What Are The Different Aspects of Fitness?
What Are The Different Aspects of Fitness?
What Are The Different Aspects of Fitness?
BSAC 1 – 2
Aerobic fitness
Muscular fitness
Bone strength
Aerobic exercise is defined as a workout at a moderate pace that elevates the heart rate.
Activities include jogging, running, jumping jacks, swimming, dancing, or other moderate
pace exercises.
Muscular fitness needs activities that build muscle strength and endurance. Strengthening
activities should work all the major muscle groups: legs, hips, back, chest, abdominals,
shoulders, and arms. These activities include lifting weights, push-ups, sit-ups, and
working with resistance bands. Many yoga postures develop strength by using the body’s
own weight as resistance. Core muscles, including those in the abdomen, lower back and
pelvis, support the entire body, are key to overall strength, and tend to become weak
through sitting. Pilates and yoga strengthen these muscles, but you can develop core
strength without taking a class by doing abdominal crunches, leg lifts, and controlled leg
drops. Endurance is the ability to increase the stamina of your muscle strength.
Flexibility is the ability to move the joints through a full range of motion without pain, as
well as the length of your muscles. Good flexibility promotes better posture, balance,
agility, coordination, and can help prevent injuries and falls. Stretching joints and muscles
daily can enhance your flexibility and range of motion. Although we tend to think of
stretching as a warm-up for other activities, it is best to stretch after muscles are already
warmed by more aerobic exercise. Try a low-intensity activity, such as walking or slow
jumping jacks, for 5-10 minutes before stretching. Practicing yoga will develop flexibility
as well as strength.
Balance provides stability for the whole body and reduces the risk of injuries. Try standing
on one leg for increasing periods of time to improve your overall stability (remember to
alternate legs). Activities such as tai chi, yoga, and even walking promote balance. As we
age, our balance deteriorates and falls can cause life-threatening fractures and other
Gallagher R., F. S. (n.d.). Physical Education, through diagrams. . Oxford Revision Guides.
I., K. (2001). Complete Physical Education Plans for grades 7-12 200` Human Kinetics. United States.