DLL Math

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: DepEdClub.

com Grade Level: V

Teacher: File Created by Ma’am EDNALYN D. MACARAIG Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and
Time: JULY 22 – 26, 2019 (WEEK 8) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A.Content Standards *Demonstrates understanding of *Demonstrates understanding of *Demonstrates understanding of *Demonstrates understanding *Demonstrates
whole numbers up to 10 000 000 whole numbers up to 10 000 000 whole numbers up to 10 000 000 of whole numbers up to 10 understanding of whole
*Demonstrates understanding of *Demonstrates understanding of *Demonstrates understanding of 000 000 numbers up to 10 000 000
divisibility, order of operations, divisibility, order of operations, divisibility, order of operations, *Demonstrates understanding *Demonstrates
factors and multiples and the four factors and multiples and the four factors and multiples and the of divisibility, order of understanding of divisibility,
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving four fundamental operations operations, factors and order of operations, factors
fraction fraction involving fraction multiples and the four and multiples and the four
fundamental operations fundamental operations
involving fraction involving fraction
B.Performance Standards *The learner is able to recognize *The learner is able to recognize *The learner is able to recognize *The learner is able to *The learner is able to
and represent whole numbers up and represent whole numbers up to and represent whole numbers up recognize and represent recognize and represent
to 10 000 000 in various forms and 10 000 000 in various forms and to 10 000 000 in various forms whole numbers up to 10 000 whole numbers up to 10
contexts. contexts. and contexts. 000 in various forms and 000 000 in various forms
*The learner is able to apply *The learner is able to apply *The learner is able to apply contexts. and contexts.
divisibility, order of operations, divisibility, order of operations, divisibility, order of operations, *The learner is able to apply *The learner is able to apply
factors and multiples and the four factors and multiples and the four factors and multiples and the divisibility, order of divisibility, order of
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving four fundamental operations operations, factors and operations, factors and
fractions in mathematical fractions in mathematical problems involving fractions in multiples and the four multiples and the four
problems and real-life situations and real-life situations mathematical problems and real- fundamental operations fundamental operations
life situations involving fractions in involving fractions in
mathematical problems and mathematical problems and
real-life situations real-life situations
C.Learning Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine or non-routine Create Problem (with reasonable Create problems (with Shows that multiplying
Competencies/Objectives problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication answers) involving multiplication reasonable answers) involving fraction by its reciprocal is
without with addition of division or with any of the equal to 1
addition or subtraction of fractions or subtraction of fractions and Fraction other operations of fractions M5NS-Ih-94
and whole numbers using whole numbers using appropriate M5NS-Ih-93.1 and whole numbers
appropriate problem M5NS-Ih-93.1
problem solving strategies and solving strategies and tools
tools M5NS-Ih-92.1
M5NS –Ih-92.1
II.CONTENT Number and number sense Number and number sense Number and number sense Number and number sense Number and number sense
1.Teacher’s Guide pages CG p.54 CG p.54 CG p. 54 CG p.54
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource metacards, pocket chart flash cards, chart fraction cards, picture, activity Power point presentation, Charts, flash cards, activity
sheet, power point presentation activity sheets cards
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill
presenting the new lesson Directions: Change these fractions Directions: Perform the indicated Strategy: “Agawan Bola” Strategy: Show-Me-Game Directions: Have a drill on
to lowest terms operations. Reduce to lowest Materials: One medium-sized basic multiplication and
Directions: Give the product of terms if possible ball, Flash Cards addition facts
these fractions a. 12 ×12 b. 415+ 78 c. 45−13 Review using flash cards.
d. 49×34 e. 4−16 Strategy: “The Weakest Link” 8 X 9 4X6 7 X 5 4 + 9 5 + 8
What are the steps in solving Solving word problems involving 2. Review
routine problems? How about non Multiplication of Fractions Strategy: Cooperative
routine problems? Learning
Multiplying Fraction by
Another Fraction
B.Establishing a purpose for the (Show a different of pictures of a For today we are going to Who can give me some Garbage is one of the most How many of you already
lesson boy selling newspaper) Solve mathematical problem involving multiplication characteristics of a Filipino? prevalent problems that we heard the word reciprocal?
Class, this is Marlon. He helps his of fraction How about you, what positive have now. Do you have an idea of what
parents earn money by characteristic do you possess? What are the most common is it? Let us see.
selling newspaper in their household waste materials?
neighborhood during Saturday and What can we do with those
Sunday. wastes to lessen our problem
on garbage? (Introduce the
3Rs- Reduce, Reuse and
The Grade Five Class initiated
a project to minimize the
problem on waste products in
their community.
Let us find out what it is.
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of What are the sources of the Original File Submitted and
the new lesson income of your family? Formatted by DepEd Club
Do your parents attend livelihood Member - visit depedclub.com
trainings and seminars? for more
D.Discussing new concepts and Presentation Problem Problem Problem Study the table of equation
practicing new skills #1 Problem Mrs. Luna gives 4 hours seminar A farmer plowed 3/4 of his land. In a newspaper drive, 3 given below
Marlon earns Php150 by selling and 34 hours livelihood training to He planted rice to 1/2 of the classes collected 20 23 kg, 25 (see powerpoint)
newspapers. He sets aside 25 of it the parents of Barangay Prenza on plowed part. What part of his 12kg and 3513 of newspapers
as his savings. How much does Mondays and Thursday. How many field was planted with rice? respectively. What was the
Marlon save from his earnings? hours of seminar and training did average collection per class?
she give them at the end of the 4th
E. Discussing new concepts and Performing Activities Give some comprehension Discuss the problem to the What was the project Questions:
practicing new skills #2 Answer the following questions: questions and valuing class. initiated by the Grade Five a. How many columns of
Questions How will you solve the problem? pupils? numbers are there?
a. What are given? Emphasize that the problem How many classes joined in b. What can you say about
b. What is being asked? involves multiplication of the newspaper drive? the numbers in each
c. What is the number sentence? fraction. How can such project help column?
d. How will you solve the Can you create problems similar lessen our widespread c. What kind of numbers are
problem? to the problem problem on garbage? ( Cite in column A? B? C?
e. If you were Marlon, what will presented? other ways on how pupils like d. Have you seen any
you do with your savings? you can help solve the pattern in each column?
problems on garbage) e. What mathematical term
What facts are given? is shown in the equation
What operations are given?
needed to solve the problem/
In a newspaper drive, 3
classes collected 20 23 kg, 25
12kg and 3513 of newspapers
respectively. What was the
average collection per class?
What is the number
sentence that fits the
What is the answer to the
Guide the pupils in solving the
Let them create another
problem similar to the given
F.Developing Mastery Performing Activities Divide the class into group of 5s. Group the pupils into four the pupils into four. Let the Group the pupils into four
Answer the following questions: The task of the pupils is to help working teams. Ask the groups to groups work cooperatively on learning teams. Let them
Questions each other to solve the problem. create a problem using the station 1 for group 1, station 2 answer the given questions.
a. What are given? Give them enough time to perform information below for group 2, station 3 for Give them ample time to do
b. What is being asked? the task. Let the group present and discuss group 3 and station 4 for the task.
c. What is the number sentence? After all groups have finished, the problem they have created. group 4. Let them present After all groups have
d. How will you solve the asked them to post their output on How did you create a problem their output one at a time. finished, let them display
problem? the board and let them discuss using the given information? Direction: Create a 2 to-3-step their output and
e. If you were Marlon, what will their solutions. word problem involving let them explain.
you do with your savings? Questions to answer: division of fractions with any
What is asked? of the other operations of
What are given? fractions and whole numbers
How will you solve the problem? based on the given data.
After the activity, ask the pupils to
explain their answers.
What is asked? (Understand)
Expected Answer : numbers of
hours of seminar and
Mrs. Luna gives 4 hours seminar
and 34 hours livelihood training to
the parents of Barangay Prenza on
Mondays and Thursday. How many
hours of seminar and training did
she give them at the end of the 4th
training did she give them at the
end of the 4th week
What are given? (Understand)
Expected Answer : 4 hours and 34
hours of seminar and
training on Mondays and Thursdays
What operations will you use?
Expected Answer : addition and
What is the number sentence?
Expected Answer : (4+34) ×4 =𝑁
How did you solve the problem?
Expected Answer : (4+34) ×4 =𝑁
434 ×4=194 ×4=191=19 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠
What is the final answer?
Expected Answer : She had given 19
hours of seminar and and training
at the end of the 4th week
G.Finding Parctical application of Group Work Group the pupils into five learning Create a problem using the data Create a problem involving Put a check on the blank if
concepts and skills in daily living Provide each group with a teams. Ask the group to work below division of fractions with any the first number is a
problem to solve. Let them post together in solving for the answer of the other operations of reciprocal of the second
their answers on the board. . to each problem. Give the learning fractions out of the given column.
Group 1- During a three-day teams enough time to do the task. situations.
camping, a Boy Scout troop a. Lilia spends 34 of her weekly (Let the pupils work by pair)
consumes 58 of the 50-kg sack of allowance for lunch and 15for
rice. How many kilograms of rice snacks. How much does she save if
were consumed? her weekly allowance 50 kg.
Group 2- Many jogs 5 35 kilometer is Php 500.
each day. How many kilometers b. Six- sevenths of a 49-meter long
does in jog in 3 weeks? cord was used for the
Group 3 - A Metro Aide can clean project. How many meters of cord
10 23 meters of the lawn per hour. were not used?
How many meters of lawn can he
clean in 4 13 hours? sold 4/5

? kg
H.Making generalization and To solve routine and non-routine To solve routine problems involving How will you create a problem How will you show that
abstraction about the lesson problems involving factors, multiplication with addition or involving Least Common Multiple In creating a problem, we do when you multiply a
multiples and divisibility rules, we subtraction of fractions and whole (LCM) given the following the following: fraction by its reciprocal is
are guided by the following: numbers using appropriate information? Familiarize ourselves with equal to 1?
Understand strategies and tools, follow these the concept and its Using equation, we can
Know what is asked in the steps: application to real-life show that multiplying a
problem Understand situations. fraction by its reciprocal is
Know the hidden questions Know what is asked Think of the type of equal to 1. And there is a
Know what are the given facts Know the given facts problems we want to create rule that says that when
Plan If any, determine the hidden Read some problems and product of two numbers is
Determine the operation to be questions study their solutions. 1, they are reciprocal to
used Plan each other or multiplicative
Write the number sentence Determine the operations to be inverse.
Solve used
Show the solution Write the number sentence
Check and Look Back Solve
Check your answers Use the operation solve
State the complete answer Check and Look Back
Write the correct answer
I.Evaluating learning Directions: Solve the following Directions: Read, analyze and solve Create problems involving multiplication of fraction Create a problem involving Write “YES” if the second
problems. the following problems. based on division of fractions with any number is the reciprocal of
a. Jose harvested 15 kilograms of a. Mr. Carino spent 12 of his salary the information given below of the other operations of the first. If not, write the
guavas from the orchard. He gave for food, 15for miscellaneous, and 1. Mr. Roxas gathered 100 eggs from his fractions out of the given reciprocal of the first
25 of them to his neighbors. How 310 for education. How much poultry. situations. Write your answers number
many kilograms of guavas were money was allotted for each item if He gave 48 to his friend. on your answer sheet 1) 1 ½ x 23=
given to the neighbors? his 2. Geward had 2 1/ 2 litres of paint. 2) 8 25x 542=
Julius sold 3 12 sacks of rice? Each monthly salary was Php 46,000. Used 2 /3 of it to paint their dining room 3) 2 38x 810=
sack weigh 50 kilograms. How b. It takes 25 yards of material to 4) 4 16x 624=
many kilograms of rice did Julius make a skirt and 34 to make a 5) 3 23 x 112
sell? dress.
To solve routine and non-routine How many yards will it take to
problems involving factors, make 6 skirts and 3 dresses?
multiples and divisibility rules, we
are guided by the following:
Know what is asked in the
Know the hidden questions
Know what are the given facts
Determine the operation to be
Write the number sentence
Show the solution
Check and Look Back
Check your answers
State the complete answer
A man owned a parcel of land that
was 2 58 hectares in area. He used
23 of it for a garden. What
fractions of the land is the garden?
b. A car travels at a speed of 2 14
kph. How far can it go in 3 13
J.additional activities for application Solve the problem below. Read, analyze and solve the Create problem involving Give the reciprocal of each
or remediation Nelia sold 5 12 sacks of calamansi. following problem. Multiplication of Fraction using Directions: Write a question of the following, then show
How many kilograms of calamansi A scoutmaster bought 35 m of the for the given situations. your solution.
did she sell if a sack weighed 4 rope. He used 47 of the information given below. Solve 1. Allan and his father can 1) 8
12kilograms assuming that the Roper for knot tying. How many for the answer repair one desk in 13 hour. 2) 1/5
sacks have the same weight? meters of rope were not used for They worked for 3 hours. 3) 3/7
knot tying? Problem: 4) 8/10
A.No. of learners who earned 80% ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on
in the evaluation next objective. next objective. the next objective. to the next objective. to the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got
mastery mastery mastery mastery 80% mastery
B.No.of learners who require ___Pupils did not find difficulties ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
additional activities for remediation in answering their lesson. answering their lesson. in answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering
___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in lesson. their lesson.
answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the answering their lesson. in answering their lesson.
because of lack of knowledge, because of lack of knowledge, lesson because of lack of ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the
skills and interest about the skills and interest about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
lesson. ___Pupils were interested on the about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest knowledge, skills and
___Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties ___Pupils were interested on about the lesson. interest about the lesson.
lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in answering the the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested
encountered in answering the questions asked by the teacher. difficulties encountered in the lesson, despite of some on the lesson, despite of
questions asked by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson answering the questions asked by difficulties encountered in some difficulties
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used the teacher. answering the questions encountered in answering
despite of limited resources used by the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson asked by the teacher. the questions asked by the
by the teacher. ___Majority of the pupils finished despite of limited resources used ___Pupils mastered the lesson teacher.
___Majority of the pupils finished their work on time. by the teacher. despite of limited resources ___Pupils mastered the
their work on time. ___Some pupils did not finish their ___Majority of the pupils finished used by the teacher. lesson despite of limited
___Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary their work on time. ___Majority of the pupils resources used by the
work on time due to unnecessary behavior. ___Some pupils did not finish finished their work on time. teacher.
behavior. their work on time due to ___Some pupils did not finish ___Majority of the pupils
unnecessary behavior. their work on time due to finished their work on time.
unnecessary behavior. ___Some pupils did not
finish their work on time
due to unnecessary

C.Did the remedial work? No.of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
learners who have caught up with above above above 80% above 80% above
the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
require remediation additional activities for additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
worked well? Why did these work? ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who
the lesson lesson the lesson up the lesson caught up the lesson
F.What difficulties did I encounter ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who
which my principal or supervisor require remediation require remediation require remediation to require remediation continue to require
can helpme solve? remediation
G.What innovation or localized Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
materials did used/discover whichI ___Metacognitive Development:  ___Metacognitive Development:  ___Metacognitive Development: well: well:
wish to share with other teachers? Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note Examples: Self assessments, note ___Metacognitive  ___Metacognitive
taking and studying techniques, taking and studying techniques, and taking and studying techniques, Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples:
and vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. and vocabulary assignments. assessments, note taking and Self assessments, note
 ___Bridging: Examples: Think-  ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair- ___Bridging: Examples: Think- studying techniques, and taking and studying
pair-share, quick-writes, and share, quick-writes, and pair-share, quick-writes, and vocabulary assignments. techniques, and vocabulary
anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts.  ___Bridging: Examples: Think- assignments.
   
pair-share, quick-writes, and ___Bridging: Examples:
 ___Schema-Building: Examples:  ___Schema-Building: 
Examples: ___Schema-Building: Examples: anticipatory charts. Think-pair-share, quick-
Compare and contrast, jigsaw Compare and contrast, jigsaw 
Compare and contrast, jigsaw writes, and anticipatory
learning, peer teaching, and learning, peer teaching, and learning, peer teaching, and charts.
 ___Schema-Building:
projects. projects. projects. Examples: Compare and 
   
contrast, jigsaw learning, peer ___Schema-Building:
 ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization: teaching, and projects. Examples: Compare and
 contrast, jigsaw learning,
 Examples: 
Demonstrations, Examples: Demonstrations, media,  Examples: Demonstrations,
peer teaching, and projects.
media, manipulatives, repetition, manipulatives, repetition, and local 
media, manipulatives, repetition, ___Contextualization:
and local opportunities. opportunities. and local opportunities.  Examples: Demonstrations, 
   media, 
manipulatives, ___Contextualization:
 ___Text Representation:  ___Text Representation:  ___Text Representation: repetition, and 
local Examples: Demonstrations,
opportunities. media, manipulatives,
 Examples: Student 
created Examples: Student 
created Examples: Student created
drawings, videos, and games. drawings, videos, and games. drawings, videos, and games.  repetition, and local
 ___Text Representation: opportunities.
 ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking  ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking  ___Modeling: Examples:
slowly and clearly, modeling the slowly and clearly, modeling the Speaking slowly and clearly,  Examples: Student created 
language you want students to language you want students to use, modeling the language you want drawings, videos, and games. ___Text Representation:
use, and providing samples of and providing samples of student students to use, and providing  ___Modeling: Examples:  Examples: Student created
student work. work. samples of student work. Speaking slowly and clearly, drawings, videos, and
modeling the language you games.
Other Techniques and Strategies Other Techniques and Strategies Other Techniques and Strategies want students to use, and  ___Modeling: Examples:
used: used: used: providing samples of student Speaking slowly and clearly,
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching work. modeling the language you
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration want students to use, and
___Gamification/Learning throuh ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___Gamification/Learning throuh Other Techniques and providing samples of
play play play Strategies used: student work.
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Explicit Teaching
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises ___ Group collaboration Other Techniques and
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___Gamification/Learning Strategies used:
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads throuh play ___ Explicit Teaching
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Answering preliminary ___ Group collaboration
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama activities/exercises ___Gamification/Learning
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Carousel throuh play
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Diads ___ Answering preliminary
Why? Why? Why? ___ Differentiated Instruction activities/exercises
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Carousel
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Discovery Method ___ Diads
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Lecture Method ___ Differentiated
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s Why? Instruction
collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation ___ Complete IMs ___ Role Playing/Drama
in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks ___ Availability of Materials ___ Discovery Method
___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Lecture Method
of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson ___ Group member’s Why?
collaboration/cooperation ___ Complete IMs
in doing their tasks ___ Availability of Materials
___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
of the lesson learn
___ Group member’s

in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual
of the lesson

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