Here Are A Few Tips For

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Here are a few tips for MAT exam preparation:

 Practice reading ‘Reading Comprehension’ passages for at least two to three months, about four
to five per day.

 Go through all the rules of grammar and make an effort to understand the contextual usage of
words and phrases in English.

 For Quant, practice about 20-25 questions every day. Lay particular emphasis on Arithmetic and
Algebra-based questions – these are quite common in MAT exam pattern.

 Make an effort to improve on GK, by reading a newspaper every day and a good weekly or
monthly magazine. That should help you get a good score in MAT.
MAT exam syllabus has five sections: Indian and Global Environment, Language Comprehension,
Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning. Aspirants
need a thorough grip on logical and analytic reasoning, verbal ability, data interpretation, quant,
mathematics and social awareness.
Here's a detailed view of all topics covered in MAT syllabus:
Indian & Global Environment Section
This section is unique to MAT exam. It's mostly about current affairs and latest new:
 Current affairs
 Business
 World Records
 Top officials of big companies
 Famous awards and Prizes
 Books and Authors
 Punch line of companies
 History
 International Organisation
 Important Quotations
 Social issues
 Geography
 Sports
 Finance
 Major Corporate news
 Automobiles
 Entertainment
 Politics
 Science
Data Analysis and Sufficiency / Mathematical Skills
Core topics in DA are:
 Geometry, (Lines, angles, Triangles, Spheres, Rectangles, Cube, Cone etc)
 Ratios and Proportion
 Number system
 Work and time
 Algebra
 Profit & Loss
 In-equations Quadratic and linear equations
 Geometric Progression
 Percentages
 Averages
 Partnership (Accounts)
 Time-Speed-Distance
Language Comprehension
Verbal ability is an important part of every MBA exam. Here are the core topics for MAT verbal
 Verbal Reasoning
 Syllogisms
 Fill In the Blanks
 Contextual usage
 Analogies
 Different usage of same word
 Antonyms
 Sentence completion
 Jumbled paragraphs
 Foreign language words used in English
 Sentence correction
 Idioms
 One word substitution
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
Prepare the following subjects under CR:
 Family tree
 Strong Arguments and Weak Arguments
 Multi-dimensional arrangements
 Course of Action
 Puzzles
 Visual reasoning
 Arrangement
 Series
 Numeric grid
 Pie Chart
 Blood Relations
 Critical Reasoning
 Calendars
 Coding & Decoding
 Syllogisms
 Statement Conclusions
 Column graphs
 Graphs representing Area

Day 1 Session 1:

Introduction to IOT

What is IOT? Basics of IOT Applications of IOT Introduction to Arduino What is ARDUINO? What is
Open Source Microcontroller Platform? Basics of Electronics Sensors and Actuators Hands on
Arduino Fundamentals of C programming Hello to the Microcontroller World (Your First Arduino
Sketch) Interfacing Sensors With Arduino Reading From Sensors Session 2: Basics of Networking
Networking Fundamentals Types of Networks Network Topologies Network Topologies

Arduino with Bluetooth Interfacing Bluetooth Module With Arduino Controlling Arduino With Android
Device Making Android App Using Online Tools Intro to MIT App inventor Making your first Android
App Control Arduino With Your First App

Day 2 Session 3 : Arduino with Esp8266 Interfacing With Ethernet Interfacing With Ethernet Creating
program for Local host Web Server Hello to the Online World What are cloud Servers Cloud
computing and IOT Project 1 : Android Controlled Devices Using Arduino Project 2 : Internet
Controlled LED’S Project 3: Home Automation

UNIT I – FUNDAMENTALS OF SENSOR NETWORKS (15 hours) Introduction to computer and wireless
sensor networks and Overview of the syllabusMotivation for a network of Wireless Sensor nodes-
Sensing and sensors-challenges and constraints - node architecture-sensing subsystem, processor
subsystemcommunication interfaces- prototypes, Application of Wireless sensors- Introduction of Tiny
DEPLOYMENT MECHANISMS (15 hours) Wireless Transmission Technology and systems-Radio
Technology Primer-Available Wireless Technologies - Hardware- Telosb, Micaz motes- Time
SynchronizationClock and the Synchronization Problem - Basics of time synchronization-Time
synchronization protocols - Localization- Ranging Techniques- Range based Localization-Range Free
Localization- Event driven Localization UNIT III- MAC LAYER (15 hours) Overview-Wireless Mac Protocols-
Characteristics of MAC protocols in Sensor networks – Contention free MAC Protocols- characteristics-
Traffic Adaptive Medium Access-Y-MAC, Low energy Adaptive Clustering - Contention based MAC
ProtocolsPower Aware Multi-Access with signaling, Sensor MAC-Timeout MAC-Data gathering MAC-
Case study –Implementation and Analysis of MAC player protocol in TinyOS. UNIT IV- ROUTING IN
WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS (15 hours) Design Issues in WSN routing- Data Dissemination and
Gathering-Routing Challenges in WSN - Flooding-Flat Based Routing – SAR, Directed Diffusion,
Hierarchical Routing- LEACH, PEGASIS - Query Based Routing- Negotiation Based RoutingGeographical
Based Routing- Transport layer- Transport protocol Design issuesPerformance of Transport Control
Protocols.Case study- Implementation and analysis of Routing protocol or transport layer protocol in
Tiny OS UNIT V - MIDDLEWARE AND SECURITY ISSUES (15 Hours) WSN middleware principles-
Middleware architecture-Existing middleware - operating systems for wireless sensor networks-
performance and traffic management - Fundamentals of network security-challenges and attacks -
Protocols and mechanisms for security. Case study- Handling attacks in Tiny OS

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