Inoculation with Azospirillum sp. and
Herbaspirillum sp. Bacteria Increases the
Tolerance of Maize to Drought Stress
José Alfredo Curá * ID , Diego Reinaldo Franz, Julián Ezequiel Filosofía,
Karina Beatríz Balestrasse and Lautaro Exequiel Burgueño
Facultad de Agronomía, Cátedra de Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Avenida San Martín 4453,
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires C1417DSE, Argentina; (D.R.F.); (J.E.F.); (K.B.B.); (L.E.B.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +54-11-4524-4020; Fax: +54-11-4524-8087
Abstract: Stress drought is an important abiotic factor that leads to immense losses in crop yields
around the world. Strategies are urgently needed to help plants adapt to drought in order to mitigate
crop losses. Here we investigated the bioprotective effects of inoculating corn grown under drought
conditions with two types of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), A. brasilense, strain SP-7,
and H. seropedicae, strain Z-152. Plants inoculated with the bacteria were grown in a greenhouse
with perlite as a substrate. Two hydric conditions were tested: normal well-watered conditions and
drought conditions. Compared to control non-inoculated plants, those that were inoculated with
PGPR bacteria showed a higher tolerance to the negative effects of water stress in drought conditions,
with higher biomass production; higher carbon, nitrogen, and chlorophyll levels; and lower levels of
abscisic acid and ethylene, which are plant hormones that affect the stress response. The oxidative
stress levels of these plants were similar to those of non-inoculated plants grown in well-watered
conditions, showing fewer injuries to the cell membrane. We also noted higher relative water content
in the vegetal tissue and better osmoregulation in drought conditions in inoculated plants, as reflected
by significantly lower proline content. Finally, we observed lower gene expression of ZmVP14 in the
inoculated plants; notably, ZmVP14 is involved in the biosynthesis of abscisic acid. Taken together,
these results demonstrate that these bacteria could be used to help plants cope with the negative
effects of drought stress conditions.
Keywords: plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria; plant growth; plant stress; plant hormones;
ZmVP14 gene
1. Introduction
Corn (Zea mays L.) farming is one of the most important and extensive farming systems in the
world because of the myriad products derived from this plant. In 2013, a total of 1,018,111,958 tons
of corn were produced globally [1]. Drought is a major abiotic stress factor that affects crop yield.
Daryanto et al. [2] collected data from peer-reviewed publications between 1980 and 2015 that examined
maize and wheat yield responses to drought using field experiments and concluded that the maize
yield reduction was 39.3%. The loss in crop yield during drought depends on the phenological stage of
the crops and on the severity of the hydric deficit [3]. In coming years, global warming is predicted to
increase the severity and the frequency of drought. According to Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations (FAO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, agriculture
must adapt to the effects of global warming and improve crop resilience in order for food production
to meet the food needs of our increasing population. Accordingly, the production of major crops will
have to shift to marginal areas, some with hydric deficits [4].
The reactions of plants to drought stress are complex. Factors that affect the response include
the environment, plant genotype, plant development stage, and the severity and duration of the
stress [5]. Morpho-physiological and biochemical characteristics related to drought stress include leaf
senescence, decreases in the foliar area and the chlorophyll content, root elongation, decreases in the
relative water content (RWC), increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production [6] and nitrate
assimilation [7]. In addition to the many physiological and cellular changes, there are also changes
in many genes and gene products in response to drought stress that occur at the transcriptional,
post-transcriptional, and translational levels [5]. Some responses to water stress are related to changes
in ion flux, stomatal closing, the production of osmoprotectant metabolites, and alterations in plant
growth patterns [8]. Plants regulate their hydric state via stomatal closing, a process that is influenced
by the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), which is synthesized mainly in the leaves. ABA synthesis is
stimulated by dehydration conditions, and ABA plays an important role in the response to drought
stress [9–11]. Hydric deficit also decreases photosynthesis, leading to stomatal closing and to decreases
in the intercellular CO2 concentration [12].
The enzyme 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED), which is found in chloroplasts, acts to
produce xanthoxin, and this reaction is considered the first step in ABA synthesis. NCED belongs to a
multigene family in Zea mays L., and the VP14 gene in corn was the first cloned NCED gene [13,14].
NCED is the most important regulating enzyme in ABA syntheses because its expression correlates
with endogenous ABA content and its overexpression leads to important ABA accumulation [15].
Tan et al. [16] revealed the role of the VP14 gene in ABA synthesis, and reported that the VP14 protein
is expressed as a response to drought stress and concluded that VP14 encodes a dioxygenase that
is responsible for the oxidative conversion of neoxanthin to xanthoxin. This is one step in the ABA
synthesis chain; xanthoxin is subsequently converted into an ABA aldehyde by a short-chain alcohol
dehydrogenase (ABA2 in Arabidopsis).
In addition to ABA, ethylene is another hormone that is associated with the response of
plants to stress. Ethylene levels regulate many processes involved in the growth and development
of plants, and ethylene biosynthesis is regulated by both biotic and abiotic stress [17]. During
stress conditions, endogenous ethylene in the plant reduces the growth of roots and stems.
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic (ACC) is a precursor of ethylene synthesis in plants. Glick [18]
showed that plant ACC is broken down by the bacterial enzyme ACC deaminase, which converts
ACC into a source of nitrogen and energy. Under stressful conditions, plants produce reactive oxygen
species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion, and hydroxyl radicals [19]. Oxidative
stress is caused by an imbalance between ROS productivity and the ability of a biological system to
detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage [20]. The damage caused by ROS
can be assessed by studying the lipid peroxidation of cellular membranes, with malondialdehyde
(MDA) used as a marker of this process [21].
Osmotic regulation refers to the ability of a plant to accumulate solutes as a response to a hydric
deficit, a phenomenon that can totally or partially preserve turgor pressure [22]. Importantly, ABA
induces the synthesis of several solutes called osmolytes. These small, uncharged, soluble molecules,
which include proline, glycine betaine, polyamines, and melatonin, do not affect cellular function
directly. These solutes decrease the hydric potential of cells by trapping water molecules or by retaining
the water molecules they are already associated with. Compatible solutes can increase the stability
and integrity of membranes and proteins, preventing or lessening cellular damage. During hydric
deficit conditions, it was observed that the proline concentration could increase to double its normal
level, showing clear osmoregulation [23].
Changes in factors that affect plant growth and development can lead to losses in crop yields,
highlighting the importance of developing new and alternative technologies to achieve sustainable
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 3 of 16
farming conditions. One such technology is the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)
that reduce the harmful effects of abiotic stress.
There is a large group of PGPR bacteria that colonize the rhizosphere and interact with plants,
helping them to grow in both direct and indirect ways [24–27]. For example, PGPR produce
some metabolites that can be used by plants as growth regulators, such as auxins, gibberellins,
and cytokinins [28–31]. PGPR also influence the biological fixation of nitrogen [28,31,32] and
nitrate assimilation [32–34], and they can increase the availability of nutrients such as phosphorus
by solubilizing insoluble phosphates [35]. PGPR also produce some antagonistic metabolites
that negatively affect microorganisms that are detrimental to the plant; such metabolites include
antibiotics [36,37], siderophores [38], and chitinolytic enzymes and glucanases [39,40].
Azospirillum sp. are among the most studied PGPR [41–44]. These bacteria have been used
successfully as inoculants in different crop and agro-ecological conditions, and they help increase
crop production efficiency [45]. Many groups have reported that Herbaspirillum sp. bacteria can help
the growth and productivity of some economically important crops, such as rice, corn, and sugar
cane [46–49]. Some studies have shown that using PGPR can lead to a higher tolerance to abiotic
stress conditions, including drought and salinity [50–58]. However, little is known about the molecular
processes involved in the interaction of plants and bacteria in drought conditions.
2.4. Measures
3. Results
3.2. TB Production
Figure 1 shows the TB production results. In the D condition, plants inoculated with H. seropedicae
showed 29.5% greater TB production than control plants, and plants inoculated with A. brasilense
showed 26% greater TB production than control plants. In the WW condition, plants inoculated with
A. brasilense showed 15% greater TB production than control plants.
Microorganisms 2017,
2017, 5,
5, 41
41 66of
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 6 of 17
Figure Total biomass
1.Total biomass production
production 20
20 days
days after
after sowing
sowing (DAS).
(DAS). Data
Data are
are shown
shown as means ±
as means standard
± standard
Figure 1. Total
deviations (SD) biomass
(n = 6). production
Means 20common
with days afterletters
not Data are shown
significantly as means
different (p > ±0.05).
deviations (SD) (n = 6). Means with common letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The
plants were (SD) (n = 6). Means with common letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The
plants were cultivated
well-watered(WW)(WW)or drought (D) conditions.
or drought The inoculation
(D) conditions. * drought
The inoculation *
plants were
interaction cultivated
p = 0.0213. under well-watered (WW) or drought (D) conditions. The inoculation *
drought interaction p = 0.0213.
drought interaction p = 0.0213.
3.3. TC
3.3. TCandandTN
3.3. TC and TN Content
Figure 2 shows the
Figure the TC
theD D
condition,plants inoculated
plants with
inoculated either
with PGPR
either had
Figure 2 shows the TC content results. In the D condition, plants inoculated with either PGPR
had (41%)(41%)
significantly more TC thanTC
more control
thanplants (p ≤plants
control 0.05). In
(p the WW condition,
≤ 0.05). In the WW plants inoculated
condition, with
had significantly (41%) more TC than control plants (p ≤ 0.05). In the WW condition, plants
either PGPR
inoculated withproduced approximately
either PGPR produced45% more TC than
approximately 45%the control
more plants.
TC than theThere were
control significant
plants. There
inoculated with either PGPR produced approximately 45% more TC than the control plants. There
were in thedifferences
significant TN contentinaccording to the inoculated
the TN content accordingbacterial strain, as bacterial
to the inoculated shown instrain,
Figureas3. shown
In both
were significant differences in the TN content according to the inoculated bacterial strain, as shown
in D and3.theInWWbothconditions,
the D and plants
the WW inoculated
conditions, H. seropedicae
withplants produced
inoculated with H.26% more TN
seropedicae than the
in Figure 3. In both the D and the WW conditions, plants inoculated with H. seropedicae produced
26% ≤ 0.05).
more(pTN than the controls (p ≤ 0.05).
26% more TN than the controls (p ≤ 0.05).
Figure 2.
Figure Percentage of
2. Percentage of total
total carbon
carbon content 20 DAS. Data are shown as means ±
content 20 SD (n
± SD (n == 3).
3). Means
Figure 2. Percentage of total carbon content 20 DAS. Data are shown as means ± SD (n = 3). Means
with common
with common letters are notnot significantly
under WW
WW or
Dwith commonThe
conditions. letters are not significantly
inoculation * drought different (p
interaction p =>0.0473.
0.05). The plants were cultivated under WW
or D conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p = 0.0473.
or D conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p = 0.0473.
Microorganisms 2017, 5,
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41
41 7 of 16
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 77 of
of 17
3. Percentage
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Percentage ofof total
total nitrogen
nitrogen content
content 20DAS.
20 DAS.Data
DAS. Dataare
Data areshown
are shownas
shown asmeans
as means±±± SD
means SD (n
(n == 3).
3). Means
with common
common letters
letters are
are not
not significantly
significantly different
different (p(p
> > 0.05).
0.05). The
The plants
plants were
were cultivated
with common letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The plants were cultivated under under
under WW
or D
or conditions. The
conditions. The
D conditions inoculation
The inoculation * drought
inoculation ** droughtinteraction
drought interactionp = 0.0482.
interaction pp == 0.0482.
3.4. TChl
3.4. TChl Content
Figure 444shows
Figure showsthe
shows theTChl
the TChl
TChl content
content results.
results. In D
In the
In the the
D D condition,
condition, plants
plantsplants inoculated
inoculated with PGPR
with either
with either either
had had significantly
had significantly
significantly more morethan
more TChl
TChl TChlcontrol
than than control
control plants
plants (p
plants (p ≤Specifically,
(p ≤≤ 0.05).
0.05). 0.05). Specifically,
Specifically, plants inoculated
plants inoculated
plants inoculated with H.
with H.
with H. seropedicae
seropedicae produced
produced 41.4% 41.4%
more more
TChl TChl
than than controls,
controls, andand plants
plants inoculated
seropedicae produced 41.4% more TChl than controls, and plants inoculated with A. brasilense with
with A.
A. brasilense
produced 33%
produced 33% more.
33% In the
more. In
more. the WWWW condition,
condition, plants
plants inoculated
inoculated with H. seropedicae
with H. seropedicae produced
produced 41%
41% more
TChl than
TChl than control
than control plants
control plants (p
plants (p ≤
(p 0.05).
≤≤ 0.05).
4. Total
Figure 4.
Figure 4. chlorophyll content
Total chlorophyll
chlorophyll content 20
content 20 DAS.
20 DAS. Data
DAS. Data are
Data are shown
are shownas
shown as means±±± SD
means SD (n
SD (n === 3).
(n 3). Means
3). with
Means with
common letters are not
not significantly
significantly different
different (p
(p >
> 0.05). The plants were cultivated under
common letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The plants were cultivated under WW or D WW or D
conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction
interaction pp =
= 0.0273.
conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p = 0.0273.
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 8 of 17
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 8 of 17
3.5. ABA and
Microorganisms 2017,Ethylene
5, 41 Content 8 of 16
3.5. ABA and Ethylene Content
Figure 5 shows the ABA content results. In both the WW and D conditions, control plants had
Figure 5 shows
significantly theABA
higher ABA content results. In both the WW and D conditions, control plants had
3.5. ABA and Ethylene Content content than the PGPR-inoculated plants (p ≤ 0.05). In the inoculated
significantly higher ABA
plants, the ABA content did content than significantly
not differ the PGPR-inoculated
in D versusplants (p ≤ 0.05). In
WW conditions. In control
the inoculated
plants, the
plants, the 5 shows
content did content
not differ results. In both
significantly in Dthe WW and
versus WW Dconditions.
conditions, In control
control plants
plants, had
ABA content was 30% higher in plants in D conditions versus WW conditions, but this difference
higher ABA
was 30%Figure
not significant.
higher6in than the
shows the
D conditions
versus WW(p
≤ 0.05). In
In conditions,
both the WW
butand plants,
was ABA
not content didFigure
significant. not differ
6 significantly
shows the in D versus
ethylene content WW conditions.
results. In both In control
the WW plants,
and D the ABA
control plants showed higher ethylene content than inoculated plants, and the ethylene content was
control was 30%
plants higherhigher
showed in plants in D conditions versus WW conditions, but this difference was was
not significantly different inethylene contentplants
the inoculated than inoculated
in D versusplants, and
WW conditions the ethylene content
(inoculation * drought
notinteraction Figure
significantly 6 shows the ethylene content results. In both the WW and D conditions, control
p = different
0.0297). in the inoculated plants in D versus WW conditions (inoculation * drought
plants showed
interaction p = higher ethylene content than inoculated plants, and the ethylene content was not
As can be seen in Figure 6, the ethylene production is increased in non-inoculated plants under
significantly different
seen in in
As canconditions.
be the inoculated
Figure plants
6, the ethylene in D versus
production WW conditions
is increased (inoculation
in non-inoculated * drought
plants under
interaction p = 0.0297).
drought conditions.
Figure 5. Abscisic acid (ABA) content 20 DAS. Data are shown as means ± SD (n = 24). Means with
Figure 5. Abscisic
common Abscisic acid
letters acid (ABA)
are not content 20
significantly20 DAS.Data
different Data are
(p >are shown
0.05). asmeans
The as means
plants ±± SD
were SD (n
(n == 24).
cultivated24). Means
under WWwith
or D
common letters
letters are
are not
not significantly
significantly different
different (p
(p >
> 0.05).
conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p = 0.0908. The plants were
were cultivated
cultivated under
under WW or D
or D
conditions. The inoculation
inoculation ** drought interaction pp == 0.0908.
drought interaction
1 e
Ethylene nL/g.h
0.7 d
0.7 d cd
0.6 bc cd
0.5 bc
0.4 ab
0.4 ab
0.3 a
0.3 a
0 WW D
Figure 6. Ethylene
Figure content
6. Ethylene 20 DAS.
content Data are
20 DAS. shown
Data are shown as ±
as means SD (n±=SD
means 3). Means
(n = 3).with common
Means with letters
are not
Figure significantly different (p > 0.05). The plants were cultivated under WW or D conditions.
letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The plants were cultivated under WW or D common
6. Ethylene content 20 DAS. Data are shown as means ± SD (n = 3). Means with The
The are * drought interaction
not significantly
inoculation * drought p
different= 0.0297.
(p > 0.05).
interaction The plants were cultivated under WW or D conditions.
p = 0.0297.
The inoculation * drought interaction p = 0.0297.
As can be seen in Figure 6, the ethylene production is increased in non-inoculated plants under
drought conditions.
Microorganisms 2017, 5,
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41
41 99 of
of 16
3.6. RWC
3.6. RWC
Table 1 shows the RWC (%) of the plants according to inoculation status and hydric conditions.
Table 1 shows the RWC (%) of the plants according to inoculation status and hydric conditions.
The RWC was higher in plants inoculated with either PGPR in both WW and D conditions. In the
The RWC was higher in plants inoculated with either PGPR in both WW and D conditions. In the WW
WW condition, plants inoculated with A. brasilense had the highest RWC (10% higher) versus control
condition, plants inoculated with A. brasilense had the highest RWC (10% higher) versus control plants.
plants. In the D condition, plants inoculated with H. seropedicae had the highest RWC (5.5% higher)
In the D condition, plants inoculated with H. seropedicae had the highest RWC (5.5% higher) versus
versus control plants.
control plants.
Table 1. Effect of inoculation on the relative water content (RWC) of plants in well-watered (WW)
Table 1. Effect of inoculation on the relative water content (RWC) of plants in well-watered (WW) and
and drought (D) conditions. Means with common letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05).
drought (D) conditions. Means with common letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). Data are
Data are means of six replicates ± standard deviation (SD). The inoculation x drought interaction p <
means of six replicates ± standard deviation (SD). The inoculation x drought interaction p < 0.0001.
RWC (%)
RWC (%)
Control 52.71±±2.5
52.71 2.5c c 45.45 ± 1.17
45.45 ± 1.17 aa
A. brasilense 58.81 2.7e e
58.81±±2.7 47.86 1.37 bb
± 1.37
47.86 ±
d 1.95 bb
seropedicae 53.93±±3.16
53.93 3.16 d 48.1 ±
48.1 ± 1.95
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Proline
Proline concentration
concentration 2020 DAS.
means±± SDSD (n
(n =
= 24).
24). Means
Means with
with common
letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The plants were cultivated under WW or D
letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The plants were cultivated under WW or D conditions.
The inoculation
The inoculation ** drought
drought interaction
interaction pp << 0.0001.
3.8. MDA
3.8. Content
MDA Content
MDA was
MDA was quantified
the cellular
cellular membranes,
membranes, since
since MDAMDA actsacts
as a lipid peroxidation indicator. Figure 8 shows the MDA content results 20
a lipid peroxidation indicator. Figure 8 shows the MDA content results 20 DAS. In the D condition,DAS. In the D
plants plants with
inoculated inoculated with showed
A. brasilense A. brasilense
membrane better membrane
stability stability
than plants than plants
inoculated with
H. seropedicae and control plants. In the D condition, plants inoculated with H. seropedicae showedH.
inoculated with H. seropedicae and control plants. In the D condition, plants inoculated with a
seropedicae showed a two-fold increase in MDA content over time, while control plants showed a
Microorganisms 2017,
2017, 5,
5, 41
41 10 of 16
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 10 of 17
>300% increase in MDA content. In the D condition, plants inoculated with A. brasilense showed a
>300% increase
two-fold increase in in
MDA content.
the time,
D condition,
while plantsplants
control inoculated
showed with>300%
A. brasilense showed a
~30% increase in MDA content, which was not significantly different than acontrol increase
plants in MDA
in the WW
~30% increase
content. inDMDA content, which was not significantly different
with A. brasilense than control
a ~30%plants in the WW
conditionIn (pthe
≤ 0.05).condition, plants inoculated showed increase in MDA
condition (p ≤ 0.05).
content, which was not significantly different than control plants in the WW condition (p ≤ 0.05).
Figure 8. Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration 20 DAS. Data are shown as means ± SD (n = 24).
Figure 8.
8. Malondialdehyde
Malondialdehyde (MDA)
(MDA) concentration
concentration 20
20 DAS.
DAS. Data are shown as means ±±SD
SD(n ==24).
Means with common letters are not significantly different (p Data areThe
> 0.05). shown aswere
plants means (nunder
cultivated 24).
Means with
with common
common letters
letters are
are not
not significantly
significantly different
different (p
(p >> 0.05).
0.05). The
The plants
plants were
cultivated under
WW or D conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p < 0.0001.
WW oror D
D conditions.
conditions. The
The inoculation
inoculation ** drought
drought interaction
interaction pp << 0.0001.
3.9. Expression of the ZmVP14 Gene
3.9. Expression
Expression ofof the
the ZmVP14
ZmVP14 Gene Gene
Figure 9 shows the results of the ZmVP14 gene expression analysis. The gene expression level
Figure 99 shows
shows the results of the ZmVP14 gene
the ZmVP14 expression analysis. The gene
gene expression level
was considered to bethe1 inresults of plants
control in the gene
WW expression
condition. Inanalysis.
the WWThe expression
condition, ZmVP14 level
was considered
considered to be 1
to be 1 in in control
in control plants
control plants in
plants thanthe WW
in theinWW condition. In the
condition. In the WW condition,
WWIncondition, ZmVP14
ZmVP14 gene
expression was higher PGPR-inoculated plants. control plants, ZmVP14
expression was
was higher
higher in
in control
control plants
plants than
than inin PGPR-inoculated
PGPR-inoculated plants.
plants. In control
control plants,
plants, ZmVP14
gene expression was almost five-fold higher the D condition than in the condition. ZmVP14
gene expression wasalmost
higher inthethe D condition than in WW
the WW condition. ZmVP14
expressionwas was almost undetectableinin D condition
plants than
inoculated inwith
the condition.
A. brasilense inZmVP14 gene
both water
gene expression was almost undetectable in plants inoculated with A. brasilense in both water
conditions.was almost undetectable in plants inoculated with A. brasilense in both water conditions.
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Relative
Relative expression
expression of
of the
the ZmVP14
ZmVP14 gene
gene 20
20 DAS.
DAS. DataData are
are shown
shown as
as means
means (n(n == 5).
5). Means
Figure 9. Relative expression of the ZmVP14 gene 20 DAS. Data are shown as means (n = 5). Means
with common
with common letters
different(p(p> >0.05).
The plants
plants were
were cultivated
cultivated under
under WW
WW or
with common letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05). The plants were cultivated under WW
or D conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p
D conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p < 0.0001. < 0.0001.
or D conditions. The inoculation * drought interaction p < 0.0001.
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 11 of 16
4. Discussion
Determination of the CFU mL−1 in the root samples showed that A. brasilense and H. seropedicae
effectively colonized the corn seedlings in plants grown in both the WW and D conditions. Thus,
bacterial growth was not significantly affected by the D condition, and our results were similar
to those obtained by Ruíz-Sánchez et al. [53] with arbuscular micorrhiza and Azospirillum sp. in
rice, by Naveed et al. [55] with other PGPR (Burkholderia sp. and Enterobacter sp.) in corn, and by
Cohen et al. [56] with Azospirillum sp. in Arabidopsis thaliana.
The TB results (Figure 1) showed that the bacteria promoted vegetal growth in both hydric
conditions, but the differences in growth in inoculated versus control plants were greater in D
conditions (p = 0.0213). These results may be related to a lower level of stress in the inoculated
plants, which showed higher TB. Our results were similar to those obtained by Ruíz-Sánchez et al. [53],
Naveed et al. [55], Cohen et al. [56], and Tiwari et al. [67], using Pseudomonas sp. in Cicer arietinum L.
There were other interesting results related to TB production that are shown in Figures 2–4, in terms of
the TC, TN, and TChl contents. Specifically, when TB was greater, TC (p = 0.0473) and TN (p = 0.0482)
were also higher regardless of the inoculation status or hydric condition. These results may be related
to a lower level of stress in inoculated plants, which showed lower ABA content. This allowed the
stomata to stay open, even in drought conditions, and also allowed better fixation of atmospheric
CO2 in the carbon compounds used in biomass production. These results are in accordance with
those of Naveed et al. [55], who showed higher CO2 assimilation levels, stomatal conductance, and
transpiration rate in inoculated corn plants in a drought condition. On the other hand, the higher
nitrogen content of inoculated plants may be related to the nitrogen that is provided by the PGPR,
which is the result of the biological fixation of atmospheric N2 [47]. Regarding the TChl content
(p = 0.0273), the available nitrogen could have been used for chlorophyll synthesis, which could
explain the differences between the TChl in inoculated plants versus control plants. Our results were
consistent with those of Ruíz-Sánchez et al. [53], Naveed et al. [55], and Cohen et al. [56].
In this experiment, we found the highest concentrations of ABA in control plants in the D condition.
This shows that stressful conditions trigger a signaling pathway that leads to ABA biosynthesis. The
control seedlings in the D condition were pale green, smaller in size (lower aerial and radical biomass),
had lower turgidity (the plants had fallen or were low), and showed other symptoms of stress, such as
leaf senescence. This is an expected result, according to Salinas-Moreno and González-Hernández [73],
who showed that a decrease in the hydric potential of corn leaves increased ABA production. In
drought conditions, this process prevents the plant from losing water through transpiration. In
turn, this decreases the photosynthesis rate, which leads to the observed loss of color (chlorophyll)
and slowed or halted growth. The ABA concentration results (Figure 5) showed that in the WW
condition, control plants had a mean of 0.25 µg/gFW ABA, whereas inoculated plants had a mean of
0.05 µg/gFW ABA. In the D condition, control plants showed an increase in the ABA concentration,
whereas inoculated plants did not show a similar response. Our results showed that inoculation
with PGPR had a negative effect on ABA synthesis in plants. The inoculated plants had a lower
stress level. On the other hand, the inoculated plants did not show significant changes in the level of
ZmVP14 expression in both WW and D conditions, except those inoculated with H. seropedicae, which
showed significant differences (inoculation * drought interaction p < 0.0001). It has been reported that
Bacillus subtilis, strain B26, confers resistance against drought stress in Brachypodium and this is linked
to the upregulation of expression of several drought-responsive genes and the modulation of the DNA
methylation process [74].
The ethylene content was also lower in inoculated plants (p = 0.0297) (Figure 6). This could be due
to the effects of the ACC deaminase produced by the bacteria, which may mitigate the deleterious effect
of ethylene, thereby lowering the stress level in the plant and promoting plant growth [18]. The RWC
(Table 1) was higher in inoculated plants in both the WW and D conditions (p < 0.0001). It is possible
that the integrity of the plasma membrane was better due to the beneficial effects of inoculation, which
may have mitigated the damage by the ROS produced in stressful conditions. This was shown by
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 12 of 16
Naveed et al. [55], Cohen et al. [56], and Tiwari et al. [57]. The MDA results (Figure 8) showed that
the PGPR-inoculated seedlings had a lower level of damage during drought stress, because in the D
condition, control plants showed a significant increase in the MDA level, which is an indicator of the
damage caused by lipid peroxidation. The consequences of lipid peroxidation include deterioration
in the cellular membrane, deterioration in the selective permeability of the membrane and, finally,
cellular disintegration and death. We observed the same effects in the MDA concentrations in the WW
condition regardless of inoculation status, demonstrating that inoculation does not affect the MDA in
WW conditions. In contrast, in the D condition, there was a clear difference between inoculated plants
and control plants. These results may be related to the RWC (Table 1), because less cellular membrane
damage would allow a higher water content level inside the cells. Importantly, MDA analysis is used
in tolerance tests of corn crops under hydric stress [75], and these results show that in D conditions,
the bacteria help plants reduce membrane damage.
Osmolytes synthesis induced by ABA can also help protect plants against drought stress. Notably,
osmolytes can decrease the hydric potential of the cell and thereby help it to avoid losing water. Proline
is one type of osmolyte, and in this experiment, changes in the ABA concentration (Figure 5) were
similar to the changes in the proline concentration (Figure 7) in the D condition. It appeared that
non-inoculated plants could not use this physiological tool to maintain the RWC because the control
plants were not turgid and, in many cases, had fallen. These results are in agreement with those
obtained by Paleg et al. [76] and Ashraf and Foolad [77], who showed that proline synthesis can be
seen as a symptom of stress in plants, taking into account their pathway of induction. It has also been
reported that plants that were inoculated with PGPR (Pseudomonas sp.) bacteria showed a decrease
in proline synthesis when they were under water stress [57]. This would be in agreement with our
results, that plants inoculated with A. brasilense and H. seropedicae may have a lower level of stress in
the D condition than control plants. Finally, Bogges et al. [78] determined that water stress prevents
the oxidation of proline, resulting in higher proline levels. In addition, other researchers working with
Bacillus megaterium BOFC15 and Arabidopsis found that spermidine improves drought tolerance in
plants, which was associated with altered levels of ABA [79].
The ZmVP14 gene expression analysis (Figure 9) showed that in both the WW and D conditions,
control plants showed higher ZmVP14 expression than inoculated plants. Notably, ZmVP14 expression
is induced when the seedlings are under hydric stress. Our data showed that there were differences in
inoculated versus non-inoculated plants in terms of genetic regulation of ABA production that resulted
in differences in ABA concentration. Our ZmVP14 expression results agreed with those of Tan et al. [16]
and with those of Chernys and Zeevaart [80], who showed that the inhibition of ZmVP14 affects ABA
biosynthesis. Furthermore, the inoculated plants grew well even under conditions of water deficit, in
addition the inoculated plants had lower levels of ABA than the control plants. Perhaps because there
is some kind of mechanism induced for the presence of bacteria that allows sustaining a good growth
and good water ratio in the plant.
Our results are probably in agreement and are explained by the highest RWC, such as that
found in References [81,82]. Changes in the distribution of specific fatty acids in the root [82]
and polyamines—compounds that regulate the growth of plants, including cadaverine—have been
correlated with the growth of the radical system or the mitigation of osmotic stress in some plant
species [83].
5. Conclusions
Our results show that the inoculation of maize plants with A. brasilense or H. seropedicae bacteria
had important effects on the tolerance of the maize to drought stress. The bacteria had direct effects on
physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes that resulted in reduced stress to the plants. The
results very clearly show a large positive effect on growth under drought and a reduced stress response
(proline, ethylene), and reduced evidence of stress (MDA). Inoculation with these bacteria also greatly
affected % total carbon, ABA content, and ethylene content. These results suggest that these bacteria
Microorganisms 2017, 5, 41 13 of 16
could be used to reduce the effects of drought stress and thereby improve the productivity of maize
crops in drought conditions.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by grants from the Universidad de Buenos Aires to José Alfredo
Curá (20020130100161BA).
Author Contributions: Diego Reinaldo Franz, Julián Ezequiel Filosofía, Lautaro Exequiel Burgueño and
José Alfredo Curá did the experiments; José Alfredo Curá, Diego Reinaldo Franz, Julián Ezequiel Filosofía
and Karina Beatríz Balestrasse conceived the research and did the interpretation of data; José Alfredo Curá,
Diego Reinaldo Franz and Julián Ezequiel Filosofía wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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