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Brighton Institute BRIGHTON

of TechnologyINSTITUTE
AUR50116 –Diploma of Automotive Management
CRICOS Provider Code 02552G RTO No 21438


Unit Code: BSBMGT402

Unit Name: Implement Operational Plan
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Table of Contents

UNIT APPLICATION ........................................................................................................... 7

UNIT SECTOR.................................................................................................................... 7

INTERNET LINK TO UNIT ................................................................................................... 7

PRE-REQUISITE ................................................................................................................. 8

FOUNDATION SKILLS ........................................................................................................ 8

ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ....................................................................... 11

MANDATORY EVIDENCE ................................................................................................. 12

PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE .............................................................................................. 12

KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE .................................................................................................. 12

ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS ............................................................................................. 13

RESOURCES .................................................................................................................... 13

PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................. 13

RECOMMENDED LEARNING HOURS ................................................................................ 13

COMPETENCY/SUBMISSION DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONS ............................................... 14

PRINCIPLES OF ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................... 15

VALIDITY REQUIRES THAT ............................................................................................... 16

ASSESSMENT GRADING .................................................................................................. 16

RE-ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................. 17

PLAGIARISM AND COLLUSION ........................................................................................ 18

REFERENCING YOUR WORK ............................................................................................ 18

APPEALING A DECISION .................................................................................................. 19

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REASONABLE ADJUSTMENTS .......................................................................................... 19

ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – ROLE PLAY .................................................................................. 21

ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................. 21
TIMEFRAME FOR ASSESSMENT TASKS ............................................................................................... 21
DELIVERABLES............................................................................................................................... 21
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 21
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 22
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSESSOR AND STUDENT IN ROLE PLAY ................................................................... 23
ASSESSMENT 1 APPENDIX 1 – SCENARIO: STORPLUS PTY LTD ....................................................... 26
TASK ........................................................................................................................................... 27
APPENDIX 2 – BUSINESS PLAN (EXCERPT) ................................................................................. 29
FROM STORPLUS BUSINESS PLAN FY 2016/17 .................................................................................. 30
APPENDIX 3 – BUDGET ........................................................................................................ 31
STORPLUS 2016–17 BUDGET ......................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX 4 – OPERATIONAL PLAN ......................................................................................... 33
STORPLUS OPERATIONAL PLAN ........................................................................................................ 33
APPENDIX 5 – ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 36
STORPLUS ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE .......................................................................................... 36
APPENDIX 6 – PROCUREMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES.............................................................. 37
STORPLUS PROCUREMENT POLICY .................................................................................................... 37
14 PRINCIPLES GOVERNING PROCUREMENT PROCESS .......................................................................... 38
SUMMARY OF PROCUREMENT POLICY DELEGATIONS ............................................................................ 41
EXPENDITURE PAYMENT APPROVAL FORM ......................................................................................... 43
APPENDIX 7 – RECRUITMENT AND INDUCTION POLICY AND PROCEDURES ......................................... 44
STORPLUS RECRUITMENT AND INDUCTION POLICY............................................................................... 44
PRINCIPLES ................................................................................................................................... 45
TO RECRUIT EMPLOYEES ................................................................................................................. 47
APPENDIX 8 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES .......................................... 54
STORPLUS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT POLICY ............................................................................... 54
TO CONDUCT PERFORMANCE REVIEW ............................................................................................... 55
TO IMPLEMENT PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCESS ................................................................................ 57
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE: ................................................................................ 58

ASSESSMENT TASK 2 ROLE PLAY ..................................................................................... 59

ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................. 59
TIMEFRAME FOR ASSESSMENT TASKS ............................................................................................... 59
DELIVERABLES............................................................................................................................... 59
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 60
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................................... 60
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INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSESSOR AND STUDENT ...................................................................................... 61

ASSESSMENT TASK 2 APPENDIX 1 – SCENARIO: STORPLUS PTY LTD ................................................ 63
TASK A ........................................................................................................................................ 63
TASK B ........................................................................................................................................ 64
APPENDIX 2 – BUSINESS PLAN (EXCERPT) ................................................................................. 66
FROM STORPLUS BUSINESS PLAN FY 2016/17 .................................................................................. 66
APPENDIX 3 – BUDGET ........................................................................................................ 67
STORPLUS 2016–17 BUDGET ......................................................................................................... 67
APPENDIX 4 – OPERATIONAL PLAN ......................................................................................... 70
STORPLUS OPERATIONAL PLAN ........................................................................................................ 70
APPENDIX 5 – ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 73
STORPLUS ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE .......................................................................................... 73
APPENDIX 6 – PROCUREMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES.............................................................. 74
STORPLUS PROCUREMENT POLICY .................................................................................................... 74
14 PRINCIPLES GOVERNING PROCUREMENT PROCESS .......................................................................... 75
SUMMARY OF PROCUREMENT POLICY DELEGATIONS ............................................................................ 78
EXPENDITURE PAYMENT APPROVAL FORM ......................................................................................... 80
APPENDIX 7 – RECRUITMENT AND INDUCTION POLICY AND PROCEDURES ......................................... 81
STORPLUS RECRUITMENT AND INDUCTION POLICY............................................................................... 81
PRINCIPLES ................................................................................................................................... 83
TO RECRUIT EMPLOYEES ................................................................................................................. 84
APPENDIX 8 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES .......................................... 90
STORPLUS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT POLICY ............................................................................... 90
TO CONDUCT PERFORMANCE REVIEW ............................................................................................... 91
TO IMPLEMENT PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCESS ................................................................................ 93
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE: ................................................................................ 94

ASSESSMENT TASK 3: ROLE PLAY .................................................................................... 96

ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................. 96
TIMEFRAME FOR ASSESSMENT TASKS ............................................................................................... 96
DELIVERABLES............................................................................................................................... 96
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 96
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................................... 97
INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSESSOR AND STUDENT ...................................................................................... 98
TASK A ...................................................................................................................................... 100
TASK B ...................................................................................................................................... 102
APPENDIX 2 – BUSINESS PLAN (EXCERPT) ............................................................................... 104
FROM STORPLUS BUSINESS PLAN FY 2016/17 ................................................................................ 104
APPENDIX 3 – BUDGET ...................................................................................................... 105
APPENDIX 5 – OPERATIONAL PLAN ....................................................................................... 108
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STORPLUS OPERATIONAL PLAN ...................................................................................................... 108

APPENDIX 5 – ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE .......................................................................... 111
STORPLUS ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE ........................................................................................ 111
APPENDIX 6 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES ........................................ 112

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The section below is to be filled in by the student
Student Name:
Student ID No:

Completion Date:

Unit Code and name

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is

my own, and has not been copied or plagiarized from any
person or source, apart from where I have listed or
referenced documents. I have been provided with all the ________________
pre-training information related to this unit. I have read and
understood all the information and I am ready to be Signature:
assessed. I am aware that I will be provided with the
feedback on the outcome of the unit after 14 days of the Date:
submission. I am also aware of my appeal rights. ____/_____/___
The section below is to be filled in by the Trainer/Assessor
Legends used: S = Satisfactory, NS = Not Satisfactory, Result

 Assessment Task 1 S | NS

 Assessment Task 2 S | NS

 Assessment Task 3 S | NS

Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC


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Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I
also declare that I have done the plagiarism and authenticity check.
Name: _______________Signature: _______________________Date:

Administrative use only

Entered onto Student Initials ___________ Date___________
Management Database

Instructions to Students

This Student Assessment Workbook for BSBMGT402 – Implement Operational Plan

contains details of your assessment works and the guidelines for you to be able to
complete the assessment.

Unit Application
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement the operational
plan by monitoring and adjusting operational performance, planning and acquiring
resources and providing reports on performance as required.

It applies to individuals who plan activities to achieve the measurable, stated

objectives of the team and the organisation. At this level work will normally be carried
out within routine and non-routine methods and procedures which require planning,
evaluation, leadership and guidance of others.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of


Unit Sector
Management and Leadership – Management

Internet link to unit

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There is no pre-requisite for this unit.

Foundation Skills

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Performance Description
3.4 Actively reinforces learning by applying new knowledge
and skills in mentoring, coaching and supervising others
1.1-1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, Identifies, interprets, analyses and reviews textual
3.2, 3.6 information related to the operational plan and
monitoring of operational performance
1.1-1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2- Communicates relationships between ideas and
3.6 information, matching style of writing to purpose and
Researches, plans and prepares workplace documentation
for relevant stakeholders using organisational formats
1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, Participates in a variety of spoken exchanges with a range
Communication 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 of audiences varying structure and language to suit the
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, Selects and uses familiar mathematical techniques to
2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 organise timely supply of adequate resources for the
operational plan and to use budgetary information to
monitor performance
Navigate the 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 3.3, 3.4, Monitors adherence to organisational policies and
world of work 3.6 procedures and considers own role in terms of its
contribution to broader goals of the work environment
Interact with 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols
3.3, 3.4, 3.5 when communicating with diverse individuals to build
rapport, seek or present information
Collaborates with others to achieve joint outcomes,
playing an active role in facilitating effective group
communication, influencing direction and taking a
leadership role on occasion

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Get the work 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, Takes responsibility for planning, organising,
2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 implementing and monitoring tasks required to achieve
required outcomes
Uses systematic, analytical processes in complex, non-
routine situations, setting goals, gathering relevant
information and identifying and evaluating options against
agreed criteria
Evaluates effectiveness of decisions in terms of how well
they met stated goals
Recognises and addresses an increasing range of familiar
problems by implementing contingency plans

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Elements and Performance Criteria

Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to
demonstrate achievement of the element.
essential outcomes.
1. Implement operational 1.1 Collate, analyse and organise details of resource requirements
in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist
resource managers
1.2 Implement operational plans to contribute to the achievement
of organisation’s performance/business plan
1.3 Identify and use key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor
operational performance
1.4 Manage contingencies by adjusting the implementation of the
operational plan in consultation with others
1.5 Provide assistance in the development and presentation of
proposals for resource requirements in line with operational
planning processes

2. Implement resource 2.1 Recruit and induct employees within organisation’s policies,
practices and procedures
2.2 Implement plans for acquisition of physical resources and
services within organisation’s policies, practices and procedures
and in consultation with relevant personnel

3. Monitor operational 3.1 Monitor performance systems and processes to assess progress
in achieving profit/productivity plans and targets
3.2 Analyse and use budget and actual financial information to
monitor profit/productivity performance
3.3 Identify unsatisfactory performance and take prompt action to
rectify the situation according to organisational policies
3.4 Provide mentoring, coaching and supervision to support
individuals and teams to use resources effectively, economically
and safely
3.5 Present recommendations for variation to operational plans to
the designated persons/groups and gain approval
3.6 Implement systems, procedures and records associated with
performance in accordance with organisation’s requirements

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Mandatory Evidence
Evidence of the following under the heading Performance and Knowledge evidence is

Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
 interact with a range of people/groups to identify resource requirements,
performance objectives, systems, procedures and records relating to the
operational plan
 vary the operational plan and gain approval to deal with contingencies
 monitor operational performance against the performance objectives and
budgets and take action to rectify unsatisfactory performance
 plan and acquire physical and human resources using organisation’s systems
and procedures
 manage and support personnel to achieve performance objectives. including
inducting new employees and providing mentoring and coaching
 present information and recommendations to support implementation and
variation of the operational plan
 document and provide reports on performance as required by the

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 describe performance monitoring systems and processes
 describe methods for problem solving
 explain how organisational policies and procedures relate to the operational

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Assessment Conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered
demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the
management and leadership field of work and include access to:
 organisational operational plans, policies and procedures
 workplace documentation and resources including budgets, physical and
human resource procurement documentation, employee induction and
performance monitoring procedures
 case studies and, where possible, real situations.

1. Student Book BSBMGT402.
2. Access to appropriate documentation and resources at BIT.
3. Access to a range of workplace documentation and personnel, information and
resources (Simulated workplace environment provided by BIT, such as
compliance obligations, organisational plans, work responsibilities).
4. PowerPoint Presentation provided BIT.

Purpose of Assessment
Assessment is the process of gathering and judging evidence in order to decide
whether has achieved a standard or objective and it is a competency based
The purpose of this unit is to evaluate Student’s ability to demonstrate the knowledge
and skill to manage people performance.
Successful completion of three assessment tasks will contribute to the competency
attainment of the following unit:
BSBMGT402 Implement operational plan in Diploma of Automotive Management

Recommended Learning Hours

This unit totals 80 hours of training and assessment in class room via face to face mode
of delivery. It is recommended that Student should give time to learning for at least 10
hours a week, for four weeks. Students will need to submit the assessments as per the
due dates mentioned on the time table.

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Methods of assessments
The following methods are used for assessing competency in this unit:
 Role play
 Role play
 Role play

Competency/Submission Details and Instructions

For you to achieve competency in this unit, you are required to complete the following
tasks and submit on the due date as per your time table and you have to submit the
assessment to your respective trainer. In case trainer is not available, you can submit
the assessment on BIT reception. Students are required to include the Assessment
cover sheet. The students will be provided with the receipt of submission and the
students must keep the receipts for their own record. The Student instructions for
each task have been mentioned before the start of each task. You must achieve
satisfactory ratings on all tasks and all completed assessment tasks must be submitted
in hard copy. The students can access the printer in office area besides the reception
for printing their assessments.

Task Number Method of Assessment Due Date

Assessment Task 1  Case study and Role play As per the time table
Assessment Task 2  Role play As per the time table
Assessment Task 3  Role play As per the time table

The mode of delivery is face to face in class rooms at Campus. Students will be
provided with a time table on the day of orientation which will have all the start and
end dates of each unit and the name of Trainer/Assessor and Venue. If there are any
changes in the time table, the students will be informed prior to scheduled class.
Within the context of the assessment tasks, the assessor may fill in the role of client,
manager or supervisor, as applicable. There might be multiple assessors or other
Students required by the assessment tasks e.g. where additional role plays are
required and one person is not enough to fit the roles in a set of tasks.
 At each submission of your assessment, the Student must declare that
the work submitted is your own and has not been copied. Failure to do
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so will result in the assessment work being returned for completion

thus delaying the assessment.
 Make sure you have read all supporting resources (available on the
institute’s website or provided by Trainer/Assessor) prior to
commencing and completing any of the questions and activities in this
assessment workbook. The students must read the student handbook
for any policy and procedure or any other assessment related
 If you are unsure of the requirements of a question, activity or project
– please contact your Trainer/Assessor, for clarification.
 Reasonable adjustment options are available, however, this must be
arranged with the Training Department prior to assessment.
 You must ensure that you have attempted and completed all
assessment tasks in this Student Assessment Workbook prior to
submitting for assessing.
 All of the above items must be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in
your work being returned to you, delaying the assessment of your tasks.
 Written questions require in-depth responses and answers must
comply with the word count provided with each question.

Principles of Assessment
The four principles of assessment are followed in assessment of each Student's
evidence of competence.

The four principles are:

 Validity
 Reliability
 Flexibility
 Fairness

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Validity requires that

 assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment
requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential
to competent performance;
 assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application;
 assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a Student could
establish these skills and knowledge in other similar situations; and
 Judgment of competence is based on evidence of Student performance that is
aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Reliability: Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and
assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the
Fairness: The individual Student’s needs are considered in the assessment process.
Where ever appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the BIT to take into
account the individual Student’s needs. BIT informs the Student about the assessment
process, and provides the Student with the opportunity to challenge the result of the
assessment and be reassessed if necessary.
Flexibility: Assessment is flexible to the individual Student by:

 reflecting the Student’s needs;

 assessing competencies held by the Student no matter how or where they have
been acquired; and
 Drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are
appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment
requirements, and the individual.

Assessment grading
Assessments for this qualification are competency based, which means Students are
assessed against the unit of competency requirements and the regular feedback will
be provided to each student regardless of outcome of the assessment task.
Assessment results are recorded as follows:
 Satisfactory (S) result: the Student’s submitted work satisfies the learning
requirements and competency standards for the assessment Task.

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 Not Satisfactory (NS) result: the Student’s submitted work does not
demonstrate the understanding of competency standards in the
Assessment Task or it is incomplete.
 Competent (C) result: Once a Student receives a satisfactory result for all
required assessment Tasks, as per the learning requirements and all
competency standards for the unit (in accordance with the unit of
competency details at National Register, C outcome
will be awarded for the entire unit.
 Not Yet Competent (NYC) result: If any of the Tasks in unit is NS, a Student
will receive NYC outcome. He/she will receive written feedback from a
trainer/assessor, clearly outlining where the gaps are. The Student will then
be required to rectify these gaps and re-submit his/her assessment for

If the result of your Unit Assessment is “Not yet Competent (NYC)” of Not satisfactory
(NS) in an assessment task, you will be given an opportunity for re-assessment. Each
Student has three (3) attempts to achieve a competent outcome, including two re-
submission attempts in addition to your original first attempt. You will only work on
the component(s) of the Task(s) that were marked “Not Satisfactory”. Please note that
BIT will provide two (2) additional chances for re-assessment at no cost.
If you are not able to achieve competency with all of these opportunities, fees of
AUD250 may apply and you will be provided with the assistance if needed. The
students are encouraged to seek for assistance from student support officers or
trainer/assessor at any time to complete the unit successfully.
For each re-submission, you will need to resubmit new assessment.

In case of practical tasks like role-playing, Student must redo the task by arranging the
time and date with Trainer/Assessor.

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Plagiarism and Collusion

Plagiarism and collusion are both forms of cheating. It is taking and using someone
else’s ideas, writings or information and representing them as your own. Plagiarism is
a serious act and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a unit or a course. When
you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessments,
please consult with your Trainer/Assessor and refer to the BIT Student Handbook. In
case you need further information about plagiarism and collusion, please ask BIT staff
to provide you with the copy of plagiarism and collusion policy and procedure.
Alternatively, you may refer to the website. The following list outlines some of the
activities for which a participant can be accused of plagiarism:
 Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally
 Submitting assessments copied from another Student
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
 Submitting assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources
used, including assessments copied totally or in part from the internet

Referencing your work

The Students are required to use the right sources in their work. By doing proper
referencing, you are acknowledging that you have used someone else’s information or
work. BIT encourages its Students to refer to “Referencing section” of student hand
book which is available on the website or can be requested at the reception.
Alternatively, the students may consult with their trainer/assessor for further
There are two parts to every referencing system:
 In-text reference - a reference to a source of information placed within the body
of the work.
 The reference list - a list of all sources referred to in the work, located at the end
of the work.

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Appealing a decision
Where a Student disagrees with a decision made by BIT regarding outcome of unit,
plagiarism or cheating, he/she may pursue appeal proceedings in accordance with the
BIT complaints and appeals process given in Complaints and Appeals policy and
procedure, as you have the right to appeal the final decision. More information about
this process can be found in the Student Handbook or can be obtained from the
Student Support Services.

Reasonable Adjustments
If you have special needs or disabilities, reasonable adjustment will be organised in
accordance with the Policy and Procedures of BIT and the scope of unit of competency.
Please refer to the student handbook.

This may include but not limited to:

 visual difficulty; we can assist by making adjustments such as larger print of
documents, assessment tools and forms
 physical disabilities; assessment may be broken down into shorter/longer lengths
of time, where applicable
 sick or have medical condition, due date extension may be provided
 LLN Support

Examples of reasonable adjustment in assessment may include but not limited to:
 Submission of an oral assessment task for a written one
 Provision of extra time
 Use of an interpreter
 Use of adaptive technology
 Submission via post or online may be permitted in case of compelling and
compassionate circumstances.

The requirements for special needs must be established in coordination with Training
department and an appropriate record must be kept of the efforts made to establish
special need and the outcomes of these efforts.

Please sign the declaration on the summary sheet in student section. If you have got
any questions, please feel free to ask to BIT staff.

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Assessment Task 1 – Case study and Role play

Assessment Objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to implement operational plans.

Timeframe for Assessment Tasks

- As specified in your time table.

You must:

● meet with manager to discuss resourcing

● submit action plan for implementation

● submit balanced scorecard for use in performance management of team leader

● submit contingency plan

● submit a one page draft business case.

Student Instructions

 Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See deliverables
for details.

 In response to the scenario provided, you will consult with your manager (assessor) to
determine resource requirements, develop a detailed action plan for the
implementation of an operational plan, identify and use KPIs to monitor performance,
develop a contingency plan, and develop a written proposal (simple business case) for
fulfilling resource requirements in accordance with organisational policies and
 You must complete this task satisfactorily to demonstrate competency in this
 You must address each of the following mentioned assessment requirements
in your journal.
 Please use templates provided by BIT.

Your Assessor will be looking for:

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Your trainer and assessor will be looking for:

● literacy skills to access and use workplace information, and to prepare draft
● knowledge of principles and techniques associated with:

○ contingency planning
○ methods for monitoring and reporting on performance
○ monitoring and implementing operations and procedures
○ resource planning and acquisition
○ tactical risk analysis including identification and reporting requirements.

Assessment Requirements
1. Consider the scenario, task and supporting documents provided in the appendices.
2. Prepare to consult with your manager (assessor) and agree on time.
3. Consult with your manager. Discuss:
a. resource requirements
b. options for implementing operational plan
c. performance indicators
d. possible risks to implementation of operational plan and potential control
measures and reporting – ensure you discuss possible impact on work teams and
your proposals for providing information and consultation with workers to ensure
they are included in the planning process.
4. Develop plan for implementing operational plan with respect to one resource
(personnel, physical resource), include monitoring and reporting activities.
5. Develop a balanced scorecard for use in performance managing a team leader.
6. Develop a contingency plan for managing a risk to implementation. Include consultative
7. Develop a one page draft business case to propose resourcing. Include:
a. approximate cost for each item

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b. explanation of benefit for organisation

c. summary of delegation authority and organisational procurement process.
8. Submit all documents required in the Deliverables to your assessor. Ensure you keep a
copy of all work submitted for your records.

Instructions for assessor and student in role play

The student will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to implement operational
In response to the scenario provided, the student will consult with their manager (assessor) to
determine resource requirements, develop a detailed action plan for the implementation of
an operational plan, identify and use KPIs to monitor performance, develop a contingency
plan, and develop a written proposal (simple business case) for fulfilling resource
requirements in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.
Ensure you familiarise yourself with the Assessment Task and role below.

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Role: StorPlus operations general manager

You have met with technical experts and consultancies, team leaders and workers from
various warehouses and OHS representatives to gather detail on resourcing requirements
to meet the target of 20% increase in distribution capacity at the Caboolture warehouse.
You are able to relay this information to the business manager of the Caboolture
Data is summarised below:

Team Tasks Requirements to Risks

close capacity gap

 Picking  manual loading and  3 pickers approx  breakdown of ERM

and packing unloading trucks total cost = system
 reading orders $120,000/pa  licencing/legal
printed from ERM  3 electric pallet requirements not
system trucks approx met
 retrieving/stacking total cost  warehouse
items using $3,000–$5,000 accidents
hand/electric pallet
trucks and forklifts.

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  4 forklifts with  exhaust fumes

1–1.5 tonne and risk to
capacity approx health/legal OHS
total cost = compliance.
 inability to fulfil
HR resourcing
Typical target for due to
picking is ten competition
minutes from
from mining
receipt of order to
bay/checkout ready
for driveway.

 Distribution  assist with  2 drivers Approx  road accidents

manual loading total cost =  licencing/legal
unloading $120,000 PA requirements
 using mobile  2 x 15m3/3 not met
dispatching and pallet capacity  breakdown of
navigation freezer trucks navigation
system approx total cost system
 driving. $120,000–
 inability to fulfil
Typical target for HR resourcing
delivery time is two due to
hours from receipt of competition
order. from mining

 Checkout  operate tills and  2 part-time  theft

handle cash from checkout staff  breakdown of
businesses who approximate ERM system
pick up own total cost
 poor training
goods $50,000 pa.
may result in
 use ERM system giving customers
to order picking wrong product
from warehouse specifications.

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 handle customer

Encourage candidate to ask questions to actively consult and gather information. Embellish
information to contextualise appropriately to meet needs of candidates.
 resource requirements
 options for implementing operational plan in accordance with organisational policy
 performance indicators for team leaders to adhere to operational plan and possible
design of scorecards
 possible risks to implementation of operational plan, control measures and
consultative process.

Assessment 1 Appendix 1 – Scenario: StorPlus Pty Ltd

StorPlus consists of three large supermarket distribution warehouses, which supply over 50
small to medium sized independent supermarkets and convenience stores throughout
southeast Queensland.
StorPlus warehouses trade seven days a week from 5 am to 5 pm. Each warehouse comprises
a customer car park, delivery dock, dispatch dock, warehouse dry goods area, frozen goods
area, five checkouts and an office complex and staff room. The business wholesales
supermarket lines including dry food products, chemical cleaners, refrigerated foods, fresh
and frozen produce, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.
The business uses a computerised resource management, distribution and point-of-sale
system to monitor and control stock levels at each of three warehouses (Brisbane, Gold Coast
and Caboolture). The main warehouse in Brisbane has an attached office space that
accommodates senior management and head office administration staff.
Each warehouse employs approximately 20–30 people. Typically, the workforce of each
warehouse comprises the following:
● one warehouse business manager

● picking and packing team, including manual loaders and unloaders, forklift drivers, etc.

● distribution team, including drivers

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● checkout team.

Each team has one team leader. Payroll and accounting functions are managed at the Brisbane
head office.

It is the beginning of the 2016/2017financial year. You are the warehouse business manager
for the Caboolture warehouse. Market research has indicated your warehouse has a great
potential for growth this financial year. According to operational plans, the business plans to
lift distribution capacity by 15% overall to meet projected demand. The target for your
warehouse is 20%.
You will need to consult with the operations general manager to discuss:
● resource requirements

● options for implementing operational plan

● performance indicators for team leaders to adhere to operational plan

● possible risks to implementation of operational plan, control measures and consultative


Your manager possesses the information you need; however, you will need to plan your
meeting carefully and consider questions you will need to ask in order to gather necessary
information to complete this task.

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Your budget for HR resourcing is $300,000 per annum and your budget for new plant and
equipment is $250,000.
In order to raise distribution capacity by 20%, all resourcing measures will need to be in place
by the end of the first quarter and show 20% improvement in distribution capacity by the end
of the second quarter.
You will need to:
● develop an implementation plan

● use performance measures to develop a balanced scorecard for use in performance

management of a team leader in your team
● undertake a risk assessment and develop a contingency plan for identified risks

● develop a one page draft business case for resourcing that the operations general
manager may use to make proposal to board of directors.

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Appendix 2 – Business plan (excerpt)

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From StorPlus business plan FY 2016/17

● To provide the highest quality supermarket service to our valued
wholesale customers.
● To establish, within five years, the reputation of StorPlus as the premier
supplier of independent supermarkets in southeast Queensland.

● customer satisfaction and quality
● innovation and continuous improvement
● teamwork
● high-performance
● health and safety.
Strategic directions
The strategic context in which StorPlus will achieve its mission and vision is through:
● engaging with customers
● maintaining superior product line
● increasing market share
● increasing profitability through growth
● growing distribution capacity
● supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills.
 Creating a high-performing organisation.

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Appendix 3 – Budget

StorPlus 2016–17 Budget


Revenue $10,896,432 Sales of all products for the period.

Interest $187,000 Interest earned.

COGS $3,047,850 Cost of goods sold.

Total income $8,035,582 Gross profit.


Wages, salaries $3,567,890 Wages, salaries, superannuation,

work cover insurance, payroll tax.

Consultancy fees $67,000 Development and maintenance of IT

systems, accounting system, ERM

Communication expenses $56,000 Telephone, ISP costs, IT support.

Staff travel, transport and $45,500 Cost of staff travel and associated
accommodation. costs for sales, etc.

Premises expenses $350,000 Rent, electricity, maintenance,


Capital expenditure $589,000 Purchase of warehouse plant and

equipment, vehicles, etc.

Depreciation and amortisation $277,569 Capital equipment that is


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Office supplies $78,068 Printing and stationery, postage,


Professional fees (consultants, $22,187 Audit fees, external accounting costs,

legal and audit), insurances, bank charges, insurance except
taxes and charges, subs and workers comp.

Total expenses $5,053,214

Surplus $2,982,368 Net income before tax.

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Appendix 4 – Operational plan

StorPlus operational plan

StorPlus operational plan (summary) FY 2016/2017

Objectives: Performance measures Tasks:

1 Engage with customers:  Percentage of wholesale customers with  Conduct of quarterly wholesale customer surveys.
 overall positive view of StorPlus.
Raise  Training needs analysis and training of employees,
organisational  Number of wholesale customer complaints especially sales employees.
profile by 20 %. (delivery times, product quality).
 Continue to collect information from wholesale customers
 Improve customer on desired/required:
o stock items
performance by
10%. o delivery timelines.
 Reduce quality variation.

2 Increase distribution  Productivity figures for individuals/ teams  Investigate resourcing needs for StorPlus: personnel, plant
capacity by 15% overall and equipment.
o time to pick order
within financial year.
o average time spent building skills/  Fulfil resourcing needs in accordance with policies and
building skills of others procedures.

o time to load/unload vehicles  Development of contingency planning.

o number of accidents spoiling goods

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o average delivery times from order to

3 Control direct and  General ledger accounts; financial  Renegotiate with suppliers.
indirect costs of statements:
 Research potential new suppliers.
operations within
o wages
budget.  Reduce expenses due to wastage.
o cost of goods sold
 Encourage management engagement with employees to
o $ value of wasted or spoiled items. achieve greater employee support of organisational goals.
 Greater use by managers of budgets to encourage restraint
in work teams.

4 Engage workers with  Percentage completion of performance  Management engagement with employees to achieve
strategic goals of plans and performance management greater buy in of organisational goals.
business and support process.
professional  Regular coaching.
development in line  Numbers of coaching sessions completed.
 Training needs analysis and training.
with strategic goals.  Numbers of operational – related training
(Targets to be set by  Strategic goals included in induction program.
programs completed.
individual managers).  Employee incentives for improved performance and
leadership (development of other employees in line with
strategic goals of organisation).

5 Improve health of  Numbers of injuries (Target = 0)  Training need analysis and training on machinery.
employees (range of
 Numbers of absentees (Target = <3% of total  OHS committee meetings.
specific areas).
 OHS Risk assessment conducted regularly.

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 Research possible introduction of OHS management system
and employee wellness program.
 Research incentives for: Safe work achievement; healthy

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Appendix 5 – Organisational structure

StorPlus organisational structure

Board of directors
and CEO

Chief Financial Operations General Sales General

Officer Manager Manager
Mary Zhang Pat Ellis Ahmed Khan

Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse

Sales Team Leader Sales Team Leader
Business Manager Business Manager Business Manager
North South
1 2 3
Sal Menez Calvin Boothe
? Silvio Fera Alex Carron

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Appendix 6 – Procurement policy and procedures

StorPlus procurement policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure the acquisition of resources is

carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with
organisational requirements.

Scope: The scope of this policy covers the purchasing and acquisition of
resources by employees and contractors of StorPlus.

Resources: Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available
below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with

employees and management of StorPlus with responsibility for
purchasing resources.

Relevant ● Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)

legislation etc.:
● Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)

● Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001

● Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)

● A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Administration) Act

1999 (Cwlth)
● A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth)

● Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cwlth)

● Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)

● Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)

● Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2008 (Qld)

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Updated/ by Mary Zhang CFO


14 Principles governing procurement process

1. Probity and ethical behaviour
The principle of probity and ethical behaviour governs the conduct of all procurement
activities. Employees who have authority to procure goods and services must comply with the
standards of integrity, probity, professional conduct and ethical behaviour. Employees or
Directors must not seek to benefit from supplier practices that may be dishonest or unethical.

2. Value for money

Value for Money is the core principle underpinning procurement. Contracted organisations
must be cost effective and efficient in the use of resources whilst upholding the highest
standards of probity and integrity. In general, a competitive process carried out in an open,
objective and transparent manner can achieve best value for money in procurement.

3. Non-discrimination
This procurement policy is non-discriminatory. All potential contracted suppliers should have
the same opportunities to compete for business and must be treated equitably based on their
suitability for the intended purpose.

4. Risk management
Risk management involves the systematic identification, analysis, treatment and, where
possible, the implementation of appropriate risks mitigation strategies. It is integral to
efficiency and effectiveness to proactively identify, evaluate, and manage risks arising out of
procurement related activities. The risks associated with procurement activity must be
managed in accordance with the organisation’s Risk Management Policy.

5. Responsible financial management

The principle of responsible financial management must be applied to all procurement
activities. Factors that must be considered include:
● the availability of funds within an existing approved budget

● staff approving the expenditure of funds strictly within their delegations

● measures to contain costs of the procurement without compromising any procurement


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6. Procurement planning
In order to achieve value for money, each procurement process must be well planned and
conducted in accordance with the principles contained in this document and comply with all
of the organisation’s policies and relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
When planning appropriate procurement processes consideration should be given to adopting
an approach which:
● encourages competition

● ensures that rules do not operate to limit competition by discriminating against

particular suppliers
● recognises any industry regulation and licensing requirements

● secures and maintains contractual and related documentation for the procurement
which best protects the organisation
● complies with the organisation’s Delegations Policy.

7. Buy Australian made/support for Australian industry

Employees who are involved in procurement activities must make a conscious effort to
maximise opportunities for Australian manufacturers and suppliers to provide products where
there is practicable and economic value. In making a value for money judgment between
locally made and overseas sourced goods, employees are to take into account:
● whole of life costs associated with the good or service

● that the initial purchase price may not be a reliable indicator of value

● the quality of locally made products

● the record of performance and delivery of local suppliers

● the flexibility, convenience and capacity of local suppliers for follow on orders

● the scope for improvements to the goods and ‘add-ons’ from local industry.

8. Pre-registered list of contractors panel

StorPlus shall maintain a pre-registered list of contractors, following a request for expressions
of interest and an evaluation of the submissions. New contractors can request to be evaluated
for inclusion on the existing pre-register list at any time.
This list is reviewed at regular intervals with admission of interested parties on a rolling basis.
Care should be taken to ensure that such lists are used in an open and non-discriminatory
manner. StorPlus encourages new contractors to provide information on their experience,
expertise, capabilities, and areas of interest, fees, and current availability. It is in the interest
of the organisation that the pool of potential suppliers is actively maintained and updated.
Employees should provide reports of their experiences in working with each

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contractor/consultant to assist future decisions concerning commissioning suitable

contractors and consultants.

9. Avoid conflict of interest

Employees and Directors are required to be free of interests or relationships in all aspects of
the procurement process.
Employees and Directors are not permitted to personally gain from any aspect of a
procurement process.
Employees and Directors shall ensure that to the best of their knowledge, information and
belief, that at the date of engaging a contractor no conflict of interest exists or is likely to arise
in the performance of the contractor’s obligations under their Contract.
Should Employees or Directors become aware of potential conflicts of interest during the
Contract period, they must advise the CEO and Directors immediately.
Prior to any situation arising with potential for a conflict of interest, complete disclosure shall
be made to the CEO and Directors to allow sufficient time for a review.

10. Report collusive tendering

Employees should be aware of anti-competitive practices such as collusive tendering. Any
evidence of suspected collusion in tendering should be brought to the attention of the CEO
and Directors.

11. Competitive process

It is a basic principle of procurement that a competitive process should be used unless there
are justifiably exceptional circumstances. The type of competitive process can vary depending
on the size and characteristics of the contract to be awarded.
For purchases of low value product and services (less than $50,000), less formal procedures
may be appropriate. Purchases might be procured on the basis of quotes from one or more
competitive suppliers;
For purchases of higher value products and services ($50,000 or more) under a formal
arrangement, Contracts may be awarded based on responses to specifications by at least two
suppliers or service providers. Where there are justifiably exceptional circumstances, the CEO
must first gain written approval from the Board before procurement of goods or services on
the basis of only one quote where the value meets or exceeds $100,000.

12. Direct invitation (selective or restricted tendering)

A process of direct sourcing to tender may be used. This may involve:
● An invitation to organisations deemed appropriately qualified for a particular product
or service (this may be appropriate for specialised requirements in markets where there
is a limited number of suppliers or service providers)

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● An invitation to tender to organisations on StorPlus’s pre-registered list of Suppliers

established on an open and objective basis. Where direct invitations are issued,
organisations from which tenders are sought should be a good representative of all
potential bidders in the market concerned. The number invited to tender should be
sufficient to ensure adequate competition, and be no less than two where the value of
the product or service is $50,000 or more, and should not be restricted for reasons of
administrative convenience. Where there are justifiably exceptional circumstances, the
CEO must first gain written approval from the Chair of the Board of Directors before
procurement of goods or services on the basis of only one quote where the value meets
or exceeds $50,000. Selection from the list can be made in accordance with specified
criteria. Selection may be based on factors such as overall suitability for the particular
project by reference to experience, competence, and capability. The selection process
should have particular regard to the need for equal treatment and reasonable
distribution of opportunities.

13. Evaluation and contract award

For projects being awarded, consideration will be given not only to the most economically
advantageous tender, but also to the track record of the tender respondent and the degree of
confidence that the panel has in the quality if the bid. It will be the normal practice to have
the evaluation of tenders carried out by a team with the requisite competency.

14. Results of tendering process

All tender respondents should be informed in writing of the result of a tendering process
immediately after a Contract has been awarded.

Summary of procurement policy delegations

Purchase amount Required number of Comment

CEO and one Authority to sign Two or more Detailed services

director contracts for competitive quotes contract required.
products and for contracts over
services over $50,000.

CEO Authority to sign Two or more Detailed services

contracts for competitive quotes. contract required for
products and contracts over
Or approval from
services up to $20,000.
board of directors.

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General managers Authority to sign Two or more Detailed services

contracts for competitive quotes contract required for
products and unless contractor contracts over
authority only
services under appears on list of $20,000.
through CEO
$50,000. preferred suppliers.

Warehouse Authority to sign Two or more Provided they are

business managers contracts for competitive quotes within the approved
products and unless contractor budget and
services under appears on list of consistent with
$30,000. preferred suppliers. business/operational
and strategic
Detailed services
contract required for
contracts over

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Expenditure payment approval form

For Completion by Person Verifying Payment

Date Invoice date:

Payee name:

number: Project title:

Description of

Payment amount: $  ex GST  inc GST

Signature of person verifying

payment Signature of delegated manager

For Completion by Finance:

Account number Account name Amount

Total Payable: $

Approved: Date:



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Appendix 7 – Recruitment and induction policy and


StorPlus recruitment and induction policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recruitment and
selection of employees. StorPlus aims to attract and employ the most
suitable person for the position who will support the organisation’s values,
culture and goals in order to achieve its strategic directions. Recruitment
and selection of employees will comply with all legal requirements, and
with relevant equal opportunity, affirmative action and human resource
management principles, policies and guidelines adopted by the

Scope: The scope of this policy covers the recruitment and induction by
employees and contractors of StorPlus.

Resources: Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available
below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees
and management of StorPlus with responsibility for participating in the
recruitment and induction process.

Relevant ● Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)

● Anti-Discrimination Act 1991(Qld)
● Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cwlth)

● Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwlth)

● Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)

● Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)

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● Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2008 (Qld).

Updated/authorised: by Mary Zhang CFO

The following principles guide decision-making in relation to recruitment and selection of
● The aim of the recruitment and selection process is to appoint the most suitable person
to the position.
● Recruitment of new employees will only be undertaken after capabilities of existing
workforce have been taken into account and training options sufficiently explored.
● Recruitment and selection will be informed by the organisation’s strategic directions
and priorities and will take place following an evaluation of the need for the role given
the staffing requirements to achieve these directions and priorities.
● Recruitment and selection will be guided by requirements of relevant legislation and
other relevant human resource management policies in use by the organisation such as
equal opportunity and anti-discrimination policies.
● Recruitment and selection processes will be conducted on the basis of fair, equitable
and respectful treatment of all applicants.
● Positions will be advertised on a range of sites including print and web media (where
appropriate), which are most likely to maximise the field of suitably qualified applicants.
● All appointments will be made on the basis of careful and consistent application of the
principle of merit and adherence to the key selection criteria and requirements of the
position as outlined in the position description.
● Appointments will be made in open competition from the widest field of applicants
attracted by both internal and external advertising.
● Recruitment and selection processes will be transparent, consistent, professional and
timely. Accountability will be achieved by recruitment and selection processes being
open and subject to appropriate scrutiny and review, having regard to the
confidentiality of the applicants.

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● All recruitment and selection processes will be conducted so as to ensure the

confidentiality of the applicants and to preserve the integrity of the process.
● Decision-making is the responsibility of the chief executive officer or as delegated to the
senior management team and/or nominee.

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To recruit employees
1. New jobs and job vacancies
The occurrence of a vacancy is an opportunity to review the necessity for the post and its
duties, responsibilities and grade.
Where the duties of a post have changed significantly the manager must ensure that the job
description is reviewed.
When a vacancy arises, consideration must be given, prior to open advertising, to any
employee for whom redeployment is being sought on the grounds of redundancy or disability.
For vacancies of less than three months the manager may choose to fill the post by means
other than advertising, for example by word of mouth or the use of agency staff.

2. Job description
A job description is a key document in the recruitment process, and must be finalised prior to
taking any other steps. It must include:
● the job title (which must be gender neutral)
● the location of the job
● wage or salary scale for the position
● the line manager to whom the incumbent is responsible
● any posts reporting to the incumbent
● main purpose of the job
● main duties and responsibilities
● any special working conditions (e.g. evening or weekend work).

Items that should be included in job descriptions are:

● a note that indicates that, as duties and responsibilities change, the job description will
be reviewed and amended in consultation with the incumbent
● an indication that the incumbent will carry out any other duties as are within the broad
scope and purpose of the job as requested by the line manager.

3. Person specification
The person specification is of crucial importance and informs the selection decision. The
person specification details the knowledge (including necessary qualifications), skills and
abilities, experience, aptitudes required to do the job. The person specification should be
specific, related to the job, and not unnecessarily restrictive, for example, only qualifications
strictly needed to do the job should be specified.
Great care must be taken if physical requirements are specified. Anti-discrimination legislation
requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to jobs to make them suitable for people

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with a disability. It is therefore important that any physical requirement is stated in terms of
the job that needs to be done. For example a job may require that the appointee ‘must be able
to travel to a number of different locations’. In this instance, it will be necessary to consider if
an ability to drive is required, or whether or not reasonable adjustments can be made for non-

4. Publicising the vacancy

All posts must be advertised internally, unless it is under three months duration, or the
manager has designated a particular post as potentially suitable for a person for whom the
organisation is seeking redeployment.
The majority of posts will also be concurrently advertised externally to maximise the chances
of attracting the best candidate. Consideration should also be given to advertising in
locations/publications likely to increase diversity in the workforce.

5. The application pack

Applicants will be able to request a recruitment pack by phone or email. Packs should also be
made available to be downloaded directly from the organisation’s website. A log of the names
and addresses of all individuals requesting an application pack will be taken for tracking and
monitoring purposes.
The application pack will always include:
● applicant cover letter – includes closing date

● application form

● guidance notes for completing the application form

● equal opportunities monitoring form

● equal opportunities policy/statement

● criminal convictions declaration form

● job description

● person specification.

The pack may also include further information relevant to the particular post – e.g. annual
report, organisational structure chart as appropriate.

6. Processing applications
Staff must be aware that when dealing with enquiries about vacancies it is unlawful to state
or imply that applications from one gender or from a particular racial group, age group, sexual
orientation or religion/belief would be preferred, (unless a genuine occupational qualification
or requirement applies) and to do so may lead to a complaint of unlawful discrimination.
Care must also be taken that all applicants are treated in the same way, for example with
regard to invitations to visit the department, informal meetings to discuss the vacancy, and

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provision of information. However, it is acceptable to respond to requests from individual

candidates who demonstrate initiative in their preparation.
The confidentiality of applications must be respected by all of those involved in the selection

7. Short-listing
After the closing date has passed, applications from candidates may be short-listed. This
decision should be based on evidence that the applicant has met the requirements of the
person specification.
The original applications from all applicants, together with a written note of reasons for short-
listing or rejection, must be retained for a minimum of six months from the date that an
appointment decision is notified, in case of complaint to an employment tribunal. All
photocopies of application forms must be shredded.

8. Criminal conviction declaration forms

Criminal declaration forms belonging to candidates who have not been short-listed for
interview will remain sealed and will be shredded. Short-listed candidates’ forms will be
opened and checked for relevant convictions. If it is deemed that a conviction is relevant to
the post, the candidate may be withdrawn from the list of interviewees. Further guidance on
this can be found in the rehabilitation of offenders policy (and the application pack guidance

9. Arrangements for interviews

Letters or emails to short-listed candidates should include:
● date, time and place of their interview

● travel directions to the interview venue

● a request that they contact the author of the letter/message if they have any special
requirements in relation to the interview (related to access to the venue or any other
special need related to a disability)
● if appropriate, details of any test or presentation they will be required to do, or anything
that they should bring with them (e.g., examples of work or proof of qualifications that
are essential to the post).

It is best practice to write to candidates who have not been shortlisted but if this is not possible
due to limited resources, the application pack should make clear that if not notified after a
certain date or period, applicants should consider themselves not to have been shortlisted.

10. Interviewing
Interviews should be scheduled as soon after the closing date as reasonably possible.

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The structure of interviews should be decided in advance by determining whether interview

panel will be assembled and what areas of questioning are required to cover all of the
elements of the person specification. The question areas to be explored by each panel member
should be agreed in advance to avoid overlap or repetition.
The same areas of questioning should be covered with all candidates. Interview questions
should be phrased so that they do not favour any one candidate and should be designed to
seek evidence of how the interviewee meets the criteria on the person specification.
Supplementary questions should be used to probe for further information or clarification
where answers are incomplete or ambiguous. Care must be taken to avoid questions that
could be construed as discriminatory (e.g. questions about personal circumstances that are
unrelated to the job).
Interviewer (or interview panels if used) act for the organisation in making selection decisions
and are accountable for them. Interview notes must be taken to help make an informed
decision based on the content of the interviews. Such notes must relate to how candidates
demonstrate their knowledge, skills, experience and abilities in relation to the person
specification. Applicants can request disclosure of such notes in the event of a complaint.
Obviously any inappropriate or personally derogatory comments contained within the notes
could be considered discriminatory and are unacceptable.
Disabled applicants
Where the candidate being interviewed has a disability for which adjustments may need to be
considered, the candidate’s requirements should be discussed with him/her once the planned
questioning is complete. The outcome of these discussions must not influence the
consideration of the candidate’s application. If the disabled candidate best meets the person
specification, consideration must be made regarding what would be ‘reasonable adjustments’
to accommodate the needs of the person in question. On considering these, if it is considered
that the adaptations needed would not be deemed to be ‘reasonable’ under anti-
discrimination legislation, the manager will draft a letter to the applicant explaining why the
adaptations cannot be made. Reasons for not making adjustments to the working
environment must be both material and substantial, and must be documented.

11. Making a decision after interview

The information obtained in the application, the interview, and in any selection tests will allow
candidates to be assessed against the person specification and a selection decision to be
made. The manager or panel chair must ensure that a written note of the reasons for selecting
the successful candidate and rejecting others is made and placed on the recruitment file,
together with the original applications and notes of all panel members, for a minimum of six
months after the appointment decision has been notified to the candidates.
Interview proceedings are confidential and interviewers are free to divulge to others the
decision reached only once the appointee has accepted the post.
The manager will make a provisional offer to the preferred candidate subject to satisfactory
references and disclosures (if appropriate) being received.

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12. Feedback
It is good practice to offer applicants feedback after interviews and it is our policy to respond
if requested. Feedback should be specific and honest. Panel members giving feedback must
ensure that any feedback they give relates to the selection criteria for the post and that the
words that they use could not be taken to infer unlawful discrimination.

13. Pre-employment checks

A number of employment checks require to be undertaken before a formal offer of
employment can be made. It must be ensured that any offer of employment given, is a
‘provisional’ one, subject to receipt of documentation as shown below.
References should only be used after interview to confirm, but not influence, a decision.
Candidates’ permission must be sought prior to seeking references.
Appropriate referees are those who have direct experience of a candidate’s work, education
or training, preferably in a supervisory capacity and a reference must be obtained from the
current or previous employer.
References are confidential and must be sought ‘in confidence’. Panel members must return
all copies of any references with the application forms and their interview notes to the
manager on completion of the recruitment process. References must only be kept in the
personal file.
Asylum and immigration
It is a criminal offence to employ someone who does not have the permission to work in
Australia. All external candidates at interview must therefore be asked to provide proof of
citizenship, e.g., a passport or birth certificate. Note that it will be unlawful racial
discrimination to carry out checks only on potential employees who by their appearance or
accent seem to be other than Australian. Checks must be carried out on all external applicants.
Criminal conviction information
The organisation will seek a disclosure (police check) for all posts. It should be noted that this
may delay the offer of a position until the disclosure process is complete.
Pre-employment health check
The organisation requires certain information prior to an individual commencing employment,
to ensure that they will be able to perform the requirements of the job and give reliable
service, and to ensure compliance with relevant health and safety regulations. The information
is also required in order to establish whether any reasonable adjustments may need to be
made to assist them in performing their duties.
Proof of trade or academic qualifications and any others considered essential for the post must
be verified.

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14. Appointment
Only the manager issues letters of appointment and places individuals on the payroll.

15. Induction and probation

All new staff will undergo a probationary period during which they will be introduced to the
main duties and responsibilities of their post. An induction programme will be set out which
covers information about the organisation and their post.

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Induction checklist

Item Responsible Officer Completed

and date)

Hand-out new employee folder, payroll Team Leader/Manager

documents and organisational policies

Introductions to all employees within team Team Leader/Manager

Role, responsibilities and performance


Position description Team Leader/Manager

Mission, values and relevant areas of business Team Leader/Manager


Work plan/performance expectations Team Leader/Manager

Performance evaluation Team Leader/Manager

Reporting relationships Team Leader/Manager

Organisational overview

History of the organisation Team Leader/Manager

Organisational structure Team Leader/Manager

Office facilities and equipment

Bathroom, kitchen, etc. Team Leader/Manager

Introduction to work environment and tools Team Leader/Manager

IT system set up, log on and password, if Team Leader/Manager


16. Record-keeping
All records relating to the recruitment and selection procedure will be retained only for as long
as is necessary (generally six months), and will be securely destroyed thereafter.

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Appendix 8 – Performance management policy and


StorPlus performance management policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure performance management is

carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance
with organisational requirements.

Scope: The scope of this policy covers the performance management

process by employees and contractors of StorPlus

Resources: Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are

available below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Managers/ team leaders will:

● carry out biannual formal performance review discussions
● monitor individual performance throughout the year,
recording key events, observations of importance which
relate to the performance, both positive and negative
● refer to the performance management guidelines when
carrying out tasks related to the performance management
● use the performance management documentation to record
formal and informal performance reviews
● provide employees with the opportunity to participate and
contribute to their professional and personal development
● provide employees with access to training and development,
as reflected in the individual’s development plan
● provide employees with coaching and development
throughout the review period
● provide employees with an opportunity to communicate
their career development goals
● ensure employees complete their responsibilities in
accordance with the performance management policy and

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Relevant legislation ● Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)

etc.: ● Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
● Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)

Updated/authorised: by Mary Zhang CFO

To conduct performance review

The employee’s performance will be monitored and evaluated regularly throughout the year.
The performance review encompasses three elements:
● an annual formal review discussion

● a six month follow-up discussion

● continuous monitoring of the employee’s performance.

1. Annual discussion
The annual discussion is a key step in the performance review process. Essentially, this step
involves compiling all the information collected and assessed throughout the year relating to
the employee’s performance. However, there should be no surprises in this discussion; it is
merely a summary and review of the informal and formal reviews conducted throughout the
The key elements of the annual discussion are to:
● reflect on performance during the year

● clarify key responsibilities of the role and review the job description

● discuss successes as well as areas for improvement

● set agreed targets and performance standards for the next six months

● agree on key areas of development for effective performance in the role.

2. Documentation
The performance review documentation provides an important guide to record standards set,
targets and development plans. It is important to use the correct forms to maintain the
integrity of the information, and to help the manager and employee ensure the review is
completed correctly.
3. Timing

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Employee performance is to be formally reviewed every 12 months with a follow-up review in

six months. A new plan should be completed at each annual appraisal discussion
4. Six month follow-up discussion
The follow-up review provides an opportunity for managers and employees to re-visit targets,
standards and development plans to:
● establish that progress is on track

● identify changes impacting on the achievement of targets and standards set

● discuss development plan progress or establish development plan

● modify standards and targets, if required.

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To implement performance review process

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Performance management plan template:

Name/position: Manager: Review period:

Reference from Key result area Indicator of By Done/

operational plan success/performance when
(strategic direction) reporte

Manager’s comments Signature


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Staff member’s comments Signature


Assessment Task 2 Role play

Assessment Objective
The student will demonstrate the ability to implement resource acquisition.

Timeframe for Assessment Tasks

- As specified in your time table.

● role-play two interviews with your assessor lasting 3–5 minutes each

● submit tools for assessment of candidate, list of questions dealing with each attribute
and sample answers, plan for interview
● submit procurement action plan with notes explaining how plan covers 15 principles of
procurement in organisational policies and procedures
● submit expenditure payment approval form.

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Student Instructions
 Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See deliverables for
 In response to the scenario provided, you will consider a role required to be filled, plan
and conduct interviews. You will then plan the procurement of a resource and
complete a purchase approval process in accordance with organisational policy and
 You must complete this task satisfactorily to demonstrate competency in this
 You must address each of the following mentioned assessment requirements
in your journal.
 Use templates given by BIT.
 Assessment needs to be submitted as per the due date specified in the time
 There is no specific word count required for this assessment. A general rule of
thumb is to use as many words as you need in order to demonstrate your full
understanding of the knowledge and/or skill component. This may differ
greatly between candidates in line with varying individual language and literacy

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:

● communication skills to induct employees

● literacy skills to access and use workplace information

● planning and organising skills to plan induction

● knowledge of principles and techniques associated with resource planning and


Assessment Requirement

1. Examine the scenario, tasks and supporting documents provided.

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2. Prepare to role-play interviews and agree on a time with your assessor. You will need to
prepare to interview candidates by developing:
a. tools for assessment of candidate
b. list of questions dealing with each desired skill/attribute
c. plan for interview.
3. Role-play interviews. Follow organisational procedures for conducting interviews
4. (Task B) In accordance with operational plans and policies and procedures, develop
procurement action plan. Include notes explaining how activities in plan cover 15
principles in organisational policies and procedures. Include consultative activities and
how the recruitment activities would be implemented..
5. To fulfil an aspect of implementation, complete expenditure payment approval form for
6. Submit all documents required in the deliverables to your assessor. Ensure you keep a
copy of all work submitted for your records.

Instructions for assessor and student

The student will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to implement resource
acquisition. The assessor will play the role of the job applicant
In response to the scenario provided, the student will consider a role required to be filled, plan
and conduct interviews. The student will then plan the procurement of a resource and
complete a purchase approval process in accordance with organisational policy and
Ensure you familiarise yourself with the Assessment Task and role below.

Interview role-play 1

● You have five years forklift driving experience in warehouses.

● You have reasonable literacy.

● You are enthusiastic about learning and would like to develop your leadership skills.

● You have a current first aid certificate from St John’s Ambulance.

● You are a highly active member of the communist workers party (you may volunteer
this information as assessment candidate should not ask questions to require this
kind of answer).

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● You are not great at solving problems and work best in roles that don’t require an
extreme degree of flexibility.
● You enjoy marathon running.

● You dislike team sports.

● You are nice enough but no one would consider you to be the life of the party.

Interview role-play 2

● You have one year forklift driving experience.

● You have an MBA from Sydney University.

● You have designed an ERM for a business as part of your private consultancy business.

● You are an exceptional leader and manager of teams.

● You are the captain and coach of the local hockey team.

● You are kind honest and helpful (as all your friends can attest).

● You are a highly skilled mechanic.

● You have a current first aid certificate from St John’s Ambulance.

● You are working towards a second Masters degree, in financial planning.

● You are most of the way through your course to obtain a forklift drivers licence.

● You have a truck driver’s licence.

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Assessment Task 2 Appendix 1 – Scenario: StorPlus Pty

StorPlus consists of three large supermarket distribution warehouses, which supply over 50
small to medium sized independent supermarkets and convenience stores throughout
southeast Queensland.
StorPlus warehouses trade 7 days from 5 am to 5 pm. Each warehouse comprises a customer
car park, delivery dock, dispatch dock, warehouse dry goods area, frozen goods area, five
checkouts and an office complex and staff room. The business wholesale supermarket lines
including dry food products, chemical cleaners, refrigerated foods, fresh and frozen produce,
cigarettes, alcohol, etc.
The business uses a computerised resource management, distribution and point-of-sale
system to monitor and control stock levels at each of three warehouses (Brisbane, Gold Coast
and Caboolture). The main warehouse in Brisbane has an attached office space that
accommodates senior management and head office administration staff.
Each warehouse employs approximately 20–30 people. Typically, the workforce of each
warehouse comprises the following:
● one warehouse business manager

● picking and packing team, including manual loaders and unloaders, forklift drivers, etc.

● distribution team, including drivers

● checkout team.

Each team has one team leader. Payroll and accounting functions are managed at the Brisbane
head office.

Task A
It is the beginning of the 2016/2017financial year. You are the warehouse business manager
for the Caboolture warehouse. In order to implement operational plans, you will need to
recruit three pickers and packers for the picking and packing team.
In consultation with the picking and packing team leader you have completed a job analysis:

Role description:
Job title: Picker/packer
Job analysis Duties and responsibilities:
● manual loading and unloading trucks
● reading orders printed from ERM system

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● retrieving/ stacking items using hand/electric pallet trucks and

Relationships: Report to team leader
Working conditions: Warehouse

Required skills, experience, qualifications, etc:

Qualifications: forklift operator licence (1*)
Experience: two years experience in warehouse (3)
Determine Skills: manual lifting (2*), forklift operation (1*), engine repair (5)
Knowledge: first aid (6),
Abilities: leadership potential (7)
Personality: team player (7) , personable (8), helpful(9), willing to learn

Attributes are prioritised by number (* deemed essential)

You will need to prepare to interview candidates by developing:
● tools for assessment of candidate

● list of questions dealing with each attribute

● plan for interview.

You will then need to conduct two interviews of 3–5 minutes each (role-play with your
assessor) in order to be able to use assessment tool to assess candidate. Follow organisational
procedures for conducting interviews.

Task B
You are required to resource two 15m3, 3 pallet capacity freezer trucks. You will need to:

● Develop an implementation action plan containing activities indented to cover

organisational policies and procedures. Include notes briefly explaining how activities in
plan cover all 15 principles contained in policies and procedures. Include consultative

Brisbane Commercial Motors submitted a successful quote of $135,000 (including GST) for the
two trucks including all on-road costs and servicing for three years. The project name is
Caboolture Distribution; the job number is C001; payment is to be made by cheque. You will
need to:
● Submit a completed expenditure payment approval form for approval.

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Appendix 2 – Business plan (excerpt)

From StorPlus business plan FY 2016/17

● To provide the highest quality supermarket service to our valued
wholesale customers.
● To establish, within five years, the reputation of StorPlus as the premier
supplier of independent supermarkets in southeast Queensland.

● customer satisfaction and quality
● innovation and continuous improvement
● teamwork
● high-performance
● health and safety.
Strategic directions
The strategic context in which StorPlus will achieve its mission and vision is through:
● engaging with customers
● maintaining superior product line
● increasing market share
● increasing profitability through growth
● growing distribution capacity
● supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills.
● Creating a high-performing organisation.

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Appendix 3 – Budget

StorPlus 2016–17 Budget

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Revenue $10,896,432 Sales of all products for the period.

Interest $187,000 Interest earned.

COGS $3,047,850 Cost of goods sold.

Total income $8,035,582 Gross profit.


Wages, salaries $3,567,890 Wages, salaries, superannuation,

work cover insurance, payroll tax.

Consultancy fees $67,000 Development and maintenance of

IT systems, accounting system, ERM

Communication expenses $56,000 Telephone, ISP costs, IT support.

Staff travel, transport and $45,500 Cost of staff travel and associated
accommodation. costs for sales, etc.

Premises expenses $350,000 Rent, electricity, maintenance,


Capital expenditure $589,000 Purchase of warehouse plant and

equipment, vehicles, etc.

Depreciation and $277,569 Capital equipment that is

amortisation depreciated.

Office supplies $78,068 Printing and stationery, postage,


Professional fees $22,187 Audit fees, external accounting

(consultants, legal and audit), costs, bank charges, insurance
insurances, taxes and charges, except workers comp.
subs and memberships.

Total expenses $5,053,214

Surplus $2,982,368 Net income before tax.

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Appendix 4 – Operational plan

StorPlus operational plan

StorPlus operational plan (summary) FY 2016/2017

Objectives: Performance measures Tasks:

1 Engage with  Percentage of wholesale customers with overall  Conduct of quarterly wholesale customer surveys.
customers: positive view of StorPlus.
 Training needs analysis and training of employees,
 Raise  Number of wholesale customer complaints especially sales employees.
organisational (delivery times, product quality).
 Continue to collect information from wholesale customers
profile by 20 %.
on desired/required:
 Improve
o stock items
satisfaction o delivery timelines.
performance by
 Reduce quality variation.

2 Increase distribution  Productivity figures for individuals/ teams  Investigate resourcing needs for StorPlus: personnel, plant
capacity by 15% and equipment.
o time to pick order
overall within
financial year. o average time spent building skills/  Fulfil resourcing needs in accordance with policies and
building skills of others procedures.

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o time to load/unload vehicles  Development of contingency planning.

o number of accidents spoiling goods
o average delivery times from order to

3 Control direct and  General ledger accounts; financial statements:  Renegotiate with suppliers.
indirect costs of
o wages  Research potential new suppliers.
operations within
budget. o cost of goods sold  Reduce expenses due to wastage.
o $ value of wasted or spoiled items.  Encourage management engagement with employees to
achieve greater employee support of organisational goals.
 Greater use by managers of budgets to encourage
restraint in work teams.

4 Engage workers with  Percentage completion of performance plans  Management engagement with employees to achieve
strategic goals of and performance management process. greater buy in of organisational goals.
business and support
professional  Numbers of coaching sessions completed.  Regular coaching.
development in line  Numbers of operational – related training  Training needs analysis and training.
with strategic goals. programs completed.
(Targets to be set by  Strategic goals included in induction program.
individual managers).  Employee incentives for improved performance and
leadership (development of other employees in line with
strategic goals of organisation).

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5 Improve health of  Numbers of injuries (Target = 0)  Training need analysis and training on machinery.
employees (range of
 Numbers of absentees (Target = <3% of total  OHS committee meetings.
specific areas).
 OHS Risk assessment conducted regularly.
 Research possible introduction of OHS management
system and employee wellness program.
 Research incentives for: Safe work achievement; healthy

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Appendix 5 – Organisational structure

StorPlus organisational structure

Board of directors
and CEO

Chief Financial Operations General Sales General

Officer Manager Manager
Mary Zhang Pat Ellis Ahmed Khan

Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse

Sales Team Leader Sales Team Leader
Business Manager Business Manager Business Manager
North South
1 2 3
Sal Menez Calvin Boothe
? Silvio Fera Alex Carron

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Appendix 6 – Procurement policy and procedures

StorPlus procurement policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure the acquisition of resources is

carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with
organisational requirements.

Scope: The scope of this policy covers the purchasing and acquisition of
resources by employees and contractors of StorPlus.

Resources: Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available
below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with

employees and management of StorPlus with responsibility for
purchasing resources.

Relevant ● Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)

legislation etc.:
● Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)

● Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001

● Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)

● A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Administration) Act

1999 (Cwlth)
● A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth)

● Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cwlth)

● Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)

● Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)

● Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2008 (Qld)

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Updated/ by – Mary Zhang CFO


14 Principles governing procurement process

1. Probity and ethical behaviour
The principle of probity and ethical behaviour governs the conduct of all procurement activities. Employees
who have authority to procure goods and services must comply with the standards of integrity, probity,
professional conduct and ethical behaviour. Employees or Directors must not seek to benefit from supplier
practices that may be dishonest or unethical.

2. Value for money

Value for Money is the core principle underpinning procurement. Contracted organisations must be cost
effective and efficient in the use of resources whilst upholding the highest standards of probity and integrity.
In general, a competitive process carried out in an open, objective and transparent manner can achieve best
value for money in procurement.

3. Non-discrimination
This procurement policy is non-discriminatory. All potential contracted suppliers should have the same
opportunities to compete for business and must be treated equitably based on their suitability for the
intended purpose.

4. Risk management
Risk management involves the systematic identification, analysis, treatment and, where possible, the
implementation of appropriate risks mitigation strategies. It is integral to efficiency and effectiveness to
proactively identify, evaluate, and manage risks arising out of procurement related activities. The risks
associated with procurement activity must be managed in accordance with the organisation’s Risk
Management Policy.

5. Responsible financial management

The principle of responsible financial management must be applied to all procurement activities. Factors that
must be considered include:
● the availability of funds within an existing approved budget

● staff approving the expenditure of funds strictly within their delegations

● measures to contain costs of the procurement without compromising any procurement principles.

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6. Procurement planning
In order to achieve value for money, each procurement process must be well planned and conducted in
accordance with the principles contained in this document and comply with all of the organisation’s policies
and relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
When planning appropriate procurement processes consideration should be given to adopting an approach
● encourages competition

● ensures that rules do not operate to limit competition by discriminating against particular suppliers

● recognises any industry regulation and licensing requirements

● secures and maintains contractual and related documentation for the procurement which best
protects the organisation
● complies with the organisation’s Delegations Policy

7. Buy Australian made/support for Australian industry

Employees who are involved in procurement activities must make a conscious effort to maximise
opportunities for Australian manufacturers and suppliers to provide products where there is practicable and
economic value. In making a value for money judgment between locally made and overseas sourced goods,
employees are to take into account:
● whole of life costs associated with the good or service

● that the initial purchase price may not be a reliable indicator of value

● the quality of locally made products

● the record of performance and delivery of local suppliers

● the flexibility, convenience and capacity of local suppliers for follow on orders

● the scope for improvements to the goods and ‘add-ons’ from local industry.

8. Pre-registered list of contractors panel

StorPlus shall maintain a pre-registered list of contractors, following a request for expressions of interest and
an evaluation of the submissions. New contractors can request to be evaluated for inclusion on the existing
pre-register list at any time.
This list is reviewed at regular intervals with admission of interested parties on a rolling basis. Care should be
taken to ensure that such lists are used in an open and non-discriminatory manner. StorPlus encourages new
contractors to provide information on their experience, expertise, capabilities, and areas of interest, fees,
and current availability. It is in the interest of the organisation that the pool of potential suppliers is actively
maintained and updated. Employees should provide reports of their experiences in working with each
contractor/consultant to assist future decisions concerning commissioning suitable contractors and

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9. Avoid conflict of interest

Employees and Directors are required to be free of interests or relationships in all aspects of the procurement
Employees and Directors are not permitted to personally gain from any aspect of a procurement process.
Employees and Directors shall ensure that to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, that at the
date of engaging a contractor no conflict of interest exists or is likely to arise in the performance of the
contractor’s obligations under their Contract.
Should Employees or Directors become aware of potential conflicts of interest during the Contract period,
they must advise the CEO and Directors immediately.
Prior to any situation arising with potential for a conflict of interest, complete disclosure shall be made to the
CEO and Directors to allow sufficient time for a review.

10. Report collusive tendering

Employees should be aware of anti-competitive practices such as collusive tendering. Any evidence of
suspected collusion in tendering should be brought to the attention of the CEO and Directors.

11. Competitive process

It is a basic principle of procurement that a competitive process should be used unless there are justifiably
exceptional circumstances. The type of competitive process can vary depending on the size and
characteristics of the contract to be awarded.
For purchases of low value product and services (less than $50,000), less formal procedures may be
appropriate. Purchases might be procured on the basis of quotes from one or more competitive suppliers;
For purchases of higher value products and services ($50,000 or more) under a formal arrangement,
Contracts may be awarded based on responses to specifications by at least two suppliers or service providers.
Where there are justifiably exceptional circumstances, the CEO must first gain written approval from the
Board before procurement of goods or services on the basis of only one quote where the value meets or
exceeds $100,000.

12. Direct invitation (selective or restricted tendering)

A process of direct sourcing to tender may be used. This may involve:
An invitation to organisations deemed appropriately qualified for a particular product or service (this may
be appropriate for specialised requirements in markets where there is a limited number of suppliers
or service providers)
An invitation to tender to organisations on StorPlus’s pre-registered list of Suppliers established on an
open and objective basis. Where direct invitations are issued, organisations from which tenders are
sought should be a good representative of all potential bidders in the market concerned. The number
invited to tender should be sufficient to ensure adequate competition, and be no less than two where
the value of the product or service is $50,000 or more, and should not be restricted for reasons of
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administrative convenience. Where there are justifiably exceptional circumstances, the CEO must first
gain written approval from the Chair of the Board of Directors before procurement of goods or services
on the basis of only one quote where the value meets or exceeds $50,000. Selection from the list can
be made in accordance with specified criteria. Selection may be based on factors such as overall
suitability for the particular project by reference to experience, competence, and capability. The
selection process should have particular regard to the need for equal treatment and reasonable
distribution of opportunities.

13. Evaluation and contract award

For projects being awarded, consideration will be given not only to the most economically advantageous
tender, but also to the track record of the tender respondent and the degree of confidence that the panel
has in the quality if the bid. It will be the normal practice to have the evaluation of tenders carried out by a
team with the requisite competency.

14. Results of tendering process

All tender respondents should be informed in writing of the result of a tendering process immediately after
a Contract has been awarded.

Summary of procurement policy delegations

Purchase amount Required number of Comment

CEO and one Authority to sign Two or more Detailed services

director contracts for competitive quotes contract required.
products and for contracts over
services over $50,000.

CEO Authority to sign Two or more Detailed services

contracts for competitive quotes. contract required for
products and contracts over
Or approval from
services up to $20,000.
board of directors.

General managers Authority to sign Two or more Detailed services

contracts for competitive quotes contract required for
products and unless contractor contracts over
authority only
services under appears on list of $20,000.
through CEO
$50,000. preferred suppliers.

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Warehouse Authority to sign Two or more Provided they are

business managers contracts for competitive quotes within the approved
products and unless contractor budget and
services under appears on list of consistent with
$30,000. preferred suppliers. business/operational
and strategic
Detailed services
contract required for
contracts over

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Expenditure payment approval form

For Completion by Person Verifying Payment

Date Invoice date:

Payee name:

number: Project title:

Description of

Payment amount: $  ex GST  inc GST

Signature of person verifying

payment Signature of delegated manager

For Completion by Finance:

Account number Account name Amount

Total Payable: $

Approved: Date:


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Appendix 7 – Recruitment and induction policy and procedures

StorPlus recruitment and induction policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recruitment and
selection of employees. StorPlus aims to attract and employ the most
suitable person for the position who will support the organisation’s values,
culture and goals in order to achieve its strategic directions. Recruitment
and selection of employees will comply with all legal requirements, and
with relevant equal opportunity, affirmative action and human resource
management principles, policies and guidelines adopted by the

Scope: The scope of this policy covers the recruitment and induction by
employees and contractors of StorPlus.

Resources: Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available
below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees
and management of StorPlus with responsibility for participating in the
recruitment and induction process.

Relevant ● Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)

● Anti-Discrimination Act 1991(Qld)
● Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cwlth)

● Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwlth)

● Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)

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● Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)

● Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2008 (Qld).

Updated/authorised: by Mary Zhang CFO

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The following principles guide decision-making in relation to recruitment and selection of employees.
● The aim of the recruitment and selection process is to appoint the most suitable person to the position.

● Recruitment of new employees will only be undertaken after capabilities of existing workforce have
been taken into account and training options sufficiently explored.
● Recruitment and selection will be informed by the organisation’s strategic directions and priorities and
will take place following an evaluation of the need for the role given the staffing requirements to
achieve these directions and priorities.
● Recruitment and selection will be guided by requirements of relevant legislation and other relevant
human resource management policies in use by the organisation such as equal opportunity and anti-
discrimination policies.
● Recruitment and selection processes will be conducted on the basis of fair, equitable and respectful
treatment of all applicants.
● Positions will be advertised on a range of sites including print and web media (where appropriate),
which are most likely to maximise the field of suitably qualified applicants.
● All appointments will be made on the basis of careful and consistent application of the principle of
merit and adherence to the key selection criteria and requirements of the position as outlined in the
position description.
● Appointments will be made in open competition from the widest field of applicants attracted by both
internal and external advertising.
● Recruitment and selection processes will be transparent, consistent, professional and timely.
Accountability will be achieved by recruitment and selection processes being open and subject to
appropriate scrutiny and review, having regard to the confidentiality of the applicants.
● All recruitment and selection processes will be conducted so as to ensure the confidentiality of the
applicants and to preserve the integrity of the process.
● Decision-making is the responsibility of the chief executive officer or as delegated to the senior
management team and/or nominee.

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To recruit employees
1. New jobs and job vacancies
The occurrence of a vacancy is an opportunity to review the necessity for the post and its duties,
responsibilities and grade.
Where the duties of a post have changed significantly the manager must ensure that the job description is
When a vacancy arises, consideration must be given, prior to open advertising, to any employee for whom
redeployment is being sought on the grounds of redundancy or disability.
For vacancies of less than three months the manager may choose to fill the post by means other than
advertising, for example by word of mouth or the use of agency staff.

2. Job description
A job description is a key document in the recruitment process, and must be finalised prior to taking any
other steps. It must include:
● the job title (which must be gender neutral)
● the location of the job
● wage or salary scale for the position
● the line manager to whom the incumbent is responsible
● any posts reporting to the incumbent
● main purpose of the job
● main duties and responsibilities
● any special working conditions (e.g. evening or weekend work).

Items that should be included in job descriptions are:

● a note that indicates that, as duties and responsibilities change, the job description will be reviewed
and amended in consultation with the incumbent
● an indication that the incumbent will carry out any other duties as are within the broad scope and
purpose of the job as requested by the line manager.

3. Person specification
The person specification is of crucial importance and informs the selection decision. The person specification
details the knowledge (including necessary qualifications), skills and abilities, experience, aptitudes required
to do the job. The person specification should be specific, related to the job, and not unnecessarily restrictive,
for example, only qualifications strictly needed to do the job should be specified.
Great care must be taken if physical requirements are specified. Anti-discrimination legislation requires
employers to make reasonable adjustments to jobs to make them suitable for people with a disability. It is

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therefore important that any physical requirement is stated in terms of the job that needs to be done. For
example a job may require that the appointee ‘must be able to travel to a number of different locations’. In
this instance, it will be necessary to consider if an ability to drive is required, or whether or not reasonable
adjustments can be made for non-drivers.

4. Publicising the vacancy

All posts must be advertised internally, unless it is under three months duration, or the manager has
designated a particular post as potentially suitable for a person for whom the organisation is seeking
The majority of posts will also be concurrently advertised externally to maximise the chances of attracting
the best candidate. Consideration should also be given to advertising in locations/publications likely to
increase diversity in the workforce.

5. The application pack

Applicants will be able to request a recruitment pack by phone or email. Packs should also be made available
to be downloaded directly from the organisation’s website. A log of the names and addresses of all individuals
requesting an application pack will be taken for tracking and monitoring purposes.
The application pack will always include:
● applicant cover letter – includes closing date

● application form

● guidance notes for completing the application form

● equal opportunities monitoring form

● equal opportunities policy/statement

● criminal convictions declaration form

● job description

● person specification.

The pack may also include further information relevant to the particular post – e.g. annual report,
organisational structure chart as appropriate.

6. Processing applications
Staff must be aware that when dealing with enquiries about vacancies it is unlawful to state or imply that
applications from one gender or from a particular racial group, age group, sexual orientation or religion/belief
would be preferred, (unless a genuine occupational qualification or requirement applies) and to do so may
lead to a complaint of unlawful discrimination.
Care must also be taken that all applicants are treated in the same way, for example with regard to invitations
to visit the department, informal meetings to discuss the vacancy, and provision of information. However, it

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is acceptable to respond to requests from individual candidates who demonstrate initiative in their
The confidentiality of applications must be respected by all of those involved in the selection process.

7. Short-listing
After the closing date has passed, applications from candidates may be short-listed. This decision should be
based on evidence that the applicant has met the requirements of the person specification.
The original applications from all applicants, together with a written note of reasons for short-listing or
rejection, must be retained for a minimum of six months from the date that an appointment decision is
notified, in case of complaint to an employment tribunal. All photocopies of application forms must be

8. Criminal conviction declaration forms

Criminal declaration forms belonging to candidates who have not been short-listed for interview will remain
sealed and will be shredded. Short-listed candidates’ forms will be opened and checked for relevant
convictions. If it is deemed that a conviction is relevant to the post, the candidate may be withdrawn from
the list of interviewees. Further guidance on this can be found in the rehabilitation of offenders policy (and
the application pack guidance notes).

9. Arrangements for interviews

Letters or emails to short-listed candidates should include:
● date, time and place of their interview

● travel directions to the interview venue

● a request that they contact the author of the letter/message if they have any special requirements in
relation to the interview (related to access to the venue or any other special need related to a
● if appropriate, details of any test or presentation they will be required to do, or anything that they
should bring with them (e.g., examples of work or proof of qualifications that are essential to the post).
It is best practice to write to candidates who have not been shortlisted but if this is not possible due to limited
resources, the application pack should make clear that if not notified after a certain date or period, applicants
should consider themselves not to have been shortlisted.

10. Interviewing
Interviews should be scheduled as soon after the closing date as reasonably possible.
The structure of interviews should be decided in advance by determining whether interview panel will be
assembled and what areas of questioning are required to cover all of the elements of the person
specification. The question areas to be explored by each panel member should be agreed in advance to avoid
overlap or repetition.

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The same areas of questioning should be covered with all candidates. Interview questions should be phrased
so that they do not favour any one candidate and should be designed to seek evidence of how the
interviewee meets the criteria on the person specification. Supplementary questions should be used to probe
for further information or clarification where answers are incomplete or ambiguous. Care must be taken to
avoid questions that could be construed as discriminatory (e.g. questions about personal circumstances that
are unrelated to the job).
Interviewer (or interview panels if used) act for the organisation in making selection decisions and are
accountable for them. Interview notes must be taken to help make an informed decision based on the
content of the interviews. Such notes must relate to how candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills,
experience and abilities in relation to the person specification. Applicants can request disclosure of such
notes in the event of a complaint. Obviously any inappropriate or personally derogatory comments contained
within the notes could be considered discriminatory and are unacceptable.
Disabled applicants
Where the candidate being interviewed has a disability for which adjustments may need to be considered,
the candidate’s requirements should be discussed with him/her once the planned questioning is complete.
The outcome of these discussions must not influence the consideration of the candidate’s application. If the
disabled candidate best meets the person specification, consideration must be made regarding what would
be ‘reasonable adjustments’ to accommodate the needs of the person in question. On considering these, if
it is considered that the adaptations needed would not be deemed to be ‘reasonable’ under anti-
discrimination legislation, the manager will draft a letter to the applicant explaining why the adaptations
cannot be made. Reasons for not making adjustments to the working environment must be both material
and substantial, and must be documented.

11. Making a decision after interview

The information obtained in the application, the interview, and in any selection tests will allow candidates to
be assessed against the person specification and a selection decision to be made. The manager or panel chair
must ensure that a written note of the reasons for selecting the successful candidate and rejecting others is
made and placed on the recruitment file, together with the original applications and notes of all panel
members, for a minimum of six months after the appointment decision has been notified to the candidates.
Interview proceedings are confidential and interviewers are free to divulge to others the decision reached
only once the appointee has accepted the post.
The manager will make a provisional offer to the preferred candidate subject to satisfactory references and
disclosures (if appropriate) being received.

12. Feedback
It is good practice to offer applicants feedback after interviews and it is our policy to respond if requested.
Feedback should be specific and honest. Panel members giving feedback must ensure that any feedback they
give relates to the selection criteria for the post and that the words that they use could not be taken to infer
unlawful discrimination.

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13. Pre-employment checks

A number of employment checks require to be undertaken before a formal offer of employment can be
made. It must be ensured that any offer of employment given, is a ‘provisional’ one, subject to receipt of
documentation as shown below.
References should only be used after interview to confirm, but not influence, a decision. Candidates’
permission must be sought prior to seeking references.
Appropriate referees are those who have direct experience of a candidate’s work, education or training,
preferably in a supervisory capacity and a reference must be obtained from the current or previous employer.
References are confidential and must be sought ‘in confidence’. Panel members must return all copies of any
references with the application forms and their interview notes to the manager on completion of the
recruitment process. References must only be kept in the personal file.
Asylum and immigration
It is a criminal offence to employ someone who does not have the permission to work in Australia. All external
candidates at interview must therefore be asked to provide proof of citizenship, e.g., a passport or birth
certificate. Note that it will be unlawful racial discrimination to carry out checks only on potential employees
who by their appearance or accent seem to be other than Australian. Checks must be carried out on all
external applicants.
Criminal conviction information
The organisation will seek a disclosure (police check) for all posts. It should be noted that this may delay the
offer of a position until the disclosure process is complete.
Pre-employment health check
The organisation requires certain information prior to an individual commencing employment, to ensure that
they will be able to perform the requirements of the job and give reliable service, and to ensure compliance
with relevant health and safety regulations. The information is also required in order to establish whether
any reasonable adjustments may need to be made to assist them in performing their duties.
Proof of trade or academic qualifications and any others considered essential for the post must be verified.

14. Appointment
Only the manager issues letters of appointment and places individuals on the payroll.

15. Induction and probation

All new staff will undergo a probationary period during which they will be introduced to the main duties and
responsibilities of their post. An induction programme will be set out which covers information about the
organisation and their post.

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Induction checklist

Item Responsible Officer Completed

and date)

Hand-out new employee folder, payroll Team Leader/Manager

documents and organisational policies

Introductions to all employees within team Team Leader/Manager

Role, responsibilities and performance


Position description Team Leader/Manager

Mission, values and relevant areas of business Team Leader/Manager


Work plan/performance expectations Team Leader/Manager

Performance evaluation Team Leader/Manager

Reporting relationships Team Leader/Manager

Organisational overview

History of the organisation Team Leader/Manager

Organisational structure Team Leader/Manager

Office facilities and equipment

Bathroom, kitchen, etc. Team Leader/Manager

Introduction to work environment and tools Team Leader/Manager

IT system set up, log on and password, if Team Leader/Manager


16. Record-keeping
All records relating to the recruitment and selection procedure will be retained only for as long as is necessary
(generally six months), and will be securely destroyed thereafter.

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Appendix 8 – Performance management policy and procedures

StorPlus performance management policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure performance management is

carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance
with organisational requirements.

Scope: The scope of this policy covers the performance management

process by employees and contractors of StorPlus

Resources: Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are

available below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Managers/ team leaders will:

● carry out biannual formal performance review discussions
● monitor individual performance throughout the year,
recording key events, observations of importance which
relate to the performance, both positive and negative
● refer to the performance management guidelines when
carrying out tasks related to the performance management
● use the performance management documentation to record
formal and informal performance reviews
● provide employees with the opportunity to participate and
contribute to their professional and personal development
● provide employees with access to training and development,
as reflected in the individual’s development plan
● provide employees with coaching and development
throughout the review period
● provide employees with an opportunity to communicate
their career development goals
● ensure employees complete their responsibilities in
accordance with the performance management policy and

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Relevant legislation  Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)

etc.:  Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)

Updated/authorised: by Mary Zhang CFO

To conduct performance review

The employee’s performance will be monitored and evaluated regularly throughout the year. The
performance review encompasses three elements:
● an annual formal review discussion

● a six month follow-up discussion

● continuous monitoring of the employee’s performance.

1. Annual discussion
The annual discussion is a key step in the performance review process. Essentially, this step involves
compiling all the information collected and assessed throughout the year relating to the employee’s
performance. However, there should be no surprises in this discussion; it is merely a summary and review of
the informal and formal reviews conducted throughout the year.
The key elements of the annual discussion are to:
● reflect on performance during the year

● clarify key responsibilities of the role and review the job description

● discuss successes as well as areas for improvement

● set agreed targets and performance standards for the next six months

● agree on key areas of development for effective performance in the role.

2. Documentation
The performance review documentation provides an important guide to record standards set, targets and
development plans. It is important to use the correct forms to maintain the integrity of the information, and
to help the manager and employee ensure the review is completed correctly.
3. Timing
Employee performance is to be formally reviewed every 12 months with a follow-up review in six months. A
new plan should be completed at each annual appraisal discussion

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4. Six month follow-up discussion

The follow-up review provides an opportunity for managers and employees to re-visit targets, standards and
development plans to:
● establish that progress is on track

● identify changes impacting on the achievement of targets and standards set

● discuss development plan progress or establish development plan

● modify standards and targets, if required.

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To implement performance review process

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Performance management plan template:

Name/position: Manager: Review period:

Reference from Key result area Indicator of By Done/

operational plan success/performance when
(strategic direction) reporte

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Assessment Task 3: Role Play

Assessment Objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to monitor operational performance.

Timeframe for Assessment Tasks

- As specified in your time table.

You must provide:

● role-play coaching session

● submit coaching plan (dated to show prompt action)
● submit performance management plan
● submit 2–3 recommendations on implementation of operational plan (as part of
management report).

Student Instructions
 Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See deliverables for
 In response to the scenario provided, you will implement a performance management
system to monitor and manage the performance of an employee, including planning
and role-playing a coaching session. You will then monitor performance of systems
and processes, including budgetary control. Finally, you will prepare
recommendations on the implementation of the operational plan, including
recommendations for improvement.
 You must complete this task satisfactorily to demonstrate competency in this
 You must address each of the following mentioned assessment requirements
in your journal.
 Use templates given by BIT.
 Assessment needs to be submitted as per the due date specified in the time
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 There is no specific word count required for this assessment. A general rule of
thumb is to use as many words as you need in order to demonstrate your full
understanding of the knowledge and/or skill component. This may differ
greatly between candidates in line with varying individual language and literacy

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:

● coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to colleagues
● literacy skills to access and use workplace information, and to prepare reports
● planning and organising skills to monitor performance and to sequence work of
self and others to achieve planned outcomes.
● knowledge of principles and techniques associated with:
○ methods for monitoring and reporting on performance
○ monitoring and implementing operations and procedures
○ problem identification and methods of resolution
○ relevant budgeting and financial analysis, interpretation and reporting
○ resource management systems at the tactical implementation level
○ resource planning and acquisition
○ tactical risk analysis including identification and reporting requirements.

Assessment Requirement
1. Examine the scenario and supporting documents provided.
2. Task A – Arrange a time with your assessor to role-play coaching session.
3. Using performance data provided, monitor performance of individual.
4. Plan and conduct coaching session for individual employee. In your session, ensure you
address performance, use of resources and safety. Ensure you conduct coaching in the
context of the organisation’s performance management system. Follow the
performance management process outlined in policies and procedures with regard to:
a. performance plans
b. record-keeping (performance management plan).

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5. Task B – Using the data provided, monitor warehouse performance and performance
systems. Analyse financial data to monitor financial performance.
6. Using the results of your monitoring activities in step 5, develop 2–3 recommendations
for improvement of operational plan or implementation of plan. Include:
a. reference to performance of management systems
b. reference to financial/ budgetary performance.
Note: Due to limited information available in simulated business scenario,
recommendations may be provisional and depend on further investigation. For
example, ‘COGS is outside of target range. Possible reasons for this issue
are…possible courses of action to remedy the performance issue are…because…’
7. Submit all documents required in the deliverables to your assessor. Ensure you keep a
copy of all work submitted for your records.

Instructions for assessor and student

The student will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to monitor operational

In response to the scenario provided, the candidate will implement a performance

management system to monitor and manage the performance of an employee, including
planning and role-playing a coaching session. The candidate will then monitor performance of
systems and processes, including budgetary control. Finally, the candidate will prepare
recommendations on the implementation of the operational plan, including
recommendations for improvement.

Ensure you familiarise yourself with the Assessment Task and role below:

Coaching role-play

● You are highly motivated in the areas of quality and completion times.

● You don’t understand the performance management process and are not
comfortable in that area. You’d love to take a management course.
● You believe the only important thing is meeting distribution targets (at any cost).

● You have no idea how your job has anything to do with head office plans for the whole
● You don’t think managerial (input) KPIs are as important as output KPIs and so you
concentrate on stressing outcomes with your team.
● You don’t think formally addressing safety and training is important. You’re not a
babysitter. You have high expectations of yourself and you just expect everyone else
to take measures to do things competently.
Planning the assessment

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● Recommend date for assessment: After Session 3.

● Time required for assessment: 1–2 hours.

● The candidate must:

○ role-play coaching session

○ submit coaching plan
○ submit performance management plan
○ submit 2–3 recommendations on implementation of operational plan (as part of
management report).
● Ensure you arrange a time to meet with candidate to role-play coaching session.

Assessment Task 3 Appendix 1 – Scenario: StorPlus Pty Ltd

StorPlus consists of three large supermarket distribution warehouses, which supply over 50
small to medium sized independent supermarkets and convenience stores throughout
southeast Queensland.

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StorPlus warehouses trade 7 days from 5 am to 5 pm. Each warehouse comprises a customer
car park, delivery dock, dispatch dock, warehouse dry goods area, frozen goods area, five
checkouts and an office complex and staff room. The business wholesales supermarket lines
including dry food products, chemical cleaners, refrigerated foods, fresh and frozen produce,
cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

The business uses a computerised resource management, distribution and point-of-sale

system to monitor and control stock levels at each of three warehouses (Brisbane, Gold Coast
and Caboolture). The main warehouse in Brisbane has an attached office space that
accommodates senior management and head office administration staff.

Each warehouse employs approximately 20–30 people. Typically, the workforce of each
warehouse comprises the following:

● one warehouse business manager

● picking and packing team, including manual loaders and unloaders, forklift
drivers, etc.
● distribution team, including drivers
● checkout team.

Each team has one team leader. Payroll and accounting functions are managed at the Brisbane
head office.

Task A
It is the middle of the 2016/2017financial year, January 1. You are the warehouse business
manager for the Caboolture warehouse. In order to implement operational plans, you will
need to monitor the performance of team members with respect to those plans.

No performance reviews have been undertaken so far this financial year; therefore it is time
to implement the six month review process as per the organisation’s performance
management process.

The following data is available for the picking and packing team leader Pat Webb:

KRA KPI Target Result

Engage with % of rejected Less than two <1%

customers. orders. complaints per 100
Comment from team
members: quality is
really important to us
and is stressed by the
team leader!

Increase Picking times. 5–10 minutes 7–15 minutes (weekday

distribution team).
capacity by 15%
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overall within 4–7 minutes (weekend

financial year. team).

$ volume of orders $500,000 $350,000

handled by team.
20% of orders needing
to be declined because
of back log at ware

Workers are unsure

how to use new

Control direct $ expenses. 20% reduction in Only 5% reduction

and indirect costs operating expenses. because of
of operations inappropriate overtime.
within budget.
Waste removal up 10%.

Engage workers Hours of Five hours of No training

with strategic professional professional
goals of business development and development
and support training on including coaching
professional machinery provided for each team
development in for team. member.
line with strategic
% of performance Performance Performance
goals. (Targets to
management management management on half of
be set by
processes carried processes should be staff.
out. carried out for all
managers). Comment: I need to
employees twice per
concentrate on output,
not babysitting my
team. I’m not really
trained in performance
management anyway

Improve health Hours of OHS 2 hours per quarter 1 hour to end of second
of employees consultation quarter.
(range of specific
Feedback: team leader
thinks OHS is a joke.

You will need to:

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● complete a coaching plan and run a coaching session at the earliest possible time
● complete a performance management plan to be sent to head office.

Task B
It is the middle of the 2016/2017financial year, January 1. You will need to examine the
performance of the warehouse with respect to operational/strategic plans in order to provide
2–3 recommendations. These recommendations will form part of the report the operations
general manager will present to the CEO. Examine your own scorecard for the Caboolture
warehouse performance as a whole:

KRA KPI Target Result

Engage with % of rejected orders. Less than two

customers complaints per
<1 complaint
100 orders.

Profile on survey. 20% rise in profile. 25% rise

% customer satisfaction 89%. 95%

with product line.

Increase distribution Picking times. 5–10 minutes. 4-15 minutes

capacity by 15% depending on
overall within team
financial year
$ volume of orders $500,000. $350,000
handled by team.
20% of orders
needing to be
declined because
of backlog at ware

Delivery times. 2–3 hours. 3-4 hours

Budget and income $ expenses including See budget See budget

wages. variation report. variation report.

$ cost of goods sold. (25–30% of

See budget
See budget variation report.
$ revenue.
variation report.

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Engage workers with Hours of professional Five hours of No training in

strategic goals of development and professional picking and
business and support training on machinery development packing team/ 2–3
professional provided for team. including coaching hours in delivery
development in line for each team and check out
with strategic goals. member. teams.

% of performance Performance Performance

management processes management management on
carried out. processes should half of staff in all
be carried out for teams.
all employees
twice per year.

Improve health of Hours of OHS 2 hours per 1 hour to end of

employees. consultation. quarter. second quarter
across all teams.

Number of accidents <1 per quarter. Five this financial

requiring time off. year.

Absenteeism. 10 days per 35 this financial

quarter. year.

The business is particularly concerned about the cost of stock and wage expense affecting

You are required to develop 2–3 recommendations for the operations general manager to
include in their report. Because, there may be a number of possible explanations for the
performance data, your recommendations may be provisional and depend on gathering
further information.

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Appendix 2 – Business plan (excerpt)

From StorPlus business plan FY 2016/17

● To provide the highest quality supermarket service to our valued
wholesale customers.
● To establish, within five years, the reputation of StorPlus as the premier
supplier of independent supermarkets in southeast Queensland.

● customer satisfaction and quality
● innovation and continuous improvement
● teamwork
● high-performance
● health and safety.
Strategic directions
The strategic context in which StorPlus will achieve its mission and vision is through:
● engaging with customers
● maintaining superior product line
● increasing market share
● increasing profitability through growth
● growing distribution capacity
● supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills
● creating a high-performing organisation.

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Appendix 3 – Budget
StorPlus 2016–17 Budget


Revenue $10,896,432 Sales of all products for the period.

Interest $187,000 Interest earned.

COGS $3,047,850 Cost of goods sold.

Total income $8,035,582 Gross profit.


Wages, salaries $3,567,890 Wages, salaries, superannuation, work

cover insurance, payroll tax.

Consultancy fees $67,000 Development and maintenance of IT

systems, accounting system, ERM

Communication expenses $56,000 Telephone, ISP costs, IT support.

Staff travel, transport and $45,500 Cost of staff travel and associated costs
accommodation. for sales, etc.

Premises expenses $350,000 Rent, electricity, maintenance, cleaning.

Capital expenditure $589,000 Purchase of warehouse plant and

equipment, vehicles, etc.

Depreciation and $277,569 Capital equipment that is depreciated.


Office supplies $78,068 Printing and stationery, postage,


Professional fees $22,187 Audit fees, external accounting costs,

(consultants, legal and bank charges, insurance except workers
audit), insurances, taxes comp.
and charges, subs and

Total expenses $5,053,214

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Surplus $2,982,368 Net income before tax.

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Appendix 4 – Budget variation report

Prepared by M. Zhang
Budget Variation Report FY 2015/2016: Caboolture Warehouse
FY Q1 Actual Var %Var Q2 Actual $Var %Var
Sales 3,200,000 800,000 780,000 (20,000) (3%) 800,000 801,000 1,000.00 0%
COGS 800,000 200,000 206,000 6,000.00 3% 200,000 230,000 30,000.00 15%
GROSS INCOME 2,400,000 600,000 574,000 (26,000) (4%) 600,000 571,000 (29,000) (5%)
General and administrative expenses
Travel 20,000 5,000 4,000 (1,000) (20%) 5,000 6,000 1,000.00 20%
Office supplies 5,000 1,250 1,000 (250) (20%) 1,250 1,000 (250) (20%)
Telephone 10,000 2,500 2,800 300.00 12% 2,500 2,800 300.00 12%

Repairs and
30,000 10,000 20,000 10,000.00 100% 10,000 25,000 15,000.00 150%

Payroll tax 50,000 12,500 16,250 3,750.00 30% 12,500 21,250 8,750.00 70%
Employment expenses
Superannuation 90,000 22,500 29,250 6,750.00 30% 22,500 38,250 15,750.00 70%
Wages and salaries 1,000,000 250,000 325,000 75,000.00 30% 250,000 425,000 175,000.00 70%
Staff amenities 20,000 5,000 6,000 1,000.00 20% 5,000 5,000 0.00 0%
Occupancy costs
Electricity 40,000 10,000 8,000 (2,000) (20%) 10,000 10,000 0.00 0%
Rent 100,000 25,000 25,000 0.00 0% 25,000 25,000 0.00 0%

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Budget Variation Report FY 2015/2016: Caboolture Warehouse
Water 20,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 0% 5,000 5,000 0.00 0%
Waste removal 50,000 12,500 15,000 2,500.00 20% 12,500 15,000 2,500.00 20%
TOTAL EXPENSES 1,435,000 361,250 457,300 96,050.00 27% 361,250 579,300 218,050.00 60%

Appendix 5 – Operational plan

StorPlus operational plan
StorPlus operational plan (summary) FY 2016/2017

Objectives: Performance measures Tasks:

1 Engage with customers:

 Percentage of wholesale customers with  Conduct of quarterly wholesale customer surveys.
 Raise organisational overall positive view of StorPlus.
 Training needs analysis and training of employees, especially
profile by 20 %.
 Number of wholesale customer sales employees.
 Improve customer complaints (delivery times, product
 Continue to collect information from wholesale customers on
satisfaction quality).
performance by
10%. o stock items
o delivery timelines.
 Reduce quality variation.

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2 Increase distribution
 Productivity figures for individuals/  Investigate resourcing needs for StorPlus: personnel, plant and
capacity by 15% overall
teams equipment.
within financial year.
o time to pick order  Fulfil resourcing needs in accordance with policies and
o average time spent building procedures.
skills/ building skills of others  Development of contingency planning.
o time to load/unload vehicles
o number of accidents spoiling
o average delivery times from
order to delivery.
3 Control direct and
 General ledger accounts; financial  Renegotiate with suppliers.
indirect costs of
operations within  Research potential new suppliers.
budget. o wages
 Reduce expenses due to wastage.
o cost of goods sold
 Encourage management engagement with employees to
o $ value of wasted or spoiled achieve greater employee support of organisational goals.
 Greater use by managers of budgets to encourage restraint in
work teams.
4 Engage workers with
 Percentage completion of performance  Management engagement with employees to achieve greater
strategic goals of
plans and performance management buy in of organisational goals.
business and support
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development in line  Numbers of coaching sessions  Regular coaching.

with strategic goals. completed.
 Training needs analysis and training.
(Targets to be set by
 Numbers of operational – related
individual managers).  Strategic goals included in induction program.
training programs completed.
 Employee incentives for improved performance and leadership
(development of other employees in line with strategic goals of
5 Improve health of
 Numbers of injuries (Target = 0)  Training need analysis and training on machinery.
employees (range of
specific areas).  Numbers of absentees (Target = <3% of  OHS committee meetings.
total hours.
 OHS Risk assessment conducted regularly.

 Research possible introduction of OHS management system

and employee wellness program.

 Research incentives for: Safe work achievement; healthy


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Appendix 5 – Organisational structure

StorPlus organisational structure

Board of directors
and CEO

Chief Financial Operations General Sales General

Officer Manager Manager
Mary Zhang Pat Ellis Ahmed Khan

Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse

Sales Team Leader Sales Team Leader
Business Manager Business Manager Business Manager
North South
1 2 3
Sal Menez Calvin Boothe
? Silvio Fera Alex Carron

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Appendix 6 – Performance management policy and procedures
StorPlus performance management policy

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to ensure performance management is

carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance
with organisational requirements.

Scope: The scope of this policy covers the performance management

process by employees and contractors of StorPlus

Resources: Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are

available below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Managers/ team leaders will:

● carry out biannual formal performance review

● monitor individual performance throughout the year,
recording key events, observations of importance which
relate to the performance, both positive and negative
● refer to the performance management guidelines when
carrying out tasks related to the performance
management system.
● use the performance management documentation to
record formal and informal performance reviews
● provide employees with the opportunity to participate
and contribute to their professional and personal
● provide employees with access to training and
development, as reflected in the individual’s
development plan
● provide employees with coaching and development
throughout the review period
● provide employees with an opportunity to
communicate their career development goals
● ensure employees complete their responsibilities in
accordance with the performance management policy
and process.
CRICOS Provider Code 02552G RTO No 21438
Relevant legislation ● Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)
● Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
● Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)

Updated/authorised: By Mary Zhang CFO

To conduct performance review

The employee’s performance will be monitored and evaluated regularly throughout the year. The
performance review encompasses three elements:

● an annual formal review discussion

● a six month follow-up discussion
● continuous monitoring of the employee’s performance.

1. Annual discussion

The annual discussion is a key step in the performance review process. Essentially, this step involves
compiling all the information collected and assessed throughout the year relating to the employee’s
performance. However, there should be no surprises in this discussion; it is merely a summary and review of
the informal and formal reviews conducted throughout the year.

The key elements of the annual discussion are to:

● reflect on performance during the year

● clarify key responsibilities of the role and review the job description
● discuss successes as well as areas for improvement
● set agreed targets and performance standards for the next six months
● agree on key areas of development for effective performance in the role.

2. Documentation

The performance review documentation provides an important guide to record standards set, targets and
development plans. It is important to use the correct forms to maintain the integrity of the information, and
to help the manager and employee ensure the review is completed correctly.

3. Timing

Employee performance is to be formally reviewed every 12 months with a follow-up review in six months. A
new plan should be completed at each annual appraisal discussion

4. Six month follow-up discussion

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The follow-up review provides an opportunity for managers and employees to re-visit targets, standards and
development plans to:

● establish that progress is on track

● identify changes impacting on the achievement of targets and standards set
● discuss development plan progress or establish development plan
● modify standards and targets, if required.

To implement performance review process

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Performance management plan template:

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Name/position: Manager: Review period:

Reference from Key result area Indicator of By Done/

operational plan success/performance when
(strategic direction) reporte

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