7 Water Design Standards: Design Specifications & Requirements Manual

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Design Specifications & Requirements Manual


7.1 DEFINITION AND PURPOSE .................................................................................... 1

7.2 PERMITTED USES .................................................................................................... 2

7.3 WATERMAIN DESIGN .............................................................................................. 2

7.3.1 Pressure and Flow Requirements ........................................................................... 2
7.3.2 Design Water Demands .......................................................................................... 2 Total Water Demands .............................................................................................. 2 Domestic Water Demands ....................................................................................... 2 Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Water Demands ....................................... 3 Friction Factors ........................................................................................................ 3
7.3.3 Fire Demands .......................................................................................................... 3
7.3.4 Minimum Pipe Sizes/Acceptable Pipe Sizes ........................................................... 4
7.3.5 Water Quality ........................................................................................................... 4
7.3.6 Maximum Velocities ................................................................................................. 4
7.3.7 Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................... 5

7.4 LAYOUT OF WATERMAIN ....................................................................................... 5

7.4.1 Watermain Location within Road Allowance ........................................................... 5
7.4.2 Watermain Pipe Depth ............................................................................................ 5 Pipe Insulation ......................................................................................................... 6
7.4.3 Pipe Offsets/Bends/Deflection ................................................................................. 6
7.4.4 Termination of Watermains ..................................................................................... 6
7.4.5 Blow-Offs /Automatic Flushing Devices/Addressing Water Quality ........................ 6
7.4.6 Thrust Restraint ....................................................................................................... 7
7.4.7 Watermain and Other Utilities Separation ............................................................... 8 Parallel Installations of Watermains and Sewers ................................................... 8 Crossings of Watermains and Sewers .................................................................... 8 Utility Crossings of Existing Watermains larger than 450 mm Diameter ................. 9
7.4.8 Looping of Watermain/Supply Redundancy .......................................................... 10
7.4.9 Connections between High Level and Low Level Water System (security of water
Supply/Supply Redundancy in critical scenarios) .................................................. 10

7.5 WATERMAIN PIPE MATERIAL ...............................................................................10

7.5.1 Reference Specifications ....................................................................................... 10
7.5.2 Transitions in Pipe Material - Watermains ............................................................. 11



7.7 LOCATION AND SPACING OF VALVES.................................................................11

7.7.1 Location and Spacing of Watermain Valves .......................................................... 11 Residential Developments ..................................................................................... 11 High Density Residential, Commercial and Industrial Developments ................... 11
Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding
The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-1 new subdivisions. Feeder Watermains ............................................................................................... 11 Intersections of Watermains .................................................................................. 11 Valves for Looped Services/Private Watermains .................................................. 12 Crossings of Watermain, Rivers, Railway, Controlled Access Highways, Bridges12 Hydrant Laterals .................................................................................................... 12 Maximum Length of Hydrant Laterals.................................................................... 12 Location of Valves at Street Intersections ............................................................. 12 Location of Valves at Intersections with Roundabouts .......................................... 12 Valve Boxes and Extensions Rods Required ........................................................ 12
7.7.2 Valve Locations - Phasing of Subdivision Developments ..................................... 13
7.7.3 Sizing of Valves ..................................................................................................... 13

7.8 FIRE HYDRANTS AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS ...............................13

7.8.1 Location/Spacing of Hydrants on Public Streets ................................................... 14 Location of Hydrants to Sprinkler or Standpipe Systems ...................................... 14 Hydrants on Dead-end Streets .............................................................................. 14
7.8.2 Addition or Relocation of Hydrants ........................................................................ 14
7.8.3 Hydrants on Private Property ................................................................................ 14
7.8.4 Hydrants for Fire Department Connections ........................................................... 15
7.8.5 Protection of Hydrants ........................................................................................... 15

7.9 WATER SERVICES, FIRE SERVICES AND PRIVATE WATERMAINS ...................15 Water Service Size and Design ............................................................................. 16 Minimum Service Size for Single Family Residential Homes ................................ 16 Accepted Water Service Sizes .............................................................................. 17 Pressure Reducing Valves Recommended Where Water Pressure Exceeds 550
kpa (80 PSI) .......................................................................................................... 17 Cathodic Protection ............................................................................................... 17
7.9.2 General Requirements - Water Services ............................................................... 17
7.9.3 Looped Water Servicing Required......................................................................... 20
7.9.4 Material Type ......................................................................................................... 20
7.9.5 Location and Layout of Water Services ................................................................. 20 Water Service Pipe Depth ..................................................................................... 21
7.9.6 Approved Deviations in Location of Water Services ............................................. 21
7.9.7 Nonconforming Installation of Water Service or Private Watermain ..................... 22
7.9.8 Fire Service Design ............................................................................................... 23 Separated Water and Fire Services ...................................................................... 23 Combined Water and Fire Services....................................................................... 23
7.9.9 Water Service Size or Location not Determined ................................................... 23
7.9.10 Water Services Valves .......................................................................................... 23 Location of Water Service Valves .......................................................................... 24 Valves for Water Services up to 50 mm Diameter ............................................... 24 Valves for Water Services 100 mm Diameter and Larger ................................... 24 Valves for Water Services to be Connected to a Private Watermain .................. 24 Locates for Curb Stops or Valves .......................................................................... 24 Water Service Control Valves Not to be Covered ................................................. 24
7.9.11 Water Service Entrances ....................................................................................... 25
7.9.12 Protection from Contamination .............................................................................. 25 Backflow Prevention Devices Required on Water Services In High Elevation Areas
of the City............................................................................................................... 25
7.9.13 Electrical Grounding .............................................................................................. 25 New Installations.................................................................................................... 25 Upgrade of Existing Plant ...................................................................................... 25

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-2 new subdivisions.
7.10 CORROSION PROTECTION ....................................................................................25

7.11 EASEMENTS ............................................................................................................26

7.12 INSTRUMENTATION ...............................................................................................26

7.13 WATER METERS .....................................................................................................26

7.13.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................... 26
7.13.2 Supply of Water Meters and Water Meter Remote Read ...................................... 26
Registers and Meter Strainers for Services 150 mm and Larger ......................................... 26
7.13.3 Location of Water Meter ........................................................................................ 26 Meter Pits will be Required .................................................................................... 27 Water Meter Enclosures ........................................................................................ 27
7.13.4 Installation of Water Meters ................................................................................... 27 Water Meter Valving .............................................................................................. 27 Meter Strainers ...................................................................................................... 28 Water Meter-by-pass Required ............................................................................. 28
7.13.5 Meter Sizing ........................................................................................................... 28

7.14 HYDRAULIC MODELING .........................................................................................29

7.14.1 General .................................................................................................................. 29
7.14.2 Information Provided by the City ........................................................................... 30
7.14.3 Design Criteria ....................................................................................................... 30
7.14.4 Hydraulic Model Input Standards .......................................................................... 30 Units ....................................................................................................................... 30 Node Elevations..................................................................................................... 30 Node and Link Identification .................................................................................. 30 Demands ............................................................................................................... 30
7.14.5 Submission Requirements ..................................................................................... 30
7.14.6 Review by the Water Engineering Division ........................................................... 31
7.15 Sediment & Erosion Control .................................................................................. 31

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-3 new subdivisions.

These specifications shall apply to all water services and to all water mains up to 450
mm diameter including appurtenances which are located within the City road
allowance, or on property which will be transferred to City ownership. These
specifications shall also apply to all water meter placements.

The designer shall design to City Specifications and also make reference to the
Ministry of the Environment “Design Guidelines for Drinking-Water Systems” and to
the Ministry of the Environment “Watermain Design Criteria for Future Alterations
Authorized Under a Drinking Water Works Permit”. If there is a discrepancy between
the City Specifications and the MOE Guidelines then the Water Engineering Division
shall be contacted to resolve the issue.

Any deviation from these specifications must be submitted in writing to the Water
Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer for approval.

For water mains larger than 450 mm diameter and for any other water system
installation, special specifications must be prepared for and approved by the Water
Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer. These specifications are to
be used as a supplement to all other specifications approved by the Water
Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer for water system installation.

The water distribution system is for the purpose of supplying and distributing water,
but does not include plumbing or other works to which the Ontario Building Code

“Water Distribution System” means watermains with connections to feeder

watermains, feed watermains within subdivision lands, private watermains, water
services, fire hydrants, and shut-off valves and all other appurtenances thereto.

A water distribution system may exist for the purpose of distributing potable or non-
potable water, however water distribution systems for potable and non-potable water
may not be intermixed or cross-connected. Private supplies of potable water may
not be cross-connected to the municipal or public water distribution system.

Watermain Classifications
Trunk Main - Large diameter watermain (over 600mm diameter)
Feeder Main - Large diameter watermain (400mm, 450mm and 600mm)
Distribution Main – Watermain diameters of 300m and smaller

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-1 new subdivisions.
Permitted and non-permitted uses of water are identified by By-law W-1 - A by-law to


7.3.1 Pressure and Flow Requirements

Watermains shall be sized to maintain the greater of:

i) maximum day demand plus fire flow at a pressure not less than 140 kPa (20
psi) at any hydrant lateral or potential fire service connection. Pressures to be
taken at the most critical locations.
ii) maximum hourly demand at a pressure not less than 275 kPa (40 psi).

iii) average day demand at a pressure not less than 275 kPa (40 psi).

iv) maximum residual pressure should not exceed 550 kPa (80 psi) and a
minimum residual pressure shall not be below 275 kPa (40 psi).
v) All pressures shall be calculated/determined assuming minimum hydraulic
grade line conditions apply. Refer to section 7.3.7 of this document and
confirm with the Water Engineering Division, Environmental Services

7.3.2 Design Water Demands Total Water Demands

Gross water consumption rate recorded for the City is 470 to 600 L/d (121 IGPD to
132 IGPD) average per capita. Domestic Water Demands

Average day domestic (residential) unit demand for design shall be 255 litres per
capita per day.

Peaking factors of 3.5 for maximum day and 7.8 for maximum hour are to be used
for design for the purposes of subdivisions and site plans unless written authorization
from the Water Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer is received.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-2 new subdivisions.
For design purposes, the following densities shall be used:

Type Of Use People / Unit

Low density residential 3 people per unit

Medium density residential 2.4 people per unit

High density residential 1.6 people per unit Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Water Demands

These demands vary greatly with the type of water using facilities or process present
in the development. If the Owner (designer) does not know the required demand
they should refer to Ontario Ministry of the Environment “Guidelines for the Design of
Water Distribution Systems” or find other suitable references and justification for
selecting water demands. The designer can also provide typical demand and
peaking factor data. For industrial demands the Owner (designer) shall discuss
water requirements with the Water Engineering Division, Environmental Services
Engineer. Friction Factors

The following Hazen-Williams “C” values shall be used for design, regardless of

Pipe Diameter C-Factor

100 and 150 mm 100

200 and 250 mm 110
300 to 600 mm 120
Over 600 mm 130

7.3.3 Fire Demands

To estimate the fire flow requirements for an area of the Municipality, the designer
should refer to the guide “Water Supply for Public Fire Protection - A Guide to
Recommended Practice” (latest revision) prepared by Fire Underwriters Survey,
Insurers’ Advisory Organization. For single family detached low density residential
areas, a minimum fire demand of 76 l/s is to be used.

On private property, adequate water for firefighting shall be determined in

accordance with the Ontario Building Code.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-3 new subdivisions.
7.3.4 Minimum Pipe Sizes/Acceptable Pipe Sizes

The minimum size for watermains shall be 150 mm diameter except beyond the last
hydrant on cul-de-sacs where smaller diameter pipe shall be used which is designed
for domestic and maximum hour demands only.
Accepted pipe sizes are 50mm and 100 mm (see above), 150mm, 200mm, 250mm,
300mm, 400mm, 450mm, 600 mm. For larger pipe sizes, the designer should
consult with the Water Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer.

7.3.5 Water Quality

Watermains and watermain networks shall be designed so that water shall not
remain unused in the watermain for more than three (3) days under average day

To demonstrate a three (3) day turnover, the designer shall provide a hydraulic
analysis as outlined in 7.14 of this document. The hydraulic analysis shall also
provide calculations to determine if and where automatic flushing devices are
required and determine the appropriate size of the automatic flushing device (25mm
or 50mm).

The City of London has primary responsibility to ensure that the minimum chlorine
residuals are maintained in the distribution system and therefore reserves the right to
require watermain looping and/or automatic flushing devices and/or blow-offs to
facilitate the maintenance of the required chlorine residual under the Safe Drinking
Water Act. Refer to W-CS-5 sht.1 and W-CS-5 Sht.2.

On private property, where there is a concern that there may be degradation of the
water quality (when a (3) day water turn-over cannot be achieved), the City reserves
the right to require premise isolation. This shall consist of appropriate backflow
prevention to the risk posed and shall be installed at the property line and at the
owners expense.

It will be a requirement that a check valve be installed at property line for all site
plans with private watermain connected to the municipal water supply system which
services more than one commercial building. The check valves are to be maintained
in accordance with the manufacturer’s suggested requirements at the owner’s

7.3.6 Maximum Velocities

The watermain shall be sized so that the maximum velocity in the pipe shall not
exceed 1.5 meters per second during maximum hour domestic flow conditions or 2.4
meters per second during fire flow conditions unless otherwise approved by the

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-4 new subdivisions.
7.3.7 Boundary Conditions

For the purposes of hydraulic analysis the designer shall contact the Water
Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer for appropriate boundary
conditions rather than using information from fire flow test directly. This is because
operating pressures and flows are subject to fluctuation.

In general, the minimum hydraulic grade lines (HGL) for each of the various service
areas of the City are:

 301.8m for the low level system

 335.0m for the Springbank / Westmount / Pond Mills / Wickerson
Pumping Station high level system
 317.0m for Hyde Park Pumping Station and Uplands Pumping Station
 322.0m for the Southeast Pumping Station System

The designer shall assume a reservoir with the appropriate HGL for water supply to
the area being designed.


7.4.1 Watermain Location within Road Allowance

a) Watermains are to be located in standard location as indicated on the City of

London Standard Utility Locations for all streets, U.C.C.-1M (UCC1), on straight
streets, unless otherwise approved. Deviation from the standard location must
be approved by the Utilities Coordinating Committee.

b) Window Street Right-of-ways - all watermains to be located in a window street

right-of-way are to be located in accordance with UCC-2M. Refer to Section
1.1.3 b) for additional details.

On watermain bends, the watermain may deviate from the standard location by
up to 1.0 m, provided that the deviation is towards, or closer to the street line.

7.4.2 Watermain Pipe Depth

Curb and Gutter Roads - Watermains shall have no less than 1.7m nor more than
1.9m of cover from final surface grade. Variations from this cover may be made only
if approved on plans or in writing by the Engineer.

Open ditch and unimproved roads - Watermains shall be laid 2.1m minimum below
road grade or 1.1m below the bottom of the ditch, whichever is greater. On
unimproved roads within the City, the designer should also review the vertical
alignment of the road so that, where possible, future road improvements will not
result in an unacceptable watermain depth, as defined in this specification.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-5 new subdivisions. Pipe Insulation

Where joint deflections or offsets require the pipe to be laid with less than 1.7m of
cover, insulation shall be placed to prevent freezing. Refer to City of London W-CS-
68 for insulation requirements.

Where storm drains or culverts cross over or under a watermain, insulation is

required per City of London W-CS-68 unless there is a minimum 1.7m separation.

7.4.3 Pipe Offsets/Bends/Deflection

Offsets must be made according to City of London W-CS-12. Use of offsets must be
indicated on the approved plans or in the case of unforeseen obstructions found after
approval of the watermain design, written approval of the Engineer must be obtained.

For watermain diameter up to 400 mm, a maximum bury depth of 2.3 m should be
utilized. Situations deviating from this should be approved by the Engineer.

If using joint deflection, full lengths of pipe must be used. Maximum deflection for
various pipe materials to be in accordance with half (1/2) the pipe manufactures
specifications. Where it is not possible to lay pipes to the required radius to utilize
allowable joint deflection, manufactured pipe bends must be used. Axial deflection
(bending of the pipe barrel) is prohibited for P.V.C. pipe. Any change in the direction
of the watermain in excess of the pipe joint deflection tolerance shall be made using
an appropriate fitting. Thrust or joint restraint shall be provided as in 7.4.6.

7.4.4 Termination of Watermains

Watermains shall be terminated opposite street lines or property lines.

Where caps and plugs are installed without a blow-off to provide for future watermain
extension, a 20 mm watermain stop shall be tapped into the watermain no further
than 0.5 m from the cap or plug to release trapped air/pressure from the watermain
prior to removal of the cap or plug.

7.4.5 Blow-Offs /Automatic Flushing Devices/Addressing Water Quality

1. The design of the watermain shall be undertaken to ensure adequate water

quality requirements are met. Refer to Section 7.14 for requirements relating to
Hydraulic Modelling.

2. Dead end watermain which are part of an interim phase of a subdivision build-out
shall meet water quality requirements by:
i) demonstrating adequate turnover by use; or

ii) strategic valve location. It should be noted that this means that additional
valves shall be placed where temporary dead ends or stubs are installed
for future watermain extension. The additional valving shall be located
immediately at the point where the temporary dead end connection to the
water system such that there are two valves in place which shall be
Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding
The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-6 new subdivisions.
closed to protect the municipal water system from potential
contamination. Alternately cutting and capping immediately at the point of
connection of the dead end will be required; or

iii) installation of an automatic flushing device.

3. Where an automatic flushing device is used to maintain water quality, a water

meter (in a meter pit) shall be installed to measure the volume of water
discharge. The owner will be charged for the water used. The designer shall
provide calculations which indicate the volume of water to be discharged by the
automatic flushing device and the sizing of the automatic flushing device as well
as indicate the timer settings to be used. This information shall be clearly
indicated on the drawings. The Owner’s contractor shall initially set up the
automatic flushing device to the indicated settings.

4. Where an automatic flushing device is not required to maintain water quality a

standard 50mm blow-off will be required to allow flushing to take place.

5. On cul-de-sac or similar streets, blow-offs, when required, shall terminate in the

boulevard. Blow-offs must be operable without the necessity of excavating.

6. Automatic Flushing Devices – notes for Designers with Regard to Automatic

Flushing Device Discharge Rates is available in the City of London Standard
Contract Documents, W-CS-5 Sheet 4.

7. Automatic Flushing Devices – Notes for Designers with Respect to Limitations on

Locations Where Automatic Flushing Devices Can be Used

i) Automatic flushing devices may not be used to discharge directly to a ditch or to

the natural environment as municipal water contains chlorine.

ii) Any water discharged from an automatic flushing device must have a total
chlorine residual less than 1.0 mg/L in accordance with the Waste Discharge By-
Law for discharges to storm sewers.

iii) 3. Normal Conditions for the use of an automatic flushing device it is assumed
that the device discharges to a storm sewer which in turn discharges to a storm
water management pond where the remaining chlorine can be dissipated before
being released or discharged to the natural environment. In any situation where
there are large volumes of water potentially being discharged from an automatic
flushing device, or where the receiving storm system is a sensitive system,
further consultation must take place to confirm if the use of an automatic flushing
device is appropriate in the situation. Consultation should be with Development
Services, Water Engineering and the Storm Water Management Division.

7.4.6 Thrust Restraint

Refer to section 441.07.23 Thrust Restraints of the City of London Standard Contract

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-7 new subdivisions.
7.4.7 Watermain and Other Utilities Separation

Designers should refer to Ontario Ministry of the Environment Guidelines for the
Design of Water Distribution Systems (latest revision) and the Ontario Plumbing
Code (latest revision) regarding the location of watermains and water services
relative to sewers and to the Public Utilities Act of Ontario regarding the location of
watermains relative to other utilities.

Encroachment of utilities, structures, sewers and/or any utility appurtenances, which

may impact the watermain, the integrity of its bedding, and/or structural capabilities,
shall have design consideration(s) applied to adequately protect the watermain. Parallel Installations of Watermains and Sewers

Sewers and watermains located parallel to each other should be constructed in

separate trenches maintaining the maximum practical horizontal separation.

Under Normal conditions, watermains shall be laid with at least 2.5m horizontal
separation from any sewer, sewer manhole, catch basin, or other sewer
appurtenances. Crossings of Watermains and Sewers

The designer shall refer to the Ministry of the Environment Procedure F-6-1,
Procedures to Govern the Separation of Sewers and Watermains.

Watermain up to and including 450 mm diameter (New Construction)

Watermains shall cross above sewers and Private Drain Connections (PDC’s) with
sufficient vertical separation to allow for proper bedding and structural support of the
watermain, sewer or PDC. If the watermain is less than 1.7 meters below grade at
the crossing, the watermain shall be insulated per section 441.07.14 of the City of
London Standard Contract Documents for Municipal Construction Projects.

Where it is not possible for the watermain to cross above the sewer or PDC, the
watermain shall pass under a sewer or PDC and shall be protected by providing:

a) A vertical separation of at least 0.5 meters between the invert of the sewer
or PDC and the crown of the watermain.

b) That a minimum 5.0 meter length of water pipe shall be centred at the point
of crossing so that the watermain joints will be equidistant and as far as
possible from the sewer or PDC.

c) Adequate structural support for the sewers to prevent excessive deflection of

joints and settling.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-8 new subdivisions.
Watermain Greater than 450 mm Diameter (New Construction)

Watermains shall cross above sewers and Private Drain Connections (PDC’s) with a
minimum vertical separation of 0.60 meters to allow for proper bedding and structural
support of the watermain, sewer or PDC. Joints for the watermain shall be located a
minimum horizontal distance of 2.0 meters from the crown of the sewer pipe or PDC.
If the watermain is less than 1.5 meters below grade at the crossing, the watermain
shall be insulated as per section 441.07.14 of the City of London Standard Contract
Documents for Municipal Construction Projects. Where it is not possible for the
watermain to cross above the sewer or PDC, the watermain shall pass under a
sewer or PDC and shall be protected by providing:

 a vertical separation of at least 0.60 meters between the invert of the sewer or
PDC and the crown of the watermain; and adequate structural support for the
sewers to prevent excessive deflection of joints or settling, and

 that a minimum 5.0 meter length of water pipe shall be centred at the point of
crossing so that the watermain joints will be equidistant and as far as possible
from the sewer or PDC. Utility Crossings of Existing Watermains larger than 450 mm Diameter

It is desirable for new servicing, sewers or PDC to cross above existing trunk
watermains wherever possible. The watermain shall be protected by providing:

i) vertical separation of at least 0.60 meters between the invert of the sewer or
PDC and the crown of the watermain; and

ii) adequate structural support for the sewers to prevent excessive deflection of
joints or settling, and

iii) that the crossing is not within 2.0 m of a joint in the watermain.

Where it is not possible to cross above the watermain, the sewer or PDC shall
pass under the watermain, and the watermain shall be protected by providing:

i) a vertical separation of at least 0.60 meters between the crown of the sewer
or PDC and the invert of the watermain; and

ii) adequate structural support for the watermain must be provided during
construction, and post construction to support the structure and prevent
excessive deflecting of the watermain or joints.

For either situation (crossing over or under an existing watermain) details of the
crossing proposed and the method of reinstatement to be used must be approved
prior to construction. Refer to W-CS-69.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-9 new subdivisions.
7.4.8 Looping of Watermain/Supply Redundancy

Water distribution systems shall be designed to exclude any dead-ended pipe,

unless meeting the requirements in 7.4.5. Water distribution systems shall be
designed so that no more than eighty (80) units with individual water services and
meters shall be serviced from a single source of supply. If the looped watermain is
connected to a single watermain, a valve must be installed in the watermain to permit
isolation of supplies.

For requirements for looping for private property, see section 7.9.3.

7.4.9 Connections between High Level and Low Level Water System (security of water
Supply/Supply Redundancy in critical scenarios)

Areas which are serviced by high level water distribution systems shall have periodic
and an appropriate number of interconnections between the high level and low level
system, by means of the installation of a checked connection between the high and
low level system. In general this would supply water from the low level system to the
high level system. The purpose of this connection is to ensure redundancy of water
supply. These interconnections shall be sized in order to provide adequate water
supply under all situations including emergency scenarios.

The designer/modeler is encouraged to discuss critical scenarios with the City

Engineer, and this will vary, however; as an example this might be a watermain
break in a high level supply source under a max day plus fire scenario.


7.5.1 Reference Specifications

All waterworks material used shall be new and shall conform to those listed in the
City of London Standard Contract Documents for Municipal Construction Projects
and the latest revision of the Standards of the American Waterworks Association

Material other than that listed in the City of London Standard Contract Documents for
Municipal Construction Projects may be used if it is approved in writing by the Water
Engineering Division. The Water Engineering Division will designate the AWWA
Standard and/or other specifications and conditions applicable for use of such
approved material.

The City reserves the right to select any materials or product it deems appropriate for
the application. The City also reserves the right to remove from the specifications
any product previously approved but found inappropriate for the application. This
includes but is not limited to pipe material, valves, or fittings. The designer shall
clearly indicate on drawings and contract documents the materials which are
acceptable for use in a particular application where the use of one or more of the
approved materials list is not acceptable.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-10 new subdivisions.
7.5.2 Transitions in Pipe Material - Watermains

Transitions from one pipe material to another must be made at a valve or tee.
Where PVC pipe is used, a tracer wire must be provided along the entire pipe and
CAD welded to the valve and terminated at grade elevation as per the Standard
Contract Documents for Municipal Construction Projects Section SW 441.05.04
Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Pipe Products.



For requirements regarding swabbing, flushing and disinfecting and bacteriological

testing of watermains see section 441.07.25 of the City of London Standard Contract
Documents for Municipal Construction Projects. The usual test pressure in the
London water system is 1035 kPa (150 psi).


7.7.1 Location and Spacing of Watermain Valves

In accordance with the Ministry of the Environment, Watermain Design Criteria for
Future Alterations Authorized Under a Drinking Watermain Works Permit, Table 2:
Shut-Off Valves. Residential Developments

In residential developments, valves shall be located so that any section of watermain

serving up to a maximum of sixty (60) residential water services can be isolated by
operating not more than four (4) valves. Phasing of developments should be
considered and valving should be logical (i.e. at intersections). In residential areas,
valves shall be spaced no more than 250 m apart. High Density Residential, Commercial and Industrial Developments

In high density residential, industrial and commercial areas, valves shall be located
to be no more than 150 m apart. Feeder Watermains

Feeder watermains (400mm, 450mm and 600mm) should have valves at 400 m
intervals. Intersections of Watermains

At intersections where smaller watermains connect to larger feeder watermains,

each smaller watermain shall be valved with an isolation valve whereas the larger
watermain shall be valved as required above.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-11 new subdivisions. Valves for Looped Services/Private Watermains

Valves shall be installed on looped services or private watermains to isolate buildings

or groups of buildings so that no more than eighty (80) individual water services or
apartment complex containing 300 dwelling units or more are on any one valved
section. The Owner shall install a valve on the street watermain between
connections to a looped private watermain if there is not an existing valve, at no
expense to the City. Crossings of Watermain, Rivers, Railway, Controlled Access Highways, Bridges

Watermains crossing rivers, railways and controlled access highways shall be valved
on each side of the crossing. Hydrant Laterals

Valves shall be located on all hydrant laterals according to City of London W-CS-1. Maximum Length of Hydrant Laterals

The maximum length of hydrant laterals shall be 10 m in order to address concerns

of water quality. Where a hydrant lateral is longer than 10 m, a check valve shall be
installed at property line on the private property side to protect the municipal water

Where the hydrant lateral is located on private property, the check valve shall be
located as close as possible to the private main in order to protect the water quality
in the private water system.

The cost for the installation and maintenance of check valves shall be the owner’s. Location of Valves at Street Intersections

Valves shall be located on the extension of street lines or according to City of

London W-CS-45. Location of Valves at Intersections with Roundabouts

Water valves may be placed within the raised roundabout island where possible.
However, if placement of the valves creates a potential conflict with the curb & gutter
of the island, than the valves are to be placed in the boulevard clear of the curb and
gutter of the approaching streets. Valve Boxes and Extensions Rods Required

All valves shall be provided with valve boxes. Valve extension rods as detailed on
City of London W-CS-6 shall be installed on every valve and are to be purchased
from the City of London Purchasing & Supply Division.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-12 new subdivisions.
7.7.2 Valve Locations - Phasing of Subdivision Developments

Valves shall be located to meet the requirements of 7.7.1. As well, location and
number of valves shall take into consideration reducing shutdowns and
inconvenience to customers during the construction of additional phases. Valves
may be installed on a temporary basis and relocated in order to accomplish this.

7.7.3 Sizing of Valves

For watermain 400 mm in diameter and below, valves shall be sized to be the same
size as the watermain on which the valve is installed. Restraints for pipe sizes
greater than 300 mm is not addressed by the City of London Standards and
Specifications and will have to be designed by the consultant/designer and/or
provided by the pipe manufacturer as part of the drawing submissions.


All fire hydrants situated within the road allowance and on private property are the
sole property of the City of London and shall be installed in accordance with The City
of London Standard Contract Documents for Municipal Construction Projects, and
shall be maintained by and operated only by the City of London.

The detail of hydrant and valve installations shall be according to The City of London
Standard Contract Documents for Municipal Construction Projects (441.05.10) and
drawing W-CS-1

Fire Hydrants and Fire Department Connections

All new PUBLIC hydrants installed are to be flow tested and colour coded in
accordance with the requirements of NFPA 61. Colour coding is for the purpose of
indicating available fire flows at 20psi residual pressure. Colour coding shall be by
means of placing reflective markers on each of the two 65 mm hydrant outlets.

In new subdivisions and site plans, the designer shall create a table on the drawings
for fire hydrants and their colour coding marker. The hydrant markers shall be
installed by City staff.

Class Rated Capacity Colour

Class AA 1500 usgpm (5680 L/min) Light Blue
or greater
Class A 1000-1499 usgpm (3785- Green
5675 L/min)
Class B 500-999 usgpm (13900- Orange
3780 L/min)
Class C 500 usgpm (1900 L/min) Red
or less

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-13 new subdivisions.
7.8.1 Location/Spacing of Hydrants on Public Streets

The location of hydrants is subject to the requirements and approval of the City Fire
Department in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. As a general guide,
hydrants must be located not more than 170 m apart along the length of the
watermain and should be located at intersections where possible. Hydrants shall be
installed a minimum of 1.5m from the edge of a driveway.

For a more detailed discussion of hydrant spacing requirements refer to “Water

Supply for Public Fire Protection - A Guide to Recommended Practices”. Location of Hydrants to Sprinkler or Standpipe Systems

For use with sprinkler or standpipe systems the hydrant must be located not more
than 45 m from the Fire Department connection. Hydrants on Dead-end Streets

Hydrants shall not be located on dead-end streets unless such streets exceed 90 m
in length. Where located on dead-end street the hydrant shall be located at 90 m
from the end and a smaller size watermain (minimum 50mm) shall be used beyond
the hydrant so that water quality is maintained.

7.8.2 Addition or Relocation of Hydrants

Regardless of hydrant location shown on accepted subdivision plans, additional

hydrants may be required or existing hydrants may have to be relocated due to
circumstances unknown at the time of plan acceptance such as the position of a
structure, Fire Department connection, driveway or landscaping feature.

Such addition and/or relocation shall be requested when the City approves the
service plan and must be done at the expense of the Owner of the subdivision or, if
the subdivision has been assumed, at the expense of the Owner of the property for
which the additional or relocated hydrant is required.

7.8.3 Hydrants on Private Property

Hydrants shall be located on private property where required to meet spacing in

accordance with the Ontario Building Code, subject to the approval of the Building

Fire hydrants shall be installed at grades such that they are readily accessible to the
fire department.
For average conditions, fire hydrants shall be placed at least 12.2m from the
buildings being protected, in accordance with NFPA 24.

Exception: When hydrants cannot be placed at this distance, they

shall be permitted to be located closer, or wall hydrants used,
provided they are set in locations by blank walls where the possibility
Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding
The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-14 new subdivisions.
of injury by falling walls is unlikely and from which people are not
likely to be driven by smoke or heat. Usually, in crowded plant yards,
they can be placed beside low buildings, near brick stair towers or at
angles formed by substantial brick walls that are not likely to fall.

Fire hydrants shall be located a minimum distance of 3.0m from a fence or other
such obstruction.
Fire hydrants shall not be placed near retaining walls where there is danger of frost
through the wall, in accordance with NFPA 24.

Where municipal water is not available, and an on-site water supply is utilized for
firefighting purposes, a fire hydrant shall not be installed, but instead a standpipe
connection, meeting the requirements of the Building Division, Standard Practice
Sheet B2.2, On-Site Water Supply for Fire Fighting shall be provided.
The cost for the supply and installation of hydrants located on private property must
be paid by the Property Owner. The fire hydrant must meet the specification set out
in section 441.05.10 Hydrants, of The City of London Standard Contract Documents
for Municipal Construction Projects and drawing W-CS-1 since they become the
property of the City of London and are maintained by the City.

7.8.4 Hydrants for Fire Department Connections

Requirements are given in the Ontario Building Code.

7.8.5 Protection of Hydrants

If the placement of a hydrant on public or private property is such that it will be
susceptible to damage by vehicular traffic, bollards are to be installed, at the owners
cost, in sufficient number to protect the hydrant. Minimum spacing between any
bollard and a hydrant shall be 1.0 meter, and bollards shall be a minimum of 1.0
meter in height. Bollards shall be painted hydrant yellow as per section 441.05.10 of
the Standard Contract Documents for Municipal Construction Projects. Bollard
construction to be steel with concrete fill.
For the design and materials requirements all water service pipe and fire service
mains on private property, the Ontario Building Code shall apply. It shall be noted
that water quality requirements are not addressed in the Ontario Building Code.
Where there is a concern that there may be a degradation of water quality in the
private servicing that has the potential to enter the municipal water supply system,
the Water Engineering Division reserves the right to require premise isolation.
Premise isolation shall consist of appropriate backflow prevention measures to the
risk posed, and shall be installed at the property line at the owners expense.

The following apply to the water services on public property up to the property line.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-15 new subdivisions. Water Service Size and Design
The Owner will be responsible for water service sizing. The Water Engineering
Division, Environmental Services Engineer shall be consulted for available pressures
and flows at the watermain under design conditions given in Section 7.3.1. If the
results of hydrant flow tests are to be used, the Water Engineering Division,
Environmental Services Engineer shall be consulted for necessary adjustments since
flow tests are not usually done at design conditions.

On private property, adequate water required for fire protection shall be determined
in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. Fire flow and hydraulic calculations
shall be reviewed by the Building Division.

It is a requirement to provide fire flow information (i.e. hydrants on private property

and fire sprinkler requirements) in conjunction with site plan submissions for water
servicing in order to determine the correct water service sizing. Minimum Service Size for Single Family Residential Homes

Pressure Area Ground Elevation Minimum Water

Service Size
Low level Above 267m 25mm
Upland / Hyde Park Above 278m 25mm
Springbank / Westmount / Pondmills / Wickerson Above 300m 25mm
Southeast Above 286m 25mm

In general, these pressure areas are where water pressures are between 275m
(40psi) and 345kpa (50psi). Location of pressure areas can be obtained from the
Water Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer.

It is recommended that the designer determine the water service sizing based on
flow requirements for water services which service single family homes which are
estate lots, larger homes, have deep setbacks or where automatic lawn sprinkler
systems or fire sprinkler systems are to be used.

As required by the Ontario Building Code on private property, the minimum size for
fire service mains and water service pipes, combined with fire service mains, shall be
150mm, in accordance with NFPA 24.
Exception: For mains that do not supply hydrants, sizes smaller that 150mm may be
used, subject to:
 the main supplies only automatic sprinkler systems, open sprinkler
systems, water spray fixed systems, foam systems or Class II standpipe

 hydraulic calculations show that the main will supply the total demand at
the appropriate pressure. Systems that are not hydraulically calculated
shall have a main at least as large as the riser.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-16 new subdivisions. Accepted Water Service Sizes
Acceptable water service sizes are 25 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm, 200
mm, 250 mm, and 300 mm diameter. Pressure Reducing Valves Recommended Where Water Pressure Exceeds 550 kpa
(80 PSI)
In some lower elevation areas of the City, water distribution pressures may exceed
690 kPa (100 psi) and it is recommended that when pressures in the municipal water
distribution system exceed 550 kPa (80 psi) that owners provide pressure reducing
valves, at no cost to the City. System pressures available at points of supply should
be obtained from the Water Engineering, Environmental Services Engineer. Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection to be provided where connection made to steel mains in

accordance with W-CS-24 or W-CS-25.

7.9.2 General Requirements - Water Services

Water service shall mean the pipe, fittings and shut off valve that convey potable
water from a connection on a watermain or private watermain to the meter location.

a) Water Services to Residential Dwelling Units

(Detached, Semi-detached, Townhouses, Row-housing).

Each dwelling unit in a detached, semi-detached, townhouse or row house

block, must be serviced with a separate water service connected to a
watermain or private watermain. Water services must front the dwelling unit
they service unless otherwise approved in writing by the Water Engineering

b) Water Services to Commercial/Industrial Malls

Each structure in a commercial or industrial mall shall have one water service
connected to a watermain or private watermain. Units in such a mall may
have an individual water service connected to a watermain or private
watermain outside the unit.
c) Water Services to Swimming Pools/Lawn Sprinkler Systems

Swimming pool facilities and lawn sprinkler systems must be serviced by

connecting to the metered side of a water service that is within a heated

Connections to lawn sprinkler systems are to have backflow prevention

devices in accordance with CAN CSA B64 and are subject to the approval of
the Building Department Direct Pool Makeup Water Connections are to have
backflow prevention devices in accordance with CAN CSA B64 and are
subject to the approval of the Building Department
Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding
The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-17 new subdivisions.
d) Water Services to Other Structures

Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Water Engineering Division, all

structures not covered in (a), (b), and (c) including commercial, industrial and
institutional shall have one water service connected to a watermain or private

e) Water Engineering Division to Designate Watermain to Provide Service

When there are two (2) watermains on a road allowance, the water service
shall be laid from the structure to the watermain which, in the opinion of the
Water Engineering Division, Environmental Services Engineer, provides
adequate flow and/or pressure. Water services shall not be tapped off
transmission Watermains 24” (600 mm) and larger where an alternate source
is available.

f) Water Services to Residential Apartment Buildings (5 dwelling units or more)

Apartment buildings (5 dwelling units or more), shall have one metered water
service connected to a watermain or private watermain.

i) Water Services to Residential Dwelling Units in Townhouse/Condominium


Each dwelling unit in a private block must be serviced with a separate water
service connected to a watermain or private watermain. Water services must
front the dwelling unit they service unless otherwise approved in writing by
the Water Engineering Division.

Where it is proposed that servicing of individual dwelling units is not in

accordance with the standard above, bulk metering of the site at the point(s)
where the water service enters the property will be required. Individual
metering of dwelling units by the City of London will not be provided in this

g) Water Services to Multi Family Residential Buildings

This section will describe the requirements for individually servicing/metering

new or converted multi-family (4 residential units or less) residential buildings.
This may include but is not limited to the following configurations:

1. An existing single family home that has been converted to a multi-family

residence such as a duplex, triplex or a fourplex. The newly created units
may have several different layouts such as side by side,
upstairs/downstairs units, front/back, etc.

 In this case, the building must be supplied by a water service pipe from
the municipal watermain in the street to the property line that is

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-18 new subdivisions.
adequately sized for the intended use of the building. The City of London
minimum water service pipe sizing is 25mm PEX.

 The internal plumbing of the building must be arranged in such a manner

that each residential unit must have a separate hot and cold water supply
that can be isolated by a main valve and not interfere with the water
supply of the other units.

 The City of London allows one water service pipe from the municipal
watermain to the property line with a shut off valve located 300mm from
the property line on the City right-of-way. Once the water service pipe
crosses the property line it can be branched off in to two - four separate
water services, one for each new customer. Each branch is to have a
shut off valve located at 300mm from the property line on private
property. A meter pit will have to be installed for each unit which will
house the City of London water meter. From this point the water service
pipes will enter the building and be connected to the building plumbing

2. Similar to item 1 above but newly constructed building purpose built multi-
family residence.

 As described above, each dwelling unit may be serviced by a meter pit

located at the front of each unit.

3. Other multi-family (that may or not be stacked) residential condominium

or rental units that cannot be serviced as described in the previous
sections (7.9.2 a – f).

Each residential unit may be individually serviced by a meter pit located in

front of the residential unit it is servicing. The developer is to ensure that
there is adequate space to locate the meter pits and associated valving in the
front and that the meter pit is accessible for maintenance. Regardless of the
configuration of the building, it is important to understand that each metered
water service consists of a water service pipe, an isolation valve and a water
meter. The meter pits are to be located in the front of the residential unit
being serviced and the must be accessible for maintenance.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-19 new subdivisions.
7.9.3 Looped Water Servicing Required
A looped water service connected to a public or private watermain or watermains
must be installed:

a) when one water service will not supply the required flow for domestic use and fire
protection or,

b) for an apartment complex containing one or more structure and more than 300
dwelling units or,

c) for a townhouse, condominium or similar complex having more than eighty (80)
units with individual water services and meters.

d) for buildings over 84 m in height, 2 water service connections will be required in

accordance with the OBC. These 2 water services shall be able to be isolated from
each other by a valve in the municipal water distribution system.

The looped water servicing must be installed to service the private development from
two sources. If the looped watermain is connected to one public watermain, an
isolating splitter valve must be installed in the public watermain to permit isolation of
supplies, at no cost to the City.

Where a private water system is connected to the municipal water system by two (2)
or more connections, the municipal water system shall be protected by perimeter
isolation of the private system. This shall mean the installation of check valves or
appropriate backflow preventers at the property line based on the risk assessed.
These devices shall be owned and maintained by the owner.

7.9.4 Material Type

Material type shall be an approved material type as indicated in the City of London
Standard Contract Documents for Municipal Construction Projects to the property
line. On private property, material for water service pipes and fire service mains
shall comply with Part 7 of the Ontario Building Code.

7.9.5 Location and Layout of Water Services

Single Family and Semi-Detached Lots:
The standard residential water service will be located as per City of London SW-7.0,
and W-CS-8.

Street Townhouse Blocks;

At this time no standards exist. Approval will be on a case by case basis. Approval
is to be given by the Water Engineering Division.

The water service pipe must be installed at right angles to the watermain and in a
straight line from the watermain to the water meter.

Water services connected to a private watermain are subject to the same

requirements as water services connected to a public watermain.
Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding
The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-20 new subdivisions. Water Service Pipe Depth
Water services shall have no less than 1.7m nor more than 1.9m of cover from final
surface grade. Variations from this cover may be made only if approved on plans or
in writing by the Water Engineering Division.
The Owner must ensure that water services and private watermains are located so
that “berm” or “mound” type landscaping will not cause excessive cover over water

7.9.6 Approved Deviations in Location of Water Services

Deviations from the above may be approved by the Water Engineering Division for
the following conditions:
a) Cul-de-sacs, Street Curves and Bends
On cul-de-sac streets and on street curves and bends the water service stubs
may be installed at other than right angles to the watermain and not necessarily
through the midpoint of the lot frontage. The water service must be in a
straight line from the watermain to the meter.

b) Water Service Cannot be Located in Accordance with SW-7.0

Where the water service cannot be located in line with the centre of the lot, the
water service stub may be installed at any point on the front of the lot but must
be at right angles to the watermain and in a straight line from the watermain to
the meter and must maintain the appropriate separation distances from other
c) Water Service Cannot Extend in a Straight Line from the Watermain to the
Water Meter
In (a) and (b), if the water service stub has been installed on the lot frontage
but the water service cannot be in a straight line from watermain to water meter
then the water service extension may be installed in a straight line from the
curb stop to the meter provided the meter is inside the front wall of the
d) Water Meter to be Located at the Side of a Structure
Where the water service entrance must be located at the side of a structure,
the water service stub must be located on the front of the lot such that the
water service extension can be installed in a straight line from the watermain to
a point outside the structure adjacent to the meter. Such a water service shall
be a minimum of 1.5 m from the structure and centered about a 3.0 m clear
e) Cold Cellar on Front of Building
Where there exists a cold cellar on the front of the building and the water
service stub has been installed in the standard location on the lot frontage, the
Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding
The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-21 new subdivisions.
water service extension may be installed under the porch or cold cellar in a
straight line from the watermain to inside the first heated wall. A maximum
distance of 2 metres of water service pipe may be located under the porch or
cold cellar floor slab.

The water service shall be continuous between the curb stop and the water
meter, with no coupling permitted.

The water meter shall not be located within the cold cellar as this is subject to

7.9.7 Nonconforming Installation of Water Service or Private Watermain

a) Water Service does not Conform with Location Requirements

If the water service stub is to be extended and it is found that the water
service will not conform to the above location requirements in Section 7.9, the
water service stub shall be disconnected from the watermain and a new stub
installed which will conform with the requirements.

b) Water Service or Private Watermain not in Accordance with

Specifications or with Approved Service Drawing

If a water service stub, a water service or a private watermain is installed that

is not in accordance with these specifications or with the service drawing
approved by the City, such installation will be required to be removed and
relocated to conform with the specifications or approved drawings.

c) Existing Water Service to Relocated, Rebuilt or Replaced Structures

If an existing water service cannot conform to the above location

requirements, or is of lead or other unsuitable material, a new water service
must be installed which will conform to the requirements. If a Demolition
Permit was issued for an existing structure on the lot, then the existing water
service must be abandoned at the watermain and a new water service
installed to service the structure.

d) Relocation to be at Owner or Contractor’s Expense

All relocation work required in (a), (b) or (c) shall be at the expense of the
Owner or Contractor. The Owner will be responsible, upon approval of the
demolition permit, to cut and cap the existing water service(s) at the
watermain to City of London standards and at no cost to the City of London.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-22 new subdivisions.
7.9.8 Fire Service Design

The determination of fire service requirements and the sizing of supply piping shall
be the responsibility of the Owner. If a domestic water service is combined with a
fire supply service, the Owner is responsible to ensure that the supply pipe is large
enough to carry the combined demand. Design and installation of sprinkler and
standpipe systems and their supply services shall conform to the requirements of the
Ontario Building Code, Section 3.2, and the Fire Code. The design of Fire Services
must be approved by the Chief Official (Fire Prevention Office) of the City.
The designer should obtain information from the Engineer regarding flows and
pressures available for fire systems. If the flows and pressures required are in
excess of the minimum design standards given in Section 7.3.1 and in excess of the
actual capacity of the system the Owner shall install booster pumps and/or storage to
satisfy the required demand. Separated Water and Fire Services

Domestic water, sprinkler and standpipe services may be installed as a separated
services from the watermain to the structure.
Sprinkler and standpipe services may be combined. The Owner is advised to
consult with the Insurance Underwriter before combining these services. Combined Water and Fire Services

A domestic water service may be combined with a sprinkler or standpipe service or
with a combined sprinkler/standpipe service. The Owner is advised to consult with
the Insurance Underwriter before combining these services.

The owner/designer is advised that water quality should be considered; domestic

water demands may not achieve a sufficient turnover rate (see 7.3.5) to prevent poor
water quality.

7.9.9 Water Service Size or Location not Determined

Where water service stub size and/or location for any block cannot be determined
prior to street construction the Water Engineering Division will not approve
installation of the water service stub.
7.9.10 Water Services Valves

All water services shall be equipped with a corporation stop and a curb stop. The
curb stop shall be provided with a curb box.
All water service valves and curb stops shall be installed with valve boxes and
operating rods. All in accordance with the City of London Standard Contract
Documents for Municipal Construction Projects.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-23 new subdivisions. Location of Water Service Valves Valves for Water Services up to 50 mm Diameter

On water services of 50 mm diameter and smaller, a main stop or corporation stop

shall be installed at the watermain and a curb stop shall be installed 0.3 m from, and
on the street side of, the property line in accordance with City of London W-CS-8 and
W-CS-22. Valves for Water Services 100 mm Diameter and Larger

For water services of 100 mm diameter and larger, water service valves shall be
placed in accordance with City of London W-CS-31.
Where the watermain cannot be closed off for the water service connection, a
tapping sleeve and valve will be required at the watermain. It should be noted that
size on size taps (eg; 150mm x 150mm tap) is not allowed and a tee will have to be
cut in.
Where the watermain can be closed and a tee cut into it, or where a new watermain
is being installed, a valve shall be installed 0.3 m from and on the street side of the
property line.
The requirement to use a tapping sleeve and valve or to cut in a tee to make the
service connection will be made at the discretion of the Water Engineering Division. Valves for Water Services to be Connected to a Private Watermain

Water services to structures in a complex that are to be connected to a private

watermain shall have the curb stop or valve placed 3 meters (10 feet) from the face
of the building, If this distance locates the curb stop in the paved portion of the
complex, a deviation in the curb box location may be requested. All deviations from
standard location to be approved by the Water Engineering Division. Locates for Curb Stops or Valves

The layout for water services must be such that the curb stop or valve can be easily
found by referring to two directional dimensions from a plaque located on the building
where the water service enters. Water Service Control Valves Not to be Covered

The Owner shall ensure that water service control valves on his property are not
covered by “mound” or “berm” type landscaping.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-24 new subdivisions.
7.9.11 Water Service Entrances

Water services of all sizes shall enter through the building wall or under the wall
footing into a heated area, leaving sufficient pipe and working space for meter

A length of between 0.3 and 0.45 metres shall be exposed above the finished floor.
The pipe shall enter the building not less than 0.15m and not more than 0.3m from
the wall.

7.9.12 Protection from Contamination

Connections to the municipal potable water system shall be designed and installed
so that non-potable water or substances that may render the water non-potable
cannot enter the system. This shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
Ontario Building Code, Part 7 Plumbing. Backflow Prevention Devices Required on Water Services In High Elevation Areas of
the City

In some high elevation areas of the City, the Owner may be required to install a
check valve on the water service to prevent backflow into the watermain in the event
of a loss of pressure in the system.

The Owner will be responsible for the supply, installation and maintenance of all
check valves and protective devices, at no cost to the City.

7.9.13 Electrical Grounding New Installations

Effective June 30, 1993 electrical systems of all new developments shall not be
grounded to the water system. Refer to Ontario Hydro Electrical Safety Code
(Section 10) for grounding requirements. Upgrade of Existing Plant

Where an existing watermain is replaced or upgraded, the grounding of electrical

systems to the water service may not be adequate. It will be the Owner’s
responsibility to ensure grounding is adequate after the watermain is installed.


Where ductile iron, steel or concrete watermain pipe are to be used, soil samples
shall be taken on each street to identify soil class and resistivity for the purposes of
designing corrosion protection systems for these pipe materials. The corrosion
protection systems for the watermain shall be designed by a consulting engineer who
is NACE (National Association of Corrosion Experts) Certified.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-25 new subdivisions.
Easements are required for any publicly/City owned watermain which is located
outside a road allowance on privately owned property.

The minimum width of easement shall be 6.0 m for a single watermain only. When
the easement is 6.0m, the watermain will be installed 2.0m from one side of the
easement to provide an adequate working area to access and repair infrastructure
placed within the easement. Where there is more than one utility, adequate width of
easement and separation of utilities for both construction and future access and
maintenance shall be provided.

Where a watermain is installed on an easement which is located on private property

or between private properties which have or may have a building(s) located on the
property(ies) in the future, the watermain shall be installed in a casing.
For design and installation standards related to instrumentation and control
equipment, refer to “Scada and Instrumentation Standards”, (latest version from the
City of London website:


7.13.1 General Requirements

Refer to Section 7.9.2 for acceptable servicing configurations.

a) All Domestic Services to be Metered
All domestic water services must be metered.

b) Fire Services Not Metered, Exception

Fire services are not metered with the exception of sprinkler systems located in
individually metered dwelling units.

7.13.2 Supply of Water Meters and Water Meter Remote Read

Registers and Meter Strainers for Services 150 mm and Larger

The City will supply and install all water consumption meters that are used for billing
process. Water meters up to 20 mm size will be supplied at no charge. .
Strainers for 75 mm and larger installations where reauired shall be supplied by the

7.13.3 Location of Water Meter

The water meter shall be installed on the water service immediately inside the point
of entry of the water service into the building (see Section 7.9.11 Water Service
Entrance). Any variation from this location must be approved in writing by the

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-26 new subdivisions.
The Owner shall provide sufficient space for installation and maintenance of the
meter. The water meter must be accessible for reading and maintenance and must
be protected from freezing and other damage. In accordance with Section 7.9.6,
water meters shall not be installed within a cold cellar.

The meter or piping shall be no closer than 1 metre to any electrical panel or above
or below any electrical panel unless provided with a meter enclosure as outlined in Meter Pits will be Required

Meter pits will be allowed only with approval of the Water Engineering Division when
no other suitable location is feasible. Meter pit design and installation must be
submitted for approval as per section 7.9.2. All costs associated with the supply and
installation of the meter pit will be the responsibility of the Owner. Water Meter Enclosures

Water meters may be installed in electrical rooms provided a shield is installed

between the water meter and any electrical panel located within one (1) meter. The
shield must be of metal construction (or approved alternative) and affixed securely to
the wall and must be of sufficient width to isolate the water meter from the electrical
panel. It must not impede the maintenance of the water meter.

7.13.4 Installation of Water Meters

Water meters up to 20 mm size - single family residential units with individual water
services. This applies to single family residential, semi-detached dwelling units and
townhouses with individual services (constructed after 1985). Water meters up to
20 mm size shall be installed in accordance with City of London W-CS-7.
Water meters larger than 20 mm in size shall be installed in accordance with AWWA
C700, C701 or C702. Water Meter Valving

All new and replacement installations shall require a valve on each side at the meter.
The City will supply, install and maintain the valve on the inlet side of the meter for
16 mm and 20 mm meters for water service sizes up to and including 25 mm

The Owner must supply and install the outlet valving and bypass valve (when
required) for all sizes of meters and the inlet valve when the water service piping is
over 25mm diameter. The Owner will be responsible for maintaining and keeping the
meter inlet and outlet valving operational and in good working order.

All meter setting valves must open left (counter clockwise).

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-27 new subdivisions. Meter Strainers

Meter strainers shall be supplied and installed by the City on 75 mm size and larger
meter installations in accordance with City of London W-CS-30. The Owner shall
consult the Engineer regarding dimensions of supports required for the meter and
strainer. Water Meter-by-pass Required

The Owner shall install, at his expense, a meter bypass when any of the following
conditions exist:

i) the water meter is 40 mm or larger in size.

ii) shutting the water supply off for approximately thirty (30) minutes during
normal working hours of the City would create a production or other
problem to the Owner.

iii) any water service which supplies coin-operated equipment cannot be

shut down for thirty (30) minutes or longer during the normal working
hours of the City.

Meter bypasses shall be installed according to City of London W-CS-30. Bypass

valves shall be closed and sealed for use by the City only.

7.13.5 Meter Sizing

The size of meters will generally be one size smaller than the water service. Owners
should obtain advice from the Engineer on meter sizing. Meter ratings are as



16 mm 76 38
20 mm 114 57
25 mm 189 95
40 mm 378 189
50 mm 606 303



75 mm 1136 568
100 mm 1893 946
150 mm 3785 1893
Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding
The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-28 new subdivisions.

7.14.1 General
Hydraulically model water distribution systems for all new developments, or as
otherwise exempted by the City Engineer. Submit the results of the analyses to the
City for review and provide an electronic version of the hydraulic model for
incorporation in the City's overall hydraulic model.

Include all watermains 50mm diameter and larger, control valves (pressure reducing
valves and flow regulating valves), reservoirs and pumping stations.

For phased developments, submit updated hydraulic models incorporating the

distribution system for all phases at the first phase stage. It should be noted that
phases will need to match with anticipated requests for conditional approval to be
made. Where a submission is made at a later date for a phase which doesn’t match
a phase considered during the design studies approval process, additional hydraulic
modelling will be required. The City may require hydraulic analyses beyond the
development boundaries in situations where the operation of water system facilities
such as control valves, reservoirs and pumping stations, are influenced by changing
demands in the new development.

The model shall also include calculations to ensure water quality in the subdivision
during the buildout of the phases and ultimately as well as in any temporary dead-
end watermains and specify the installation of automatic flushing devices as required

The City has adopted H2ONET as its standard for hydraulic modelling. Other
software packages may be used for analysis and reporting but all model input files
provided to the City must be directly readable by H2ONET or EPANET without
modification. The accuracy and readability of the input files are the sole responsibility
of the developer.

As a minimum, conduct steady-state hydraulic analysis for each proposed

development phase under the following demand conditions:
 Average day
 Peak hour
 Maximum day plus fire flow
 Water quality under buildout of the phase, and Water quality under zero
buildout for the phase

All Hydraulic reports shall include detailed maps/layouts of the watermain system
(valves, hydrants, etc.) and shall clearly show the pipe and node numbering.

Extended period simulations are not required unless specifically requested by the
Water Engineering Division.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-29 new subdivisions.
7.14.2 Information Provided by the City

The City of London Water Engineering Division will provide minimum steady-state
pressures at the connection node(s). The designer is cautioned that only the
pressures provided by the City will be acceptable for the model and that flow tests
cannot be used for boundary conditions as they are not representative of design flow

7.14.3 Design Criteria

In accordance with Section 7.3 Watermain Design.

7.14.4 Hydraulic Model Input Standards Units

Parameter Units Accuracy

elevation metres x.xx
length metres x.x
diameter millimetres x (hard conversion)
demand litres per second x.xxx
tank diameter metres x.
tank volume cubic metres x.xx
pressure metres (of water) x.xx
Power kilowatts x.xx
Time hours x.x Node Elevations

In metres to geodetic datum and estimated final grading contours. Node and Link Identification

Nodes and links are to be graphically identified on a map. Demands

Use average day demands and global demand multipliers for demand patterns.

7.14.5 Submission Requirements

Submit electronic versions of the following files in H2ONET or EPANET format:

 model input file

 model input file in text format with tab separation
 map or shape file

Submit a report, sealed by an Ontario Professional Engineer, including:

 summary of demand scenarios and points of connection to the City system

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-30 new subdivisions.
 network map (in colour) for each scenario which identifies node and link
 node tables for all scenarios listing node numbers, elevation, demands, and
 link tables for all scenarios listing link numbers (with up and downstream
nodes indicated), diameters, lengths, roughness, velocities, flows,
headlosses, and age of water calculations
 for multi-phase developments, provide model data and summaries for all
phases as part of the first phase submission.

Reports containing results that indicate operating parameters outside the acceptable
Design Criteria will be automatically rejected without further review and returned to
the Owner for correction.

7.14.6 Review by the Water Engineering Division

The Water Engineering Division will review the report and advise on the need for any
further analysis to be carried out at the Owner's cost.

7.15 Sediment & Erosion Control

The City of London requires an Erosion Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) be designed
for most Capital Works, Operational and Development Projects. The complexity of
the ESCP is determined by the sensitivity of the area that is to be protected.

For reconstruction or resurfacing of existing roads, or for infill sites less than 3.0 ha in
land area within existing urbanized areas, that are not in close proximity to an open
watercourse, woodlands, ESA’s, steep slopes or other natural area, an ESCP is not
required, unless otherwise directed by the City Engineer. Where an ESCP is not
required, all reasonable protective measures must be taken during construction to
control sediment and prevent erosion from occurring.

For further information on the requirements of the ESCP, please refer to Section 10 –
Sediment & Erosion Control, within this manual.

Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-31 new subdivisions.

Fire Underwriters Survey

Water Supply For Public Fire Protection, A Guide to Recommended Practice, 1981

Ontario Water Resources Act

Public Utilities Act

Ontario Building Code

Corporation of the City of London

Zoning By-Law, No. Z. - 1, March 1995

Water By-Law W-1

Regulation of Water Supply In The City of London

Ministry of the Environment

Design Guidelines for Drinking-Water Systems (Latest Revision)


Watermain Design Criteria for Future Alterations Authorized Under a Drinking Water Works Permit

Form 1 – Record of Watermains Authorized as a Future Alteration


Design Specifications & Requirements Manual Note: Refer to Section 18 regarding

The Corporation of the City of London additional design information for
Updated: February 2017 7-32 new subdivisions.

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