Modify CIS Program 2008

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Note: One copy of this approval sheet must accompany the original of each
proposal during the entire approval process. Proposals should be prepared
according to the Guide and Format for Submitting Course/Curriculum Proposals.

Date: January 31, 2008

Academic Unit: Division of Computer Information Systems

Signature of Initiating Division Head: James F. Roiger, Chair

Desired Effective Date of Change: Fall 2008

Nature of Change (Circle One): ADD DELETE MODIFY


Current Listing in Catalog: CIS Core Curriculum

See Appendix A Attached

New Listing for Catalog: CIS Core Curriculum

See Appendix B Attached

Summary: The Division of CIS will drop CIS 1013 – Introduction to

Computer-based Systems as a required course and replace it with CIS 2193
– PC Hardware and Software Maintenance. The Division will add CIS 3453
– World Wide Web Programming as a required core curriculum course.


See Appendix C Attached

Approved: Date:

_____________________________ _____________________
Chair, Curriculum and
Standards Committee

_____________________________ _____________________
Chair, Assembly

_____________________________ _____________________
Division of Computer Information Systems

Appendix A

Present Core Curriculum

Major Requirements .......................................................................................................................36 hours

CIS 1013 Introduction to Computer-Based Systems
CIS 2203 Programming Logic and Design
CIS 2223 Microcomputer Applications
CIS 3103 Advanced Microcomputer Applications
CIS 3443 Object-Oriented Programming Languages
CIS 3523 Structured System Analysis and Design
CIS 3553 Advanced COBOL
CIS 4503 Business Data Communications
CIS 4623 Database Management Systems
CIS 4633 Application Software Development Project
Three credit hours of CIS electives at the 3000-4000 level
Supportive Requirements ...............................................................................................................24 hours
ACCT 2213 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2223 Principles of Accounting II
ECON 2213 Principles of Microeconomics
ENGL 3253 Technical Writing
G B 2113 Business Statistics I
MKT 3403 Principles of Marketing
One of the following:
MGMT 3473 Principles of Management
MGMT 4613 Management Information Systems
One of the following:
SPCH 3483 Communication in Small Groups
SPCH 3533 Communication in Organizations

One hour of general electives must be at the 3000-4000 level.

Division of Computer Information Systems

Appendix B

Proposed Core Curriculum

Major Requirements .......................................................................................................................39 hours

CIS 1013 Introduction to Computer-Based Systems
CIS 2193 PC Hardware and Software Maintenance
CIS 2203 Programming Logic and Design
CIS 2223 Microcomputer Applications
CIS 3103 Advanced Microcomputer Applications
CIS 3443 Object-Oriented Programming Languages
CIS 3453 World Wide Web Programming
CIS 3523 Structured System Analysis and Design
CIS 3553 Advanced COBOL
CIS 4503 Business Data Communications
CIS 4623 Database Management Systems
CIS 4633 Application Software Development Project
Three credit hours of CIS electives at the 3000-4000 level
Supportive Requirements ...............................................................................................................24 hours
ACCT 2213 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2223 Principles of Accounting II
ECON 2213 Principles of Microeconomics
ENGL 3253 Technical Writing
G B 2113 Business Statistics I
MKT 3403 Principles of Marketing
One of the following:
MGMT 3473 Principles of Management
MGMT 4613 Management Information Systems
One of the following:
SPCH 3483 Communication in Small Groups
SPCH 3533 Communication in Organizations

One hour of general electives must be at the 3000-4000 level.

Division of Computer Information Systems

Appendix C

Justification for Proposed Program Change

The Division of CIS proposes that the CIS 2193 PC Hardware and Software
Maintenance course become the introductory level course for the program
instead of the CIS 1013 Introduction to Computer-based systems course. A
five-year trend analysis of assessment reports on the value to students of the
content and effectiveness of CIS 1013 indicates a steady decrease. Most
students now entering college bring with them the basic skills that the course
is intended to provide. The CIS 1013 course has become redundant for most CIS
majors. The course will remain a CIS elective for the student who does not
have sufficient background knowledge and will remain a General Education
technology elective.
At the same time, employer surveys indicate that they are expecting
students to have a basic hands-on knowledge of software and hardware
maintenance. Employers no longer have the luxury of employing a maintenance
specialist for routine maintenance requirements but rely on their CIS
employees to provide this coverage. CIS 2193 will fulfill this need as the
introductory course to the CIS major in place of CIS 1013. CIS 2193 will
provide skills applicable throughout the CIS curriculum and enhance employment
opportunities after graduation. See Syllabus in Appendix D attached.

The Division of CIS proposes that the CIS 3453 World Wide Web
Programming course be added to the core CIS curriculum. The World Wide Web
has become a potent marketing and point-of-sale tool for businesses today.
CIS employees are expected to assist their employers in designing and
programming web sites. Adding the CIS 3453 World Wide Web Programming course
to the required core curriculum will ensure our CIS graduates have the
introductory knowledge and skills in WWW programming that will provide
additional enhanced employment opportunities after graduation. See Syllabus
in Appendix E attached.

While this course addition expands the CIS core curriculum to 39 credit
hours it is still in line with approximately half of UAM programs at the
present time. This course addition still allows for 12-18 free elective
credit hours.

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