Wollo University Kiot
Wollo University Kiot
Wollo University Kiot
This project relates to Design of Small Scale Centrifugal Pump Using small Scale Wind
Turbine By increasing Efficiency beyond the Bet’z Limit. This special type of turbine
uses well designed converging diverging duct to increase velocity of air and create a
relatively very low pressure, close to vacuum, area behind the turbine. It also starts at
relatively very low wind speed and operate at a very high speed as well. Beside this, it
will significantly reduce the length of blade, which intern decreases cost and
manufacturing process of the blade. Two wooden poles are also enough for operation of
several turbines which is used to reduce number of towers. The cost of this system is
relatively very low compared to conventional 3 bladed wind turbines. This system mainly
consists of 0.5 m turbine blades, wooden towers, wire frames, battery and generator.
Finally, the cheapest and easiest new system which used to totally eliminate wind turbine
and its tower is recommended.
Available Data’s;
Radius of wind turbine blade 1.4 m.
Volumetric discharge of water, Q = [30+8] lit/s=38 lit/s.
Length of delivery pipe, Ld = 22m.
Length of Suction pipe, Ls = 22m.
Type of material for pipe is ‘Cast I
1) Introduction
Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using
wind turbines to make electrical power, windmills for mechanical power, wind pumps for
water pumping or drainage, or sails to propel ships.
Basics of wind turbine :-The extraction of power from wind energy system can be
divided into three main conversion stages.
The first one is the transformation of the kinetic energy in wind into torque (turning
force) acting on the rotor blades.
In the second one, the turbine mechanical energy is transformed into mechanical
energy in the gear box.
In the third one, the wind turbine generator converts mechanical energy in the gear
box into to electrical energy.
Primary objectives of wind turbine design areto maximize aerodynamic efficiency or power
extracted from wind. But this objective should be made a well satisfying mechanical strength
criteria and economical aspects. Efficiency of wind turbine depend on
Number of blades
Blade shapes and orientation of blade cross section
Blade length
Tower height
For the efficient energy extraction, blades of modern wind turbine are made with airfoil
sections. To maintain optimum angle of attack throughout the blade sections, the blade may
be twistedalong its length.
Fig.Explanation of angles on an airfoil
Drop of velocity near turbine inlet or (wind deflection) and pressure increase before
turbine inlet
Resistance pressure behind the turbine which need high wind velocity behind turbine to
This is why no wind turbine is more efficient than bet’z limit because
V4 = V3≤ 2/3 V1
This new model small scale wind turbine increases efficiency beyond the Bet’z limit.
This special type of turbine uses well designed converging diverging duct.
A converging duct (nozzle) with careful design used to increase low wind speed and used
turbine to start at a very low cut in speed. Power of wind highly depends on wind speed.
P = ½ aAV3⟹ P α V
It will also avoid wind deflection before entering the turbine.
Diverging duct (diffuser) with careful design used mainly to create very low pressure,
close to vacuum, behind turbine exit. So strong vortex is created behind turbine blade and
used to pull a very low pressure air from turbine.
So high pressure and velocity decrease at the inlet of turbine is solved, which lead to
increase efficiency. This is because; volume of stream tube is so increase behind the
This system wills significantly reduce the length of blade, which intern decreases cost and
manufacturing process of the blade. This is due to concentration of velocity to small turbine
area by increasing velocity.
Two wooden poles are also enough for operation of series of turbines connected to each other
using properly designed ropes which will lead to reduction number of towers.
The cost of this system is relatively very low compared to conventional 3 bladed wind
turbines. This system mainly consists of 0.5 m turbine blades, wooden towers wire frames,
battery and generator.
Multiplication of low useless speed in conventional wind turbine to useful speed for
P=½ aAV3 ⟹PαV
Drop of velocity near turbine inlet or (wind deflection) and pressure increase before
turbine inlet is eliminated because diffuser create pulling after turbine.
This is why this turbine is more efficient than bet’z limit because
V4 &V3 ≥ 2/3 V1
Fig. single wind turbine blade by solid work
2) Objective:-
Wind direction
B) Air density
If the elevation Z and temperature T at a site are known, then the air density ρacan be
calculated from:
From the above temperature data of fiche town, mean temperature can be;
T mean = = 13.65 oCand Z = 2750m
The above wind data of fiche town shows values recorded at ground level Zo= 1m, Vref=
2.3m/s. To obtain optimum Z at which V is strong enough to produce power, we will use the
above formula.
From the above data and graphs, Zoptshall be at 27 m. Because small increase in velocity after
27 m.
So the design wind speed becomeVav= 7.009 m/s
D) Tower height
Using relationship between Vavand Zopt, from the above data optimum tower height shall be
Zopt= 27 m
10 | P a g e
F) Number of blades
From blade design, efficiency increases by 3% when we move from 2 blades to 3 blades. But,
efficiency increase only by 0.5 % when we move from 3 blades to 4 blades. So, optimal
number of blade shall be 3.
An airfoil with known lift and drag coefficients as a function of angle of attack is chosen.This
angle of attack should be selected where Cd/Clis minimum in order to most closely
approximate the assumption that Cd = 0.
For the range of tip speed ratios between 1 and 7, the NACA 23012 airfoil is notably more
efficient for all three blades.
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From the above data, angle of attach (α) shall be 80.
12 | P a g e
I) Lift coefficient (CL)
For the above angle of attack, the corresponding CL shall be 1.Also CD/CL=0.0077
J) Combined efficiency of drive train and generator (ηcomb)
This value can be estimated (ηcomb) = 0.95 for most practical purposes.
13 | P a g e
Nozzle design attains maximum capacity when the exit Mach number is unity.
For Mach number, Ma ≤ 0.3, the flowing fluid is assumed to be incompressible. So, the
velocity of air leaving the nozzle shall not exceed ≈ 110 m/s, to maintain incompressible
flow, for simplicity.
From continuity equation, = ρ*A*V
For incompressible flow, -dA/A = dV/V
This implies, = A1*V1 = A2*V2
To get radius of turbine remain 1.4m, (A2 ≈ 6m2), and V1 = 7.009 m/s. A1 shall vary as
follows, to calculate V2 (nozzle exit velocity) using Excel.
14 | P a g e
Moving down a column, Ma increases from 0 to 1. Compressibility increases fromMach
number 0 to Mach number 1. When Ma closes to 0.3, V2 close to 110 m/s. so, all values of V2
in above table is in range of incompressible flow.
From above table, Choosing A1= 12m2, would give value of V2 = 84 m/s.
So the design velocity at the inlet of a turbine is Vd= 84 m/s, by assuming energy loss by
friction negligible.
For diffuser, which have area A3, when A3 ≥ A2, vacuum is created behind the turbine,
because strong vortex is created behind the turbine, when outside air flows at velocity V1 =
7.009 m/s. If V1 is close to zero, no vortex is created, and no vacuum is created.
From continuity equation, = ρ*A*V
For incompressible flow, -dA/A = dV/V
This implies, = A2*V2 = A3*V3
To get V2 equal to very minimum value, A3 shall vary as follows, to calculate V’2 (Diffuser
inlet velocity) using Excel.
For instance, if A3 = 14 is choosen, V’2 become 98 m/s which is greater than V2. This is used
to close V2 (turbine exit velocity) value to zero. From Bernoulli equation, pressure value at
area A2 and A3 can be calculated.
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M) Radius of blade
R = 1.4 m is already selected.
N) Blade shape and orientation
To maintain this optimum angle of attack throughout the blade sections, the blade may be
twisted along its length.
Dividing rotor (R=1.4 m) in to 9 sections, Microsoft Excel provide the following values using
the following formulas.
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