Candidate's Biodata: Registration Type (New/Updating)
Candidate's Biodata: Registration Type (New/Updating)
Candidate's Biodata: Registration Type (New/Updating)
Candidate’s Biodata
(Kindly be informed that this biodata form must be submitted and processed through the National Productivity Organization (NPO) of the respective
member country. Forms sent directly to the APO Secretariat will not be processed or acknowledged.)
Project Code:
Project Title:
A. Personal Data
This will be displayed in your mailing address, certificate, etc. Please type your name with Title Case, instead of typing in all UPPER CASE or in
all lower case. (e.g. Kumar Singh)
B. Present Employment
Please provide only one present position.
Present Position Six Sigma Balck Belt Specialist Since 2011
Country Bahrain
C. Personal Contact
Flat 23, Building 603, Road 1113, Tubli, Block 711
Address Line
2 (Optional)
City Tubli States ZIP Code
Contact Country Bahrain
Tel (Home) +97339379362
Mobile phone*
Name M. Nagamani
Relationship Wife
Address Flat 23, Building 603, Road 1113, Tubli, Block 711
Address Line
2 (Optional)
Person City Tubli States ZIP Code
Country Bahrain
Tel* +97338389820
Dietary Please
Restrictions specify
D. Academic and Professional Qualifications
For Academic Achievement, List Last Three Only.
Certification University
Major Field of Study Starting Year Ending Year Country
/Degree /Institution
MA/MSc Business Analytics BITS Pilanni 2017 2020 India
BA/BSc Maths, Physics and Computer Science Andhra University 1990 1993 India
State your present job duties and other activities in consultancy, training, research, and publication relevant to the project. We may request further information if
F. Previous Job Experience over the Past 15 Years (please start with the most recent)
For each previous position, please give designation, name of company/organization, period of employment, and brief job description.
Period Period
Designation Name of Company Brief Job Description
(From) (To)
Project Year
I. Actions Taken After Previous Participation
If you participated in any other APO projects in the past 5 years, please detail the follow-up actions you took after participation and how those actions benefited
you, your organization, and your country.
Candidates who fail to report follow-up actions after previous project attendance will not be selected.
Please summarize your tentative plan for follow-up actions(s) after participating in the project, particularly improvements relevant to the topic of the project within
your professional context, i.e., area(s) of your work, aspect(s) of your organization, etc.
This tentative action plan may be revised after attending the project.
L. Areas of Interests
I. Smart Transformation
- Industry Transformation
- Public Sector
- Smart Services
- Agriculture Transformation
- Future Food
- Strategic Foresight
- Sustainable Productivity
- Accreditation Body
- Centers of Excellence
- Digital Learning
M. Declaration by Candidate
I hereby declare that I have read and understood the APO Project Notification for this project. I agree that my personal information to
be shared for project purpose. I further declare that the information as provided by me in this document is true and accurate. I
understand and accept that any false declaration of information on my part will disqualify me from the project, even when it is in
progress. If you agree, please type your name and date below.
APO Medical and Insurance Declaration Form
Only for applicants without any of the health conditions listed in the next section, "APO Medical and Insurance Certification Form" - under item 7 below.
1. Name
Mora Reddy Basaveswar Reddy
2. Date of Birth
3. Nationality India
4. Gender
5. APO Project Code
I confirm that:
a. I have read carefully the project notification for the above APO project and declare that I have the physical and mental fitness to attend the APO project.
b. I have had no health conditions listed on the reverse side during the last 5 years and am free from any ailment likely to impair the health of others or affect
my participation in the APO project.
c. I will secure the required comprehensive travel insurance as specified in the project notification for the above APO Project.
d. I understand that neither APO nor the implementing organization will be liable for any medical or other costs incurred during the project, except for those
specifically stated in the Project Notification.
e. I will bring with me the necessary medications for minor illness as prescribed by my physician since they may not be readily available at the venue of the
above APO project.
Only for applicants with one or more of the health conditions stated under item 7 below
1. Name
Mora Reddy Basaveswar Reddy
2. Date of Birth
3. Nationality India
4. Gender
5. APO Project Code
7. Please indicate “Yes” or “No” if you have had any of the following during the last 5 years:
b. High blood pressure, heart bypass, heart attack, or other heart condition No
j. Allergy No
I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that neither the APO nor the implementing
organization will be liable for any physical or mental problem that I may develop during my participation in the APO project and that I shall be
responsible for bringing with me necessary medications as prescribed by my physician since they may not be available at the venue of the project.
Further, I understand that I must secure the required comprehensive travel insurance as specified in the project notification for the above APO
Date: Name:
To be completed by a Physician
Based on the information above, I have examined the applicant and certify that he/she is free from any ailment likely to impair the health of others and
is fit to participate in the APO project referred to on this form.
Hospital/clinic name:
Examiner’s signature:
Date :
Remarks, if any: