Syllabus of Second Year B.E. Computer Engg.
Syllabus of Second Year B.E. Computer Engg.
Syllabus of Second Year B.E. Computer Engg.
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
computers. Linux and Windows Operating system commands and shell scripts.
Concepts of Word processing, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation graphics and
multimedia. Introduction to Assemblers, Interpreters, Compilers and Debuggers.
MATLAB and Its family, Menus and toolbars, Types of windows and types of files,
MATLAB Help system, Basic calculations in MATLAB, Vectors and arrays, Multi-
dimensional arrays, Element by element operations, Polynomial operations using
arrays, X-Y Plotting functions, Subplots, 3-D Plots and Contour plots.
Recommended Readings:
List of Experiments:
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Hrs/Week
Code Name of the Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
FE 2.3 3 -- 2 3 100 25 -- -- -- 125
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
UNIT - 2 (12 Hours)
Recommended Readings:
1. Herbert Schildt ; C: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition; Tata McGraw Hill;
2. Stephen Prata ; C Primer Plus 5th Edition; SAMS Publishing; 2005.
3. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchi; C Programming Language 2nd
Edition; Pearson Education; 2006.
4. Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. Steele; C: A Reference Manual , 5th Edition;
Prentice Hall; 2003.
5. Yashwant Kanetkar; Let Us C; BPB Publications, 9th Edition; 2008.
6. King K.N; C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition; W. W. Norton
and Company; 2008.
7. Dromey R.J ; How to Solve it by Computer, Prentice Hall India Series; 2000.
List of Experiments:
(At least 8 experiments should be conducted from the list of experiments.)
COMP 3.1 Applied Mathematics-III
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Hrs/Week
Code Name of the Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
Applied Mathematics-III 3 1 -- 3 100 25 -- - -- 125
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course the student would be able to
1. Compute the rank and inverse of a matrix and solve system of linear
2. Compute Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a given matrix, apply Cayley
Hamilton theorem.
3. Understand the basic concepts of probability, random variables, mean,
variance, standard deviation and probability distributions, correlation
and regression.
4. Use tools like Laplace transforms and Fourier transforms in formulating and
solving Engineering problems.
5. Understand Z- transforms and its properties and apply it in solving
difference equations.
UNIT - 3 (10 Hours)
Laplace Transforms: Definition, Existence conditions, properties, inverse
Laplace transforms. Laplace transform of periodic functions, Convolution
theorem, Laplace transform of Dirac-Delta function, Application of Laplace
transforms in solving linear differential equations with initial conditions and
system of linear simultaneous differential equations.
Recommended Readings:
1. Grewal B. S.; Higher Engineering Mathematics; Khanna Publications, New
2. H. K. Dass; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; S. Chand &Co.
3. Erwin Kreyzing; Advanced Engineering Mathematic; Wiley.
4. Kandasamy, P.; Engineering Mathematics; Chand & Co., New Delhi.
5. Srimanta Pal, Subodh C. Bhunia; Engineering Mathematics; Oxford University
6. Dr. D. S. C ; Engineering Mathematics- Part III ; Prism Books Pvt. Ltd.
7. Montgomery, D. C., Probability and Statistics for Engineers; Prentice Hall of
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Name of the Hrs/Week
Code Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
Th S TW P O Total
Data Structures
COMP 3.2 3 1 2 3 100 25 -- 25 -- 150
and Algorithms-I
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
lists, Doubly linked lists and Circular linked lists. Reversing a singly linked list.
Circular Doubly Linked List: Linked list with Header Node, Sorted Linked List,
Merging, Concatenation Comparison of Arrays and linked Lists. Linked List
Implementation of Stack, Linked List implementation of Queue, Circular Queue,
Deque and Priority Queue.
Recommended Readings:
1. S. K Srivastava, Deepali Srivastava; Data Structures through C in Depth;
BPB Publications; 2011.
2. Yedidya Langsam, Moshej Augenstein, Aaron M. Tenenbaum; Data
Structure Using C & C++; Prentice Hall of India; 1996.
3. Rajesh K. Shukla; Data Structures using C and C++; Wiley India; 2009.
4. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni; Fundamentals of Data Structures; Galgotia
Publications; 2010.
5. Jean Paul Tremblay, Paul G. Sorenson; An introduction to data structures
with applications; Tata McGrawHill; 1984.
List of Experiments:
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Name of the Hrs/Week
Code Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
Th S TW P O Total
Economics and
COMP 3.3 Organizational 3 -- -- 3 100 25 -- -- -- 125
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
an annuity, present value of an annuity. Capital Budgeting - Different Methods of
Evaluation of Projects- Payback Period, Discounted Cash Flow methods- Net
Present Value, Internal Rate of Return. Leasing – types of leases, Rationale of
leasing, mechanics of leasing.
Recommended Readings:
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Name of the Hrs/Week
Code Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
Object Oriented
COMP 3.4 Programming 3 1 2 3 100 25 -- 25 -- 150
using C++
Course Objectives:
The subject aims to provide the student with:
1. An understanding of the concept of object oriented programming.
2. An understanding of the concepts of data hiding, data abstraction,
polymorphism inheritance and exception handling.
3. Ability to understand the generic principles of object oriented
programming using “C++”.
4. An understanding the use of templates in “C++”.
5. An ability to plan, design, execute and document sophisticated object
oriented programs to handle different computing problems.
Course Outcomes:
The student after undergoing this course will be able to:
1. Design algorithms using principles of object oriented programming.
2. Demonstrate the concepts of data abstraction and data hiding using ‘C++”.
3. Explain the applications of polymorphism and inheritance in object
oriented programming.
4. Apply the knowledge of standard template library achieve reusability.
5. Illustrate stream I/O and exception handling.
Recommended Readings:
1. Paul Deitel and Harrey Dietel; C++, How to Program; seventh edition.
2. Stanley Lippman; C++ Primer; Fifth edition.
3. Herbert Schildt; Complete Reference; Fourth edition.
4. Bjarne Stroustrup; C++ Programming Language; Fourth edition.
5. D Ravichandran; Programming with C++; Third Edition.
List of Experiments:
(At least 8 experiments should be conducted from the list of experiments.)
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Name of the Hrs/Week
Code Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
COMP 3.5 Logic Design 3 1 2 3 100 25 -- -- 25 150
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
expressions in SOP and POS forms, Computation of total gate inputs, Boolean
expressions and logic diagrams, Conversion of AOI to NAND / NOR logic.
Recommended Readings:
1. A. Anand Kumar; Fundamentals of Digital circuits; PHI, Second Edition.
2. Thomas L. Floyd; Digital Fundamentals; Prentice Hall.
3. Morris Mano; Digital Logic and Computer Design; PHI Publication.
4. Malvino & Leach; Digital Principles and Applications; TMH Publication.
5. R. P. Jain; Modern Digital Electronics; TMH Publication.
List of Experiments:
(At least 8 experiments should be conducted from the list of experiments.)
1. Performance of Basic Logic Gates.
2. a. De Morgan’s Theorem (first and second law).
b. Associative, Cumulative and Distributive laws.
3. Universal Gates-NAND and NOR .
4. Binary to Gray code conversion.
5. Half Adder and Full Adder.
6. Half Substractor and Full Substractor.
7. Sum of Product.
8. BCD to XS-3.
9. BCD to Seven-Segment Display.
10. Flip-Flop.
a. SR-Flip Flop and D-Flip Flop.
b. JK-Flip Flop and T-Flip Flop.
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Name of the Hrs/Week
Code Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
COMP 3.6 3 1 2 3 100 25 25 -- -- 150
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
The Test Workflow, Post-delivery Maintenance, Retirement Capability Maturity
Models Teams: Team Organization, Democratic Team Approach, Classical Chief
Programmer Team Approach, Synchronize-and-Stabilize Teams, Teams for Agile
Processes, Open-source Programming Teams.
Recommended Readings:
1. Stephen R. Schach; Software Engineering; TMH, Seventh Edition.
2. Roger S. Pressman; Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach;
McGraw Hill, Seventh Edition.
3. Edward Kit; Software Testing in the Real World: Improving the
Process; Addison – Wesley Publishing company; 1995.
4. Pankoj Jalote; Software Project Management in Practice; PEA
5. Ian Sommervilee; Software Engineering; 10th Edition Pearson.
List of Experiments:
(At least 8 experiments should be conducted from the list of experiments. The
Term Work Marks to be awarded based on the assessment of experiments
COMP 4.1 Discrete Mathematics
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Hrs/Week
Code Name of the Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
Discrete Mathematics 3 1 -- 3 100 25 -- - -- 125
UNIT - 3 (12 Hours)
Counting: The basics of counting, pigeonhole principle, permutations and
combinations, binomial coefficients.
Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence relations, solving linear
recurrence relations, inclusion –exclusion principle, applications of inclusion –
exclusion principle.
Recommended Readings:
Scheme of
Scheme of Examination
Code Name of the Subject Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
COMP 4.2 3 1 2 3 100 25 25 -- -- 150
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Explain the organization of the Control unit, Arithmetic and Logical unit,
Memory unit and the I/O unit.
2. Identify high performance architecture design.
3. Create an assembly language program to program a microprocessor
4. Design a pipeline for consistent execution of instructions with minimum
5. Explain the ways to take advantage of instruction level parallelism for high
performance processor design.
6. Demonstrate memory hierarchy and its impact on computer
Floating-Point Representation: IEEE 32 bits, 64 bits. Floating-Point Arithmetic:
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.
Recommended Readings:
List of Experiments:
(At least 8 experiments should be conducted from the list of experiments. The
Term Work Marks to be awarded based on the assessment of experiments conducted. )
1. Assembly language program to perform addition on
a. 8 bit data.
b. 16 bit data.
c. 32 bit data.
2. Assembly language program to perform subtraction on
a. 8 bit data.
b. 16 bit data.
3. Assembly language program to perform multiplication on
a. 8 bit data.
b. 16 bit data.
4. Assembly language program to find average of two numbers.
5. Assembly language program to find two’s compliment of number.
6. Assembly language program to check status of sign flag.
7. Assembly language program to compute Xn.
8. Assembly language program to perform bubble sort in descending order.
9. Assembly language program to find largest from array of 8 bit numbers.
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Name of the Hrs/Week
Code Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
COMP 4.3 3 1 2 3 100 25 -- 25 -- 150
and Interfacing
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
UNIT -2 (12 Hours)
Strings, Procedures and Macros: The 8086 String Instructions, Writing and using
Procedures, Writing and using Assembler Macros. 8086 System Connections
Timing and Troubleshooting: A Basic 8086 Microcomputer System, An example
minimum mode System, The SDK-86. 8086 Interrupts and Interrupt
Applications: 8086 Interrupts and Interrupt responses, Hardware Interrupt
Applications, 8254 Software Programmable Timer/Counter, 8259A Priority
Interrupt controller, Software Interrupt Applications.
Recommended Readings:
List of Experiments:
(At least 8 experiments should be conducted from the list of experiments.)
1. 8086 ALP to evaluate the expression.
2. 8086 ALP to find sum and average of n numbers.
3. 8086 ALP to find even and odd number.
4. 8086 ALP to implement linear search.
5. 8086 ALP to find the square of a number using macro and procedure.
6. 8086 ALP to implement bubble sort .
7. 8086 ALP to compare two strings.
a. Using string instructions.
b. Without using string instructions.
8. 8087 ALP to evaluate the expression.
9. 8087 ALP to evaluate the identity sin2Ø+cos2Ø=1.
10. 8087 ALP to evaluate to compute standard deviation.
11. 8087 ALP.
a.To compute Xy .
b.To evaluate the expression.
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Hrs/Week
Name of the Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
Th S TW P O Total
Data Structures and
COMP 4.4 3 1 2 3 100 25 -- -- 25 150
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate the use of complex data structures like trees and graphs.
2. Explain the applications of tree and graph structures in Engineering.
3. Apply the knowledge of data structures to a given problem.
4. Explain the storage management schemes.
Introduction to Trees: Terminology, Types of Binary trees. Array and Linked List
representation of binary trees in memory: Traversal in Binary Tree: Non
recursive traversal in binary tree: Preorder, in-order, post-order and Level order
traversal. Creation of binary trees from the traversal of binary trees. Binary
search tree: Traversal in binary search tree, searching in a binary search tree,
finding nodes with minimum and maximum key, insertion and deletion in a
binary search tree. Threaded Binary Tree: Finding in-order successor and
predecessor of a node in threaded tree. Insertion and deletion in threaded
binary tree.
UNIT - 2 (12 Hours)
AVL Tree: Searching and traversing in AVL trees. Tree Rotations: Right Rotation,
Left Rotation. Insertion and Deletion in an AVL Tree. Red Black Trees: Searching,
Insertion and Deletion. Heap: Insertion, Deletion, Building a Heap, Selection
algorithm, implementation of Priority Queue. Weighted Path Length. Multi-way
Search Tree. B-tree: Searching, Insertion, Deletion from leaf node and non-leaf
node. B+ Tree: Searching, Insertion, Deletion. Digital Search Tree.
Applications of Trees: Huffman Tree, Binary Tree Sort, Heap Sort and Huffman
Applications of Graphs: Warshall’s algorithm. Shortest Path Algorithms:
Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Bellman Ford Algorithm, Floyd’s Algorithm. Minimum
Spanning Tree: Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm. Topological Sorting.
Storage Management: Sequential Fit Methods: First Fit, Best Fit and Worst Fit
methods. Fragmentation, Freeing Memory, Boundary Tag Method. Buddy
Systems: Binary Buddy System, Fibonacci Buddy System.
Compaction, Garbage Collection.
Recommended Readings:
1. S. K Srivastava, Deepali Srivastava; Data Structures through C in Depth;
BPB Publications; 2011.
2. Yedidya Langsam, Moshej Augenstein, Aaron M. Tenenbaum; Data
Structure Using C & C++; Prentice Hall of India; 1996.
3. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni; Fundamentals of Data Structures; Galgotia
Publications; 2010.
4. Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft, J. D. Ullman; Data Structures and
Algorithms; Addison Wesley; 1983.
5. Jean Paul Tremblay, Paul G. Sorenson; An introduction to data structures
with applications; Tata McGrawHill; 1984.
List of Experiments:
6. Implementation of operations in a B tree.
7. Implementation of adjacency matrix creation.
8. Implementation of addition and deletion of edges in a directed graph
using adjacency matrix.
9. Implementation of insertion and deletion of vertices and edges in a
directed graph using adjacency list.
10. Implementation of traversal of a directed graph through BFS.
11. Implementation of traversal of a directed graph through DFS.
12. Implementation of finding shortest distances using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Name of the Hrs/Week
Code Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
Signals and
COMP 4.5 3 1 2 3 100 25 -- -- -- 125
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
UNIT - 2 (12 Hours)
Recommended Readings:
1. P. Ramesh Babu, R. Anandanatarajan; Signals and Systems; Scitech
Publications, 4th Edition; 2006.
2. Rodger E.Ziemer, William H. Tranter, D. Ronald Fannin; Signals and
Systems - Continuous and Discrete; Pearson Education, 4th Edition; 1983.
3. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen ; Signals and Systems; John Wiley
&Sons (Asia)Pvt. Ltd; 2/e.
4. Oppenheim and Willskay with Hamid Nawab ; Signals and Systems;
Prentice Hall of India.
5. Linder, Introduction to Signals and Systems; McGraw Hill.
6. Nagrath, Sharan, Rajan and Kumar; Signals and Systems; McGraw Hill.
Scheme of
Instruction Scheme of Examination
Subject Hrs/Week
Code Name of the Subject Th Marks
L T P Duration
(Hrs) Th S TW P O Total
COMP 4.6 Java Programming 3 1 2 3 100 25 -- 25 -- 150
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
UNIT – 4 (12 Hours)
Recommended Readings:
1. E. Balagurusamy; Programming with Java A Primer; Tata McGrawHill
Companies 5th edition.
2. John P. Flynt ;Java Programming; Thomson 2nd.
3. Ken Arnold ;Java Programming Language; Pearson.
4. Hervert schildt; The complete reference JAVA2; TMH.
5. Cay Horstmann; Big Java; 2nd edition; Wiley India Edition.
6. Sachin Malhotra, Saurabh Chaudhary; Programing in Java; Oxford University
Press, 2010.
List of Experiments: