Narrative Rubric

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Very High High Sound Developing Emerging

Year 6 Rubric/Guide to A thorough understanding A clear understanding and Has an understanding and Understands aspects of and A basic understanding and is
Marking Judgement and uses a high level of skill in uses high level of skill in uses skills in familiar situations. uses varying levels of skill in beginning to use skills in
Narrative both familiar and new familiar and is beginning to familiar situations. familiar situations.
situations. use skills in new situations.
Plan for Success Uses brainstorming and Uses brainstorming and Attempts brainstorming and Attempts to plan a narrative The narrative can be jumbled
planning techniques to assist planning prior to writing. planning prior to writing. with relevant requirements and hard to interpret if left to
The selection, relevance and with writing. Completes the narrative Completes the narrative independently but lacking in work independently.
elaboration of ideas. Completes the narrative template with three ideas for template with two ideas for some areas. Completes the narrative
template with four ideas for each section. each section. Completes the narrative template with no ideas for
each section. template with one idea for each section.
each section.
Sizzling Start Contains an interesting and Contains an engaging Contains a descriptive Attempts to write a The sizzling start can be
engaging opening opening paragraph to hook opening paragraph that descriptive opening jumbled and lacks
The beginning of the narrative paragraph to hook the the reader in. interests the reader. paragraph but lacks engagement.
that uses vocabulary to hook reader in. Contains three different Contains two different literacy engagement. Contains no literacy devices.
the reader in. Contains four or more literacy devices. devices. Contains one literacy device.
different literacy devices.
Backfill Orientation i introduces the Orientation includes who, Orientation includes some of May require support to: Requires significant support
reader to the setting, and what, when, where with some who, what, when and where. o List some ideas or who, to:
The orientation of the characters, through imagery, use of imagery, sentence Includes one metaphor, simile what, when and where. o List ideas for who, what,
description of the setting and sentence variation, variations, metaphors, similes and sense. o Create some metaphors, when and where.
introduction of the metaphors, similes and the and senses. Setting includes one element similes or use of senses. o Create metaphors, similes
character(s). five senses. Setting includes two elements of time, place and o Use some verbs, adverbs or use of senses.
Setting includes all elements of time, place and environment. or adjectives. o Uses verbs, adverbs or
of time, place and environment. Character includes one adjectives.
environment. Character includes two description each for Setting does not describe the
Character includes three or descriptions each for appearance and personality. time, place and environment.
more descriptions each for appearance and personality. Character does not include
appearance and personality. any descriptions for
appearance or personality.
Tightening Tension Contains an interesting and The complication is The complication is included May require support to: Requires significant support:
logical progression of introduced and clear. but may not be clear or o Create ideas for a plot o Create ideas and plan
The organisation of the complication for the pebble, The pebble, rock and boulder detailed. and complication. their writing.
complication components of rock and boulder. Describes have a great logical build-up. The pebble, rock and boulder o Present thoughts in a o Present their thoughts on
writing a text aligns to an feelings and events. have good logical build-up. logical manner. paper in a logical manner.
appropriate and effective The pebble, rock and boulder The pebble, rock and boulder
text structure. have some logical build-up. have no logical build-up.
Dynamic Dialogue Contains an ideal balance of Contains a great balance of Contains a good balance of Contains some balance of Contains no balance of
dialogue to text. dialogue to text. dialogue to text. dialogue to text. dialogue and text.
The balance between The dialogue is used perfectly The dialogue is used well to: The dialogue is used to: May require support in Requires significant support in
dialogue and text within the to: o Move the plot forward o Move the plot forward creating dialogue to: creating dialogue to:
narrative in accordance to o Move the plot forward o Reveal something about o Reveal something about o Move the plot forward o Move the plot forward
the criteria. o Reveal something about the character(s) the character(s) o Reveal something about o Reveal something about
the character(s) o Make the scene more o Make the scene more the character(s) the character(s).
o Make the scene more dynamic. dynamic. o Make the scene more o Make the scene more
dynamic. dynamic. dynamic
Ban the Boring A consistent approach and Effectively edits own and Re-reads and effectively edits Re-reads and edits own work Minimal or no evidence of
goes beyond that expected others’ work for meaning. own work for meaning and using agreed criteria. editing for meaning.
Ability to re-read and edit of Year 6, for example: Offers edits that will create a using agreed criteria. Displays some explanations Sometimes requires support
own work to check for o Editing own and others’ greater impact on an Edits for coherence and for editing choices. with editing.
meaning, spelling, work for meaning. audience. effective vocabulary. Displays some editing skills but Edits for basic text structure,
punctuation and grammar. o Removing repetition, these may often be flow, and description.
refining ideas, reordering unnecessary edits.
sentences and adding or
substituting words for
Show, Don’t Tell Expectation are beyond Year Makes relevant vocabulary Makes some relevant Attempts to use relevant Requires significant support to
6 level, for example: choices to suit audience and vocabulary choices like vocabulary choices but these use relevant vocabulary
The range and precision of o Begins to use vocabulary purpose i.e. language to evaluate language to express may not always be suitable. choices including evaluative
contextually appropriate choices, including express characters, setting, meaning, feelings, and Requires some assistance to language.
language choices as well as abstract nouns, and moods. options of characters, use indirect speech. Relies on assistance to use a
appropriate devices. description, and Uses a range of new settings, and mood. Requires some assistance to variety of vocabulary choices
generalisations. vocabulary from a range of Begins to incorporate new use relevant evaluative to create greater precision of
o Begins to experiment with sources. vocabulary from a range of language. meaning.
digital storytelling to sources to create greater
create personal precision of meaning.
Exciting Ending The story has a clear ending The story has a detailed The story has an ending and May require support to: Requires significant support
with a resolution. ending with a resolution. resolution. o Create ideas for a suitable to:
The way in which the story The ending is either circular, The ending is either circular, The ending is either a surprise ending. o Create ideas of the
ends according to the surprise, humorous or moral. surprise or humorous. or humorous. o Present thoughts in a ending
selected criteria. logical manner. o Present their thoughts on
Character resolutions and paper in a logical
wrap-ups. manner.
The story has no ending.
Sentence Structure Consistent sentence structure Sentences flow and are Uses complex sentences to Requires some support to: Requires significant support to
when writing. Goes beyond grammatically correct. elaborate, extend and o Uses conjunctions to construct sentences which
The production of that expected of Year 6, for Attempts to use conjunctions explain ideas. extend complex meet the requirements of
grammatically correct, example: to extend complex Knows the difference sentences. Year 6.
structurally sound and o Using noun sentences. between simple present tense o Uses complex sentences Sentences are basic and lack
meaningful sentences. groups/phrases in Knowing the difference and simple past tense and to elaborate information. structure, depth, and
subordinate clauses. between simple and present uses them correctly. o Uses noun groups/phrases description.
o Using the appropriate tense and simple past tense. Uses noun groups/phrases and adjective
sentence structure to and adjective group/phrases group/phrases to
increase the density of to create richer text with fuller enhance text.
information. descriptions.


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