CET JD203 Jocelyn B. Hipona
CET JD203 Jocelyn B. Hipona
CET JD203 Jocelyn B. Hipona
Background and Objective: Mathematics in the Modern World (MMW) is one of the general education
courses in the New General Education Curriculum (NGEC) in higher education institutions in the
Philippines. Awareness of students’ experiences and attitude toward this new course is necessary for the
improvement of instruction.
Methods and Findings: A total of 109 first year college students were administered with a questionnaire to
find out their attitude toward mathematics and a set of open-ended questions regarding their realizations and
challenges encountered in MMW class. Results show that students exhibited positive attitude toward
Mathematics in the Modern World. Students recognized the importance of mathematics in one’s life and in
the society.
Conclusion: Students thrive well in a learning environment that fosters exploration, creativity,
collaboration, love and respect. With this, every student will begin to like, do, and love mathematics, then
Keywords: Mathematics in the Modern World, New General Education Curriculum, Attitude towards Math,
Challenges in Math Class.
Likewise, more than half of the participants (56 or The essay writing activity is preferred by 56
51.38%) enjoyed the topic “Patterns and (51.38%) participants. This is supported by their
Symmetries” simply because they love seeing responses: “I like essay writing the most due to my
patterns. According to New Brunswick Department inclination to writing”, “It gives us avenue to
of Education (2015), working with patterns enables communicate our ideas not in numbers but in
students to make connections beyond mathematics. words”, “This is the field I am good at”, “I am
The ability to analyze patterns contributes to how happy when my teacher asked us to write
students understand their environment. reflections or learning insights on a certain topic”
and “I find essay writing easier than the other
A number of participants (45 or 41.28%) found activities in expressing my insights”. This activity
“Logic” an interesting topic. They find the topic promotes one of NCTM’s process standards,
challenging as it sharpened their minds to think mathematical communication. When students are
logically. Forty-two (38.53%) participants are challenged to communicate the results of their
fascinated by the concept of Mathematics of thinking to others orally or in writing, they learn to
Graphs while 37 (33.94%) participants are be clear, convincing, and precise in their use of
captivated by the lessons in Problem Solving and mathematical language [16].
Reasoning. One student mentioned, “I love this
topic because it challenged me to think and analyze Forty (36.70%) participants loved doing Artworks.
problems, draw a plan and put the plan to work”. Students have expressed what they have learned
Additionally, other participants find the topics through their own artwork and have showed their
“Language of Mathematics” (25 or 22.94%) and artistic side.
“Statistical Tools” (22 or 20.18%) interesting.
The group quiz activity is appreciated by 37
This finding supports the OBE of CHED with (33.94%) participants. They revealed that the
regard to determination of content, means of activity helped them develop their social skills as
delivery, support facilities and educational they work with their classmates. Participants
resources to ensure achievement of the set program realized that one needs to be responsible enough to
outcomes. cooperate with other group mates and they
observed that there is interaction and sharing
Table 4: Teaching-Learning Activities Which The among students in this activity. As one student
Students Participated And Learned The Most narrated, “This activity brought a lot of cooperation
and teamwork. It was fun while we learn”.
Teaching-Learning Frequency Percentage Employing student-centered strategies and
Activities collaborative learning improves student attitudes
Map Coloring 68 62.39 and self-efficacy in undergraduate mathematics
Essay Writing 56 51.38 courses [7].
Artwork (Symmetry) 40 36.70
Group Quiz 37 33.94 Through the photography activity students learned
Photography 30 27.52 to appreciate math as well as nature. Thirty of the
Tower of Hanoi 28 25.69 participants (27.52%) liked this activity simply
because they love taking pictures. Moreover,
Literary Piece 26 23.85
participants enjoyed other learning activities such
as Tower of Hanoi (28), Literary Piece
Chapter Summary 15 13.76
Composition (26), Chapter Summary (15),
Research Project 11 10.09
Research Project Proposal (11) and Activity Sheets
Activity Sheets 6 5.50
The utilization of varied and enjoyable teaching-
As revealed on Table 4, of the many and varied learning activities facilitates an increase of
teaching-learning activities utilized in MMW class, students’ positive attitude towards mathematics
68 participants (62.39%) enjoyed and learned the [17]. Ontario Ministry of Education (2004)
activity “Map Coloring” the most. This is mentioned that educators can foster in students the
manifested in participants’ responses such as “I positive attitudes about mathematics by
enjoyed doing the map coloring” and “I have encouraging the belief that everyone can “do”
applied in this activity my creativity”. Map mathematics, modeling enthusiasm for teaching
and learning mathematics; addressing the learning necessary subject as it helps in understanding the
styles of students, engaging all students in world better.”
mathematical activities, helping students to
appreciate the value of mathematics in their lives, Based from the responses above, students’
choosing activities carefully, and capitalizing on perceptions of mathematics include how students
the “math moments” that occur naturally at home define mathematics as a subject, how they realized
and in the classroom. to appreciate the importance of math, and how they
describe math as a difficult subject but can be
1 Students’ Realizations in Learning MMW learned. They recognized that Mathematics is not
After a semester of learning Mathematics in the just about numbers and computations but a science
Modern World, the participants unveiled the of patterns. They also realized the Mathematics is
following realizations. These realizations are necessary in order to understand the world better
categorized into three: perceptions of math, MMW and make it a better place to live in. In addition,
compared to other math subjects, and MMW as a participants reiterated that Mathematics is difficult
math class. but it would be fun if one shows interest and tries
his best.
1.1 Perceptions of Mathematics
“I learned that mathematics is not just about 1.2 MMW compared to other math subjects
numbers and computations, but it is also about non- “It is only MMW that took up Mathematics in
ending patterns.” Nature, which makes it unique among all math
“Math is everywhere, we gain more knowledge and subjects. Most of the topics in MMW are practical
we use it every day.” and easy to understand. Its approach is good. “
“MMW is an eye-opener to everybody. MMW is “MMW is exciting for we get to know Math’s
really important subject since Math is everywhere.” nature deeper.”
“Math is complicated and you have to think outside “I had fun in MMW even if it’s challenging.”
the box.” “MMW is a mixture of suspense and excitement.”
“Math really is not that hard to understand only if “MMW is easier compared to other math subjects.
you are willing to learn.” This subject is indeed helpful in the future.”
“Math is relevant and somewhat useful that in the “MMW took a new approach from the basic
smallest detail of a matter is consist of mathematics I used to learn. MMW is very
mathematics” relatable to me. MMW made me realized the
“I realized I can actually do math. It’s not always importance of mathematics further.”
about numbers.” “Having MMW as a math subject is quite
“I realized that math is one of the hardest but interesting since it doesn’t focus more on numbers
worth-learning subject.” but on how things happen. This subject challenged
“Math is very important in our life, wherever we me to do good in math.”
are, we always use it.” “Math is really hard for me but MMW somehow is
“Generally, I find math as good because the topics much more interesting and challenging.”
are relatable. Also, I learned a lot in this subject.” “MMW is actually better than any other math
“When we hear the word mathematics it looks like because it is more on relating math in our life.
difficult but when you study very well it is MMW is of reality.”
interesting.” “I had fun learning MMW. I find it easier to learn
“When I was in high school, I used to say Math is math now.”
not important but now I have realized that Math is “MMW is awesome because it teaches us to be
associated with us, in our environment and more organized and systematic. “
everything we do. That’s why I am starting to like “MMW have opened opportunities to appreciate
the subject.” math more on a less algebraic or trigonometric
“Math is difficult but I learned a lot not only things approach. I am glad that this subject was
for the mind but also for application. I learned to be introduced rather than the usual equation-like form
patient and hard working.” of mathematics.”
“It challenged me to exert effort to understand the “It has been challenging as well as exciting since it
lessons and these will probably be applied in our was not the conventional mathematics.”
future jobs.” “I have a deeper understanding of mathematics.”
“Mathematics is not that easy but when you try
your best and strive more, math would be fun.” Generally, students find Mathematics in the
“I realized that math is not that hard to learn. I Modern World more challenging and interesting
learned to appreciate it.” than the other math subjects. MMW encourages
“One should learn to accept and love mathematics students to appreciate the intellectual, aesthetic, as
in order to understand it. We should think of it as a well as the practical value of mathematics.
1.3 MMW as a Math Class While students find learning MMW exciting and
“I love the topics, the teacher. He is energetic.” fun, there are still room for improvement. Students
“Our teacher taught us very well.” suggested the following for the improvement of
“The class is challenging, fun and alive.” student learning experience in MMW.
“It touches my innermost logical mind and “Give more examples about the topic”
activities are fun.” “More thorough discussion”
“It is fun because it makes you think logically.” “Regulate the pace in teaching”
“I like every topic.” “Utilize other activities to engage students more”
“I find Mathematics interesting when we tackled “Incorporate film viewing”
about Mathematics of Graphs. I learned that “Let the students report for it will help them boost
coloring of maps has connection with confidence”
mathematics.” “More time for students to do their tasks”
“Each class brought new challenges, but we usually
end up overcoming them by learning how it is easy These responses support Sinay & Nahornick (2016)
to solve. So, we usually have a positive spirit for recommendations that can help and support student
the next topic.” achievement in mathematics. Mathematics classes
“I find it challenging, exciting and fun because need to promote problem-solving, creativity,
every lesson pushes me to do better.” collaboration, investigation and fun through
“It has been a roller-coaster ride. Sometimes you inquiry-based learning, varied teaching strategies
feel good at math but sometimes you feel frustrated and technologies, and ongoing and changing
when you fail to solve a problem.” assessment methods.
“Activities are fun and it really enhanced my
critical thinking.” Discussion
“For me it’s boring because I don’t understand The study revealed that students exhibited positive
some lessons.” attitude toward Mathematics in the Modern World.
Students recognized the importance of mathematics
Most of the students find MMW class challenging in one’s life and in the society. The top three topics
but fun. Factors such as topics, teacher’s which students liked the most are mathematics in
personality and engaging learning activities nature, patterns & symmetries, and logic. These
contributed to the positive attitude of students topics helped students realize that math is
toward the subject. However, few students find everywhere, patterns possess beauty as well as
MMW boring because they do not understand some utility, and problem solving & reasoning skills are
of the lessons and they are not interested to learn the twin goals of mathematics. Among the varied
the topics. teaching-learning activities employed in MMW
class, the top three which students appreciated the
1.4 Challenges or Problems Encountered by Students most are Map Coloring, Essay Writing, and
in Studying Mathematics in the Modern World Artwork. These activities allow students to express
It is necessary for teachers as well as school their thoughts and show their artistry. Students with
administrators to be aware of the challenges or positive attitudes toward learning mathematics are
problems encountered by students in their classes. likely to be motivated and prepared to learn,
Recognizing these challenges provides participate willingly in classroom activities, persist
opportunities for improvement. First year college in challenging situations and engage in reflective
students enumerated some concerns in their MMW practices (New Brunswick Department of
class. These are: Education, 2015).
“Difficulty in understanding the topics”
“Difficulty in devising a plan, utilizing appropriate
strategy or formula” Conclusion
“Too much topics and terminologies” On realizations after taking MMW, students
“Lack of practice in Problem solving” realized that Mathematics is not just about numbers
“Lack of concentration” and computations but a science of patterns. They
“Lack of interest toward the subject” also realized the Mathematics is important to make
work and life easier. Also, they specified that
According to Yilmaz et al. (2010), factors such as Mathematics is difficult but can be learned if one
students’ failure to solve mathematics problems, shows enthusiasm and exerts effort. It is motivating
failure to understand the topic well, and students’ to know that students find Mathematics in the
lack of commitment are related to the students’ Modern World more appealing than the other math
disliking of mathematics. subjects. MMW encouraged students to appreciate
the intellectual, aesthetic, as well as the practical
1.5 Suggestions of Students for the Improvement of value of mathematics. Furthermore, students
the Teaching-Learning of MMW revealed that teacher’s personality, topics included,
and engaging learning activities contributed to their Acknowledgement
positive attitude toward the subject. Though, there The authors would like to extend their sincere
are still few students who find MMW boring gratitude and deepest appreciation to their
because they do not understand some of the lessons affiliations and to the participants that led to the
and they are not interested to learn the topics. possible accomplishment of this research work.