Anaesthesiology Year 4 Batch 4
Anaesthesiology Year 4 Batch 4
Anaesthesiology Year 4 Batch 4
Year 4 Batch 4
OSCE 1 (razi)
Names those devices
A) FiO2 (nasal prong)
B) How to determine the size (ant laryngoscope)
C) complications (supraglottic devices)
D)indication to use (ambu bag)
E) tip of blade,placed where ?
F)size for children (endotracheal tube)
OSCE 2 (rusli)
A) identify scale shown in above diagram
B) 2 clinical use of scale significance for following no. as given in diagram
C)state other method used ina similar as above data
OSCE 3 (raihan)
a) which led of ECG is normally used in ages patient and why ?
b)ECG rhythm
c)MAP & its significance
d)maintenance of IV
e)2 reasons SPO2 99%
MEQ 1 (khairina)
22 male,mva deep laceration (left leg),T&S of leg wound (emergency),under SAB,history of GA
uneventful,BP 115/70,PR 88,T 37C
1) ASA status
2)objective of pre op visit
3)2 history not given & imp
4)mallamplati & diff intub ? (lll)
5)indiciation of metoclopramide