FPGA Genreal Paper

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Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Computational Acceleration of

Lattice-Oriented Simulation Models

A. Gilman and K.A. Hawick
Computer Science, Institute for Information and Mathematical Sciences,
Massey University, North Shore 102-904, Auckland, New Zealand
email: { a.gilman, k.a.hawick }@massey.ac.nz
Tel: +64 9 414 0800 Fax: +64 9 441 8181
April 2012

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have attracted
recent attention as accelerators for a range of scientific ap-
plications which had previously been only practicable on
conventional general purpose programming platforms. We
report on the performance scalability and software engi-
neering considerations when FPGAs are used to accelerate
performance of lattice-oriented simulation models such as
complex systems models. We report on the specifics of an
FPGA implementation of cellular automaton models like
the Game-of-Life. Typical FPGA toolkits and approaches Figure 1: ML605: Xilinx Virtex 6 development board
are well suited to the localised updating of the regular data
structures of models like these. We review ideas for more ent flexibility in custom architecture design, allowing for
widespread uptake of FPGA technology in complex sys- better mapping of some applications to the hardware it
tems simulation applications. is being executed on. However, the time and expertise
required for implementation development is considerably
KEY WORDS higher than for conventional software architectural devel-
FPGA-based design; simulation; complex systems; imple- opment. Even though the design entry is performed using
mentation development; performance evaluation. high level programming languages, the task is very dif-
ferent to writing a programme for a general purpose com-
puter. We found that a hardware-oriented minds-et is re-
1 Introduction quired for efficient implementation and performance opti-
Field Programmable Gate Array technology [1–3] has mization.
developed considerably in recent years and commodity
In this article we explore designing FPGA based com-
priced FPGA development boards now make it feasible
putation engines for scientific simulations using a simple
to teach their use to students but also to deploy them in
cellular automaton [14], using Conway’s Game of Life
applied scientific research [4] as a source of high perfor-
[15], as an example. We used a Xilinx ML605 FPGA
mance compute resource. FPGAs are finding increasing
development board for this work. This device connects
uses for application development in areas including: ac-
using a conventional PCIe interface slot to a PC, as is seen
celerating physics calculations [5]; agent-based modelling
in Figure 1.
[6]; bio-informatics data processing [7]; image process-
ing [8–10]; as well as cellular automata simulations [11]. Our paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 we de-
Engineers have been using FPGAs for a number of scribe the general framework of use for FPGA architec-
years in time-critical applications, such as real-time sig- tures. In Section 3 we describe our use of FPGA develop-
nal processing. Recent research showing real potential ment boards to simulate models like the Game of Life. We
for high performance computing [12], with FPGA im- present some performance results in Section 4. We dis-
plementations of certain problems performing better than cuss their implications, summarise our findings and sug-
CPU/GPU implementations [13]. This is due to inher- gest some areas for further work in Section 5.
Figure 2: Simplified example of an FPGA logic slice.

2 FPGA Framework
When performing computational tasks we generally use
general purpose computers. These are designed to solve
any computational task, as long as we can express it as a
program. This makes them versatile and relatively easy to Figure 3: FPGA layout
use to solve our computational problems. However, this
same ability to perform virtually any task we may ask of it ber of multiplexers that can be used to combine outputs of
limits its computational performance for any one specific the slice’s LUTs to implement logic functions with higher
task: the general purpose architecture is sub-optimal for number of inputs. A simplified example of a logic slice is
any specific task and can be very far from optimal for some shown in figure 2.
tasks. A number of logic slices are grouped together to form
As an alternative to using general purpose architecture, configurable logic blocks (CLBs). Many thousands CLBs
we could design a custom architecture, optimized for the are located on one chip with a complex network of in-
specific task at hand in a way as to exploit any spatial or terconnects occupying the fabric between them (see fig-
temporal parallelism inherent to the problem. Implement- ure 2). Just like the logic slices within CLBs, the intercon-
ing this custom architecture on completely custom hard- nect network is programmable and can connect inputs to
ware through the manufacture of an application-specific outputs of various slices as needed to form more complex
integrated circuit (ASIC) would most likely result in much logic functions. In addition to logic slices, FPGAs com-
better performance. Unfortunately, ASIC design and man- monly contain on-chip RAM resources called block RAM
ufacture is an extremely expensive and time-consuming (BRAM). These blocks are generally only a few kilobytes
process. Only very few applications can qualify for this in size, but there are many of them and they can be ac-
approach. cessed in parallel or combined into larger memories with
There is, however, an alternative for implementing a fairly large bandwidths.
custom architecture - reconfigurable hardware or more FPGA design methodology has a number of levels of
specifically field-programmable gate arrays. These pre- abstraction ranging from the actual configuration of LUTs
manufactured chips contain a sea of programmable logic all the way up to high-level programming languages, such
with programmable interconnect fabric running in be- as Handle-C. It differs from software design in that an ac-
tween. In addition, these devices also contain on-chip tual hardware device that would perform the desired func-
memory, optimized digital signal processing (DSP) blocks tion is being designed, rather than just a program to ex-
and a multitude of input/output pins to interconnect with ecute on an existing computer architecture. A flowchart
other hardware, like off-chip memory. Transistor count for of a typical design flow is shown in figure 4. The first
modern FPGAs is in the billions, allowing these devices to step is architecture design, where the computational task
implement some very complex designs. at hand is analysed and decomposed into structural blocks
FPGA chips are designed to be reconfigurable to carry with each one described in terms of its functionality and
out any digital logic operation. The most basic building interfaces.
block of these chips is a look-up table (LUT) and reg- Once the device architecture has been designed, a
ister pair. 4- to 6- input LUTs are common in modern hardware-description language (HDL), such as VHDL or
devices and can implement any boolean logic function of Verilog, is used to formally describe the device. This pro-
that many inputs. A number of LUT-Register pairs are cess can utilise both the behavioural and structural de-
grouped together into blocks called ”logic slices”. In ad- scription of the device and its subcomponents.
dition to LUT-Register pairs, logic slices also generally Behavioural simulation is an important next step that
contain dedicated arithmetic and carry logic and a num- tests the HDL description of the problem against the de-
ular FPGA chip that is used for final implementation.
For HDL entry and synthesis, however, 3rd party vendor-
independent tools can be used (e.g. Cadence, Synplify)
and the resulting netlist can be implemented using any
suitable vendor. In addition to these EDA tools, design-
ers can choose to use an even higher-level language to
describe the system architecture. Recent research have
been aimed at developing techniques for hardware synthe-
sis from high level languages like C/C++ [16, 17]. Some
of these are already available on the market (e.g. Handle-
C, systemC); although, their uptake is slow and they are
nowhere near as popular as Verilog or VHDL.
For this project we have used a Xilinx FPGA. Xilinx
is one of two main vendors (Altera being the other one)
of FPGA technology. ML605 development board, hosting
an xc6vlx240t device from the Virtex-6 family was used.
The advantage of this board is the on-board PCIe interface
that can be used for exchanging the data between the host
PC and the FPGA. This device contains 150,720 LUTs
and 301,440 flip-flops in 37,680 logic slices and 416 36Kb
block RAMs, totaling 14,976 Kb on-chip memory. We
Figure 4: FPGA Design Flow
have used Xilinx ISE Design Suite 13.4 for HDL design
sired behaviour. At this point any behavioural differ- entry, synthesis and implementation and Xilinx ISIM for
ences between the HDL code and its desired behaviour behavioural simulation.
are ironed out. A process called synthesis is used next to
infer combinatorial and sequential logic from HDL state-
ments. This produces an abstract representation of the de- 3 Simulation Formulation on FPGA
sired circuit behaviour called register-transfer level (RTL) We chose to experiment with a simple Game of Life
logic. This is then decomposed further into an even lower- (GoL) [15] simulation for this investigation. The GoL
level (logic gates and transistor level logic) representation model comprises a 2D array of bit-wise cells representing
called a netlist, generally recorded in a vendor-neutral rep- the states live or dead. At each (synchronous) time step of
resentation using EDIF format. the model, each cell is updated according to a microscopic
The actual implementation process uses a vendor- rule based on the number of live cells in the Moore neigh-
specific tool to map the netlist representation of the de- bourhood of each focal cell. We can initialise the cells
signed device to the actual resources available (LUTs, randomly, but that is the only randomness in the model
BRAM, DSPs, etc) on the particular FPGA used for im- definition, which is otherwise completely deterministic.
plementation. A process called place and route then pro- This class of model is interesting since GoL can be gen-
ceeds to allocate available resources and performs rout- eralised to a whole family of similar automata that have
ing of the signals between them as required. These are exhibit emergent complex systems behaviour that can only
complex optimization procedures that are attempting to be studied effectively using extensive simulations. FPGA
balance multiple trade-offs, such as chip area uptake re- technology is particularly well suited to carrying out par-
duction, running power consumption minimization, tim- allel and effectively synchronous updates on a regular lat-
ing performance and implementation process runtime re- tice model with localised neighbour communications. The
duction. If one of these goals is more important than oth- model rules are readily implemented using primitives that
ers, for example timing performance, it is possible to use can be easily implemented using FPGA component oper-
a different optimization strategy to put more emphasis on ations.
increasing the maximum clock frequency. The final step The architecture for our game of life implementation
is the programming file generation, which creates a bit- consists of two parts: the data-path and the control cir-
stream file containing the configuration settings of all the cuitry. The data-path is a collection of modules that store
FPGA resources. This file is then simply downloaded onto the data and operate on it. The control circuitry imple-
the FPGA to configure it. ments the logic required to execute the particular set of
All of the above steps are performed using electronic steps required to fetch the data, perform the computation
design automation (EDA) tools. Implementation tools and store the result. Separating the design into two parts
need to be vendor-specific, as they relate to the partic- like this makes it easier to design and maintain complex
Figure 5: Custom 1024 × 1024 dual-port RAM.
Along with the compute logic, the data-path must con-
tain some sort of storage to store the state of each cell in Figure 6: A single processing element contains a 3-bit
the simulation. In software this would be stored in an ar- shift register and combinational logic to compute the next
ray of integers located in the main memory. On the FPGA state.
we can create a dedicated RAM to contain this data on the
chip itself, using multiple blocks of BRAM. These blocks
are designed to be highly configurable, allowing for a lot
of flexibility and can be connected in parallel to create
RAMs with any word width (number of bits per stored el-
ement) and any depth (number of stored elements). What
makes BRAM even more useful is the fact that it is dual-
port, meaning that we can read the state of current gener-
ation and write the computed next state at the same time.
The FPGA chip that we are using contains a total of
15Mb of storage in BRAMs, which is enough to store the
state of one million cells in a 1024 × 1024 simulation that
Figure 7: Combinational logic for next state computation.
we want to implement (storing one bit per cell). Memory
access is a significant bottleneck of modern computers. If To compute the next state for a column of cells three
we are going to process more than one cell at the same separate operations need to be performed. A memory read
time, we need to have sufficient memory bandwidth to get operation, next state computation and a memory write op-
the required data. We can bit-pack the states of a whole eration. Because next state computation requires fairly
column of cells into a single 1024 bit-wide memory ele- simple logic, memory read and write operations are rel-
ment and create a 1024-deep RAM to store each one of the atively long in comparison. It is possible to pipeline
columns (see figure 5). Doing this allows us to read/write these three operations to increase the overall throughput,
the state of 1024 cells simultaneously. as shown in figure 8. If the next computation logic was
To process the each cell we employ a processing ele- quite complex, it could be beneficial to also pipeline it by
ment (PE) depicted in figure 6. There are 1024 instances dividing it up into smaller computation stages; however,
of this element, each one computing the next generation in this case it would not achieve any gains.
state of the cells located in a single row, one element at a We used Verilog HDL to describe the design. Verilog
time. To avoid having to perform nine memory accesses description of the processing element is shown in algo-
for each computation (as the state of nine cells is required rithm 1. It consists of two parts: first part is the always
to compute this) local buffers within each processing el- statement that describes a synchronous three-element shift
ement are employed to store the state of three consecu- register using three non-blocking assignment <= opera-
tive cells, centered on the index of the cell, which is cur- tors. These assignments are executed simultaneously in a
rently being processed. These stored states are used by single clock cycle, using the value of each variable on the
the next state-computation logic and also passed to the right hand side from the previous clock cycle. The value
processing elements directly above and below. The next of this shift register is assigned to the reg out port to
state-computation logic is shown in figure 7. Because the be passed to PE above and PE below. The second part
value of state signals of all the neighboring cells are either consists of computation of the number of alive neighbors
one for alive or zero for dead they can be simply added by summing their states and the computation of the next
together to compute the number of alive neighbors. state by applying the game rules. This code, along with
N = 512 1024 2048
Flip-flops 1550 3090 6166
LUTs 3793 7559 15113
Logic Slices 1568 3156 6571
Max clock (MHz) 269 238 187
Compilation Time (s) 149 215 375

Table 1: Resource utilization for different size simulation.

4 Performance Results
Table 1 shows resource utilization (the number of uti-
Figure 8: Pipelined memory access: reading, processing lized flip-flops and look-up tables and also the total num-
and writing each column in 3 consecutive clock cycles in- ber of used logic slices), maximum clock frequency in
creases overall processing throughput. megahertz at which each design is able to run and also
the compilation time in seconds for three simulation sizes:
512 × 512, 1024 × 1024 and 2048 × 2048. The amount
of utilized resources can be seen to go up linearly with
the number of instantiated processing elements (512, 1024
and 2048 in each case). The maximum clock frequency
goes down with simulation size. The largest simulation
size, which also has the largest number of processing el-
ements demonstrates highest throughput of 386 billion
individual cells being processed per second versus 244
billion cells/s for second largest and 138 billion cells/s
for the smallest. The overall performance of these three
designs is 92,000 generation updates per second for the
largest, 232,500 generation updates for second largest and
525,000 generation updates for the smallest.

Figure 9: Processing element array contains a N PEs con-

nected in parallel to process N rows of cells simultane-

the description of input and output ports, forms a Verilog

Each of the components in the architecture is described
in a separate Verilog module, which are instantiated and
interconnected using the in/out ports to complete the ar-
chitecture. Modular design allows for easy reconfigura-
tion. For example, we can change the simulation size,
as long as there are enough resources on the device, to
any simulation size N simply by changing the number of Figure 10: Resource utilization as a percentage of total
instances of the PE module in the PE array and BRAM available resources on xc6vlx240t device.
configuration (figure 9). Or we can change the internal
Figure 10 shows resource utilization figures as a per-
implementation of any module and as long as the external
centage of the total resources available on xc6vlx240t de-
interface and functionality stays the same the design will
vice. It can be seen that even for a simulation as large as
still work.
2048×2048 elements, logic slice utilization is under 18%.
The modules can also be parameterized, with the pa-
rameters being set at compile time. This allows for more
flexibility and encourages re-usability. The processing el- 5 Discussion & Conclusions
ements, for example, can be designed to allow for q states, The development process of this design followed the
with q being a compile-time parameter. These can be design flow shown in figure 4. The overall time
reused in implementation of other CA, such as Game of was roughly split half and half between HDL entry/be-
Death [18], that require more than two states. havioural simulation and architecture design/optimization.
Algorithm 1 Verilog code for the Processing Element.

1 a l w a y s @( p o s e d g e CLK)
2 begin
3 r i g h t <= D a t a i n ;
4 c e n t r e <= r i g h t ;
5 l e f t <= c e n t r e ;
6 end
7 assign reg out = { l e f t , centre , r i g h t };
8 a s s i g n numAlive = ( f r o m A b o v e i n [ 0 ] + f r o m A b o v e i n [ 1 ] + f r o m A b o v e i n [ 2 ] + l e f t + r i g h t
9 + fromBelow in [ 0 ] + fromBelow in [ 1 ] + fromBelow in [ 2 ] ) ;
10 a s s i g n n e x t G e n = ( numAlive == 4 ’ d3 ) | | ( ( numAlive == 4 ’ d2 ) && c e n t r e ) ;

We found both of these tasks to be highly iterative and the Algorithm 2 Verilog code representing an adder tree.
use of good EDA tools can make a big difference to the
amount of time/effort taken up by these tasks. 1 / / A l l o c a t i n g 2− b i t t e m p o r a r y s t o r a g e :
Verilog HDL is a high-level language; however, we 2 w i r e [ 1 : 0 ] temp1 , temp2 , temp3 ;
found writing Verilog code to be very different to writing 3 w i r e [ 2 : 0 ] temp4 ; / / 3− b i t t e m p o r a r y s t o r a g e
4 a s s i g n temp1 = f r o m A b o v e i [ 0 ] + f r o m A b o v e i [ 1 ]
a program in a software language, partly because the Ver-
5 + fromAbove i [ 2 ] ; / / 2− b i t a d d e r
ilog ’program’ actually represented a piece of hardware
6 a s s i g n temp2 = f r o m B e l o w i [ 0 ] + f r o m B e l o w i [ 1 ]
with certain functionality, rather than an algorithm nor- 7 + fromBelow i [ 2 ] ; / / 2− b i t a d d e r
mally described by a program in a software language. The 8 a s s i g n temp3 = l e f t + r i g h t ; / / 2− b i t a d d e r
inherent notion of time in the process of describing syn- 9 a s s i g n temp4 = temp1 + temp2 ; / / 3− b i t a d d e r
chronous logic also made it difficult to get the HDL de- 10 a s s i g n numAlive = temp4 + temp3 ; / / 4− b i t a d d e r
scription right the first time. This is where the behavioural
simulation proved to be extremely valuable. 2048 × 2048 design this has become a very time consum-
Performance of compute engines such as the one de- ing process.
scribed here can be measured using throughput, a product The numbers in table 1 indicate that this design scales
of how much computation is performed in one clock cycle fairly well with simulation size in terms of resource uti-
and the clock frequency. To increase performance, we can lization. Large designs, however, cannot be clocked at the
either utilize a large number of the processing elements same frequency as the smaller one, even though the main
or optimize the processing elements to increase the clock difference between them is the number of instantiated pro-
frequency, or both. We have tried a number of ways to cessing elements (all having the same complexity). This
simplify/optimize the processing element module and the is likely to be due to more complex internal signal rout-
processing element array, for example by replacing the se- ing that introduces more delay as resource utilization in-
ries of 4-bit additions on lines 8 and 9 in algorithm 1 with creases.
an adder tree composed of smaller 2- and 3-bit adders and Introducing more processing elements, whether it is
one 4-bit adder, as illustrated in algorithm 2. for a larger simulation size or to increase the through-
These attempts resulted in simpler RTL representation put even further by processing more than one column at
of the design. This, however, did not necessarily equate to a time, would most likely decrease the maximum clock
any significant gains in maximum clock frequency or re- frequency even further. Introducing more processing ele-
source utilization. This is partly due to the synthesis tools ments (if the memory bandwidth allows) would obviously
running various automated logical and physical optimiza- increase throughput, but only up to a certain point, since
tion of the RTL and doing a fairly good job for a relatively this increase will have a detrimental effect on the maxi-
simple design such as this one and partly due to the nature mum clock frequency.
of the way digital logic is implemented on FPGAs - using Figure 10 shows that there is still a large portion of un-
a series of look-up tables. used resources left on the device. This can either be uti-
We found it difficult to manually optimize the design lized by more PEs to process multiple columns at the same
prior to running the synthesis, as it was hard to tell whether time as stated above, or it can also be utilized to compute
what we considered simpler and faster would result in sim- any required measurements, such as statistical metrics, in
pler and faster final implementation. This process of man- real-time as the simulation progresses, thus saving time on
ual optimization turned into a series of trial and error steps further analysis. Performing the required measurements in
to find out what worked and what didn’t. Unfortunately, parallel to the running of the simulation can also greatly
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