RevenueAssurance Handbook Web 71

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Section 2 : Chapter 2

• Leakage management organizations – Ultimately, when

management chooses to take a truly strong stand on leak-
age management issues, an actual department to address
the leakage may be created. Sometimes, the leakage man-
agement organization is a part of the revenue assurance
department, and sometimes it is part of I/T, Accounting, or
some other group.

Leakage management is typically accomplished through the use of

different investigation and correction techniques (I refer to them as
investigation and correction functions). These techniques encom-
pass all of the activities and processes necessary to identify the root
causes of a leakage event.

Leakage management is the most obvious of the revenue assurance
missions, but it is far from the most extensive. Most telco managers
assume that there are no major leakage issues to worry about. What
is more important to these groups is an assurance that all of the dif-
ferent parts of the revenue management chain are being monitored.
They also want to know that, if any kind of symptom of leakage
shows up, there is someone who will address it immediately.

It is in the area of risk management where the majority of typical

revenue assurance expenditures are made.

Risk management is accomplished, quite simply, through the cre-

ation and review of a vast assortment of different reports. These
reports provide the analyst or management with an assurance that
everything is being done correctly.

Risk management is achieved through the execution of monitoring

reports, baseline reports and audits.

Risk Management – Challenges

The biggest challenge associated with risk management is trying

to determine how much should be invested in the risk assessment.

eXcellence in Telecommunications 43

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