PH Value and Oxidation Reduction Potential in Soil Samples

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The document discusses methods to measure pH and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) in soils according to different standards to understand soil properties.

The pH and ORP of soil provide important information about soil properties such as solubility of minerals, ion mobility, plant growth, bacterial activity, and nutrients needed.

pH is measured according to ISO 10390, EN 15933, and ASTM D4972. The standards describe sample preparation and procedures to measure pH-H2O and pH-CaCl2.

Application Bulletin 71/4 e

pH value and oxidation reduction potential in soil samples

Determination according to EN 15933, ISO 10390, and ASTM D4972

Branch Reagents
Water, wastewater, air, environmental protection; research  Buffer solution pH 4.00, e.g. Metrohm 6.2307.100
and education  Buffer solution pH 7.00, e.g. Metrohm 6.2307.110
 Buffer solution pH 9.00, e.g. Metrohm 6.2307.120
Keywords  Calcium chloride dihydrate, CaCl2  2 H2O
Soil; pH value; redox potential; oxidation reduction potential;  Redox standard 250 mV, e.g. Metrohm 6.2306.020
exchange acidity; acidity; ORP; EN 15933; ISO 10390; ASTM
D4972; branch 2; branch 17; pH Meter; 913; flat-membrane
electrode; spearhead electrode; combined Pt-ring electrode; Solutions
Pt1000; 6.0256.100; 6.0226.100; 6.0454.100; 6.1114.010; c(CaCl2) = 1.47 g CaCl2  2 H2O is weighed
environmental; agriculture 0.01 mol/L into a 1000 mL volumetric flask
and dissolved in distilled water.
The flask is then filled up to the
Summary mark with distilled water.
The pH value and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of soil
provide important information about soil properties, such as
solubility of minerals and ion mobility. Knowledge of these Sample preparation
properties allows making predictions concerning plant ISO 10390
growth, bacterial activity, nutrients that may be needed,
The soil sample is dried at a temperature not higher than
possible corrosive effects on buildings, etc.
40 °C. The sample should be passed through a sieve with
Here, the determination of the pH value is described 2 mm mesh size.
according to ISO 10390, EN 15933 and ASTM D4972. The
oxidation reduction potential determination is carried out in a EN 15933
suspension. Soil is prepared according to EN 16179. Sludge and treated
biowaste do not need any sample preparation.

Instruments ASTM D4972

 pH Meter The sample is air-dried or dried in a drying oven at 105 °C

and screened over a 2.00 mm sieve.

Flat-membrane electrode 6.0256.100
for pH measurements in the laboratory Calibration of pH electrode

Spearhead electrode 6.0226.100 The electrode is calibrated using the buffer solutions pH 9,
for pH measurements in the field pH = 7 and pH = 4.
Combined Pt-ring electrode 6.0451.100 pH measurement in the field
Pt1000 Temperature Sensor steel 6.1114.010 The spearhead electrode is inserted into the soil while turning
the electrode slightly. If the soil is sandy or very dry, it should
first be moistened with dist. water. The final pH value can be
read after about 1 min.

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Application Bulletin 71/4 e
pH value and oxidation reduction potential in soil samples

pH measurement in the laboratory Determination of pH-CaCl2

ISO 10390 and EN 15933 The same procedure as described under Determination of
pH-H2O is used, but c(CaCl2) = 0.01 mol/L instead of distilled
Determination of pH-H2O
water is added. In CaCl2 solution, a stable potential is
This method determines the acidity of the sample. reached faster than in distilled water.
A minimum of 5 mL air-dried soil sample and five times the If the measurement is carried out after the addition of calcium
sample volume of distilled water are mixed. The suspension chloride, the exchange acidity will be obtained. Calcium
is intensively stirred or shaken for 1 h and then allowed to chloride causes an exchange of aluminum and iron ions out
stand for at least 1 h, but not more than 3 h. During this time of the silicates. These in turn form hydrogen ions by
the suspension should not get in contact with air. After this, hydrolysis.
the pH value of the suspension is measured. During the
For the reasons given above (cation exchange), the pH
measurement the suspension should be stirred in a way that
values obtained will be somewhat lower than when dist. water
no stirring funnel is created. The final pH value is usually
is used. Depending on the composition of the soil, the
obtained after about 1 min. The flat membrane electrode is
difference may be up to 1 pH unit.
recommended for this analysis because its membrane shape
minimizes scratching from particles in the solution. After a series of 10 determination or after the end of the
determination series, the electrode has to be inserted into pH
In case of calcium- and / or magnesium carbonate-rich soils,
7.00. The measured pH should lie in between pH 6.9 and 7.1.
the adjustment of a pH equilibrium may last longer than 3 h.
Determination of pH-CaCl2
The same procedure as described under Determination of Measurement of the oxidation reduction potential in the
pH-H2O is used, but c(CaCl2) = 0.01 mol/L instead of distilled laboratory
water is added. In CaCl2 solution, a stable potential is 25 mL of the air-dried soil sample is mixed with 50 mL distilled
reached faster than in distilled water. water in an Erlenmeyer flask and the suspension is shaken
If the measurement is carried out after the addition of calcium for 5 min. After this time, the Pt-ring electrode is immersed in
chloride, the exchange acidity will be obtained. Calcium the suspension and the oxidation redox potential is
chloride causes an exchange of aluminum and iron ions out measured. It is important to stir the sample during the
of the silicates. These in turn form hydrogen ions by measurement to keep the suspension from settling.
hydrolysis. Depending on the composition of the soil, the final value will
be reached after 30 – 50 min. For this reason, the reading
For the reasons given above (cation exchange), the pH
should only be taken after 50 min have elapsed.
values obtained will be somewhat lower than when distilled
water is used. Depending on the composition of the soil, the
difference may be up to 1 pH unit. Parameters
ASTM D4972 Calibration of pH electrode
Determination of pH-H2O Mode CAL MEAS pH
This method determines the acidity of the sample. Stirring rate 8
10 ± 0.1 g, 20 ± 0.1 g or 40 ± 0.1 g prepared sample is Min. waiting time 10 s
weighed into a suitable beaker and filled up with the same
Max. waiting time 110 s
amount of water (e.g., for 10 g sample 10 mL distilled water
Measuring interval 2s
is used). The suspension is stirred thoroughly and allowed to
stand for 1 h. After that, the pH of the supernatant aqueous
phase and then the pH of the suspension is measured. The pH measurement
measured temperature should correspond more or less to the
Mode MEAS pH
room temperature (between 15 to 25 °C).
Stirring rate Depends on sample (no settling)
If the prepared sample contains clay and prevents the
Signal drift 10 mV/min
formation of an aqueous phase, the amount of added water
should be doubled (e.g., for 10 g sample 20 mL distilled water Min. waiting time 0s
is used). Max. waiting time 120 s
Measuring interval 2s

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Application Bulletin 71/4 e
pH value and oxidation reduction potential in soil samples

Potential measurement  ISO 10390

Mode MEAS U Soil quality – Determination of pH

Stirring rate Depends on sample (no settling)  EN 15933

Sludge, treated biowaste and soil – Determination of pH
Signal drift 10 mV/min
 ASTM D4972
Min. waiting time 0s
Standard Test Methods for pH in Soils
Max. waiting time 3000 s
 Application Bulletin No. 48
Measuring interval 2s
Checking silver, platinum, and gold electrodes
 Application Bulletin No. 188
Example determination pH measurement technique
 WP-003
pH measurement: Six technical tips

June 2019

Competence Center Titration
Metrohm International Headquarters
Fig. 1: pH measurement curve of soil suspension with distilled

 A frequent calibration of the pH electrode is necessary.
The frequency of the calibration depends on the
number of samples. If the electrode has not been used
for a while, a calibration is necessary.
 The flat membrane electrode is recommended for pH
measurement in suspension, because its shape
minimizes scratching of the membrane from particles in
the solution.
 A fixed sample volume instead of a fixed sample weight
has to be taken because of the different possible soil
 The Pt-ring electrode has to be checked from time to
time (see Application Bulletin No. 48) and cleaned if

 W. Kordatski
Taschenbuch der praktischen pH-Messung, Verlag
Rudolf Müller & Steinicke, München.
 R. S. Evans
A Dictionary of pH Applications, The Herbert Publishing
Co. Ltd., London.

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