Introduction of Wind

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EPJ Web of Conferences 54, 01011 (2013)

DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20135401011

C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences - SIF, 2013

Introduction to wind energy systems

H.-J. Wagner(∗ )
Energy Systems and Energy Economics, Ruhr-University Bochum
P.O. Box 102148, 44721 Bochum, Germany

Summary. — This article presents the basic concepts of wind energy and deals with
the physics and mechanics of operation. It describes the conversion of wind energy
into rotation of turbine, and the critical parameters governing the efficiency of this
conversion. After that it presents an overview of various parts and components of
windmills. The connection to the electrical grid, the world status of wind energy use
for electricity production, the cost situation and research and development needs are
further aspects which will be considered.

1. – Different wind turbine types: An overview

Today there are various types of wind turbines in operation, (fig. 1 gives an overview).
The most common device is the horizontal axis wind turbine. This turbine consists of
only a few aerodynamically optimised rotor blades, which for the purpose of regulation
usually can be tumbled about their long axis (Pitch-regulation). Another cheaper way
to regulate it, consists in designing the blades in such a way that the air streaming along
the blades will go into turbulence at a certain speed (Stall-Regulation). These turbines
can deliver power ranging from 10 kW to some MW. The largest turbine on the European

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Fig. 1. – Overview of the different types of wind turbines.

market has a power of 3.6 MW, bigger machines are testing. The efficiency of this type
of turbine is very high. Therefore, it is solely used for electricity generation which needs
“high-speed engines” to keep the gear transmission and the generator small and cheap.
Another conventional (older) type of horizontal-axis rotor, is the multiblade wind
turbine. It was first built about one hundred years ago. Such wind mills have a high
starting torque which makes them suitable for driving mechanical water pumps. The
number of rotations is low, and the blades are made from simple sheets with an easy
geometry. For pumping water, a rotation regulating system is not necessary, but there
is a mechanical safety system installed to protect the turbine against storm damage. By
using a so-called wind-sheet in lee direction the rotor is turned in the direction of the
wind. In order to increase the number of rotations, this type of turbine had been equipped
with aerodynamically more efficient blades facilitating the production of electricity, here
the area of a blade is smaller.
The mechanical stability of such “slow-speed turbines” is very high, some have had
operation periods of more than fifty years.
A third type of turbine is known as DARRIEUS; a vertical-axis construction. Their
advantage is that they do not depend on the direction of the wind. To start, they need
the help of a generator working as motor or the help of a SAVONIUS rotor installed on
top of the vertical axis. In the nineteen eighties a reasonable number of DARRIEUS
turbines had been installed in California, but a further expansion into the higher power
range and in the European markets has not taken place. One reason may be that they
are noisier than horizontal-axis turbines. Another disadvantage is that wind velocity
increases significantly with height, making horizontal-axis wheels on towers more eco-
nomical. Nevertheless, there are some companies producing DARRIEUS turbines in
the very low power range of a few kilowatts for decentralised electricity supply in areas
without electrical grids, e.g., in rural areas of developing countries.


The SAVONIUS rotor is only used for research activities, e.g. as a measurement device
especially for wind velocity, it is not used for power production. Therefore it will not be
discussed in detail in this paper.
The last technique to be dealt with is known as Up-Stream-Power-Station or thermal
tower. In principle, it can be regarded as a mix between a wind turbine and a solar
collector. In the top of a narrow, high tower is a wind wheel on a vertical axis driven by
the rising warm air. A solar collector installed around the foot of the tower heats up the
air. The design of the collector is simple; a transparent plastic foil is fixed over several
metres on the ground in a circle around the tower. Therefore, the station needs a lot of
space and the tower has to be very high. Such a system has a very poor efficiency, only
about one percent. World wide there has only been one Up-Stream-Power- Station built
so far, it was designed by a German company. For some years it worked satisfactorily
at the location of Manzarenas in Spain, but in the mid eighties it was destroyed by bad
weather. This station had an electrical power of 20 kW, the tower was about 200 m high,
and the collector had a diameter of approximately the same size. A second Up-Stream-
Power- Station with an electrical performance of 200 MW was discussed in Australia, but
not realised. The tower height should be about 1000 m and the diameter of the collector
area should be about 7000 m. No new Up-Stream-Power-Station has been designed and
installed so far. Since there has been tremendous technical progress over the last ten
years regarding solar farm stations as well as horizontal-axis wind turbines.

2. – Physical basics
2 1. Energy content of the wind . – The following section will be used to mathematically
explain where the energy in the wind comes from and what factors it depends on.
Power is defined as

E 1
(2.1) P = = · A · ρa · v 3 ,
t 2

E: kinetic energy,
A: area,
ρa : specific density of the air,
v: wind velocity.
Therefore, it is also proportional to the cube of the wind speed, v 3 .
From fig. 2, it can be seen that the power output per m2 of the rotor blade is not
linearly proportional to the wind velocity, as proven in the theory above. This means
that it is more profitable to place a wind turbine in a location with occasional high winds,
than in a location where there is a constant low wind speed. Measurement at different
places shows that the distribution of wind velocity over the year could be described by a
Weibull-equitation. That means that at least about 2/3 of the produced electricity will
be earned by the upper third of wind velocity.

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Fig. 2. – Relationship between wind velocity and power output (yearly average valid for Ger-
many) ([1], p. 241 ff).

From a mechanical point of view, the power density range increases by one thousand
for a wind speed change of just 10 m/s, thus producing a construction limit problem.
Therefore, wind turbines are constructed to harness only the power from wind speeds in
the upper regions.
2 2. Power coefficients. – There is now the question of how much of the energy in the
wind can be transferred to the blade as mechanical energy.

Betz’ law and cp

Betz’ law states that you can only convert a maximum of 59% of the kinetic energy in
the wind to mechanical energy using a wind turbine. This is because the wind on the
back side of the rotor must have a high enough velocity to move away and allow more
wind through the plane of the rotor.
The relationship between the power of the rotor blade PR and the maximum power
PR max is given by the power coefficient cp :

(2.2) PR = P1 − P2 = cp · PR max .

The maximum power coefficient is determined through the ratio v2 /v1 and setting the
derivation to zero.

16 1
(2.3) cp max = = 0.593 with v2 = · v1 ,
17 3


Therefore, an ideal turbine will slow down the wind by 2/3 of its original speed (Betz’
The issues discussed in the theory can be summed up and related to the design of a
wind energy turbine, by the so-called Cooking recipe:

“Cooking recipe” for the design of wind turbines.

1. A high aerofoil form ratio leads to a high Tip-speed ratio and therefore, a large power
coefficient cp .

⇒ Modern turbines with a good aerodynamic profile rotate quickly.

2. Simple profiles with smaller profile form ratios have a small Tip-speed ratio. Therefore,
the area of the rotor radius that is occupied by blades must be increased in order to increase
the power coefficient.

⇒ Slow rotating turbines have poor aerodynamic profiles and a high number of blades.

3. The profile form ratio and the tip-speed ratio have a considerably greater influence on the
power coefficient than the number of blades.

⇒ The quality of an aerofoil in respect to a high-speed turbine, has an inferior significance.

3. – Technical design of wind turbines

3 1. The design with gearbox . – The details of a design with gearbox are shown in
fig. 3. The main aspect of the classic design is the split shaft system, where the main
shaft turns slowly with the rotor blades and the torque is transmitted through a gearbox
to the high-speed secondary shaft that drives the few-pole pair generator.
The transmission of torque to the generator is shut off by means of a large disk brake
on the main shaft. A mechanical system controls the pitch of the blades, so pitch control
can also be used to stop the operation of the turbine in e.g. storm conditions. The pitch
mechanism is driven by a hydraulic system, with oil as the popular medium. This system
needs almost yearly maintenance and constant pressure monitoring, along with the gear
box which is lubricated with oil. For constructions without a main brake, each blade has
its pitch angle controlled by a small electric motor.
To reduce weight generators with permanent magnets were developed. Some produc-
ers are equipping their converters as testing converters.
Wind speed and direction measuring apparatuses are located at the back of the hub
head. A rack-and-pinion mechanism at the join of the hub and the tower, allows the hub
to be rotated in to the wind direction, and out of it in storm conditions.
3 2. The design without gearbox . – Some companies, e.g. the German company En-
ercon, design another turbine type, without gearbox. The scheme of such a turbine is
shown in fig. 4, where the main design aspects can be clearly seen.

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Fig. 3. – The design with gearbox.

Blade rotor
Generator Wind measure
Control box
Blade regulation
Adapter Blade relay box Rectifier component
Blade adjuster

Pod control-box



Rotor hub Exciter

Maschine holder

section Azimuth motor

Stator cage

Fig. 4. – The design without gearbox (Enercon E-66).


This design has just one stationary shaft. The rotor blades and the generator are both
mounted on this shaft. The generator is in the form of a large spoked wheel with e.g.
forty-two pole pairs, around the outer circumference and stators mounted on a stationary
arm around the wheel. The wheel is fixed to the blade apparatus, so it rotates slowly
with the blades. Therefore, there is no need for a gearbox, rotating shafts or a disk brake.
This minimising of mechanical parts simplifies the maintenance and production of the
The whole system is automated; pitch control and hub direction are controlled by a
central computer, which operates the small directional motors.
3 3. Aspects of design and development. – There are several critical aspects of a wind
turbine that need to be considered in the design phase, to ensure the turbine will be
economic and durable.

The tower
In principle, the tower needs to be as tall as possible, because the wind speed increases
with height. However, the height is limited by costing issues; an increase in tower height
of 10 m costs an extra fifteen thousand dollars, and a tower height of over 100 m requires
an aircraft-warning beacon, which is again so expensive.

Heat energy
Large turbines (> 1 MW), have an average generator efficiency of 98%. Heat is also
generated in the mechanical parts of the machine including the bearings and the gear
box. This means that around 40 kW of power are lost to the generator heating up during
operation. This heat energy needs to be controlled to prevent damage to the machine
parts. A large fan system is mounted in on the back side of the hub of a turbine and used
to draw cool air through the hub and remove the heat energy emitted during operation.

Control and Monitoring

The following aspects of a wind turbine need to be controlled and monitored to ensure
effective operation of a wind turbine within the legal limits:

– by large turbines; vibration levels,

– speed of rotation and the pitch angle of the rotor blades,

– the natural wind speed and direction,

– the voltage and frequency of the electricity produced,

– the output phase angle compared to the grid phase angle,

– the consistency of the electrical power output,

– the acquisition and storage of electrical signals,

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– signal conversion equipment for the directional motors,

– rotational speed at night, to reduce the noise levels, because the noise is propor-
tional to the blade-tip speed to the power six.

Mechanical stability
The following forces affect the stability of the mechanical system:
– gravity,

– centrifugal forces on the rotor blades,

– pressure changes on the blade due to the shadow effect the tower creates,

– stochastic power output of the turbine due to wind energy levels continually chang-

– resonance of the blades.

Wind direction set-up

A wind turbine can be designed to face in to the wind (windward), or away from it
(leeward). A leeward turbine has the advantage of being self-orientating, but the disad-
vantage of the tower disturbing the wind velocity profile, before the wind has reached the
plane of the rotor blades. The pressure and speed differences experienced by the blade
as it passes the tower, result in stresses on the hub, which need to be alleviated by use
of an extra mechanism in the hub to allow the rotor blades to move out of their usual
plane of rotation.

Table I. – The technical figures of two different multi-megawatt wind turbines for onshore.

Enercon E-182 E3 REpower 3.2 MW

Design without gearbox with gearbox

Hub height 80–130 m (onshore) 100–130 m (onshore)
No. of blades 3 3
Rotor speed 6–18 rpm 6.7–12 rpm
Rotor diameter 82 m 114 m
Material of blade Fibreglass (reinforced epoxy) Fibreglass (reinforced epoxy)
Blade regulation Pitch Pitch
Rated power 3 MW 3.2 MW
Transmission ratio of gearbox None approx. 99
Generator Multipole Asynchronous, few poles
Grid connection Via frequency converters Via frequency converters


3 4. Technical figures of two modern wind turbines. – The largest market introduced
machine up to the year 2012, is a 7.5 MW turbine from the company Enercon.
Table I gives an idea of the technical data of wind turbines of the 3 MW class. A
design with and without gearbox have been chosen to show the different operation of
their generators.

4. – Connection to the electrical grid

The main electrical grid has a constant frequency, e.g. of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, and a constant
phase angle. Therefore, a wind turbine must produce electricity with the same constant
values in order to be integrated into the main grid.
The input energy of a wind turbine is proportional to the wind speed, but the wind
speed is never constant. Each wind speed has a corresponding rotor rotation speed, at
which the maximum power is produced. This maximum occurs for different wind speeds
at different rates of rotation. However, the rate of rotation must be held constant in
order to achieve the required constant output frequency or the wind turbine has to be
connected to the grid by doubly fed asynchronous generator or by electronic frequency
A small turbine can be connected directly into the grid network at 0.4 kV. When
the wind turbine is integrated into the grid network, there must be no voltage change,
voltage oscillation or flicker experienced in the homes on that network branch. The loss
of voltage due to resistance in the cabling can be avoided by increasing the diameter of
the cables. It is often required that a new network branch is constructed and linked to the
transformer, in order to reduce the voltage disturbances. This increases the installation
costs of the turbine.
Megawatt turbines cannot be connected to the grid at the 0.4 kV stage, but have to be
connected in at 10–30 kV, which is the usual level of the city electricity share distribution.
In remote areas, where a 30 kV connection is not established, the connection must be
created and financed by the wind park developers. Wind parks with a lot of Megawatt
turbines can also be connected into the electrical grid, e.g. at the 110 kV level in Germany.
As mentioned earlier the maximum power output is obtained only in few hours during
the year. Figure 5 shows a typical load distribution, measured in Germany.
With larger wind energy installations in future this uneven distribution leads to the
need of higher regulation capacities by conventional power systems.
Grid connection of offshore wind farms poses a technical and economical challenge to
wind turbine and grid operators. In the initial phase, the still quite limited capacity of
early pilot farms enables using a conventional three-phase AC connection to the onshore
grid system which is a well-known technology and inexpensive. This wind farms were
also located near to the coast, the energy losses by using AC was therefore limited.
Greater capacities and remote offshore sites make it technically difficult to connect
offshore wind farms to the mainland grid by using AC undersea cables. Losses, reactive
power production and limited capacity of the sea cables may become important in the

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Fig. 5. – Load distribution measurement (Germany).

future. High-voltage direct current transmission to land could be a solution but it is

technically more complicated and more expensive.
At the moment there are some plans for connecting offshore wind farms to the main-
land grid. Some lines, AC and DC operated, are already into operation, some more
are under realising ore planning. To protect environment on sea several wind farms are
connected to one line.
To connect the offshore wind farm to the onshore grid an internal grid is necessary.
The produced power has to be fed to an offshore transformer substation. Wind turbines
are connected to it via undersea cables by a voltage of about 30 kV. After stepping-up
to the transmission line voltage, the power is conveyed to shore.

5. – Use of wind energy

5 1. World-wide status. – In the nineteen eighties, it was the USA that took the lead
in establishing wind farms. They set over 10000 turbines into operation, each generating
between 80–200 kW. In Europe it was Denmark that was the main pioneers of wind
energy. At the end of the twenty-first century, Germany has taken the world lead,
producing about a third of the world’s wind produced electricity until 2008.
Many governments have began to produce initiative schemes to increase the economic
feasibility of wind turbines. Some initiatives used include, paying more for wind produced
electricity, and providing a proportion of the initial construction costs. Governments of
industrial countries, or those with a high power consumption, are eager to promote wind


Table II. – World wind power production [2].

Land/Region Total installed rated power up to the end of 2011 [GW]

China 63
USA 47
Germany 29
Spain 22
India 16
Italy 7
France 7
UK 7
Canada 5
Portugal 4
Remaining countries 32
Total 239

energy, because it is environmentally clean and sustainable and limits the need for fossil
fuel usage (table II).
The world total is about 239000 MW. This is about 1% of the worldwide installed
capacity of power stations (water, coal, naturalgas, nuclear).
5 2. Investment and operation costs. – The costs involved in installing a wind turbine
vary depending on the design, size and chosen location of the new turbine. The infras-
tructure costs can be minimised by constructing wind parks, where a number of new
turbines are installed on the same sight. An example of the investment costs for a wind
park at land in Germany is shown in table III.
The money invested in an average wind park on land depreciates over about a ten
year period. During this period, the set-up and installation costs are high, along with the
loan repayments and insurance costs. After this period, the costs then decrease. Over
the next ten years, a financial return can then be made on the investment, when the
price for the electricity per kilowatt hour is set at a high value by the government. This
means it is economic to ensure the durability of the installed turbines, so maintenance
costs after the ten year period are kept low and the investors can receive a good return
on their investment.
The above example of investment costs for wind parks on land in Germany is non-
transferable to other countries. Especially the employee’s wages and the structure of
financing wind farms are quite different. Nevertheless power generating by wind turbines
in developed countries with existing electrical grid and sufficient installed power, costs
three to four times in comparison to power generation by conventional power stations.

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Table III. – The investment costs of Amesdorf and Wellen wind park in Germany, (status:
Nov. 2001).

Invested costs Percent of

(Million Euros) total

Wind Park (ten 1.5 MW turbines) incl. transport, assembly, 15.8 83%
cabling, starting-up, grid connection and reinforcement,
Technical planning, foundation soil analysis, survey, and 2.0 10%
grid connection fee.
Commission, funding during phase of construction, interest 0.1 1%
Compensatory measures during phase of construction. 0.3 1.3%
Raising of capital. 0.5 3%
Financial, contractual and fiscal consulting. 0.3 1.3%
Grand total 19 100%

Wind parks on sea need higher specific investments, although the wind offer is better
on sea than on land. The costs of produced electricity are higher by an offshore wind park
(status 2012). The expectation is that the cost could be reducing for new offshore wind
parks in next years. A lot of countries are supporting the installation of wind converters
by supporting programs.

5 3. Environmental aspects. – Wind energy is a renewable energy source; therefore
it holds many advantages over the fossil fuels, which have diminishing reserves. Wind
energy is clean in regard to toxic emissions. Therefore, it does not add to Global warming
or Acid rain problems.
The wind turbines can affect the environment in aesthetic and human intrusive ways.
This is because they must be sited in prominent locations and through the nature the
rotation of their blades; they produce optical distortions i.e. flickering shadows, and a
humming noise. The land required for the sighting of a wind park can be considered
large, if all the access routes are also taken into consideration. However, they very rarely
require the resettlement of communities, which is a problem associated with, e.g., large
Hydro-Electric-Power stations. The danger to birds of the rotating blades has been
questioned, but it has been found that the birds change their flight paths to avoid the
blades. It has also be questioned whether the reduced wind speed at ground level, affects
the growth of flora. This is answered by the observation that many wind parks have
animals grazing between the turbines.


6. – Research and development needs

The field of wind converter is connected with high technical development activities
since a lot of years. According to the first report of the project “Wind Energy Thematic
Network” founded by the European Commission, some aspects of the R&D needs are
described below (facts are taken from [3]), which are also relevant in the year 2012:

1. Environmental & Social Impacts (e.g. enhancing local incentives by developing

participation models)

– Methods to integrate wind turbines visually in to the landscape

– Reduction of noise impacts
– Mitigating impacts on bird populations, habitats and flight paths
– Turbine design regarding life cycle analysis
– Analyse social effects like local employment, investment, taxes etc.

2. Wind Turbine & Component Design Issues (e.g. basic research in aerodynamics,
structural dynamics, structural design and control)

– New materials with higher strength like carbon fibre for the blades
– Feasibility studies of new wind turbines concepts and innovations
– Integration of demand site requirements in the design of turbine, e.g. electrical
control system interaction with grid requirement

3. Testing, Standardisation, & Certification (e.g. common accepted certification pro-

cedures for wind turbines and wind farms)

– Identification of standards lacking, and initiation of appropriate actions for

new standards
– Standards for service and maintenance concepts of offshore wind converters

4. Grid Integration, Energy Systems & Resource Prediction (e.g. forecast of wind

– Development of scenarios for redesigning the grid system with high wind pen-
– Increasing both: power quality and consistency
– Energy management and storage systems for stand alone applications

5. Operation & Maintenance (e.g. advanced condition monitoring)

– Development of early failure detection and condition systems

– Development in preventative maintenance
– Standardisation of components for easy replacement

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– Certification of service and maintenance concepts

– Cold and icing climates resource assessment

6. Offshore Wind Technology (e.g. research into the control and efficiency of very
large wind farms and more cost effective foundations, transport and installation

– Monitoring of environmental impacts (effects on birds, effects of noise and

vibration on marine life especially by installation of wind converter etc.)
– Development of deep water foundation structures (fundamental wind turbine
design research)
– offshore meteorology
– Special designs of systems and components for transportation, erection, access
and maintenance of offshore wind turbines
– investigate the use of energy storage
– Improve corrosion protecting systems regarding the offshore conditions

In addition to these aspects there have been done a lot of R&D needs by operating
and market introduced wind turbines, e.g.:

– better state of knowledge of the dynamic forces on the drive train,

– improvement of the availability of gear boxes,

– optimisation of control units and control systems,

– development of central lubrication systems.

7. – Outlook

The wind energy market has grown because of the environmental advantages of har-
nessing a clean and unexhaustable energy source and because of the economic incentives
supplied by several governments. However, energy is required from other generation
methods during the building phase of a new turbine, so in this period, Greenhouse gases
and air pollution will be added to. If the life cycle of a wind turbine is looked at, more
pollutants are saved on during operation, than are emitted during the building phase.
A wind turbine is not a self-sustainable power station. This means that back-up power
generation is needed at the times when the turbine is unoperational. This back-up is
nowadays supplied by the established fossil fuel power stations. If the number of wind
turbines increases, the need for extra investment in the back-up generation systems will
arise, in order to maintain a stable electricity grid system. The challenges in this case are
that existing power stations will deliver less electricity than before. Under this condition
the electricity generation prices for new power stations are increasing due to smaller load
duration time than before.


For more information especially in respects to technological and ecological aspects

(life time aspects) see [4].
These additional investments will need in some cases subsidies.
However, wind energy is still one of the most important renewable energy resources
for the future, because it can be harnessed in a clean and unexhaustable manner, through
the application of technically advanced and efficient machinery.


[1] Kleemann M. and Meliß M., Regenerative Energiequellen, 2.Auflage (Springer-Verlag,

Heidelberg) 1993.
[2] Ender C., DEWI Magazin, N. 40, Febr. 2012, pp. 30-43, ISSN 0946-1787.
[3] EWEA, The European Wind Industry: Strategic Plan For Research & Development, First
Report, Creating the knowledge foundation for a clean energy era.
[4] Wagner H.-J. and Mathur J., Introduction to Wind Energy Systems – Basics, Technology
and Operation (Springer-Verlag, Berlin) 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02023-0.


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