Forecasting by Factors, by Variables, by Both, or Neither?: Jennifer L. Castle, Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry
Forecasting by Factors, by Variables, by Both, or Neither?: Jennifer L. Castle, Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry
Forecasting by Factors, by Variables, by Both, or Neither?: Jennifer L. Castle, Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry
We forecast US GDP and inflation over 1-, 4- and 8-step horizons using the dataset from Stock
and Watson (2009), with factors, variables, both, and neither. Autometrics handles perfect collinear-
ity and more regressors than observations, enabling all principal components and variables to be in-
cluded for model selection, jointly with using impulse-indicator saturation (IIS) for multiple breaks.
Empirically, factor models are more useful for 1-step ahead forecasts than at longer horizons, when
selecting over variables tends to be better. Accounting for in-sample breaks and outliers using IIS
is useful. Recursive updating helps, but recursive selection leads to greater variability, and neither
outperforms autoregressions.
The second approach commenced with the ABC curves of Persons (1924), followed by leading indi-
cators as in Zarnowitz and Boschan (1977) with critiques in Diebold and Rudebusch (1991) and Emerson
and Hendry (1996). Factor analytic and principal component methods have a long history in statistics
and psychology (see e.g., Spearman, 1927, Cattell, 1952, Anderson, 1958, Lawley and Maxwell, 1963,
Joreskog, 1967, and Bartholomew, 1987) and have seen some distinguished applications in economics
(e.g., Stone, 1947, for an early macroeconomic application; and Gorman, 1956, for a microeconomic
one). Diffusion indices and factor models are now quite widely used for economic forecasting: see e.g.,
Stock and Watson (1989, 1999, 2009), Forni, Hallin, Lippi and Reichlin (2000), Peña and Poncela (2004,
2006), and Schumacher and Breitung (2008).
The third set includes methods like exponentially weighted moving averages, denoted EWMA, the
closely related Holt–Winters approach (see Holt, 1957, and Winters, 1960), damped trend (see e.g.,
Fildes, 1992), and autoregressions, including the general time-series approach in Box and Jenkins (1970).
Some members of this class were often found to dominate in forecasting competitions, such as Makri-
dakis, Andersen, Carbone, Fildes et al. (1982) and Makridakis and Hibon (2000).
Until recently, while the first two approaches often compared their forecasts with various ‘naive’
methods selected from the third group, there was little direct comparison between them, and almost no
studies included both. Here, we consider the reasons for that lacuna, and explain how it can be remedied.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 describes some of the issues that are likely to
bear on the topic of this paper, including the role of measurement errors. Section 3 relates the ‘external’
variables, denoted {zt }, to factors {ft }. Section 4 compares variable-based and factor-based models.
Section 5 develops the analysis of forecasting from factor models with a taxonomy of sources of forecast
error in the empirically relevant case of non-stationary processes. Section 6 addresses the problem of
systematic forecast failure to which equilibrium-correction formulations are prone in the face of location
shifts. Section 7 discusses model selection with both factors and variables, and section 8 illustrates the
analysis using US GDP and inflation forecasts. Section 9 concludes.
of candidate variables. Automatic model selection can use multi-path searches to eliminate irrelevant
variables by exploring all feasible paths with mixtures of expanding and contracting block searches, so
can handle settings with both perfect collinearity and N > T , as shown in Hendry and Krolzig (2005)
and Doornik (2009b). The simulations in Castle, Doornik and Hendry (2011a) show the feasibility of
such an approach when N > T in linear dynamic models. Hence we are not forced at the outset to
allow only a small number of factors, or just the factors and a few lags of the variable being forecast,
say, as candidates. When the number of candidate variables exceeds the sample size, model selection is
unavoidable, so we consider that issue next.
ought to dominate pooling forecasts, each of which is based on limited information, except when all vari-
ables are orthogonal (see e.g, Granger, 1989). However, the taxonomy of forecast errors in Clements and
Hendry (2005b) suggests that incomplete information by itself is unlikely to play a key role in forecast
failure (except if that information would forecast breaks). Consequently, using large amounts of data
may not correct one of the main problems confronting forecasters, namely location shifts, unless that
additional information is directly pertinent to forecasting breaks. Moreover, although we use Gets model
selection from a very general initial candidate set, embedding available theory specifications, combined
with congruence as a basis for econometric modeling, when forecasting facing location shifts, it cannot
be that causal models will dominate non-causal (see Clements and Hendry, 1998) nor that congruent
modeling helps (see e.g., Allen and Fildes, 2001). Conversely, Makridakis and Hibon (2000) conclude
that parsimonious models do best in forecasting competitions, but Clements and Hendry (2001) argue
that such findings are conflated with robustness to location shifts because most of the parsimonious mod-
els evaluated also happened to be relatively robust to location shifts compared to their non-parsimonious
contenders.2 Since more information cannot lower predictability, and omitting crucial explanatory vari-
ables will both bias parameter estimates and lead to an inferior fit, the jury remains out on the benefits of
more versus less information when forecasting.
The frequency of macroeconomic data can also affect its accuracy, as can nowcasting (see e.g.,
Castle, Fawcett and Hendry, 2009, and Bánbura, Giannone and Reichlin, 2011) and ‘real time’ (versus
ex post) forecasting (on the latter, see e.g., Croushore, 2006, and Clements and Galvão, 2008). Empirical
evidence suggests that the magnitudes of data measurement errors are larger in the most recent data, in
other words, in the data on which the forecast is being conditioned (hence the Kishor and Koenig, 2010,
idea of stopping the model estimation period early, and attempting to predict the ‘final’ estimates of the
most recent data), as well as during turbulent periods (Swanson and van Dijk, 2006), which might favour
factor models over other approaches that do not explicitly attempt to take data revisions into account.
xt = Υ (L) ft + et
ft = Φ (L) ft−1 + η t
where xt is n × 1, ft is m × 1, Υ(L) and Φ(L) are n × m and m × m, and n m so that the low-
dimensional ft drives the co-movements of the high-dimensional xt . The latent factors are assumed here
to have a VAR representation. Suppose in addition that the mean-zero ‘idiosyncratic’ errors et satisfy
E[ei,t ej,t−k ] = 0 all k unless i = j (allowing the individual errors to be serially correlated), and that
E[η t et−k ] = 0 for all k.
It then follows that given the ft , each variable in xt , say xi,t , can be optimally forecast using only the
ft and lags of xi,t (xi,t−1 , xi,t−2 etc). If we let λi (L)0 denote the ith row of Υ(L), then:
Et [xi,t+1 | xt , ft , xt−1 , ft−1 , . . .] = Et λi (L)0 ft+1 + ei,t+1 | xt , ft , xt−1 , ft−1 , . . .
= Et λi (L)0 ft+1 | xt , ft , xt−1 , ft−1 , . . .
+ Et [ei,t+1 | xt , ft , xt−1 , ft−1 , . . .]
= Et λi (L)0 ft+1 | ft , ft−1 , . . . + Et [ei,t+1 | ei,t , ei,t−1 . . .]
= γ (L)0 ft + δ (L) xi,t
under the assumptions we have made (see Stock and Watson, 2011, for a detailed discussion). Absent
structural breaks, the model with the appropriate factors and lags of xi would deliver the best forecasts
(in population: ignoring parameter estimation uncertainty). The results of Faust and Wright (2007),
among others, suggest that the factor structure may not be a particularly good representation of the
macroeconomy. Our empirical approach allows that the ‘basic’ driving forces may be variables or factors,
and that there may be non-linearities (captured by linear approximations), as well as the many possible
non-stationarities noted above. We assume the DGP originates in the space of variables, with factors
being potentially convenient approximations that parsimoniously capture linear combinations of effects.
Although non-linearity can be tackled explicitly along with all the other complications (see e.g., Castle
and Hendry, 2011a), we only analyze linear DGPs here.
Thus, we consider forecasting from linear models selected in-sample from (a) a large set of variables,
(b) over those variables’ principal components (PCs), and (c) over a candidate set including both, in each
case with IIS, so the initial model will necessarily have N > T , and in the third case will be perfectly
collinear. We exploit the ability of automatic model selection to operate successfully in such a setting, as
well as to select despite more candidate variables than observations.
E [zt ] = π + ΠE [zt−1 ] = π + Πµ = µ
zt = Ψf t + et (2)
E (zt − µ) (zt − µ)0 = ΨE (ft − κ) (ft − κ)0 Ψ0 + E et e0t
= ΨPΨ0 + Ωe = M (4)
M = BΛB0 (5)
where B0 B = In , so B−1 = B0 and the eigenvalues are ordered from the largest downwards with:
0 B1 Λ11 0
B = and Λ = , (6)
B02 0 Λ22
If only m linear combinations actually matter, so n − m do not, the matrix B01 weights the zt to produce
the relevant principal components where:
B01 (zt − µ) = f1,t − κ1 (8)
In (7), we allow for the possibility that n = m, so ft is the complete set of principal components entered
in the candidate selection set, of which only f1,t are in fact relevant to explaining yt .
5 Forecasting from factors when variables matter
The aim is to forecast the scalar {yT +h } over a forecast horizon h = 1, . . . , H, from a forecast origin
at T , at which point the information set consists of Z1T = (z1 . .. zT ) and (y1 . . . yT ). Forecast accuracy
is to be judged by a criterion function Ce u bT +1|T . . . u
bT +H|T , which we take to depend only on the
forecast errors ubT +h|T = yT +h − ybT +h|T , where ‘smaller’ values of Ce (·) are preferable. Even so,
unless the complete joint density is known, evaluation outcomes depend on the specific transformation
Once in-sample estimates of the factors {b ft } are available, one-step forecasts can be generated from
estimates of the selected equation:3
δ + τb 01 b
ybT +1|T = b f1,T − κ b1 + b ρ ybT − bδ (16)
where ybT is the ‘flash’ estimate of the forecast origin value. Multi-step estimation can be used to obtain
the values of the coefficients in the forecasting device (see e.g., Clements and Hendry, 1996, Bhansali,
2002, and Chevillon and Hendry, 2005, for overviews), so for h-step ahead forecasts:
ybT +h|T = b
δ (h) + τb 01,(h) b ρ(h) ybT − b
b1 + b
f1,T − κ δ (h) (17)
in which case u bT +h|T = yT +h − ybT +h|T will generally be a moving average process of order (h − 1)
(denoted MA(h − 1)).
Existing taxonomies of sources of forecast errors have analyzed a range of open and closed models in
variables, so here we consider the factor model when the DGP has a factor structure, as in (13). The DGP
depends on zt−1 and yt−1 , although not all the variables zi,t−1 need enter the DGP, and the forecasting
model is allowed to incorporate a subset of the factors. Our taxonomy of forecast errors focuses attention
on what are likely to be the principle sources of forecast bias and forecast-error variance. Following
earlier work, we begin by allowing location shifts as the only source of instability over the forecast
horizon, but then consider the impact of a shift in the parameter vector that determines the impact of the
factors on yt . Stock and Watson (2009) consider the effects of instabilities in the forecasting model–that
is, in the effects of the factors on yt –but as we show, a key determinant of forecasting performance is the
impact of location shifts. We let the DGP change at T to:
where for now τ and ρ remain at their in-sample values during the forecast period.
We derive the 1-step forecast-error taxonomy, which highlights the key factors, and allows us to
separately distinguish 11 sources of forecast error. Calculating the forecast error as (19) minus (16), for
h = 1, gives rise to:
bT +1|T = δ∗ − b
u δ + τ 0 (fT − κ∗ ) − τb 01 bf1,T − κb1
ρ ybT − b
+ ρ (yT − δ ∗ ) − b δ + T +1 .
Using τ 01 (κ∗1 − κ1 ) + τ 02 (κ∗2 − κ2 ) = τ 0 (κ∗ − κ), we derive the forecast error reported in table 1.
Estimates b
f1,t of ft using principal components B01 (zt − µ) depend on the scaling of the zt , so are often based on the
correlation matrix.
Table 1: Factor model taxonomy of forecast errors, u
bT +1|T = . . .
Taking expectations assuming near unbiased parameter estimates, and neglecting terms of Op T −1 :
E u yT ]) + τ 01 (f1,T − E[b
bT +1|T ' (1 − ρ) (δ ∗ − δ) − τ 0 (κ∗ − κ) + ρ (yT − E[b f1,T ]) (20)
which indicates that sources [A] and [B] in table 1 are primary determinants of forecast bias, although
data and factor estimation errors ([E] and [F]) also contribute. These last two and all the remaining
terms contribute to the forecast-error variance. The factor approximation error does not enter (20) as
E [f2,T ] = κ2 . Even when [E] and [F] are negligible, the equilibrium-mean and factor-mean shifts could
be large. For example, if in (1):
π ∗ = π + 1(t≥T ) θ for h = 1, . . . , H (21)
so that the intercept in the unmodeled variables representation undergoes a permanent shift at T , then as:
π = (In − Π) Ψκ
when Π and Ψ are constant, κ will shift, and for n = m:
κ∗ = Ψ−1 (In − Π)−1 π ∗ = κ + 1(t≥T ) Ψ−1 (In − Π)−1 θ (22)
Thus, forecast-error biases are entailed by equilibrium-mean shifts within the forecasting model of yT +1
(i.e., δ ∗ 6= δ) or in the external variables entering its DGP (κ∗ 6= κ) irrespective of the inclusion or
exclusion of the associated factors, whereas the approximation error by itself does not induce such a
problem. This outcome is little different from a model based directly on the zt (rather than ft ) where
shifts in their equilibrium mean can also induce forecast failure yet omission does not exacerbate that
problem (see Hendry and Mizon, 2011, for a general taxonomy of systems with unmodeled variables).
Consider now the possibility that τ and ρ change value for the forecast period, so that in place of
(19) the DGP is given by:
yT +1 = δ∗ + τ ∗0 (fT − κ∗ ) + ρ∗ (yT − δ ∗ ) + T +1 (23)
Without constructing a detailed taxonomy, the key impacts can be deduced. Relative to the baseline case
illustrated in table 1, the change in τ induces an additional error term:
τ ∗0 (fT − κ∗ ) − τ 0 (fT − κ∗ ) = τ ∗0 − τ 0 (fT − κ∗ )
so that the slope change will interact with the location shift, but in its absence will be relatively benign–
this additional term will not contribute to the bias when κ∗ = κ, suggesting the primacy of location
shifts. In a similar fashion, the change in persistence of the process (the shift in ρ) only affects the
forecast bias if the mean of yt also changes over the forecast period. To see this, the additional term in
the forecast error when ρ shifts is:
(ρ∗ − ρ) (yT − δ ∗ )
which has a zero expectation when the shift in ρ does not cause a shift in δ, so δ ∗ = δ.
Finally, it is illuminating to consider the principal sources of forecast error for an AR(1) model, as
this model serves as the benchmark against which the selected factor-and-variable models in section 8 are
to be compared. For the sake of brevity, we ignore factors of secondary importance, such as parameter
estimation uncertainty and data mis-measurement, and construct the forecast error for the AR(1):
yt = δ + γ (yt−1 − δ) + ut (24)
when the forecast period DGP is given by (19). Notice that the omission of the factors will typically
change the autoregressive parameter γ, so that γ need not equal ρ, but the long-run mean is the in-sample
period value of δ. Denoting the forecast error from the AR(1) model by vbT +1|T , we obtain:
with an expected value which is non-zero when there are locations shifts:
Thus shifts in the deterministic terms will induce forecast failure, principally because they are embedded
in ∆yT +1 , but not in forecasts of this quantity. The class of equilibrium-correction models is such that
this problem persists as the origin is extended forward. For example, forecasting T + 2 from T + 1 even
for known in-sample parameters, accurate data and no approximation error, we find:
This generic difficulty for EqCMs suggests using a robust forecasting device approach which exploits
(26), as in:
∆eyT +2|T +1 = ∆yT +1 + τb 01 ∆b
f1,T + (b
ρ − 1) ∆b
Again, under the simplifying assumptions (known in-sample parameters, etc), and denoting the forecast
error by ∆e
uT +2|T +1 = ∆yT +2 − ∆eyT +2|T +1 , using (25) gives:
yT +2|T +1 = γ∆yT +1
∆yT +2 = τ ∗0 ∆fT +1 + ρ∗ ∆yT +1 + ∆T +2
we have:
veT +2|T +1 = τ ∗0 ∆fT +1 + (ρ∗ − γ) ∆yT +1 + ∆T +2
which is close to (27).
movements in the economy such as business cycles, then principal components should be used to fore-
cast future outcomes. On the other hand, if the data are generated by individual disaggregated economic
variables then these should form the forecasting model. By including both explanations jointly the data
can determine the most plausible structure.
A further advantage of model selection is that arbitrary methods to select the relevant principal com-
ponents are not needed. Various methods have been proposed in the literature but most take the principal
components that explain the most variation between the set of explanatory variables, not the most vari-
ation between the explanatory variables and the dependent variable. This would require the correlation
structure between the regressors and the dependent variable to be similar to the correlation structure
within the regressors (see e.g., Castle et al., 2011b). Instead, by selecting PCs based on their statistical
significance, we capture the latter correlation. In the empirical application we find the retained PCs tend
not to be the first few PCs, suggesting that the correlation structure does differ between the dependent
variable and the disaggregates.
The model selection algorithm used is Autometrics, which undertakes a multi-path tree search, com-
mencing from the general model with all potential regressors including variables, factors and lags of both
as well as impulse indicators, and eliminates insignificant variables while ensuring a set of pre-specified
diagnostic tests are satisfied in the reduction procedure, checking the subsequent reductions with encom-
passing tests. Variables are eliminated if they are statistically insignificant at the chosen criterion whilst
ensuring the resulting model is still congruent and encompassing (see Doornik, 2008). There are various
methods to speed up the search procedure which involve joint testing.
The multi-path tree search enables perfectly collinear sets of regressors to be included jointly. While
the general model is not estimable initially, the search procedure proceeds by excluding one of the
perfectly-collinear variables initially so selection is undertaken within a subset of the candidate set, but
the multi-path search allows that excluded variable to be included in a different path search, with another
perfectly-singular variable being dropped. Autometrics uses expanding as well as contracting searches
which enables regressors initially excluded to return within different candidate sets. This ‘sieve’ contin-
ues until N < T and there are no perfect singularities. The standard tree search selection can then be
applied: see Doornik (2009a, 2009b).
8.1 Data
The data are 144 seasonally adjusted quarterly time series for the United States, over 1959q1–2006q4
taken from Stock and Watson (2009). There are n = 109 disaggregates in the dataset which are used as
the candidate set of regressors and are also the set of variables used to form the principal components.
All data (usually in logs) are transformed to remove unit roots by taking first or second differences, as
described in Stock and Watson (2009) Appendix Table A1. The estimation sample spans T =1962q3–
2006q4, after transformations and lags, with the forecast horizon spanning H =1997q1–2006q4.
where ∆yt is the first difference of log real gross domestic product or the quarterly change in quarterly
Forecasting models are obtained by undertaking selection on (30) using Autometrics where we set:
(i) φ = 0, i.e. select over variables only;
(ii) β = 0, select over factors only; and
(iii) φ 6= 0 and β 6= 0, i.e. jointly select variables and factors;
where the intercept and lags of the dependent variable are included in all models. For the three forecasting
specifications we consider:
(a) δ = 0, no IIS; and
(b) δ 6= 0, with IIS,
resulting in six forecasting model specifications.
Three forecast horizons are recorded, including 1-step, 4-step and 8-step ahead direct forecasts. For
the 1-step ahead forecasts we set Ja = 1 and Jb = 4, allowing for 4 lags of the dependent and exogenous
regressors. For 4-step ahead direct forecasts we set Ja = 4 and Jb = 7, and 8-step ahead forecasts set
Ja = 8 and Jb = 11.
One of the problems that factor forecasts face is the need to difference to stationarity in order to com-
pute the principal components. This implies that any structural breaks in the levels will be differenced
out. Many variables are second differenced to obtain stationarity, so breaks in growth rates will also be
removed. A consequence of differencing is that the resulting forecasts will be robust to breaks after they
occur. However, accurate forecasting of the differences is insufficient for levels, as an insignificant one-
direction error can cumulate to an important under or over forecast: e.g., 1% per quarter cumulates to
4% over a year. Hence, we also report the implied log-level forecasts. As the forecasts are direct h-step
forecasts rather than dynamic forecasts, we let the forecast origin, T , roll forward rather than remain
fixed at 1996q4. The levels forecasts for log GDP and quarterly inflation are computed as:
ybT +k+h = ∆b
yT +k+h + yT +k for k = 0, . . . , H − h (31)
where h = 4 and 8 for the 4-step and 8-step ahead forecasts respectively in (31) (1-step forecast errors
are the same for levels and differences). For the 4-step forecasts, we evaluate over 37 forecasts as we
require forecasts for the period 1997q1–1997q4 to obtain the level forecast of 1997q4, and likewise for
the 8-step ahead forecasts we evaluate over 33 forecasts.
There are T = 138 observations in-sample. For the variables only or factor forecasts, there are
N = 441 regressors in (30) with no IIS and N = 579 with IIS. We set the significance level for selection
at α = 1% with no IIS, so approximately 4 regressors would be retained on average under the null that
no regressors are relevant, and set α = 0.5% for IIS. When both variables and factors are included, there
are N = 877 regressors with no IIS, so we set α = 0.5%, and with IIS N = 1015, so α = 0.25%. Table
2 summarizes the selection significance levels, with null retention numbers in parentheses. Overfitting
is not a concern despite commencing with N T . Parsimony can be achieved by a tighter significance
level, with the cost being a loss of power for regressors with a significance level less than the critical
value. As a check, we consider a super-conservative strategy by setting the significance levels even
tighter, as shown in the last row of table 2.
We also compute three benchmark forecasts including the random walk and AR(1) forecasts com-
puted directly and iteratively:
∆b +k+h = ∆yT +k (32)
AR(D) b +βb ∆yT +k
yT +k+h =β 0 1 (33)
yT +k+h = γ bi1 + γ
b0 γ bh1 ∆yT +k (34)
8.4 Results
We first consider in-sample selection and estimation, where the forecasting model is selected and esti-
mated over t = 1, . . . , T , with 40 forecasts computed over k = 1, . . . , H, resulting in 90 forecasting
models. We evaluate the forecasts on RMSFE, with the caveat that the MSFE criterion may not result
in a definitive ranking, as that measure is not invariant to non-singular, scale preserving linear transfor-
mations, see Clements and Hendry (1993a, 1993b).
Table 3: In-sample results for GDP growth models selected with IIS: σ b = equation standard error, No.
regressors and No. dummies record the number of regressors and, as a subset, the number of dummies
retained, and Cons and Super are the conservative and super-conservative strategies respectively.
Table 4 records the average RMSFE for each of the forecasting models, averaged across horizon,
whether IIS is applied, and the selection significance level for GDP and GDP growth. The RMSFEs are
closely similar for the first three methods, but forecasting with factors is slightly preferable to forecasting
with variables for GDP growth, although it performs worse for the levels forecasts. However, the AR(1)
model, either iterative or direct, has the lowest average RMSFE.
Table 4: RMSFE (×100) for GDP and quarterly GDP growth, with benchmark Random Walk, direct
AR(1) [AR(D)] and iterative AR(1) [AR(I)] forecasts.
We deconstruct the results for the first 3 methods in figures 1 and 2 by analyzing forecast performance
over the forecast horizon in panel (a), whether IIS was applied or not in panel (b), and the tightness of
the selection criterion in panel (c). We plot the results for the 1-step ahead levels forecasts in figure 2 for
comparison, despite their being identical to those in figure 1.
Variables Factors Both
0.0075 0.0075
0.0050 0.0050
Figures 3 and 4 record the distributions of forecast errors for variables (panel a), factors (panel b) and
both (panel c) for GDP growth and the level of GDP respectively.4 In growth rates, the forecast errors are
close to normal for variables and factors models. The levels forecasts have a fatter upper tail and some
evidence of bimodality, but there are no significant differences between the variables and factors model
forecast errors.
50 50
25 25
Figure 3: Distributions of forecast errors for GDP growth averaging across horizon, IIS/no IIS and
selection strategy.
Variables Factors 30 Both
20 20
10 10
−0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 −0.05 0.00 0.05
Figure 4: Distributions of forecast errors for log GDP averaging across horizon, IIS/no IIS and selection
models, but not the AR(1) models, either direct or iterative, as in GDP growth. Variables perform better
than factors, particularly in levels, due to worsening forecast performance of factors at longer horizons.
Table 5: In-sample results for inflation forecasting models selected with IIS: σ
b = equation standard
error, No. regressors and No. dummies record the number of regressors and, as a subset, the number of
dummies retained, and Cons and Super are conservative and super-conservative strategies respectively.
Table 6: RMSFE for quarterly inflation and the quarterly change in inflation, with benchmark Random
Walk, direct AR(1) [AR(D)] and iterative AR(1) [AR(I)] forecasts.
To examine the results more closely, figures 5 and 6 record results for the forecast horizon in panel
(a), whether IIS was applied or not in panel (b), and the selection significance level in panel (c).
Variables Factors Both
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
Variables Factors Both
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
models yielding a smaller RMSFE. Factors models selected using a super-conservative strategy are best
on a RMSFE criterion at a 1-step horizon, both with and without IIS, but also the worst over the longer
8-step horizon. Thus, factor models appear more useful for the shorter forecasting horizons here.
Transforming to levels highlights the worsening forecast accuracy of the factor model over the fore-
cast horizon. The transformation can result in differing rankings, as can be seen at the 8-step horizon
where the variable model is preferred in levels but the combined model is preferred in differences, albeit
by small magnitudes. Also, a looser strategy is preferred for the factor models as opposed to the other
models. The differences between the combined and variable models are small because most of the re-
tained regressors for the combined model are variables. However, including many additional factors in
selection is not costly when undertaken at a conservative or super-conservative strategy.
Figures 7 and 8 record the distributions of forecast errors for the variables, factors, and combined
models. The forecast errors are approximately normally distributed for the variables models. In levels,
the factors model has a fatter lower tail, but again there is little systematic difference in forecast errors
for the different models.
Variables Factors Both
0.25 0.25
Figure 7: Distributions of forecast errors for the quarterly change in inflation averaging across horizon,
IIS/no IIS and selection strategy.
Variables Factors 0.75 Both
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
Figure 8: Distributions of forecast errors for quarterly inflation averaging across horizon, IIS/no IIS and
selection strategy.
(3) the models is both selected and re-estimated recursively over each forecast horizon, t = 1, . . . , T + h,
and the eigenvalues re-calculated, so the model specification can change with each new observation; and
(4) partial recursive selection and estimation, where the previous selected model is forced, in that selec-
tion occurs only over the additional variables or factors, so previously retained variables are not dropped
even if insignificant.
Figure 9 records the RMSFEs for GDP growth with IIS using the conservative strategy for each
estimation method. There are no clear advantages to using any specific selection and estimation method.
Recursive estimation marginally outperforms in-sample estimation but there are cases where in-sample
estimation is preferred, for example the factor model at 4-step and the variable model at 8-step. Recursive
selection and estimation can be worse at longer horizons, with partial recursive selection providing a
slightly more robust selection method. In general, the differencing and IIS has accounted for the in-
sample breaks and so there is little difference between selection and estimation methods for GDP growth.
Factors Variables Both
n on e
io ti iv
io ti iv
io ti iv
io e
io e
io e
rs ial
ct a rs
ct a rs
ct a rs
at rsiv
at rsiv
at rsiv
rs ial
rs ial
le timcu
le timcu
le timcu
cu rt
cu rt
re pa
cu rt
se es re
se es re
se es re
re pa
re pa
es re
es re
es re
Figure 9: Average RMSFE for GDP growth with IIS using the conservative strategy.
Figure 10 records the RMSFEs for the quarterly change in inflation with IIS using the conservative
strategy for each estimation method. At 1-step and 4-step there is very little difference in RMSFEs
between the selection and estimation strategies, but at 8-step there is weak evidence to suggest recursive
estimation or partial recursive estimation and selection is preferred, particularly for variables.
9 Conclusion
There have been many analyses of the forecast performance of either factor models or regression models,
but few examples of the joint consideration of factors and variables. Automatic model selection can allow
Factors Variables Both
n on e
n on e
io ti iv
n on e
io ti iv
io e
io e
io e
io ti iv
at rsiv
at rsiv
ct a rs
at rsiv
ct a rs
ct a rs
rs ial
le timcu
rs ial
rs ial
le timcu
le timcu
tim c u
tim c u
se es re
tim c u
cu rt
se es re
cu rt
cu rt
se es re
re pa
re pa
es re
re pa
es re
es re
Figure 10: Average RMSFE for the quarterly change in inflation with IIS using the conservative strategy.
for more regressors than observations, perfect collinearities and multiple breaks and outliers, so the set
of candidate regressors can include both factors, as measured by their static principal components, and
variables. We consider which methods perform best in a forecasting context, including naive devices.
One of the key explanations for forecast failure is that of structural breaks. When the underlying
data generating process shifts, but the forecasting model remains unchanged, forecast failure will result.
As both variables and factor models are in the class of equilibrium-correction models, they both face
the problem of non-robustness to location shifts. In our empirical example, we use impulse-indicator
saturation to account for breaks and outliers in-sample, noting that IIS could be used to implement
intercept corrections if an indicator variable were retained for the last in-sample observation. We find
there is some advantage to using IIS for forecasting in differences as the unconditional mean is better
estimated, but as the data are differenced to estimate the principal components, few impulse-indicators
are retained. Backing out levels forecasts does highlight the non-stationarity due to level shifts (e.g., the
structural break in 1984), and a further extension would be to consider modeling and selecting variables
in levels, augmented by the stationary principal components which may pick up underlying latent variable
The empirical application considered both GDP and inflation, and their differences, using Automet-
rics to select forecasting models that include either principal components (PCs), individual variables, or
both. The results are mixed but suggest that factor models are more useful for 1-step ahead forecasting,
but their relative performance declines as the forecast horizon increases. For direct multi-step forecasting,
Autometrics selection over variables (or variables and PCs) tends to forecast better than factor forecasts,
suggesting that there are benefits to selecting the weights based on the correlation with yt+h . There is
little evidence to suggest that recursive estimation or recursive estimation and selection is better. A more
robust alternative of partial recursive estimation and selection is proposed. There are gains to using IIS,
but a tight significance is needed to control the retention rate.
The ability to undertake model selection jointly on factors and variables avoids imposing a model
specified in either just variables or factors, and circumvents the need for arbitrary selection of factors.
Thus it is a useful tool, both for in-sample modeling and for forecasting out-of-sample. Whether the
data are best described by latent factors or observable variables will depend on the phenomena being
analysed, and can be determined by the data itself using model selection techniques.
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