Chapter 1 Research

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Chapter 1



Plant allelopathy is almost all around us, but some of us have never heard

about this fascinating phenomenon. Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon by which

an organism produces one or more biochemical that influences the germination,

growth, survival and reproduction of another organism. There biochemicals are also

called as allelochemicals and can have beneficial or detrimental effects on the other

plants. On the other hand, plant allelophaty effects of plant is also called as “Own

weed killer of Mother Nature”. This activity shows what variety of plants can kill the

other plants.

Nowadays many weeds could affect plants growth. This is the worldwide

concern over the over increasing loss of PGR (Plant Genetic Resources) diversity

especially of underutilized crops. This is one of the farmers problem of the weeds

affects the other organism. As you see as well alleloathy can be also considered for

the control of invasion of the weeds.

Farmers are often concerned that weeds may reduce crop yields. Weeds use

the same nutrients that crop plants use, often in very similar proportions. But then

with the use of allelopathy it helps lessen the farmer’s problem. Allelopathy forms an

important role in future weed control and crop productivity. They are less descriptive

of the global ecosystem than the synthetic agrochemicals.

Allelopathy on ecological interwoven interaction was the observation of many

scientists, gardeners and greenhouse workers for several hundred years. According to.

(Kato and Takami 2015), allelopathy activity and allelopathic substance in Jackfruit

(Artocarpos Heterophyllus) has traditionally been used in agroforestry system,

However there is limited information on the allelopathic property of the species. In an

investigation the possible allelopathic activity and allelopathic property substane of

allelopathy are its leaves.

Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus), this speacies has traditionally been used

in agroforestry systems for agriculture. In addition the jackfruit agoforestry system

increased crop productions nd reduced damage of the crops caused by insects and

herbivous animal. During the development of sustainable agriculture systems some

plants were found to provide excellent weed control ability in intercropping and or as

said additives due to the allelopathic property.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the allelopathic activity of jackfruit

(Artocarpus Heterophyllus) on goosegrass (Eleusine Indica). Specifically,it

seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the effect of 100% of leaf leachates of goose grass and

distilled water in terms of the following parameters:

1.1 seeds germination;

1.2 shoot length; and

1.3 root length?

Significance of the Study

This study enhance the crop productivity. In several agroforestry trees have

been shown to exert allelopathic influence on the crops. Jackfruit is one of the trees

used in agroforestry system, its possible allelopathic substance are its leaves. Its

leaves may be useful as soil additive materials to control weeds for sustainable


Scope and Delimitation

The main focus of this study is the allelopathic activity of jackfruit. This study

has been traditionally performed before in agroforestry system. Its allelopathic

substance is its leaves. With the use of its leaves, agricultural weed control alternative

to the present systematic herbicide demanded program are more being given with

consideration controlling weeds through allelopathy is a strategy to reduce deficiency

on synthetic herbicide.

Definition of Terms:

For better understanding the following terms are defined;

Jackfruit– This fruit has been used in agroforestry system. It has limited information

on the allelopathic property of species. Its allelopathic activity and allelophtic

substances is in jackfruit leaves.

Allelophaty- The chemical inhibitation of one plant (or other organism) by another,

due to the release into the environment of substances acting as germination or growth


Goosegrass- A serious annual used in the world,has embraced resistance to several

herbicide.The mechanism of paraquant resistance in weeds is only partially

understood .It has a strong,extensive root system and readily invades hard. So it is

considered as “serious weed”. It has been among the ‘’predominal” weed species.

Jackfruit leaves – It is the possible allelophatic substance in jackfruit tree,it has an

aqueous methanol extract .That was possibly used in agroforestry.

Allelochemicals- A chemical produced by living organism exerting a detriminal

psychological effect in the individuals of another species when released into the


Shoot length- The new growth from seed germination that grows upward the new

growth that grows from the ground in herbaceous plants that grows as woody plants.

Root length- distribution by diameter classes and root topology are also quantified.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the foreign and local literature that focuses to determine

the allelopathic activity of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus). A conceptual

framework is presented which serves for showing the interactions of the variables

under the experimentations.

As studied by (Kato and Takami 2015), artocarpus heterophyllus has been

traditionally used in agroforestry system, for agriculture productions whereby crops

araised under the tree canopies and within shady environment. Biodiversity in

agroforestry system is typically higher than that in conventional agricultural system

and the system creates a more complex habitat for a variety of birds, insects, and other

animals. During the development plants were found to provide excellent weed control

ability in intercropping and/or as soil additives due to their allelopathic property. An

aqueous methanol extract of jackfruit leaves inhibited the growth of roots. Therefore

allelopathy of plants is useful for weed management options in several agriculture

settings reduce depending on commercial herbicides.

Interactions of allelochemicals also promotes growth and folias application of

extracts of various plants species viz.sunflower,canola,sorgrum and moringa have

potential role in improving resistance against pest and pathogen in cereals (Cheema

et al.,2013). Allelochemicals are mainly synthesized in roots, stem, leaves, flowers,

fruits and seeds. They are present throughout the plant body, through their

concentration differs from part to part. Quantity of allelochemicals production is

widely influenced by genetics as well as environmental factors including light factor

at different growth stages. They belong to different classes of compounds viz.

phenolics, alkaloids, glucosinulates, carbohydrates and amino acids (Farooq et al.,


Teak is the common name for the tropical hardwood tree species Tectona

grandis and its wood products Tectona grandis is native to south and south east and

Asia, mainly India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Burma, but is naturalize and cultivated

in any countries including those in Africa and the Caribbean, Burma accounts for

nearly one third of the worlds total teak production. The word teak comes from

Malayalam word. This tree is mentioned in the seventh-century literature of Tamil in

Tamil popularly known as tevaram, Tectona grandis is a large deciduous tree that is

dominant in mixed hardwood forests. It has small fragrant white flowers and papery

leaves that are often hairy on the lower surface,(Manmegalai . 2013)

Similar promotory effects obtained in 5% treated seedlings of green gram.

The leaf extract of Tectona grandis, Albiza procora and Acacia. The leaf extracts of

Tectona grandis exhibited a promontory effects in fresh weight in 5% extract

treatment and an inhibitory effect in ll other concentmugnorations employed over

control in test crops Vigna mungo and Vigna radiata. As the concentration of the teak

leaf extracts increased the inhibitory effects also increased ( Manimegalai et al., 2013)

Wheat was most probably originated from the Karacadag Mountains located

near the Diyarbakar city of Turkey. More than 1000 year old remains of wheat grain

have also been found in some old sites that are in Syria and Iraq located near the

border of Turkey (i.e., near to Karacadag Mountains). Current global area and grain

production of wheat is nearly 222 m ha and 729 m tons, respectively (FAO 2014).

More than 40 and 30% of this production comes from Asia and Europe,

respectively,while Americas and Africa produce almost 18 and 3% of the total wheat

grains in the world (FAO 2014) Growing allelopathic wheat cultivars can help to

achieve eco-friendly weed control (Jabran et al. 2015) Multiple geneswere found to

control the allelopathic potential of wheat genotypes, while chromosome1A and 2B

were containing the 75% and 25% genes of allelopathy, respectively (Zuo et al. 2012).

Chapter 3


This study is made to show the statistical tools to be used in every research

question. It also contains the Research Design, Research Locale and as well as the

Research Instrument.

Research Locale

This study aimed to determine the effect of Jackfruit (Artocarpus

Heterophyllus) leachates on goose grass (Eleusine Indica). This study is conducted at

Labangal National High School that is located in General Santos City.

Research Design

This study aimed to determine the Allelopathic activity of Jackfruit

(Artocarpus Heterophyllus) on goose grass (Eleusine indica). This study uses air dry

method to make the Jackfruit leaves strong and dry.The independent variable in this

study is the Jackfruit leaves as we can’t control it while the dependent variable is the

goose grass for us can’t manipulate it.

Reearch Procedure

The objective of ths study is to increase crop production and to reduce damage

caused by weeds. First to do the experiment you need to gather up all the materials

needed. Wash the jackfruit leaves using distilled water and dry it all using blow dryer.

Put the jackfruit leaves in the jars with the same amount. Pour some distilled water

inside each jars with the amount of 75 ml. Close all the jars and leave all it for 14

days. After 14 days, get its extract. Put 10 seeds of goosegrass in the petri-dish. Pour

the jackfruit extract and distilled water inside each petri-dish with the correct and

same amount. Then soak the seeds for 3 week. After 21 days, check if there are any

seed germination happened.


The instrument that is needed in this study are the jackfruit leaves, jars,

beaker, graduated cylinder used for measuring the volume of the extract and distilled

water, twizer or puller, wash bottle to clean the jars, air blower to dry the leaves, and

petri- dish were the seeds are putted.

Statistical tool

This study aimed to determine the allelopathic activity of jackfruit leachate on

goose grass. For sub-problem number 1 it uses mean.

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter shows all the data gathered in the experiment done. This

data is columned by its seed germination, by its shoot length, and by its root length. It

is columned to show the improvement growth of goose grass seeds in the following

treatment and it also presents the interpretation of each table that explains what the

table contains. This chapter gives the total average of the seeds that grew are solved.

Table 1 Seeds Germination

Seeds germination mean

Treatments R1 R2 R3

100% 0 0 1 0.33

H2O 0 0 0 0

Table 1 shows the seeds germination and its replications using 100% extract of

jackfruit leachates and distilled water. There are three replications shown above and

in replication 1and 2 using leaf extracts have no indication of germination s well as

for distilled water from the replication 1 to 3 but there is 1 seed in replication 3 of

100% leachate out of 10 seeds. The 100% leachate has a mean of 0.33 that indicates

the seeds germination.

Table 2 Shoot Length

Shoot Length(cm) mean

Treatments R1 R2 R3 (cm)

100% 0 0 .7 0.23
H2O 0 0 0 0

In this table, it presents the shoot length of the goose grass seeds in 100%

extract of jackfruit leachates and in distilled water, again there are three replications

are shown, and in first and second replication it shows that there are no shoot length

measured because the seeds didn’t germinate. At the third replication, at the treatment

100% extract of jackfruit leachates, 1 out of 10 seeds has the measure of 0.7cm, but

at the treatment of distilled water there are no shoot length measured.

Table 3 Root Length

Root length (cm) mean

Treatments R1 R2 R3 (cm)

100 0 0 .6 0.2
H2O 0 0 0 0

Table 3 presents the root length of those seeds that germinate, again there are

three replication are presented, and in replication 1 and 2 in the two treatments, there

are no root length measured because there are no seeds grew. But in replication 3 that

is the extract of jackfruit leachates manifest one seed grew and its root measures 0.6

cm, but in its second treatment which is distilled water there are no root measured

because there are no seed grew.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the conclusions and the summary from the results of the
experiment done. This also shows the recommendations of us researchers to pursue
the study created.

Summary of the Findings

This study determined the allelopathic activity of jackfruit leachates on goose

grass leaves. The researchers used jackfruit leachates as an allelopathic substance and
goose grass seeds as a dependent factor to know if there are any germination
happened if there is no germination means the allelopathic substance of jackfruit is

The results were gathered after one week, 99% seeds of the goose grass
germinated. The shoot and root length of the seeds was affected by the leachates of
the jackfruit. But there was one seed that germinate, the seed was not really located.
This that shows that its allelopathic substance is an effective soil additive material.


The following conclusion was based on the experiment done. The observation
was based on the germination of the goose grass seeds. The germination of seeds are
classified by its root length and shoot length.

The factors that used are the shoot and root length to measure all the seeds that
germinate in each petri-dish that contains jackfruit extracts and others are distilled
water. On the experimentation performed, all the data are gathered and the data
showed that most of the seeds died. But there was one seed that survived. At the
observation there was no exact germination of seeds happened. The seed that
germinate was not really located at the extract. So therefore the allelopathic substance
or the jackfruit extract has a possible and effective allelopathic activity.


The following are the recommendations discuss by the researchers according

on the conclusion of the study on allelopathic activity of jackfruit on goosegrass

1. The researchers recommended to use this study as there basses to prove that
the jackfruit has allelopathic substance that is effective as a soil additive
material and it could control the invasion of weeds. This study can help
improve crop productivity.
2. For the next researchers, we recommended to choose this study to give
another new information that could help improve our agriculture


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