Group 5: Zara, Paolo Aldrei
Group 5: Zara, Paolo Aldrei
Group 5: Zara, Paolo Aldrei
Advanced Journalism
Ibanez, Marygrace
species names are lowercased, even if it is derived from a proper name. Both
59. When New Latin names of classes, families, and all groups above the
genus level in zoology and botany are used, they should be capitalized but
amphibian; Amphipoda
anthozoans; Anthozoa
starfish; Asteroidea
capitalized. If not used in technical writing, the words sun, earth, and moon
are usually in small letters unless with other astronomical names. The generic
term after the name of the celestial object is also in small letters.
Canes Venatici
acid rain
white rainbow
pink moon
61. Geological eons, eras, periods, systems, epochs, and strata are
Phanerozoic eon
Neoarchean era
62. Proper names of scientific laws, theorems, and principles are capitalized,
but the common nouns law, theorem, theory are lowercased. Popular names
Mendel’s law
Murphy’s Law
America Online
Microsoft Word
64. The names of the times of the weeks, months of the years, occasions and
blessed days are promoted. Names of the seasons are not promoted.
Titles of Works
65. Capitalize prepositions of more than three and words in titles of plays,
art like sculptures and paintings except for the word to (infinitive), coordinating
emphasized or italicized.
To Kill a Mockingbird?
68. The city or local name is generally italicized in newspaper titles, but the
70. Capitalize the first letter of important words in titles. Enclose the title in
quotation marks.
capitalized and italicized; song titles and short compositions are capitalized
capitalized only.
are in the same book in which the reference is made are usually capitalized.
a. Basic
1. microsoft access
3. Devonian Eon
7. saturn
Apply the rules about scientific terms and titles of work. Use copyreading
beverages in USA alone exceeding $200 million in 2008 despite very limited
animal and human studies. This review will (a) critically address recent reports
xanthones, (b) update the in vitro and in vivo data on anti-cancer and anti-
mangosteen Xanthones.
extracts of leaf, bark and fruits were prepared and phytochemical analysis of
the parts revealed the presence of glycosides and flavonoids as the major
calabura. Various degree of inhibition was observed with various extracts and
tannins and flavonoids has influenced the antimicrobial properties of the plant
principles for the development of drugs against human and plant pathogens.
the size of Neptune. It was found in orbit around a gigantic gas planet 8,000
light-years from Earth. But the scientists behind this discovery, hesitant to
confirm that the new find is an exomoon due to some of its peculiarities, say
science Advances.
Latin word meaning “fever reducer”, is grown in many uk gardens and has
The first informal essay in English in the Philippines was a call by Alejandrina
Santiago, written for the “philippine Review” in 1918. It appeared ten years
after the first Philippine short story in English. In fact, this was only twenty
years after the United States acquired the Philippines in 1898. This is due, it
educational system, the rise of publications like the “college folio”, “the
incentives also.
about Filipino idiosyncracies and habits, good and bad, in general, the
essay My Pillow illustrates this handsomely. His easy style and low-keyed
them in “Horizons from My Nipa Hut”. This was the first single-author volume
c. Advanced
Apply the rules about scientific terms and titles of work. Use copyreading
and products that are natural. Several fruits and fruit extracts, as well as
arrowroot tea extract [1] and caffeine [2], have been found to exhibit
antimicrobial activity against e. coli O157:H7. This suggests that plants which
Bacterial cells could be killed by the rupture of cell walls and membranes and
by the irregular disruption of the intracellular matrix when treated with plant
extracts [1].
that is believed to have active components that help to treat and manage
various diseases. The many parts of the plant have been used in traditional
gums, and a number of other conditions [3–5]. This plant has also been used
and obesity [3, 6–10]. In this study, we aim to evaluate the total extracts of p.
sscherichia coli, salmonella enteritidis, and bacillus cereus which can cause
have originated in tropical South America. Guava crops are grown in tropical
and subtropical areas of the world like Asia, Egypt, Hawaii, Florida (Figure 1),
species of small trees and shrubs in which only 20 species produce edible
fruits and the rest are wild with inferior quality of fruits [11]. The most
guava. Other species are utilized for regulation of vigor, fruit quality
improvement and resistance to pest and disease [11]. Guava fruit today is
the tropics, enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in those areas
of the world.
The guava tree is an evergreen small tree. The guava leaves are 2 to 6
inches long and 1 to 2 inches wide, aromatic when crushed, and appear dull-
green with stiff but coriaceous with pronounced veins [12]. There are bioactive
components in the guava leaf that can fight against pathogens, regulate blood
glucose levels, and can even aid in weight loss. The leaves of guava contain
malic acid, fat, cellulose, chlorophyll, mineral salts, and a number of other
into solid plant material and solubilize compounds with similar polarity [16].
extraction period, the solvent used pH, temperature, particle size, and the
antimicrobial effect of essential oils and methanol, hexane, and ethyl acetate
extracts from guava leaves. The extracts were screened against bacteria
strains isolated from seabob shrimp and laboratory culture strains. The guava
polarity and then concentrated in a rotary evaporator. The essential oil was
obtained from fresh leaves of guava using a Clevenger type doser and the
by drying with anhydrous sodium sulphate and then filtered. The extracts and
the essential oil were evaluated by the disc diffusion method with the three
intimidating. For one, unlike past movements, the range of artistic styles of the
present haven’t been digested by critics, curators, and art historians and don’t
Harrison’s work, and others included in the New Museum’s 2007 opening
sculpture that dominated the preceding years: the big, brash, Neo-Pop of
artists such as Jeff Koons and Takashi Murakami. These artists continually
spaces. Looking around the New Museum’s show, it was hard to imagine a
starker contrast.
rejects and upends the subjugated or inferior roles in which black or brown
men have been represented and places them front and center. Yet as Wiley
himself undoubtedly also knows, his work is more complex than this. This
work, for example, both lampoons the hyper-masculinity of the original piece
factory, encountered something that was far from subtle. Her enormous
bright-white sculpture of a nude woman was 35 feet tall and 75 feet long and
feet long and 7 feet high. Its enormous size could have allowed for a wealth of
While the actual view (in Germany) was busy with power lines, trees, and
livestock, Gursky had removed all of these things through both analogue and
digital processes.