Computer Programming II: Text and Reference Books

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Deterination of 'Y' by Clement and Desorms's method

13. Determination of thermal conductivity of metal by Searle's method
14. Determination of thermal conductivity of bad conductor by Lee's disc method

Computer Programming II
1. Calculation of days between two dates of a year
2. To check if triangle exists and the type of the triangle
3. To find the sum of the sine and cosine series and print oput the curve
4. To solve simultaneous equations by elimination method
5. To perpare mark-list of polynomials
6. Fitting a straight line or a simple curve a given data
a given integer into binary and octal systems and vice versa of a matrix
Spiral array

Text and Reference Books

D. P. Khandelwal "Optics and Atomic Physic" (Himalaya Publishing Houses, Bombay 1988)
D. P. Khandelwal, " A laboratory Manual for Undergraduate Classes" (Vani Publishing House,
New Delhi)
S Lipschutz and A Poe, "Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Prgramming with
Fortran" (McGraw-Hill Book Company 1986)
O Dixon Numerical Analysis. "


7.1 Quantum Mechanics

Origin of the quantum theory : Failure of classical physics to explain the phenomena such as

black-body spectrum, photoelectric effect, Ritz combination principle in spectra stability of an

atom Plank's radiatioin law, Einstein's explanation of photoelectric effect. Bohr's quantization of

angular momentum and its applications to hydrogen atom, limitations of Bohr's theory.

Wave-particle duality and uncertainty principle de Broglie hypothesis for matter waves; the
concept of wave and group velocities, evidence for diffraction and interference of 'particles,
experimental demonstration of matter waves.
Consequence of de Broglie's concepts; quantisation in hydrogen atom; energies of a particle in
a box, wave packets, Heisenberg's uncertainty relation for p and x, its extension to energy and
Consequence of the uncertainty relation : gamma ray microscope, diffraction at a slite, particle
in a box position of electron in a Bohr orbit.
Quantum Mechanics : Schrodinger's equation, Postulatory basis of quantum mechanics ;
operators, expectation values, transition probabilities, applications to particle in a one, three
dimensional boxes, harmonic oscillator, reflection at a step potential, transmission across a
potential barrier.
Hydrogen atom; natural occurrency of n, l and m quantum numbers, the related physical
quantities comparison with Bohr's theory.
Quantum statisitcs 'h' as a natural constant and its implications, cases of particle in a one
dimensional box and one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Indistinguishability of particles and
its consequences. Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac conditions; applications to liquid helium, free
electrons in a metal and photons in blackbody chamber Fermi level and Fermi energy.
7.2 Nuclear Physics
Interaction of charge particles and neutrons with matter, working of nuclear detectors, G-M
counter proportional counter and scintillantion counter, cloud chambers, spark chamber
Structure of Nuclei, basis properties (l, µ, Q and binding energy), deuteron binding energy, p-p
and n-p scattering and general concepts of nuclear forces. Beta decay, range of alpha particle.
Geiger-Nuttal law. Gamows explanation of beta decay, alpha decay and continuous and
discrete spectra.
Nuclear reactions channel compound nucleus, direct reaction (concepts) Shell model : liquid
drop model, fission and fusion (concepts), energy production in stars by ? and carbon cycles

Text and Reference Books

H. S. Main and G K Mehta, "Introduction to Modern Physics" (Affiliated East-West Press, 1989)
A Beiser "Prospective of Modern Physics"
R P Feymann, R B Leighton and M Sands, "The Feymann Lectures on Physics". Vol III (B I
Publications, Bombay Delhi, Calcutta Madras)
T A Littlefield and N Thorley, "Atomic and Nuclear Physics" (Engineering Language Book
H A Enge, "Introduction to Nuclear Physics" (Addision-Welsy)
Eisenberg and Resnik, "Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclel and Particles"
(John Wiley)


8.1 Atomic Physics
Spectra of hydrogen deuteron and alkali atoms spectral terms, doublet fine structure, screening
constants for alkali spectra for s, p, d, and f states selection rules.
Singlet and triplet fine structure in alkaline earth spectra, L-S and J-J couplings.
Week spectra : Continuous X-ray spectrum and its dependence on voltage, Duane and Hunt's
law, Characteristics X-rays Moseley's law, doublet structure of X-ray spectra, X-ray absocption
8.2 Molecular Physics
Discrete set of electronic energies of molecules, quantisation of vibrational and rotational
energies, determination of internuclear distance, pure rotational and rotation vibration spectra.
Dissociation limit for the group and other electronic states, transition rules for pure vibration and
electronic vibration spectra.
Raman effect, Stokes and anti-Stokes lines, complimentary character of Raman and infrared
specta, experimental arrangements for Raman spectroscopy.
Spectroscopic technique : Sources of excitation, prism and granting spectrographs for visible.
UV and IR, absorption spectroscopy, double beam instruments, different recording system.
8.3 Solid State Physics
Overview : Crystalline and glassy forms, liquid crystals, glass transition.
Structure : Crystal structure : periodicity, lattices and bases, fundamental translation vectors,
unit cell, Wigner-Seitz cell, allowed rotations, lattice types, lattice planes, common crystal
structures. Laue's theory of x-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, Laue patterns.
Bonding : Potential between a pair of atoms : Lennard - Jones potential, concept of cohesive
energy, covalent, Van der Walls, ionic, and metallic crystalss.
Magnetism : Atomic magnetic moment, magnetic susceptibility, Dia-Par-and Ferromagnetism,
Ferromagnetic domains, Hysteresis.
Thermal properties : Lattice vibrations, simple harminic oscillator, second order expansion of
Lennard-Jones potential about the minimum, vibrations of one dimensional monatomic chain
under harmonic and nearest neighbour interaction approximation, concept of phonons, density
of modes (1-D) Debye model; lattice specific heat, low temperatiure limit, extension.
(conceptual) to 3-D band structure electrons in periodic potenbial, nearly free electron model
(qualitatively), energy bands, energy gap, metals insutators semiconductors
of electrons free electrons, conduction electrons, electrons collisions, mean free path,
conductivity and Ohm's law Density of states, Fermi energy, Fermi velocity, Fermi-Dirac

Text and Reference Books

H. S. Mani and G. K. Mehta: "Introduction to Modern Physics" (Affiliated East-West Press,
A. Beiser "Prospective of Modern Physics"
H. E. White, "Introduction to Atomic Physics"
Barrow introduction to Molecular Physics"
R. P. Feymann, R. B. Leightom and M Sands: "The Feyman Lectures on Physics" Vol III (B I
Publications, Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta Madras)
T. A Littefield an N. Thorley, " Atomic and Nuclear Physics" (Engineering Language Book
Eisenberg and Resnik, "Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particiles"
(Jophn Wiley)
D. P. Khandelwal, "Optics and Atomic Physics" (Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1988)
C. Kittle, "Introduction to Solid State Physics" Vth Edition (John Wiley and Sons, New York,
J. S. Blackmore, "Solid State Physics" IInd Edition (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge)
N. W. Ascroft and N. D. Mermin, "Solid State Physics"(Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New Yrk,


9.1 Solid State Devices
Semiconductors : Intrinsic semiconductors, electrons and holes, Fermi level. Temperature
dependence of electron and hole concentrations. Doping: impurity states, n and p type
semiconductors conductivity. mobility, Hall effect, Hall coefficient.
Semiconductor devices : Metal-semiconductor junction, p-n junction majority and minority
carries, diode. Zener and tunnel diodes, light emitting diode, transistor, solar cell.
9.2 Electronics
Power supply : Diode as a circuit element, load line concept, rectification, ripple factor, zener
diode, voltage stabilization, IC voltage regulation, characteristics of a transistor in CB, CE and
CC mode, graphical analysis of the CE configuration, low frequency equivalent circuits, h-
parameters, bias stability, thermal runaway.
Field effect transistory : JFET volt-ampere curves, biasing JFET, ac operation of JFET, source
follower, Depletion and enhancement mode, MOSFET, biasing MOSFET, FET as variable
voltage resister digital MOSFET circuits.
Photonic devices Photodiode, photo transistor solar cell and diode laser
Small signal amplifiers : General principles of operation, classification, distortion, RC coupled
amplifier, gain frequency response, input and output impedance, multistage amplifiers,
transformer coupled amplifiers, Equivalent circuits at low, medium and high frequencies; emitter
follower low frequency common-source and common-drain amplifier, Noise in electronic
Negative feedback and application Oscillators Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators.
Logic Circuit : AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND and EX-OR, truth tables, Boolean algebra and K-
map Combinational logic circuit : Half adder, full adder, Subtractor and BCD adder
Text and Referebce Books
B G Streetman "Solid State Electronic Devices" IInd Edition (Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,
W D Stanley, "Electronic Devices, Circuits and Application" (Prentice-Hall, New Jersey USA,
J Ryder, "Electronics Fundamentals and APplications" IInd Edition (Prentice-Hall of India, New
Delhi, 1986)
J Millman and A Grabel, "Microelectronics" International Edition (McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York 1988)
Laboratory III
This is a suggested list. Every institution may add any experiment of same standard in the
same subject area.
1. To study characteristics curves of Diode and Zener Diode
2. To study common emitter characteristics of NPN transistor
3. To study commoan base characteristics of NPN transistor
4. To study common emitter characteristics of PNP transistor
5. To study common base characteristics of PNP transistor
6. To study hybrid parameters of a transistor
7. To find out band gap of a semiconductor
8. To verify truth tables of logic gates
9. To study characteristic curves of FET
10. To study LCR circuit
11. To determine low resistance with the help of Kelvin's bridge
12. To determine inductance and capacitance by Maxwell's bridge
13. To verify inverse square law by Photo cell

Computer Programming III

1. Find roots of ƒ(x) = 0 by using Newton-Raphson method
2. Find roots of ƒ(x) = 0 by using secant method
3. Integration by Simpson rule
4. To find the value of y at a given value of x by Runga - Kutta Method
5. Eight Queens Problem
6. Magic Squares
7. String manipulations
8. Towers of Hanoi (Non-recursive)
9. Finding first four prefect numbers
10. Quadratic interpolation using Newton's forward - difference formula of degree two.

Text and Reference Books

B. G. Streetman, "Solid State Electronic Devices", II Edison (Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi,
E. D. Stanley, "Electronic Devices, Circuits and Applications" (Prentice-Hall New Jersey, USA,
S. Lipschutz and A. Poe, "Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Programming with

Fortran" (McGraw-Hill Book Company Singapore 1986)

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