Appendix AMS 5
IELTS Minor Candidate Consent Form
Important — Please read this information careful before you complete this consent form. Your completed consent form
‘must be provided tothe Test Centre before or on the day of the Test. It must be provided before registration on fest day. if
‘you do not provide this Consent Form on or before the test day you will nt admitted to the test room. We recommend that
‘you keep a copy for your records.
Who should use this form? ~ Any porson who wishes to take an IELTS test who has not yet reachod the age of lagal
competence (i.,, is 2 minor under focal law).
1. acknowledge thatthe IELTS tosis jointly owned by
Birish Counc IELTS Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 84 008
64 766), whch is whol ovmned by IDP Education
Lis (DP: IELTS Australia) and Cambridge English
Language Assessment (part of te University of
Cambyidge),calectvely refered to ste IELTS.
‘Test Parmer.
2. Lcerity thatthe information in my aplication form is
complete, tus and accurate.
3, understand thatthe personal data in my application
is colected for tho purposes ofthe IELTS tes. ard
‘consent fr this data to be disclosed to, processed
and stored by the IELTS Tost Partners forthe
purpose of such administration. | further consent for
this eat including, without imitation, tst
performance or score data and my test result to be
isclosed by the IELTS Test Parners to those
Recognising Organisations to which | apply and to
governments (including visa processing authorities
Such as UKVI) forthe purpose of alowing these
‘organisations to verity my test result orto carry out
enquiries in relation to suspected malpractice. the
IELTS Test Parmer discover that false or allored
“Test Report Form has been provided to any ofthese
Recognising Organisations or government
authortis'I further consent thatthe IELTS Test
Partners may inform te same and provide them with
ny personal data anc any relevant deals rlaing to
the work | produce as part of my test taking,
including, without imation, test perrmance or
seore da
4. understand that my personal data may be
processed in an anonyrus form by the IELTS Tost
Partners for statistical and research purposes, The
IELTS Test Partners ang the cones administering
the test confirm tat they wll not disclose personal
information about candidates to ahers excopt as
stated in tis Declaration oro the extent permed by
5, understand that | may view a copy of my personal
data contained in my apptcation by contacting
lsts@eamordosenalish ora | uncerstand that a fee
willbe charged for access to ths information.
6, Lundorstand that, il want a copy of my finger scan, it
can only be provided as a Binary Large Object,
Apil2015 eaition
eS0Nel Sxidp
IELTS for UKVE: Administrators Manual Supplement
(BLOB) and the request must be made to
‘ells@icp com or
Lndersland a fee wil be charged fr access to this,
understand that, the details on this form are not
completed, my application may not be procossed. |
further understand that completing and submiting
this application does not quarantee registration on
in preferred test date or al my prefer test
location. I understand that my registration wil be
Confirmed within 24 hour, alga understang tha |
wil bs contacted in the event that atest date cannot
be made availabe to mo within 28 daye of placing my
understand that any personal data collected
‘uring the identity verification process by the
centre either at test registration or on test day wil
be processed and securely stored by the IELTS
Test Partners for the purpase ofthe IELTS test. |
acknowledge that the photograpi(s) taken of me
by the centre will be provided to any Recognising
Organisations or government authorites (including
visa processing authorities) to which | apply for the
purposes of allowing these organisations to verity
‘iy tost results or to carry out enquiries in relation
to possioie malpractice or test integrity issues. |
Understand that where finger-scan data is.
‘obiained it will not be discioses to any entity
except the IELTS Tost Partners.
Lnderstané that | will have my photographs)
taken by the test centre to allow the Test Report
Form tobe released, If| have not had my
photograph taken by the test centre no result will
be issued.
| acknowledge that | have read the IELTS Notice
lo Gandidates and agree lo abide by the rules and
regulations contained therein,
| understand there may be local terms and
conditions | must comply with and that the test
Centre wil provide detais of these on request,
| understand that | must attend all four test
Components in order to receive an IELTS test
result and that any exception to this must be
‘approved in advance by the centre.
| understand thatthe IELTS Test Partners have a
‘Section AMS Page 23,
responsibly to all candidates and Recognising 16, | understand that if any other person attempts to
Organisations to ensure the highest confidence in take the IELTS test in my place, both | and such
the accuracy and integrity of test results and that person will be liable to prosecution. Detals
the IELTS Tost Partners therefore reserve the relating to the situation may be provided to the
Fight to withhold test results temporary oF rolevant authoriles, including visa processing
permanent, o to cancel test results which have futhorites and appropriate regulaory authorties.
been issued, if they consider those results to be
Lnreiabe for reasons of suspected malpractice or
any other regularity in the test process.
17. understand thatthe work | produce i the IELTS.
test remains the property of te IELTS Test
Partners. It wil not bo released to candidates orto
14, L understand that my result may not be issued 13 insttutions or organisations, except in the
days after the IELTS test if the IELTS Test investigation of suspected malpractice, in which
Partners deem it necessary to review any matter cease, my work may be provided to relevant
associated with my test or he administration of my authorites,
test, including making enquires as to whether any
rules or regulations have been breached. |
Understand that, before my results can be issued,
| may be required to provide additional samples of
my witing and speaking for the purposes of
assisting any investigation before or after the test.
| understand that, in exceptional circumstances,
may be required to re-ake one or more IELTS 418, l understand that there willbe video recording and
components. CCTV (Clased Cireut TV) inthe Test cente. |
‘agree to be videoed while | am in the test centre
fon the test day, including from the place where |
register and in each ofthe test rooms used for
leach part of the test | take. | understand that video
recordings will be used for mantoring purposes,
Investigations into suspected malpractice and
fenquires on resuls, | understand ido not agree
to be video recorded | will not be able to take the
18. | understand that my IELTS Speaking test wil be
‘audio and video recorded. | understand that in the
‘event that the test does not record, | wil be
required to retake the speaking test. | also agree
that an observer may attend my IELTS Speaking
test as part ofthe monitoring process,
15. | understand that if |am suspected of engaging in
any form of malpractice, or do anything that might
damage the integrity and security of IELTS, I may
not receive a test result, my tost feo will not be
refunded and | may be prohibited from taking the
IELTS test inthe future, Despite and without
limiting any ofthe terms ofthis Declaration, |
Understand that details of any malpractice
{including evidence of suspected malpractice) that test
has been established, s suspected ors beng 20. | understand tat | wil be charged the fl test oo
formaly Investigated may be provided to ifeance! my test or request transfer within five
Recognising Organsatios,incuaing visa wooks ofthe tat dat, unless | provide
processing authoriies and appropiate regulatory appropriate medical evidence, within fv days of
Buthriies, or otherwfse disclosed In accordance the test date, o support ihe cancelation or
wth tela, where required for verfeation transer
uses cnet puposesio oie eIELTS 5. 1 acknowledge thal have ead to IELTS
tmalpractice. I futher understand that suspected Information for Candidates (avs)
‘malpractice will be reported centrally tothe IELTS
Test Partners and to any relevant Test Centre by
the centre where the suspected malpractice
Full name of Candidate
Signature Dat
(if you are minor, please ask your parent/legal guardian to read all information provided and sign the consent
| declare that | exercise parental care of the candidate named on this form and I have read, understood
and accept the above.
Full Name of Parent/ Legal Guardian
Signature Date
S820 Ridp ae