Fluid and Electrolytes
Fluid and Electrolytes
Fluid and Electrolytes
Reviewed by Carol J. Rollins, Pharm.D., M.S., BCNSP; Brent A. Hall, Pharm.D., BCPPS; and Titilola M. Afolabi, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the composition of body fluids, fluid regulation, and fluid requirements in pediatric
2. Assess laboratory data and physical signs and symptoms in the evaluation of fluid status and dehydration.
3. Devise intravenous fluid regimens for pediatric patients on the basis of age, clinical status, and identified needs.
4. Evaluate electrolyte status and recommend appropriate treatment for electrolyte abnormalities in pediatric patients.
Water, a primary component of body fluids, is the most abundant
AVP Arginine vasopressin
substance in the body. Water plays a vital role in several physiologic
ECF Extracellular fluid
processes such as digestion, absorption and use of nutrients, distribu-
ICF Intracellular fluid
tion, waste excretion, and perfusion and maintenance of hemodynam-
TBW Total body water
ics (Jain 2015; Schmidt 2010). Homeostasis of fluids and electrolytes
Table of other common abbreviations. occurs by complex systems that ensure proper functioning. Pediat-
ric patients undergo rapid growth and development associated with
changing pharmacokinetics from birth to adulthood. An understand-
ing of these ongoing dynamic changes is essential for maintaining a
patient’s fluid balance, avoiding fluid and electrolyte derangements,
and optimizing pharmacotherapy. For example, total body water
(TBW) and hydration status affect the pharmacokinetics of medica-
tions by altering the volume of distribution, and for select medica-
tions, electrolytes may influence drug therapy or vice versa (Meyers
2009). This chapter focuses on the homeostasis and therapeutic man-
agement of fluids and electrolytes in various pediatric populations as
well as select electrolyte abnormalities in pediatric patients.
Composition of Body Fluids
Fluid Distribution/TBW
Total body water as a percentage of body weight changes during
development from childhood into adulthood and depends on factors
such as age, weight, sex, and percentage of body fat (Table 1) (Jain
2015; Schmidt 2010). Total body water is separated into three com-
partments: transcellular fluid (TCF) (e.g., synovial, pleural, CSFs),
extracellular fluid (ECF), and intracellular fluid (ICF) (Schmidt 2010).
Because the percentage of TCF is low (e.g., 1.5%–2.5% of TBW) and
does not significantly contribute to fluid losses, this compartment
will not be a focus of further discussion. The ECF/ICF ratio varies
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 7 Fluids and Electrolytes
throughout life, with a higher ECF/ICF ratio earlier in devel- composition was shown in an NPR segment titled Born Wet,
opment. Variations in the ECF/ICF ratio with aging are sec- Human Babies Are 75 Percent Water. Then Comes Drying, which
ondary to changes in cellular growth, muscle mass, level of aired November 2013.
hydration, nutritional status, and renal function/urinary out-
Osmotic Equilibrium
put. Clinical status and disease states such as nephrotic syn-
drome, liver failure, and protein-losing enteropathy can also Osmotic equilibrium is maintained in the body by three pri-
alter the ECF/ICF ratio. By adolescence/adulthood, about mary principles: hydrostatic pressure, oncotic pressure, and
two-thirds of TBW is distributed to the ICF, with the remainder capillary permeability. Differences in solute composition are
in the ECF. Within the ECF, 75% of fluid is in the interstitial fluid secondary to sodium (main extracellular cation), potassium
compartment (i.e., between cells in the extravascular), with (primary intracellular cation), and the sodium-potassium-ad-
25% circulating intravascularly (Figure 1). The changing TBW enosine triphosphatase (Na+ -K+ -ATPase) pump, which main-
tains sodium and potassium concentrations using cellular
energy (Jain 2015; O’Brien 2014; Schmidt 2010). Water distri-
bution between ECF and ICF is regulated by osmotic pressure
(Schmidt 2010). Factors affecting this distribution include (1)
transmembrane ion channels and electrochemical gradients
BASELINE KNOWLEDGE STATEMENTS and (2) semipermeable membranes that maintain osmotic
equilibrium (O’Brien 2014). Cellular membranes are relatively
Readers of this chapter are presumed to be familiar
with the following: impermeable to large anions and proteins but are freely per-
• Physiologic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacody- meable to water.
namic differences across the pediatric age Osmolality is the concentration of all solutes in a given
spectrum weight of water (Jain 2015). Sodium, glucose, and urea are
• Common terminology used to describe fluid, the primary osmoles in blood, leading to the following equa-
electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances in pediatric tion for calculating osmolality:
• Knowledge of pediatric renal function throughout calculated serum osmolality
development mg mg
mmol glucose BUN
• General knowledge regarding the homeostatic = 2 Na + + dL + dL
mechanisms involved in maintaining sodium and L
18 2.8
water balance/metabolism in pediatric patients
• Medications influencing fluid, electrolyte, and Normal values are 275–295 mOsm/kg. Hyper- and hypo-
acid-base status
osmolality occur when the equilibrium is disturbed. Hyper-
• General approach to managing electrolyte
osmolality (serum osmolality greater than 295 mOsm/
disturbances in pediatric patients
kg) results from a relative deficiency of water to solute in
Table of common pediatric laboratory reference values. the ECF. Hyperosmolality may occur when water intake
is decreased or if water excretion is increased. Poten-
tial causes of hyperosmolality include diabetes insipidus,
osmoreceptor dysregulation (rare), acute tubular necrosis,
The following free resources have additional back- burns, GI illness, and iatrogenic causes. Hypo-osmolality
ground information on this topic: (serum osmolality less than 275 mOsm/kg) is an indica-
• Kearns GL, Abdel-Rahman A, Alander SW, et al. tor of excess water compared with solute in the ECF. Hypo-
Developmental pharmacology-drug disposition, osmolality may occur secondary to increased TBW or deple-
action, and therapy in infants and children. tion of body solutes, or a combination of the two. Common
N Engl J Med 2003;349:1157-67. causes are syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
• Buckley MS, Leblanc JM, Cawley MJ. Electrolyte secretion, salt-losing nephropathy, diuretic use, mineralo-
disturbances associated with commonly pre- corticoid deficiencies, GI illnesses, nephrotic syndrome,
scribed medications in the intensive care unit.
heart failure, and cirrhosis.
Crit Care Med 2010;38:S253-64.
• Segar JL. Renal adaptive changes and sodium han-
dling in the fetal-to-newborn transition. Semin Fetal Fluid Regulation (Hypervolemia/Hypovolemia)
Neonatal Med 2017;22:76-82. Water metabolism is a balance between intake and out-
• Rhoda KM, Porter MJ, Quintini C. Fluid and electro- put. Intake consists of unregulated factors (ingested water
lyte management: putting a plan in motion. in foods and liquids), water generated from the oxidation of
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2011;35:675-85. ingested macronutrients, and regulated factors (consump-
tion in response to thirst) (Jain 2015; Schmidt 2010). The
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 8 Fluids and Electrolytes
Table 1. Age-Related Changes in TBW
sensation of thirst is controlled by the activation of barore- of antidiuretic hormone/arginine vasopressin (AVP), renin-
ceptors, release of angiotensin II, increase in serum tonicity, angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), and other com-
and activation of osmoreceptors in the anterior hypothal- pounds such as natriuretic peptides and prostaglandins (Jain
amus (Jain 2015). Output/excretion is the main regulator 2015; O’Brien 2014; Schmidt 2010).
of water metabolism. Water loss occurs through insensible Hypovolemia, defined as a decrease in TBW, causes an
losses by skin, respiratory, and GI and through sensible losses increased serum osmolarity, which results in the release
such as urinary excretion. The main driving factor for water of two hormones: AVP and aldosterone (Jain 2015). Argi-
output occurs by physiologic feedback through the activity nine vasopressin is synthesized in the hypothalamus and
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 9 Fluids and Electrolytes
stored in the pituitary. Arginine vasopressin is superbly sen- 1957). Maintenance fluid therapy does not replace deficits or
sitive, with small alterations in serum osmolality (e.g., 1%) ongoing additional losses and does not provide nutritional
leading to large, minute-to-minute changes in AVP release support.
and physiologic responses. The AVP that is released from Fluid therapy was described in the literature as early as
the posterior pituitary interacts with the AVP V2 receptors 1918 in pediatric patients with dehydration (Bailey 2010).
in the kidneys. This interaction stimulates the insertion of In the early 20th century, work focused on expanding the
aquaporin 2 channels on the luminal surface of the collect- understanding of fluid composition and estimating fluid
ing tubules, leading to increased free water reabsorption. needs. In 1957, Holliday and Segar published a practical
Aldosterone is also released through the RAAS. Detection method for evaluating and calculating fluid status, which
of a low ECF leads to the release of renin, which converts became and continues to be the basis for prescribing intra-
angiotensin I to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II leads to vaso- venous fluids (Table 2) (Meyers 2009; Holliday 1957). Hol-
constriction and the release of aldosterone, which causes liday and Segar proposed that because insensible loss
sodium and water reabsorption in the distal convoluted of water paralleled energy metabolism, fluid needs were
tubules of the kidneys (Jain 2015). Clinical scenarios that derived from a function of energy metabolism. This method
may result in hypovolemia include bleeding/blood loss, GI equates the kilocalories expended with fluid requirements:
illnesses such as vomiting and/or diarrhea, burns, excessive for each 100 kcal used in metabolism, 100 mL of fluid is
sweating or diuresis, and diabetes insipidus. In such cases, needed to replace losses.
the disease state overwhelms the body’s natural process for Compared with adult patients, children have higher
regulating volume (Powers 2015). requirements for maintenance fluid (on a milliliter/kilogram/
Hypervolemia, defined as an increase in TBW, causes a day basis) because of increased metabolic rates, higher body
decreased serum osmolality and reduced AVP concentra- surface area/weight ratios, and higher respiratory rates. Var-
tions (Schmidt 2010). Under normal circumstances, hyper- ious methods can be used to estimate maintenance fluid
volemia leads to decreased thirst and increased excretion of requirements. However, the Holliday-Segar and the 4-2-1
water by the kidneys. However, in certain clinical situations methods (see Table 2) are most commonly used in practice
such as heart failure, hypervolemia does not inhibit AVP, today. Although these calculations are reasonable for pro-
which results in continued volume expansion and hyponatre- viding estimates of fluid requirements, individualized and
mia. Hypervolemia may also be caused by conditions such as tailored therapy for overall fluid requirements must account
kidney or liver failure, sepsis, and syndrome of inappropriate for the patient’s underlying clinical condition. Certain condi-
antidiuretic hormone secretion. tions, such as gastroschisis, burn injury, and hypermetabolic
states, increase fluid needs. Other conditions, such as car-
Fluid Considerations: Historical Perspective diac or respiratory disorders, decrease fluid requirements.
and Maintenance Requirements Estimates of maintenance fluid needs are used initially, with
Maintenance fluid therapy is necessary to maintain fluid close monitoring of fluid therapy used thereafter (e.g., labora-
homeostasis and is a requirement for all patients. The main tory values, vital signs, clinical signs, and symptoms of vol-
objective in maintenance fluid therapy is to provide adequate ume status) and alterations made on the basis of individual
fluid to replace normal, ongoing physiologic losses (Holliday responses to therapy.
Excludes neonates.
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 10 Fluids and Electrolytes
Special Population Consideration: Neonates born with gastroschisis require higher fluid intake because of
Fluid homeostasis in the neonatal patient must account fluid loss in utero.
for the demands of transitioning from intrauterine to extra- Volume provision also depends on external factors during
uterine existence as well as rapid growth and development the neonatal period. Incubators and radiant warmers provide
(O’Brien 2014). During fetal development, the fluid and elec- a thermoregulated environment for the premature neonate;
trolyte balance depends on the placenta; postnatally, the however, they may lead to increased insensible water losses
neonate must regulate the balance of fluid and electrolytes. (Chow 2008). Phototherapy also affects insensible water
Premature neonates rely on immature organ and hormone loss. These challenges can be overcome by adjusting humid-
systems to adapt to this change (Chow 2008). Maintaining ity within the environment or altering fluid therapy to make up
nutrition and hydration, preventing dehydration, and avoiding for the additional losses.
fluid overload are challenges that must be considered during Early provision of electrolytes should be avoided until
the early neonatal period. renal function is established. Early administration of sodium
Postnatal adaptation depends on intrauterine growth as can lead to fluid retention and, for the reasons stated ear-
well as gestational age (Chow 2008). Under normal physio- lier, is avoided until renal function is established. Exceptions
logic conditions, within the first 24–48 hours of early post- include gastroschisis, in which children may be born with a
natal period, natriuresis and diuresis occur by excretion of sodium deficit because of intestinal fluid loss during fetal
sodium and water through the kidneys. The contraction of development. To avoid hyperkalemia and its associated com-
ECF because of water loss results in a reduction of body plications, potassium should not be added to neonatal fluids
weight of 5%–15% (O’Brien 2014; Oh 2012; Meyers 2009). Pre- until the urinary output is established.
mature neonates and/or those who are small for gestational Hypoglycemia can also be harmful in neonatal patients
age have a larger percentage of TBW, as well as immature (Bailey 2010). Neurodevelopmental impairment, one of the
skin barriers and a higher body surface area/weight ratio. most harmful effects of hypoglycemia, can occur if hypogly-
As such, the percentage of weight loss is inversely related to cemia is left untreated. Therefore, a higher dextrose content
gestational age and birth weight (Oh 2012; Chow 2008). The is required in the neonatal period to maintain euglycemia. The
processes of natriuresis and diuresis contribute to reduced typical fluid administered within the first 24–48 hours con-
incidence rates of complications of prematurity such as pat- sists of dextrose 10% without added electrolytes, at restricted
ent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis, broncho- volumes (60–100 mL/kg/day). Once renal function and diure-
pulmonary dysplasia, and intracranial hemorrhage, each sis occurs, fluid volume can be liberalized, and sodium, potas-
associated with poor neurodevelopmental outcomes (Oh sium, and other electrolytes can judiciously be added.
2012). As such, a goal of fluid and electrolyte therapy during
the neonatal period is to allow these processes to occur in Altered Maintenance Needs in the
order to avoid fluid retention and concomitant complica- Surgical Patient
tions. Avoiding fluid retention and concomitant complica- For the surgical patient, preoperative fasting may place chil-
tions is achieved through the careful provision of volume and dren at a fluid deficit because of ongoing insensible losses
electrolytes (Chow 2008). and urinary output in the absence of intake (Bailey 2010).
Volume delivery must account for neonatal renal func- In the 1970s, periods of fasting were prolonged, and vari-
tion. Neonatal kidneys are immature, and function depends ous strategies were proposed to make up for these deficits
on the level of prematurity (Chow 2008). During fetal devel- such as bolus dosing and/or increasing maintenance needs
opment, nephrogenesis occurs at 4–5 weeks’ gestation, by multiplying by a factor. However, in the past 30 years, pre-
yet the development of nephrons does not begin until 20– operative fasting guidelines have been liberalized to allow
22 weeks’ gestation, with completion at 34–35 weeks’ ges- shorter periods of reduced intake. Still, in some clinical sce-
tation. Neonates also cannot excrete excess fluid and elec- narios, children may be fasting for longer than 2 hours and
trolytes because of tubular immaturity, high ECF volume, and go into an operation already at a deficit. Pre-, intra-, and post-
decreased response to aldosterone. In addition, the neona- operative fluid provision must account for the patient’s indi-
tal RAAS is altered because AVP concentrations are higher in vidual fluid status, losses during surgery, and postoperative
the first 24 hours of life (O’Brien 2014; Oh 2012; Chow 2008). recovery.
Volume delivery early in life is typically 60–100 mL/kg/day, Glucose management is critically important for the surgi-
depending on the level of prematurity. If excessive volume is cal patient, with keen attention paid to managing hyper- and
provided during the early neonatal period, fluid retention can hypoglycemia. If ischemia and hypoxia are present, hypergly-
occur, rather than contraction of the ECF, thus leading to poor cemia may lead to the accumulation of lactate because of
outcomes (O’Brien 2014; Oh 2012). Underlying medical con- decreased metabolism, resulting in a decrease in serum pH
ditions are important to consider during volume delivery. For and ultimately cellular death. Hyperglycemia may also lead
example, children born with cardiac or pulmonary disorders to dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities. Because of the
require more conservative fluid provision. Conversely, those potential for these harmful effects, dextrose in maintenance
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 11 Fluids and Electrolytes
fluids in the operating room is administered cautiously for Colloids vs. Crystalloid Fluid
the otherwise healthy surgical pediatric patient. However, Colloid fluids may be natural (e.g., albumin, blood products)
for surgical neonates and those at high risk of hypoglycemia, or synthetic (e.g., hydroxyethyl starches, dextrans, and gel-
intravenous fluids typically contain dextrose. atins [not available in the United States]) (Table 3) (Bailey
Postsurgical patients are also at risk of hyponatremia and 2010). Colloids may be chosen when intravascular volume
acid-base abnormalities after surgical procedures (Sümpel- expansion is desired and for acute resuscitation. Compared
mann 2017). Intraoperative fluid and electrolyte losses con- with crystalloids, a higher proportion of the administered
tribute to these risks, in addition to the release of antidiuretic dose stays within the vasculature. Colloids can also pull fluid
hormone (Oh 2016). Factors such as duration and type of sur- (water) from the extravascular space into the vasculature for
gery influence the degree of risk, with children undergoing intravascular volume expansion. However, for patients with
neurosurgical procedures at a relatively higher risk (Williams sepsis, capillary leak, and/or “third spacing,” colloids may
2016; Edate 2015; Belzer 2014). Choice of fluid and volume worsen edema. Capillary leak may allow colloids to leak into
provided must account for the risk of hyponatremia and acid- the interstitial space, which then also results in the draw-
base status, and patients should be monitored closely during ing of water into the interstitial compartment because of
the postoperative period for fluid and electrolyte derange- increased osmolality. Of the colloids, albumin is the most
ments, with individualized adjustments made on the basis of commonly used, especially in neonates and infants. However,
clinical status. strong data supporting its use for general fluid resuscitation
are lacking, and in some patient populations (e.g., those with
Intravenous Fluid Choices/Considerations traumatic brain injury), albumin may be harmful (Bailey 2010).
The provision of intravenous fluid therapy to pediatric patients Synthetic colloids are not well studied in the pediatric popu-
is lifesaving; however, like all pharmacotherapy, several risks lation, and the existing literature suggests a greater poten-
are possible, such as inaccurate volume provided, inappro- tial for adverse events. Studies of adult patients have led to
priate fluid choice, risk of extravasation, or mechanical com- the recommendation that in most cases, crystalloids are pre-
plications such as thrombosis and infection (McNab 2016). ferred to colloids for fluid resuscitation because of decreased
The pediatric pharmacist must understand intravenous fluid cost, lower risk of adverse events, and lack of proven efficacy
therapy to mitigate these risks. Intravenous fluids fall into two of colloids over crystalloids. This lack of strong evidence sup-
broad categories: colloids and crystalloids. porting the use of colloids over crystalloid fluids has led to
Albumin gold Derived from pooled human plasma Anticoagulation (weak effect)
standard Molecular weight: 69 kDa Allergic reactions
5% albumin: Osmotically equivalent to an equal Select products contain aluminum; caution
volume of plasma should be used in patients with renal impairment
25% albumin: Osmotically 5 x greater than an as well as in premature neonates, especially
equal volume of plasma if concomitantly on parenteral nutrition (daily
Both albumin 5% and albumin 25% contain aluminum content > 4–5 mcg/kg/day is
130–160 mEq/L of sodium associated with CNS and bone toxicities)
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 12 Fluids and Electrolytes
Table 4. Summary of Select Crystalloids
varying recommendations. The 2000 International Guidelines As such, for the past 50-plus years, dextrose 5% in 0.45%
for Neonatal Resuscitation no longer recommend albumin sodium chloride or dextrose 5% in 0.225% sodium chloride
as the fluid of choice for initial volume expansion because has been the mainstay of therapy, which, when given at
of its limited availability, possibility for infectious complica- maintenance rates, provides about 2–4 mEq/kg of sodium
tions, and possible association with increased mortality (Nei- per day. However, this may not be appropriate for all patients
rmeyer 2000). today.
Crystalloid fluids are the mainstay of intravenous fluid Tonicity is the ability of fluid to exert an osmotic force and
therapy. Table 4 summarizes the various crystalloid fluids influence the movement of fluid across cellular membranes
currently used. In addition to estimating fluid needs, Holliday (McNab 2016). Crystalloids can be categorized as hypotonic,
and Segar estimated electrolyte requirements (see the Elec- isotonic, or hypertonic. The traditional fluids (as discussed
trolytes section), which are theoretically met using hypotonic earlier) are considered hypotonic. Although conventionally
crystalloid fluids infused at maintenance rates, namely dex- hypertonic compared with plasma, once administered, cells
trose 5% in 0.225% sodium chloride or dextrose 5% in 0.45% rapidly uptake dextrose; this almost-immediate dextrose
sodium chloride, plus 20–40 mEq/L of potassium chloride, metabolism reduces the tonicity of the fluid, which in essence
depending on renal function and potassium status. Crys- becomes equivalent to 0.45% or 0.225% sodium chloride with-
talloids have become the mainstay of maintenance intrave- out dextrose. Thus, these fluids are considered hypotonic.
nous fluid therapy and have remained as such for the past When hypotonic fluids are administered, an osmotic gradient
50-plus years. However, according to more recent data, apply- is created, which can drive fluid from the intravascular space
ing the Holliday-Segar method as well as fluid choice may not into the intracellular space because intracellular osmolal-
be appropriate in all clinical scenarios today. The choice of ity is greater than intravascular (and interstitial) osmolality.
maintenance fluid depends on the patient’s clinical status, In severe cases, cerebral edema, brain hypoperfusion, and
the patient’s laboratory values, and institutional practice. In neurologic damage may occur. In a typically healthy child,
addition, after original estimates and empiric fluid selections, the renal system will compensate for reduced serum sodium
the choice of ongoing fluid must be individualized and tai- through alterations in AVP release. However, in acutely ill
lored to meet patient-specific needs. patients, the AVP response may be blunted, leading to hypo-
natremia and poor clinical outcomes. This concept has called
Hypotonic vs. Isotonic Fluids into question the appropriateness of the traditional hypotonic
Crystalloid fluids have historically been chosen on the basis fluids historically suggested by Holliday-Segar for use in hos-
of Holliday-Segar estimates, which account for maintenance pitalized pediatric patients today. Several case reports out-
electrolyte requirements (Meyers 2009). When Holliday-Segar lining poor clinical outcomes associated with hyponatremia
estimated pediatric electrolytes in the 1950s, requirements in hospitalized patients as well as studies comparing hypo-
were suggested to fall between what would be consumed tonic fluids with isotonic fluids have been published over
from breast milk and adult requirements (McNab 2016). the past 20 years. Because of study heterogeneity, no clear
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 13 Fluids and Electrolytes
consensus regarding the optimal crystalloid fluid has been sodium at 24 hours and change in weight were also similar
developed to date. between groups. A post hoc exploratory analysis showed sig-
A 2014 Cochrane review evaluated 10 trials in which most nificant differences in serum sodium change from baseline,
patients (n=1106) were children (3 months to 18 years of age) with those in the hypotonic group having a decrease in serum
(McNab 2014). Most studies included in the analysis were sodium compared with baseline values. No patient had signif-
of surgical and ICU patients, and data were limited beyond icant adverse events attributable to the study.
24 hours. The primary end point, risk of developing hypona- From this review of available data on the subject, no clear
tremia (serum sodium less than 135 mEq/L), was halved in consensus or generalization can be made for all hospitalized
those receiving isotonic fluid compared with those receiv- patients. However, evidence suggests that isotonic fluids in
ing hypotonic fluids (RR 0.48; 95% CI, 0.38–0.6). The risk of critically ill children, at least during the first 24 hours of hos-
hypernatremia was unclear from this investigation. Because pitalization, are more appropriate and possibly safer than
adverse events associated with either fluid were rare, compar- traditional hypotonic fluids with respect to serum sodium
ative safety determinations are not possible from this study. concentrations (Wang 2014). Other outcomes such as hos-
Although limitations exist in the interpretation and clinical pital length of stay and mortality have not specifically been
application of data from this systematic review, isotonic fluids evaluated. For noncritically ill children, the evidence is less
may be preferable to hypotonic fluids, at least during the first clear, and therapy should be individualized according to clin-
24 hours of hospitalization of surgical or critically ill patients. ical presentation. Specific considerations may be required
A similar systematic review of randomized trials of hospi- because many factors may affect the risk of hyponatremia.
talized children 1 month to younger than 19 years compared Postsurgical patients may be at an increased risk of hypona-
isotonic fluids with hypotonic fluids (Padua 2015). Com- tremia with the administration of hypotonic fluids because
pared with the 2014 Cochrane review, two additional studies of increased extrarenal losses of electrolytes and increased
were included for analysis; however, the additional included release of AVP (Bailey 2010). Sex and age differences also
population was similar (e.g., most were critically ill) (Padua exist with respect to hyponatremia and associated risks.
2015; McNab 2014). Of importance, studies that included Estrogen may impair the brain’s ability to adapt to hypona-
patients with dysnatremia secondary to disorders including tremia (Bailey 2010). Postmenarchal females are at a higher
heart failure, renal dysfunction, and liver disease or those risk than males. Before puberty, all children are at a higher
who required fluid resuscitation or replacement therapy were risk than adults of cerebral edema in the setting of hyponatre-
excluded from the analysis. Eleven studies evaluating 1095 mia because of the relative inability of the developing brain to
medical and surgical patients 3 months to 18 years of age adapt to hyponatremia/excess free water and a higher brain-
were included in the analysis. The risk of developing hypona- to-skull ratio. Additional well-designed trials are necessary,
tremia or severe hyponatremia was significantly reduced in focused on select patient populations, to further delineate
those who received isotonic maintenance fluids (RR 0.5; 95% the optimal empiric maintenance fluid.
CI, 0.4–0.62 and RR 0.21; 95% CI, 0.1–0.45, respectively). Of
studies that reported mean plasma sodium concentrations Fluid Considerations: Management
(n=7), patients receiving hypotonic fluid had significantly of Dehydration/Correction of Deficits
lower serum sodium concentrations as well as decreased Guiding Principles
sodium concentrations from baseline. However, isotonic flu- Fluid deficits are defined as losses of fluid above what is
ids did not increase the risk of hypernatremia compared with expected through insensible and sensible losses. Deficits
hypotonic fluids. may occur for a variety of reasons such as GI illness, blood
In a 2015 study, authors evaluated the administration of loss, respiratory disease (asthma/pneumonia/bronchiolitis),
isotonic (sodium chloride 0.9% in dextrose 5%) compared neurologic disease, or inadequate intake over a period (Mey-
with hypotonic (sodium chloride 0.45% in dextrose 5%) main- ers 2009). Dehydration is one of the main causes of pediatric
tenance fluids in hospitalized pediatric patients (non-ICU morbidity and mortality, with infants and very young children
patients) (Friedman 2015). Children 1 month to 18 years of at greatest risk (Powers 2015). Hypovolemia and dehydration
age with normal baseline serum sodium concentrations (135– occur when fluid losses exceed the replacement rate. If water
145 mEq/L) receiving 80%–120% of maintenance fluid needs and electrolytes are not replaced in a timely and adequate
were randomized to receive either isotonic fluids or hypotonic fashion, circulating volume decreases, organ and tissue per-
fluids for 48 hours. One hundred ten children with a median fusion is compromised, and negative clinical outcomes occur.
age of 4.5 years (range 0.1–17.2 years) were enrolled in the
study. The two groups had similar baseline characteristics. Clinical Evaluation and Assessment of Severity
The primary outcome measure, mean (SD) serum sodium Clinical evaluation of the patient thought to have fluid defi-
concentration at 48 hours, was similar between the two cit should include a physical examination of overt signs
groups (isotonic 139.9 [2.7] mEq/L vs. hypotonic 139.6 [2.6] and symptoms of dehydration (Table 5). When a pre-illness/
mEq/L, p=0.6). The secondary outcome measures of serum baseline weight is known, the degree of dehydration and the
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 14 Fluids and Electrolytes
Table 5. Clinical Signs, Symptoms, and Correlates of Dehydrationa
Capillary refill time, skin turgor, and vital signs may be the most useful individual signs of dehydration; however, scales based on a
combination of physical findings are more predictive than individual signs.
Information from: Merck Manual: Dehydration in Children; and Canavan A, Arant BS. Diagnosis and management of dehydration in
children. Am Fam Physician 2009;80:692-6.
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 15 Fluids and Electrolytes
Table 6. Types of Dehydration
Isonatremic Dehydration
Hyponatremic Dehydration (most common) Hypernatremic Dehydration
Serum sodium < 130 mEq/L 130–150 mEq/L > 150 mEq/L
Losses Solute loss is greater than water Equal water and solute loss Water loss is greater than solute
loss loss
and the source of fluid loss. Boluses may be repeated two are used, with the choice of crystalloid fluid closely mimick-
or three times to adequately restore perfusion (e.g., resolu- ing the type of fluid lost (Table 7). In clinical practice, replace-
tion of tachycardia and hypotension and improved capillary ment fluid may be given on a milliliter/milliliter basis or as a
refill). During this resuscitation phase, clinicians should also proportion of losses (e.g., 0.5 mL for each 1 mL lost) (Powers
monitor for and avoid over-resuscitation (e.g., rales, hepato- 2015). If ongoing losses are consistent and stable, daily totals
megaly). During phase 2, one-third of maintenance fluid plus may be added to the patient’s maintenance needs, simplifying
one-half of the remaining deficit (subtract the volume pro- the fluid regimen. Although certain fluids contain electrolytes
vided from the boluses given in phase 1) is administered over such as potassium, many institutions do not allow potassium
8 hours. During phase 3, two-thirds of maintenance fluid plus to be added to replacement fluids for safety reasons.
the remaining deficit is provided over the next 16 hours. Fluid
choice depends on the type of dehydration and the patient’s ELECTROLYTES
individual laboratory values. For patients with hypernatremic The electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium,
or hyponatremic dehydration, serum sodium must not be cor- phosphorus) are essential to maintain normal biochemical
rected faster than 12 mEq/L/day because of the risks of cere- reactions and homeostatic functioning (Table 8). Electrolytes
bral edema or central pontine myelinolysis, respectively. work in concert to maintain cell membrane functions, nerve
conductivity, muscle contractility, hormonal activity, bone
Fluid Consideration: Replacement structure, and fluid and acid-base homeostasis. Both serum
Fluid Therapy electrolyte balance and normal balance are guided by renal
Replacement fluid therapy accounts for ongoing losses such function (Meyers 2009). Under normal processes, the electro-
as vomiting, diarrhea, suctioning, chest tubes, and shunts lyte balance is maintained. However, clinical conditions and
(Powers 2015; Meyers 2009). For patients with ongoing losses, medications can cause electrolyte abnormalities. In assess-
the amount and type of fluid loss is evaluated, which then ing electrolytes, three basic steps guide therapy: determine
guides the fluid choice. The most precise way of determining the cause, classify it as acute or chronic, and determine a
the type of fluid for replacement fluids is a laboratory analy- therapeutic plan to manage the electrolyte abnormality. In
sis of electrolyte composition. However, this is costly and not the following discussion, each electrolyte will be reviewed,
always clinically feasible. For practicality, reference tables with summaries of normal function, excess, and deficits.
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 16 Fluids and Electrolytes
Table 7. Approximate Electrolyte Composition of Body Fluids
Information from: Davenport M, Syed SHS. Fluids, electrolytes, and dehydration. In: Sinha CK, Davenport M, eds. Handbook of Pediat-
ric Surgery. London: Springer-Verlag London, 2010:9-19.; and Lam WM. Fluids and electrolytes. In: Benavides S, Nahata MC, eds. Pedi-
atric Pharmacotherapy. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2013:290-304.
Normal Daily
Requirements Treatment of Deficit (Oral) Treatment of Deficit (IV)
Calcium chloride:
10–20 mg/kg/dose every 4–6 hr (neonates)
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 17 Fluids and Electrolytes
Sodium hypertonic saline to prevent symptoms is warranted. Sodium
Primary Physiologic Function and Normal deficit in milliequivalents is calculated as follows:
Sodium (typical range 135–145 mEq/L) is the most abundant Sodium deficit
cation in the body; it plays three main functions: fluid balance, = [(desired sodium concentration)
osmotic regulation, and maintenance of membrane poten- – (current sodium concentration)] x k x weight (kg)
tial (Schmidt 2010). Sodium excretion, rather than intake,
where K is 0.6 (males) and 0.5 (females).
primarily regulates sodium homeostasis. The RAAS and glo-
Acute hyponatremia without associated end-organ effects
merular filtration rate (GFR) are the main contributors to reg-
(e.g., seizure) should be corrected no faster than 0.5 mEq/L/
ulation of sodium homeostasis, with RAAS activation leading
hour, or around 12 mEq/L/24 hours, to avoid the development
to increased renal tubular sodium reabsorption. Changes in
of central pontine myelinolysis. Patients should be monitored
GFR affect the amount of sodium that is filtered. Other fac-
every 2–4 hours when symptomatic and every 4–8 hours
tors such as intrarenal blood flow, renal prostaglandins, and
when asymptomatic (Rhoda 2011).
natriuretic peptides also play a role, albeit more limited, in
sodium regulation. The Na+ -K+ -ATPase pump maintains cellu-
lar membrane potential (Schmidt 2010). Under normal phys- Potassium
iologic circumstances, the body’s sodium intake matches Primary Physiologic Function and Normal
sodium losses. Homeostasis
Potassium (typical range 3.5–5 mEq/L, depending on age) is
Hypernatremia the primary intracellular cation in the body; it plays essential
Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium concentration roles in cellular metabolism and maintains membrane poten-
greater than 145 mEq/L (Schmidt 2010). Causes of hyper- tial as well as promotes neuromuscular and cardiac function
natremia include, but are not limited to, dehydration, GI ill- (Rhoda 2011; Schmidt 2010). Potassium homeostasis is pri-
ness, fever, lack of intake, and medications such as diuretic marily maintained through renal elimination, which varies
therapy and hypertonic saline. Hypernatremia presents with depending on serum concentrations as well as the release of
increased thirst, fatigue, restlessness, and muscle irritability aldosterone and angiotensin II. Nonrenal mechanisms such
(Rhoda 2011). In severe hypernatremia, cerebral cellular dehy- as hormones, acid-base status, and osmolality also play a
dration can occur, which can progress to hemorrhage, neu- role in potassium regulation (Rhoda 2011). Medications such
rologic sequelae such as seizures, coma, and death (Powers as diuretics or nephrotoxic agents can affect potassium bal-
2015; Rhoda 2011). Management of hypernatremia relies on ance (Rhoda 2011).
first identifying the underlying cause and then correcting it.
For example, if hypernatremia is caused by the lack of oral Hyperkalemia
intake of fluid resulting in dehydration, correcting the dehy- Hyperkalemia is defined as a serum potassium concentra-
dration will correct the serum sodium. Likewise, if diuretic tion greater than 4.7–5.9 mEq/kg, depending on age (Schmidt
therapy is the cause, adjusting the medication, if possible, 2010). Because potassium is the primary intracellular cat-
will correct this electrolyte abnormality. If the serum sodium ion, pseudohyperkalemia should be ruled out before mak-
is greater than 160 mEq/L, correction should not occur faster ing an assessment. For example, hemolysis that occurs as
than 0.5 mEq/L/hour over 48 hours to avoid the risk of cere- a result of laboratory blood tests may falsely elevate serum
bral edema and possibly death. potassium concentrations. Common causes of hyperkale-
mia include medications (e.g., potassium-sparing diuretics),
Hyponatremia excessive potassium intake, dehydration, altered renal func-
Hyponatremia is defined as a serum sodium concentration tion or metabolic acidosis, burns, and hemolysis. Common
less than 135 mEq/L (Schmidt 2010). Hyponatremia is one of signs and symptoms of elevated potassium include muscle
the most common electrolyte disturbances. Many causes are weakness or cramping, twitching, and ascending paralysis.
possible, including diarrhea, dehydration, enterocutaneous When serum potassium is greater than 6 mEq/L, changes
fistulas, and loop and thiazide diuretic use. Common signs in cardiac conductivity are possible, leading to arrhyth-
and symptoms of hyponatremia include headache, GI symp- mias (Rhoda 2011; Schmidt 2010; Meyers 2009). Hyperkale-
toms such as nausea, myopathy, lethargy, and restlessness. mia is one of the most dangerous electrolyte derangements
Severe hyponatremia (serum sodium less than 125 mEq/L) because of these effects. When managing hyperkalemia, all
places patients at risk of CNS symptoms such as lethargy and sources of potassium intake must be assessed and adjusted,
seizures (Meyers 2009). Treatment of hyponatremia involves including dietary sources as well as medications. Pharmaco-
judicious administration of intravenous fluids to correct fluid logic management of hyperkalemia includes agents that shift
and sodium balance. For patients with acute symptoms, potassium intracellularly (i.e., dextrose/insulin, albuterol,
faster correction of the sodium deficit using normal saline or sodium bicarbonate) and agents that eliminate potassium
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 18 Fluids and Electrolytes
Patient Care Scenario
A 4-month-old girl (weight 6.1 kg) presents to the pediatrician normal limits, dry mucosa, decreased skin turgor, capillary refill
with a 5-day history of diarrhea, described by her mother as 7 or 6 seconds, and temperature 102.4°F (39.1°C).
8 large, watery stools per day. At her well-child physical exam-
ination last month, the child weighed 6.5 kg. Her mother reports Laboratory tests show the following:
that she has done her best to keep up with the fluid loss by giving
the child small sips of oral rehydration fluid. The child has been 155 115 20
refusing enteral nutrition but has tolerated the sips of rehydra- 73
tion fluid. Her mother is afraid that the child cannot keep up with
fluid intake enterally. Today, the child has only had one wet dia- 3.2 14 0.6
per and no loose stools, and she has been inconsolable.
Physical examination findings consistent with dehydra- Estimate this patient’s fluid requirements to correct her fluid
tion include heart rate 150 beats/minute, blood pressure within deficit and recommend an appropriate replacement rate.
Step 1: Determine whether emergency management is necessary. Of note, a serum sodium of 145 mEq/L was chosen as the desired
Whenassessingwhetherafluidbolusisrequired,thelevelofdehy- serum sodium in order to avoid over-correction of sodium.
dration should be assessed, together with an evaluation for signs Therefore, the total fluid deficit is 660 mL. Then, calculate
of shock, unconsciousness, or severe electrolyte disturbances. maintenance fluid requirements: 100 mL/kg x 6.5 kg = 650 mL/
Although this patient presents with moderate dehydration and day needed to meet maintenance requirements.
identified electrolyte derangements of concern for hypernatremia, Next, calculate ongoing losses. In this case, ongoing losses
she is currently hemodynamically stable. Therefore, a fluid bolus are estimated with each watery stool. The patient’s mother
(emergency management) may not be required in this scenario. reports that she has had no watery stools today; therefore, this
Step 2: Estimate the fluid requirements. will not be added to the calculation right now. However, if loose
To estimate fluid requirements, the percent dehydration and fluid stools continue, these should be estimated and added into the
deficit must first be calculated: calculations.
Step 3: Determine the replacement rate.
% dehydration The total fluid required for the next 24 hours is as follows:
[( pre-illness weight ( kg )) – ( illness weight ( kg ))] x 100 Fluid Needs
pre-illness weight ( kg ) Fluid deficit 400mL+260mL=660mL
= (6.5 kg − 6.1 kg)/6.5 kg x 100 Maintenance 650 mL
= 6.15% Total 1310 mL
Replacement 1/2 of fluid deficit 330 mL
Fluid deficit (L) = % dehydration x pre illness weight (kg)/100 for first 8 hr 1/3 of maintenance 217 mL
= 6.15% x 6.5 kg/100 Total 547 mL
(68.4 mL/hr)
=0.4 L (400 mL)
Replacement 1/2 of fluid deficit 330 mL
For hypernatremic dehydration, a free-water deficit should for next 16 hr 2/3 of maintenance 433 mL
be included in the estimate of fluid deficit. Various equations Total 763 mL (47.7 mL/hr)
exist for this calculation of free-water deficit. Here, the free-wa-
ter deficit is calculated with the equation below (Lam 2013). When choosing the crystalloid fluid to use, sodium
and potassium requirements should be included. In this
case, the most clinically appropriate fluid would likely
Free — water deficit
be 5% dextrose in water in 0.225% sodium chloride plus
mEq 20 mEq/L of potassium chloride or 5% dextrose in water
= 4 mL x actual serum sodium in 0.45% sodium chloride plus 20 mEq/L of potassium
chloride, depending on what is known about the patient.
mEq Based on available data, the use of isotonic fluids may not
– desired serum sodium x body weight ( kg )
L be clinically warranted given that this patient is not crit-
ically ill. After the first 12–24 hours, the comprehensive
= 4 mL x (155 − 145) x 6.5 kg = 260 mL. metabolic panel should be repeated, with fluid therapy
adjusted on the basis of laboratory and physical exam-
ination findings. To avoid complications, serum sodium
should not be corrected faster than 12 mEq/L/day.
1. L am WM. Fluids and electrolytes. In: Benavides S, Nahata MC, eds. Pediatric Pharmacotherapy. Lenexa, KS: American College
of Clinical Pharmacy, 2013:290-304.
2. Meyers RS. Pediatric fluid and electrolyte therapy. J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2009;14:204-11.
3. Powers KS. Dehydration: isonatremic, hyponatremic and hypernatremic recognition and management. Pediatr Rev 2015;36:274-85.
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 19 Fluids and Electrolytes
from the body (i.e., sodium polystyrene sulfonate, loop diuret- A serum magnesium concentration greater than 2.4 mg/dL
ics). Calcium, which stabilizes the cardiac myocytes, may be defines hypermagnesemia (Schmidt 2010). Common causes
used in symptomatic patients for cardioprotective purposes. include excessive supplementation, renal disease, laxative
In severe cases, dialysis may be required to remove potas- overuse, and/or increased intake of magnesium-containing
sium from the body. antacids (Rhoda 2011). Typically, mild hypermagnesemia
is tolerated well, but when serum magnesium concentra-
tions exceed 3 mg/dL, neurologic, neuromuscular, and car-
Hypokalemia (serum sodium of less than 3.4 mEq/L) may diac symptoms may be present (Schmidt 2010). Other signs
be caused by medications (e.g., loop and thiazide diuretics, and symptoms include nausea, sweating, flushing, muscu-
antibiotics, amphotericin B), metabolic alkalosis, inadequate lar weakness, hypotension, and bradycardia. In severe cases
intake, hypomagnesemia, hyperaldosteronism, refeeding when cardiac abnormalities are present, intravenous calcium
syndrome, and GI losses (Schmidt 2010). Although symptoms should be administered to stabilize the cardiac muscle, and
are nonspecific, presentation may include constipation/ileus, in some cases, dialysis may be required. Most cases, how-
dysrhythmias, paralysis, muscle necrosis, and possibly, in ever, are mild and can be managed by decreasing magnesium
severe cases, death. Management includes supplementing intake or administering diuretic therapy. In the neonatal popu-
potassium either orally or intravenously, depending on sever- lation, hypermagnesemia may result from the placental trans-
ity. If the patient has a functioning GI tract and is asymptom- fer of magnesium from mothers who have received high-dose
atic, oral supplementation is preferable in order to avoid rapid magnesium sulfate to prevent premature labor. For infants
overcorrection; however, oral potassium is irritating to the GI born prematurely, magnesium concentrations should be
tract. Sustained release products may help mitigate GI upset assessed before magnesium is administered in intravenous
in patients able to swallow tablets. When intravenous potas- fluids or parenteral nutrition.
sium is used, infusion rates should not exceed 0.5 mEq/kg/
hour unless the patient is on a continuous cardiac monitor. Hypomagnesemia
Because potassium supplementation is irritating to veins, Hypomagnesemia is defined as magnesium concentrations
peripheral fluid concentration must not exceed 0.06 mEq/mL. less than 1.3 mg/dL (Schmidt 2010). Common causes of
Patients should be monitored carefully during potassium hypomagnesemia include decreased intake, excessive renal/
supplementation at intervals of 2–4 hours to assess the need GI loss, and intracellular shifts of magnesium. Hypomagnese-
for ongoing supplementation. Finally, if hypomagnesemia mia occurs in patients with acute tubular necrosis, renal tubu-
is present, magnesium concentrations must be corrected lar acidosis, hyperaldosteronism, and Bartter syndrome and
concomitantly. in the setting of select medications (e.g., tacrolimus, cyclo-
sporine, aminoglycosides). Hypomagnesemia is common in
Magnesium hospitalized patients and is associated with apathy, depres-
Primary Physiologic Function and Normal sion, muscle weakness, ataxia, muscle cramps, and cardiac
Homeostasis complications. Hypomagnesemia is also associated with
Magnesium (typical range 1.6–2.3 mg/dL, depending on other electrolyte derangements such as hypokalemia and
age) has important physiologic functions such as acting as hypocalcemia. Because of poor GI tolerance of magnesium,
an essential cofactor for hundreds of enzymatic reactions, the intravenous route is preferred for acute management,
including glucose, fatty acid, DNA, and protein metabolism with a maximum infusion rate of 0.1 mEq/kg/hour because of
(Schmidt 2010). Magnesium also plays a role in the Na+ -K+ - dose-dependent renal absorption. Monitoring should occur
ATPase pump with downstream functions on neuromuscular 2–4 hours after magnesium dosing, with additional doses
transmission, vasomotor tone, cardiac excitability, and mus- provided as required to maintain normal magnesium concen-
cle contraction. Magnesium is also an important component trations. During administration, hemodynamics, specifically
of bone (more than 50% of magnesium resides in the bone) as blood pressure, should be monitored. For patients requiring
well as parathyroid hormone secretion. Homeostasis is main- home administration or ongoing magnesium supplementa-
tained through the GI tract, renal system, and bone through tion, oral/enteral administration is acceptable.
the parathyroid hormone. Magnesium is absorbed in the jeju-
num, with absorption inversely proportional to intake. Around Calcium
30%–40% of dietary magnesium is absorbed through the GI
Primary Physiologic Function and Normal
tract, with the remainder excreted in the stool (Rhoda 2011).
If dietary intake is low, magnesium will be leached from the
Calcium (typical range 6.2–11 mg/dL, depending on age) is one
bone to maintain normal circulating concentrations (Schmidt
of the most abundant ions in the body; it is required for proper
neuromuscular activity, integrity of membranes, endocrine
function, coagulation, and bone metabolism (Schmidt 2010).
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 20 Fluids and Electrolytes
The parathyroid gland is primarily responsible for controlling Phosphorus
serum calcium concentrations; when serum concentrations Primary Physiologic Function and Normal
are low, parathyroid hormone is released, which increases Homeostasis
bone resorption, renal conservation, and activates vitamin D, The main intracellular anion, phosphorus (typical range 2.7–9
which improves calcium retention from the GI tract. When con- mg/dL, depending on age), is critically important for main-
centrations are high, calcitonin is released from the thyroid, taining cellular function, bone and cell membrane composi-
which inhibits bone resorption and increases renal elimination. tion, pH, energy (ATP), and all physiologic functions requiring
Calcium is found in the body as complexed, protein bound, or energy (Schmidt 2010). Homeostasis is maintained through
ionized and is primarily located in the teeth and bone. GI absorption, renal excretion, and parathyroid hormone
Hypercalcemia definitions depend on normal values for age Hyperphosphatemia
as well as nutritional factors such as circulating albumin. Cor- Serum values above age-expected normal concentrations
rected calcium is calculated as follows: define hyperphosphatemia (Schmidt 2010). Hyperphosphate-
mg mia can be caused by metastatic calcifications, hypocalce-
Corrected calcium = measured total calcium
dL mia, or hypoxemia (Rhoda 2011). Most hyperphosphatemia
g is tolerated well, and many patients may be asymptomatic
+ 0.8 4 – albumin (Schmidt 2010). However, symptoms, when present, often
include anorexia, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, poor
Although hypercalcemia may be the result of increased appetite, neuromuscular symptoms, and tachycardia (Rhoda
dietary intake, increased vitamin A or D concentrations, renal 2011; Schmidt 2010). Of greatest concern is metastatic calci-
dysfunction, or certain medications (e.g., calcium-containing fications, which occur when serum calcium is also elevated.
antacids, vitamin A or D supplementation), the primary cause Hyperphosphatemia is managed by implementing a low-phos-
of hypercalcemia is hyperparathyroidism or cancer with bone phorus diet and/or adding phosphate binders (Rhoda 2011). If
metastases (Schmidt 2010). Patients with hypercalcemia low volume is suspected, volume repletion may be required.
may present with fatigue, nausea or vomiting, constipation, In severe cases, dialysis may be needed.
and confusion. In severe cases, cardiac conductivity abnor-
malities may be present. In mild to moderate cases of hyper-
calcemia, fluid therapy is first line and usually effective. For
severe cases, intravenous fluid therapy, loop diuretics, and Hypophosphatemia is defined by serum concentrations less
dialysis therapy may be needed to prevent dysrhythmias, kid- than 2.7–4.5 mg/dL, depending on age (Schmidt 2010). This
ney failure, and death. condition is common in critically ill children as well as in
those who are malnourished or having refeeding syndrome.
Hypocalcemia Hypophosphatemia may also be present in patients receiv-
Hypocalcemia is defined as a corrected calcium or ionized ing phosphate binders or those with alkalosis. Clinical signs
calcium below age-appropriate normal values (Schmidt include, but are not limited to, neurologic and neuromuscular
2010). Although the equation above can be used to calculate symptoms and cardiac, respiratory, or hematologic dysfunc-
corrected calcium, when possible an ionized calcium level tion. If presentation and symptoms are mild, management
should be obtained for greater accuracy. Hypocalcemia can typically consists of oral replacement. When larger doses are
result from low vitamin D intake or deficiency, hyperphospha- needed, however, GI tolerance is poor. Therefore, intravenous
temia, decreased parathyroid hormone activity, blood trans- supplementation is required when moderate or severe hypo-
fusions, and rhabdomyolysis. Medications such as diuretics phosphatemia is present. Patients should be monitored every
and anticonvulsants can also cause aberrations in calcium 2–4 hours when intravenous doses are used.
concentrations. Patients with hypocalcemia present with
symptoms such as hypotension, decreased cardiac con-
tractility and QT interval prolongation, muscle cramps, and CONCLUSION
seizures. In hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia must also be The practicing pediatric pharmacist plays a key role in
assessed for and corrected, if present. For neonates receiv- assessing and managing fluids and electrolytes across the
ing parenteral nutrition, hypocalcemia may result from an age spectrum. A solid foundation in understanding the com-
inability to provide adequate amounts of calcium because position of body fluids, fluid requirements, and regulations;
of intravenous fluid compatibility issues. Depending on the assessing and managing dehydration, understanding the
severity of hypocalcemia, treatment involves oral or intrave- physiologic functions of electrolytes, and managing electro-
nous calcium supplementation. lyte derangements is critical. In addition to providing direct
patient care, pharmacists are involved in developing clinical
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 21 Fluids and Electrolytes
Friedman JN, Beck CE, DeGroot J, et al. Comparison of iso-
Practice Points tonic and hypotonic intravenous maintenance fluids: a
When approaching fluid and electrolyte therapy in the pediatric randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr 2015;169:445-51.
population, practitioners should consider the following prac-
Holliday MA, Segar WE. The maintenance need for water in
tice points:
parenteral fluid therapy. Pediatrics 1957;19:823-32.
• The composition of body fluids and regulation of fluids
Jain A. Body fluid composition. Pediatr Rev 2015;36:141-52.
changes across development. Age-appropriate fluid calcu-
lations and estimates should be done when designing fluid Lam WM. Fluids and electrolytes. In: Benavides S, Nahata
regimens for pediatric patients, considering unique patient MC, eds. Pediatric Pharmacotherapy. Lenexa, KS:
characteristics and clinical status. American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2013:290-304.
• Crystalloid fluids are the mainstay of therapy for most
clinical conditions; however, colloids may be consid- McNab S. Intravenous maintenance fluid therapy in children.
ered when intravascular volume expansion is clinically J Paediatr Child Health 2016;52:137-40.
warranted. McNab S, Ware RS, Neville KA, et al. Isotonic versus hypo-
• Crystalloid fluids have historically been chosen on the tonic solutions for maintenance intravenous fluid admin-
basis of Holliday-Segar estimates; however, a growing istration in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
body of evidence suggests that use of isotonic fluids is 2014;12:CD009457.
more appropriate in hospitalized, critically ill children.
• Pediatric patients are at greater risk of dehydration than Meyers RS. Pediatric fluid and electrolyte therapy. J Pediatr
adolescent and adult counterparts. The approach to man- Pharmacol Ther 2009;14:204-11.
aging dehydration must account for an assessment of
Niermeyer S, Kattwinkel J, Van Reempts P, et al. International
severity, source of fluid and electrolyte loss, and classifica-
guidelines for neonatal resuscitation: an excerpt from the
tion of dehydration, followed by a comprehensive approach
guidelines 2000 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
to management that addresses route of administration,
emergency cardiovascular care: international consensus
maintenance fluid requirements, and ongoing losses.
on science. Contributors and reviewers for the neonatal
• Normal serum electrolyte values must be maintained for
resuscitation guidelines. Pediatrics 2000;106:E29.
normal biochemical reactions and homeostatic function-
ing. Knowledge of each electrolyte’s physiologic functions, O’Brien F, Walker IA. Fluid homeostasis in the neonate. Pedi-
the monitoring parameters, and the main causes of electro- atr Anesth 2014;24:49-59.
lyte derangements is important for the practicing pediatric
pharmacist. Oh GJ, Sutherland SM. Perioperative fluid management and
postoperative hyponatremia in children. Pediatr Nephrol
Oh W. Fluid and electrolyte management of very low birth
practice guidelines, policies, and procedures; managing fluid weight infants. Pediatr Neonatol 2012;53:329-33.
and electrolyte product shortages; and providing continuous Padua AP, Macaraya JRG, Dans LF, et al. Isotonic versus
quality improvement efforts. An understanding of these prac- hypotonic saline solution for maintenance intravenous
tices ensures optimal care across a dynamically changing fluid therapy in children: a systematic review. Pediatr
Nephrol 2015;30:1163-72.
population from the neonatal period through adolescence/
adulthood. Furthermore, a pediatric pharmacist can work on Powers KS. Dehydration: isonatremic, hyponatremic and
collaborative teams to develop research and evidence as it hypernatremic recognition and management. Pediatr Rev
pertains to managing fluid and electrolytes in 21st-century 2015;36:274-85.
medicine. Rhoda KM, Porter MJ, Quinitini C. Fluid and electrolyte man-
agement: pulling a plan in motion. JPEN J Parenter Enteral
REFERENCES Nutr 2011;35:675-85.
Bailey AG, McNaull PP, Jooste E, et al. Perioperative Schmidt GL. Fluids and electrolytes. In: Corkins M, ed. The
crystalloid and colloid fluid management in children: ASPEN Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum. Silver
where are we and how did we get here? Anesth Analg Spring, MD: American Society for Parenteral and Enteral
2010;110:375-90. Nutrition, 2010:87-102.
Belzer JS, Williams CN, Riva-Cambrin J, et al. Timing, dura- Sümpelmann R, Becke K, Brenner S, et al. Perioperative
tion, and severity of hyponatremia following pediatric intravenous fluid therapy in children: guidelines from
brain tumor surgery. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2014;15:456-63. the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies of
Chow JM, Douglas D. Fluid and electrolyte management in Germany. Pediatr Anaesth 2017;27:10-8.
the premature infant. Neonatal Network 2008;27:379-86. Wang J, Xu E, Yanfeng X. Isotonic versus hypotonic mainte-
Edate S, Albanese A. Management of electrolyte and fluid nance IV fluids in hospitalized children: a meta-analysis.
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Williams CN, Riva-Cambrin J, Bratton SL. Etiology of post-
operative hyponatremia following pediatric intracranial
tumor surgery. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2016;17:303-9.
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 23 Fluids and Electrolytes
Self-Assessment Questions
1. A 6-year-old girl (weight 22.5 kg) is admitted for a 2-day temperature on admission was 97.7°F (36.5°C). However,
history of nausea and vomiting secondary to a viral gas- during this visit, his temperature increased to 101.3°F
troenteritis. Before this illness, she weighed 23 kg. Her (38.5°C). His heart rate is 132 beats/minute, respiratory
laboratory test results are as follows: rate 33 breaths/minute, and blood pressure 110/72 mm
Hg, with pulse oximetry 96%.
130 104 22
84 Laboratory values:
5.8 20 0.9
141 111 13
Which one of the following best assesses this patient’s
4.3 19 0.6
clinical state based on serum osmolality?
A. Relative deficiency of water compared with solute
B. Relative deficiency of solute compared with water 11.4
15.4 336 Ca: 10.4 mg/dL
C. Equal deficiency of water and solute 33.8
D. Dynamic shift of water and solute from extracellular
fluid to intracellular fluid Which one of the following best assesses this patient’s
2. An 8-year-old girl (weight 27 kg) presents to the ED with fluid deficit and initial approach to treatment?
complaints of generalized abdominal pain and mal- A. 3% deficit; oral rehydration can be considered at 100
aise for the past 3 days. These symptoms have steadily mL/kg given over 4 hours in the pediatrician’s office.
increased during the past 24 hours such that she can- B. 900-mL deficit; patient should be admitted for
not tolerate oral intake and has a decreased appetite. intravenous rehydration: dextrose 5% in 0.9% sodium
She is given a diagnosis of acute appendicitis and admit- chloride given at 110 mL/hour for 8 hours.
ted to the general ward. The patient will be treated medi- C. 1000-mL deficit; patient should be admitted for
cally rather than surgically. Physical examination reveals intravenous rehydration: dextrose 5% in 0.45%
heart rate 100 beats/minute, respiratory rate 20 breaths/ sodium chloride given at 135 mL/hour for 8 hours,
minute, and blood pressure 120/75 mm Hg. The ED phy- followed by 103.8 mL/hour for 16 hours.
sician consults you for assistance. Which one of the fol- D. 1000-mL deficit; 20-mL/kg bolus of normal saline,
lowing crystalloids, in addition to potassium chloride followed by oral rehydration in pediatrician’s office.
20 mEq/L, is best to recommend as this patient’s initial
Questions 5–7 pertain to the following case.
maintenance fluid?
K.T. is a 2-year-old girl (weight 15 kg) who presents to the
A. Dextrose 5% in 0.9% sodium chloride
ED at the children’s hospital with a 6-day history of emesis
B. Dextrose 5% in 0.45% sodium chloride
and poor enteral intake. She is lethargic, with dry mucous
C. Dextrose 10% in 0.9% sodium chloride
membranes; her mother reports that K.T. last urinated over
D. Dextrose 10% in 0.45% sodium chloride
24 hours ago. A pre-illness weight is unknown; however, given
3. Which one of the following patients would be most likely the physical examination, she is estimated to be 6% dehy-
to benefit from initiation of isotonic fluids? drated. Laboratory test results show a serum sodium of 151
A. A day-of-life 1 neonate with gastroschisis in the mEq/L. K.T. receives a diagnosis of hypernatremic dehydra-
neonatal ICU. tion and is given a 20-mL/kg normal saline bolus.
B. An 11-year-old prepubescent girl on the general ward 5. Given this information, which one of the following options
for gastrostomy tube placement best describes the appropriate estimated maintenance,
C. A 16-year-old postmenarche female adolescent remaining deficit (after the saline bolus), and total fluid
admitted to the general ward for UTI management requirements for K.T. over the next 24 hours?
D. A 13-year-old male adolescent admitted for surgical
A. Maintenance 1300 mL; deficit 900 mL; total needs
repair of pectus excavatum
2200 mL
4. A 10-year-old boy (weight 32 kg) has had gastroenteri- B. Maintenance 1500 mL; deficit 600 mL; total needs
tis for the past 4 days. His baseline weight is 33 kg. He 2100 mL
has been unable to tolerate oral intake because of per- C. Maintenance 1300 mL; deficit 600 mL; total needs
sistent nausea and diarrhea. He now presents to the 1900 mL
pediatrician’s office for a complete evaluation. On exam- D. Maintenance 1500 mL; deficit 900 mL; total needs
ination, the patient feels warm to the touch. His initial 2400 mL
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 24 Fluids and Electrolytes
6. K.T. continues to have bouts of emesis, once admit- 9. A 3-year-old girl presents for her annual physical exam-
ted. To replace ongoing losses, the attending physician ination in the pediatric special needs clinic. Her med-
would like to replace each emesis on a 1-mL/1-mL basis. ication list shows tacrolimus, hydrochlorothiazide,
Given the source of fluid loss, which one of the following acetaminophen, polyethylene glycol 3350, and raniti-
fluid options would be most appropriate to replace K.T.’s dine. The attending physician plans to obtain laboratory
ongoing losses? values at today’s visit. Which one of the following sets of
electrolytes is most likely to be affected by this patient’s
A. Dextrose 5% in 0.45% sodium chloride plus
current medication regimen?
potassium chloride 20 mEq/L
B. 0.9% sodium chloride plus potassium chloride A. Potassium, sodium, calcium
20 mEq/L B. Potassium, phosphorus, calcium
C. Lactated Ringer Solution C. Magnesium, sodium, potassium
D. 0.45% sodium chloride D. Magnesium, sodium, phosphorus
7. K.T.’s second set of laboratory tests 8 hours after rehy- 10. A 12-year-old girl with a history of anorexia was admit-
dration therapy is initiated show a serum magnesium ted to the pediatric ICU after being found unresponsive
concentration of 1.2 mg/dL. The attending physician in the girl’s restroom at school. On admission, hemo-
asks you about magnesium supplementation. Which one dialysis is initiated because of profound electrolyte
of the following is best to recommend for K.T.? abnormalities that are unresponsive to initial fluid man-
agement. Which one of the following electrolyte abnor-
A. Magnesium chloride 64-mg elemental tablet; 2 tablets
malities best justifies acute initiation of hemodialysis in
by mouth once; recheck laboratory values in 4 hours.
this patient?
B. Magnesium chloride 200-mg/mL injection; 40 mg
intravenously every 4 hours; recheck laboratory A. Hypermagnesemia
values in 24 hours. B. Hyperkalemia
C. Magnesium gluconate 27.5-mg elemental tablet; C. Hypercalcemia
5 tablets by mouth every 6 hours for four doses; D. Hypernatremia
recheck laboratory values in 24 hours.
11. A day-of-life zero neonate is born at 37 weeks’ gesta-
D. Magnesium sulfate 1000 mg/100 mL; 4.5 mL
tional age (birth weight 2.2 kg) with gastroschisis. She
intravenously once; recheck laboratory values in
had a large abdominal defect in utero. Her intestinal con-
4 hours.
tents could not be reduced at birth, and she will remain in
8. A patient with hypernatremia is being evaluated during the neonatal ICU sedated with a silo in place. Which one
rounds in the pediatric ICU. The medical resident, con- of the following initial fluid orders is best to recommend
cerned about potential neurologic morbidity because for this patient?
of sustained elevated serum sodium concentrations
A. Dextrose 10% at a rate of 5.5 mL/hour
greater than 155 mEq/L, changes dextrose 5% in 0.225%
B. Dextrose 10% in 0.45% sodium chloride at a rate
sodium chloride to dextrose 5% in water. Which one of
of 7.3 mL/hour
the following is most accurate regarding the resident’s
C. Dextrose 10% in 0.225% sodium chloride at a rate
of 9.2 mL/hour
A. The order is appropriate with the change to dextrose D. Dextrose 10% in 0.225% sodium chloride plus 20
5% in water; patients with hypernatremia should mEq/L potassium chloride at a rate of 8.3 mL/hour
not receive additional sodium until serum sodium
concentrations have decreased below 150 mEq/L. Questions 12 and 13 pertain to the following case.
B. The order is inappropriate; dextrose 5% in 0.225% J.E. is an 11-year-old girl (dosing weight 32.1 kg; today’s
sodium chloride was appropriate as initially ordered; weight 31.8 kg) with ulcerative colitis. She presents 3 days
rapid over-correction of serum sodium can lead to after a diverting ileostomy, which has been putting out 500–
cerebral edema and seizures. 600 mL/day since the operation. J.E. has been and is cur-
C. The order is inappropriate and should be changed to rently receiving dextrose 5% in 0.9% sodium chloride plus 40
dextrose 5% in 0.9% sodium chloride; new evidence mEq/L of potassium chloride at 75 mL/hour. This morning
supports the use of isotonic fluids in critically ill during rounds, she is lethargic, with complaints of nausea as
children. well as muscle aches. Vital signs show an elevated heart rate,
D. The order is inappropriate; dextrose 5% in 0.225% and her blood pressure is soft. Capillary refill is 7 seconds.
sodium chloride was appropriate as initially ordered; Laboratory tests are ordered.
rapid over-correction of serum sodium can lead to
central pontine myelinolysis.
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 25 Fluids and Electrolytes
12. Which one of the following best assesses J.E.’s current 14. A day-of-life zero female neonate (weight 3.1 kg) is
symptoms? born at term with long-gap esophageal atresia. She will
receive maintenance intravenous fluids before a gastros-
A. Hypernatremic dehydration because of the
tomy tube is placed. Which is the most appropriate fluid
administration of isotonic fluid for more than
and rate to recommend for this patient?
48 hours post-hospitalization
B. Hyponatremic dehydration because of ongoing A. Dextrose 5% in 0.225% sodium chloride plus
ileostomy losses potassium chloride 20 mEq/L
C. Hyperkalemia because of the administration B. Dextrose 5%
of intravenous fluids containing 40 mEq/L of C. Dextrose 10% in 0.225% sodium chloride plus
potassium chloride potassium chloride 20 mEq/L
D. Hypocalcemia because of poor vitamin D absorption D. Dextrose 10%
from her GI tract and overall poor nutritional status
15. A 13-year-old female adolescent (weight 39 kg) is admit-
secondary to her colitis
ted after a motor vehicle crash. On arrival at the ED, she
13. J.E.’s laboratory test results show a serum sodium con- is unresponsive and found to have several traumatic inju-
centration of 130 mEq/L. Which one of the following is ries with blood loss. Laboratory test results include Na
best to recommend to replace J.E.’s deficit? 136 mEq/L, K 2.9 mEq/L, Cl 92 mEq/L, HCO3 22 mEq/L,
BUN 18 mg/dL, SCr 1.1 mg/dL, glucose 88 mg/dL, albu-
A. Continue current intravenous fluid but increase
min 3.4 mg/dL, and Hgb 8 mg/dL. En route to the hos-
the rate to 113 mL/hour for 24 hours; then recheck
pital, the patient received three 20-mL/kg normal saline
serum sodium in 12 hours.
boluses; however, on arrival, her blood pressure is 80/66
B. Place a central line and administer 186 mL of
mm Hg. Which one of the following would be most appro-
sodium chloride 3% once over 30 minutes; recheck
priate for this patient’s acute resuscitation?
laboratory values in 24 hours.
C. Continue current intravenous fluid but provide a A. 25% albumin; 20 mL/kg
one-time bolus of 0.9% sodium chloride; recheck B. 5% albumin; 20 mL/kg
laboratory values in 4 hours. C. 0.9% sodium chloride; 20 mL/kg
D. Continue current intravenous fluids, administer D. Packed RBCs; 20 mL/kg
sodium chloride 2 g orally every 12 hours for three
doses; then recheck laboratory values 4 hours after
the last dose.
PedSAP 2018 Book 2 • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 26 Fluids and Electrolytes