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Plant Stress
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Keywords: Drought stress hampers plant growth and productivity. Some microorganisms mitigate stress in plants; however,
Bacteria the molecular mechanism by which they interact with plants in mitigating stress remains unknown. This study
Drought stress aimed to determine the mechanism by which plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria modulate drought stress in
Gene expression profile
soybean. Results indicated that B. pumilus SH-9 (SH-9) produced indole acetic acid and siderophore, and had
Plant productivity
Bacillus spp.
capacity for phosphate solubilization. The test for polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) tolerance, showed that SH-9
Soybean could withstand high PEG concentration (up to 30 %). The isolate was identified a B. pumilus strain using a 16 s
ribosomal DNA gene sequence. Inoculation of soybeans with SH-9 enhanced soybean plant growth and biomass
by 20 %, even under high drought stress. This was due to a reduction of the endogenous phytohormone (abscisic
acid) and upregulation of the antioxidant defense system (SOD, POD, APX, and GSH) by SH-9. Furthermore, the
transcription factors GmDREB2, GmbZIP1, and GmNCED3 were involved. Inoculation with SH-9 also improved
physio-morphological characteristics such as biomass, chlorophyll, seedling length, and relative water contents
in the stressed plant. Overall, the findings of this study indicated that SH-9 enhances plant growth by promoting
phosphate solubilization, siderophore, and exopolysaccharides. We, therefore, conclude that SH-9 is a drought-
tolerant variant that can improve plant growth even under drought stress via modulation of expression of the
phytohormone gene, and antioxidant profile.
1. Introduction of the total crop yield loss, and it is one of the most debated topics in the
21st century (Basu et al., 2016; Bittencourt et al., 2023; Cotrina Cabello
Soybean (Glycine max) is a vital crop containing essential vitamins, et al., 2023). About 35 % of the earth’s land is semi-arid due to reduced
proteins, oils, minerals, and fibers. It is susceptible to abiotic stress, such rainfall, water scarcity, and global warming (Ma et al., 2016). As water
as drought stress. Numerous experimental studies have been conducted is essential for plant survival and serves as a nutrient transportation
to optimize soybean production under drought (Ashwin et al., 2023; medium, reduction in its level causes drought stress, which negatively
Wang et al., 2023). Despite a remarkable rise in soybean production, affects plant productivity and triggers oxidative stress (Chandra et al.,
drought stress affects crop yield (de Freitas et al., 2022; Waqar et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2021). Drought is one of the most serious threats to
2022). Therefore, improving the growth of soybean under drought stress world food production. Therefore, it is critical to understand how soil
has become an important goal for sustainable development. Among all water deficiencies of varying severity affect crop development and
abiotic stresses, drought is the leading stress, accounting for 30 %–50 % physiology. Drought interrupts cellular organization, metabolism, and
This article is part of a special issue entitled: “Role of Microorganisms in Plant Growth, Stress Amelioration and Phytoremediation” published at the journal Plant
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (S.-M. kang), (I.-J. Lee).
Received 13 September 2023; Received in revised form 16 October 2023; Accepted 29 October 2023
Available online 2 November 2023
2667-064X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Shaffique et al. Plant Stress 10 (2023) 100279
results in accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Neelin et al., ROS signaling and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways are
2003). Accumulation of ROS can cause oxidative damage to cellular crucial signaling networks in combating drought stress (Iqbal et al.,
structure (Verma et al., 2019). These ROS, including superoxide anions 2021). They improve plant productivity and growth through cellular
(O–2), singlet oxygen(O2), peroxide(H2O2), hydroxyl radicals(OH), and processes, including phytohormones, exopolysaccharides, phosphate
Alpha-oxygen (α-O), ultimately reduce plant productivity (Cruz de solubilization, and altering gene expression (Huang et al., 2012; Jeong
Carvalho, 2008; Verma et al., 2019). et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021).
Sustainable agronomy is a promising new approach based on bio A few microbial strains, such as those involved in endophytes,
logical resources to preserve agronomic production. Microbial consor PGPRs, and mycorrhiza, can mitigate drought stress (Imran et al., 2022).
tiums in agricultural production are the best example of sustainable Previous research indicates that Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGB)
agronomic practices (Bhandari et al., 2023; Jamil et al., 2022; Rou can improve drought resistance in wheat (Dahiya et al., 2020), maize
phael, 2022). In these consortiums, plants have a symbiotic relationship (Gholami et al., 2009), and rice (Ashrafuzzaman et al., 2009). Further
with microorganisms, which initiates plant-microbial interaction more, inoculating crops with endophytes can increase the concentration
(Natesan et al., 2023; Roy and Müller, 2022). Plant growth–promoting of secondary metabolites (Khan et al., 2023; Peng et al., 2023; Xu et al.,
rhizobacteria (PGPR) are primarily bacteria that promote plant devel 2023).
opment and health. Recently, PGPR application in agriculture has In a previous study, we identified five microbes with adhesive po
steadily expanded, and is projected to partially replace chemical fertil tential, biofilm-forming characteristics, and roles in plant–microbe
izers, insecticides, and other growth regulators in the future, providing interaction (Shaffique et al., 2022a). The results indicated that
an environmentally acceptable option for sustainable farming practices. B. pumilus strain SH-9, exhibits moderate motility and a moderate
It enhances plant productivity and growth via production of phytohor biofilm-forming potential. The aim of this study was to further charac
mones and exopolysaccharides, and phosphate solubilization and gene terize and identify B. pumilus SH-9′s potential role and the molecular
expression. Beneficial microorganisms use direct and indirect ways to mechanism through which it mitigates drought stress via hormonal,
support crop growth and development under abiotic stressors. They antioxidant, and altering gene expression in a model plant soybean.
distribute secondary metabolites and phytohormones in stressful con
ditions, highlighting the importance of plant–microbe interaction in 2. Materials and methods
sustainable agriculture and global food security. PGPR can either
directly or indirectly promote plant development in vitro, in a green 2.1. Isolation and screening of microbes
house, or in the field. PGPR includes various bacterial communities, one
of which is the gram-positive spore-forming Bacillus, which is gaining All microbial isolates were obtained from the root-adherent soil of an
popularity due to its inherent stability and long shelf life. Gram-positive Artemisia plant from Pohang Beach, South Korea. Soil samples were
bacteria, especially those from the genus Bacillus, are among the most preserved in a sea foam box for transportation to the School of Agri
well studied experimental systems in bacteriology (Bonifer et al., 2019; culture and Life Sciences, Crop Physiology Laboratory, Kyungpook Na
Rishad et al., 2017; Tepe and Dursun, 2014). tional University (Daegu, South Korea). A soil sample weighing 10 g was
In agricultural environments, various Bacillus species support crop diluted with 50 mL of distilled water before it was incubated for 24 h on
health in various ways. They enhance plant development by promoting a shaking incubator. The sample was serially diluted and used to prepare
the synthesis of plant hormones, such as abscisic acid (ABA), auxin inoculum, which was spread on Luria–Bertani (L.B.) media plates before
(IAA), thereby reducing drought stress. A number of PGPR species, the plates were incubated at 28 ◦ C. Streaking and restreaking were
including Bacillus pumilus can sustain plant growth in drying soil by performed to obtain pure bacterial culture colonies, which were pre
inducing ABA and IAA synthesis, regulating stomatal movement, and served in a 75 % glycerol solution as a stock solution. This procedure was
reducing water loss (Ma et al., 2022; Xie et al., 2019). Therefore, it is performed as described previously (Shaffique et al., 2023) .
critical to understand the interactive effect of deficit irrigation and PGPR
inoculation on plant development and physiology. 2.2. Plant growth–promoting bioassay
Some of PGPR species can directly boost plant development by
improving nutrient uptake or by enhancing the host plant’s natural Bacterial isolates were screened for their plant growth–promoting
defenses against infection. Other species can suppress or restrict the potential (PGP), following a previously described method (Shaffique
growth of pests and/or pathogenic microbes (Ekwealor and Ebele, et al., 2022b). Phosphate solubilization activity was checked by inocu
2003). The numerous enzymes, antibiotics, and metabolites that Bacillus lating the bacterial isolates on trypticase soy agar medium supple
species produce make them useful in a wide range of industries, mented with tricalcium phosphate. A translucent halo around the
including agriculture and medicine. Additionally, their ability to inoculum spotted after 24 to 48 h would indicate a positive result.
generate spores, which allows them to thrive in unfavorable environ Ability to produce IAA was determined by mixing equal amounts of the
mental conditions, makes them distinctive and attractive (Azeem et al., bacterial isolate and Salkowski’s reagent before placing the mixture in
2023; Rabbee et al., 2023). These Bacillus spores must germinate in the dark for 30 to 40 min. A reddish-pink color indicated the ability to
order to develop into metabolically active cells after being introduced to produce IAA by the bacteria. Ability to produce siderophore was
the plant as dormant cells. After germination, these bacteria are drawn determined by inoculating bacterial isolates on chromeazurol S agar
by chemotaxis, triggering the complicated molecular process of root plates. The presence of an opaque halo zone was indicative of side
colonization and exerting growth–promoting potentials. When Bacillus rophore production. A congo red assay was performed to screen isolates
spp. colonize a plant, they trigger both direct (e.g., the production of for EPS activity. Isolates were allowed to grow on the EPS media plate
siderophore, nitrogen fixation, phytohormones, and nutrient solubili for 24 to 48 h. A reddish halo against a black background would indicate
zation) and indirect (e.g., the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS), EPS activity (Shaffique et al., 2022d).
biofilm formation, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and lytic enzymes) mech
anisms to promote plant growth (Poveda and González-Andrés, 2021; 2.3. Molecular characterization
Shafi et al., 2017). The improvement in selection of microbes for bio
logical control, such as inoculation of plants, characterization, and Genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted from the SH-9 isolate using a
management, has been enabled by the development of molecular and DNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). Bacterial isolate was
genomic technologies, including modifying wild-type strains to enhance identified through using universal primers (27F primer [5′-AGAGTTT
their capacity to control soil-borne illnesses (Geetha and Gunasekaran, GATC (A.C.) TGGCTCAG-3′] and 1492R (5′-CGG (T/C) TACCTTGT
2010; Masood et al., 2020). TACGACTT-3′) to amplify 16S rDNA. The similarity of acquired
S. Shaffique et al. Plant Stress 10 (2023) 100279
nucleotide sequences to those in the National Center for Biotechnology was used for SOD activity assay as described by Imran et al. (2021a).
Information (NCBI) database was determined. After obtaining the sim
ilarity index, a phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA 10, as 2.8 Endogenous ABA analysis
described by Shaffique et al. (2022d).
ABA content in the plant samples was determined using the method
2.4. In vitro polyethylene glycol tolerance assay described by [54]. A mass of 0.2 g of a freeze-dried plant sample was
dissolved in 10 mL of phosphate buffer and vacuum filtered before 0.5
For the stress tolerance capacity of the isolates, an in vitro poly mL of the ABA standard was added, followed by rotary evaporation and
ethylene glycol (PEG) tolerance assay was performed using an sonication with NaOH. Dichloromethane was added to the sample
ultraviolet-visible (UV–VIS) spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, before the mixture was shaken at a pH of 13. After separating the phases,
Japan). The selected bacterial isolates were allowed to grow in PEG the lower layer was removed, and the pH was adjusted to 3.5. Ethyl
6000 at seven concentrations (0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 25 %, and 30 acetate facilitated solvent separation before the sample was dried by
%). The growth and survival were assessed by measuring absorbance at rotary evaporation. Vacuum drying with 1 g of PVP was performed
600 nm (Abdel-Raheem et al., 2007). before washing and solvent extraction. Subsequently, the samples were
sonicated with ethyl acetate and placed for N-drying. Finally, 60 µL of
2.5. Plant’s growth condition and treatment diazomethane and 20 µL of dichloromethane were added and the sample
was further processed for GC–MS analysis using Lab-Base (Thermo
Soybean seeds cultivar (Pungsannamul) were purchased from Ge Quest, Manchester, U.K.) data system software.
netic Resources, Kyungpook National University. The seeds were first
sterilized with a 2.5 % sodium hypochlorite solution, washed thor 2.9. Endogenous auxin analysis
oughly with autoclave distill water, and allowed to germinate in horti
cultural soil. After the emergence of seedlings, equal-sized seedlings Endogenous auxin level was measured using Salkowski’s reagent as
were transferred into pots containing the same type of horticultural soil. described by Ali et al. (2010), Gilbert et al. (2022). The plant sample was
The experiments were conducted in a growth chamber under the ground in liquid nitrogen and mixed with 80 % methanol before it was
following conditions: 14 h day at 28 ◦ C and 10 h night at 25 ◦ C, 60 %–70 vortexed and centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 10 min. The supernatant was
% relative humidity, and 250 μmol/m–2 s–1 light intensity, as described mixed with an equal amount of Salkowski’s reagent. The presence of a
by Imran et al. (2023). The experimental setup was divided into two red color indicated auxin production in the sample. The intensity of the
groups: [Group A] Control group including (Control) control soybean color was measured using a spectrophotometer at 536 nm against the
(only distilled water), (D10 %) drought 10 %, and (D20 %) drought 20 uninoculated medium as blank. The optical density of the test sample
%, [Group B] SH-9 inoculated group (SH-9) control only SH-9 inocu was read off the standard IAA curve (10–100 μg⋅ml− 1) to calculate the
lated, (SH-9/D10 %) SH-9/drought 10 %, and (SH-9/D20 %) concentration.
SH-9/drought 20 %. For isolate inoculation, the bacteria were allowed
to grow in 250 mL of autoclaved L.B. medium for 3 days before they 2.10. Estimation of gene expression through RT-qPCR
were centrifuged at 5000 × g for 12 min to obtain bacterial pellets.
Inoculum was prepared by taking ~108 colony-forming units which All procedures were executed as described by Stolf-Moreira et al.
were then diluted with sterilized distilled water and put into each pot. (2010), Xu et al. (2011). TRIzol reagent was used to extract the total
The treatment was given after every two days for a total of three times. RNA of the plant from leaves. cDNA was synthesized using the a Dia
After pre-treatment with isolate SH-9, plants were exposed to drought Star™ R.T kit (SolGent, Korea) from plant RNA. qRT-qPCR was per
stress by application of PEG 6000. PEG is higher molecular weight formed in the Eco™ real-time PCR machine using 2× Real-time PCR
compound that is used to induce artificial osmotic stress. Plants were Master Mix (including SYBR® Green I BioFACT™ Korea) using the
harvested 14 days after inducing drought stress treatment. Their synthesized cDNA and gene-specific primers (forward and reverse)
morphological parameters, namely, seedling length, biomass, and (Table 1). After initial denaturing at 94 ◦ C for 5 min, the sample was
chlorophyll content (SPAD-502; Konica Minolta, Japan), were measured subjected to 40 cycles of denaturing at 94 ◦ C for 30 s, annealing at 58 ◦ C
as described by Imran et al. (2021a), Khan et al. (2020a). for 30 s, extension at 72 ◦ C for 1 min, and final extension at 72 ◦ C for 5
min. Actin was utilized for each response to standardize the level of
2.6. Relative water content relative expression of each gene, and the expression level in control
plants was computed relative to other treated plants. The genes and their
The relative water content (RWC) of plant samples was measured corresponding primers (forward and reverse) are shown in Table 1.
using the fresh weight (FW) of every seventh leaf, which was submerged
in water for 8 h. After 8 h, the turgid weight (TW) was noted before the 2.11. Statistical analysis
leaf was left in an oven to dry at 75 ◦ C–80 ◦ C for 8 h to determine the dry
weight (DW). The RWC was calculated using the following equation Each experiment was conducted in three biological replicates and
described by Imran et al. (2022): subjected to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) in SAS version 9.2.
The DMRT was used to examine pairwise differences between sample
RWC = FW − DW/TW − DW × 100 mean values. For graphical representation, GraphPad Prism version 6.01
(San Diego, CA, USA) was used.
2.7. Quantification of antioxidant enzyme
3. Results
The spectrophotometric method was used to determine antioxidant
activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), ascorbate 3.1. Plant growth–promoting assays
peroxidase (APX), and glutathione (GSH)using a spectrophotometer
(Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) to measure absorbance All rhizosphere isolates were screened for plant growth promoting
as described by Imran et al. (2021b). Briefly, POD in soybean was (PGP), such as IAA, exopolysaccharide (EPS), siderophore production,
determined spectrophotometrically using the method developed by Kim and phosphate solubilization. The results indicated that isolate SH-9 had
et al. (2017). Similarly, the activity of APX in soybean was determined the highest phosphate-solubilizing index of 4.69 ± 0.30 cm and ability
using the method described by Khan (2020b). The Marklund method to produce siderophore with a transparent halo zone with an index of
S. Shaffique et al. Plant Stress 10 (2023) 100279
Table 1
Genes name and their corresponding forwards and reverse primers.
Gene Name Forward primer Reverse primer
2.59 ± 0.12 cm colony diameter. Similarly, SH-9 was positive for EPS
production with an index of 4.67 ± 0.13. The SH-9 showed a significant
IAA production by forming a reddish color in Salkowski’s reagent
(Fig. 1).
After assessing the different PGPR traits, SH-9 was further screened
for its capacity to withstand drought stress under various PEG concen
trations. The results indicated that SH-9 exhibited the highest tolerance
toward drought stress. At 5 % PEG, it showed a non-significant differ
ence to control 1, but as the PEG concentration increased, the SH-9
tolerance decreased. SH-9 showed higher tolerance at PEG 20 % than
at PEG 35 and 30 % (Fig. 2). The 16S rRNA sequence of the SH-9 isolate
had a substantial similarity with Bacillus pumilus spp., and it grouped
with B. pumilus in the phylogenetic tree.” The sequence was submitted to
the NCBI database under a unique gene accession number ON753949
(Fig. 3). Fig. 2. SH-9 growth under seven PEG 6000 concentrations (0 %–30 %).
Different lower case letters on top of bars indicate significant difference be
tween treatments at p-value of <0.05. The error bar represents the standard
3.3. Effects of SH-9 application on soybean growth under drought stress
error of the mean (SEM) among the replicates.
Fig. 1. Characteristics of SH-9 with respect to plant growth–promoting assays. (a) Siderophore production, (b) Phosphate solubilization, (c) Exopolysaccharides, and
(d) Indole acetic acid production by the SH-9 bacterial isolate.
S. Shaffique et al. Plant Stress 10 (2023) 100279
Fig. 3. SH-9 strain in a phylogenetic tree with other Bacillus pumilus strains based on 16S rRNA sequences. The phylogenetic tree was created using the neighbor
joining (NJ) method with 1000 boot strap replications and a 70 % cut off value. Bootstrap values were shown at each node. The phylogenetic tree represents
taxonomic status and ecological evolution of two different species (Bacillus pumilus and Priestia megatrium).
Fig. 4. Effects of SH-9 under drought and non-drought conditions on the phenotypic appearance of soybean plants. A) control plants without any stress, B) 10 %
drought, C 20 % drought, D) SH-9 treated, E) SH-9 plus 10 % drought, and F) SH-9 plus /20 % drought.
drought stress (Fig. 6a). These findings were supported by the significant The effects of isolate SH-9 on the transcription factor under drought
upregulation of the ABA biosynthesis gene NCED3 expression under stress were assessed. The results indicated a significantly higher
drought stress (Fig. 6b). Furthermore, application of SH-9, increased the expression of dehydration response DREB2 in plants under drought than
upregulation of IAA by 6.5 % relative to that of the control group in the control plants. SH-9 application caused a considerable reduction
(Fig. 6c). in the DREB expression under drought stress relative to the negative
S. Shaffique et al. Plant Stress 10 (2023) 100279
4. Discussion
Fig. 6. (a). Abscisic acid content in various treatment groups. (b). Relative expression of candidate gene (NCED3) in soybean plants. The values were calculated
relative to those of actin gene expression. (c). Content of IAA in all treatment groups. Values represented mean values of three replicates, and the error bars rep
resented SEM. Bars with different lower case letters indicate significant differences between treatments at p-value of <0.05, as evaluated by DMRT. Values sharing
the same letter are statistically equal at p-value < 0.05, whereas those sharing different letters are significantly different.
S. Shaffique et al. Plant Stress 10 (2023) 100279
Fig. 7. The application of SH-9 modulated the antioxidant defense system in all treatment groups. (a) Modulation of the SOD in all treatment groups, (b) Modulation
of APX activity, (c) Modulation of the peroxidase level. (d) Effects of SH-9 inoculation on GSH activation under drought and non-drought conditions in soybean
plants. Each data point represents the mean value of three replicates, and the error bars represent the SEM. Bars with different lower case letters indicate significant
differences between treatments at p-value of <0.05, as evaluated by DMRT. Values sharing the same letter are statistically equal at p-value < 0.05, whereas those
sharing different letters are significantly different.
growth, biomass, and photosynthetic pigments. The beneficial effects of mediated by ABA and ABA-related genes, such as GmNCED3 (Wahid
SH-9 on soybeans can be attributed to its PGP trait. SH-9 demonstrated et al., 2020). Our results suggest that SH-9 inoculation enhanced plant
plant growth promoting (PGP) traits, such as EPS, siderophore, IAA, and growth under drought stress by reducing ABA accumulation. Similarly,
phytohormone (ABA and IAA) production and phosphate solubilization. IAA is another phytohormone that plays a dynamic role in mitigating
Photosynthetic processes are susceptible to drought stress (Reddy et al., plant growth during drought stress (Spaepen and Vanderleyden, 2011).
2004; Zargar et al., 2017). Plants have evolved sophisticated mecha Phytohormones act as signal molecules and reduce oxidative stress by
nisms to combat drought stress, such as metabolic reprogramming, altering gene expression and activation of the antioxidant defense sys
endogenous phytohormones, and stomatal closure to inhibit photosyn tem. Some previous studies suggest that endogenous phytohormones are
thesis, modulating gene expression, and activation of the endogenous associated with drought stress tolerance (Dhar et al., 2022). In this
antioxidant defense mechanism. Results showed a decrease in chloro study, we observed higher ABA levels under drought stress, but ABA
phyll content in uninoculated plants during drought stress, whereas levels decreased when plants were inoculated with SH-9.
SH-9 inoculation resulted in less pronounced reduction in chlorophyll Moreover, drought stress enhances the accumulation of free radicals,
content under drought stress. Higher chlorophyll content was associated including singlet oxygen, superoxide anion, and H2O2, which causes
with higher biomass of plants than in plants in the negative control. cellular degradation and toxicity. However, plants can scavenge free
Previous studies have also reported that the application of radicals by activating the intrinsic antioxidant pathways, such as acti
drought-tolerant microbes increases the chlorophyll content in various vating SOD, POD, APX, and GSH reductase, which enhance protection
crops, such as broccoli (Kim et al., 2020), maize (Shaffique et al., against cellular damage and reduce oxidative stress (Nahar et al., 2015;
2022d), wheat (Kasim et al., 2013), tomato (Shintu and Jayaram, 2015), Xing et al., 2016). Similarly, soybean plants inoculated with SH-9
and rice (Gusain et al., 2015). significantly increased free radical scavenging by increasing the activ
The observed increase in drought stress tolerance can be attributed to ities of SOD, POD, APX, and GSH. GSH is mainly present in the cytosol of
endo-ABA accumulation, as endogenous phytohormones, such as ABA, cells that build up the redox balance (Zhou et al., 2022).
are crucial in regulating plant growth under ecological stresses (Joga Inoculation of plants with rhizospheric bacteria enhances antioxi
wat et al., 2021). Among other phytohormones, ABA is more likely to dant enzymes production (Angon et al., 2022; Kour and Yadav, 2022). In
respond to drought stress by prompting stomatal closure and water this study, activities of SOD, APX, and POD were higher in plants
maintenance (Altaf et al., 2023; Mukherjee et al., 2023). Plant–microbe inoculated with SH-9 than in non-inoculated plants under drought
interaction has attracted attention in the field of sustainable agronomy stress. Our findings corroborate those of (Moretti et al., 2021; Porcel
(Gonzalez and Gonzalez-Lopez, 2013). Plant–microbe interaction is et al., 2003; Shaffique et al., 2022d), who detected a remarkably high
S. Shaffique et al. Plant Stress 10 (2023) 100279
DREB2 are vital in alleviating drought stress and are also involved in
ABA signal transduction (Mohsenzadeh Golfazani et al., 2022). Drought
stress significantly upregulated the expression level of NCED3, which is
responsible for the production of the ABA (stress hormone). Inoculation
of plants with SH-9 down-regulated the expression of NCED3 relative to
the control group. Therefore, our results confirm that the application of
SH-9 has the potential to improve drought stress tolerance via modu
lation of the expression of stress-responsive genes, which enhances stress
The results of this study showed that the isolate SH-9 is a new
drought-tolerant variant of Bacillus spp. The isolate exhibited plant
growth–promoting characteristics, including EPS, siderophore produc
tion, and phosphate solubilization. It also enhanced growth attributes,
such as biomass, RWC, and chlorophyll in soybeans. Plant growth–
promoting characteristics were observed after SH-9 inoculation, which
mediated endogenous phytohormones (ABA and IAA) and antioxidant
enzymes (GSH, SOD, APX, and POD), preventing cellular damage. The
rhizospheric drought-tolerant strain (SH-9) could also modulate
drought-related transcription factors, such as GmbZIP1, GmDREB2, and
GmNCED3. These findings suggest that SH-9 can be an eco-friendly,
sustainable biostimulant.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Fig. 8. Effects of SH-9 inoculation under drought conditions on the relative Data availability
expression of the stress response genes) (a) GmDREB2, and (b) GmbZIP1, in
soybean plants. The values were calculated relative to those of actin gene Not applicable.
expression. Mean values of three replicates were obtained, and error bars rep
resented the SEM. Bars with different lower case letters indicate significant
differences between the treatments at p-value of <0.05, as evaluated by DMRT.
Values sharing the same letter are statistically equal at p-value < 0.05, whereas
those sharing different letters are significantly different.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (no.
activity of SOD, APX, and POD in microbial-inoculated plants under
abiotic stress. These results demonstrated that microbial inoculation of
plants triggered the antioxidant activity in soybean plants to cope with
the free radicals. Higher levels of antioxidant molecules under drought Funding
stress are associated with a high level of ROS and de novo synthesis of
enzymatic proteins. Republic of Korea and Korea Basic Science Institute (National
These factors also correlated with the molecular response of plants Research Facilities and Equipment Center) grant funded by the Ministry
under stress conditions. During drought stress, the transcription factor, of Education (NRF-2021R1A6C101A416).
dehydration-responsive element binding (DREB2), is activated to regu
late the stress signaling pathway to transduce gene expression (Bai et al., References
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