Assessing The Mathematics Performance of Grade 8 Students As Basis For Enhancing Instruction and Aligning With K To 12 Curriculum
Assessing The Mathematics Performance of Grade 8 Students As Basis For Enhancing Instruction and Aligning With K To 12 Curriculum
Assessing The Mathematics Performance of Grade 8 Students As Basis For Enhancing Instruction and Aligning With K To 12 Curriculum
Abstract: This study sought to determine the performance and the difficulties of the
Grade 8 students during the first conduct of the new K to 12 Mathematics. Results of
this study served as basis for enhancing instruction and aligning the Grade 8
Mathematics competencies to Instruction and Assessment. Students’ scores in the
Formative Tests (FT) and the Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) measured their
mathematics performance while interpretation of their mistakes in the leastmastered
contents of the new K to 12 Mathematics identified their difficulties. Results indicate
that most of the Grade 8 students were in the Beginning level of achievement only.
Moreover, half of the tested contents were least-mastered. Incorrectly applying the
formulas, properties, theorems, and/or laws and incompletely solving the problem
despite correctly doing the initial procedure are their common difficulties. The general
recommendation to align the Grade 8 Mathematics Competencies to Instruction and
Assessment was to include the missed instructional objectives during the past
instruction in the next Curriculum Planning. The recommended strategies to improve
instruction included needs assessment, more practice for automation, conduct review
classes for mastery and retention, explicit instruction, and peer-assisted mathematics
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Identification, and Fill-in the Blank. The MAT, on the curriculum, as prescribed by DepEd Order No. 31, s.
other hand, were all given in Multiple Choice type. 2012 was adopted—Beginning level (74.99% and
The FTs being described in this study were all below); Developing level (75.00% - 79.99%);
designed by the two Grade 8 Mathematics teachers Approaching Proficiency level (80.00% - 84.99%);
and validated by the Mathematics Coordinator of Don Proficient level (85.00% - 89.99%); and Advanced level
Bosco Technical Institute– Makati. They are experts (90.00% and above).
in the field of Mathematics Teaching and are in the To determine the least-mastered and
business for more than 15 years. mostmastered contents of the students according to
On the other hand, the Mathematics MAT, this research adopted the parameters used in
Achievement Test (MAT) was designed by the Grade determining the level of difficulty of an item as
8 Mathematics Area teachers of Salesian Philippines recommended by Gabuyo (2012).
North Province, wherein the researcher is a member. The students have mastered a specific content
the least if only less than sixty percent (60%) of them
A round-table discussion was organized to
got an item correctly. On the other hand, the students
consolidate the constructed multiple choice test items
have mastered a specific content the most if sixty
for MAT. The distractors in these questions were
percent (60%) of them or more got an item correctly.
based on the students’ common mistakes in their
In order to determine the students’
problem solving.
misconception in a specific content in MAT, the
The first draft of MAT was then validated by
researchers analyzed the test items’ distractors which
the other grade/year level Mathematics Area Teachers
were answered more than the correct answer. The
and the Mathematics Area Heads of Salesian
analysis of the misconception was validated by the
Philippines North Province using Face Validation and
other experts in the field of mathematics. This
Content Validation. They ensured that the items were
procedure was only done in the least-mastered
based on the competencies required by the
contents. For contents with more than one competency
Department of Education (2013) for Grade 8. From
being tested, the average percentage of correct
their evaluation, test items which were out of scope
responses was obtained.
were deleted or revised. Furthermore, some items
which were completely deleted had been replaced by
those in their Item Bank. These processes completed
the final draft of the MAT. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Consequently, the reliability of the final test
draft was established using Internal Consistency Table 1 shows the mean score, standard
Method. This was the most appropriate method to use deviation, and level ofachievement of the Grade 8
since the test consists of dichotomously scored items— students in the Formative Tests (FT).
the examinee either passes or fails in an item. The Among the three areas, Patterns and Algebra
computed reliability of the instrument was 0.84 using turned out to be the more mastered content area
Cronbach Alpha, indicating that the instrument has a (77.45%). Meanwhile, both Geometry and Statistics
good internal consistency (George & Mallery, 2003). and Probability are below the passing 75% mark by
The MAT required students to answer 70 just a significant value, which could mean that
multiple choice questions. It was limited to the students had difficulty grasping content of these areas
competencies for Grade 8—Patterns and Algebra, during discussions.
Geometry, and Probability and Statistics. Summarizing the level of achievement of the
The students’ responses to MAT were scored Grade 8 students in the overall FT, they are placed at
as one (1) point for correct answer and no point for the Developing level of achievement (75.72%). It
incorrect answer. This gives seventy (70) points as the means that in general, students have minimum
highest possible score and zero (0) as the lowest knowledge and skills and core understandings in
possible score. After utilizing the 70-item during the conduct of the FTs.
Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT), the
descriptive method was applied using mean, standard Table 1. Mean score, standard deviation, and level of achievement of
deviation, frequency, percentage distribution, and the Grade 8 students in th e FTs
normalized gain. FT FT Level of
To interpret qualitatively the formative test Content Area Mean Standard Achievement
Score Deviation
scores and the mathematics achievement test score of
Patterns and Algebra 77.45% 8.30 Developing
the students, the grading system in the K to 12
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Geometry 74.59% 8.22 Beginning present. If this premise is to be held true, we could
Statistics and Probability 74.56% 7.30 Beginning therefore say that Patterns and Algebra is easier for
students, since results on formative tests are higher.
Overall 75.72% 7.71 Developing However, since it garnered the lowest score in the
summative test, it may be attributed to another factor
Table 2 probes on the which is retention of information (Nickson, 2004).
Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) scores of the Calculating the Average Normalized Gain in
the students’ score to determine whether there is a
students. Mean scores were determined to facilitate
gain or loss in students’ scores in MAT from FT, it
the performance evaluation.
showed that there was no gain in scores (-0.12) since
Contrary to the results of the formative tests, the result was negative.
Geometry has been determined as highest in the MAT Based from the result of the Average
(78.92%). It could be assumed that this area has been Normalized Gain, it can be concluded that students
more mastered by the students. Meanwhile, Patterns really lack retention of the skills learned before
and Algebra was lowest (72.73%). This could be the instruction. The lack of retention of the skills learned
least mastered. However, it is a fact that the turnout by the students should therefore be addressed as their
of the examination was low, the level of achievement performance to the next assessments may yield a low
only being in the Beginning and score again.
Developing stages. These figures signify that there is Looking into the least-mastered contents of
difficulty among students on mastering the content the Grade 8 students according to the results of their
areas because they differ slightly from each other. MAT in Figure 2, the number of least-mastered and
Summarizing the level of achievement of the most-mastered contents for the three areas was of
Grade 8 students in the overall MAT, they are only at equal degree. Overall, 50% of the contents were
the Beginning level of achievement (74.08%). This mostmastered (got a 60% and above correct response)
means that students struggle with their while the remaining 50% were least-mastered (got
understanding; pre-requisite and fundamental lower than 60% correct response). When analyzed per
knowledge and/or skills have not been acquired or area, Patterns and Algebra has the most number of
developed adequately to aid understanding. least-mastered contents, with 11 out of 17 (64.71%)
contents falling below the mastery level. Geometry
Table 2. Mean score, standard deviation, and level of achievement of
the Grade 8 students in the MAT (𝑵=𝟐𝟕𝟗)
meanwhile got the least, with only 2 out of 9 (22.22%)
MAT MAT Level of
content considered as least-mastered. Number of
Content Area Mean Standard Achievement least-mastered and most-mastered content areas for
Score Deviation the Statistics and Probability is on a 50:50 ratio.
Patterns and Algebra 72.73% 7.73 Beginning Noteworthy to mention, the extremities of the
Geometry 78.92% 8.50 Developing result appear that the most mastered content is the
Statistics and Probability 75.38% 9.77 Developing “Rectangular Coordinate System” (91.04%) under the
umbrella of the Patterns and Algebra area. On the
Overall 74.08% 7.29 Beginning other hand, the content “Quadrilaterals that are
Parallelograms” of the Geometry area was
When results for both FTs and MAT are leastmastered of all (21.15%).
compared, it is clear that results during regular The results were quite alarming because of
classroom works and quizzes (FTs) may not be the low results in students’ achievement and
reciprocal with that of the the summative test (MAT). mastery. As Biggs (1996) presented in his Principle of
As shown in Table 1, Patterns and Algebra was Alignment, if expectations were unmet, there might
highest. However, when the result of the MAT is be misalignment among Objectives,
investigated, it was ranked lowest. The remaining two Instruction, and Assessment.
content areas—Geometry and Statistics and
Probability—both yielded below passing results in the
formative tests but turned out positive in the
Formative tests are, in nature, easier than
summative tests simply because lessons are still fresh
from students’ memories and teacher’s guidance is
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items’ distractor which was answered more than the objectives. Finally, the assessment tasks must address
correct answer shows only that these are good the objectives so that one can identify if the students
distractors. However, many students were answering have learned what was intended for them to learn.
an incorrect distractor. It only reflects that they are To sum up, whatever objective is stated, it
not critical problem solvers. It could really be should be realized during instruction. Consequently,
reiterated that the root cause of misconceptions is the assessment method should be according to how a
retention of skills learned during instruction as the specific mathematical problem is taught and should be
Objectives and the Instruction are misaligned. according to the stated objective. Teachers must not
change the Planned Curriculum Objectives as this will
be the basis for assessment.
Thus, as a general action in the next school
4. CONCLUSIONS years, the following are recommended:
1. Don Bosco Technical Institute – Makati should
Based on the findings of the study, the already include the misses in the past instruction
researcher derived the following conclusions: 1. The to the next Curriculum Planning, on the following
results of the formative tests and the Mathematics contents, Rational Algebraic Expressions; Slope of
Achievement Test (MAT) showed that students’ a Line; Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities;
achievement is in the Beginning and in the Properties of Parallelograms and their Special
Developing level for the three content areas of the Type; Quadrilaterals that are Parallelograms;
Grade 8 Mathematics curriculum. These imply that Measures of Variation; and
they struggle with their understanding or possess Experimental/Theoretical Probability.
only the minimum knowledge and skills and core 2. The Subject Coordinator should ensure the
understandings; pre-requisite and fundamental alignment among the K to 12 Mathematics
knowledge and/or skills have not been acquired or Competencies provided by DepEd to the stated
developed adequately to aid understanding. instructional objectives of the teachers in their
2. Most of the least-mastered contents of the Instructional Plan and to the constructed
Mathematics Achievement Test were because of assessment tool being administered to the
the non-alignment between the Objectives and students.
the Instruction. There was an imbalance in the
system that led to poor surface learning. The The following strategies are also
non-alignment signified inconsistencies, unmet recommended according to stating learning objectives,
expectations, and practices that contradict what developing teaching and learning activities, and
is preached. constructing assessment methods (Entwistle & Tait,
3. In terms of the nature of assessment, test items’ 1990; Trigwell & Prosser, 1991; De Winstanley &
distractor which was answered more than the Bjork, 2002; Lizzio et al., 2002; Newmaster, et al.,
correct answer shows only that these are good 2006; Weiman, 2007; Kember,, 2008; Revell &
distractors. However, many students were Wainwright, 2009).
answering an incorrect distractor. It only reflects
that they are not critical problem solvers to be Stating Objectives Developing Constructing
able discern the correct answer. Furthermore, Instruction Assessment
the root cause of misconceptions is retention of
skills learned during instruction.
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