Chronic Kidney Disease in Children and Adolescents

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Article nephrology

Chronic Kidney Disease in Children and

Susan F. Massengill, MD,*
Educational Gap
Maria Ferris, MD, MPH,
PhD† Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a devastating diagnosis with many co-morbidities, in-
creasing the risk of mortality 30 to 150 times that of the general pediatric population.
Recognition of at-risk children can lead to earlier screening and risk reduction. Primary
Author Disclosure care clinicians are often unaware of the comorbid conditions and long-term consequen-
Drs Massengill and ces of CKD, particularly with respect to cardiovascular disease, nutrition and growth,
Ferris have disclosed neurocognitive development, and burden of disease.
no financial
relationships relevant
Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:
to this article. This
commentary does not 1. Be aware of the life course of CKD and its co-morbidities.
contain a discussion of 2. Recall the risk factors and complications of pediatric CKD.
an unapproved/ 3. Discuss measures to prevent or delay the progression of pediatric CKD.
investigative use of 4. Optimize the communication between the primary care clinician and nephrologist in
a commercial product/ treating children, adolescents, and young adults with CKD.
Case 1
A 13-month-old toddler new to your practice presents for his 1-year health maintenance
visit with poor growth and developmental delay. He is just now sitting without support
and appears to have occasional leg pain. He is pale, weighs 7.9 kg, and has a normal blood
pressure. The results of laboratory studies are remarkable for anemia (hemoglobin,
9 g/dL [90 g/L]), profound acidosis (carbon dioxide, 12 mEq/L [12 mmol/L]), azotemia
(urea nitrogen, 117 mg/dL [41.8 mmol/L]; creatinine, 2.44 mg/dL [216 mmol/L]), and
profound hypocalcemia (calcium, 5.6 mg/dL [1.40 mmol/L]), prompting further evalu-
ation where hypocalcemia was confirmed. Urinalysis revealed a specific gravity of 1.005 and
proteinuria (1þ). Renal ultrasonography revealed bilateral renal hypoplasia. Renal replace-
ment therapy was initiated with peritoneal dialysis, and the patient is on the renal transplan-
tation waiting list.

Case 2
A previously healthy, 14-year-old, African American girl
Abbreviations presents with a 3-month history of facial and lower-extremity
1,25(OH)2 D: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D rash and a 4.5-kg weight loss. Her medical history is unre-
ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme markable for contributing conditions. She denies sexual ac-
CKD: chronic kidney disease tivity, travel, pet ownership, or tick exposure. Her family
CKiD: Chronic Kidney Disease in Children history is positive for type 1 diabetes mellitus in a younger
CVD: cardiovascular disease brother and hypothyroidism in her mother. On physical ex-
eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate amination, she is hypertensive (blood pressure, 150/90
ESKD: end-stage kidney disease mm Hg), with a malar erythematous rash and palpable pur-
GFR: glomerular filtration rate pura on the lower extremities. Laboratory studies reveal the
HCT: health care transition following: serum creatinine, 2.5 mg/dL (221 mmol/L); esti-
MBD: metabolic bone disease mated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), 34 mL/min/1.73 m2;
urea nitrogen, 75 mg/dL (26.8 mmol/L); and positive

*Director, Pediatric Nephrology, Levine Children’s Hospital, Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina
School of Medicine, Charlotte, NC.

Director, Pediatric Dialysis and Transplant Programs, UNC Kidney Center, Founder and Director, The UNC Children’s Hospital
TRxANSITION Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.

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antinuclear antibody and anti–double-stranded DNA re- The Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD)
sults. Urinalysis reveals blood (3þ), proteinuria (4þ), 10 study (a longitudinal cohort study of children with mild
to 20 red blood cells per high-power field, and 1 red to moderate CKD) observes the risk factors related to dis-
blood cell cast. Urine protein to creatinine ratio is 2.5 ease progression, neurocognition and quality of life
(reference range, <0.2). Renal biopsy reveals a crescentic changes, cardiovascular morbidity, and the growth failure
diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis (World Health in patients with CKD. (1) From this study, a more precise
Organization class IV systemic lupus erythematosus and accurate estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) us-
nephritis). ing serum creatinine, height, and a constant (k) (eGFR ¼ k
[height in centimeters]/serum creatinine) was developed.
An updated constant (k) of 0.413 is used (eGFR ¼
Introduction 0.413[height in centimeters]/serum creatinine) with chil-
In 2002, the National Kidney Foundation established dren with mild to moderate CKD (
evidence-based clinical practice guidelines entitled the peds_nic.cgi).
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiatives, which
were designed to define chronic kidney disease (CKD)
based on the presence or absence of markers of kidney Epidemiology and Etiology of Pediatric CKD
damage and the level of kidney function (glomerular filtra- National Health and Nutrition and Examination Survey
tion rate [GFR]) irrespective of the type of kidney disease data from 1999 to 2006 estimated the incidence of CKD
( among adults at 26,000,000 of a population base of 200
cfm). The 2 independent criteria for CKD are as follows: million, with millions more at risk. The prevalence of
CKD in children is unknown, but it is estimated at 82
1. Kidney damage for 3 months or longer as defined
cases per million per year. Conversely, national registries
by structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney,
have determined the incidence of pediatric end-stage
with or without decreased GFR, manifested by either
kidney disease (ESKD), the worst form of CKD, at 15
pathologic abnormalities or markers of kidney dam-
cases per million per year. The 10-year survival rate for
age, including abnormalities in the composition of
adolescent-onset ESKD is 80%, although lower rates
the blood or urine or abnormalities in imaging studies.
are seen in adult-onset ESKD. This represents a 30-fold
2. GFR less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months or
increase in mortality compared with the general US ado-
longer, with or without kidney damage.
lescent population. In this survey, survival was better for
In addition, a common nomenclature was proposed younger adolescents, males, whites, Asians, and trans-
for stages of CKD (Table 1) to improve communication plant recipients. (2)
between primary care clinicians and nephrologists. The cause of ESKD varies by age. Younger patients
have increased rates of structural anomalies of the kidneys
and urinary tract, whereas older children and adolescents
are more likely to have glomerular diseases. (2) The most
frequent acquired and congenital forms of CKD include
Chronic Kidney Disease
Table 1. glomerulopathies (33%); vesicoureteral reflux, obstruc-
Classification tion, or infections (25%); hereditary nephropathies
(16%); hypoplasia or dysplasia (11%); and vascular disor-
Stage Description ders (5%). African Americans and Latinos are dispro-
1 Kidney damage with a normal or increased portionately affected by CKD in part due to a higher
GFR (>90 mL/min/1.73 m2) incidence of glomerular conditions. With the increasing
2 Mild reduction in the GFR incidence of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in youth,
(60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2) the incidence of CKD in adult life is expected to increase.
3 Moderate reduction in the GFR
The pediatric ESKD population is only 2% of all patients
(30-59 mL/min/1.73 m2)
4 Severe reduction in the GFR with this condition, making the transition to adult-
(15-29 mL/min/1.73 m2) focused care difficult because adult nephrologists are un-
5 Kidney failure GFR familiar with pediatric diagnoses (ie, the most common
(<15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or dialysis) cause of CKD among adults is diabetes mellitus). The life
GFR¼glomerular filtration rate. course of CKD in children and adolescents are discussed
in the following sections and summarized in Table 2.

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Table 2. Life Course and Co-Morbidities of Chronic Kidney Disease

Co-Morbidities Events or Sequelae
Traditional cardiovascular Arrhythmias
Hypertension Valvular heart disease
Dyslipidemia Cardiomyopathy (dilated)
Abnormal glucose metabolism Acute cardiac death
Tobacco use
Sedentary lifestyle
Nontraditional cardiovascular
Volume overload
Abnormal calcium and phosphorus metabolism
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Chronic inflammation
Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia Arrhythmias
Hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia Metabolic bone disease
Urinary concentrating defects Diurnal or nocturnal enuresis

Acidosis Poor growth
Mineral metabolism
Impaired phosphate excretion
Metabolic bone disease
Decreased vitamin D formation

Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Erythropoietin deficiency
Blood loss Fatigue
Iron deficiency Impaired cognition
Bone marrow suppression Sleep disturbances
Malnutrition Decreased exercise tolerance
Chronic inflammation Depression
Uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism Poor appetite
Inadequate dialysis

Ongoing systemic disease
Volume overload
Endocrine disorders Malnutrition
Chronic inflammation Cachexia
Low nutrient intake Protein-energy wasting
Taste disturbances
Nausea and vomiting
Impaired gastric emptying

Nutrient loss during dialysis
Early-onset CKD
Decreased linear growth
Treatment modalities
Poor health-related quality of life
Associated genetic conditions
Protein-calorie malnutrition

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Table 2. (Continued)

Co-Morbidities Events or Sequelae
Lower IQ Poor school performance
Impaired memory and executive functioning
Sleep disturbances
School absenteeism and grade retention

Learning disabilities and ADHD
Disease burden
Number of medications Decreased quality of life
Medication dosing schedule Depression
Medication route (oral, injections, infusions) ADHD
Monitoring (blood pressure, urine) Poor self-esteem
Dietary restrictions Family stress
Need for dialysis Financial burden
Depression Frequent school absences
Frequent parental work absences
Marital discord
Sibling(s) feeling neglected
Immunosuppressed or underimmunization Susceptibility to infections by common
and opportunistic organisms
Impaired fertility Infertility and/or fetal loss
Pregnancy-related events Prematurity, teratogenicity
School absences Underemployment
Dysmorphic features Few romantic relations, bullying, low self-esteem
Medication adverse effects Nonadherence (high risk in adolescents)
Depression Depression
Sleep disturbances Anxiety
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Family related
Economic burden Poverty
Parental work or health insurance loss Maladjustment
Divorce Poor family function
Healthy siblings
ADHD¼attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Pathogenesis of CKD before diagnosis, timing of therapeutic intervention, hyper-

CKD progression is influenced by the severity of the ini- tension, and proteinuria. Periods of rapid growth, such as
tial renal damage, extent of nephron loss, and the age of with infancy and puberty when body mass increases, may
nephron loss, which limits renal reserve. An increased risk result in deterioration of renal function due to the increased
of progressive structural damage occurs when there is filtration demands on the remaining nephron units.
superimposed acute kidney injury from infections, dehy- Understanding the presentation of clinical and labora-
dration, drugs, or toxins. The extent of injury can result tory features of CKD assists in the early diagnosis. Hypo-
from a single episode, as seen with acute glomerulone- plastic and dysplastic nephropathies often present with
phritis; continuous injury from vesicoureteral reflux, fluid and electrolyte losses and growth failure. Glomeru-
chronic infections, obstructive uropathies; or recurrent lopathies typically present with hypertension, hematuria
injuries from diabetes, lupus, or chronic glomerulopathies. (microscopic and macroscopic), edema, and alterations
Additional factors that influence progression include host in urine output. In contrast, tubular and interstitial ne-
susceptibility, genetic susceptibility, and duration of disease phropathies present with significant losses of electrolytes

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(hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia), polyuria, polydip- influenza vaccine recommended for those with CKD receiv-
sia, urinary concentrating defects, enuresis, metabolic ac- ing immunosuppressive therapies. Finally, immunization
idosis, and no clinical edema or hypertension. Despite with live-attenuated vaccines, such as measles-mumps-
these factors, progression of CKD is modifiable with rubella, varicella zoster virus, and rotavirus, should be
the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi- avoided in those children with CKD or transplants who
tion. The Effect of Strict Blood Pressure Control and are receiving immunosuppressive medications, including
ACE Inhibition on the Progression of Chronic Renal corticosteroids.
Failure in Pediatric Patients trial was a randomized con-
trolled trial that involved 385 children, ages 3 to 18 years,
with CKD who were treated with ramipril, an ACE inhib- Cardiovascular Disease in CKD
itor. This trial found that intensified blood pressure con- The long-term survival of children with CKD remains
trol and early decreases in proteinuria effectively slowed the low compared with the general population. Specifically,
progression of renal disease in those children with CKD the lifespan of a pediatric patient undergoing dialysis is
due to primary glomerulopathies or renal hypoplasia- shortened by 50 years compared with age- and race-
dysplasia. (3) matched controls. Even after successful renal transplanta-
tion, their lifespan is reduced by 25 years. As in adult
patients, cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for most
Immunizations and CKD deaths in patients with pediatric-onset CKD, but unlike
Children with CKD or ESKD, including those undergo- adults, pediatric-onset CKD patients rarely demonstrate
ing dialysis or those with kidney transplants, are likely to symptomatic atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus. (5)
have reduced responses or reduced duration of immunity The prevalence of cardiovascular events with ESKD is
after immunizations, placing them at increased risk for vaccine- 24.3% and 36.9% in children ages 0 to 4 years and 15
preventable diseases. (4) Either specific disease states to 19 years, respectively. The most common events included
(lupus nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, dialysis, or kidney arrhythmias (19.6%), valvular heart disease (11.7%), cardio-
transplant) or their consequent therapies lead to subop- myopathy (9.6%), and acute cardiac death (2.8%). In a sep-
timal immunization rates from delayed or missed im- arate analysis, CVD and cardiac death represented 40% and
munizaions. Children with CKD should receive the 20%, respectively, of all deaths in pediatric patients with
recommended childhood immunizations as published by ESKD. In addition, cardiovascular alterations that lead to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www. these terminal events begin in the early stages of CKD pos-; sibly as an adaptation to the hemodynamic and biochemical
schedules/index.html), with the exception of live viruses derangements present in CKD.
in those receiving immunosuppressive medications. Spe- Pediatric patients with CKD have a high prevalence of
cial attention is necessary for immunization against hep- traditional risk factors for CVD. One of the most com-
atitis B and pneumococcus. Patients undergoing dialysis, mon risk factors in this population is hypertension. It is
particularly hemodialysis, are at risk for hepatitis B infec- also recognized that high-risk populations, including pa-
tion from suboptimal vaccination responses or a rapid de- tients with diabetes mellitus and CKD, may have normal
cline in immune response. If postvaccination monitoring office-based blood pressures but significant elevations
does not reveal protective antibody levels after the pri- outside the office. Termed masked hypertension, these el-
mary series, then reimmunization should be instituted. evations are associated with development of end-organ
If the patient remains nonimmune, then further attempts damage. Recent data from the CKiD study demonstrate
at immunization are not recommended. Patients with ne- that masked hypertension is prevalent and hypertension is
phrotic syndrome and those with CKD are at risk for in- observed in 54% of patients in the early stages of CKD.
vasive disease from Streptococcus pneumoniae, and all Furthermore, the prevalence of hypertension increases
should receive the recommended dosages of the 13-valent in patients undergoing long-term dialysis (75%) and re-
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and coverage for addi- mains high after transplantation. The development of hy-
tional pneumococcal serotypes with the 23-valent poly- pertension in pediatric CKD is multifactorial. These
saccharide pneumococcal vaccine administered after age patients also demonstrate a high prevalence of dyslipide-
2 years and at least 8 weeks after they have received mia and abnormalities in glucose metabolism. Studies
the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Annual im- have elucidated several nontraditional risk factors that
munization against influenza is now recommended for perpetuate CVD in these patients, including anemia, al-
all children older than 6 months, with only the inactivated tered calcium-phosphorus metabolism, chronic inflammation,

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and oxidant stress. Aggressive control of blood pressure, Hyperparathyroidism can be treated by administration
lipid metabolism, and anemia may be critical in these pa- of active vitamin D metabolites, such as 1,25(OH)2 D,
tients. Additional therapeutic options, such as exercise, which may raise the serum levels of calcium and phospho-
and anti-inflammatory agents, such as statins, ACE in- rus. Newer artificial vitamin D metabolites, which selec-
hibitors, and angiotensin receptor antagonists, must also tively suppress parathyroid secretion without increasing
be examined to enhance the efficacy of traditional car- absorption of calcium and phosphorus, are often used
dioprotective agents. in patients with more severe renal failure. Finally, in chil-
dren undergoing dialysis who have uncontrolled hyper-
parathyroidism, activators of the calcium receptors on
Metabolic Derangements parathyroid cells have been found to be effective agents
Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances to control severe CKD-MBD when all other treatment
Patients with CKD secondary to congenital anomalies of agents have proven to be ineffective. As result of the avail-
the kidneys and urinary tract are at risk for hypokalemia, ability of these most recent agents, the need for parathy-
hyponatremia, and urinary concentrating defects. Primary roidectomy in children receiving dialysis has become rare.
care clinicians need to pay particular attention when these
patients develop dehydration because the normal tubular
response to antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) is im- Hematologic Complications
paired. Patients with early CKD can present with a non- Anemia is a common complication of CKD and increases
gap metabolic acidosis, but as the disease progresses this in prevalence with progression of CKD. Although eryth-
metabolic derangement becomes an increased anion gap ropoietin deficiency is the primary cause of anemia, other
acidosis. Hyperkalemia may become worse with progres- contributing factors include blood loss, iron deficiency,
sion of renal disease or in patients receiving ACE inhib- bone marrow suppression, malnutrition, inflammation,
itors or angiotensin-receptor blockers for hypertension. uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism, inadequate dialysis,
or ongoing systemic diseases. Aluminum toxicity, a com-
mon cause of anemia in the past, is now extremely uncom-
Mineral Metabolism and Vitamin D
mon unless water supplies at home or in dialysis units are
One of the most common complications of CKD is met-
contaminated or when aluminum phosphate binders are
abolic bone disease (MBD) (previously known as renal
used. Chronic anemia in children has significant effects
osteodystrophy). CKD-MBD is caused by the inability
on the child, including fatigue, impaired cognition, sleep
of the kidneys to excrete phosphorus and synthesize ac-
disturbances, decreased exercise tolerance, depression,
tive 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2 D). The de-
and poor appetite. The Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality
creased 1,25(OH)2 D formation was hypothesized to be
Initiatives recommend targeting hemoglobin levels be-
due to loss of functioning renal tissue or a direct result of
tween 11 and 13 g/dL (110-130 g/L) to reduce the
hyperphosphatemia. More recently, the role of fibroblast
need for transfusions; to lessen cardiovascular complica-
growth factor 23, a bone-derived regulator of phosphate
tions, such as left ventricular hypertrophy; and to enhance
metabolism, has been recognized. With the retention of
overall quality of life. Anemia is best managed with re-
phosphate, fibroblast growth factor 23 increases and fur-
combinant human erythropoiesis-stimulating agents and
ther suppresses 1,25(OH)2 D formation by the kidney.
iron supplementation. After kidney transplantation, ane-
With dysregulation of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin
mia may persist from continuing degrees of CKD, ad-
D, the parathyroid glands are stimulated and secondary
verse effects of the immunosuppressive medications, or
hyperparathyroidism occurs. Until the CKD becomes se-
viral infections, such as parvovirus.
vere, the serum levels of calcium and phosphorus remain
normal, but parathyroid levels increase.
The treatment of CKD-MBD begins with restriction Nutrition and Growth
of phosphorus intake. This approach is difficult in chil- Provision of adequate calories, particularly in infants and
dren without severely affecting their choice of foods. young children with CKD, is paramount given the effect
Phosphorus absorption can be blocked by phosphate of nutritional status on growth and neurocognitive devel-
binders, which can be calcium-based compounds or opment. (6)(7) Although cachexia and protein-energy
non–calcium-containing compounds. The role of cal- wasting are well described among adult patients with ad-
cium as phosphate binders is balanced by the newly rec- vanced CKD, data concerning the prevalence in children
ognized dangers of vascular calcification as a result of with CKD are limited. Anorexia, increased energy expen-
elevated calcium and phosphorus in the blood. diture despite adequate caloric intake, and muscle wasting

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are 3 major pathophysiologic features. Other contributing executive function impairment are both directly associ-
factors implicated are systemic inflammation, endocrine ated with the level of renal function, especially in patients
disturbances, and maladaptive neuropeptide signaling. undergoing dialysis.
Hypoalbuminemia and malnutrition in dialysis patients
are predictors of mortality in this patient population. An-
orexia, particularly in infants, may be related to altered Burden of Care, Quality of Life Issues, and
tastes, oral food aversions, gastroesophageal reflux, de- Psychosocial Issues in CKD
layed gastric emptying, elevated cytokine levels, and alter- The burden of care for children and adolescents with
ations in appetite-regulating hormones, such as leptin and CKD correlates directly with the level of kidney damage
ghrelin. Aggressive nutritional management with the guid- and requires time and attention by patients and their fam-
ance of qualified dieticians is critical. Dietary modifications ily. An example of this care includes the number of med-
should be individualized and may include alterations to ications (mean [SD], 5.7 [4.8]) patients take once to
calories, protein, fat, sodium, potassium, calcium, phospho- several times per day, with dialysis and transplant patients
rus, and fluid intake ( requiring the largest number (particularly the first 6-12
KDOQI/guidelines_ped_ckd/cpr1.htm). Acknowledg- months after transplantation). (9) The complexity of care
ment of cultural food preferences may improve adherence also includes procedures such as self-catheterization sev-
to dietary changes. If nutrition cannot be maximized eral times per day, fluid and dietary restrictions, blood
through the addition of carbohydrate or fat sources, then pressure measurements daily, injections (erythropoiesis-
placement of gastrostomy tubes, particularly in infants stimulating agents once to thrice weekly, growth hor-
and small toddlers, is often necessary to provide adequate mone daily, or insulin several times per day), and/or
nutrition, fluids, and/or medications via bolus or contin- home peritoneal (daily) or hemodialysis (thrice weekly)
uous infusions. in ESKD cases.
Decreased linear growth is one of the most apparent Compared with healthy children and adolescents, pa-
effects of CKD in children. The mean height of children tients with CKD have significantly lower health-related
with CKD is 1.5 SDs below the mean. Factors that con- quality of life in the physical, school, emotional, and so-
tribute to impaired growth include age at the onset of cial domains. Interestingly, in a longitudinal national co-
CKD, duration of CKD, metabolic acidosis, treatment hort of pediatric CKD patients, longer disease duration
modalities for primary renal disease (corticosteroids), as- and older age were associated with higher quality of life
sociated genetic disorders, protein-calorie malnutrition, scores in the physical, emotional, and social functioning
residual urine volume, and hormonal disturbances of the domains, but older age was associated with lower school
gonadotropic axis (luteinizing hormone and follicle- domain scores, likely related to prolonged neurocogni-
stimulating hormone) and somatropic axis (growth hor- tive abnormalities. Maternal education of 16 years or
mone, insulinlike growth factor 1, and thyroid hormone). more was associated with higher Pediatric Quality of Life
Short stature is the most common concern associated scores in the domains of physical, school, and social func-
with low health-related quality of life among survivors tioning. Short stature has been associated with lower
of pediatric-onset CKD. Optimization of growth can be quality of life. Moreover, patients with CKD and those
achieved with appropriate caloric intake and the use of with anemia have greater limitations in physical function-
growth hormone replacement. ing, school work or activities with friends as a result of
physical health, and parental effect on time and family
Neurologic and Neurocognitive Effects of CKD On the basis of a sleep questionnaire in a Canadian co-
Children, adolescents, and young adults with CKD are hort, sleep disorders occur in approximately 30% of chil-
at risk for neurocognitive function impairment. This is dren and adolescents with CKD (including dialysis and
particularly true for patients with CKD who also have transplant), particularly restless leg syndrome and periodic
hypertension because they have a lower IQ score com- limb movements. (10) In a regional US multi-institution
pared with patients in similar age groups who have study, 58.5% of patients with CKD had symptoms of
CKD without hypertension. (8) When compared with a sleep disturbance (restless leg syndrome, periodic limb
healthy controls, children and adolescents with CKD movements, excessive daytime sleepiness, or sleep disor-
are at higher risk for grade retention, absenteeism, dered breathing), correlating with a decrease in quality
and impairments on measures of intelligence and read- of life, independent of the level of kidney function. (11)
ing. In-depth neurocognitive tests, memory, and In the North American CKiD cohort, parents of children

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and adolescents with lower levels of renal function were this tool suggests that older age is significantly associated
more likely to report low energy, severe weakness, or day- with greater acquisition of HCT skills and disease self-
time sleepiness and, consequently, overall poorer quality of management. A self-administered HCT readiness tool
life. has also been created for patients with CKD and is termed
Depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor- The STARx Transition-readiness survey, and our prelimi-
der are common comorbidities in patients with CKD. nary data reveal that older age and female sex appear to be
Screening for these conditions and referral to psycholog- associated with greater transition readiness. (13)
ical services are paramount in ensuring adjustment to the To ensure a successful HCT process, an interdisciplin-
diagnosis of CKD. Families with a child with CKD expe- ary collaboration among the patient, family, and primary
rience emotional, physical, and financial stress; 2-parent and subspecialty pediatric clinicians must occur. Commu-
households have better adaptation to this family chal- nication between the pediatric- and adult-focused health
lenge. Additional psychological burdens to the family in- care teams and the patient is paramount to ensure conti-
clude increased school absences for patients and their nuity of care, optimized health outcomes, health-related
siblings and missed opportunities for family activities. Pa- quality of life, and continuous quality improvement. An
rental distractions related to the patient’s chronic condi- example of a tool that can assist with this communication
tion can lead to feelings of neglect by siblings and affects is the TRxANSITION Passport, a patient portable med-
the family’s financial well-being. Financial burdens result ical summary with information on diagnoses and medica-
from interrupted work schedules, insurance copayments tions in the form of a wallet-size identification card. (12)
for medical visits or medications, and poor reimburse- Transition preparation is optimized with the services of
ment for travel costs, meals, or parking. In general, par- a dedicated transition coordinator.
ents of a chronically ill child have higher marital distress Adherence to medical treatment among pediatric pa-
and decreased marital harmony when compared with pa- tients with CKD and ESKD is multifactorial and a major
rents of healthy children. The primary care clinician can challenge, particularly in the adolescent and young adult
help CKD families adapt to their child’s diagnosis and populations. CKD can be silent, and the consequences of
treatment by performing periodic screening of family nonadherence are not palpable to patients who have such
health and encouraging communication during periods complex medical and dietary regimens. In fact, despite
of family distress. medical advances, kidney transplant loss in adolescents
exceeds that of any other population. (14) Adherence
among adolescents is also compromised by poor under-
Health Care Transition, Disease Self- standing and poor consequence recognition, leading to
Management, and Treatment Adherence an inconsistent commitment to the treatment regimens.
The survival of patients with pediatric-onset CKD neces- In our practice, low parental and child literacy has been
sitates a coordinated health care transition (HCT) prep- correlated with lower adherence to medical appoint-
aration from pediatric- to adult-focused health services ments, greater emergency department use, and greater
and coordination between the primary care and nephrol- morbidity (peritonitis and transplant rejection). A prob-
ogy teams. HCT is a process that should begin between lem with measuring treatment adherence is the lack of
ages 12 and 14 years, considering patient characteristics a standardized definition of what constitutes adherence
(cognition, developmental stage, culture, and literacy and how to measure adherence consistently. The primary
level), family factors, and health-related resources within care clinician and subspecialists can confirm adherence in
the clinical and community settings. (12) Parental or patients who have biomarkers, such as drug levels. In
caregiver willingness to relinquish responsibilities for dis- CKD patients, phosphorus levels, prescription refill rates,
ease management requires reassurance that the children or medical appointment attendance can be used to deter-
will be successful health self-managers. Patient and family mine adherence.
education with learning tools that meet health literacy
standards is fundamental for successful HCT preparation.
Measuring transition readiness to guide HCT prep- Discussion of Cases
aration is critical to ensure guided patient education Case 1
strategies. Our pediatric nephrology practices are us- Prenatal ultrasonography may have identified small kid-
ing a clinician-administered clinical tool termed the neys, leading to an earlier diagnosis and medical interven-
TRxANSITION Scale, developed among pediatric pa- tion. His poor growth is attributable to metabolic acidosis,
tients with CKD and ESKD. (13) Preliminary work with fluid and electrolyte losses, inadequate nutritional intake,

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Primary Care Clinician’s Activities as Comanager of Pediatric-

Table 3.

Onset Chronic Kidney Disease

Activity Action Plan Monitoring
Identify at risk LBW infant, history of prior acute kidney Yearly BP, urinalysis, periodic serum
individuals injury, obesity, diabetes, HTN chemical analyses
History of HUS, HSP, lupus, or other Yearly BP, urinalysis, serum chemical
glomerulopathies analyses
History of urologic disorders (UTI, High index of suspicion for UTI, stones,
obstructive uropathy) obstruction, monitor BP
Positive family history for CKD, PKD, ESKD Yearly BP, urinalysis
History of HTN Monitor BP at routine health screenings
hypertension/child_tbl.htm), annual
echocardiogram, and 24-hour ABPM
Immunizationsa Routine,
Pneumococcal (23-valent Pneumovax and
Prevnar 13) index.html
Counseling/prevention Tobacco, alcohol, drugs Inquire about substance use at each clinic
visit in private
Nutrition, adequate dietary calcium Show the growth chart to patients and
Avoidance of physical inactivity, obesity families, establishing ideal anthropometric
measurements and discuss physical activity
at each visit
Sexual practices Discuss healthy sexual behavior at each
Self-examinations (breast, testicular) adolescent visit
Sun exposure Yearly: skin cancer prevention
School absenteeism and social isolation Yearly: school performance and need for
individualized education
Screen for depression, anxiety, ADHD Each visit: screen for psychosocial distress
and coping
Screen for ability to read prescription or Each visit: reconcile medications and ask the
food labels and patient education material patient to read labels to you and use the
teach-back method when patient
education takes place
Monitor adherence Each visit: discuss adherence strategies
(eg, alarms, pill-boxes)
ABPM¼ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, ADHD¼attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; BP¼blood pressure; ESKD¼end-stage kidney disease;
HPV¼human papillomavirus; HSP¼Henoch-Schönlein purpura; HTN¼hypertension; HUS¼hemolytic uremic syndrome; LBW¼low birth weight;
PKD¼polycystic kidney disease; UTI¼urinary tract infection.
Note vaccine response may be reduced in dialysis or transplant population.

and MBD. The leg pains are likely due to hypocalcemic- constant thirst and frequently daytime and nighttime in-
induced cramps. The developmental delay that resulted continence, with its psychosocial effect of adjustment dis-
from progressive, unrecognized kidney failure places him order. Thorough family history is indicated because this is
at risk for poor school performance and neurocognitive ab- a congenital anomaly. He needs to get to a weight of ap-
normalities. He will require aggressive nutritional moni- proximately 10 kg to physically be able to receive a kidney
toring and likely a gastrostomy tube to meet caloric transplant. If this child’s diagnosis were posterior urethral
demands. Early intervention programs and individualized valves, many of these complications would also apply. Al-
education plans will optimize vocational milestones. The though posterior urethral valves can be diagnosed prena-
likelihood of high urinary output from renal tubular dam- tally, in many instances and despite surgical valve
age impairs urinary concentrating ability regardless of hy- ablation, patients are still at risk for CKD or ESKD,
dration status. This high urinary output translates into particularly during adolescence.

24 Pediatrics in Review Vol.35 No.1 January 2014

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Pediatric CKD: Health Maintenance Activities by Primary Care

Table 4.

Diagnosis and Reduce Negative Effect of
Surveillance and Treatment of Comorbid Conditions and
Conditions Risk Reduction Comorbid Conditions Treat Complications
Stages of CKD
1 (GFR >90) Urinalysis and BP Monitor growth Modify CVD risk
measurement factors
2 (GFR 60-89) If low birth weight Monitor for
or other factors proteinuria
for Y renal mass Normalize BP
3 (GFR 30-59) BP measurement Monitor growth Growth hormone as
4 (GFR 15-29) Monitor proteinuria, needed, modify
normalize BP CVD risk factors
5 (Transplant) Growth, nutrition Viral infection Rapid fluid resuscitation
Urinalysis and BP surveillance in dehydration
measurement (CMV, EBV):
Exercise lymphadenopathy,
Encourage adherence enlarged tonsils,
and hydration fever, bone
Peritoneal dialysis Growth, nutrition Monitor for signs of Encourage living donor
peritonitis, optimize transplantation
protein intake
Hemodialysis Growth, maintain High index of
fluid restriction suspicion
for infection
Selective conditions or
psychosocial issues
Congenital anomalies Teratogen avoidance and Postnatal Surgical correction as
of the kidney and prenatal vitamins in ultrasonography, needed, healthy
urinary tract future pregnancies high index of toilet habits
suspicion for UTI Psychosocial support of
long-term enuresis
Voiding history not reliable
during dehydration
(poor ADH response)
Acute kidney injury Urinalysis and BP Encourage hydration, Nephrology referral for
recovery measurement avoid nephrotoxic abnormal growth or
Serum chemical agents laboratory values
Monitor growth
Hypertension Encourage healthy Monitor serial BP Annual echocardiogram,
diet and exercise urinalysis, eye
examination; modify
CVD risk factors
Universal medical services, Screen for modifiable CVD factors: normal BP, hyperlipidemia, exercise, and healthy
universal literacy and weight and diet
numeracy appropriate Provide immunizations
services Assume low functional and health literacy and numeracy and provide patient
education and counseling at a fourth grade or below level. Monitor parent and
patient’s ability to read prescription and food labels. Use teach-back method to
ensure comprehension of education sessions and material.
Universal Psychosocial Services Monitor: psychosocial evaluation, health-related quality of life, individualized
education plan
Encourage: therapeutic camp participation

Pediatrics in Review Vol.35 No.1 January 2014 25

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Table 4. (Continued)

Diagnosis and Reduce Negative Effect of

Surveillance and Treatment of Comorbid Conditions and
Conditions Risk Reduction Comorbid Conditions Treat Complications
Health care transition and Assess patient and parent literacy to customize patient and family
treatment adherence education efforts;
Monitor ability to read prescriptions and food labels; prescription refill rate or
drug levels (when applicable) and support the health care transition process;
adherence and successful disease self-management
ADH¼antidiuretic hormone; BP¼blood pressure; CKD¼chronic kidney disease; CMV¼cytomegalovirus; CVD¼cardiovascular disease; EBV¼Epstein-Barr
virus; ESKD¼end-stage kidney disease; UTI¼urinary tract infections.

Case 2 identification of pediatric CKD in patients at risk is par-

This patient has been diagnosed as having CKD at a cru- amount to optimize patient outcomes. We suggest activ-
cial developmental age. She is at risk for psychological dis- ities to achieve this goal in Table 3. Patients often present
tress and must adjust to her life-changing diagnosis and to emergency departments with CKD or ESKD in its late
the medical treatment. This form of nephritis will need stages, and adjustment to the diagnosis is a major chal-
aggressive immunosuppression (corticosteroids and cy- lenge for both the patients and their families. Regular
clophosphamide), which has many adverse effects, some screening for CKD factors as suggested in Table 3 and
of which can affect appearance, placing her at risk for Table 4 will ensure early diagnosis and referral for pre-
treatment nonadherence. Her hypertension with protein- vention of unnecessary complications. As soon as CKD
uria will require the use of ACE inhibitors or angiotensin- is diagnosed, referrals for psychosocial and educational-
receptor blockers for their renoprotective effect. She related services will help with adjustment to this condi-
needs to know that if she becomes pregnant the fetus tion. We find that if we refer all patients and families with
is at risk for ACE fetopathy, affecting the fetal kidneys. a new diagnosis of CKD to obtain a baseline psycholog-
ical evaluation there is less resistance by these families
Cases 1 and 2 when a future need for these services arise. Establishing
Both patients are at risk for early cardiovascular events dur- a relationship between the psychology team and the pa-
ing young adulthood. They would benefit from participat- tient and family decreases the anxiety and stigma effect
ing in therapeutic camps and psychosocial services. Both that this type of referral may create.
families will need to receive counseling and support to Starting HCT-related activities in the early stages of ad-
optimize family function. Living kidney donation for olescence will ensure successful disease self-management
transplantation by family members of friends needs to on transferring to adult-focused health care clinicians.
be encouraged because this type of donation has better Monitoring and encouraging adherence to treatment
outcomes. The HCT preparation will need to start be- and medical appointments prevents CKD complications
tween ages 12 and 14 years to ensure successful disease (transplant rejection, volume overload, and hypertensive
self-management when they transfer to adult-focused crisis) along with optimizing the longevity of renal trans-
health care clinicians. Both patients are at greater risk plants. Once the diagnosis of CKD or ESKD is estab-
of nonadherence during the adolescent years, and pre- lished, finding a living donor among the family members
scription refill rate or therapeutic drug levels will assist or friends is difficult in part due to public misconceptions
the primary care clinician’s team to counsel these patients about donation. The primary care clinician can assist with
and encourage treatment concordance. patient education and identification of potential donors.
Ensuring close collaboration between the medical home
Primary Care Clinician Activities to Overcome (primary care clinicians) and medical neighbors (sub-
the Challenges in the Diagnosis and specialty clinicians, educators, community workers, and
Management of Pediatric-Onset CKD agencies) can be difficult given that electronic medical re-
The 2 major barriers for early diagnosis and treatment of cords are not readily available to all, but close communi-
CKD are low awareness by the patient, family, and health cation among health care clinicians that includes the
care clinicians of risk factors for this condition and the si- patient and family will positively affect the long-term out-
lent nature of this condition in its initial stages. Early comes of youth with pediatric-onset CKD.

26 Pediatrics in Review Vol.35 No.1 January 2014

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Wallace Brown, MD, 2. Ferris ME, Gipson DS, Kimmel PL, Eggers PW. Trends in
Andrew Wallace, MS4, William Primack, MD, and Keisha treatment and outcomes of survival of adolescents initiating end-
stage renal disease care in the United States of America. Pediatr
Gibson, MD, MPH, from the University of North
Nephrol. 2006;21(7):1020–1026
Carolina School of Medicine and Donald Jack Weaver, MD, 3. Wühl E, Trivelli A, Picca S, et al; ESCAPE Trial Group. Strict
PhD, and Charles McKay, MD, from Levine Children’s blood-pressure control and progression of renal failure in children.
Hospital for their insightful comments. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(17):1639–1650
4. Neu AM. Immunizations in children with chronic kidney
disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;27(8):1257–1263
5. Shroff R, Weaver DJ Jr, Mitsnefes MM. Cardiovascular compli-
Summary cations in children with chronic kidney disease. Nat Rev Nephrol.
On the basis of evidence, children, adolescents, and 6. Mak RH, Cheung WW, Zhan J-Y, Shen Q, Foster BJ. Cachexia
young adults with chronic kidney disease or end-stage and protein-energy wasting in children with chronic kidney disease.
kidney disease may have: Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;27(2):173–181
7. Foster BJ, McCauley L, Mak RH. Nutrition in infants and very
• Great morbidity in other organ systems, affecting their young children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;
long-term survival. (1)(2)(3)(5)(6)(7)(8) 27(9):1427–1439
• Lower immunization rates, placing them at risk for 8. Lande MB, Gerson AC, Hooper SR, et al. Casual blood
preventable conditions. (4) pressure and neurocognitive function in children with chronic
• Psychosocial and neurocognitive issues, affecting kidney disease: a report of the children with chronic kidney
their self-esteem and school or job performance. (1) disease cohort study. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011;6(8):
(8)(10)(11) 1831–1837
• Psychiatric conditions, such as depression, anxiety, 9. So TY, Layton JB, Bozik K, et al. Cognitive pharmacy services at
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, a pediatric nephrology and hypertension clinic. Ren Fail. 2011;33
maladjustment, and posttraumatic stress disorder. (1) (1):19–25
(10)(11) 10. Sinha R, Davis ID, Matsuda-Abedini M. Sleep disturban-
• Nonadherence (14) and great treatment burden, (9) ces in children and adolescents with non-dialysis-dependent
particularly in adolescence and young adulthood, chronic kidney disease. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163
placing these patients at risk for transplant loss and (9):850–855
hospitalizations. 11. Davis ID, Greenbaum LA, Gipson D, et al. Prevalence of sleep
disturbances in children and adolescents with chronic kidney
On the basis of research evidence and expert consensus, disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;27(3):451–459
health care transition preparation to self-manage their 12. Ferris ME, Mahan JD. Pediatric chronic kidney disease and the
condition will ensure successful outcomes and im- process of health care transition. Semin Nephrol. 2009;29(4):
proved health-related quality of life. (12)(14) 435–444
13. Ferris ME, Harward DH, Bickford K, et al. A clinical tool to
measure the components of health-care transition from pediatric
care to adult care: the UNC TR(x)ANSITION scale. Ren Fail.
References 2012;34(6):744–753
1. Copelovitch L, Warady BA, Furth SL. Insights from the Chronic 14. Kiley DJ, Lam CS, Pollak R. A study of treatment compliance
Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) study. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. following kidney transplantation. Transplantation. 1993;55(1):
2011;6(8):2047–2053 51–56

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PIR Quiz Requirements

To successfully complete 2014 Pediatrics in Review articles for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM, learners must demonstrate a minimum performance
level of 60% or higher on this assessment, which measures achievement of the educational purpose and/or objectives of this activity. If you score
less than 60% on the assessment, you will be given additional opportunities to answer questions until an overall 60% or greater score is achieved.
NOTE: Learners can take Pediatrics in Review quizzes and claim credit online only at:

1. A 5-year-old child presents with short stature and anemia. Growth parameters have indicated that he has
a downward trend on his percentile curves for age from the 25th percentile for weight and height at age 1 year
to below the third percentile at present. He weighs 14 kg, and his height is 100 cm. Physical examination
reveals heart rate of 100/min, respiratory rate of 26/min, and blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. Laboratory
studies are as follows: hemoglobin, 9 g/dL; hematocrit, 27; serum sodium, 134 mEq/L; serum potassium, 4.2
mEq/L; serum chloride, 104 mEq/L; serum bicarbonate, 18 mEq/L; serum calcium, 7.0 mg/dL; serum
phosphorous, 6.8 mg/dL; serum creatinine, 1.1 mg/dL; and blood urea nitrogen, 22 mg/dL. Abdominal
ultrasonography reveals small kidneys bilaterally. In addition to his serum creatinine concentration which of
the following is most helpful in determining his estimated glomerular filtration rate?
A. Blood urea nitrogen.
B. Fractional excretion of phosphorous.
C. Height.
D. Mean blood pressure.
E. Weight.

2. A 13-year-old boy with reflux nephropathy and hypertension has been treated since age 5 years with an
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and dietary salt restriction. His vesicoureteral reflux was
successfully repaired surgically. He is being followed up regularly by his pediatrician in consultation with
a pediatric nephrologist. His blood pressure has been well controlled in the past. He has been in the 50th
percentile for height and weight. Two years ago his serum calcium and phosphorous levels were normal, and his
serum creatinine level was 1.1 mg/dL. On his visit today, he says that he has been tired and not able to sleep
well at night. He also has had a runny nose and sore throat for the last 2 days. He has gained 10 cm in height
and 10 kg in weight in the last 2 years and he remains in the 50th percentile for his age. His blood pressure and
other vital signs are normal. Physical examination reveals pubic hair and genital development consistent with
Tanner stage IV. His serum creatinine level is 1.7 mg/dL. Which of the following is the most likely reason for
increase in his serum creatinine?
A. ACE inhibitor nephropathy.
B. Expected increase according to age.
C. Growth spurt.
D. Intercurrent infection.
E. Recurrence of vesicoureteral reflux.

3. A 9-year-old girl presents with fever, facial rash, and joint pains. On examination she appears ill, with a heart
rate of 124/min, axillary temperature of 39˚C, respiratory rate of 28/min, and blood pressure of 146/90 mm Hg.
Physical examination reveals erythematous rash in the malar area and petechial rash on extremities. Spleen is
enlarged 2 cm below the costal margin. Laboratory studies are remarkable for the following: platelets, 70 3
103/mL (70 3 109/L); serum creatinine, 2.5 mg/dL; urea nitrogen, 54 mg/dL; and positive antinuclear antibody
and anti–double-stranded DNA. Urinalysis reveals 3D blood, proteinuria (4D), and 20 red blood cells per
high-power field. The urine protein to creatinine ratio is 2.5. Renal biopsy specimen reveals crescentic
proliferative glomerulonephritis. The patient responds favorably to appropriate treatment with
corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide. Which of the following antihypertensive medication for strict
control of blood pressure will result in maximum protection from progression of chronic renal failure?
A. Darusentan (endothelin receptor antagonist).
B. Hydralazine (vasodilator).
C. Nifedipine (calcium channel blocker).
D. Propranolol (b blocker).
E. Ramipril (ACE inhibitor).

28 Pediatrics in Review Vol.35 No.1 January 2014

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4. A 5-year-old girl who underwent renal transplantation a year ago for dysplastic kidneys is under your care as
her primary pediatrician. She is receiving corticosteroids and cyclosporine to prevent graft rejection. She is
doing well and now is scheduled to enter kindergarten. If administered, which of the following vaccines poses
the greatest risk to her health?
A. Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis.
B. Hepatitis B.
C. Inactivated influenza.
D. 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine.
E. Varicella zoster.

5. A 14-year-old girl is awaiting renal transplantation for end-stage renal disease from focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis. She is receiving hemodialysis 3 times a week and is taking multiple medications to control
her hypertension. She was doing well until 6 months ago, when she started to feel constantly tired and was not
able to sleep well at night. She has daytime somnolence and loss of appetite. She complains of frontal
headaches in the morning and often refuses to go to school. Her school grades have fallen from A’s and B’s to
mostly D’s. Last week her mother caught her smoking marijuana in her bedroom. Evaluation by a neurologist
has revealed no abnormality. Referral to psychology services is required to evaluate her for which of the
following conditions?
A. Chemical dependency.
B. Childhood-onset schizophrenia.
C. Depression.
D. Munchausen syndrome.
E. Oppositional defiant disorder.

In the November 2013 article ”Cephem Antibiotics: Wise Use Today Preserves Cure for Tomorrow“ Parker S, Mitchell M,
Child J. Pediatr Rev. 2013;34(11):510–524, doi: 10.1542/pir.34-11–510), in Table 3, under the Cefotaxime column, in the
Escherichia coli row, the missing value should be S: £1.
Also, in the print version of that article, in the Selected References introduction, the link to the complete reference list
should be: The link is correct in
the online version of the journal.
In the October 2013 article ”Pneumonia“ (Gereige, RS, Laufer, PM. Pediatr Rev. 2013;34(10):438–456), ampicillin dosing
in the first paragraph of ”Empiric Therapy“ should read, ”If this dose is desired, a combination of ampicillin-sulbactam at 300
mg/kg daily (dosing ampicillin at 200 mg/kg daily) and regular ampicillin at 100 to 200 mg/kg daily is a recommended
regimen.“ The online version of the article was resupplied with correct dosage.
The journal regrets this errors.

Pediatrics in Review Vol.35 No.1 January 2014 29

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Chronic Kidney Disease in Children and Adolescents
Susan F. Massengill and Maria Ferris
Pediatrics in Review 2014;35;16
DOI: 10.1542/pir.35-1-16

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References This article cites 14 articles, 2 of which you can access for free at:
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Chronic Kidney Disease in Children and Adolescents
Susan F. Massengill and Maria Ferris
Pediatrics in Review 2014;35;16
DOI: 10.1542/pir.35-1-16

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
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Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
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