Gastritis Plantilla PowerPoint (PINAKAFINAL!!!!)
Gastritis Plantilla PowerPoint (PINAKAFINAL!!!!)
Gastritis Plantilla PowerPoint (PINAKAFINAL!!!!)
GROUP 3 & 4
Group 3 Group 4
(wearing away) of the stomach lining. This condition is also known as reactive
The stomach functions primarily as a storage and mixing chamber for ingested food. As food enters
the stomach, it is mixed with stomach secretions to become a semifluid mixture called chyme.
Stomach secretions from the gastric glands include mucus, hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen,
intrinsic factor, and gastrin. A thick layer of mucus lubricates and protects the epithelial cells of
the stomach wall from the damaging effect of the acidic chyme and pepsin. Irritation of the stomach
mucosa stimulates the secretion of a greater volume of mucus. Hydrochloric acid produces pH of
about 2.0 in the stomach. Pepsinogen is converted by hydrochloric acid to the active enzyme
pepsin. Pepsin breaks covalent bonds of proteins to form smaller peptide chains. The low pH also
kills microorganisms. Intrinsic factor binds with vitamin B12 and makes it more readily absorbed
in the small intestine. Gastrin is a hormone that helps regulate stomach secretions.
Regulation of Stomach Secretions
Health Perception he takes OTC drug such as paracetamol and alaxan and he also health teaching in order to recover him easily. He comply all his
uses verbal medicine such as “lipana and himoghat”. Pt is fully medication and orders from healthcare.
Pt eats 3x a day, he has no allergies in foods and drugs. He drinks He eat the food served in the
7-8 glasses of water everyday. He also dinks coffee in the morning. hospital. He drinks 3-5 glasses a day. His nails are long and dir
Nutritional Metabolic Pattern At the young age when he’s 15 he practice drinking alcohol and also his hair has scalp he doesn’t taken a bath for days becaus
smoke. of his condition in order to remove the dirt .
Pt usually voids 3-4 times a day, he defecates once a day. He Patient usually voids 3-4 times a day with a little amount of urin
doesn’t experience any problem in voiding and defecating. and at night he voids 3 times. He always wake up due to his UT
Elimination And he defecates once he is Constipated with blood
He states that he’s the breadwinner of the family, he do the heavy The patient stated that he becomes weak in prolonged activitie
work he also walks that serve as his exercise He can only perform limited action due to his condition. The
Activity and Exercise Pattern doctor says he Should avoid to get tired.
Patient is oriented to people, time And place responses verbally Patient having a difficulty of hearing sometimes he doesn’t
and Physically. His educational attainment is high school level, responses actively and he didn’t talk anymore when he feel
Cognitive Perceptual he’s able to read And write. bothered. But when The Pt. is having abdominal pain the Pt. ca
responded immediately.
Self Perception The patient is able to express his Feelings about his condition, he’s The pt’s state he believed that admission will be
Contented seeing his family their Support, love and care. The things helpful to adjust Him in need and will alleviate the
That made him stressed were problems That caused by pressured to Occurrence of his condition
Role Relationship The patient plays the role of a father to his child and a husband to his wife Patient is well supported by his family. He receives a
Pattern They maintain a good communication There are no conflicts among them positive reinforcement and provided him comfort and
And share his idea when it comes to decision making. reassurance.
Coping stress The patient copes up with stress by Jamming with friends. When they The patient take a rest when tired. He’s able to accept
Have a problem in family they resolved It by means of talking to each situation by cooperating with the medical advices.
Sexual reproductive Patient got married at the age of 25 yrs. old. Currently, he has 4 children 3 The wife of the pt. claimed that they are sexually
Pattern males And 1 girl the patient is continuously Sexually active inactive due to the condition of his husband.
Values Belief Pattern Patient I religious they go to church every Sunday. Their religion is Roman Patient relationship with God remained unchanged that
Catholic even I they are in hospital didn’t forgot to pray.
Head The patient reports of having headache. No lumps and bumps of
patient’s head were present.
Eyes The patient reports of blurred vision. Not yet gone for an eye
Ears The patient reports ringing on the left side and has hearing problem.
Respiratory System The patient reports normal breathing. Uses two pillows at night, and
no complaints of cough.
Cardiovascular System The patient denies chest pain or pressure, and reports normal vital
Breast and Axilla No pain and lumps were reported by the patient.
Gastrointestinal System The patient complaints of vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and
rectal bleeding.
Genitourinary System The patient reports pain during urination and the urine was dark yellow
in color. Complaints of getting up during night time and urinate for 3
Reproductive System Patient denies penile pain, discharge or lesions or testicular lumps.
Endocrine System Patient reports that he have been usually tired, feels hungry and thirsty
more often than usual.
Hematologic System Patient denies any blood abnormalities and never had blood
Psychological Status Patient reports being depressed.
Skin: The client’s skin is uniform in color, unblemished and no presence of any foul odor. He has a good skin turgid
and skin’s temperature is above normal limit 39.5 C
Hair: The hair of the client is thick and messy. There is presence of dandruff.
Nails: The client has a light brown nails. It is long and dirty.
Head: The head of the client is rounded; normocephalic and symmetrical
Face: The face of the client appeared smooth but oily and has uniform consistency and with no pressure of nodules or
Eyebrows: Hair is evenly distributed. The client’s eyebrows are symmetrical
Eyelashes: Eyelashes appeared to be equally distributed and curled slightly outward.
Eyelids: There were no presence of discharges, no discoloration and lids close symmetrically.
Eyes: The sclera appeared white. The pupils of the eyes are black and equal in size.
Ears and Hearing Ears: The auricles are symmetrical and has the same color with his facial skin. The auricles are
aligned with the outer canthus of eye.
Nose: The nose appeared symmetric, straight and uniform in color. There was no presence of discharge or
Mouth: The lips of the client are dark and symmetric.
Teeth and Gums: Teeth are yellowish and gums are dark.
Neck: The neck muscles are equal in size. The client showed coordinated, smooth head movement with
no discomfort.
White cell count 11.2 5.0-10.0 x 10g/L Slightly Elevated Instruct patient to
increase intake of
vitamin c and increase
fluid intake.
Administer antibiotic
as ordered
Instruct patient to
Neutrophils 79.5% 60-70% High indicates bacterial increase intake of
infection vitamin c and increase
fluid intake.
Administer antibiotic as
Objective: After 5 hours of nursing -Come up with variety of -These approaches After 5 hours of nursing
interventions the patient mindfulness techniques assist in diverting interventions the patient
-Feel tired, weak and dizzy
will verbalized a pain that may help to alleviate attention away from the verbalized a pain level of
level of less than of 3 on the discomfort of the current pain, worry, and less than of 3 on a pain scale
V/S a pain scale and show patient, such as the ones pressure toward more and showed how to employ
T= 37.1C how to employ coping enumerated below: enjoyable sensations. coping method in stressful
method in stressful situation.
P= 88bpm Imagery/visualization with
R= 18cpm
Exercising breathing
Therapeutic music
Classification: option to IVTT OD stomach acid Headaches,nausea and infection with avoid alcohol
Protonpump treat secretion by specific vomiting clostridium difficile and foods that
Classification: Ciprofloxacin is only 500 mg Ciprofloxacin acts on SE: Ciprofloxacin is Monitor signs of allergic reaction
indicated in infection bacterial contraindicated in persons and anaphylaxis including
Cifroloxacin caused by susceptible Tab BD topoisomerase II Nausea, vomiting,stomach pain, with a history of pulmonary symptoms tightness in
bacteria. (DNA) and heartburn,diarrhea, vaginal itching/ or hypersensivity to the throat and chest.
topoisomerase IV. discharge, pale skin , unsual tiredness, ciprofloxacin or any of the
Quinolone Ciprofloxacin sleepiness quinolones.
Antibiotics targeting of the alpha AE:
subunits of DNA
gyrase prevents it Rash, hives, hoarseness, trouble or
from supercoiling the swallowing, or any swelling of your
bacterial DNA which hands, face , mouth, or throat
prevent DNA
Rebamipide It is 100 mg helps in replacement • Skin: Rash, pruritus, contraindicated Monitor patient
Classification: indicated Orally 3x of lost tissue by drug-eruption-like in patients with response to the
anti-gastritis during a day increasing the eczema known history of drug (relief of GI
and anti-gastric bleeding, expression of • Gastrointestinal: Cons drug symptoms
erosion, epidermal growth tipation, bloating, hypersensitivity. caused by
redness, and factor (EGF) and EGF diarrhea, nausea, hyperacidity).
edema (all receptors. vomitting,
signs of stomach upset, Monitor the
gastric heartburn, abdominal effectiveness of
mucosal pain, belching, taste comfort
lesions) that abnormality measures and
occur in • Others: Cold sweat, compliance with
acute difficulty breathing the regimen.
gastritis and
of chronic
Medical Management
Treatment of gastritis depends on the specific cause. Acute gastritis caused by
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or alcohol may be relieved by stopping use of
those substances.
Medications that block acid production and promote healing. Proton pump
inhibitors reduce acid by blocking the action of the parts of cells that produce acid.
These drugs include the prescription and over the counter medications omeprazole
(Prilosec), lansoprazole (Prevacid), rabeprazole (Aciphex), pantoprazole (Protonix) and
Long-term use of proton pump inhibitors, particularly at high doses, may increase
your risk og hip, wrist and spine fractures. Ask your doctor whether a calcium
supplement may reduce this risk.
Medications that neutralize stomach acid. Your doctor may include an antacid
in your drug regimen. Antacids neutralize existing stomach acid and can provide
rapid pain relief. Side effects can include constipation or diarrhea, depending on
the main ingredients. These help with immediate symptom relief but are generally
not use as a primary treatment. Proton pump inhibitors and acid blockers are
more effective and have fewer side effects.
Health Education Plan
Learning Content Outline Method of Time Instructio Expected
Objective Instruction n
After 30 Minutes of After 30 minutes.
health teaching the Of health
patient will be able to Teaching patient
will able to:
- Acute Gastritis is a Understand what
1)Enumerate the sudden inflammation
DISCUSSTION 10 VISUAL- is acute gastritis
Treatment of Acute or swelling in the lining
Gastritis of the stomach. Minutes AID and aware on
how will it be
Taking ”HISTAMINE prevented.
“Medication ‘helps to
reduce the amount of
acid released in your
GI tract.
- Eating light meals
and must reduce
alcohol consumption
2)IDENTIFY THE - The common sign
SIGNS AND and symptoms of
A.G. are the
SYNTOMS OF following
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Feeling fullness
in Abdomen after
Minutes AID
3)HEALTHY DAILLY - Eating light meals
EATING PLAN throughout the day
and avoiding hot and
spicy food is advice
sable among patients
with A.G.
- Acidic food such as
tomatoes and some
fruits, including fatty
foods and fried DISCUSSTION 10 CHART
delicacies as well as Minutes
alcohol must be
avoid to reduce the
production of acidity
4)ENUMERATE FOR - Adopt a healthy eating
THE GUIDELINE FOR patter at the appropriate
THE GENERAL calorie level with a
POPULATION variety of nutrients
among all foods groups
that doesn’t add more 10 VISUAL-
acidity in the stomach Minutes AID Enumerate the
DISCUSSTION dietary guideline
- Maintain body weight for recommended
in a healthy rage and general population
encourage not to eat
citrus fruits.