Here Are A Few Tips For
Here Are A Few Tips For
Here Are A Few Tips For
Practice reading ‘Reading Comprehension’ passages for at least two to three months, about four
to five per day.
Go through all the rules of grammar and make an effort to understand the contextual usage of
words and phrases in English.
For Quant, practice about 20-25 questions every day. Lay particular emphasis on Arithmetic and
Algebra-based questions – these are quite common in MAT exam pattern.
Make an effort to improve on GK, by reading a newspaper every day and a good weekly or
monthly magazine. That should help you get a good score in MAT.
MAT exam syllabus has five sections: Indian and Global Environment, Language Comprehension,
Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Mathematical Skills, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning. Aspirants
need a thorough grip on logical and analytic reasoning, verbal ability, data interpretation, quant,
mathematics and social awareness.
Here's a detailed view of all topics covered in MAT syllabus:
Indian & Global Environment Section
This section is unique to MAT exam. It's mostly about current affairs and latest new:
Current affairs
World Records
Top officials of big companies
Famous awards and Prizes
Books and Authors
Punch line of companies
International Organisation
Important Quotations
Social issues
Major Corporate news
Data Analysis and Sufficiency / Mathematical Skills
Core topics in DA are:
Geometry, (Lines, angles, Triangles, Spheres, Rectangles, Cube, Cone etc)
Ratios and Proportion
Number system
Work and time
Profit & Loss
In-equations Quadratic and linear equations
Geometric Progression
Partnership (Accounts)
Language Comprehension
Verbal ability is an important part of every MBA exam. Here are the core topics for MAT verbal
Verbal Reasoning
Fill In the Blanks
Contextual usage
Different usage of same word
Sentence completion
Jumbled paragraphs
Foreign language words used in English
Sentence correction
One word substitution
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
Prepare the following subjects under CR:
Family tree
Strong Arguments and Weak Arguments
Multi-dimensional arrangements
Course of Action
Visual reasoning
Numeric grid
Pie Chart
Blood Relations
Critical Reasoning
Coding & Decoding
Statement Conclusions
Column graphs
Graphs representing Area
Day 1 Session 1:
Introduction to IOT
What is IOT? Basics of IOT Applications of IOT Introduction to Arduino What is ARDUINO? What is
Open Source Microcontroller Platform? Basics of Electronics Sensors and Actuators Hands on
Arduino Fundamentals of C programming Hello to the Microcontroller World (Your First Arduino
Sketch) Interfacing Sensors With Arduino Reading From Sensors Session 2: Basics of Networking
Networking Fundamentals Types of Networks Network Topologies Network Topologies
Arduino with Bluetooth Interfacing Bluetooth Module With Arduino Controlling Arduino With Android
Device Making Android App Using Online Tools Intro to MIT App inventor Making your first Android
App Control Arduino With Your First App
Day 2 Session 3 : Arduino with Esp8266 Interfacing With Ethernet Interfacing With Ethernet Creating
program for Local host Web Server Hello to the Online World What are cloud Servers Cloud
computing and IOT Project 1 : Android Controlled Devices Using Arduino Project 2 : Internet
Controlled LED’S Project 3: Home Automation
UNIT I – FUNDAMENTALS OF SENSOR NETWORKS (15 hours) Introduction to computer and wireless
sensor networks and Overview of the syllabusMotivation for a network of Wireless Sensor nodes-
Sensing and sensors-challenges and constraints - node architecture-sensing subsystem, processor
subsystemcommunication interfaces- prototypes, Application of Wireless sensors- Introduction of Tiny
DEPLOYMENT MECHANISMS (15 hours) Wireless Transmission Technology and systems-Radio
Technology Primer-Available Wireless Technologies - Hardware- Telosb, Micaz motes- Time
SynchronizationClock and the Synchronization Problem - Basics of time synchronization-Time
synchronization protocols - Localization- Ranging Techniques- Range based Localization-Range Free
Localization- Event driven Localization UNIT III- MAC LAYER (15 hours) Overview-Wireless Mac Protocols-
Characteristics of MAC protocols in Sensor networks – Contention free MAC Protocols- characteristics-
Traffic Adaptive Medium Access-Y-MAC, Low energy Adaptive Clustering - Contention based MAC
ProtocolsPower Aware Multi-Access with signaling, Sensor MAC-Timeout MAC-Data gathering MAC-
Case study –Implementation and Analysis of MAC player protocol in TinyOS. UNIT IV- ROUTING IN
WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS (15 hours) Design Issues in WSN routing- Data Dissemination and
Gathering-Routing Challenges in WSN - Flooding-Flat Based Routing – SAR, Directed Diffusion,
Hierarchical Routing- LEACH, PEGASIS - Query Based Routing- Negotiation Based RoutingGeographical
Based Routing- Transport layer- Transport protocol Design issuesPerformance of Transport Control
Protocols.Case study- Implementation and analysis of Routing protocol or transport layer protocol in
Tiny OS UNIT V - MIDDLEWARE AND SECURITY ISSUES (15 Hours) WSN middleware principles-
Middleware architecture-Existing middleware - operating systems for wireless sensor networks-
performance and traffic management - Fundamentals of network security-challenges and attacks -
Protocols and mechanisms for security. Case study- Handling attacks in Tiny OS