A Review of Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC) Technology
A Review of Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC) Technology
A Review of Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC) Technology
G. E. Kouba
Chevron Petroleum Technology Company
O. Shoham
The University of Tulsa (TUSTP)
Economic pressures continue to force the petroleum industry to seek less expensive
alternatives to conventional gravity based separation. The gas-liquid cylindrical cyclone
(GLCC) is a simple, compact, low-cost separator that can provide an economically
attractive alternative to conventional separators over a wide range of applications.
Although cyclones have long been used for liquid/liquid, solid/liquid, and gas/solid
separation, they have experienced only limited use in full range gas/liquid separation
applications. The biggest impediment to the wide spread use of GLCCs has been the lack
of reliable performance prediction tools in order to know where they can and cannot be
successfully applied.
This paper presents the status of the development of the GLCC, the state-of-the-art with
respect to modeling the GLCC, and discusses current installations and potential
The GLCC is a simple, compact, low-weight and low-cost separator that is rapidly gaining
popularity as an alternative to conventional gravity based separators. Shown in Fig 1 is a
simple GLCC consisting of a vertical pipe with a tangential inlet and outlets for gas and
liquid. The tangential flow from the inlet to the body of the GLCC causes the flow to
swirl with sufficient tangential velocity to produce centripetal forces on the entrained gas
which are an order of magnitude higher than the force of gravity. The combination of
gravitational and centrifugal forces pushes the liquid radially outward and downward
toward the liquid exit, while the gas is driven inward and upward toward the gas exit.
This difficulty in predicting the hydrodynamic performance of the GLCC has been the
single largest obstruction to broader usage of the GLCC. Even without tried and tested
performance predictions, several successful applications of GLCCs have been reported.
The development of reliable performance prediction tools will govern the speed and extent
to which the GLCC technology can spread in existing and new applications.
The GLCC has a distinct advantage over conventional gravity based separators when
compactness, weight, and cost are the overriding considerations for separator selection.
There are a variety of applications where requirements may vary from partial to complete
gas-liquid separation. Below are some of the current installations and potential
applications for the GLCC.
When complete gas-liquid separation is achieved in the GLCC, several liquid metering
options are available, e.g., bulk liquid metering and proportional sampling. Chevron has
several multiphase metering loops in operation that use this standard liquid metering
approach on the liquid leg of a GLCC. This is a very low cost option for multiphase
measurement although sampling can be labor intensive.
Two-phase liquid-liquid meters are also available for the liquid leg. Liu and Kouba16 have
shown that Coriolis meters with the net oil computer (NOC) option can simultaneously
measure oil and water flow rates with excellent accuracy for production allocation
applications, such as well testing, provided there is no gas present in the meter. Chevron
has deployed several multiphase metering loops with Coriolis NOCs on the liquid leg as
shown in Fig.3. One of the main limitations of the Coriolis NOC in the measurement loop
is the sensitivity of the Coriolis NOC to small amounts of gas that may carry-under with
the liquid. The Accuflow multiphase measurement system, shown in Fig. 4, utilizes a
second stage horizontal pipe separator between the GLCC and the Coriolis meter to
prevent gas carry-under from reaching the Coriolis meter17.
The effect of partial gas separation on multiphase metering can be so pronounced that
several multiphase meter manufacturers are configuring their meters in multiphase
measurement loops utilizing compact gas-liquid separation. At least two manufacturers
are supporting further research on GLCCs.
Preseparation: A compact GLCC is often very appropriate for applications where only
partial separation of gas from liquid is required. One such application is the partial
separation of raw gas from high pressure wells to use for gas lift of low pressure wells.
Weingarten et al.23 developed a gas-liquid cyclone separator with an auger internal for
downhole and surface separation of raw gas. They showed that the auger cyclone could
successfully separate up to 80% of the gas without significant liquid carry-over into raw
lift gas stream. The cost of the auger separator was reported to be about 2% of a
conventional separator. The real savings in this sort of application comes from reducing
or eliminating gas compression facilities.
Separating a significant portion of the gas will reduce fluctuations in the liquid flow and
may result in improved performance of other downstream separation devices. Krebs
Petroleum Technologies28 is investigating the use of a GLCC in series with other compact
separation devices such as a wellhead desanding hydrocyclone and a free water knockout
hydrocyclone. Chevron is investigating the series combination of a GLCC with a free-
water knockout hydrocyclone and a deoiling hydrocyclone in an effort to improve
discharge water quality, as shown in Fig. 5.
Arato and Barnes1 investigated the use of GLCC to control GLR to a multiphase pump to
improve pumping efficiency. Sarshar et al22 showed several combinations of GLCC and
jet pumps that could be used to extract energy from high pressure multiphase wells to
enhance production from low pressure wells.
Production Separation: Vertical separators with tangential inlets are fairly common in the
oil field. These predecessors of the GLCC are often big and bulky with low velocity
perpendicular tangential pipe inlets. The tangential velocities are usually so low that
gravitational and centrifugal forces contribute roughly equally to separation.
Technological developments (discussed in later sections) in both GLCC hardware and
software should reduce the size and improve the performance of vertical separators. One
challenge in optimizing the size of a GLCC for production separation is designing a system
that can respond quickly to surges without serious upsets.
Cyclone separation has already proven useful in internal separation devices for large
horizontal separators. The GLCC may also provide a useful external preseparation device
to enhance performance of existing horizontal separators, as in Fig. 6. By separating part
of the gas, the separator level might be raised to increase residence time without
encountering the mist flow regime in the vessel.
The biggest impact to the petroleum industry from GLCC technology may be in subsea
separation applications. Baker and Entress4 have concluded that “wellhead separation and
pumping is the most thermodynamically efficient method for wellstream transfer over long
distances, particularly from deep water”. No doubt, the development of marginal offshore
fields will depend upon developing efficient and profit effective technologies. Subsea
applications demand a high degree of confidence in separator design and performance
while demanding that the equipment be simple, compact, robust and economical. Here
again the virtues of the GLCC should place it in good standing among competing
Few systematic studies of design configurations of different GLCC physical features have
been conducted. Laboratory observations and computer simulation indicate that some
modifications to the GLCC can have a profound effect on the GLCC performance.
Inlet Designs
The GLCC performance is dependent upon the tangential velocities of the swirling fluids,
especially that of the liquid. The inlet is the single most redesigned component of the
GLCC because of the inlet’s influence on tangential velocity.
Inclined Inlet: At moderate to high gas velocities, the inclined inlet, Fig. 1 & 2, reduces
liquid carry-over in the gas stream through two mechanisms. First, the downward
inclination of the inlet promotes stratification and provides preliminary separation in the
inlet nozzle to the GLCC. Second, while the tangential inlet causes the fluids to flow
circumferentially, the downward inclination causes the liquid stream to spiral below the
inlet after one revolution, preventing the liquid from blocking the flow of gas in the upper
part of the inlet. Inclining the inlet approximately 27o downward retards the onset of
liquid carry-over significantly compared to a perpendicular inlet in a low pressure air-
water system15. This has yet to be confirmed either quantitatively or qualitatively under
different fluids and flow conditions.
Slotted Wall Nozzle: The slotted nozzle produces a thin tangential wall jet of rectangular
cross-section. The advantage of the rectangular jet over the circular jet is that the angular
momentum generated by the incoming fluid is concentrated closer to the wall which
should aid separation. We know of no systematic evaluations of the effect of nozzle
geometry on GLCC performance.
Variable Inlet: A variable area inlet should serve to maintain an optimum tangential
velocity for separation. Davies10 reported the use of a variable inlet, but did not indicate
to what extent controlling the tangential velocity improved the separator performance.
Marti et al18 used CFD simulations to predict gas carry-under parameters as a function of
the ratio of tangential to axial velocities, and employed mechanistic modeling to predict
the gas-liquid vortex height as a function of inlet tangential velocity. From this work we
conclude that an optimum tangential velocity must exist. The challenge is to predict the
optimum tangential velocity for different fluids and flow conditions.
Dual Inlet: There are several different configurations for dual inlets. Diametrically
opposed inlets can be used to help stabilize the gas core if the geometry and flow rates are
well matched. While this arrangement has been successfully used for liquid-liquid
hydrocyclones, we are not aware of any tests of this configuration on GLCCs.
Dual inclined inlets at different axial locations are being investigated by Chevron and
TUSTP. The idea behind this configuration is to reduce the sensitivity to liquid level in
the GLCC by preseparating the mixture into liquid rich and gas rich streams in the lower
and upper inlets, respectively. Preliminary testing at the Tulsa University Separation
Technology Projects (TUSTP) of the dual inlet GLCC indicates a significant improvement
in liquid carry-over performance at low to moderate gas rates with no discernible
improvement at high gas rates.
Body Configuration
Despite the simple design of the GLCC, there are several possible modifications to the
body configuration that can influence performance.
Optimum Aspect Ratio: The dimensions of the GLCC will influence performance and
cost. The aspect ratio is the ratio of GLCC’s length to diameter. The residence time of
fluid in the GLCC is directly proportional to length and the square of diameter, while the
centrifugal and centripetal forces are inversely proportional to diameter. Frictional
damping of the tangential velocity can dramatically reduce the centripetal forces at large
distances away from the inlet indicating diminishing improvements in performance for
increases of length. Although there are several factors to consider in sizing a GLCC for a
specific application, a fundamental set of criteria to determine the optimum aspect ratio
has not yet been determined.
Cyclone Body Taper: Millington and Thew19 investigated diverging, converging and
cylindrical cyclones and found cylindrical walls to be slightly superior to either converging
or diverging walls for gas-liquid separation.
Gas Outlet: The coaxial gas outlet penetrating into the GLCC is sometimes referred to as
a “vortex finder”. Laboratory tests at Chevron could not find any combination of outlet
diameter and protrusion length into the GLCC that performed measurably better than a
constant GLCC diameter outlet at low to moderate gas rates. At high gas rates, we
expect that the conservation of angular momentum in the outlet will produce a combined
forced and free vortex in the gas region of the GLCC and improve liquid carry-over
Liquid Outlet: A tangential exit for the liquid flow out the GLCC would seem to pull
liquid from the near wall region and reduce gas carry-under and may even help to stabilize
the gas core. Although several GLCC prototypes have been tested with tangential exits,
we are not aware of any systematic efforts to test the effect of the tangential exit on
GLCC performance.
Optimum Liquid Level: Most testing to date indicates that the optimum liquid level in the
single GLCC is just below the inlet down to approximately 3L/D below the inlet. The
incoming tangential liquid stream makes about one revolution around the inside
circumference of the GLCC over this distance and maintains a high angular momentum.
Farther below the inlet than 3L/D, friction causes significant decay in the tangential
velocity. If the liquid level is above the inlet, gas must blow through the swirling liquid
sheet and is more likely to carry-over liquid.
System Considerations
The GLCC is typically part of a larger system of pipes and separation equipment. Because
of the GLCC’s small size and short fluid residence time, it is not as forgiving as a large
vessel in responding to severe flow rate surges. Consequently, care must be taken in the
system integration of the GLCC.
The Accuflow measurement system uses a second stage horizontal pipe separator to
remove any small gas bubbles that may have passed through with the liquid underflow
from the GLCC. This has enabled Accuflow to extend the operating range of their system
beyond the “normal” operating range of the GLCC for complete gas-liquid separation.
Liquid Level Controls: The liquid level in a GLCC is somewhat ill-defined because of the
shape of the gas-liquid interface. This presents a dilemma to most liquid level control
schemes, for what we would like to know is the height of the crown of the liquid vortex.
Unfortunately, what we typically measure is the equilibrium liquid level, i.e., sight gage
level. Efforts to relate crown height to equilibrium liquid level height are discussed
elsewhere in the section on simulation. Suffice it to say, liquid level control usually begins
with measurement of the equilibrium liquid level. Other issues in level control also
include: type of control system, response time, power requirements, robustness and cost.
The Accuflow multiphase measurement system has successfully used conventional control
equipment to maintain a tight control on liquid level by controlling the gas flow rate out
the GLCC17. Kolpak14 explored low power alternatives to conventional level controls
that exploited hydrostatic head difference in the GLCC to operate the controls. Chevron
has used inexpensive internal floating ball check valves to prevent liquid flooding in the
GLCCs used in well test systems15.
The Tulsa University Separation Technology Projects (TUSTP) was organized specifically
to develop reliable performance prediction tools for the GLCC. We believe that the
inability to accurately predict GLCC performance under different operational scenarios is
the single biggest impediment to wider spread usage of the GLCC technology. For many
years, correlations based on limited laboratory and field data have been the primary tools
for designing and predicting some performance aspects of cyclone separators.
Correlations are typically limited to the test conditions used to obtain the data on which
the correlation is based. Interpolation can be risky and extrapolating to completely
different conditions requires a leap of faith for the designer relying solely on correlations.
Consequently, users could not have great confidence in applying the technology to
applications outside their range of experience.
Mechanistic Modeling
The discussion here is limited to the status of ongoing work at TUSTP as we are unaware
of any other major efforts in this area. Most of this work has been presented in references
[2, 3, 13, 15, and 18].
The ultimate aim of this modeling work is to predict the operating envelope for the GLCC
with respect to liquid carry-over in the gas stream and gas carry-under in the liquid stream.
Each fluid flow path has its own particular set of calculations. The starting point for either
calculation path is the global distribution of gas and liquid in the GLCC.
The equilibrium liquid level in the GLCC is determined by the pressure drop between the
gas and liquid outlets by using a differential pressure cell or sight gauge. Because the
frictional losses in the GLCC are low, the equilibrium liquid level is a reasonable indication
of the amount of liquid in the GLCC. The details of this model were given by Kouba15 and
Arpandi 2,3. Arpandi also presented a model to determine the shape and location of the
gas-liquid interface when coupled with the calculation for equilibrium liquid level. This
model of the global distribution of gas and liquid provides the groundwork for the
performance models.
Liquid Carry-Over in Gas Stream: Liquid carry-over with the gas stream is largely
dependent upon the flow pattern in the upper (gas) part of the GLCC. Flooding may
occur in the GLCC at high liquid levels and low gas rates producing a bubbly flow. The
unstable liquid oscillations, characteristic of churn flow at moderate gas rates, may splash
liquid into the gas outlet. Liquid can be carried out in droplets at the onset to annular mist
flow at high gas rates. At very high gas rates, the centrifugal force of the swirling gas
pushes the liquid to the wall of the pipe where it may form an upward spiraling continuous
ribbon of liquid.
At present, we can predict the onset of liquid carry-over from low to moderately high gas
rates. The key to onset of liquid carry-over has been to accurately predict the maximum
liquid holdup (volume fraction) at zero-net liquid flow conditions in the upper region of
the GLCC and the pressure balance between the gas and liquid legs. Figure 7 compares
our predictions against experimental results in plots of the maximum liquid holdup in the
upper GLCC against the superficial gas velocity in the GLCC. Once the maximum liquid
holdup allowed in the upper part of the GLCC is known for a given gas rate, then the
pressure balance calculation is used to determine the liquid rate required to achieve this
The operational envelope with respect to liquid carry-over is formed by stepping through
the range of gas rates and calculating the corresponding liquid rates. Figure 8 compares
the experimental and predicted operational envelopes for TUSTP’s 3” laboratory GLCC in
a loop configuration operated with air and water at low pressures. The agreement of
model predictions with data is very good; however, the model is incomplete as it does not
handle gas velocities beyond the onset to annular mist flow.
Future improvements to liquid carry-over modeling will include verifications for different
fluid properties and operational conditions, ability to simulate high gas rate conditions, and
predictions of dynamic responses to flow rate surges.
Gas Carry-Under in Liquid Stream: Three mechanisms have been identified as possible
contributors to gas carry-under: 1) shallow bubble trajectories prevent small bubbles from
escaping to the gas core, 2) rotational flow instability results in helical whipping and
breaking of the gas core filament near the liquid exit, 3) liquid rate surges can produce a
concentrated cloud of bubbles that hinders bubble migration to gas core. At present
attempts to predict gas carry-under have focused only on the first mechanism.
Recent work by Marti et al18 used bubble trajectory analysis to predict the onset to gas
carry-under and separation efficiency for different size bubbles. Marti predicted the d100
bubble diameter, i.e. the minimum bubble size that always migrated from GLCC wall to
gas core, and investigated the effects of tangential to axial velocity ratio and tangential
velocity decay on d100 size, Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. Releasing bubbles at radial
locations less than the GLCC wall radius resulted in bubbles smaller than d100 that could
just be captured before reaching the axial location of the liquid exit. The bubble capture
efficiency was calculated from the ratio of squares of release radius to GLCC radius.
Figure 11 shows how the bubble capture efficiency varies with bubble diameter and
tangential velocity decay rate.
The region of interest in the bubble trajectory analysis18 was assumed to extend from the
bottom of the gas-liquid vortex to the liquid exit. The vortex height is a strong function of
inlet velocity and bubble trajectory length diminishes with vortex height. From this it can
be inferred from that an optimum inlet velocity must exist that will minimize gas carry-
under. An inlet velocity that is too low produces insufficient centripetal forces, whereas, if
the inlet velocity is too high then the available length for bubble trajectory is too short.
Although a procedure for determining overall separation efficiency was not reported by
Marti, this work combined with the approach of Wolbert et al.22 for liquid-liquid
hydrocyclones establishes the foundation for calculation of overall gas separation
Single Phase Dispersed Flow: The simplest and most widely used approximation for
modeling two-phase flows with a CFD simulator is to consider single phase populated
with particles (bubbles) that neither interact with each other or influence the flow. Marti
et al18 compared single phase CFD simulations from a commercial package to the
experimental data of Farchi11 which investigated tangential velocity profiles in a GLCC.
Both data and CFD models demonstrated the rapid radial decay of tangential velocity near
the inlet that quickly adjusted to a typical forced vortex flow away from the inlet region.
The CFD simulations were also used to verify the mechanistic modeling of the axial decay
of tangential velocity.
These simulations18 also predicted the existence of a central upward recirculating region
that established a bubble capture radius much larger than the capture radius defined by the
gas core filament. The bubble capture radius was defined as the radial location where the
axial velocity component becomes zero. At smaller radial locations than the capture
radius, the local liquid velocity is upward even though the net liquid flow is downward.
The capture radius was further investigated as a function of the tangential to axial velocity
ratio and axial location, Fig. 12. The results indicated a rapid decline of capture radius as
the velocity ratio decreased below 10. As yet there is no comparable mechanistic model
to predict bubble capture radius.
Two-Phase Flow: True two-phase CFD simulation is still in its infancy. Such simulations
should predict the influence of the dispersed phase on the flow of the continuous phase
and the interface between the two phases. True two-phase CFD simulation work at
TUSTP is proceeding on two fronts. First, we are investigating the two-phase simulations
of flow in a GLCC using a commercial CFD package (CFX). Second, TUSTP is also
developing a dedicated CFD code for GLCC flow predictions.
The gas-liquid cylindrical cyclone is a compact, low-cost separator suitable for a wide
range of applications. New applications and improved designs are rapidly being explored.
The single biggest impediment to the wide-spread implementation of the GLCC is the lack
of proven performance prediction tools which are valid over a wide range of conditions.
These tools are essential to the reliable deployment of GLCC technology.
The authors wish to thank Chevron Petroleum Technology Company and the other
members of the Tulsa University Fluid Flow Projects (TUSTP) for supporting this work.
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Inclined Multiphase
Liquid Outlet
Multiphase Outl
Reject Oil &
Water Knockout
0 5 10 15 20 25
Vsg (ft/s)
Vsl (ft/s)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Vsg (ft/s)
Fig. 8 - Operational Envelope for Liquid Carry-Over with Gas Stream from GLCC
Vsl = 0.05 ft/s
0.08 Vsl = 0.1 ft/s
Vsl = 0.5 ft/s
d 100 (mm)
0 50 100 150 200 250
v t is /v z
0 2 4 6 8 10
% Decay per L/D
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
d (mm)
Fig 11 - Bubble Capture Efficiency for Various Decay Factors for a 3” GLCC
Operated with Air-Water at Atmospheric Conditions
R cap /r
Below Inlet
0.1 6 inches
12 inches
1 10 100 1000
v t is /v z
Fig 12 - Variation of Capture Radius with the Ratio of Tangential to Axial Velocity