Separator Technology

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Shell gas/liquid separation technology

High-capacity gas de-entrainment

Shell SMS† and SMSM† gas/liquid separators are Shell A second mist mat is used downstream of the swirl deck in
Global Solutions’ proprietary technologies for demisting SMSM gas/liquid separators for demisting secondary gas
gas. These technologies have been applied widely within to increase gas/liquid separation efficiency further (see
the Shell Group and are available to non-Shell customers. Figure 1).

Description Why use Shell gas/liquid separators?

SMS and SMSM gas/liquid separators are named after The separators are designed to offer an optimum
the configuration of the different internals used for each combination of capacity, efficiency and operational
type of separator: flexibility:

■ schoepentoeter (S) – used as feed inlet device ■ high gas handling capacity (vessel gas K value ≤ 0.25 m/s)

■ mist mat (M) – which acts as a coalescer and separator, ■ high liquid removal efficiency (SMS >98%, SMSM >99%)
depending on the gas flow rate ■ very high turndown ratio (factor of 10)
■ swirl deck (S) – comprising several standard-design ■ ability to handle slugs.
swirl tubes.
K value = VS [ρ V/(ρ L – ρ V)]1⁄2 where VS = superficial vapour velocity in m/s

ρ V and ρ L = vapour density and liquid density in kg/m3

Mist mat
Swirl deck

Mist mat

Inlet Schoepentoeter

Figure 1: The Shell SMSM

gas/liquid separator.

Shell Group trademark
Experience 100

Figure 2 shows the number and capacity of Shell

Number of separators
gas/liquid separators installed to date. Typical process
applications include

■ inlet/production separators in gas plants 50

■ cold separators for low-temperature separation plants

■ inlet scrubbers for glycol contactors and gas treating

■ compressor suction drums in liquefied natural gas and
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
natural gas liquids plants.
Separator size, m
In some revamp projects, SMS and SMSM gas/liquid Figure 2: Shell gas/liquid separators currently installed.
separators have been used to replace alternative technology
and have improved plant performance significantly.
■ More-sophisticated mist-mat designs increase capability to
handle problematic aqueous–hydrocarbon fluid mixtures.
Continuous improvement programme ■ Swirl-tube redesign has reduced the cut-off droplet size
Using feedback from our customers combined with the significantly. [Substantiate list]
results from our research, we are continuously improving the
separation capabilities of the SMS and SMSM gas/liquid Table 1 shows how these developments have resulted in
separators. significant performance improvements.

■ Schoepentoeter optimisation allows re-entrainment

suppression through improved distribution of the
incoming gas across the vanes.

Table 1: Examples of recent separator upgrading projects by Shell Global Solutions.

Pre-modification Post-modification
Location Business Application capacity MMNm3/day capacity MMNm3/day
NAM, Anjum, Gas processing Cold separator 6 10
the Netherlands
Statoil, Kollsnes, Gas processing Cold separators 75 135
NAM L9, offshore Gas production Inlet scrubber upstream 16 181
the Netherlands of triethylene glycol contactor
Brunei LNG, Gas processing Inlet scrubbers upstream Not applicable
Brunei of molecular-sieve dryers
Debottlenecking for design gas throughput. 2Molecular-sieve dryer lifetime extended from two to five years.

Please contact Shell Global Solutions for further information

Shell Global Solutions International BV

Tel: +31 70 377 2470 Shell Global Solutions is a network of independent technology companies in
the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. In this fact sheet, the expression ‘Shell Global
Shell Global Solutions (Singapore) (Pte) Ltd Solutions’ is sometimes used for convenience in contexts where reference is
Tel: +65 6384 8803 made to these companies in general, or where no useful purpose is served
by identifying a particular company.
Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.
Tel: +1 281 544 8844 This document is intended for general information purposes only and does
not in any way constitute an offer to provide specific services. Some services
Email us at may not be available in certain countries or political subdivisions thereof.

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