Assignement1 Mechanisms
Assignement1 Mechanisms
Assignement1 Mechanisms
Semester III, B. Tech., 2018-22
(i). Solve all the problems. (ii). Use graphical method with appropriate scale. (iii). Use 1” = 25 mm.
1. (a) A pair of bolt cutters is shown in Fig. 1(a). Draw a kinematic diagram of the mechanism, choosing the
lower handle as the frame. The end of the upper handle and the cutting surface of the jaws should be
identified as points of interest.
(b) A foot pump that can be used to fill bike tires, toys, and so forth is shown in Fig. 1(b). Draw a kinematic
diagram of the pump mechanism. The foot pad should be identified as a point of interest.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Development of kinematic chains.
2. A rock-crushing mechanism is shown in Fig. 2. Graphically position the links for the configuration shown.
Then reposition the links as the crank is rotated by 30◦ clockwise. (i) Determine the resulting angular
displacement of the crushing ram. (ii) Also, determine the maximum angular displacement (throw) of the
Figure 3: (a) Cable extension mechanism. (b) A two cylinder rotary compressor mechanism.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) Rudder mechanism in ships. (b) An aircraft landing gear actuation mechanism.
the rudder assembly. (ii) When the actuator is extending at a rate of 0.1 m/s and decelerating at a rate of
0.3 m/s2 , graphically determine the rotational velocity and acceleration of the rudder assembly.
7. The 12-in. crank on an aircraft landing gear actuation mechanism shown in Fig. 4(b), rotates counter-
clockwise at a constant rate of 20 rpm. (i) At the instant shown, use the relative acceleration method to
graphically determine the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the wheel assembly. (ii) When the
crank rotates counterclockwise at 12 rpm and accelerates at 3 rad/s2 , using the relative acceleration method
graphically determine the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the wheel assembly.
8. In the mechanism shown in Fig. 5, the crank OA rotates at 20 RPM anticlockwise and transfers motion to
the sliding blocks B and D. The dimensions of links: OA = 300 mm; AB = 1200 mm; BC = 450 mm and CD
= 450 mm. For the given configuration, estimate: (i) velocities of sliding at B and D, (ii) angular velocity of
CD, (iii) linear acceleration of D and (iv) angular acceleration of CD.