Lecture 15
Lecture 15
Lecture 15
• Clinical signs include: a high fever; red patches with discharge from around the
eyes, nose and mouth; frothy saliva from the mouth; constipation followed by
diarrhea. After a few days, the infected animal dies.
– Rinderpest can be prevented with vaccination but spreads easily among non-
vaccinated herds through livestock trade and pastoral migrations.
– Rinderpest is reportable, and a worldwide eradication effort for 2010 (was 2004) is
• Thought to have shaped society in the Nuer people of Sudan in the 1930s
– Had been pastoralists, cattle as bride prices, Rinderpest changes the price, makes
horticulture part of society (Evans-Pritchard research)
• Do-able options
– Give kids shots
– Give dogs shots