Dvantages of Advertising
Dvantages of Advertising
Dvantages of Advertising
1. Samples
Samples are delivered at the doors of consumers. They are also sent by
mail or given to customers in the retail store itself. Sometimes, samples
are attached to another product.
Though sampling is effective, producing numerous samples of a product
is quite expensive. Moreover, distributing samples to customers also
involves expenditure.
2. Coupons
3. Demonstration
4. Contests
Contests are the promotion events that give consumers the chance to
win something such as cash, trips or goods. Contests are conducted to
attract new customers. They introduce new product by asking the
prospects to state the reasons for the purchase of the product.
The buyer purchases the product and submits the evidence of purchase
with entry form for contest. Entry forms are duly filled by the buyers. A
panel of judges selects the best and buyers are given prizes.
Cash refund offers are rebates allowed from the price of the product. It
is an offer to refund part of the purchase price of a product to
consumers who send a proof of purchase to the manufacturer.
Moreover, if the purchaser is not satisfied with the product, the whole
price or part of it will be refunded. Cash refunded offer is stated on the
6. Premium
8. Consumer sweepstakes