Wash Guidelines 2014 Enndjdjd
Wash Guidelines 2014 Enndjdjd
Wash Guidelines 2014 Enndjdjd
Swiss Red Cross
Rainmattstrasse 10/P.O. Box
CH-3001 Berne
Phone 031 387 71 11
July 2014
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
1. Introduction
Clean drinking water and hygiene are essential factors of health, yet 800 million people
worldwide continue to live without access to drinking water and 2.6 billion without sanitary
facilities. These deficiencies account for 80 per cent of illnesses in developing countries.
Functioning and environmentally sound waste water management and garbage disposal
remain the exception in rural and poor urban areas.
Swiss Red Cross (SRC) recognises health to be a fundamental right and a prerequisite for
decent living conditions. The main mission of SRC International Cooperation is to foster
healthy living and improved disaster management capacities among particularly vulnerable
people and communities. Improving people’s access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is
integral to the SRC’ overall mission to prevent and alleviate human suffering in Switzerland
and abroad, fostering healthy living and improved disaster management capacities among
particularly vulnerable people and communities (mission statement of the SRC International
Cooperation from the SRC Strategy 2020 for International Cooperation).
The SRC “Health Policy for International Cooperation 2012-2017” provides a guiding
framework for the health programs of the Department of International Cooperation (IC) over
the coming years. SRC acknowledges that access to safe water and sanitation and
improved hygiene are critical determinants of good health. Thus Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene (WASH) is one of the thematic priorities detailed in the health policy as well as in
the concept for disaster management.
SRC WASH programs aim to reduce poverty and vulnerability by improving the health status
of the population. The WASH programs are contributing to the attainment of the UN
Millennium Development Goal 7, Target 3; “halve the proportion of the population without
access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation”. SRC WASH programs are based on
partnerships with the National Red Cross/Red Crescent Society and relevant agencies from
government and civil society in the country of operation. Capacity building of partners is a
key component. The fundamental importance of “software” to the success of a WASH
program is recognised; development of water and sanitation infrastructure is always
associated with hygiene promotion and capacity building.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
This document should be read in conjunction with the full range of SRC International
Cooperation strategy documents, including the SRC strategy 2020 for International
Cooperation, the Health Policy and the continental strategies and thematic concept papers
and fact sheets. All of these documents are available online as annexes to the SRC Field
Manual. An overview of their scope and interconnections is provided here.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
3. Areas of Intervention
The activity of the SRC abroad concentrates on the poorest countries of the world and
particularly on areas which are the least provided for with goods and basic services.
• Emergency Relief: Save lives and alleviate suffering by responding to the basic
health needs of vulnerable people affected by disasters. SRC aims at meeting the
basic needs of people in a crisis, for example in the aftermath of a disaster. The
needs for basic WASH-related services in this case can be urgent and profound,
such as addressing the available water quantity of the population or improving water
quality standards by distributing water purification tablets.
• Reconstruction and rehabilitation: Rebuild primary health care systems and
reduce vulnerability to future disasters. Empower vulnerable groups and communities
to claim their right to health and to act on the determinants of health. WASH activities
can be implemented by SRC as part of a broader reconstruction effort; providing
water and sanitation systems as part of a housing reconstruction program, for
• Development Cooperation: Enable access to equitable quality health services for
vulnerable groups and communities. Empower vulnerable groups and communities to
claim their right to health, to act on the determinants of health, and to reduce their
vulnerability to future disasters. SRC strengthens local capacities to ensure
sustainability in WASH service delivery. SRC implements WASH programs in a
development cooperation context, such as the construction or rehabilitation of
community managed water systems, as part of its ongoing strategy to reduce poverty
and vulnerability by improving the health status of the supported population.
The WASH sector therefore provides a good illustration of the potential benefits of the LRRD
approach to humanitarian aid. Relief and development are interdependent and should be
considered as such when planning and implementing projects. Better development can
reduce the need for emergency relief and better rehabilitation can provide a basis for
successful development. In the WASH sector this means e.g. that the construction of flood
proofed toilets can reduce the risk of faecal contamination when the water level rises during
an emergency. Likewise the construction of toilets already during the reconstruction phase
should go hand in hand with hygiene education in order to secure a long term health impact.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
• The proposed intervention will have a measureable impact on the health of the
targeted beneficiary population
• An adequate needs assessment has been carried out
• Potential partners have been identified and their skills and shortcomings assessed
• A risk assessment has been carried out to assess political and social constraints in
the operational area and to check for possible unintended negative consequences of
the WASH intervention (see also Conflict Sensitive Project Management and Do-no-
• Adequate financial and human resources are available
• The geographical location meets SRC’s need to restrict its activities to a limited
number of countries and, if applicable, meets the requirements of the individual
country program.
• Where applicable, the proposed intervention meets the requirements of a
coordinated multilateral approach in association with the International Federation,
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the local Red Cross / Red
Crescent society
• Appropriate local partners are willing and able (with suitable capacity building
activities, as required) to take ownership of the program
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
For each indicator, the data source and collection method (when, by whom, etc.) must be
identified. This information is included in a column in the separate Monitoring Plan (see SRC
Field Manual) – in which each indicator is listed along with all the relevant information
related to it.
The use of Project Cycle Management in SRC is explained in detail in the SRC Field
Manual. A WASH project should follow the processes outlined there.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
The time and resources to be invested in any assessment will depend on a number of
variable factors. However, essentially, the assessment of needs should yield approximate
but objective information on the following:
• National strategies with reference to water, sanitation and hygiene
• Population size
• Water sources (type and distance from households) for drinking, washing, cleaning,
• Water yield (availability and quantity of water yield during different seasons)
• Ownership of water source and land rights
• Water usage (quantity)
• Water quality (biological and chemical)
• Toilets: quality, availability and usage
• Hygiene knowledge and practices
• Presence of diarrhoea and other faecal-orally transmitted diseases
• Potential costs of water and sanitation at construction and long-term maintenance
and use (affordability)
It is very important to assess properly the issues related to land rights, ownership of water
sources and rights to water sources, before starting any WASH program. It is important to
check and assess all communities surrounded by or possibly benefitting from a particular
water source. Careful assessment with involvement of all stakeholders of the water source is
important to avoid conflicts right from the project’s start. Legal registration or documentation
of the rights to the water source may be an important first step to start off a WASH program.
Another important issue to consider is the water yield at different times of the year. One-off
assessments are not sufficient to assess the water yield throughout the year because it may
fluctuate according to season. Various seasonal assessments need to be conducted and
careful calculations of water yield done before settling for a certain type of water supply
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
When it comes to assessing the feasibility of a SRC WASH intervention, input should be
sought from potential partners, including:
• Donors (national and international)
• The local Red Cross / Red Crescent National Society
• Sector coordination bodies, e.g. the WASH Cluster
• Beneficiaries in the communities with particular emphasis to include women and girls
• Local government
• Local health Institutions
• Water and Sanitation Departments (and/or Rural Development Departments)
During this feasibility assessment the process of identifying the entities to which the
implemented project will be handed over should already be carried out. These will usually be
some combination of community groups, local government, service delivery authorities and
the private sector. Ideally these entities should be included in the planning phase.
The capacity of the entities to which the project is to be handed over must be taken into
account during the planning and design phases. For instance the long-term capacity and
willingness of a newly-formed village water committee to collect and manage funds in a
manner approved by the entire community should not be over-estimated. In this case, simple
water delivery systems such as boreholes with manual hand pumps may be more suitable
than a technically complex pumped/piped system.
Joint Planning
Planning is the process of combining the findings of the assessment with the SRC WASH
objectives and available resources to work out the most suitable intervention. The output of
the planning process will include a project logical framework, as described above. It should
be developed in a joint planning process with representatives of all the project partners with
involvement of the most vulnerable and women and girls in the process. Decisions that have
to be made at this stage (if they haven’t already been made) include the following:
• In which location(s) will the interventions take place
• What type of interventions will be implemented
• What will be the objectives, outputs and activities
Baseline Information
It is important that information to describe the current (pre-intervention) situation be obtained
in order to allow comparisons to be made and progress to be assessed. Establishing a
baseline makes it possible to identify the achievements of the program and demonstrate the
extent to which the objectives have been accomplished. Measuring the objectives against a
baseline will also allow for lessons to be learned for future projects.
The indicators used in the program logical framework must be measured during the baseline
More information on the implementation of baseline surveys can be obtained from the health
advisor at SRC headquarters.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
6.3. Implementation
In this section, brief details are given on the implementation components of the WASH
program. Some of these components, e.g. selection of technical options, will be covered to
some extent during the planning and proposal writing stages but as they also constitute part
of the project implementation they are included here.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
A checklist for assessing the feasibility of a WASH project (adapted from the WHO
“Checklist for Rapid Assessments”) is included in the Annex 2.
Other helpful checklists for minimum standards in water and sanitation are developed by
Swiss Solidarity (see Annex 3 and Annex 4). If a WASH project is submitted to Swiss
Solidarity for funding, the application of these minimum standard checklists is compulsory!
The SPHERE standards9 (link to personal download) outline the basic principles of water
supplies from page 79 to 139.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Test kits which do both biological and chemical testing are also available (see Wagtech
website). Before procuring water quality test kits, ensure that their costs are justified in the
WASH project and that field staff and communities are able to handle the test kit.
It is necessary to test water quality to identify contamination in existing water sources and to
check potential new sources during the initial assessment. In existing systems, testing
samples of water taken from the source and comparing the results with tests of samples
taken from the point of use (e.g. a household water container) can help to identify causes of
contamination during collection, transportation and storage of water.
In locations that are known to be arsenic endemic, the presence of arsenic must be tested
for before developing any proposed source. Relatively inexpensive and easy to use field test
kits are available for reliable and accurate arsenic testing.
Water quality tests need to be carried out in a regular interval. Ideally, the water quality
testing is performed by the local water authorities as part of their regular duty. However, in
settings where these authorities are not existing or not functional, the project has to
determine the time frame and the testing agent as part of the project plan. Furthermore a
sustainable community based testing model has to be developed in order to sustain water
quality testing beyond the project duration.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Water Treatment
For piped water distribution systems, water treatment is best implemented by the local
authority responsible for the system. Such treatment systems will typically involve filtration
and chlorination of the water. The system must be designed so that its level of complexity
and its running costs are within the capacity of the community to maintain.
When water is collected by the users directly from the source, e.g. wells, boreholes, it may
be necessary to implement some form of household water treatment.
Every system of water treatment has advantages and disadvantages and a range of
suitability to different situations. Advantages and disadvantages of different water treatment
options can be found here:
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
IFRCS Household water treatment and safe storage manual (9 languages 24)
EAWAG presentation on water treatment options (available in SRC on request)
Most importantly, waste water needs to be drained properly and should not stagnate, in
order not to become breeding places for vectors.
For the larger scale communal water and sanitation system, constructed wetlands may be
considered for the biological waste water treatment.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
If water systems are handed over to the Government, the operation and maintenance of the
water system should be in the hands of the local Government, who will then be responsible
and pay for regular service and repair.
6.3.3. Sanitation
In a WASH program the term “sanitation” usually refers to human excreta disposal.
However, it should also take into account environmental sanitation issues such as solid
waste disposal, disposal of animal excreta, wastewater control and vector control. The
benefits of good sanitation can include convenience, dignity, status, but the most important
benefit from the point of view of a WASH program is health. The fundamental purpose of
sanitation is to block the faecal-oral route of disease transmission.
The emergency sanitation project, a consortium of the IFRCS, Waste and Oxfam UK, are
experimenting different sanitation options, sludge management, hygiene practises
particularly geared for emergency settings. However, their findings and innovations are
applicable in other settings too.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
The major criterion regarding the choice of technology is the availability of water for flushing.
For flush latrines to function, water must be available (at least 2.5 litres per flush) all year
round. Some links to resources for detailed technical designs are provided here:
• Information on Improved Latrine Options: WSP-EAP 29
• Toilet Options – Pour Flush Toilets: The World Bank 30
• Low-cost Toilet Options: WEDC/WaterAid 31
• Pour-flush latrines factsheet: WHO 32
• Sanitation technology: WaterAid 33
• Technical Guidelines for School Latrines: UNICEF 34
• EAWAG compendium of sanitation systems and technologies 35
• Contemporary Toilet designs (WECD, EOOS) 36
Household latrines
For new latrines to be sustainable the users must feel ownership of them. The degree of
ownership felt by the users is generally dependant on the level of their input to the design
and construction process. Beneficiary participation is essential, and should be obtained via a
hygiene promotion and social mobilisation program. Having a latrine is not always seen as a
high priority. Households that could afford latrines often allocate their resources to things
that are considered more important. Creating demand can be an essential part of a
sanitation program.
There is an ongoing debate about the degree to which household sanitation should be
subsidised by aid agencies and by government. The possibilities range from 100% of
funding being provided, through various levels of beneficiary cost/labour sharing, to having
all the costs borne by the beneficiary households with only “software” input from the WASH
program. No one approach is suitable for all applications. Approaches require adaptation to
the local context and the most appropriate one must be selected for each set of
Farming households, which keep a substantial amount of animals in their vicinity may look at
the option to establish a biogas system. It is worth looking at the different country policies
and subsidies offered for biogas constructions.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
It is important that even before the toilet construction, households allocate a space for hand
washing with soap close to the toilet. During construction a hand washing basin and place
for the soap may be already installed alongside one toilet wall.
For latrines in public facilities, such as schools and in medical centers, maintenance and
cleaning requires to be regulated with the local health staff and school management
committees and/or the respective local authorities. The design of these latrines needs to
take user needs into account, e.g. including child friendly and disability friendly access and
use, catering for the disposal of sanitary pads in female toilets (particularly important in
schools) and meeting the needs of pregnant women. It is important not to forget the hand
washing facilities in the immediate vicinity of the toilet.
WASH in schools and school latrines (link to various resources on IFRCS WASH Mission
Assistant) 37
Sludge management
When designing and offering different toilet options to the individual households and public
stakeholders, the management of sludge needs to be discussed. This depends on the toilet
design (e.g. single-pit versus double pit; ECOSAN versus pour-flush latrines). In rural areas,
it is difficult however to practice sludge management in the community, as mostly the first
pits will require emptying long after the project has been completed. However, capacity
building and allocation of responsibility on how to do the sludge management and where and
when to dispose the sludge are helpful.
In urban areas, the sludge management should be discussed during the planning stage with
all the stakeholders. Local Governments and municipalities are responsible for waste
management. They also operate trucks for faecal collection. Depending on the environment,
the construction of different types of wetlands can be alternative for centralised biological
treatment of the black water.
The social and cultural habits in regards to sludge management are very important and need
to be assessed carefully in the local context in order to know what type of management is
appropriate and who will do it.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
It is important to emphasise the need of cleanliness, while hinting on the detrimental effects
of the use of detergents. Possibilities for securing necessary financial resources for the
operation and maintenance of public toilets, as well as the regular cleaning and incineration
of sanitary pads needs to be discussed and determined with the owners of the public toilets.
Tapping the market: Sanitation marketing for the poor: World Bank 40
SaniMarts 41
The “F-Diagram”, in its various formats, shows the faecal-oral transmission routes of
diseases and control barriers and gives a good overall view of the importance of hygiene
and sanitation.
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Figure 2: The F-Diagram: Routes of faecal disease transmission and protective barriers (Source: World Bank)
There are several hygiene promotion tools that have been developed by various agencies
and used successfully in relief and development contexts. One important lesson that has
been learned is that for hygiene promotion to be successful, it must be a participatory
process. The beneficiary groups must be empowered to recognise any deficiencies in the
existing situation and to decide on what steps need to be taken to improve it.
The table below lists the most widely used software tools, divided into categories to show
their role in comparison to each other. This information is adapted from the “Water Supply
and Sanitation Collaborative Council’s” publication called “Hygiene and Sanitation Software;
an Overview of Approaches 43” which provides detailed comparable information on each of
these software tools.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
When deciding which tool to use, the local context is the most important thing to consider.
The target community’s current positions on the “sanitation and hygiene ladder” should be
central to the decision making process.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
The enabling environment, i.e. the prevailing conditions under which the program will
operate, is also critical in deciding which approach is most appropriate.
Hand washing
Hand washing with soap is the most effective way to avoid diarrhoeal diseases and has the
highest impact to an improved health status. The promotion of hand washing should
encompass the following:
• practising the seven steps of hand-washing 65
• knowing and practising hand washing at the most crucial times (before meals, after
toilet, before feeding baby and after dealing with animals)
• producing soap from local material
• marketing of soap through hygiene promoters (social marketing of hygiene articles)
Hand washing is considered a central element of school hygiene, where students bring
home new habits and teach their family members as peers. Making the difference of clean
and dirty hands visible to others has a lasting impact (e.g. check colour of water before and
after hand wash; make bacteria visible).
The selection of hand washing places, including material to wash hands (e.g. jerry can,
water container with tap, water can, tippy tap) with soap stand needs to be integral part of
each WASH project. Because of its antibacterial effect, soap is the preferred element to be
used, followed by ashes.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Menstrual hygiene
Menstrual hygiene should be an integral part of the hygiene promotion for females in the
community as well as in schools. Caring for menstrual hygiene needs is important to avoid
recurring chlamydia infections, pelvic inflammatory diseases and missing school days. The
use and safe disposal of sanitary pads is part of the hygiene promotion. In areas, where
disposable sanitary pads are not available or not affordable, safe alternatives need to be
propagated. Where possible, male members of the community should be involved to explain
the importance of good hygiene during menstruation, particularly since men are often the
budget holders in the family. Promotion to dry menstruation cloth in the open air and sun is
also an important element of menstrual hygiene which requires sensitisation of male and
female household members.
Environmental hygiene
Keeping animals at distance from the household and particularly the kitchen of a family, as
well as disposing rubbish in safe place are other important hygiene messages in order to
avoid contamination. Applying the 4R’s (reducing, reusing, recycling, replacing) can reduce
rubbish significantly. Depending on the local context, the recyclables can be sold and turned
again into money.
Next to solid waste disposal, it is important to eliminate breeding places for mosquitoes,
which contract dengue, chikungunya or malaria. Drying the breeding places of these vectors
are other important measures of environmental hygiene, which help to significantly reduce
the cases of infectious diseases.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
An evaluation should be done for every WASH project/program. There are various different
approaches to evaluations depending on the size and type of project or program. The
evaluation can be internal or it can be carried out by external evaluators. Its size and scope
should be proportional to the scale of the WASH program. An evaluation of a WASH
program should identify what impact the program has had, i.e. what has changed as a result
of implementing the program compared to what the situation would be if it hadn’t been
implemented. It should have the scope to identify unintended changes as well as planned
ones. It is important to use the same indicators in the evaluation than in the baseline survey
in order to make comparisons.
For the reliability of data and result verification, a quantitative and qualitative survey
approach for data triangulation is recommended. The findings of the impact evaluation
should inform decisions regarding expansion or modification of WASH programs, and
importantly, should generate information that will help the process of designing future
programs. Every WASH project or program should include an allowance in terms of cost,
resources and time, for a meaningful impact evaluation.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
8. Phase Out
The objective of phasing out from a WASH project is the complete independence of the
implemented systems from project funding. Most WASH project interventions – e.g. a water
supply system – will require an ongoing source of funding for operation and maintenance. It
is important to recognise this during the technical design phase. For example, a system of
measuring water usage might help to facilitate the process of fair and transparent cost
The WASH project will be handed over to the entity (e.g. local authorities, community etc.)
as already identified in the assessment and planning phase taking into account the capacity
the entity has proven within the project implementation cycle.
Where possible, the phasing-out strategy should involve handing over the management of
the new systems to existing entities with proven ability. These should ideally be the local
water board or appropriate office of local government, or, where that isn’t possible, existing
community development committees. Other institutions such as schools or mosques will
usually have existing systems for collecting and managing funds too.
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
1. Water
1. Describe the current situation with regard to water supply.
2. What is the population being targeted? How are they distributed? Are they displaced?
3. What is the input from local authorities?
4. What is the input from other agencies?
1. How much water is available per person per day?
2. Is there equitable access to it?
3. How much water is available at the sources? Is it enough for long term needs?
4. Is the current water supply reliable? What may affect this (e.g. seasonality)?
5. Does a provision for drinking water for livestock need to be considered?
1. What are the water sources?
2. Is the water source contaminated or at risk of contamination? By what?
3. Is treatment required? Is treatment possible? What type of treatment is necessary?
4. Is water likely to be contaminated during transportation and/or storage? If so, why?
1. How far are water collection points from where people live?
2. Are there any problems of accessibility for vulnerable groups, e.g. elderly, disabled,
3. Are there possible alternative sources? What? Where are they?
4. Are there any legal or other obstacles to using the existing or new sources? What are
1. What do people use to transport water? Do people have enough suitable water
2. Is there a possibility of contamination during transport and storage due the containers
currently in use?
Technical options:
1. Why is the existing water supply situation inadequate?
2. What do the local people believe is the best technical solution? Why?
3. Is there a piped network that can be expanded?
4. Is rain water harvesting feasible, in terms of rainfall abundance and cultural acceptance?
5. Are there any springs that can be used?
6. What other options are available?
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
2. Sanitation
Excreta disposal
General Description:
1. What is the population being targeted? How are they distributed? Are they displaced?
2. Describe the current situation with regard to excreta disposal
3. What facilities already exist?
4. What is the local preferred method of anal cleansing?
1. Are there any existing facilities for excreta disposal? Are they functional and in use?
Can they be extended?
2. Is there equitable access to the existing facilities?
3. Are there facilities for hand-washing?
4. Are there any problems of accessibility for vulnerable groups, e.g. elderly, disabled,
5. Are the current defecation practices a threat to health? If so, how?
6. Is there sufficient space for new facilities?
1. What are the current beliefs and traditions concerning excreta disposal especially
regarding women’s habits and attitude towards child excreta?
2. What material/water is used for anal cleansing? Is it available?
3. Are both men and women prepared to use communal latrines or family latrines?
4. Are there any people familiar with the construction of latrines?
5. How do women deal with menstruation? Are there materials or facilities they need for
Technical Aspects:
7. How does the land slope and what are the drainage patterns?
8. What is the depth and permeability of the soil, and can it be dug easily by hand?
9. What is the level of the groundwater table?
10. What local materials are available for constructing toilets?
11. When does the seasonal rainfall occur? Will it affect the construction or functionality of
new latrines?
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Wastewater disposal
1. Does flooding occur? What impact does it have?
2. Do people have the means to protect their shelters and latrines from local flooding?
3. Are there any stagnant pools of standing water?
4. What are the existing methods of disposing of water from: water points, domestic waste
water from washing utensils, bathrooms, laundry etc, and livestock?
5. Is there enough slope or drainage facilities for disposal of storm water?
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
References to websites
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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines
Swiss Red Cross
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines