Ela Syllabus

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7th Grade Language Arts

Ms. Kardos
Website and Communication
Teacher Website
My teacher webpage is VITALLY important! It houses information regarding the class, a
calendar for what we are doing each week, and due dates for assignments. Please
check this calendar often to stay informed on what is going on.

Classroom Website: mkardos.weebly.com Classroom Rules

Email:: mellissakardos@johnston.k12.nc.us
Respect Come to class
yourself and prepared with
those around materials to

grading policy
you learn

50% 30% 20%

Summative Formative CLW/HW

-Article of
the week

Class Materials
90-100 = A 5 = 100 A
● 3 Subject Spiral Notebook (NOT
80-89 = B 4 = 89 B
to be used for ANY other class)
70-79 = C 3 = 79 C
● Pencils / Pens
60-69 = D 2 = 69 D
59 and 1 = 59 F
● Individual Tape
below = F
● Earbuds
Curriculum assignments
-Grammar Homework is assigned to check
-Fundamentals of Writing students understanding of what is being
-Vocabulary learned in the classroom and is for practice.
-Reading Comprehension Most assignments will be started in
-Elements of Fiction class and if not finished, then it must be
-Short Stories completed at home.
-Class Novel
-Elements of Nonfiction • Vocabulary, reading comprehension,and
-Information Text articles of the week will be given weekly or
-Article of the Week bi-weekly.
-Elements of Poetry
-Analyze Poems • Students will have one-pagers that will be
-Students will create their own due each month to ensure that they are
-Writing reading and to keep up with fluency.
-Descriptive • Students will also periodically write papers,
class book projects, a book analysis, and
Cell Phone Use other projects that will demonstrate their
Cell Phones can be used for classroom lessons and
reading and understanding.
educational purposes with the permission of the
TEACHER reading one-pagers
1st offense: Taken to the office. Returned to student The students are challenged to read
at the end of the day & parents are notified.
2nd offense: Same as above this year. I am a big advocate for reading!
3rd offense: Parent must pick up phone from office Novels should be grade-level appropriate.
4th offense: Choices & Parent must pick up phone
from office
5th offense: OSS & Parent must pick up phone from
The requirements are as followed:
office -Read 1 book per month (rubric provided to
NO CELL PHONES IN THE HALL / LUNCH ROOM / OR student with more information, approx. 8
BATHROOMS books for the year)
-One-Pagers are due each month - Schedule
absent of when they are due will be provided
If a student is absent per Johnston
County, they have 3 days to make up
missed work.
- A letter grade will be taken off
If absent, a student should check with Ms. any assignment that is turned in past the due
Kardos and check the class calendar to date AFTER the assignment is graded
see what was missed.

Please sign below that you have read the syllabus with your child and understand
the procedures of the classroom. Detach from syllabus and turn in.

Parent Name __________________ Parent Signature ________________

Student Name _________________ Student Signature _______________

Syllabus Scavenger Hunt

What supplies do you need for class?

1. ________________ 4. _______________
2. ________________ 5. _______________
3. ________________
What are 2 rules I expect you to follow in my classroom?
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
How can you communicate with Ms Kardos? _______________________
If you are absent, what should you do immediately? ___________________
How many days are you given to make up missed work due to absence? _______
How many books are you expected to read on your own? _______
What is something that you should check often? ______________________
What happens when you turn in a late assignment?
From the curriculum section on the syllabus:
What is your strongest area? ____________________________
What is your weakest area? _____________________________
What is something you expect to learn this year? _____________________
Name something you want to learn this year? _______________________
What is something that you feel will challenge you this year in Language Arts?
What do you expect from your teacher? __________________________
Set a goal for yourself this year. Think about something you can achieve by the end of
the school year.

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