Mechanical and Post-Cracking Performance of Recycl

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Mechanical and Post-Cracking Performance of Recycled Aggregate

Concrete Incorporating Synthetic Fibers
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ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

Mechanical and Post-Cracking Performance of Recycled

Aggregate Concrete Incorporating Synthetic Fibers

Syed M S Kazmi*, Muhammad J Munir, Yufei Wu, and Indubhushan Patnaikuni

School of Engineering, RMIT University, 376-392 Swanston St, Melbourne,
Victoria-3001, Australia.


Abstract. Reuse of concrete waste in novel construction is becoming very important topic
nowadays. This study focuses to examine the post-cracking and mechanical performance,
fracture behavior, and micro-structure of fiber strengthened recycled aggregate concrete (RAC).
For this purpose, crack mouth opening diameter (CMOD) tests were conducted on twenty-seven
notched beam specimens (550 x 150 x 150 mm) having three replacement levels (i.e., 0, 50 and
100%) of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) and three synthetic fiber dosages (i.e., 0, 0.5 and
1%). Different mechanical properties of all mixes were also examined following ASTM
standards. Drop in the mechanical performance of RAC was noticed at higher RCA replacement
levels. However, synthetic fiber reinforced RAC showed better performance as compared to
plain RAC. Results also depict positive influence of synthetic fiber addition on the residual
flexural tensile strength of concrete. Approximately, 129% and 380% rise in toughness index
and fracture energy was also observed for 1% fiber incorporation in RAC. Moreover, scanning
electron microscopic analysis also confirmed the synthetic fiber-mortar bond. Therefore,
synthetic fibers enhance the post-cracking and mechanical performance of fiber reinforced RAC
resulting into more ductile and energy absorbing sustainable concrete.

1. Introduction
Concrete is widely utilized in different construction projects around the globe, which is produced after
using a huge quantity of natural resources. Concrete aggregates constitute around 60-75% of all the
volume of concrete [1]. Annual consumption of natural coarse aggregates (NCA) in concrete production
is about 20 billion tons and is predicted to double itself in the next 30 years [1]. On the other hand, huge
amount of waste is produced from construction and demolition (C&D) activities worldwide. For
instance, China and Australia produce 200 Mt [2] and 13.7 Mt [3] C&D waste each year. Similarly, US,
Europe and Japan produce 900 Mt of construction and demolition waste per year [4]. Best possible
solution of the problem is to reuse this construction and demolition waste to yield recycled concrete
aggregates (RCA). Consequently, landfilling problems as well as exhaustion of natural resources may
be reduced to a great volume.
A lot of studies are available in the open literature regarding the utilization of different wastes in the
novel construction materials [5-15]. Recycling of C&D waste in the form of RCA to produce recycled
aggregate concrete (RAC) have also been investigated by many researchers in the past [1, 4, 7, 16, 17].
Reduction in mechanical performance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) was reported in previous
studies due to inferior properties of RCA [18, 19]. Approximately, 25%, 23%and 24% decrease in the
compressive, flexural strength and split tensile strength was observed in fully RCA incorporated RAC [1,
7, 19]. Variety of RCA treatment techniques have been proposed by researchers to improve RAC

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ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

properties, including surface modification of RCA through carbonation or other techniques [20],
removing adhered mortar from RCA [17], modifying RAC mixing method [21-23] ,utilization of
contentious materials and incorporation of different fibers in RAC fibers [24-26]. Increase in the
mechanical properties was reported in the fiber reinforced RAC. For example, 13%, rise in the
compressive strength was observed for 0.75% steel fiber dosage [27]. Similarly, 4 and 31% surge in the
flexural strength and split tensile strength was also reported after incorporating 1% synthetic fibers [28].
Moreover, improved flexural performance and impact resistance of fiber strengthened concrete was also
reported due to utilization of synthetic fibers [29]
Nowadays different types of synthetic and steel fibers are utilized in variety of construction projects.
Synthetic fibers are used in different types of constructions for example tunnel linings and industrial
pavements due to lighter in weight, cheaper in cost, better distribution in concrete, improved impact
resistance and durability as compared to steel fibers [16, 30]. Synthetic fibers have been reported very
useful for normal concrete due to the associated better performance of resulting fiber reinforced concrete.
However, there is a scant literature available on the effect of synthetic fibers on the properties of RAC.
Consequently, more research is required to explore the mechanical and post-cracking properties of
synthetic-fiber strengthened RAC. The aim of this study is to explore the post-cracking and mechanical
properties of synthetic-fiber incorporated RAC. For this reason, nine different concrete mixes were
prepared and tested with 0, 50 and 100% RCA replacement and 0, 0.5 and 1% synthetic fiber dosage.

2. Materials and mixture proportion

NCA and RCA having maximum size 14 mm were utilized in this research. RCA was attained from
local concrete crushing plant having bulk density and water absorption 1413 kg/m3 and 7.61%
respectively. NCA comprised of crushed basalt aggregates having bulk density and water absorption
1512 kg/m3 and 2.06% respectively. The gradation of RCA and NCA is depicted in figure. 1.
Percentage Finer (%)

4 6 8 10 12 14
Particle Size (mm)

Figure 1. Gradation of NCA and RCA.

Figure 2. Polypropylene synthetic fibers.

RCA used in this study had less than 1% 30% contaminants and brick pieces respectively. Therefore,
RCA can be categorized under class 1B [31-33]. Local sand from river source having specific gravity
value of 2.65 and Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) were used throughout the study. Polypropylene

ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

synthetic fibers were used in this study had length, equivalent diameter, young’s modulus and density 57
mm 0.65 mm and 14 GPa and 0.91 kg/m3 respectively (figure. 2).
A total of nine concrete mixes with three RCA replacement levels (0,50 and 100%) and three fiber
dosages (0, 0.5, 1%) were prepared and tested to investigate the performance of synthetic fiber
reinforced RAC (table 1). Oven dried aggregates were used in this study and additional amount of water
was mixed to concrete mixes depending upon the water absorption capacity of the aggregates.

3. Sample preparation and test methods

Concrete mixtures were prepared using pan mixer as per ASTM C192 / C192M - 16a [34]. Three
concrete prisms having size 150 x 150 x 550 mm and six 150 mm diameter cylinders having 300 mm
height were prepared for all the nine mixes. To evaluate the post-cracking performance of synthetic fiber
strengthened RAC, a 25 mm high notch was made in the concrete prisms and tested under three point
bending test to record load and Crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) as per EN 14651:2005 [35].
Moreover, 28 days compressive strength and split tensile strength was also determined in accordance
with ASTM C39:2017 [36] and ASTM C496:2017 [37], respectively.
Residual flexural tensile strength describes the post-cracking performance of the concrete sample was
calculated at different CMOD values using Equation 1.
R ,j = (1)

Where, Fj and Rj are the and load and residual flexural tensile strength at different CMOD (i.e. 0.5, 1.5,
2.5 and 3.5 mm). Similarly, b, l and Hsp are the width of beam, span of beam and the height of beam
exclusive of the depth of notch, respectively. The fracture energy (Gf) of concrete samples was
determined using Equation 2 [38].
Wo +mgδ
Gf = (2)
Where W0 denotes the area underneath the load-CMOD curve (N/m), mg is the beam weight among its
supports (kg), δ is the peak deflection (m) and A is the area of fracture equivalent to [b(d - ao)] (m2), b,
d and ao are the breadth, height of the notched beam specimen and height of notch, respectively.
Toughness of all the fiber-reinforced samples were calculated using ratio of area underneath
load-CMOD diagram of fiber-reinforced and plain concrete specimen [39]. Moreover, Philips XL30
scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to investigate the micro-structure of fiber reinforced and
plain concrete specimens.

4. Results and discussions

4.1 Mechanical performance of synthetic fiber reinforced concrete

Table 2 shows the average compressive and split tensile strength values of plain and synthetic-fiber
strengthened normal aggregate concrete (NAC) and RAC concrete specimens. Drop in the compressive
and split tensile strength values was noticed with rise in the RCA replacement percentage. For instance,
25% and 16% reduction of compressive and split tensile strength was noted for 100% RCA replacement.
This reduction in mechanical performance of RAC may be attributed to the weak old mortar attached
with the RCA surface [1, 40].
However, addition of synthetic fibers resulted in the improved mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced
RAC. Addition of 1% synthetic fibers resulted in 5% and 30% rise in the compressive strength and split
tensile strength of the RAC. Synthetic fibers improve the resistance of micro crack sliding [41] and help
in transferring the stress from concrete to fibers [42] leading to improved mechanical performance of
concrete. Similar improved mechanical properties of concrete due to fiber incorporation was also
observed in past studies [25, 27].

ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

Table 1. Mix proportion details.

Group ID R0 R0P0.5 R0P1 R50 R50P0.5 R50P1 R100 R100P0.5 R100P1

451.4 451.4 451.4 451.4 451.4 451.4 451.4 451.4 451.4
Sand (kg/m3) 708.6 708.6 708.6 708.6 708.6 708.6 708.6 708.6 708.6
NCA (kg/m3) 822.5 822.5 822.5 411.2 411.2 411.2 --- --- ---
RCA (kg/m3) --- --- --- 411.2 411.2 411.2 822.5 822.5 822.5
--- 0.5 1 --- 0.5 1 --- 0.5 1
fibers (%)
185.1 185.1 185.1 185.1 185.1 185.1 185.1 185.1 185.1
W/c 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41
Extra Water
17.0 17.0 17.0 39.8 39.8 39.8 62.5 62.5 62.5
Slump (mm) 65 45 35 55 35 30 50 35 25

Table 2. Mechanical properties.

Mechanical properties Compressive strength (MPa) Split tensile strength (MPa)
R0 49.65 3.19
R0P0.5 50.20 3.80
R0P1 52.26 4.53
R50 41.48 3.24
R50P0.5 43.29 4.03
R50P1 44.24 4.39
R100 38.16 2.68
R100P0.5 40.16 3.69
R100P1 41.60 4.22

4.2 Post-cracking properties

Figures 3-5 depict the load-CMOD diagrams of all the concrete samples having three different dosages
of synthetic fibers. It can be noticed that rise in RCA replacement level in the concrete results into lower
peak load. For instance, 18% drop in the peak load was observed for 100% RCA replacement. Lower
peak load may be due to weak old adhered mortar with RCA, similar results were reported in the past
studies [31]. Steep and brittle post-peak performance was noted for the plain concrete specimens as
revealed in figures 3-5. However, ductile behavior was observed in the samples incorporating synthetic
fibers with steeper post-peak curve of RAC samples as equated to virgin concrete samples. For plain
concrete samples, the test was conducted till failure. However, all the synthetic fiber reinforced samples
were tested till 4 mm CMOD value as per [43]. Increasing trend of peak load was noticed with the rise in
fiber amount for all the RCA replaced specimens (figure 4). For example, 20% rise in the peak load was
noticed for 50% and 100% RCA replaced synthetic fiber strengthened concrete specimens as compared
to the plain concrete specimens.

ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

Figure 3. Effect of synthetic fibers on normal concrete.

Figure 4. Effect of synthetic fibers on 50% RCA incorporated concrete.

Figure 5. Effect of synthetic fibers on RAC.

Plain concrete specimens showed brittle type of failure. However, synthetic fiber reinforced specimens
absorbed energy by bridging the cracks resulting in better post-peak behavior in the load-CMOD
diagram. Moreover, through the descending branch of load-CMOD curve, synthetic fiber reinforced
samples retrieved some of the load due to bond between concrete and fiber surface [44]. Comparable
tendency was detected in past study [45]. Higher elongation potential, better bonding with the cracked
concrete and medium tensile strength of synthetic fibers results into more energy absorption for large
displacements leading towards better post cracking performance of concrete [46]. Therefore, synthetic
fibers improve the ductility and post-peak behavior of resulting concrete specimens.

ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

4.3 Fracture energy and toughness index

Figure 6 depicts the drop in the fracture energy of concrete samples with the rise in RCA replacement
level. However, synthetic fibers improved the fracture energy of normal as well as RAC specimens. For
example, around 22% drop in the fracture energy was observed by incorporating 100% RCA with the
same fiber dosage (i.e. 1%). Moreover, 380 and 372% rise in the fracture energies was also noticed for
NAC and RAC specimens with 1% synthetic fibers respectively. Surge in the fracture energy may be
credited to de-bonding and stretching of synthetic fibers resulting in the prevention of crack propagation
and higher absorption of energy [47].
Rise in the toughness value of concrete samples was noticed with the upsurge in synthetic fiber dosage
(figure 7). For example, 123% rise in toughness was observed in the RAC specimens after the increase
of synthetic fiber dosage from 0.5 to 1%. Moreover, RAC specimens depicted higher toughness index
values as compared to normal concrete specimens. Similar increase in toughness values was also
reported in past study [16].

Figure 6. Fracture energy of concrete specimens.

Figure 7. Toughness of concrete specimens.

ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

Figure 8. SEM image of RAC.

Figure 9. SEM image of fiber reinforced concrete.

4.4 Scanning electron microscopy

Figure 8 and figure 9 depict scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of RAC showing porous old
adhered mortar attached with RCA and the microstructural interface of mortar and synthetic fibers in the
concrete respectively. The lower post-cracking and mechanical performance of RAC in this study may
be related to the weaker porous old adhered mortar attached with RCA. Figure. 9 also presents the rough
surface of concrete along with smooth surface of synthetic fiber resulting in stronger fiber-matrix bond.
Better fiber-matrix bond also resulted in improved post-cracking and mechanical properties of
fiber-reinforced concrete as equated to plain concrete.

5. Summary and conclusions

Following conclusions were drawn based on this study
 Drop in the mechanical properties was observed with the RCA incorporation. However, synthetic
fibers improved the mechanical performance of RAC.
 Synthetic fibers increased the highest load in load-CMOD diagram for normal as well as RAC
specimens. RCA incorporation in concrete reduced the peak load of concrete specimens. Moreover,
plain concrete specimens showed brittle post-peak behavior as compared to fiber reinforced
 Residual-flexural tensile strength of the concrete specimens increased with upsurge in synthetic
fiber dosage resulting in improved post-cracking performance of normal concrete as well as RAC.
 RAC strengthened with 1% synthetic-fibers exhibited rise in the toughness and fracture energy by
129 and 380% respectively.
 SEM examination of displayed the porous old adhered mortar attached with the RCA, which
caused inferior concrete performance. Presence of synthetic fiber-concrete bond was also noticed,
which enhanced the post cracking and mechanical performance of fiber-reinforced concrete.

ICBMC 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 829 (2020) 012003 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/829/1/012003

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