495 Internship Moa 1

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Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

College of Media
Yslandia Intern

Internship Objectives and Requirements

The goal of the internship is to provide the student with an opportunity to participate in the operation
of Yslandia​,​ thereby enhancing the student's knowledge in this area. The student should develop a
thorough understanding of how Yslandia​ ​operates, its organizational structure, and services provided
by Yslandia.
Alessandra​ ​Sleuwen​ ​will serve as an intern at ​Yslandia​ during ​the summer of 2019​. She will work
toward fulfilling requirements for the 495 course. Internship responsibilities as outlined below will be
performed under the supervision of ​Marta Llucia, creative director, creative department.
Goals: ​Below are the goals the intern has developed with his/her internship supervisor.

Example: To learn how the WCIA newsroom runs effectively and efficiently.
● Learn more about the different types of Advertising
● Help come up with briefings for clients
● See how digital advertising differs from other types of advertising
Learning Objectives:​ Below are the activities and areas of learning that will help the intern
achieve his/her goal. These activities are agreed upon with the internship supervisor.
Example: Assist with research for a story
Attend departmental meetings as time allows
Conduct informational interviews with reporters, producers, directors, anchors, etc.
● Attend meetings with clients
● Help with briefings and slideshows
Learning Outcomes: ​Below are the learning outcomes the student hopes to accomplish at the
end of the semester that will be used to identify whether the student has accomplished the goals
outlined above.
Example: I will be able to articulate the various components of the WCIA newsroom.
I will be able to describe the organizational structure of the office and the role each
staff person plays within the organization.
● I will be able to come up with ideas for advertisements
● I will be able to help with the digital slideshows
Proposed Internship Schedule
The following schedule of hours will be maintained by the intern to satisfy the 100 clock hours
necessary for completion. Changes in this schedule will be discussed with the site supervisor in
Indicate the days and times you will work in your internship site below:

Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 2:00pm

This Memorandum of Agreement has been discussed with and agreed upon by those signing below:

Internship Student: ​ ​ 6/16/2019

Date: ____________

Site Supervisor: ​ ​ 6/17/2019

Date: ____________

Course Grader : ​ ​ Date: ____________

And, the Site Supervisor verifies that he/she has reviewed the course requirements and is willing and
able to comply with his/her role in aiding the student with completing them.

Site Supervisor: ​ ​ 6/17/2019

Date: ____________

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