Fe 2 Actionplan

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To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, student teachers will write an Action Plan at the end of first, second, and third field
experience with input from their cooperating teacher and/or the University supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes each field experience’s
evaluation, links each field experience to the next, establishes goals for improvement, and forms an agenda for discussion between the student
teacher, the cooperating teacher and University supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent field experience. For First Field Experience only
(excluding Physical Education students), the Action Plan will be completed during the co-requisite Professional Seminar course.
Anna D'Angelo
Name ____________________________ 260638806
Student Number ______________________
Secondary English
B.Ed. Program: _____________________ Field Experience: 1st 2nd 3rd

I have shown thorough to advanced development in the following Professional Competencies developed
during this field experience:
Competency 1: I have collaboratively created lessons and taught them to students in both small and large groups.
Competency 2: I communicated with teaching staff, students, and other professionals of the school community and felt comfortable doing so
in and outside of the classroom.
Competency 4: By working with students and engaging with their work, I was able to create a lesson plan which benefited their current and
future learning according to the unit plan.
Competency 6: Maintained organization and structure in the classroom by greeting students and review daily tasks before every lesson.
Competency 9: I engaged with staff in staff meetings, spoke with students outside of the classroom, and participated in extra-curricular
activities in the school community.
Competency 10: I worked closely with my CT and another student teacher to develop appropriate lessons for our students.
Competency 11: I asked questions when needed and sought answers on my own time while also engaging with another student teacher and
my CT.
Competency 12: At all times, I acted in a respectful and professional manner with all whom I engaged with throughout my field experience.

I would like to improve my skills in the following Professional Competencies developed during this field
From my FE1, I decribed the need to develop in competency 9 as I felt unsure about my development and
collaboration with school professionals and the community. However, during FE2 I have been able to
attend several staff meetings, including safety meetings and academic achievement selection meetings-
my CT also encouraged my input as I was working closely with the students. At this time I would like to
focus on developing Competency 2, as to be able to better engage with students in the classroom and to
assert myself as a teaching professional. Also, I would like to further develop in competency 4, in better
development of lesson plans and creating material which students can and will enjoy engaging with, as
well as developing material appropriate and adaptive for all types of learners. Developing activities which
will interest all students is something I must continue to work on, as it very easy to lose a student's interest,
despite if the activity or material may be enticing to others.

I will make use of the following strategies for improvement:

While I have developed several new skills, especially those in regards to classroom management,
over the past three weeks, my knowledge and skills are nowhere near perfect. I feel that I am and
will most like always be developing and making room in regards to improvement. I will further
involve myself in the studies of the competencies and their effect on my professional growth and
development as an educator. I will clearly identify my role as an educator, and base myself on my
philosophy of education, as well as modify my teaching strategies and my philosophy when
appropriate, and according to the competencies. I will identify my objectives as an educator and
how I can better myself in order to meet a mastered level in the development and understand of
the competencies and how they can further influence me as an educator, and as a learner.

__________________________________ Friday, May 20th, 2016

Student teacher’s signature Date
This completed Action Plan is to be discussed with your cooperating teacher and McGill supervisor at the start of your subsequent
field experience.

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