SCT 1st 3 Clusters 2022
SCT 1st 3 Clusters 2022
SCT 1st 3 Clusters 2022
8 Marks questions
3. Explain the concept of artificial neuron & biological neuron. Sketch the model of
artificial neuron.
4. Draw a simple artificial neuron and discuss the calculation of net input.
Concept-3: Models of Artificial Neural Network
13. Write a short note on McCulloch Pitts Neuron model and realize XOR logic function
using the above model.
14. Explain in detail the architecture of Mc Culloch – Pitts neuron model and also realize 2-
input AND gate, OR gate using the above neuron model.
15. Explain how the linear separability concept is implemented using perceptron training
networks with AND function for bipolar inputs & targets.
16. Find the weights required to perform the following classification using perceptron
network. The vectors (1, 1, 1, 1) and ( -1, 1 -1, -1) are belonging to the class (so have
target value 1), vectors (1, 1, 1, -1) and (1, -1, -1, 1) are not belonging to the class (so
have target value -1). Assume learning rate as 1 and initial weights as 0.
4 Marks questions
2 Marks questions
1. Error based learning is also called?
2. What type of learning is output based learning?
3. Give the applications of artificial neural networks.
4. Indicate the difference between excitatory and inhibitory weighted interconnections.
5. What is the role of threshold in activation function?
6. What happens if the learning rate is too low?
7. What is the outcome of choosing very high learning rate?
8. Give the range of learning rate?
9. Draw the bipolar step activation function.
10. Differentiate between binary and bipolar sigmoidal activation functions.
11. What type of activation function is used in Rosenbalt’s perceptron?
12. Can XOR logic function be linearly separable by single layer perceptron?
13. What are the other names of Delta rule?
14. What type of learning rule is implemented in Adaline network?
15. Give some examples of neural networks employing supervised learning.
16. What type of activation function is used generally in the input layer?
1. What is Multilayer perceptron? Explain its basic features and different phases of training.
2. Draw the architecture of Multilayer Perceptron network with 2 hidden layers and explain
the different phases involved in training the network.
3. Using Gradient descent learning rule derive the expressions for weights and bias
updations across various layers in a Back propagation neural network.
4. Describe the structure of Back Propagation neural network and derive the learning rule
for Back propagation algorithm.
5. Derive output equations and weight update equations for a multilayer feed forward neural
network using back propagation algorithm.
6. Find the new weights, using back-propagation network for the network shown in Figure.
The network is presented with the input pattern [-1, 1] and the target output is + 1. Use a
learning rate of a = 0.25 and bipolar sigmoidal activation function.
Concept-4: Back propagation learning - input layer, output layer, hidden layer computations
7. Explain Error back propagation training Algorithm with the help of flowchart.
8. Find new weight when the net illustrated in given figure is presented the input pattern
(0, 1) and target output is 1. Use a learning rate α = 0.25 and the binary sigmoid
activation function.
9. Explain the concept of local minima and global minima and give the limitations of Back
Propagation algorithm
10. Discuss the remarks of Back Propagation algorithm
Concept-6: Batch learning and On-line learning
13. Design Hebb Net to implement logical AND function. Use bipolar inputs and targets.
14. Using the Hebb rule, find the weights required to perform the following classifications of
the given input patterns shown in Figure. The pattern is shown as 3 x 3 matrix form in the
squares. The "+" symbol represents the value" 1" and empty squares indicate "-1."
Consider "I" belongs to the members of class (so has target value 1) and "0" does not
belong to the members of class (so has target value -1).
4 Mark questions
2 Mark questions
1. Example by example learning is also called?
2. Epoch by epoch training is also termed as?
3. State the limitations of back propagation learning.
4. Give 2 applications of back propagation neural network.
5. What are the advantages of back propagation algorithm?
6. State the learning algorithm used in Multilayer perceptron
7. State the importance of back propagation algorithm.
8. List the stages involved in training of back propagation network.
9. State the significance of error portions δk and δj in BPN algorithm.
10. Why is gradient descent method adopted to minimize error?
11. Is competitive learning a supervised or unsupervised learning method?
12. What is the necessity of momentum factor in weight updation process?
13. Why online learning is called stochastic learning?
14. What is feature extraction?
15. List out some neural networks that employ supervised learning method.
16. Which net is related to “winner take all”?
5. Define crisp sets and fuzzy sets and state the importance of fuzzy sets.
6. Explain fuzzy logic in detail and mention the difference between crisp logic and fuzzy
logic with examples.
7. Enlist and explain any three classical set properties any three fuzzy sets properties.
8. i) What is the cardinality of a fuzzy set? Whether a power set can be formed for a fuzzy
ii) Find the power set and cardinality of the given set X= {2, 4, 6}. Also find cardinality
of power set.
9. Enlist and explain any three classical set operations and any three fuzzy sets operations.
10. Consider two given fuzzy sets below:
Perform union, intersection, difference and complement over fuzzy sets A and B.
13. Prove with an example why the law of excluded middle and the law of contradiction do
not hold good for fuzzy.
14. The discretized membership functions for a transistor and resistor are given below:
Find a) Algebraic sum b) Algebraic product c) bounded sum d) bounded difference.
4 Mark questions
9. Consider two fuzzy sets A1=0.2/y1+0.9/y2 and A2=0.3/y1+0.5/y2+1/y3. Find union of
the fuzzy sets.
10. Perform intersection operation on two fuzzy sets A=0.3/y1+0.1/y2+0.6/y3 and
11. Consider some fuzzy sets and prove the distributive law, associative law.
12. Consider some fuzzy sets and prove the Demorgan’s laws.
13. How are union and intersection operations defined in fuzzy logic?
14. How are the relations represented in various forms?
15. Given a fuzzy set B=1/x1+0.3/x2+0.6/x3. Find its complement.
16. Find difference of the two fuzzy sets A=0.3/y1+0.1/y2+0.6/y3 and
2 Mark questions
1. What are the methods of representation of a classical set?
2. What are the methods of representation of a classical set?
3. State whether a power set can be formed for a fuzzy set?
4. State the significance of a relation?
5. Give the expression for computing algebraic sum on fuzzy sets.
6. Give the expression for computing algebraic product on fuzzy sets.
7. Give the expression for computing bounded sum on fuzzy sets.
8. Give the expression for computing bounded difference on fuzzy sets.
9. What is law of excluded middle?
10. What is law of contradiction?
11. Mention few applications of fuzzy logic.
12. Find the cardinality of the classical set A= {3, 2, 5, 7, 8, 2}.
13. Give a classical set B= {2, 3, 5}. Determine the cardinality of the power set?
14. Find the cartesian product of sets X={3, 5, 7}, Y={a, b, c}.
15. What is the cardinality of a fuzzy power set?
16. Give the expression to perform complement of a fuzzy set.