List Some Commercial Practical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks

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EEE1007 Neural Network and Fuzzy Control

Question Bank 1

1. Comment on Mc Culloch Pitts neuron Model.

2. Differentiate supervised and unsupervised learning.
3. What are Neural Networks? What are the types of Neural networks?
4. List some commercial practical applications of Artificial Neural Networks
5. Explain different parts of human brain.
6. Define ANN and Neural computing.
7. Explain ADALINE and MADALINE. List some applications.
8. Explain Why XOR problem cannot be solved by a single layer perceptron and how it is
solved by a Multilayer Perceptron.
9. Draw the structure of a biological Neuron and explain in detail.
10. Draw the ADALINE implementation for AND and OR functions.
11. What is XOR problem?
12. Draw the model of MP(McCulloch Pitts) neuron and state its characteristics.
13. Compare physical neuron and artificial neuron
14. What is called weight or connection strength?
15. Write short notes on neural approaches to computation.
16. Write the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Neural Networks.
17. Write the differences between conventional computers and ANN.
18. Explain the architecture of a muiti-layer artificial neural network. Give a labelled
diagram and show its working
19. What are activation functions? Give three examples with necessary graphical representation.
20. Explain (i) Hebbian learning Rule (ii) Delta Rule
21. Explain the Back propagation learning algorithm. Also draw the architecture of the Network.
22. Explain the problems involved in Back propagation Training methods.
23. Explain how the initial weights and learning rate parameter is selected in Back propagation
24. What is the necessity of an activation function?
25. How are learning methods classified? Give examples.

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