Compression - Test: Shutdown SIS Previous Screen
Compression - Test: Shutdown SIS Previous Screen
Compression - Test: Shutdown SIS Previous Screen
Shutdown SIS
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Compression - Test
SMCS - 1215
The cylinder compression test should only be used in order to compare the cylinders of an engine. If one or more
cylinders vary by more than 350 kPa (51 psi), the cylinder and related components may need to be repaired.
A compression test should not be the only method which is used to determine the condition of an engine. Other tests
should also be conducted in order to determine if the adjustment or the replacement of components is required.
Before the performance of the compression test, make sure that the following conditions exist:… 1/2
8/16/2019 C7.1 DE200E0/DE220E0 Generator Set GTY00001-UP(SEBP7395 - 11) - Documentation
Illustration 1 g02260098
Typical example
1. Remove the glow plug (1). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Glow Plugs - Remove and Install" for the
correct procedure.
2. Install a suitable gauge for measuring the cylinder compression in the hole for the glow plug.
4. Operate the starting motor in order to turn the engine. Record the maximum pressure which is indicated on the
compression gauge.
C opyright 1993 - 2019 C ate rpillar Inc. Fri Aug 16 2019 07:16:40 GMT+0400 (Gulf Standard Tim e )
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