other landslides left the cable exposed | we spent the night on the side of Verb: expose
protection and risks being damaged the mountain, exposed, and with no tent or other shelter | it's
dangerous to leave exposed electrical wires in the house | the cottage
was in a very exposed position at the edge of the sea
forged Adjective /fɔː(r)dʒd/ falsificado/a something that is forged has been made unofficially or illegally a forged £10 note | these blue notes are no good – they're forged | Verb: forge | Noun:
and is not what it seems to be experts identified three forged paintings | two prisoners escaped using forgery | Noun: forger
forged documents
fortune Noun /ˈfɔː(r)tʃən/ fortuna a fortune is a large amount of money cost/spend/pay a fortune | she must be earning a fortune in her new job | he made a fortune on
earn/make a fortune | be the stock exchange | they spent an absolute fortune on their holidays
worth a fortune | the house must be worth a small fortune now (a surprisingly large
amount of money) | your salary is a fortune compared to mine
gradually Adverb /ˈɡrædʒuəli/ gradualmente if something happens gradually, it happens over a period of I've been here a week now and I'm gradually getting used to it | Adjective: gradual
time and not all at once things gradually settled into a routine | the attacks gradually became
more frequent and more violent | the company gradually lost all its
immediately Adverb /ɪˈmiːdiətli/ inmediatamente if someone does something immediately, they do it quickly engineers immediately went to the site of the problem | come here Adjective: immediate
and with no delay immediately! | the restaurant was immediately closed after rats were
found in the kitchen | the police immediately began a search of the
landslide Noun /ˈlæn(d)ˌslaɪd/ deslizamiento de tierra a landslide is an occasion when a large quantity of loose soil, several houses were destroyed by the landslide | they managed to get
rocks, etc. comes uncontrollably down a hill, often causing a away just moments before the landslide struck the village | a landslide
lot of damage in 2001 killed 71 people | the landslide was caused by heavy rain
during the night
meteorite Noun /ˈmiːtiəraɪt/ meteorito a meteorite is a piece of rock or metal from space that has a number of small meteorites were found nearby | the largest
landed on Earth meteorite was about 1 kilogram | in 1868, over 100,000 meteorite
fragments fell in Poland | a meteorite shower (when a meteorite
breaks into hundreds of small pieces as it comes through the
spade Noun /speɪd/ pala a spade is a tool with a long handle and a fairly wide blade that she accidentally cut through the cable with a spade | when I worked
you use for digging in the ground as a gardener I had to provide my own spade and other tools | he
broke the spade when he tried to dig out the tree roots | I bought a
new spade last week for £20
temporarily Adverb /ˈtɛmpərərɪli/ temporalmente something that happens or exists temporarily is only meant to several roads were temporarily closed during the storms | I'm Adjective: temporary ||
last for a short time temporarily living with my sister until my new flat is ready Opposites – Adverb:
permanently | Adjective:
unfortunately Adverb /ʌnˈfɔː(r)tʃ(ə)nətli/ desafortunadamente if something is unfortunate, it is rather sad and unlucky. You unfortunately, I got there too late and missed my plane | My uncle, Adjective: unfortunate ||
say unfortunately when you are describing something unfortunately, had to stay behind | our cat was unfortunately bitten Opposites -- Adverb:
unfortunate that has happened by a dog fortunately | Adjective:
spotter Noun /ˈspɒtə(r)/ observador/a a spotter is someone who is interested in a particular kind of a train spotter | three plane spotters were arrested at an airport in
thing and spends some of their free time trying to see them Greece
submerge Verb /səbˈmɜː(r)dʒ/ sumergir if something submerges or if you submerge it, it goes it's surprising how quickly submarines can submerge | the village was
completely under the surface of some water completely submerged by the flood | there's a risk that the sea will
submerge whole islands | they submerged their bodies in the water
for 30 seconds | he submerged his victim's head in the water until he
yard Noun /jɑː(r)d/ yarda a yard is a measurement of length equal to 0.91 metres a cricket pitch is 22 yards long | there are 1,760 yards in a mile | his
house is about 100 yards down the road | the garden is 20 yards wide
habitat Noun /ˈhæbɪtæt/ hábitat the habitat of living things such as animals or plants is the sort natural habitat we need to do more to protect their natural habitat | these natural
of place where they exist in nature, rather than a place that habitats are being destroyed by pollution | it lives in forest habitats |
has been made or changed a lot by people this is not the preferred habitat for foxes
privacy Noun uncount /ˈprɪvəsi/ intimidad privacy is a state in which no one can see you or know what in the privacy of many people will fight to protect their privacy | the high fence around Adjective: private
you are doing somewhere the garden ensured a degree of privacy | some like having neighbours
nearby, while others like the idea of complete privacy | I can say what
I want in the privacy of my own home
shared Adjective /ʃeəd/ compartido/a something that is shared belongs to or is used by several I live in a shared house in Walthamstow | a small flat with a shared Verb: share
people bathroom | my cousins and I have a shared set of grandparents
shelter Noun /ˈʃeltə(r)/ refugio a shelter is somewhere that gives you protection, for example take shelter a bus shelter (where people keep dry when they are waiting for a bus) Verb: shelter | Adjective:
from rain, cold, danger, etc. | they took shelter under the entrance to a supermarket | the lizard sheltered
was looking for shelter under a rock | the sun was very strong and
there was no shelter in the middle of the field
bear Noun /beə(r)/ oso a bear is a large, sometimes fierce, animal with thick fur polar bears have white fur, but most other bears have brown fur | we
thought we saw a bear on the other side of the lake | if you see a
bear, don't make any sudden movements
beaver Noun /ˈbiːvə(r)/ castor a beaver is an animal with short legs, thick fur, and a wide flat I've only ever seen a beaver in a zoo | there are lots of beavers in this
tail. Beavers build dams (walls) across rivers and streams part of Canada | a hat made from beaver fur
block Noun /blɒk/ manzana a block is a group of buildings in a town or city with streets on we took a walk around the block | walk five blocks, then turn left | I
all sides live just three blocks away from my office
built-up Adjective /bɪlt ʌp/ urbanizado/a a built-up area is one where there are a lot of buildings and Beijing is one of the most built-up areas in the world | the total built-
streets and not very much open space up area is 54000 square metres | the neighbourhood became much
more built-up after the war
financial Adjective /faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l/ financiero/a financial things and activities are related to money and the an important business and financial district (where there are a lot of Adverb: financially |
control of money banks) | Switzerland is a financial centre with a lot of banks | I have Noun: finance
some financial problems | a financial advisor | the financial crisis of
grassland Noun /ˈɡrɑːsˌlænd/ pradera grassland is an area of land which is always covered in grass to the south was open grassland | the river ran through grassland for
several miles | the village was surrounded by forest and grasslands |
grasslands once covered a quarter of the earth
marsh Noun /mɑː(r)ʃ/ ciénaga a marsh is an area of land that is very wet all year round you can't walk far through the marsh | there's a lot of interesting
wildlife (animals, insects, etc.) on the marshes | my boots were muddy
from walking by the marsh
neighbourhood Noun /ˈneɪbə(r)ˌhʊd/ barrio your neighbourhood is the area of the town or city around we live in a nice neighbourhood | it's a dangerous neighbourhood
where you live after dark | it's a very quiet neighbourhood | everyone in the
neighbourhood knows my dad
potential Noun uncount /pəˈtenʃ(ə)l/ potencial if a place or person has potential, there is a big possibility that reach/realize your the house has got real potential | the area has enormous potential | Adjective: potential |
they can develop and become different or better in the future (full/true) potential he's only a young player, but he has potential | she hasn't reached her Adverb: potentially
full potential yet
resident Noun /ˈrezɪd(ə)nt/ residente the residents of a place are the people who live there a local resident local residents were told to stay inside | the city centre has few Adjective: residential
residents left | residents were too scared to talk to the police | he's
been a permanent resident here since 2004
skin Noun /skɪn/ piel the skin of an animal is its outer covering, especially when this it's cruel to use beaver skin for clothing | an illegal trade in animal
is cut away and used for material to make clothes, belts, hats, skins | the carpet looked like a tiger skin
skyscraper Noun /ˈskaɪˌskreɪpə/ rascacielos a skyscraper is a very tall building in a city the views from the skyscrapers are spectacular | Paris does not have
many skyscrapers | if you want to see skyscrapers, go to New York|
the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest skyscraper in the world
spot Noun /spɒt/ sitio a spot is a particular place choose a spot in the shade | this would be a good spot for a picnic |
the farmhouse occupied a lovely spot on the side of the valley | a
beauty spot (a place in the countryside which is considered to be very
turkey Noun /ˈtɜː(r)ki/ pavo a turkey is a large bird that looks like a very big chicken. In a turkey farm | one turkey will feed at least eight people
Britain, turkeys are traditionally eaten on Christmas day, and in
the US they are traditionally eaten at Thanksgiving
ger Noun /ɡɛə(ɹ)/ yurta a ger is a kind of tent used by people in Central and East Asia a ger is a traditional Mongolian dwelling | it was surprisingly cool
who do not stay in one place for long but regularly move to a inside the ger
new place and put up their gers every time they move
rock Noun uncount /rɒk/ roca rock is a very hard, solid substance that occurs naturally, and their houses were carved into the rock | the mountain was one huge
that forms most of the surface of the Earth lump of rock | the ground was bare rock, so no plants could grow on it
stilt Noun /stɪlt/ soporte stilts are long, strong supports that are used to support a they architect suggested using concrete stilts | we passed a number of
building and keep it above the ground, for example in an area houses on stilts as we sailed down the river | the block of flats was on
where there is a lot of flooding stilts with a car park underneath
untidy Adjective /ʌnˈtaɪdi/ desordenado/a if a place is untidy, the things in it are not in their right place the garden gets untidy very quickly in warm weather | just look how Adverb: untidily ||
and it is not very neat. If a person is untidy, they are not good untidy the kitchen is | I hate sharing a bedroom with my sister – she's Opposites – Adjective:
at keeping their things neat and well organized so untidy | an untidy pile of papers on his desk tidy | Adverb: tidily
bench Noun /bentʃ/ banco a bench is a long chair for more than one person to sit on, the central square had fountains and stone benches | we sat on a long
often outside bench to have lunch | the school had to buy another six wooden
benefit Noun /ˈbenɪfɪt/ ventaja a benefit is something that is good or useful that you get from one of the benefits of working from home is that you don't waste time Verb: benefit | Adjective:
something travelling twice a day | the health benefits of swimming | the new beneficial
arrangement will be of benefit to everyone in the community | this
change brought no benefit to most of the students
centre Noun /ˈsentə(r)/ centro the centre of something is the middle of it the city centre is very quiet on Sundays | here in the centre of the Adjective: central
forest we found peace and quiet | we live in the centre of England, a
long way from the sea | how can you calculate the distance from the
centre of a circle to the edge?
clap Verb /klæp/ aplaudir if you clap, you hit your hands together to make a noise, for they clapped in time to the music | the audience clapped and cheered
example to show that you have enjoyed a performance, or to when McCartney appeared on the stage | please don't clap until the
join in when you are listening to music end of the symphony
coast Noun /kəʊst/ costa the coast is the region of land alongside the sea we moved down to the coast after I retired | the weather along the Adjective: coastal
coast is always a bit warmer | the coast road always has a lot of
traffic | the east coast of Scotland
development Noun /dɪˈveləpmənt/ desarrollo a development is a set of new buildings, or changes made to a mining development | the new development on the edge of the Verb: develop | Noun:
an area of land so that it can start being used for a different town created a lot of jobs | a campaign against the new tourist developer
purpose development | a housing development is now being planned along the
canal | the industrial development was financed by foreign
investment | today, residential developments are replacing farms
dreamy Adjective /ˈdriːmi/ de ensueño something that is dreamy is quietly pleasant and peaceful and the dreamy atmosphere of Adjuntas | we spent a dreamy afternoon
does not seem real by the river | the film had a dreamy quality
economy Noun singular /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ economía a country's economy is all the commercial and business activity how has the economy changed in your country? | the economy is Adjective: economic |
that goes on. When business is successful, the economy is recovering after the crisis of 2008 | the government is introducing new Noun: economics
strong. When businesses are failing, the economy is weak policies to strengthen the economy | the global economy is still very
energy Noun uncount /ˈenə(r)dʒi/ energía if you have energy, you feel strong and able to do things doing more work needs more energy | children have got so much Adjective: energetic |
without getting tired energy! | he's full of energy | I haven't got the energy to do any more Adverb: energetically
fact Noun /fækt/ hecho a fact is a piece of information which is true some of these facts were really interesting | the article was full of Adjective: factual
facts about Walt Disney | the fact is that he's been in prison for the
last year | I had to learn 10 facts about the Second World War for
history Noun uncount /ˈhɪst(ə)ri/ historia history is all the things that have happened in the past, ancient history if we don't study history we won't be able to understand the present | Adjective: historic
especially the important things that have had an influence on she knew a lot about the history of the island | at school, I thought
the way the world has developed history was boring | the same mistakes have been made many times
throughout history | the history of the Roman Empire | she teaches
ancient history (the history of the world 2,000 or more years ago)
improvise Verb /ˈɪmprəvaɪz/ improvisar if you improvise, or improvise something, you do something I forgot my lines (the words an actor has to say) and had to improvise Adjective: improvised |
without having planned it in advance and have to make it up as | if you haven't got anything to write with, you'll just have to Noun: improvisation
you go along improvise | I don't know how to make a beef stew so I'll just improvise
| she began to improvise a song about her garden
nation Noun /ˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ nación a nation is a country with its own government and laws women play an important part in building the nation | one of the Adjective: national
world's poorest nations | an industrial nation | our nation is over a
thousand years old
nature Noun uncount /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ naturaleza nature is all the plants, animals, mountains, rivers, etc., that we can learn a lot from nature | she teaches nature studies at a local Adjective: natural |
are not made by people but exist independently. Things that primary school | I've been interested in nature since I was little (very Adverb: naturally
exist in nature and that are not made by people are natural young)
nod Verb /nɒd/ asentir if you nod, or nod your head, you move your head up and Jack nodded when I asked him if he wanted another cup of tea | they
down, either to show that you agree with what someone has were all nodding their heads in time to the music
just said or because you are enjoying something you are
listening to
origin Noun /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ origen the origin of something is the way it started or where it came the origins of the city go back to the fourteenth century | the word is Adjective: original |
from of unknown origin | a name whose origin is uncertain | the date of Adverb: originally
origin must be before 1066
parade Verb /pəˈreɪd/ desfile a parade is a big public event when a lot of people or vehicles soldiers paraded through the city centre | I wanted to parade with all Noun: parade
go through the streets of a town as part of a big celebration. the others but my parents wouldn't let me
The people and vehicles parade through the streets
person Noun /ˈpɜː(r)s(ə)n/ persona a person is a man, woman, or child. Things related to a single his dad's a really nice person | were there many people at the Adjective: personal |
person are personal. The plural of person is people concert? | I met a really interesting person at the party | lots of Adverb: personally
people came to the funeral
reforestation Noun uncount /ˌriːfɒrɪˈsteɪʃ(ə)n/ reforestación reforestation is the planting of new trees to bring a forest back we need to start a reforestation programme | reforestation will take
as a forest after the earlier trees had been cut down at least ten years
respectfully Adverb /rɪˈspektf(ə)li/ respetuosamente if you do something respectfully, you do in a way that shows the audience listened respectfully to all the speeches | he answered Adjective: respectful |
you believe someone is important and should be treated my questions honestly and respectfully | he shook hands respectfully Noun: respect | Verb:
politely and bowed slightly respect | Adjective:
rhyme Noun /raɪm/ rima a rhyme is a word that ends in the same sound as another a rhyme for something apparently, there's no rhyme for "orange" in English | I can't think of a Verb: rhyme
word, for example "light" and "bright" rhyme for "elephant"
romance Noun uncount /rəʊˈmæns/ romance romance is all the feelings and behaviour of people who are it was difficult to find romance in a small village with hardly any other Adjective: romantic
beginning to love each other and starting a relationship young people | their romance began on social media | an office
romance (when two people who work together start a relationship)
shine Verb /ʃaɪn/ brillar if someone's eyes or face shine, they have a happy look on he eyes shone with happiness | looking at their shining faces | his
their face dark brown eyes shone with pleasure
tap Verb /tæp/ dar golpecitos if you tap your feet, you hit the ground repeatedly with your they were clapping and tapping and nodding to the music | 200
foot or feet in time to a piece of music people all tapping their feet at the same time made a very strange
working-class Adjective /ˈwɜːkɪŋ klɑːs/ clase obrera the working class is one of the groups which people in a wages haven't risen this year for working-class families| a working- Noun: working class
society are divided into according to their jobs, education, class area of Leeds | she was brought up in a working-class family
background, etc. People who are working-class do jobs that do
not require a lot of education and do not have as much money
or status as people who are middle-class or upper-class
fit Adjective /fɪt/ en forma if someone is fit, they are healthy and can do physical exercise get fit | keep fit our team might have won if all our players had been fit | I need to get Noun: fitness
without becoming tired fit if I'm going to walk 20 miles | Montero is hoping to be fit for his
semi-final match on Sunday | cycling keeps me fit
mix Noun /mɪks/ mezcla a mix of people or things is a lot of different people or things the residents, a mix of older people and new arrivals | an interesting
all together in the same place mix of shops and restaurants | I liked the mix of architectural styles in
nightmare Noun /ˈnaɪtˌmeə(r)/ pesadilla a nightmare is a very frightening dream. You can refer to a turn into a nightmare the holiday was a complete nightmare – it rained the whole time |
really unpleasant or worrying situation as a nightmare their dream of a new home turned into a nightmare | driving in the
city centre is a nightmare
picturesque Adjective /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ pintoresco/a something that is picturesque is very attractive, often because the streets in Sandgate are picturesque | the town has a picturesque
it is old-fashioned and looks very interesting castle in the middle | a picturesque fishing village called Sesimbra | a
picturesque little church stood on the bank of the river
reasonable Adjective /ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ razonable if you think the price of something is reasonable, you think it is a reasonable price the bill was very reasonable | the prices here are quite reasonable | I Adverb: reasonably
not too expensive and is good value for money think £20 for a day at the cricket is reasonable | it's difficult to get a
good meal for a reasonable price near the station
stage Noun /steɪdʒ/ paso a stage is a particular period of time during a process the early/final stages of at this stage, it's too early to say if we'll finish on time | the medicine
something was still in the experimental stage | we're still in the early stages of
the project | the building is in its final stage, and should be finished
next month | most pupils start here at the age of 11, but some join the
school at a later stage
bright Adjective /braɪt/ brillante something that is bright can be seen or heard clearly because a cell phone on Mars would be the brightest radio object in the sky | Adverb: brightly | Noun:
it shines or because it gives off strong radio signals several of the stars were bright enough to see without a telescope brightness
cordless Adjective /ˈkɔː(r)dləs/ inalámbrico/a cordless equipment works by having a battery inside and is not a cordless phone | a one hour charge will give you 60 minutes of
physically connected to a supply of electricity cordless use | a cordless floor sweeper | I've got several cordless hand
downtown Noun /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ centro in American English, the downtown is the central district of a the bar is in the historic downtown of Boston | there was a lot of Adjective: downtown |
city or town, where all the shops and businesses are traffic when we drove through the downtown | efforts are being made Adverb: downtown
to rebuild the downtown
gasoline Noun uncount /ˈɡæsəliːn/ gasolina gasoline is the American word for petrol , the liquid that you the price of gasoline has risen recently | a can of gasoline | a truck
put in a car or other vehicle to make the engine work. It is crashed on the highway and spilled its load of gasoline | I need to put
usually shortened to gas some gas in the car | a gas station (a place where you can fill your car
with gasoline)
ironic Adjective /aɪˈrɒnɪk/ irónico/a something that is ironic is surprizing because it seems to be it's ironic that we're using a lot of technology but we don't have any Noun: irony | Adverb:
almost the opposite of what you would expect mobile phones | it's ironic that the first goal was scored by a defender ironically
| it's slightly ironic that he plays football for England although he was
born in Canada
Milky Way Noun /mɪlki weɪ/ Vía Láctea the Milky Way is the collection of stars that includes the Sun the Milky Way contains about 200 billion stars | no one knows exactly
and all its planets, including Earth how the Milky Way came to exist
noise Noun uncount /nɔɪz/ reuido noise, or radio noise, is radio signals that interfere with there's too much radio noise in the city centre | scientists blamed the
scientific equipment and make the equipment work badly failure of the experiment on unexpected noise
signal Noun /ˈsɪɡn(ə)l/ señal a signal is electrical waves that carry sound and pictures to I can't hear you very well, there's a really bad signal here | I can never
mobile phones, computers, etc. get a signal in the back garden | there's no signal on the island, so I'll
send you a postcard!
store Noun /stɔː(r)/ tienda store is the usual American word for shop a local store | I need to go to the store to get some bread | a grocery
store | the store was about to close | a department store (a large shop
which sells a wide range of goods in different departments) | the
streets are dominated by chain stores (businesses which have similar
shops in lots of different towns and cities)
telescope Noun /ˈtelɪˌskəʊp/ telescopio a telescope is an instrument in the shape of a tube with a the telescope was developed in the seventeenth century | even with a
piece of special of glass at one end that makes things which telescope he couldn't see the island | the radio telescope at Ohio State
are a long way away seem nearer and larger. A radio telescope University
is a very large piece of scientific equipment that uses radio
waves to see a long way into space
unique Adjective /juːˈniːk/ exclusivo/a if something is unique, there is only one of it, and there is she only made one ring like this, so it's unique | this is a unique Adverb: uniquely
nothing else that is the same opportunity | the band had a unique style of music | I met a lot of
interesting and unique people
utilize Verb /ˈjuːtɪlaɪz/ utilizar to utilize something means to use it we can't utilize any electrical equipment while we're here | the course Noun: utilization
utilizes the latest learning methods | we need to be careful how we
utilize our natural resources
wireless Adjective /ˈwaɪə(r)ləs/ inalámbrico/a wireless technology uses radio waves to send information to wireless access to the internet | wireless switches control the lighting Noun: wireless
equipment such as computers and mobile phones system | a wireless microphone | free wireless internet is available
tip Noun /tɪp/ consejo a tip is a piece of useful advice give someone a tip each speaker offers a travel tip | do you have any tips on where to
stay in Volgograd? | she gave me a few tips about the German
railway system | if you want any gardening tips, ask my uncle Stan
blank Adjective /blæŋk/ en blanco if your mind is blank or goes blank, you suddenly cannot think she asked me how to say "I love you" in Russian and my mind just
properly and cannot remember something that is actually went blank | she looked up confidently, then suddenly her mind went
quite obvious blank | for a moment my mind was blank, then it all came back to me
board game Noun /bɔːd geɪm/ juego de mesa a board game is an indoor game that you play using a board, it was raining, so we played board games all afternoon | my favourite
moving pieces around on it according to the numbers that are board game is Monopoly | it can take hours to finish a board game
shown when you throw a dice (a small cube with one of the
numbers one to six on each side)
character Noun /ˈkærɪktə(r)/ carácter a character is a letter in an alphabet or a written symbol in I'm not very good at reading Chinese characters | a tweet cannot be
languages like Chinese or Japanese longer than 140 characters | the document contained 12,437
cliff Noun /klɪf/ acantilado a cliff is an area of land which has an extremely steep side that a high cliff rose above the sea | a rocky cliff above the waves of the
goes down to the sea or a river Atlantic | keep away from the edge of the cliff | the highest cliffs in
Europe | the white cliffs of Dover
head Verb /hed/ dirigirse if you head in a particular direction, you start to go in that it's time for me to head for home | we headed up the lane towards the
direction church | we're going to head to the lake this afternoon | she said
goodbye and headed down the street
step Verb /step/ dar un paso if you step somewhere, you move a short distance there on I gave Millie a kiss, then stepped onto the train | would you step inside Noun: step
foot. For example, you can step onto a train or step off it. my office, please | she stepped up to the window and looked inside
When someone asks you to come into a room, they might ask the hall | I'm just going to step outside to get some fresh air
you to step inside
pp 96-97 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
aerial Adjective /ˈeəriəl/ aéreo/a aerial activity takes place from high up in the air, for example aerial photography is the act of taking photographs from the air | an
from an aeroplane or helicopter aerial survey | an aerial view of the city | a set of aerial photographs
taken from a helicopter
dig up Phrasal verb /dɪg ʌp/ desenterrar if you dig up the ground, you use heavy equipment to move they dug up a huge area of land | I dug up an old pot while I was
the earth from the surface of the ground so that you can get to gardening
whatever lies underneath. If you dig something up, you take it
out of the ground by removing whatever is on top of it
malaria Noun uncount /məˈleəriə/ malaria malaria is a serious disease that is caused by some kinds of malaria was once common in southern Europe | advice on malaria
mosquito (flying insect that bites people) in hot countries prevention | a rise in malaria cases can be expected | each year,
about one million children under the age of five die from malaria
redwood Noun /ˈredˌwʊd/ secuoya a redwood, or a redwood tree, is a tree that grows in the west a row of Californian redwood trees | a redwood forest | I'd never seen
of the United States. Redwoods are the tallest trees in the a redwood before | one redwood in California is 2,200 years old
save Verb /seɪv/ salvar if you save someone or something that is in danger, you do Mike Fay wants to save the wilderness | we need to do more about
something that successfully protects them from being harmed, global warming if we want to save the planet | he wants to save the
damaged, or destroyed world from nuclear weapons | she saved his life by pulling him out of
the fire
survey Noun /ˈsɜː(r)veɪ/ encuesta a survey is an examination of several related things to try and conduct a survey he'd just finished a survey of redwood trees in California | they asked Verb: survey
find out as much about them as possible us to conduct a survey of the river valley | a recent survey suggests
there are only five eagles left in the area | a 2015 survey reported that
just 20% of car owners kept their car in a garage overnight
trek Verb /trek/ hacer una caminata if you trek somewhere, you go on a long and difficult journey he spent two years trekking through South America | we trekked up Noun: trek | Noun:
by walking the river for a few days | by afternoon, we had trekked 15 miles trekking
vast Adjective /vɑːst/ vasto/a something that is vast is extremely big they've destroyed vast areas of land | they travelled a vast distance to Noun: vastness
get here | Canada is a vast country north of the United States | a vast
region with no roads
wilderness Noun /ˈwɪldə(r)nəs/ naturaleza a wilderness is a large area of land where everything is wild we trekked for three days through the wilderness | most of the area to
and where people hardly ever go the south of the mountains is wilderness | a remote wilderness | after
a week in the wilderness I was glad to get back home
challenge Noun /ˈtʃæləndʒ/ reto a challenge is something difficult which you want to or have to set (someone) a challenge we want to set our readers a challenge | climbing this mountain will Verb: challenge |
try and do | rise to the challenge be a real challenge | my job's become boring – I need a new challenge Adjective: challenging
| do you enjoy a challenge? | teachers have to provide a challenge for
their students | the orchestra rose to the challenge of Schubert's 9th
symphony (they played a difficult piece of music very well)
charge Verb /tʃɑː(r)dʒ/ cobrar if someone charges you an amount of money, they ask you to charge (someone) for they decided to charge tourists a tax of two euros a day | they charge Noun: charge
give them that amount when they sell something to you, do a (doing) something for using the motorway | they charged us £100 for bringing the car
job for you, or allow you to do a particular activity back a day late | the taxi driver charged me £18 for just three miles! |
the doctor charges $30 to come to the house
cruise Noun /kruːz/ crucero a cruise is a holiday you take on a ship, often stopping at some a large cruise ship can carry up to 6,000 people | we went on a cruise Verb: cruise
interesting places. The ships that take people on these holidays round the Caribbean | I can't think of anything worse than spending
are cruise ships three weeks on a cruise | she went on her first cruise at the age of 76
ecotourism Noun uncount /ˈiːkəʊˌtʊərɪz(ə)m/ ecoturismo ecotourism is the business of helping people take holidays in the rise of ecotourism over the last few years | Dunedin is a centre for Noun: ecotourist
places that are environmentally interesting and where the ecotourism | a popular destination for ecotourism | ecotourism is
activities do not cause any harm to the environment important for the local economy
equipment Noun uncount /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ equipo equipment is things like tools and machinery that are used for industrial equipment | we needed to buy a lot more equipment when
a particular task we opened the second factory | the equipment in the school chemistry
laboratory was very old | cameras and other photographic equipment
| heavy farm equipment
fresh water Noun uncount /frɛʃ ˈwɔːtə/ agua dulce fresh water is water that is clean and suitable for drinking or the island has no fresh water supply | make sure your dog has plenty
cooking of fresh water in hot weather | fresh water was available in the next
household Adjective /ˈhaʊsˌhəʊld/ familiar household means connected with a house or flat and all the I'm working for a company that sells household goods | their total Noun: household
people living in it household income has dropped significantly | household appliances |
household bills | household expenses
low-impact Adjective /ləʊ ˈɪmpækt/ de bajo impacto low-impact activities do not cause much damage to the low-impact tourism such as ecotourism | the architect was asked to
environment design a low-impact housing development | we moved to the country
to try and adopt a low-impact way of life
pollution Noun uncount /pəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ contaminación pollution is things like chemicals and smoke from factories air pollution | noise there's a lot of pollution in Beijing | air pollution is a big problem in Verb: pollute | Adjective:
that damage the air that we breathe or the rivers and land pollution | industrial London | the government should do more to tackle pollution (to stop polluted
pollution the problem) | people near the airport suffer from noise pollution
route Noun /ruːt/ ruta a route is the exact direction you follow to get from one place there are sometimes queues of climbers on the route to the top of
to another Everest | I'm going to try a different route when we go to Scotland
next week | what's the shortest route home from here? | it's
important to plan your route before you set off | we took the scenic
route (not the fastest way, but the prettiest)
rubbish Noun uncount /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ basura rubbish is stuff that people throw away put your rubbish in the bin in the corner | the streets were full of
rubbish | please do not leave rubbish here | our rubbish is collected
every Monday (someone comes to take it away) | a rubbish tip (a
place where people can take big pieces of rubbish) | a rubbish bin
tax Noun /tæks/ impuesto tax is money that a government makes you pay, for example a tax on something there's a 6% sales tax on top of the original price | I have to send in Verb: tax
when you earn money (income tax), when you buy something my tax return tomorrow (a form saying how much you have earned so
(sales tax ), when you use an airport (airport tax), etc. that the government can tell you exactly how much tax you must pay)
| income tax was raised to 24% last year | tourists are charged a tax
of two euros a day | they raised the tax on cigarettes again
customs check Noun /kʌstəmz ʧɛk/ control de aduana when you arrive in a foreign country, the customs check is there were long delays for the customs check at Miami airport | there
when you have to say or show what you are bringing into the are no customs checks here for passengers arriving from EU countries
country so that the authorities can decide if you need to pay | customs checks are carried out before you leave the ship
any tax or if you are carrying anything illegally
jetlagged Adjective /ˈdʒetˌlæɡd/ afectado/a por el desfase horario if you are jetlagged, your body is slightly confused because you whenever I fly to New York I'm jetlagged for the first three days | I had Noun: jetlag
have travelled a long distance and there is a big time to go into the meeting jetlagged and exhausted | a group of jetlagged
difference between where you are and where you have tourists stepped off the plane | it's been a long flight and I'm jetlagged
travelled from
pigeon Noun /ˈpɪdʒ(ə)n/ paloma a pigeon is a grey or brown bird that often lives in towns or there were hundreds of pigeons in Trafalgar Square | people used to
cities feed the pigeons here, but it's not allowed now | several pigeons flew
temperature Noun /ˈtemprɪtʃə(r)/ temperatura if you have a temperature, your body is slightly warmer than it have a temperature | a I'll call a doctor if you still have a temperature in the morning | she
should be because you are ill. A normal temperature is about high temperature | take had a temperature of 38.5 last night | he had a high temperature so
37° centigrade someone's temperature his mother kept him off school | when I took her temperature
(measured it), it was normal
travel sickness Noun uncount /ˈtrævl ˈsɪknɪs/ mareo travel sickness is a feeling of being unwell and wanting to be travel sickness can be much worse on a ship | travel sickness is more Adjective: travel sick
sick that some people get when travelling in a car, plane, or common in children than in adults | travel sickness tablets (to make
ship someone feel better)
pp 102-103 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
binoculars Noun plural /bɪˈnɒkjʊlə(r)z/ prismáticos binoculars are a piece of equipment consisting of two a pair of binoculars I always take a pair of binoculars when I go for a walk in the country |
connected tubes, each with special glass in them. You look she could clearly see the bird's blue feathers through the binoculars |
through the tubes, one with each eye, and distant objects the best way to see them is through binoculars
appear closer to you and you see them in more detail
blood Noun uncount /blʌd/ sangre blood is the red liquid that carries oxygen around your body, exploration is in people's blood | I can't live without music – it's in my
and which is pumped by your heart. Blood is essential for life. blood | football is in his blood, it's all he ever wants to do
If you say that something is in your blood, you mean that it is
very important to you and a very necessary part of the way
you live
curious Adjective /ˈkjʊəriəs/ curioso/a if you are curious about something, you want to know more very curious | be curious all children are curious about the world around them | the museum Noun: curiosity | Adverb:
about it (to know/hear/learn) has a lot to offer the curious visitor | I'm very curious to know what's curiously
about something inside the suitcase | she wasn't in the least curious about where he
had been
drive Verb /draɪv/ impulsar if something drives you to achieve something, it makes you that's what drives people to the highest mountains | wanting to Noun: drive
believe you want to achieve that thing and leads you to try impress her father is what drove her to start water-skiing | he was
very hard driven by the desire to buy a bigger car
engage Verb /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ involucrarse if you engage with something, you take it seriously and engage with something it helped me engage more fully with the world | he never engaged Noun: engagement
become properly involved with it with university life
grow Verb /ɡrəʊ/ crecer if people grow, they develop and learn more things and a few months in Australia will help her grow | he grew into a well-
become more interesting people respected doctor
headlamp Noun /ˈhedˌlæmp/ faro a headlamp is a lamp or torch that you wear on a helmet or using a headlamp means both my hands are free | she turned her
strapped to your head so that you can have light without head to point the headlamp at the tree | the battery on my headlamp
having to hold a torch in your hand is flat
paddle Verb /ˈpæd(ə)l/ remar if you paddle, you make a boat move by using a paddle, a long we paddled to the edge of the river | after paddling for twenty Noun: paddle
handle with a blade at the end of it minutes, I was quite tired | don't stop paddling – we're nearly there
paintbrush Noun /ˈpeɪntˌbrʌʃ/ pincel a paintbrush is an object with thin, slightly stiff pieces of I'm not very good with a paintbrush – I prefer using a pencil | it's not
plastic or hair which you use to put paint onto a surface worth buying a cheap paintbrush, it won't last long | make sure you
clean the paintbrush straight away
power Noun uncount /ˈpaʊə(r)/ potencia power is the supply of electricity to a place we lost power for an hour in the afternoon | the power came back on
at five o'clock | 200 homes were without power after the storm
sunblock Noun uncount /ˈsʌnˌblɒk/ protector solar sunblock is a thick liquid that you put on your skin to protect don't forget to put on some sunblock | make sure the children put the
yourself when the sun is very hot and to stop your skin getting sunblock on | a bottle of sunblock
vehicle Noun /ˈviːɪk(ə)l/ vehículo a vehicle is something you use to record or express your ideas I never leave home without a vehicle or other way of recording my
and impressions about something experiences | my music is a vehicle for letting my emotions out
distribute Verb /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/ distribuir to distribute goods means to send them to all the different the books were distributed to all 273 bookshops across the country | Noun: distribution |
places where they are going to be sold we produce and distribute the best bikes in New Zealand | the Noun: distributor
company is now distributing these tools to 12 cities in the mid-west
package Verb /ˈpækɪdʒ/ empaquetar if you package something, you put it in a container or wrap it vegetables don't have to be packaged | they package the strawberries Noun: packaging
separately so that it is ready to be sold in plastic containers | the last stage of the process is to package the
goods ready to be sent to the shops
shipping Noun uncount /ˈʃɪpɪŋ/ envío shipping is the process of sending goods over a long distance we have a specialized firm to handle our shipping | shipping costs ship: verb
went up again last year | price is $12.50 plus $2 for shipping |
overnight shipping is available | orders to Canada add 20% for
shipping and handling
stuff Noun uncount /stʌf/ cosas you can use stuff to refer to things such as a substance, a most of this supermarket stuff has to be eaten within a couple of days
collection of things, events, ideas, or the contents of | just dump your stuff in the corner, we'll show you your room later |
something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself we need to buy some stuff for the house | the Beatles? That's the kind
by name of stuff my dad listens to | we played games like Monopoly and stuff
like that
track Verb /træk/ rastrear if you can track an item that is being delivered somewhere, click here to track your parcel | a new order tracking app | if you pay
you can find out where it is at any stage of its journey to the a little bit extra, you'll be able to track the package
delivery point using the internet or an app
budget Noun /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ presupuesto if you have a budget, you have worked out how much money draw up your budget before you go to the shop | we have a budget of Verb: budget
you have available to spend on a particular thing or activity £200 (we don't want to spend more than £200) | prices to suit every
budget (for people with very little money as well as people with a lot
of money) | we have a weekly budget of £50 for food
change Noun uncount /tʃeɪndʒ/ cambio change is money in the form of coins rather than paper bank she kept her small change in a leather purse | I had a lot of loose
notes. Small change is coins of low value change in my pocket (not in a purse) | do you have change for a five
pound note? (can you give me coins to the value of £5)
checkout Noun /ˈtʃekaʊt/ caja the checkout is the place where you go in a supermarket or there was a long queue at the checkout | only two out of six checkouts
other shop to pay for the things that you are buying were open | he got a job working on the checkout at Safeway | this
checkout is for customers with 12 items or fewer
deal Noun /diːl/ oferta a deal is a lower than usual price for something do a deal there are lots of good deals during the sale | she went online to see if
she could find a good deal on a tennis racket | we can do you a deal if
you buy an armchair as well as the sofa
goods Noun plural /ɡʊdz/ productos goods are things that are made to be sold in shops it's cheaper to buy electrical goods online | a shop selling luxury goods
| the goods are transported by road | a goods train (carrying things,
not passengers)
purchase Noun /ˈpɜː(r)tʃəs/ compra a purchase is something you have just bought. Purchase is also we can help you pack your purchases | he put all the purchases in the Verb: purchase
the act of buying something boot of the car | I bought an extra bag to bring all my purchases home
from holiday | he showed us his recent purchase: a huge sofa | the
book is available for online purchase | 27% of global consumers made
their last purchase online
receipt Noun /rɪˈsiːt/ recibo a receipt is a piece of paper or an email from a shop that have you got a receipt and the box it came in? | you need to keep your
shows where and when you bought something, and proves receipt | can I have a receipt, please? | I forgot to get a receipt so I
that you have paid can't take it back | an old-fashioned shop where they write the
special offer Noun /ˈspɛʃəl ˈɒfə/ oferta especial when goods are on special offer, they are on sale for a much on special offer don't miss out on our special offers – only available today | flat screen
lower price than usual TV on special offer for £225 | this special offer will last until 14th May
| a special offer price of just £99.99
pp 110-111 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
cart Noun /kɑː(r)t/ carreta a cart is a vehicle with two or four wheels, usually pulled by a a horse and cart | he sold fruit from his cart in the market | the
horse or donkey, and used for transporting goods farmer's cart had a broken wheel | the cart was piled high with
chest Noun /tʃest/ baúl a chest is a container in the shape of a very large box a treasure chest (one containing something interesting or valuable) |
we had to take a few things out because the chest was too heavy to
carry | have you got a key for the chest? | the chest has been up in the
attic for years
copper Noun uncount /ˈkɒpə(r)/ cobre copper is a reddish-brown metal copper lamps | they used copper for the gas pipes | a large copper pot
| copper wire is used for carrying electricity
date Noun /deɪt/ fecha a date is a small, sweet, sticky brown fruit with a stone in the a stall selling dates and figs | a box of dates | we usually have dried
middle dates as a treat near Christmas
fig Noun /fɪɡ/ higo a fig is a soft, sweet fruit with a lot of tiny seeds inside it. Figs a bowl of figs | dried figs | a fig tree | you'll get ill if you eat too many
are usually green or purple figs
merchant Noun /ˈmɜː(r)tʃ(ə)nt/ comerciante a merchant is someone who buys and sells goods the merchants in the market were setting up their stalls | merchants Noun: merchandise
came from all over central Asia | his grandfather was a rich merchant
dealing in hand-made carpets
olive Noun /ˈɒlɪv/ aceituna an olive is a small green or black fruit with a stone in the an olive grove (a group of olive trees) | a bottle of olive oil | a bowl of
middle. Olives grow in warm countries around the olives | add the cheese, olives and onions
Mediterranean and are eaten or pressed to make olive oil
slogan Noun /ˈsləʊɡən/ eslogan a slogan is a short phrase, easy to remember, usually with an they sold a range of T-shirts with slogans on them | protesters were
advertising or political message shouting anti-government slogans | their advertising slogan was: "go
to work on an egg" | Obama's slogan in 2008 was "Yes, we can"
sword Noun /sɔː(r)d/ espada a sword is a weapon that has a long metal blade, used a sword fight | he drew his sword (took it out) and waited for the
especially in the past before guns were widely used attack | every cavalry soldier has a sword | if you live by the sword,
you'll die by the sword (if you do something bad to get what you want,
something bad will probably happen to you too)
courteous Adjective /ˈkɜː(r)tiəs/ cortés someone who is courteous is very polite and treats people the shop assistant was very courteous | staff in the restaurant could Noun: courtesy | Adverb:
with respect not have been more courteous (they were very courteous) | we were courteously
met by a courteous waiter | it's courteous to ask permission before
photographing local people
delivery Noun /dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri/ entrega delivery is the act of taking things such as goods or letters to a my job was to prepare all the orders for delivery | we make daily Verb: deliver
place deliveries | send it by express delivery (very quick) | order by 3 pm for
next-day delivery | a supermarket delivery van
exchange Verb /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ intercambiar if you exchange something, you give it back to a shop and they can I exchange this shirt? It doesn't fit properly | they wouldn't give us Noun: exchange
give you something else in its place our money back but offered to exchange it for a different model | we
can try and exchange it if you really don't like it
gift-wrap Verb /gɪft ræp/ envolver if you gift-wrap something, you wrap it nicely in pretty paper I asked the shop assistant to gift-wrap it for me | no need to gift-wrap Noun: gift-wrapping
as a present for someone it – it's for me | the box had been beautifully gift-wrapped
model Noun /ˈmɒd(ə)l/ modelo a model is a particular type of item that a company makes what's the model name? | the latest model costs over £1,000 | I just
want a basic model (ordinary, and without any extra things) | this
model sells at £9,700 | at least three different models are available
reference number Noun /ˈrɛfrəns ˈnʌmbə/ número de referencia a reference number is a number that tells someone what the reference number for the sofa is SFD93700 | here's a reference
exact item something is or where a particular piece of number so you can contact your insurance company | please make a
information is note of the reference number | I paid the bill online, but I didn't get a
reference number so I can't prove I paid it
return Verb /rɪˈtɜː(r)n/ devolver if you return something to a shop where you bought it, you can we return it if it's the wrong size? | I had to return those trousers,
take it back, for example because there is something wrong they were just too tight | you can't return it after three weeks | go to
with it, it is the wrong size, or the person you bought it for the customer service desk if you're returning something
does not like it. Some shops give you your money back, and
other shops let you exchange it for something else of the same
stock Noun singular /stɒk/ existencias the stock of a shop or company is the amount of goods it has in stock | out of stock we've got plenty of blue ones in stock | stock control is very important Verb: stock | Noun:
that are available and ready to be sold or sent out to in our business | we don't carry much stock because the shop is so stockist
customers. The goods that are available are in stock. If it no small | I'm afraid the leather sofa is out of stock
longer has a particular item, that item is out of stock
tag Noun /tæɡ/ etiqueta a tag is a piece of paper or plastic that is fixed to something to your jacket has still got the price tag on | the shop assistants were all Verb: tag
give information about it wearing name tags | dogs should have a collar and tag | make sure
you put a luggage tag on your suitcase
till Noun /tɪl/ caja a till is a box with a drawer where shops keep their money. the tills are over by the door | they empty the till twice a day | there
When you pay with cash, they open the drawer and put your was over £1,000 in the till when we closed | he put the notes and coins
money in it in the till | thieves took £400 from the till
pressure Verb /ˈpreʃə(r)/ presionar if you pressure someone into doing something, you forcefully pressure someone into the sellers will really try and pressure you into making a purchase | Noun: pressure
try and persuade them to do it doing something | party officials pressured several candidates to withdraw | the mayor
pressure someone to do pressured the police to make a swift arrest
vendor Noun /ˈvendə(r)/ vendedor a vendor is someone who is trying to sell something one vendor sold kaftans and another was selling jewellery | street
vendors (people selling things on the street) | we wanted to buy the
house, but the vendor decided he didn't want to sell after all | there
were several flower vendors outside the station
bungee jumping Noun uncount /ˈbʌnʤi ˈʤʌmpɪŋ/ puenting bungee jumping is the activity of jumping from a high place I've always wanted to try bungee jumping | bungee jumping can be Noun: bungee jump |
such as a cliff or a bridge while attached to a very strong elastic quite dangerous | bungee jumping and white-water rafting are Verb: bungee jump |
cord that stops you hitting the ground popular activities here Noun: bungee jumper
cave diving Noun uncount /keɪv ˈdaɪvɪŋ/ buceo en cuevas cave diving is the activity of diving under the surface of the one of the dangers while cave diving is getting lost in the caves | cave Noun: cave dive | Verb:
water in deep caves diving became popular in the 1970s | cave diving requires courage cave dive | Noun: cave
and a lot of skill diver
dune Noun /djuːn/ duna a dune, or a sand dune, is a small hill in a sandy place such as a he crawled up the sand dune on his hands and knees | the dunes can
beach or a desert reach 750 feet high | a row of dunes behind the beach
free climbing Noun uncount /friː ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ escalada libre free climbing is the activity of climbing rocks or mountains there are obvious risks involved in free climbing | he showed me a Noun: free climb | Verb:
using only equipment that will help prevent injury if you fall good free climbing route | free climbing is increasingly popular free climb | Noun: free
but that does not help you to go upwards climber
ultrarunning Noun uncount /ˈʌltrə ˈrʌnɪŋ/ ultramaratón ultrarunning is the sport of running over very long distances in for me, ultrarunning is a great opportunity to test my fitness |
a race. Ultrarunning races are not all the same distance, but ultrarunning forces you to push yourself to your limits | I took up
they have to be longer than a marathon (42 kilometres) ultrarunning last year
orbit Noun /ˈɔː(r)bɪt/ órbita the orbit of an object in space is the path it follows as it goes in orbit astronomers were able to work out the planet's orbit | the satellite left Verb: orbit
round the sun or around a planet Earth orbit in June 2003 | India currently has 10 satellites in orbit
around the Earth
pp 120-121 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
appointment Noun /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ cita an appointment is an arrangement to see someone at a make an appointment | I've got an appointment with the dentist at 3 o'clock | she telephoned
particular time keep an appointment to say she couldn't keep the appointment (couldn't go to the meeting
at the agreed time) | I called the doctor to make an appointment | I'm
afraid you can't see the manager unless you have an appointment
bionic Adjective /baɪˈɒnɪk/ biónico/a bionic devices use electricity to provide the power to help he was fitted with a bionic leg | we spent months testing a bionic
someone walk or run who cannot otherwise walk or run hand
without help
blade Noun /bleɪd/ prótesis a blade is an artificial leg with a curved strip of metal at the it takes a while to learn how to run on blades | good running blades
bottom of the foot, used by disabled athletes are very expensive | training became much easier once I got some
control Verb /kənˈtrəʊl/ controlar if you control something or control how it develops, you make it's not possible for government to control the internet | he still Noun: control
it do what you want it to do controls the company even though he lives in France now
cure Verb /kjʊə(r)/ curar to cure someone, or cure their illness, means to stop them be cured of something she's now completely cured of the disease | it's likely to be several Noun: cure | Adjective:
from being affected by an illness weeks before he's fully cured | this disease used to be fatal, but now it curable || Opposite --
can be cured | antibiotics can't cure a common cold Adjective: incurable
device Noun /dɪˈvaɪs/ dispositivo a device is a machine or tool that does a particular job an electronic device | a you can watch YouTube on mobile devices | please turn off your
device for (doing) electronic devices | an ingenious little device | some sophisticated
something devices | a device for measuring electrical flow | it's fitted with a
special anti-locking device | all our vehicles have the latest hi-tech
safety devices
disability Noun /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/ discapacidad a disability is a serious physical condition that prevents Stephen Hawking overcame a serious disability to become a famous Adjective: disabled
someone from using all their body completely or easily scientist | the Paralympic Games are for athletes with physical
disabilities | the accident left him with a permanent disability | their
first son was born with severe disabilities
feature Verb /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/ presentar to feature something means to include it as an important part a documentary featuring some famous Paralympians | the Olympic Noun: feature
Games feature around thirty sports | the film features several well-
known Hollywood actors | the new model features an improved
heal Verb /hiːl/ curar if an injury heals, or if something heals it, it recovers and it's quited a nasty cut. It'll take a while to heal | most patients heal
becomes well again within 8 weeks of treatment | continue treatment until the skin is
healed | this dressing will help to heal the wound
hurt Verb /hɜː(r)t/ doler if part of your body hurts, or if something hurts you, you feel my knee really hurts | stop hitting me – it really hurts | let me look at Adjective: hurt
pain there your eye. Don't worry, it won't hurt | it hurts when I try and bend my
elbow | when I woke up, my neck was still hurting
hurtful Adjective /ˈhɜː(r)tf(ə)l/ doloroso/a if someone says something hurtful to you, you feel very sad she said some very hurtful things to me | a hurtful comment about my Verb: hurt | Adjective:
because you think they have deliberately tried to offend you clothes | that's the most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me hurt
injection Noun /ɪnˈdʒekʃ(ə)n/ inyección an injection is a medical action in which a needle is put into give someone an injection the injection didn't hurt at all | I've had three injections already this Verb: inject
your body and a medicine is pushed through the needle week | the nurse came in to give her an injection | I don't want an
directly into your body injection
injured Adjective /ˈɪndʒə(r)d/ herido/a if you are injured, part of your body has become damaged, for as you get older, you're more likely to get injured playing sport | Verb: injure | Noun:
example in an accident luckily, no one was injured in the fire | two people were seriously injury
injured in the accident | no one was badly injured | the injured player
was taken to hospital
limb Noun /lɪm/ extremidad your limbs are your arms and legs patients who have lost the use of a limb | he felt pain in his lower
limbs (legs) | my limbs were aching after swimming across the lake |
she had relatively short limbs
monitor Verb /ˈmɒnɪtə(r)/ supervisar if you monitor a situation, you make sure you know what is police are monitoring the situation at the airport very closely | we
happening all the time so that you are ready to take action as strictly monitor the amount of water we use | we use remote cameras
soon as it is necessary to monitor the traffic in the city centre
pain Noun uncount /peɪn/ dolor pain is the unpleasant physical feeling you have when a part of be in pain | a lot of pain | I was in a lot of pain until the doctor arrived | can you feel any pain in Adjective: painful
your body has been hit or cut relieve/ease the pain your arm? | I just want the pain to go away | the doctor gave me
some medicine to relieve the pain
Paralympics Noun /ˌpærəˈlɪmpɪks/ Paralímpicos the Paralympics, or the Paralympic Games, are a big athletics her ambition is to represent Great Britain at the next Paralympics Adjective: paralympic |
event held after the Olympic Games for athletes with Noun: Paralympian
prosthetic Adjective /prɒsˈθetɪk/ protésico/a a prosthetic body part is an artificial one that replaces the prosthetic arms which can receive signals from the brain | he uses a Noun: prosthetic | Noun:
original, natural arm or leg prosthetic leg | the factory makes prosthetic devices prosthesis
range Noun /reɪndʒ/ variedad a range of things is a number of them that are all different, but a range of things the range of bionic devices is growing all the time | we have a wide
of the same sort or type range of electric cookers in stock | this is the best one in the entire
treat Verb /triːt/ tratar when a doctor treats a patient or an illness, he or she gives we need better medicine to treat people with cancer | there weren't Noun: treatment
someone medicine or other things to make them better enough doctors to treat everyone who caught the flu | he's being
treated for head injuries
wheelchair Noun /ˈwiːlˌtʃeə(r)/ silla de ruedas a wheelchair is a chair with two large wheels at the side and wheelchair basketball (basketball played by teams of people in
smaller wheels near the front, which a disabled person can use wheelchairs) | I never thought I could play rugby in a wheelchair |
to move around, either by turning the large wheels with their after the accident, his only way of getting around was in a wheelchair
hands or by being pushed by someone
wounded Adjective /ˈwuːndɪd/ herido/a if a soldier is wounded, his or her body is damaged by a bullet there were 12 dead and 14 wounded in the attack | the wounded Verb: wound | Noun:
or explosion during a battle soldiers were taken out by helicopter | I could hear the cries of the wound
wounded men
joke Verb /dʒəʊk/ chiste if you joke, you do or say something silly to try to make other joke about something "if that's true, then I'm an elephant," he joked | she's always joking Noun: joke | Adverb:
people laugh about my hair | stop joking! | you're joking (I don't believe you)! jokingly
mud Noun uncount /mʌd/ barro mud is earth that is very wet and soft her boots were covered in mud | don't get mud on the kitchen floor! | Adjective: muddy
the campsite was one whole field of mud | the children loved playing
in the mud
nominate Verb /ˈnɒmɪneɪt/ nominar if you nominate someone for a job or a prize, you officially say she's been nominated for an Oscar | his local party nominated him to Noun: nomination |
that you think they should get it be their candidate at the next election | who did you nominate for the Noun: nominee
job? | you cannot nominate family members for this prize
short-term memory Noun uncount /ʃɔːt tɜːm ˈmɛməri/ memoria a corto plazo your short-term memory is your ability to remember things short-term memory loss | his short-term memory is getting worse | Opposite – Noun: long-
that happened recently. Sometimes older people have trouble the doctor wanted to test her short-term memory term memory
with their short-term memory and cannot remember what
they did the day before even though they can remember
details of what they did sixty or seventy years earlier
supply Noun /səˈplaɪ/ suministro your supply of something is the amount of it that is available a supply of something her water supplies were running low (there was not much water left) |
for you to use the plane brought doctors and medical supplies | do you have an
adequate supply of water? | in the south of the country, food supply
was inadequate | an abundant supply of coal, oil and gas | a limited
supply of fresh fruit
surgery Noun uncount /ˈsɜː(r)dʒəri/ cirugía surgery is medical treatment that involves cutting into undergo surgery | it happened while I was undergoing major surgery | you may need Adjective: surgical |
someone's body in order to repair or take out a part that is major/minor surgery | further surgery | she had to have emergency surgery | heart surgery | Adverb: surgically |
diseased or damaged emergency surgery brain surgery Noun: surgeon
unexpected Adjective /ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd/ inesperado/a if something is unexpected, no one thought it was going to she noticed one unexpected result: she could run for hours without Adverb: unexpectedly ||
happen stopping | the film had a totally unexpected ending | he went through Opposite – Adjective:
a difficult time after the unexpected death of his mother | the actual expected | Verb: expect
result was completely unexpected
bite Noun /baɪt/ picadura if you bite something, you use your teeth to cut into it or make I woke up covered in mosquito bites | he had a nasty bite on his leg | I Verb: bite
a hole in it. A bite is an injury or mark on your skin where an got a painful bite from something
insect or other animal has bitten you
blade Noun /bleɪd/ hoja a blade is a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge that is part of never point the blade at anyone | be careful, that blade is very sharp |
a knife or pair of scissors a 6-inch blade
by the way Phrase /baɪ ðə weɪ/ a propósito you use by the way to introduce something that is not related OK. See you next week. Oh, by the way, can you send me Jim's email
to the topic you are discussing address | I'm Alan, by the way. I don't think we've met before | thanks
for your help. Your English is very good, by the way
difficulty Noun /ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lti/ dificultad if you have a difficulty or difficulties, there is a particular thing difficulty with something at home, he collapsed with breathing difficulties (he could not breathe Adjective: difficult
that you cannot do easily easily) | I've always had difficulty with English spelling | she
successfully overcame these difficulties and went on to become
managing director of the company
dilemma Noun /dɪˈlemə/ dilema a dilemma is a difficult situation that forces you to make a face a dilemma | be in a after two years I faced a dilemma – whether to stop now or carry on
decision that is not easy dilemma for another year | to I'm in a dilemma about which university to
choose | a moral dilemma | this is the dilemma facing many teachers
ignore Verb /ɪɡˈnɔː(r)/ ignorar if you ignore something, you do not pay any attention to it you shouldn't ignore it, it might be serious | I usually ignore online
quizzes | if you ignore my advice you'll be sorry
itchy Adjective /ˈɪtʃi/ irritado/a if part of your body feels itchy, it is uncomfortable and you an itchy scalp/rash | itchy I soon felt dirty and itchy | the rash will be itchy, but try not to scratch Noun: itch | Verb: itch |
want to scratch your skin to stop it feeling like that skin it | they also had itchy skin, fever, and loss of appetite | a sore throat, Noun: itchiness
a runny nose and an itchy scalp (top of the head)
obviously Adverb /ˈɒbvɪəsli/ obviamente you use obviously to emphasize that something is true and I'd have to give up my job, obviously | she doesn't speak French, so
that the person you are talking to almost certainly knows this she obviously won't get the job | the house was obviously very old |
too our main uncertainty is obviously the weather
of course Adverb /ɒv kɔːs/ por supuesto you use of course to say that something is obviously true and I'd have to give up my current job, of course | of course no one wants
that the people you are talking to probably know that too to start a war | what happened, of course, was most unfortunate | of
course we'll all have to pay more tax in the future
so Adverb /səʊ/ así que you use so to start a new sentence in a conversation, often to so, what do you think? | so, Jeremy, how are you enjoying the
introduce a new topic or to ask a question holiday?
sprain Noun /spreɪn/ esguince if you sprain your knee, ankle, wrist etc., you hurt it and this was a severe sprain and needed months of therapy | you haven't Noun: sprain | Adjective:
damage it by twisting it suddenly. The injury you get is a sprain broken it – it's only a sprain | I've hurt my ankle but I think it's just a sprained
sting Noun /stɪŋ/ picadura if an insect stings you, it sticks a sharp part of its body into you the wasp gave me a painful sting | I could feel a sudden sting on my Verb: sting
and hurts you. A sting is the action of the insect that causes foot | take this with you to put on insect bites or stings
you pain
stitch Noun /stɪtʃ/ puntos if you have stitches, a doctor uses a strong thread to close up have stitches | have she had to have four stitches in her knee | I'm going back in a week to Verb: stitch | Phrasal
your skin where you have had a deep cut stitches out have the stitches out (have them removed) | who put the stitches in? | verb: stitch up
dissolvable stitches (stitches that will disappear naturally and won't
need to be removed)
surgery Noun /ˈsɜː(r)dʒəri/ cirugía a surgery is the place where a doctor or group of doctors work I'll ring the surgery and make an appointment | the surgery opens at 8
and see their patients in the morning | the local surgery has four doctors on duty during the
swollen Adjective /ˈswəʊlən/ inflamado/a if a part of your body is swollen, it is bigger than usual because his knee was painful and swollen | the joints in her hands are really Verb: swell (up) | Noun:
of an injury or illness swollen | a swollen ankle/foot/hand swelling
the thing is Phrase /ðə θɪŋ ɪz/ el caso es you use the thing is to introduce something that you think is the thing is, I was hoping I could borrow some money | the thing is,
very important for the discussion you are having we need to find a hotel before it gets dark | dad wants me to go to
university in September, but the thing is I want to travel for a year first
trip Verb /trɪp/ tropezar if you trip, you lose your balance because your foot has trip over | trip up I tripped up on the carpet and fell over | I'm always tripping over and
unexpectedly hit something bumping into things | she leapt up, stumbled, tripped and fell | he
accidentally tripped over a step and broke his wrist
trouble Noun /ˈtrʌb(ə)l/ dificultad trouble is problems or difficulties be in trouble | have I've been having a lot of car trouble recently (my car hasn't been
trouble with something | working properly) | there'll be trouble if I get home late again | he's
have trouble doing always in trouble for fighting at school (being punished) | there's
something trouble at the factory | we're having trouble with the computer | I had
trouble finding somewhere to park the car
worry Noun /ˈwʌri/ preocupación if you have worries, there is something that is a problem for money worries (not enough money) | health worries (thinking you are Verb: worry
you and that you think about a lot, and you are afraid that you ill) | changing school can be a worry to young children | I went to the
might not be able to make the situation better cinema to try and forget all my worries
connected Adjective /kəˈnektɪd/ conectado/a if you feel connected to someone or something, you feel that connected to someone or our families are now connected through marriage | although I spent Noun: connection
you have a common link or association with them something three years there, I don't feel I'm connected to the place
crewmate Noun /kru:meɪt/ tripulación a team of people who work together, for example on a ship or I got on very well with my crewmates | two of his crewmates died Noun: crew
in a plane or spaceship, are called a crew. If you are a member before the ship got back to Plymouth | Neil Armstrong's crewmates on
of a crew, your crewmates are the other members of the team his mission to the moon were Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins
curvature Noun /ˈkɜː(r)vətʃə(r)/ curvatura the curvature of something is the way it curves and makes the from that height, you can clearly see the curvature of the earth | the Verb: curve
shape of a circle curvature of the roof helps get rid of rainwater | doctors were
beginning to worry about the curvature of his spine
float Verb /fləʊt/ flotar if you float, you move slowly on the surface of water or in the I dreamt I was floating inside the space station | he floated for a while
air in the middle of the pool | a plastic bag was floating in the river
miss Verb /mɪs/ echar de menos if you miss someone or if you miss a place, you feel slightly sad you start thinking abut the things you're missing at home | I really
that you are not with that person or in that place any more missed my dog when I went on holiday | you'll miss me when I'm
gone! | one thing I didn't miss when I left school was maths lessons
orientation Noun /ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ orientación the orientation of something is where it is in relation to other from space we were looking at them from different orientations |
things using the online map we can explore the orientation of the island
current affairs Noun plural /ˈkʌrənt əˈfeəz/ asuntos de actualidad current affairs are stories in newspapers, TV documentaries I enjoy watching current affairs programmes on TV | a current affairs
etc., about important facts, events and activities relating to journalist | do you follow current affairs? | a weekly current affairs
politics and economics that are happening in the world at the magazine | current affairs never really interested me when I was
moment younger
entertainment Noun /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnmənt/ entretenimiento entertainment is things that give people pleasure, like films, a series of concerts and other entertainment | there's plenty of Adjective: entertaining |
concerts, television, etc. entertainment in the evenings | a home entertainment centre (a large Verb: entertain | Noun:
TV with good quality pictures and sound) | the village was really quiet entertainer
and there was no entertainment for the children | the airline offers in-
flight entertainment (films you can watch during a plane journey)
feature Noun /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/ artículo a feature is a newspaper article or a TV programme that deals the features editor for a national newspaper | it took three weeks to
with a topic in a lot of detail do the research for the feature in tomorrow's paper | I bought the
magazine on Tuesday but didn't read the features pages till Saturday
gossip Noun uncount /ˈɡɒsɪp/ chisme gossip is talking about things in a not very serious way, often I try not to get involved in office gossip | this wasn't idle gossip Verb: gossip | Noun:
about personal things to do with other people that might not (probably untrue), it was absolutely true | her divorce was in all the gossip
be true. In a newspaper or magazine, a gossip column includes gossip columns | a celebrity gossip site (on the internet) | he enjoys
short articles about the private lives of famous people such as spreading gossip whenever he can
actors or singers
live stream Noun /ˌlaɪv striːm/ retransmisión en directo a stream is a broadcast of a TV programme over the Internet. there are live streams of news programmes all day long | over one Verb: live stream |
A live stream is one that is made available as it happens and so million people logged in to watch the live stream | I saw the live Adjective: live-streamed
is live rather than being a recording stream on my phone | the live stream will begin in 20 minutes
society Noun uncount /səˈsaɪəti/ alta sociedad society is used to refer to people who are fashionable and well- she's always appearing in the society pages of the Times | a society
known, and who are written about in newspapers and hostess (a woman who often has parties of rich and famous people)
pp 132-133 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
blog Noun /blɒɡ/ blog a blog is a page or set of pages on a website where someone his blog is read by thousands of people | I always read her blog before Noun: blogger | Verb:
writes short articles about a particular subject and where other I start work in the morning | a blog post (a single article on the blog) | blog
people can add comments a political blog (a blog about politics) | a food blog (a blog about food)
eclipse Noun /ɪˈklɪps/ eclipse when there is an eclipse of the sun, the moon passes between tomorrow's eclipse will start at 17:47 and last for about half an hour |
the sun and the Earth and stops the light from the sun reaching have you ever seen an eclipse? | the eclipse will be visible from the
the Earth. northern half of Scotland | the last eclipse of the sun was three years
instant messaging Noun uncount /ˈɪnstənt ˈmɛsɪʤɪŋ/ mensajería instantánea instant messaging is when you can send short pieces of text to the device allows emailing and instant messaging | instant messaging Noun: instant message |
another person who sees what you have written immediately lets you stay connected wherever you are | instant messaging is more Verb: instant message
and can send a reply straight away efficient than long strings of emails
search engine Noun /sɜːʧ ˈɛnʤɪn/ motor de búsqueda a search engine is computer software that helps you find we're developing a faster search engine | Google is the search engine
documents and websites on the Internet that most people use | most search engines put our site at the top of
their results
social media Noun uncount /ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə/ redes sociales social media is apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., we chat on social media every day | my dad doesn't do social media
which people use to share pictures and send messages to each (doesn't use it) | social media is very useful for keeping in touch
pp 134-135 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
access Noun uncount /ˈækses/ acceso access to somewhere or something is the fact of being able to access to something they charged a lot for internet access in the hotel room | access to the Verb: access | Adjective:
go there or use it car park is via a staircase | the library provides access to thousands of accessible
books | access is limited to employees only | a hotel that offers free wi-
fi access
affairs Noun plural /əˈfeəz/ asunto affairs are important facts, events and activities relating to the foreign affairs | local he's actively involved in community and local affairs | she's an expert
government, economy, etc., of a particular place affairs in foreign affairs (political/economic events in other countries) |
international law prohibits nations from interfering in the internal
affairs of other countries | Britain has played a significant role in
international affairs
affordable Adjective /əˈfɔː(r)dəb(ə)l/ asequible if something is affordable, it has a reasonable price that is not affordable housing mobile phones are an example of affordable technology | they're Verb: afford
too expensive, so most people would be able to buy it looking for an affordable flat | there isn't enough affordable housing
in the city | good quality products at affordable prices | health
insurance simply isn't affordable for people on low wages
benefit Noun /ˈbenɪfɪt/ beneficio a benefit is something that is good or useful that you get from better internet access will be a great benefit to the village | one of the Verb: benefit | Adjective:
something benefits of working from home is that you don't waste time travelling beneficial
twice a day | the health benefits of swimming | the new arrangement
will be of benefit to everyone in the community | this change brought
no benefit to most of the students
debate Verb /dɪˈbeɪt/ debatir if you debate with someone, or if you debate a topic, you have the committee debated the proposal to raise the membership fee | Noun: debate
a serious discussion about something important Mrs May refused to debate with Mr Corbyn during the campaign | we
debated what to do if we ran out of money | experts are still debating
the issue and can't reach an agreement | the plan was debated in
parliament last week
dial Verb /ˈdaɪəl/ marcar if you dial a number, you enter the whole of a telephone users dial the number of the network to get to hear local stories |
number into your phone in order to get connected to someone mobile phones store numbers so you don't have to dial the whole
so that you can talk to them or listen to them number every time | I think you've dialled the wrong number
enable Verb /ɪnˈeɪb(ə)l/ posibilitar to enable something to happen means to make it possible for the long holiday enabled us to finish the repairs to the farmhouse |
that thing to happen good communication enabled them to increase efficiency in the office
| this option enables you to print your ticket before going to the
airport | mobile technology enabled me to keep in touch with my
family while I was on the expedition
highlight Verb /ˈhaɪˌlaɪt/ destacar if someone highlights something, they talk or write about it in highlight psychologists highlight several stages that nearly everyone goes
a way that draws special attention to it because they think it is issues/concerns/areas through | the report highlights four key trends in youth crime | the
an important part of what they are saying minister was right to highlight the issue | she also highlighted
concerns about late-night traffic noise
issue Noun /ˈˈɪʃuː/ problema an issue is an important subject affecting society that people a controversial issue | a health issues | environmental issues | climate change is still a rather
discuss big/key/major issue | raise controversial issue | immigration is a major issue in the current
an issue election campaign | one of the biggest issues is education | it's a topic
which raises a number of complex issues
lack Noun singular /læk/ carencia if you have a lack of something, you do not have it, or do not a lack of something there was a lack of evidence | the idea failed because of a lack of Verb: lack
have enough of it, although it would be useful if you did interest (people weren't interested in it) | lack of Internet access was
not the only problem in the village | there was no lack of excitement in
the film (it was very exciting)
link Verb /lɪŋk/ unir if someone or something links two things, or if the two things these five families were closely linked | the technology helps link Noun: link
are linked, there is a connection between them and they can communities across a wide area | the two villages are now linked by a
communicate with each other brand new road
media Noun /ˈmiːdiə/ medios de comunicación the media is television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc., media coverage | mass I tried for months to get a job in the media | the election got a lot of
which prepare and send out information and entertainment for media media coverage (there were a lot of articles or programmes about it) |
people to watch, listen to, or read. These are sometimes she's written a book about the influence of the mass media
referred to as traditional media. Things like the internet and (newspapers, TV, etc. that are seen by large numbers of people) on
mobile phones are also examples of the media, and are social attitudes | last year, there were media reports that the prime
sometimes referred to as new media minister was going to resign | most of the news media supported the
network Noun /ˈnetˌwɜː(r)k/ read a network is a group of organizations that are connected and a current affairs network that sends news out to mobile phones | the
that work towards achieving the same things local library information network has 98 computers in its 23 branches
overcome Verb /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈkʌm/ superar to overcome something that is difficult means to succeed in overcome an many local communities are managing to overcome the problem |
doing what you want to do by despite the problems that are obstacle/barrier/difficulty even the most challenging of our issues were successfully overcome |
involved | successfully overcome our role is to help students overcome these obstacles | these
something translations made it possible to overcome the language barrier | how
have they tried to overcome their difficulties?
rural Adjective /ˈrʊərəl/ rural something that is rural is in the countryside or connected to they live in a small rural community | a rural landscape | only 5% of Opposite – Adjective:
the countryside and not to do with towns or cities the rural population had access to the internet | we need to urban
encourage rural development | in many rural areas there are no bus
services | the rural economy will improve with better Internet access
handle Verb /ˈhænd(ə)l/ encargarse if you are handling something, you are dealing with it because you're handling those apartments, aren't you? | who's handling the
it is your responsibility sale of the old factory? | I'll do the shopping – can you handle the
cleaning this weekend?
pp 138-139 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
click Verb /klɪk/ clicar if something clicks, it suddenly starts to make sense to you I used to hate learning French, but then I spent a month in Paris and it
all clicked | once it clicked, I wanted to learn more about it | she knew
something was wrong but it didn't click what it was | it never clicked
that he was her brother's best friend
grade Noun /ɡreɪd/ curso in schools in the US, a grade is a whole year of education. I was really young then, in first grade I think | what grade is she is? |
Children start in first grade, aged about six, and continue until he was my English teacher in fourth grade
twelfth grade, aged about 18
grasp Verb /ɡrɑːsp/ captar if you grasp an idea, you succeed in understanding it well grasp the meaning of sorry – I hadn't grasped all that | Harry was quick to grasp the Noun: grasp
something | grasp the situation | he didn't grasp my meaning to start with | she suddenly
significance of something grasped the significance of the letter | after grasping the basics of
counting to ten, children are ready to move on to simple addition
kindergarten Noun /ˈkɪndə(r)ˌɡɑː(r)t(ə)n/ jardín de infancia a kindergarten is a school for very young children she's going to start kindergarten next week | after two years in
kindergarten, I started proper school | there were 32 children in my
kindergarten | the school takes children from kindergarten through to
twelfth grade
legible Adjective /ˈledʒəb(ə)l/ legible if writing is legible, it is clear enough for you to be able to read his writing isn't very legible | the ink was so faint that it wasn't legible Adverb: legibly | Noun:
it without difficulty | make sure your answers are legible legibility || Opposite –
Adjective: illegible |
Adverb: illegibly
mumble Verb /ˈmʌmb(ə)l/ mascullar if you mumble, you say something in a way that is difficult for she mumbled something without raising her head | stop mumbling! | Noun: mumble
people to hear clearly he doesn't say much to other people, but he's often mumbling to
himself | he didn't answer directly, just mumbled something we
couldn't understand
recess Noun /rɪˈses/ recreo in school, recess is a time during the day when children are not recess starts at 10:30 | we'd go outside for recess | we used to play
in the classroom but are allowed to play outside the same games every recess when I was a kid | if it was raining
during recess we had to stay in the classroom
swamp Noun /swɒmp/ pantano a swamp is an area of land that is mostly thick mud or water. a bureaucratic swamp (where there are too many complicated rules) |
You can refer to something that is difficult to understand as a these trees grow well near swamps
wade Verb /weɪd/ vadear if you wade through water or mud, you walk through it wade through something | we had to wade across the river | they waded through a field that was
wade across something mostly mud | he waded ashore (onto the bank of a river or the edge of
a lake)
Unit 12 POS Pronunciation Definition Collocates Examples Word family
p 141
ferry Noun /ˈferi/ ferry a ferry is a boat or ship that carries passengers regularly from take a ferry the ferry from Dover to Calais takes about 90 minutes | we didn't take
one place to another the ferry this time, instead we used the tunnel | there's a ferry to the
island every hour | the ferry service runs every day except Sunday
fetch Verb /fetʃ/ traer if you fetch someone or something, you go to where they are we usually go and fetch them in September | I went to fetch another
and then take them back to where they need to be chair from the dining room | can you fetch the children from school
this afternoon? | I got up to fetch a jug of water
grain Noun uncount /ɡreɪn/ grano grain is the seeds of cereals such as wheat or corn the main crops were fruit and grain | we feed our chickens grain |
grain supplies were at a very low level | a sack of grain
healer Noun /ˈhiːlə(r)/ curandero/a a healer is someone who is believed to have special powers to the local healer brought me some of the local medicine | his Verb: heal
cure people who are ill without using modern medicine grandfather was the village healer | the healer used prayer to cure his
inadequate Adjective /ɪnˈædɪkwət/ inadecuado/a something that is inadequate is not good enough or not we had nets, but they were totally inadequate | he failed the exam Opposite – Adjective:
enough in quantity or quality for a particular purpose due to inadequate preparation | facilities in the hotel were considered adequate
to be inadequate | there was an inadequate supply of hospital beds
inappropriate Adjective /ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət/ inapropiado/a something that is inappropriate is not suitable in a particular inappropriate behaviour can lead to a student being sent home early | Adverb: inappropriately
situation or not suitable for a particular purpose several comments on the blog post were considered to be || Opposites – Adjective:
inappropriate and were removed | there is no such thing as bad appropriate | Adverb:
weather, only inappropriate clothing appropriately
network Noun /ˈnetˌwɜː(r)k/ red a net is a large piece of cloth with holes in it that allow air or we had nets over our heads | a mosquito net | the net was too small
water to pass through but not solid objects. Nets are used to and I got bitten
catch fish, or to stop insects getting close to people and biting
them while they are sleeping
researcher Noun /rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃə(r)/ investigación if you do research, you study a subject in detail to find new researchers have decided to stop using animals in their experiments | Verb: research | Noun:
information about it. This work is called research, and a wildlife researcher | researchers found that cigarette smoking did research
someone who does research is a researcher not help concentration | researchers repeated the experiment and got
the same result
taste Noun /teɪst/ muestra if you get a taste of something, you experience it a little so a taste of something I got my first taste of camping last weekend | this will give you a taste
that you have some idea of what it would be like to do it of what it's like working in an office | a taste of things to come (an
properly or all the time early experience of what is going to happen in the future)
code Noun /kəʊd/ código a code is a set of rules that say what you are allowed to do is there a dress code for the party? (rules about what sort of clothes
you are allowed to wear) | a penal code (the system of criminal laws
in a country) | I had to sign the company's code of conduct (rules
about how to behave in business)
ethics Noun plural /ˈeθɪks/ ética ethics are moral rules that people are expected to obey the course covered business ethics as well as financial management |
the university ethics committee (a committee that makes sure the
moral rules are properly obeyed) | for doctors, medical ethics are very
fierce Adjective /fɪə(r)s/ feroz someone who is fierce is angry and ready to fight or attack the samurai look very fierce | a fierce warrior and a respected leader |
someone lions, tigers and other fierce animals
glory Noun uncount /ˈɡlɔːri/ gloria glory is the praise and respect that someone gets for having he joined the samurai in search of glory | they returned home covered
achieved something very good in glory | a powerful desire for personal glory
goggles Noun plural /ˈɡɒɡ(ə)lz/ gafas de natación goggles are glasses that fit closely against your face and a pair of goggles some pupils were required to wear goggles while using the tools | all
protect your eyes from dust, wind, water, etc. staff and visitors must wear safety goggles in the laboratory | I always
wear goggles when I go swimming | a photo of a pilot in the 1930s
wearing goggles and a leather jacket
honour Noun uncount /ˈɒnə(r)/ honor someone's honour is their sense of strong moral beliefs and honour and loyalty are very important qualities for the samurai | a Adjective: honourable |
behaviour that make people respect them man of honour | she has a strong sense of honour Adverb: honourably
landowner Noun /ˈlændˌəʊnə(r)/ propietario/a a landowner is someone who owns a lot of land rich landowners employed private soldiers for protection | her family
were once major landowners in the area | some landowners refused
to allow the canals to be built on their property
lone Adjective /ləʊn/ solitario/a a lone person or thing is the only one in a particular place or a lone swordsman facing dozens of enemies | the lone survivor of a
situation plane crash | a lone passenger got off the train | a lone figure cycled
down the hill
loyalty Noun uncount /ˈlɔɪəlti/ lealtad if someone shows loyalty, they support someone or something loyalty to someone or the servants showed great loyalty even when times were difficult | Adjective: loyal | Adverb:
reliably and without changing something | fierce/great workers had a fierce loyalty to each other | he inspires extraordinary loyally || Opposites –
loyalty | blind loyalty | loyalty among his staff | he demanded unquestioning loyalty in return Noun: disloyalty |
inspire loyalty | show for his support Adjective: disloyal
loyalty | demand/expect
martial art Noun /ˈmɑːʃəl ɑːt/ artes marciales martial arts are sports such as judo and karate in which a martial arts movie | she's trained in several martial arts | his martial
competitors fight each other using their hands and feet. arts skills | this later developed into a martial art
Martial arts started in Asia, especially in Japan
sacrifice Noun uncount /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ sacrificio sacrifice is behaviour in which you give something up in order we lent them some money, but that meant making sacrifices ourselves Verb: sacrifice
to be able to do or have something else instead | being president demands a lot of sacrifice | many volunteers went
out there, often at great personal sacrifice
unarmed Adjective /ʌnˈɑː(r)md/ desarmado/a unarmed fighting is fighting that does not involve weapons, jujitsu is a form of unarmed fighting | he was trained in unarmed Opposite -- Adjective:
only people's hands and feet. A person who is unarmed does combat | an unarmed policeman was shot in the city centre last night armed
not have a weapon with them | nineteen unarmed civilians were killed in the riot | 32 protesters
were killed, all of them unarmed
guest Noun /ɡest/ huésped a guest is someone who is staying in someone else's house for we've got guests this weekend (people are coming to stay with us) | I
a short time cooked dinner for the three of us plus six guests | our guests gave us a
lovely bunch of flowers
normal life Noun uncount /ˈnɔːməl laɪf/ rutina normal life is your usual activities and behaviour that you do they're getting on with their normal life | the children are leading a
most of the time, such as going to work or school, doing the normal life again
shopping, cleaning the house, etc., as opposed to being on
holiday or doing exciting things that do not do very often
photo Noun /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ fotografía a photo is a picture that you make by using a camera. The take a photo do you have any photos of your children? | let me take a photo of you
word photo is short for photograph | I took a photo of my meal in the restaurant | she took hundreds of
photos of her holiday | a photo of my family | click this link to add a
photo to your Facebook page
stay Noun /steɪ/ estancia if you stay somewhere, you live there for a short while. The during your stay you must speak English all the time | after a brief Verb: stay
time you spend there is your stay stay in Zurich they moved on to Paris | he went back home after a two-
week stay in Cornwall | we hope you will enjoy your stay with us
tourist Noun /ˈtʊərɪst/ turista a tourist is someone who is visiting somewhere on holiday or Trafalgar Square was full of foreign tourists | a queue of tourists at Noun: tourism
for pleasure the Eiffel Tower | a tourist bus | tourists spend a lot of money here | a
coach stopped outside the cathedral and 50 tourists got off
ink Noun uncount /ɪŋk/ tinta ink is a dark liquid inside the body of some animals such as an the octopus can release a dark ink to confuse a predator | the dish
octopus or squid which it sends out at times of danger to make was served with lemon and dots of squid ink
it difficult for a predator to see it
pack Noun /pæk/ manada a pack of wild animals such as dogs or wolves is a large group a pack of dogs | in packs these wolves tend to hunt in packs | a pack of noisy dogs
of them who live and move around together
predator Noun /ˈpredətə(r)/ depredador/a a predator is an animal that kills and eats other animals. The mice are at risk from several predators, especially cats | other Noun: prey
animals that it eats are its prey predators include foxes and wolves | the eagle has no natural
predators | adult birds escape these predators by flying into the trees
release Verb /rɪˈliːs/ liberar to release something means to let it go out of the place where some animals release a strong smell when they are in danger | most
it has been of the rescued animals were released back into the forest | when you
run, energy is released as heat
school Noun /skuːl/ banco a school of fish is a large group of them who live and move a school of fish dogfish sharks travel in large schools | we saw two separate schools of
around together dolphin
surroundings Noun plural /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ alrededores your surroundings are the place where you are or where you polar bears are the same colour as their surroundings | the castle
live and all the things that are around you there stands in beautiful surroundings | I was glad to get back to familiar
surroundings | impressive views over the scenic surroundings
welfare Noun uncount /ˈwelfeə(r)/ bienestar the welfare of a person or animal is their state of health and animal welfare is very important to us | an international organization
their safety concerned with child welfare | the welfare of the dogs is not my
responsibility | Cadbury took the welfare of his employees very